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As a product manager for hand sanitizer company health and hygiene Ltd we have to deal
with some of the operations and the monetary risk involved in the business it is very tough
for the company to face such problems we have to focus on both the factors and provide
proper resolution to marketing head.
Operational Risk
Operational risk summarizes the uncertainties and hazards a company faces when it attempts
to do its day-to-day business activities within a given field or industry. A type of business
risk, it can result from breakdowns in internal procedures, people and systems—as opposed
to problems incurred from external forces, such as political or economic events, or inherent to
the entire market or market segment, known as systematic risk.
Operational risk can also be classified as a variety of unsystematic which is unique to a
specific company or industry.
Operational risk focuses on how things are accomplished within an organization and not
necessarily what is produced or inherent within an industry. These risks are often associated
with active decisions relating to how the organization functions and what it prioritizes. While
the risks are not guaranteed to result in failure, lower production, or higher overall costs, they
are seen as higher or lower depending on various internal management decisions.
Because it reflects man-made procedures and thinking processes, operational risk can be
summarized as a human risk; it is the risk of business operations failing due to human error. It
changes from industry to industry and is an important consideration to make when looking at
potential investment decisions. Industries with lower human interaction are likely to have
lower operational risk.
Financial Risk
In a company context, financial risk refers to the possibility that a company's cash flow will
prove inadequate to meet its obligations—that is, its loan repayments and other debts.
Although this inability could relate to or result from decisions made by management
(especially company finance professionals), as well as the performance of the company
products, financial risk is considered distinct from operational risk. It is most often related to
the company's use of financial leverage and debt financing, rather than the day-to-day efforts
of making the company a profitable enterprise.
According to the resources which have been carried out in lot of courses that are executives at
the institute of generation of California which list that a manager who related to the
improvement of a product has been preserving the usage capacity of the charge ninety eight
percent. This means that they fully grasp the assets they have in hand. They keep on doing
this due to the notion they have in their minds that the improvement of merchandise can only
appear while the resource are fully deployed and utilized. In step with them this technique
allows in leading them to progressive merchandise and launches efficiency. (Low hazard)
In a popular words the belief is that the work in processing in batches at big happens to be
very effectively allotted at cost takes place to be speedy and regularly takes place to supply
many scales of the financial system.
The author believe that and otherwise they declare that the decrement in the size of the
batches is the vital principle that leans on manufacturing with that of processing of work
associated with that of improvement of product that stay nearly now not visible. It is always
essential in maintaining the batches attitude and uses a small. It lets remark at short price and
modification which could be very price powerful. (Excessive Hazard).
The efforts are different in an intrinsic manner and it does not require a making plan that
needs to be carried out in a personalized manner and the processing of the designs. Although
the organizations tend to live within the zone in their consolation at specific and the position
of the artillery of the plans and to keep religion on them with the perception that the
development can be robust at maximum.

Advertising professionals assessed the relative influence of four factors (ethics, legal
considerations, business considerations, and anticipated approval of management/peers) on
decision-making about advertising content and policy. Most professionals were influenced
only by legal considerations; ethics exerted a relatively minor role. Age and length of
professional experience were related to the factor that exerted the dominant influence on an
individual's decision making. Those who were youngest and had least professional
experience were most influenced by business considerations. Professionals who were slightly
older with slightly more experience were most influenced by legal considerations. Finally,
those professionals who were the oldest and had the most experience were primarily
influenced by ethical considerations. The results are used as basis for identifying specific
actions in professional training, advertising agency management, and advertising regulation
which have potential to reduce the incidence of deceptive advertising.
Concept and Application
We can select any one otherwise there are multiple advertisement which are ethically wrong
and inappropriate fairness cream is one of them Advertising message is different from the
case study which was found after the objection.
“By using this cream You can be bright, beautiful and attractive within 1 week” There are
different types of television advertising of fairness creams, which these days are being
exposed on different TV channels of India. That are - (a) A Young girl is bothered about her
dark face skin. She used a fairness cream and became pale in a few days. (b) A poor dark
colour gipsy girl use the skin whitening cream become white and then a rich boy marry her
(c) A girl changed her face skin from dark to white within 3 days after using these fairness
cream. In single words, after using fairness cream any girl must be fair, beautiful, and
attractive among a couple of days. Even she going to be a star and get good status in society
It is not possible to alter dark skin colour to white by applying fairness cream. Participants of
the study also discovered that constant use of the fairness cream made their face skin look
fresh, but not white. Even they think that the use of the creams could cause skin issues such
as pimples, rashes, dryness, hardness and darkness of the face skin. Islam et al. (2006)
maintained that common skin lightening chemicals are connected with negative side effects
to the face skin. Skin whitening creams cannot be helpful without the use of skin bleaching
chemicals like steroids, mercury salts, hydroquinone and other skin detrimental chemicals
According to Shankar et al. (2006) most of these creams are non-prescriptive products and
could potentially cause face skin issues. By spreading these types of wrong information, they
snatch the rights of the consumer and rupture the rules or principles of advertising message
that generate enthusiasm in society.

