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# Catch midterm hints in class!

Many students tend to think of exam study as separate from class.

However, the exam you have taken is a test that your school teacher will give you based on

what you learn in class.

That is why most of the lessons learned in class are presented.

It is said that the most important thing in preparing for the exam is to faithfully attend the

class right before the exam.

It is not advisable to neglect classes and study only the content emphasized by the

academy or tutor.

# Make a test plan and do it!

It is said that the most important thing in preparing for the exam is planning and practicing.

In junior high school, there are many students who don’t know how to prepare for the test

It is said that it is important to meticulously set up a test plan and put it into practice. In

particular, you need to be able to make a specific plan for practice,

It is said that it is better to manage your time thoroughly.

★ Study method for exam preparation

1. Make a plan three weeks ago under the premise that you have been studying.

(Specifically stated)

-3 weeks ago: Focusing on the concept of the state-run water

-2 weeks ago: Problem solving and other subject concepts

-1 week ago: Incorrect answers and insufficient concepts in major subjects

2. General arrangement is done in reverse order of the test timetable.

-Korean language/society on the first day,

Day 2 English/Science,

On the third day, if the schedule is for mathematics/morality, study math and morality 3 days

before the start of the test.

A general summary of science is conducted, and a general summary of the Korean

language and society is conducted a day before the exam begins.

3. After studying mainly in textbooks and focusing on the parts emphasized by the teacher,

students study in a way to learn the types of problems by solving easy concept books and


4. Right before the exam, it is helpful to organize concepts by looking at the wrong problem

rather than solving a new problem.

# Study thoroughly with a blank paper test!

It is important to study hard to take the test well, but it is also necessary to save the study

contents well in your mind and print them out properly.

If you think you've finished studying on your own, remember what you've studied and

reorganize what you've studied.

It's like taking a test of your own note on blank paper. I seemed to know well,

Content that is not well written means that more study is needed. This course allows you to

study more thoroughly.

★ How to study blank paper

1. Write the keywords of what you have learned on blank paper as you think of them.

2. Organize the description of the keyword in its own way.

In this case, as if teaching others, organize what you know in detail and meticulously.

3. After completing the arrangement, check the contents through the textbooks or reference

books studied.

4. If there is any missing content among the important content, organize the content by

adding keywords,

Even if it is written, if it needs to be supplemented, study additionally.

5. After carefully reading the organized contents, arrange them on a blank sheet from the

beginning and check the contents.

If studying alone is difficult or if you are not sure, you can prepare for the exam you took

with Ingang.

Getting help is one of the best ways to do it.

If you are a middle school student, you can solve problems and prepare for the new exam.

I recommend Ingang called Embest. Because it is a personally tailored steel

It's good to be able to study intensively in the areas you lack, and systematically

It will help you a lot in your study because it tells you.


SAT timetable... No matter how hard you write, it doesn't seem to mean anything.
If you don’t study, it’s all ridiculous.. If
you cycle around 10 minutes of concentration for 1 hour,
will you not be able to concentrate well?
I hope you will study hard by making a schedule for the SAT. Fighting~


Hello, I always write a schedule very well, but

it is very difficult to put it into practice. When making a plan, first of all, you need to make
a detailed plan. It's just
abstract? Tomorrow's math science If you do this, it's not specific and it's

hard to achieve . Today, from what pages to how many pages you will finish by doing
this, write

yourself confidently, whether in the long term or in the short term. Before that, the
important point is

that it is helpful to decide how much you can do rather than too many tasks. If today's
tasks are followed, you will

feel confident, so you can add one more course tomorrow.,., You

can control it yourself according to your individual abilities. Above all, your will is

Oh!! And decide the time to study. From what time to what time do this and that,

and do a regular life. Then, your physical strength will support

you and you will be able to work harder . And it is good to exercise even for 30 minutes
a day. If

not, do stretching. Studying is

possible only when there is a stepping stone called health .

