Media Paper 1

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Name of actor and producer

subverts conventions by being small
suggesting Daniel Craig is part of the
Long shot of Bond is stereotypically portrayed brand identity.
as hyper-masculine with closed body language.
Shows he is the
Man in mask creates
enigma. Audience
understand it is an
antagonist as they are
surrounded by dark
low key lighting.
Almost transparent
which links to the title.

Bond placed
centrally and the
title below him
emphasises his Red flower signifies
masculinity and
romance, passion and
danger. Direct mode
of address creates a
connection with
audience but shows
Bond as calm but also

Title adds enigma. Noun Spectre has Iconic branding includes the gun
connotations of mystery and implies a spiritual which draws a parallel between
being creating anchorage to the shadow like the logo and bond himself. The
figure in the background of the poster.
gold typography also connotes
wealth and power as it is
He is wearing a white tuxedo. Connotes wealth and class. All actors who played James Bond
have worn one.
When Spectre was released white tuxedos were seen as “old fashioned” but they became
more popular and more celebrities,David Beckham and Benedict Cumberbatch were pictured
wearing one. This shows the cultural significance that bind films have within society. The white
tuxedo is also an intertextual reference to Saturday Night Fever. Skull figure connects to
Mexico and day of the dead. Lack of a ‘Bond girl’ because of Modern views on feminism.

Layout & design
Still images are reflective Way the women are positioned they can
of the time. Images be seen as love interests to bond but
taken from the film to also the blond could be protecting bond
reveal narrative. and the brunette is signalling to the
unknown villain to shot bond. Roger Moore creates a unique
selling point for the production as
he would draw in his own audience
which is why it is placed centrally
in the poster to catch audiences
Adjective golden
connotes that gun is
precious which is
unusual as it is being
used to attack Bond

Mid shot of bond

in iconic stance
dominance and
his role as a

mode of
used to
make a
connection Golden gun provides
with anchorage with the
audience title. Also provides
but also enigma and audience
makes him connection as the
look stern POV angle makes it
and seem like the
serious. audience are holding
the gun and are
unaware of who the
Noun Man creates high level of enigma antagonist may be.
as figure is clearly the antagonist but is The bullet has bonds
not revealed in the poster. alias on it suggesting
the bullet is meant for
him which creates talk
among the fans
Power plant explosion and car flying off
creating social
ramp are typical of the action genre and interactions in the
they are key to drawing in both an uses and gratification
established and new audience. theory
Power plant explosion is reflective of the 1973 energy crisis. This would have been included
as it would have been a large talking point among audiences but also it would increase
demographic by playing on their fears as they would want to see how it is resolved in the film
to feel more secure about it in real life.
Although there was a feminist movement in the 70s women are still being considered less
powerful than men. This is shown as the women are much smaller than Bond and they are
sexualised through their dress codes.
Martial arts in the centre who are representative of the rising popularity of Kung Fu films of the

Film Industry
Conglomerate: A large organisation that owns a number of different types of companies
across a range of different areas, e.g. Disney owns films, TV, theme parks, etc.
EON productions, Sony and MGM made Spectre.

Global conglomerates help the film to be marketed globally.
Famous actors
Film was part of an existing franchise
Based on books
Product placement opportunities (cars, alcohol, shoes, watches)
Social media to reach a more youthful audience

Target Audience
16-60 men aspirers and succeeders. It would attract an older audience who have been fans of
the franchise for so long. And it would attract new fans who could go a part of a family
enjoyment. The protagonist is displayed with high levels of wealth and status on would appeal
to the succeeders who already have this and aspirers who want it all.
Film Regulation
BBFC. Spectre was a 12A.
12A means you can go see the film on your own if you are 12 and over and anyone under 12
with an adult. 12 is for home viewing only as at home it is impossible to regulate.
It is a 12A as the scenes aren’t graphic but it is implied instead. There are implied sexual
activity between bond and several women many complaints were that audiences felt that the
scenes weren’t appropriate and the age certificate was too low. The BBFC justified their
decision saying that the violence was not graphic and that several cuts had been made. The
suicide scene originally happened on screen and you get various shots of the aftermath now it
just happens off screen and you get an indication form Bonds facial expressions. The torture
scene was justified by the BBFC that everyone knows that James Bond will always live.
Regency characters show typical feminine colours
Bottom third is used to inform the
and showing of flesh from miss sweetly and the demographic. It includes images of
formal uniform signifies importance and power in the product to provide interest while
their own relationship the logo references the family values
of the company.