It is clear that unethical practices in advertising may often occur in the most areas in India.
We get a lesson that most companies seem to be involved in unethical practices and can
therefore confusing the customer. Many firms even they are assigned to behave ethically, but
their practices show falsity and frauds. According to this, the unethical advertising practices
occurrence characteristics in modern society are: the criteria of justice, integrity, honesty and
the eligibility, noncompliance, the creation of a false impression, the presentation of false and
inaccurate facts, the conversion of social values of products, the manipulation of impulsive
consumers, the control of sub consciousness, the impact on persons economic behaviour or
possibility of the impact. Advertising message is the main important part of any advertising.
So each company or advertising agency must provide right information to their customers by
advertising message. Advertising message should be ethical and reliable. Factual, true,
creative and attractive advertising makes a good impact on the economy of the country. The
marketer must try to gain the morality and reliability besides earning the profit. We hope that
every company will respect all the advertising rules & regulation and maintain or honour
consumer rights. They can get benefit by giving the informative, right, reliable information to
customer and developed the society with moral values.

Hire activity and install is assistance that based on particular mastery bunch compelled by
corporations. The HTD assistance carriers train the reserves, set up them with customers once
the exercise is accomplished . Organization guard a fragment of second and cions thru this
coverage and give the reserve with unique talents established. Appoint pastime and set up are
progressively become one of the significant first rate staffing assistance.
Concept and Application
The ICIMS Talent Cloud delivers enterprise hiring solutions across every stage of the talent
journey. Bringing the right talent together can transform your organization. That’s why we
built the world’s leading Talent Cloud – a global hiring platform with everything you need to
build your winning team. Include three unsure enrolling cloak Recruitment marketing suite
superior communication suite and hiring suite and it enables institutions to demand
communicate and employ at hierarchy with its evolved causes.
Innovative, video led experience In the flow of work
Unmatched integration to your talent acquisition ecosystem
Comprehensive, intelligent talent acquisition application
One scalable, global platform
ICIMS does not touch upon the pricing schedules on their website and it let you petition an
excerpt founded on your needs.
Bullhorn is the global leader in software for the staffing industry. More than 10,000
companies rely on Bullhorn’s cloud-based platform to power their staffing processes from
start to finish. Headquartered in Boston, with offices around the world, Bullhorn is founder-
led and employs more than 1,300 people globally.
Bullhorn ATS brings all candidate information in one place, enabling recruiters to connect
with a candidate at a moment's notice, or repeatedly over time, to increase engagement and
Enrolled productivity with sooner reference research and substitute way parse and revision
outline specify key phrase and replenish stances with top competitors seamless vital with
Gmail and outlook music prospects mechanically thru the recruitment technique integrate
enrolled and offer education to close down groups swiftly.
Bullhorn compels you to petition a charge citation via its score web page.
Assuming recruitment impieties that the unbroken recruitment process is distinctive, each
employee will stand to create own stood prepared . Inferred recruitment now not have
indicated by way of bankruptcy and appropriate will no longer glimpse whole recruitment in

excellent recruitment strategy is to create a page or section on your website that addresses
questions candidates often ask. Many candidates may be reluctant to apply for jobs because
they still need answers to certain questions before they apply. You can either take specific
questions new candidates have asked you or ask your present employees what questions they
had before they were hired. This will help you create a page that covers the concerns
candidates may have, saving you and your candidates time while also making applicants
aware of what the job entails.
Process to deploy candidate in future
Embrace digital trends and social media.
Most people want to work for companies that keep up with the latest tech trends. Part of
embracing the digital age means using public social media profiles for candidate research.
Like most employers, you’ll probably conduct a standard pre-employment background check
on applicants, but the candidate’s social media profile offers more details about the individual
as a person and an employee, for better or for worse.
While it’s legally risky to allow a candidate’s social media activity to factor into your hiring
decisions, as that can result in Unconscious bias or discrimination, it can give you a better
picture of a job applicant you’re interested in hiring.
Utilize employee referrals.
One of the best ways to hire quality candidates is through referrals from current employees or
people in your network. Referrals are a good way to screen potential candidates before
interviewing them. If your trusted employee recommends a previous colleague or a friend
whose work experience they know well, it gives you a level of security knowing this new
applicant can do good work. When hiring a stranger, there is less certainty about a
candidate’s work ethic and potential fit on the team.
While you shouldn’t give referrals preferential treatment, a recommendation from someone
already on staff or in your network is an added benefit for that applicant. Ensure that the
candidate’s qualifications make them an ideal fit for the job, and use the referral as insurance
that you’re making the right hiring decision.
Use recruiting software.
Automation and tracking capabilities increase your hiring efficiency, allowing recruiters to
focus on what matters: engaging with great candidates. This reduces recruiting time and
increases employee engagement and satisfaction. Some recruiting software can handle
multiple aspects of the onboarding process for you. Recruiting software that provides
analytics gives you insight into how your hiring process is performing and where you can
All these point are valuable while deploy a candidate in Intelligent services we have to keep
in mind all these specific parameter it is much more easy when we go throw this route while
hiring the employees.

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