The questioner asked you to make a timetable... I think your own plan is

more efficient if you make it yourself. You know your abilities, your time, your amount of
study, and

so on better. Instead of the timetable, I post the answer like this.

<Making a plan>
1. First, if you have any books, set a date for how long you will master them.
2. Then, set the number of pages to study for a few hours a day and
plan according to the master date .
3. Decide only the amount you can definitely do today.
4. Don't plan too much.
5. The most important thing is to be faithful today.
Even if you have not implemented all of today's plans, if you are faithful today, today will
be a successful day.!!
6. And act according to the plan.
7. And then, set your own goals clearly.
8. People who have a goal and strive towards that goal will never fail!

Please remember this, always smile and have a good day!!

By telling you that it is more important and important to do it yourself
... goodbye then

Please work hard and enter the university you want

How did you feel when you were half-soo?

Just because you have more time for a year doesn't mean you're doing very well.
If you don’t study steadily...

Most people have a lot of time to play until now after a year, so they have a little leisure
By now, I see it like just cramming or going rough...

I want to tell you to watch the game right now...

Less than 100 days left...

Probably, it's been a while since you've taken high school mock exams and various

There will be a lot of feeling away.

Time is running out even if you just push through the practice test-type questions.

So it's not the wrong answer note...

It's 7 days to collect the wrong answers again. Study in a review format.
The main study is to master the problem to solve in time
Push it to the final or practice test book about 3 times a week (of course, you need to
measure the time)
Solve and solve the wrong thing every week~


Life is not waiting for the storm to pass

Is learning to dance in the rain

1. Before making a study plan

Everyone, choose a collection of ingangs and previous questions to listen to. Ask for

recommendations and reviews from various candidate sites or seniors. Then go to the

bookstore to open and compare the books that are candidates for purchase, and then select

the books you want to study in one year step by step! And you must know all the academic


2. Make a study plan

The plan should be divided into semester, monthly, weekly, and daily plans. Also, you have

to set it by dividing it from large to small. This is because even if you have time to take a

break during the exam, you should not have enough time. Relaxation can lead to indolence,

so it's a good idea to fill in all available time with your study plan.


① Semester: Four semesters, conceptual lectures for each subject, from December to

February, one reading and application problems from March to May, two readings and

further problems from June to August, and September to November Are divided into private

practice tests and general reorganization. Friends who are taking the Ingang can make

plans according to the teachers' curriculum.

② Monthly: Plan with the mind that the amount set for the semester is divided into 3

months. If you set up'Mastering the concept of self-explanation in one semester!', you can

allocate units and make a monthly plan.

-Weekly and daily plans are flexible, but monthly and semester plans must be fixed to

prevent progress.

③ Weekly: It is good to keep it on a daily basis regardless of subject, but if not, set the

subject to study for each day of the week.

-In particular, it is better to set up subjects for each day of the week so that you do not drive

in a day. Ingangs are not included in self-study! Ingang is a guide that makes self-study

easier, so if you study in Ingang, you will have nothing left. This is also emphasized by

Ingang teachers.

-I designate Sunday as a day for unconditional review, so I put in subjects that required

more time to study, and the amount I could not study due to unavoidable circumstances. It

is to study fluid and rational at my pace.

④ Daily: I studied according to the SAT schedule as much as possible. In particular, math is

a fight for concentration rather than time. You should get used to solving problems in 100

minutes, spending more than 30 minutes on one problem. After the SAT timetable, students

study mainly in Korean or privately, where the time was relatively small. The time is flexible

to plan according to your skills.

4. Attitudes toward your own plans

The obsession that we must do it unconditionally makes it difficult to implement the plan.

When you are sick, you can rest and take a walk when you can't study. I set up a break for

about an hour a day to use for walking, exercising, and reading. Also, when there is no
need for additional study, the next assignment will be done in advance on Sunday', the day

of review, to save time, watch a movie, or meet a friend. Of course, I set a minimum study

time (4 hours), and there are more days I study than the days I play, but I avoid studying

that binds myself. Don't forget that you are the one who makes and executes the plan, and

do your best to the extent that you can!


