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How are you doing my darling,i want you to know that what you did for me is going

to remain in my heart till my end come on this earth. you were my Family when i had
none, you were my shoulder to lean on when the world was against me, you were
everything. so for this i will be ever grateful.

sweet heart i have some thing to tell you I have been trying to call you for
sometime now, I am so stressed my darling.

I have been having serious problems with the tax agent authority here in nigeria
africa and they are told me that my goods have been sized nad will not be cleard if
i do not pay tax for the clearance of my goods.

they said the cost of the tax is the sum of twenty thousand euro (20,000 EURO)
and they instructed that all payment shouuld be made within the next five days if
not my goods will be bound.

sweet heart i'm so confused now because in there in my goods are all my life
savings and worth the sum of NINE HUNDRED THOUSAND POUNDS (900,000) i'm so confused
now i only have the sum of TEN THOUSAND EUROS (10,000) AND now i told my copany
lawyer and he was able help me raise the sum of 8,000 euros now remaining 2,000
EUROS and i don't have any one to communicate to now about the balance.
I'm so ashame of telling you this but i really need your help now sweet please kind
Borrow me with the sum of two thousand EUROS after i deliver those goods to my
client i will send your cash back to you imiditiately and there after i will come
over to join you and please dont tell any one about this because if they become
aware i will not be able to stand their view.

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