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Theachloe Jane D.

2nd Year BSED-English
Reaction Paper
Chapter 1 Understanding Diversity
Diversity refers to the characteristics that distinguish each of us, including our histories,
personalities, experiences, and beliefs all of the things that shape who we are. Our views of the
world, our perspectives, and our methods are all shaped by a combination of our differences and
a diversity essay is an admissions essay for college that focuses on the applicant's past, identity,
culture, values, or relationship with a particular community, on what makes an applicant
distinctive, and on how they might bring a new viewpoint or new insights to a school's student
The strategy literature generally agrees that successful organizations adjust their
strategies to take account of changes in their environments and implement more advantageous
conditions. According to studies on organizational transformation, this adjustment is not usually
made promptly. Divergent responses to environmental change have been demonstrated to be
explained by several causes and effects theories. More specifically, it is suggested by this
exploratory study of six pharmaceutical companies that before implementing new strategies, a
number of concepts related to environmental changes must be connected to organizational
performance. The findings have implications for how we understand "response" when referring
to significant changes in strategy and highlight the significance of stress as a prelude to strategic
As a teacher, you can serve as a mediator and promote dialogue and constructive
disagreement between opposing viewpoints. In addition to exposing students to various
viewpoints, group assignments give them the opportunity to collaborate on research and
problem-solving. Because every classroom has a diverse student body, it is essential that we
endeavor to respect everyone in our class, school, and district. We advise teachers to spend time
getting to know the varied backgrounds, interests, and other characteristics of their pupils in
order to support, value, and promote diversity.

What professional competency must teachers demonstrate in order to deal with the diversity
of learners?
Theachloe Jane D. Guno
2nd Year BSED-English
Reporters: Mangubat, Mark John., Etoc, Ronaldo., Tahuyan, Leah., Rapyla, Freddie., Basanes,
Dynalyn., Rancho, Judy Ann., Ericka, Princess., Salavania, Cherry Ann., Oblad, Marilou P.
Reaction Paper
Chapter 2 The Functional/Rehabilitation Model
In order to help people who have lost their upper limbs partially or completely function
again, significant strides have been achieved in the development of innovative prosthetic
technology. Despite these advancements in technology, it is still difficult to comprehend the
obstacles to patient technology adoption and what important aspects should be prioritized when
developing prostheses from a motor control standpoint. This suggests a potential chance to
enhance our comprehension of amputation utilizing neurophysiology and plasticity and
creatively apply this information to the advancement of prosthetics technology.
The functional model conceptualizes disability as an impairment or deficit, which is
comparable to the medical model. Disability is brought on by physical, physiological, or mental
deficiencies. An individual's functionality or capacity to engage in functional activities is limited
by their impairment. We don't fully grasp the neurophysiology of amputation and how the motor
system might learn to use a new residual and prosthetic limb, despite significant technological
advancements in prosthetics. The motor learning processes both learning how to utilize the
residual limb in its modified state and functional use of the prosthesis as well as neuroplasticity
alterations within the neural system to the amputation and integration of prostheses are
essential. Numerous research on the technological developments in upper limb prosthetics have
showed tremendous promise in terms of improving motor control.
For future rehabilitation efforts can be better informed by understanding the future
works through amputation and may have a significant impact on motor planning, execution, and
learning. It is very valuable to examine therapies and technology from the perspective of whether
these methods can reveal or make use of continuing neuroplasticity. The professional training
process is also affected by this perception of impairment. Training programs will need to cover a
variety of environmental modification techniques if the purpose of professional training in
rehabilitation is to pass down the knowledge and abilities required to lessen handicap. Possibly
more professional subjects and abilities will need to be included in training than there have been
in the past.

What is the focus of functional rehabilitation model?
Theachloe Jane D. Guno
2nd Year BSED-English
Reporters: Onlay, Cristy., Obra, Febbie., Onas, Jacel., Ayupan, Michelle., Carbonilla, Julius., Cesar,
Jose., Delos Reyes, Christopher.
Reaction Paper
Chapter 3 Making school inclusive a unifying framework
The development of friendships among classmates is facilitated by inclusive education.
No matter their talents, all students are in the same classroom, giving classmates the chance to
get to know one another better. They can socialize, exchange experiences, and learn from one
another. An inclusive educational system seeks to give every student the finest learning
environments and opportunities so they can all maximize their potential. All children can learn
and develop to their full potential if they are given the chance, quality instruction, and necessary
tools. All students have the right to a learning experience that respects diversity, encourages
participation, takes barriers out of the way, and accounts for a range of learning needs and
preferences, according to inclusive learning and teaching.
The foundation of inclusive education is the idea that all children and adolescents should
get services from their local schools, regardless of any perceived social, emotional, cultural,
intellectual, or language differences or disabilities. In this essay, important inclusive education
concepts are identified and discussed in relation to problems with teacher education reform. It
makes the case that one crucial step toward enhancing educational fairness is the reform of
teacher preparation for inclusive education. People are better equipped to contribute to the
group and their society when they feel included since they don't have to worry about being
shunned. They are providing a particular viewpoint that comes from an entirely different
background by putting forward their opinions.
By providing individual to contribute a good standard that every student makes to the
classroom are valued in inclusive education. Every youngster feels secure and a part of the
community in an environment that is really inclusive. Setting learning objectives and participating
in decisions that have an impact on them are both done by students and their parents. Encourage
your kids to participate in both the classroom and the community. Maintain open lines of
communication and build professional connections with those who offer services to your pupils.
Respect the family by involving them in all decision-making.

What is the most important role of teachers in inclusive education?

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