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What are the ways and it take to market your business online? Without waiting years and
years to move up the rankings on Google's SERPs, how can an entrepreneur get the existence
in the market. There are definitely some ways to market your business that will offer a better
return on the investment of your time than others. Some will take weeks to pan out while
others will take months and years.
No matter what method you choose for marketing your business on the web, as long as you
ensure that you're adding value along the way, and you are implementing the proper set of
market habit you'll eventually reap the rewards of your work over time. It won't happen
overnight. But then again, nothing worthwhile ever does. Below you'll find some the best
methods -- in both the short and long term -- for driving that all-important traffic to your site
and pages online.
Wealth Max can opt various ways through which it will promote the brand online and work
in a very easy and fluent manner without any hindrance.
Create a blog and post high-quality content regularly.
Clearly, the most important way you can market your business online is to build a blog where
you can post and share high-quality content that adds an exceeding high amount of value on a
regular basis. This is definitely a very long-term strategy, and it won't pay off overnight, but
every entrepreneur needs to understand the importance of embracing this online marketing
Create useful video tutorials on YouTube.
YouTube offers a great resource for marketing your business on the web. While you might
find some friction at the outset for building your audience, if you focus on creating useful
video tutorials, eventually, you'll reach a vast amount of people. Again, you have to focus on
adding value without much concern for generating profit.
Collaborate with popular bloggers in your niche.
Reaching out to popular bloggers in your niche might be an effective way to market your
organisation online, especially if you have something of value to add to one of their posts. If
you find a popular blogger who often writes about a particular subject that directly correlates
to your line of work, why not reach out and look for ways to collaborate.
Facebook has over 1 billion active users every day. So it is no surprise that it’s become one of
the best ways to find your target audience, build an email list and get new customers. But
that’s not all it’s good for.
It’s also a great place to interact with your clients once you’ve caught their attention. Many
companies opt to create private groups on the platform where paying customers can join,
interact, pose questions, and have a personalized experience with the organisation.
Instagram started out as a platform for sharing photos and still keeps that as its core use.
However, it has expanded to videos in a feature called “stories.” Thus, Instagram has become
an excellent way for organisation like Wealth Max to literally show (rather than tell) their
investment option.
Twitter had a brilliant marketing strategy from the get-go with their character limit: give
everyone a voice but limit the “noise.” Businesses, journalists, celebrities and, for better or
worse, even Presidents use Twitter to share stories, news articles, or humorous anecdotes
every day.
When it comes to using Twitter for business, you can definitely find ways to monetize the
platform. Part of doing that is standing out from your competition, consistently engaging with
your audience, and adding valuable content with all of your posts.
LinkedIn was one of the first modern social media sites to really take hold and stick around.
It’s become a networking tool exclusively for professionals and has revolutionized the way
we seek, find, and get hired for jobs.
You tube is a remarkable video-based platform. More than any of its competition (Instagram,
Snapchat, TikTok), YouTube has become platform for sharing information via video.
With YouTube, you can create a video channel and connect with your users in a totally
different way than other social media platforms. You can create video tutorials to back up
your text-based content (like blogs), visually show product descriptions, or give personal
press releases to your viewers.
All the above mentioned point reflect the various ways to promote your brand online & the
explanations to increase online awareness. WEALTHMAX can use all these instrument for
online visibility it will work in the favour of the organisation.

Traditional Marketing Concept :

Traditional marketing concept focuses on products only and it aims in production and
marketing of products and gaining more profit. Traditional marketing is profit oriented. It is
based on old marketing concept and refers to a narrow concept. Traditional marketing
concept is based on push marketing. It is one dimensional as the only target of it is to sell the
product and get the profit.
Modern Marketing Concept :

Modern marketing concept focuses on customer’s need and wants and it aims in meeting the
customer’s satisfaction. Modern marketing is customer oriented. It is based on new marketing
concept and refers to a broader concept. Traditional marketing concept is based on pull
marketing. It is multidimensional as along with selling product and getting profit it also gives
emphasis on customer satisfaction, planning, after sales service and many other variables.


