Khmylovska A Підсумкова контрольна робота

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Khmylovska Alina


Task 1. Read the text below. Match choices (A-H) to (1-5). There are three
choices you don’t need to use.


1. New product strategy has four purposes. First is to focus on team effort.
People involved in new product projects suffer many diversions — other
projects, emergencies, customer problems, and so on. With today’s pressure
on product innovators to speed up the process, focus is critical.
2. Second, strategy brings about integration. Scores or hundreds of people are
involved in any project, each with their own agenda and departmental
pressures. New project managers are expected to make the group work as a
team, consistently, and with synergy, not divisiveness. But managers can’t
be in all places at all times. Strategy statements can be, and they help. If new
product strategy is not offered, individuals make up their own.
3. Third, strategy is a tool of delegation. All players cannot be checked by the
new products manager every time they make a decision or spend some
money. So, strategy lets them operate independently, effectively, and
efficiently while still integrated with the rest of the team.
4. Fourth, preparing strategy requires proactive management, not reactive. If it is
necessary to state what a project’s focus will be, the investigation of the
opportunities will be more thorough. And, if the strategic statement must include
all critical guidelines, then its author had to study the selected opportunity
thoroughly. In other words, having to write out strategy helps create better
managers. Though these purposes sound rather academic, the unique nature of the
new products process makes them real.
5. Let’s look in on a team of people developing a small, portable computer
printer. One member is thinking of using a new battery-based technology, while
another team member is concentrating on potential customers who work in
environments where wall plugs are available! One department plans to pretest the
product extensively, while another department assumes time is critical and is
building finished production capability from the beginning! And the team is being
guided by requests from the sales department, which is currently calling on smaller
firms although, in fact, the biggest potential may be in large firms (or governments,
or schools)! This team has not developed strategy. Delivering the right products or
services at the right cost with strong marketing support will ensure you're
competitive. To stay competitive, you'll need to keep your offer fresh - that means
keeping up with trends in your market, emerging technology and refinements to
existing products.

A Launching a new product on a market 1

B Uniting people in projects 2
C Business strategy and competition (5)
D Using an instrument of delegation 3
E Supply and demand theory 5
F Preparing strategy thoroughly 4
G Explaining taxes
H Concentrating on team effort

Task 2. Agree or disagree with the following statements:

6. To stay competitive, you'll need to keep your offer fresh. T
7. Preparing strategy requires reactive management. F
8. It is unnecessary that new project managers make the group work as a team. T
9. Strategy lets the team operate independently and effectively. T
10. New products strategy has five purposes. F
Task 3. Choose the right answer to every question:
11. What creates better managers?
a) writing out strategy;
b) keeping up with trends in market;
c) making the group work as a team.
12. What should new product strategy focus on?
a) product innovators to speed up the process;
b) team effort;
c) emerging technology and refinements to existing products.
13. What happens if there is no new product strategy?
a) individuals make up their own;
b) individuals suffer many diversions;
c) individuals turn to new project managers.
14. What purposes does the unique nature of the new products process make?
a) academic;
b) real;
c) fresh.
15. What ensures firm’s competitiveness?
a) delivering a lot of products or services at the right cost with strong
marketing support;
b) delivering the right products or services at the high cost with strong
marketing support.
c) delivering the right products or services at the right cost with strong
marketing support;
Task 4. Read the text below without a dictionary, try to guess its content and
choose the best word (a, b or c) to complete each space in the text.
Seven ways to manage people more successfully
1. Your staff will often have good ideas and suggestions, so …. to what they
have to say.
2. Do not think you have to do everything yourself, …. tasks to other people.
3. Problems may be more difficult to solve if you wait too long, so …. with
them as soon as you can.
4. Good employees want to develop professionally, so …. in courses and
seminars for them.
5. Clear information is very important, communicate with your …. clearly so
that they know exactly what you expect.
6. When your employees are satisfied, they work more effectively so respond
to their …. without delay.
7. Huge enterprises are like small firms: learn how to …. three people and you
will be able to run a company.
8. Remember – a good manager is not only a strong leader, but also a good….
9. And finally, remember that trust is essential. Your …. need a manager that
they can strongly believe in.
10. And, of course, any type of company regardless of its type of …. is just a
small model of society and is ruled according to general 11.….common to
all mankind, so real 12 ….must be a good psychologist to 13… new
strategies easily and effectively.
1 a) listen b) supervise c) motivate
2 a) achieve b) delegate c) solve
3 a) make b) do c) deal
4 a) invest b) organize c) employ
5 a) team leaders b) customers c) employees
6 a) needs b) orders c) reports
7 a) pay b) manage c) solve
8 a) listener b) controller c) employee
9 a) branch b) staff c) human
10 a) ownership b) corporation c) leadership
11 a) levels b) principles c) firms
12 a) leader b) corporation c) worker
13 a) perform b) implement c) operate

Task 5.
Read the text below without a dictionary, try to guess its content. Fill in the

1. b
2. a
3. b
4. b
5. a
6. c
7. c
8. a

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