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Wednesday, 3 May 2023

Whirlpool and exion


- Beginning:

- Main source of tension/ con ict:

- Climax:

- How main con ict is resolved:

I constantly felt shadowed, like a ghost in a world I decided to live in. I'm physically present,
yet I'm not noticed by others. I'm perceived as meek by the locals, which pushes me away and
forces me to live on a farm. Being a reserved wife who always does what she is told is
exhausting. It obscures my mind with fears that threaten to break forth. What they don't
realise, and no one does, is that my judgement of myself is significantly poorer than that of
others, even my spouse. As a wife, his disregard of significant events in my life undermines
my sense of identity and who I am. His remarks about my appearance and the changes I went
through as a result of my abortion left me with a sense of failure to please him. He once
called me fat. Today was no exception. Given his inability to operate as an average human,
his biting remarks on how my clothes fit to my body shape today before work perplexed me.
His grip on my life continues to strengthen, no matter what I do to stop it. His obsession with
this specific sundress, which is far too small for my arms and falls like a shapeless sack down
to my calves, is troubling. He claims that it makes me appear younger and makes him
reminisce of the woman he once married, claiming once more of the thin figure I once had.
He claims it’s normal for a ‘young lady’ like me. I doubt that he realises how significantly
his words impact my mood. It's awfully depressing. The once-familiar robotic smile arises on
my face, an act I use to calm down any brewing disputes. As always, it works in my favour.
We make the descent downstairs to exit the home, willing to present ourselves to others. It's
almost like a photo shoot. This occurs frequently when we leave the house. Posing, smiling,
and feigning happiness, even if I'm terrible at it. My husband appears to be a natural, as I fell
for the charade. He's fine at times, but I'm reluctant to defy him. When he's enraged, his
temper and demeanour are obscenely terrifying.


As soon as we depart, the awkward silence returns. Lovely. As we arrive at my parents house,
I suddenly become nervous, cold sweat lining the inside of my palms. My dad’s birthday


party awaits us. My family has always been a difficult matter, given their disapproval of my
partner. They rather adored my previous relationship and constantly invited him to events.
What they don't realise is that he was far worse. He was always scornful of me and stated
that no one would ever love me; he was, of course, correct. His verbal assault was even more
painful. I enter the house on shaky legs, pleading for him not to be there. My husband notices
my distress and clasps my hand, providing me some comfort. I lock my gaze on him, and an
understanding flows between us. His remarks no longer pain me; all is well. I nod and enter,
my head held high. The moment I step into the living room, I catch sight of him, leading old
memories to come flooding back to me. Me, watching him helpless on the ground at the
farm. Me, rushing over to assist him, groceries falling everywhere. Me, terrified of doing
something to upset him and my hopes that he would never recover. My want for him to vanish,
so that I can truly be happy.

I smile nervously as I head to the bathroom. I need to breathe. As I walk through the
doorway, I hear footsteps approach behind me. He enters and has me pressed up against the
door in a matter of seconds. My recollection of him in the hospital, unable to move,
flashes through my mind, reminding me of how deceived I felt as he determinedly and
vengefully relearned to feed himself and to walk. His burden was never about transferring it
onto someone else; it was always about dumping it onto me. His behaviour while we were
alone was, to say the least, alarming. I step back, establishing a safe barrier between us. His
eyes convey numerous emotions at once and tears stream from them, breaking down in ways
I've never seen before with him. The tough, stern man I've always known breaks down,
perplexing me as he begins sobbing about him wanting to die. I remain attentive till he's
finished and dried up. I reach out and gently take his hand in mine, warming it. I carefully
flex our elbows together, feeling his gaze lock on mine and place his hand over his heart. I
keep it there for what feels like 5 minutes, but in reality its just 10 seconds. A million words
pass between us, apologies, regrets, and eventually permitting ourselves to separate totally
from the burden that we carry. We break up and return to the living room. I grin as I sit close
to my husband. My face is adorned with a genuine smile. The anxiety I previously felt of
upsetting him has faded. The picture-perfect pair we once were has been broken for good; the
notion of perfection that we projected couldn't keep the dysfunction in our relationship from
shining through, but that's all in the past now. All that matters right now is that my spouse is
sitting next to me, hand in hand while we reminisce about our future together to build a
family no matter the obstacles we once went through.