Hello I am a student who is now going into 3rd grade.

If this is your first time planning a timetable, it is a good way to ask others for advice.
First of all, I will draw a brief timetable from my experience.

Do you mean the average score when your grade is not 70 degrees?
And for reference, I studied while dieting, but I was in 11th place in the whole school.

Well. First, analyze the reason why your grade is not 70 degrees.
First of all, the best way is to compare your life with a student who is good at studying.
For example, because you texted for 5 hours and studied while studying on a mobile
phone, I am proud that I did a lot today.
After studying with concentration for 5 hours, it’s not enough today. It’s different to eat
harder tomorrow.
The latter can't be said to be better than the former, but it's more effective for grades.

When I was studying in junior high school, I always texted, slept, and even
computerized, but I really regret everything.
Even if you can't fix those things, I hope you keep these things.

1. My chair is where I have to go back after doing something (after going around). !
What this means is to always wash and sit in front of your desk, whether you go to
academy or play with your friends. Even if you don't study, you have to brainwash it.

2. If you really want to study well. Study systematically

For example, if you purchase a "study planner", write down the study to be done today,
check it when you are done, and if you do this, your achievements are good and there is
a systematic system, which helps improve your grades. And it will be helpful if you can
distinguish between what you should study and what you did not do.

3. When studying, only think about studying.

Some people think that such defense is better for them, such as drawing a picture or
watching TV, but it is not effective. MP3 also doesn't help.

If you lie down at 1:00 in the morning, you will memorize the words at that time. If 30 is
too much, even 10. Memorize 10 quickly. Even if you don't know a word, you slowly look
at it one by one.


Those people have to live crazy to study in order to do enough

Don't bother with anything else and live all day in study.

Sleep only 4,5 hours, do not play, do not use the computer

Just make it open to study. I can’t go anywhere.

First of all, it takes a lot of time to do self-study. If you wake up at 7 am and sleep at 11 am,

you have 16 hours a day. I really have a lot of time, so I hope you don't get too impatient

and rush.

And if the author is the 2022 SAT, then you are taking the SAT in November, right? As of

today, roughly one and a half years remain, but if that time is enough, the time will be full

and overflowing, so it will be important to start with the basics if you are angry. No matter

what subject.

When I made a timetable, when I was studying a subject every day, I did not study while

setting a time, and I wrote down the amount to be done in the planner. For example, in

Korean, month = read 3 non-literatures, answer incorrectly, listen to 2 literary lectures,

review, and review, number = 5 literary fingerprints. If possible, instead of studying

according to the time, I think I should decide what I need to do today and study according to

it. And I think it would be okay if I made a break in the middle and left about a day a week

free, so I could make up for the study I couldn't do on Monday to Saturday, and go in the

direction of reviewing.

Work hard~


And until the day of the SAT after September, it is necessary to solve the previous
questions for the actual SAT. Think of every day as the day of the SAT, get up early in
the morning, solve the previous questions for the subject according to the SAT
timetable, and then move the wrong questions to the incorrect answer notebook and
study as if memorizing all the concepts involved, so that you will not be wrong again. .
Personally, I studied based on Mother Tongue's previous test book for SAT, but it was
very helpful in studying because the explanation was good and the problem was clear.

First of all, I am a new college student who has passed the hellish high school 3rd
In fact, I studied well, but just what you learn from and also not last 3 summer holidays
in grade to college and went to where the others are called private local elite. I am
proud of is my own ^^

