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Date : 15 March 2012 Saharil holdings sdn bhd Doc.

No : HSEF-HRC-001
Department of Health, Safety & Environment
Approved by : Rev :0


Reference No: 003 Engineers’ Names:
Assessment By: Nik Azrim (HSE Officer) Engineers’ Tel:
Assessment Date: 20 March 2012 Client / Site: Ministry of Foreign
Review Period: 6 months Project / Task Working At Height (including civil/
architectural works, electrical woks &
mechanical works)

Persons at Risk (delete as applicable) Contractor Clients personnel Visitor Others:

Probability Severity IM VUL UL L VL

IM 1 Improbable NFA 1 Near Miss / No First Aid NFA 1 2 3 4 5
VUL 2 Very Unlikely FA 2 First Aid Injury FA 2 4 6 8 10
UL 3 Unlikely MTC 3 Medical Treatment Case MTC 3 6 9 12 15
L 4 Likely LTA 4 Lost Time Accident LTA 4 8 12 16 20
VL 5 Very Likely MAJOR 5 Major Accident or Fatality MAJOR 5 10 15 20 25

With control measures in place no further action required

Requires Supervisor to review the method statement and control measures that are in place and approve them as safe
Immediate action required to reduce the risk

Ratings with no controls in place Ratings with controls in place

Hazards Likelihood Consequence Risk Control Measures Likelihood Consequence Risk
Access / Egress 4 4 16 Brief workers regarding safety and emergency 2 2 4
routes (ladder, stairway etc).
Do not block anything in front of doors and
emergency accesses.
Accelerated Particles 5 3 15 Educate and provide facemask and goggles 2 2 4
Crushing 5 3 15 Housekeeping timely 2 3 6
Electricity 5 5 25 Educate and provide approved electrical 2 4 8
Date : 15 March 2012 Saharil holdings sdn bhd Doc.No : HSEF-HRC-001
Department of Health, Safety & Environment
Approved by : Rev :0

Daily inspect equipment before use .

Fire / Explosion 5 5 25 Isolate fire / explosion source 2 4 8
Hand Tools 4 4 16 Use ergonomic tools. Daily inspect hand tools 2 2 4
Personal Hygiene 4 3 12 Educate workers to use proper glove. 2 3 6
Wash hand after dirty jobs done
Housekeeping 5 5 25 Train workers 5S system. 2 2 4
Implement internal enforcement.
Lifting Operations 5 5 25 Ensure all lifting machines have certificate of fitness. 2 4 8
Competent driver must handle lifting machines
(boomlift, skylift, scissor lift etc)
Manual Handling 4 4 16 Ensure hands not in wet conditions. 2 2 4
-Hand Use proper glove and check material sharp shape
Noise / Vibration 5 4 20 Identify noise sources and use ear plug. 2 3 6
Use ear plug & ear muff for higher noise
Overhead Dangers 5 5 25 Barricade overhead works. 2 4 8
Pay attention to pedestrians
Plant / Machinery 5 5 25 Utilize signal man, wear appropriate PPE, 2 4 8
(Hit by signage, barricade.
Pressure Systems 5 5 25 Educate workers to handle proper ways. 2 4 8
Shut down while not in use and never let it
operation without worker attendance.
Slips/Trips Falls 5 5 25 Barricade hazard areas. 2 4 8
(Same Level) Housekeeping timely (before and after working
hours or if seen waist become worst).
Workers to comply signage.

Slips/Trips Falls (From 5 5 25 Barricade all openings of buildings. 2 4 8

Height) Locate material at least 1 metre from openings
Weather / 5 4 20 Do not allow workers to work while in bad rain 2 4 8
Environment and thunders (outdoors)
Physical(fall from 5 5 25 To wear PPE, utilize supervisor, signage 2 2 4
Date : 15 March 2012 Saharil holdings sdn bhd Doc.No : HSEF-HRC-001
Department of Health, Safety & Environment
Approved by : Rev :0

Workers behaviour 4 5 20 To do safety briefing, utilize experience 2 1 2
(reckless, bad supervisor, penalty, safety patrol, terminate
temper, ignorance)
Additional Remarks
Date : 15 March 2012 Saharil holdings sdn bhd Doc.No : HSEF-HRC-001
Department of Health, Safety & Environment
Approved by : Rev :0

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