Flexion and like a house on fire.


- obsessive need for control

- Is lazy and refuses to get better

- Is rude and tends to himself

- Wife ends up in hospital, is stubborn

- cleaning the attic, husband is. control freak, wife falls o the ladder, becomes paralysed
and complains that she’s a nurse and she can’t be the patient, she is impatient and
wants to leave but she grows fond of doing nothing and refuses to get better since her
job as a nurse is too tiring, she’s too scared to move incase she falls again, they become
distant and not happy, refuses his help and acts like a child until he helps her walk and
stand everyday until she gets better, and boom relationship solved.

The air was tight as they anticipated the life-altering news that would change their lives
forever. As the sound of the doctor's footsteps came from her chamber, the beeping of the
hospital devices resonated through their ears. His expression was grim. As his heart was
racing rapidly while he awaited the news, it was not a good sign.

4 hours earlier.

Aaron, the husband, took the cleaning goods from the bathroom and climbed the stairs to
the attic. He placed the enormous, space-consuming boxes on the oor, wiping the sweat
from his brow as he heard his wife's footsteps become louder and louder. "You sure took
your time," he replied as he turned around. Ella, his wife, pushed up her sleeves and rolled
her eyes. "I was thinking about how we're going to clean this dusty, old attic that we've
been putting o for years," she remarked rmly as she began scrubbing the oor under the
attic. She put on her cleaning gloves and began her job, dusting the ladder as she

She'd already had a bad week, getting into ghts with her husband, who accused her of
being di cult and in exible. His statements heightened her compulsive personality. She
ascends on the rst step while blabbering on about how they need to improve on their
relationship traits, and at the fth step, her foot slips, a scream getting lodged in her throat
as she strikes the ground with a loud thump, the screams ringing throughout the home.

For a few seconds, everything was quiet as her husband surveyed the damage, his wife on
the oor, unresponsive, and blood seeping from her nose as he stepped at an odd angle.

When he truly realised what had happened to Ella, he hurried her to the ambulance as
quickly as he could.



Families should not support and encourage the pressure put on us by society

In today's environment, the notion of families coming together as one is considered as a

strength. The concept of a healthy atmosphere at home leads to an overall healthy lifestyle,
which everyone sees as a bene cial e ect, even though families may have ups and downs.
Although a family may appear to be happy and joyful, the dysfunction that exists between
them ruins a person's true individuality. It damages a person's self-esteem as well as their
hope for a better future. Unfortunately, I am a victim of this predicament.

My family, for example, was obsessively concerned with the concept of sending postcards
to distant relatives. It was all a deception to fool people into thinking we were as happy as
we professed to be. That was far from the case. True activities that were not captured on
lm tormented me. My relatives' taunting over my appearance and weight pushes me to
stay at home and shut myself away. The burden on me is enormous as I recover from the
life-threatening accident that has brought all of this attention to me. They move d on to the
next problem after resolving the previous one. First it was my broken leg, and now it's my

So, as you have learned, the society represented now has a greater impact on the youth as
a result of the criticism shown to us individually. Children who are una ected by the world's
calamities. These are all the issues that plague us in todays world. People's relationships
are much more strained as a result of dysfunction than parents' relationships with their
children. My grandparents are a perfect illustration of this. Since they got married, their
relationship has been a house I visit once a month, ready to erupt in ames. Her job as a
nurse has dragged their relationship apart until it turned to ashes. It’s awful really, to be
unhappy in your own home due to the family pressures to marry someone you disliked. Yet
another reason why our culture is deteriorating.

Overall, family values have progressively collapsed, whether it's criticising  your daughter's
life or failing to care about mending connections with loved ones. This is all due to the
reality that the world we live in surrounds on altering everyone's genuine identity
of themselves, pushing them to behave in another manner merely to be 'popular'. My
anticipation of being a skinny teenager girl haunts me in the same way that a husband
haunts his fatigued wife. The dysfunction that exists inside each family is disguised, but that
doesn't mean it doesn't exist, further jeopardising everyone's identity as a result of
the people they call family.


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