Difference between traditional and modern marketing

Traditional Marketing concepts focuses Modern Marketing concepts focuses on

01. on products only. customer’s needs and wants.

In traditional marketing the objective is In modern marketing the objective is maximum

02. maximum profit. customer satisfaction.

Traditional marketing is short term

03. oriented. Modern marketing is long term oriented.

It targets customer in focus of

product/service selling and availing high It targets customer in focus of providing
04. profit. product/service and availing satisfactory profit.

In traditional marketing concept there is In modern marketing concept there is sustained

05. less promotional activities. promotional activities.
Traditional marketing is one type of push
06. marketing. Modern marketing is one type of pull

It is based on manual and physical It includes digital/automated marketing along

07. marketing concepts. with traditional marketing methods.

Traditional Marketing concept is a Where as modern marketing is a broader

08. narrow concept. concept.

In traditional marketing segments are In modern marketing segments are developed

09. developed by product portfolio. by differences between customers.

10. It is stuck in existing market. It is always in search for potential market.

It has no target set of customers or any It has target set of customers or a regular
11. regular customer base. customer base.

It is based on production and selling

12. concept. It is based on social and selling concept.

It does the market survey and efforts to

It ignores the market survey and market competition. know market competition.

Geographical scope of modern market is

Geographical scope of traditional market is local area. global area.
VARIOUS MARKETING ERA are mentioned below
The Production Era
One of the earliest strategies now recognized as "marketing" followed what Kotler calls the
production concept: Products should be inexpensive and available everywhere.
Companies stressed mass production and efficiency – producing as much as possible at as low a cost
as possible – and marketing efforts were based on securing the widest possible distribution.
Today, companies still use this strategy when trying to expand the market for a product.
The Product Era
In the product era, marketing was less about establishing cost leadership and universal distribution
and more about relying on the attributes of the product itself to attract consumers.
Companies built marketing efforts around quality, performance and innovative product features.
The concepts of the product era remain important in marketing today, but producers must be aware
that a good product by itself usually isn't enough. It has to be appropriately priced and adequately
promoted, and consumers have to be able to find it, which means securing distribution.
The Selling Era
In the selling era, companies viewed aggressive promotion as the key to success. Any product can
succeed, the thinking went, if a company just pushed it hard enough. Kotler refers to this as
businesses "selling what they make, rather than making what the market wants to buy."
This strain of marketing continues in the modern era, particularly with "unsought goods" – things
people may need but don't normally think of without prompting, such as life insurance. Selling-era
tactics can be risky for companies, as the hard sell can turn off consumers, perhaps even push them
into the arms of a competitor.
The Marketing Era
The marketing era, which Kotler says started around the mid-1950s, saw a fundamental shift. Instead
of just trying to persuade consumers to buy the products they were making, companies focused on
making products that customers wanted to buy.
Deciding which products to make and market went from being a case of "filling a hole in the factory"
to one of "filling a hole in the market." It was in this era that the field of market research really took
The Holistic Era
In the modern, "holistic" marketing era, Kotler says, "everything matters."
Marketing is integrated with all aspects of a company's operations – production, distribution,
advertising – so that the company can quickly and effectively respond to changes or opportunities in
the marketplace. Marketing is not only directed outward, toward the customer, but also inward, so
that everyone in the organization is fully aware of the company's goals and its strategy for attaining
Today, we might refer to this stage as social or relationship marketing.
Finally, holistic marketing isn't just about maximizing a company's financial return. It also takes into
account whether the company is acting in society's broader interest.
With the help of all these differences and various marketing era it is much more easy for Wealth Max
to plan accordingly and take the best possible decision in easy manner.