Adjectives connote luxury ·

taste of the chocolate.

Indicates the expensive and
high class taste the company
aim for.

Split in three. Centre

third the main ↑
protagonists are sharing
the product. This
indicates the irresistibly
of the chocolates to the

Central image of the man

indicates the power that
they had in the period of
release. He is also holding
the chocolates which
suggests that if you buy this
product the demographic
can also be as attractive as
he is.

Women provide intertextuality as they are dressed

like the sweets. Shows their need for chocolate
and their subservient body language to the man.
Implies that to be successful you need to be
romantically led by a man.
Alliterations. Reference the
product and the women.
This would resonate with a
male audience.
Context - Quality Street
Chocolate was seen as a luxury but was made more available following the end of rationing.
People celebrated having a more expandable income by buying luxury products. Traditional
gender roles are apparent on the advert. Major quality and miss sweetly emphasises the
regency era.
Context - This Girl Can
Women had been viewed as weaker than men and unable to compete in sports. This is
something the advert is trying to change. Sport England found that there was a lack of female
participation in sport and fear of being judged was the No1 thing. 1.6m women have started
exercising because of the campaign.
Context - GQ
Positive representation of race. As a black actor is being represented. The masculine is being
stereotyped. GQ are showing a more traditional idea of men rather than a modern
metrosexual one.
#thisgirlcan = enigma codes and social
Woman enjoying herself at a gym class. media to encourage engagement. Reaches a
Designs to represent an average member of the more youthful audience and helps young
demographic not the stereotype of a woman in women help to connect with each other.
sport. This is why she is sweaty and not what
society might deem as attractive
Striking central image of confident
woman. Mantra over-layed, anchoring
the image.

Logos are out of the

way and small so as
not to distract
attention. Simple Mantra = “sweating like a
layout and limited text pig…” has connotations
to prioritise the main of transformation from an
image. undesirable animal to a
more desirable one.
Sweating = unladylike
Fox = young beautiful

Brand logo = positive

statement with connotations
of determination and
resilience. Costume = ordinary = anyone can do this, TGC logo positioned below and
bright eye-catching, not stereotypical. Facial smaller centrally, to be noticed
expressions suggest she is lost in the moment but not overpower the other
and having fun and she is enjoying herself elements.
without the fear of judgement.
Cover lines include imperative “man
up!” as well as masculinity in the
strap line. This helps identify the
target demographic and gives
information to the narrative included
Buzzwords = enigma.
“Special issue” and
“plus” make the
audience feel they
are getting more than
other magazines.

colour scheme =
power. Red =
strength. Black =
strong bold
statement. Cover lines = makes
his bicep seem
bigger which keeps
the theme of the

Close up = emphasises
physique, particularly his
bicep. Camera shot = his
stern and serious direct
mode of address which
connotes strength and
Bull symbol = reference to Rock’s tattoo.
This combines the main image and cover
line to provide anchorage.

Crowded = looks like its got loads of content.

And make it seem like it’s good value for money.
Organisation - IPSO
Types of Newspapers - Broadsheets and tabloids.
Broadsheet = formal tone, hard new stories, appeals to a higher demographic
Tabloid = oft new stories, informal, free and distributed in train stations for commuters.
Sun - News UK
Target audience - 25-40, C2-E men

Regulates radio - OFCOM
BBC Charter - Support learning, high quality content, news
Radio station - BBC Radio 4
Audience - 35-50 B-C2 women
Photo is anchored with the
caption. Facial expression =
have doubts if brexit is good
for UK. Agrees with the left-
wing views of the guardians

Striking image = politicians seen

looking sad and frustrated.

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