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renewed = to begin sth after pause or interruption (passport, library card, liccence)

remade = film, movie, songs

renovate = to repair and paint an old building.

reform =improve a system, organization, a law changes to it

extension = new room added to a house (extra time , telephone,)

making sth longer (hair)/ larger

collage , university (extension course)


extend = how large, important, serious (problem)

enlargement = business activities (EU enlargement= the fact of more countries


utility = service provide for public (water, gas)

the administration of public utilities

house(room with washing machine, freezer…. )

self-catered = holiday is one which provides you with accommodation and the
equipment that is necessary to cook your own meat.

self-made = having become rich and successful through your own hard work
rather than having money given to you

self-contained = not deeding or depending on other people (independent)

despair = feeling of having lost all hope

dispersal = the process of sending so sth is different direction

disrepair = a building, road,… has not been taken care of and is broken or in
bad condition. (fell into disrepair)

distress = a feeling of great worry or unhappiness, great suffering

restoring = make it as beautiful as it used to be

installing = the act of fixing equipment or furniture in position so that it can be


servicing = the act of checking and repairing a vehicle, machine to keep in

good conditions

composition = the different parts which sth is made of / the way in which the
different parts aer organized (one made from several things)

formation = the act of forming sth (the formation of a new government)

assembly = the process of putting together the parts of sth such as a vehicle or
piece of furniture (putting the suitcase should be a simple assembly)

construction = the process or method of building or making sth

site = a place where a building, tower was, or will be located

position = the place where sb/sth is located

ground = an area of open land(playground, feeding ground for birds)

basis = the important facts, ideas or events that support sth and that it can
develop from.(this article will form the basis for our discussion)
(some videos have been banned on the basis that they are too

premises = the building and land near to it that a business owns or uses.
(business/ commercial/ industrial premises)

estates = a large area of land usually in the country, that is owned by one
person or family

= an area of land with a lot of houses or factories of the same type on

on it
resort = a place where a lot of people go on holiday/ vacation

earth = the world , the planet that we live on

floors = the surface of a room that you walk on

ground = the soil surface of the earth (use for particular purpose; football ground

land = the surface of the earth that is not sea

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