If Math Science City is required. Getjiyo

one I'll explain from mathematics ..
Mathematics is a subject that is difficult to raise your score, but the sense of
achievement is also
Palm time is from 6 to 10, so I will explain it correctly. It would be difficult, but if
Palm time is from 6 o'clock, invest about 30 minutes. So you have to make a plan.
It's no big deal to plan, but it allows you to look back on yourself after the palm is over.
Did I do it like a plan?? I think like this.. From
6:30 to 7:00, I write one English word in a notebook or notebook during study time.
You should only see it for 30 minutes.
Study mathematics from 7:00 to 8:00.. If the problem isn't solved, don't look at the
solution house unconditionally. Ask a friend or teacher to solve it.. It's a light to see the
house. .
From 8:00 to 9:00, I read the English vocabulary book that I wrote down for 30 minutes
before, and write it down in one line. And it's not good to just write it down, because you
don't need spelling anyway.
Write one line vertically in English, write it vertically next to it in Korean next to the word,
look at it, cover the meaning of the word and report in English. Then, if you know what it
means, it goes down vertically.
Well , if you do it this way, you will memorize the words.. Do you know what I mean?
ㅎㅎㅎ Then, it will be very helpful if you see it the next morning or every self-study time
the next day.
English words are repetitive..
9:00~9:30 Take a copy of a collection of language-related problems and solve for 15
minutes and solve for 15 minutes.
What I mean... Usually, there are 4.5 questions per fingerprint. So,
you can solve 7 minutes per 1 fingerprint. Do you understand? And how to solve it, if
you look at the answer sheet. If answer 5 is the answer, there are reasons why it is not
answer and answer 5 is the answer.
If you find out why it's not, it takes as much time to solve it if you look at it in the
9:30~10:00 The English section is to solve the fingerprint. 15 minutes, then 15 minutes.
Here, 3.4 fingerprints are solved and solved.. Check if the interpretation of the sentence
and the commentary is correct. Then there is a word that comes up frequently.
Conjunctions, prepositions, and verbs must be checked, written down, and memorized.
Then, as I go home, I am proud to go home after thinking whether I have implemented
the plan I made before starting the palm today.
In addition, the study methods for each subject are memorized subjects. In fact, if you
set the basics from high school 3, it is okay only for the summer vacation of high school
3. If you are anxious, I have to study the SAT during the mid-term and final exams!! I
haven't seen anyone like this. Would you like to study well for the SAT? Middle, and end
the memorization courses greatly help. And do not ever learn to sleep on time
memorizing subjects more ...
If science when mathematics is essential getjiyo ..
one .. I'll explain from math
mathematics courses score is significantly raising difficult subjects Yes, but the sense of
accomplishment is also
difficult.. Actually, I didn't study math. I'm sorry for not being able to explain this in detail
because I'm a liberal arts department.
Finally, the language section of the language section doesn't go up quite a bit... Hahaha
If you try, you'll know what I mean
. You don't need to follow the language area. It's a fight against time
. There are poetry, essays, novels, non-literary, etc. in the language domain.
But if you look at the problem book, there is a frame.
Let me tell you a few types, for example.
First. Criticize the sentence in this () column...
. Chinese acronyms in the context of ⓐ... Third. What is not correct by the impression of
above article .. Fourth. The disagreement in the above contents...
Fifth, appreciation of the Real in view of the following statements ...
there are so few. You only need to be good at the reason type and pay attention to the
Then, if you push the 2.3 volume of the problem book in the language area, you will be
able to set the frame.
Then you will have a lot of self-study since high school. At that time, you need to get
into the habit of solving on time.
And lastly, the most important thing is that if you do this for more than 2 hours in one
course, you can lose your concentration and ruin the day.
This is scientifically proven.. Do not take one course for more than an hour..
If you feel sick and bored with your friends, it is helpful to do basketball, soccer, and
exercise with your friends. So don't just study too much. It's fun if you make a little noise
in palm time. Haha. That said, you shouldn't be making too much noise.
So, I think you shouldn't do it just because you study a lot.
Usually 30~1 hour seems to be the best.
Then only before~~~


In order to improve your study grades in such a short period of time, you have to read
I have to increase the amount of study three times or more... At first I can’t concentrate
It won't fit into your head well... But, how long you endure that time
Depending on whether or not you continue to endure... It is to learn how to study...

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