This model is improvement of previously published Engel, Blackwell and Kollat Model. This model
take a very comprehensive route in order to analyse what drive consumer to buy. It will work in
favour to take decision regarding the smart phone purchase. This model is divided into four stages.
Stage One: Decision-making Process
At the centre of the model, decision- making process interlinks all other activities. The process
includes five stages of buying decision making. This process may vary depending upon level of
purchase behaviour. For routine purchases, the process may skip steps like alternative search and
stick to the last purchased brand. For limited problem solving involvement may be different. This
process can be best seen in the situations for extensive problem solving.
Stage Two: Information Processing
Individual exposed to number of stimuli and cues from the environment. Individuals may process
information differently from one other. The information processing model describes the stages an
information travels from exposure to retention. Researches reveal that every stage acts as a qualifier
for next stage to occur. For instance, if only 80% of the target audience will be exposed to an
information say an advertisement, only 60% will pay attention to it and will be stored in their short-
term memory. Next stage will occur for only for 40% people out of attentive will be able to
understand and comprehend the information. These people are likely to store the information little
longer in their memory. Out of these 15% develop liking and only 5% will retain the information in
long term memory.
Stage Three: Input

The input stimuli may come from number of sources.

internal sources like own needs, past experiences, family, friends and relatives
external sources like advertisements
market driven stimuli like sales promotion and POP displays
Stage Four: Factors Influencing Decision Process

There are number of factors like individual consumer characteristics, social influences and situation
factors that influence decision making. These factors are really important and present right from the


With the help of all these factor and stages we can easily sorted the solution regarding smart phone
purchase each stage tell the exact scenario where we have to focus while taking the step.

The types of media are the different channels through which information and entertainment reach an
audience. Media often includes the content itself as well as the physical device needed to transmit it,
such as television programming and a television. You can divide media into four distinct categories:
Concept and Application
Print media: Print media refers to printed materials, such as books and magazines, that contain
words and images.
News and other organizations create national, regional (local) or special interest newspapers and often
distribute them daily. They disseminate an extensive amount of information at a low price to readers.
Advantages of newspapers
Large volume of readers: According to the data from 2018 indicates that 16% of adults got their
news from a daily newspaper.
High level of reader engagement: Readers must decide to purchase a newspaper and when they read
it, increasing their level of engagement with the content.
Disadvantages of newspapers
Possibility of becoming ruined: Printers use inexpensive, low-quality paper that becomes discolored
and brittle.
Short period of relevance: Most newspapers contain daily events and news that lose relevance
within a day or two.

Broadcast media: Broadcast media includes information transmitted through one of several mass
communication channels, such as television and radio.
Television provides audiences with audio and visual stimuli to deliver information and entertainment.
Advantages of television
High viewership rates: Millions of viewers watch popular television shows or live events, like
Flexibility: Television advertising allows for creative, emotional or shocking methods for gaining
viewer attention.
Disadvantages of television
High cost: Television ads, especially those during popular shows and events, are expensive.
Channel changing or fast-forwarding: Viewers have the option to skip your ad.

Internet media: Internet media is content distributed online and can include emails and online
Companies use email messages to reach customers quickly and directly.
Advantages of email
Inexpensive: Sending and receiving a basic email is free.
Easy to create: You can write an email to customers with a few simple lines. Several email
marketing programs provide email templates and free.
Disadvantages of email
Low click-through rates: While many people may open your email, far fewer will click links to visit
your site.
Competition: Many companies use email marketing campaigns. Additionally, some email servers are
identifying and filtering marketing emails.

Out-of-home media: Out-of-home media, or OOH, is media that reaches people when they are
outside of their homes, like billboards.
Billboards and outdoor signs
Billboards and outdoor signs may appear along busy streets, recreation centers, city sidewalks and
retail centers.
Advantages of billboards and outdoor signs
Wide reach: In high-density areas, hundreds or thousands of people may see your ads.
Inexpensive: Billboards and posters are cheaper than many other forms of advertising.
Disadvantages of billboards and outdoor signs
Limited audience targeting: The audience for outdoor advertising is often less targeted, as
advertisers cannot filter for demographics.
Low response rate: While billboards and posters can remind consumers of your brand, they may
rarely lead to action.

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