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Falls Wet floors, slippery Grandmother, Kids Too old, too young
stairs, and scattered
toys all create the
potential for falls.
Fires Candles or an kids Too young
unattended can lead
to accidental fires in
your home.
Choking From a bite of dinner Kids/babies Too young
going down the
wrong way to a
young one
swallowing a small
item, choking is
Poisoning Several household Kids Too young
items present
poisoning hazards,
including cleaning
and home
Burns They’re a risk Kids/ Grandmother Too young, too old
whenever you use

Guide Questions
1.Vulnerability is also a situation specific. This means that if the
province or prone to earthquake, it does not mean that all localities
on the province are vulnerable to it.

2. After knowing the hazards in my house my plan and action is to put

the hazards things in right or safety place.
Activity 2: STORY TIME!

1. Joseph is more vulnerable because he did not bring with him emergency
materials that he can use if he gets stranded in the school due to the typhoon.

2.Lee brought with him flashlights, whistles, and some supplies of food and
water which made him less vulnerable. Joseph was more vulnerable because
he only brought with him his school books, notebooks and laboratory

3. Joseph and Lee can be trapped inside their school while waiting for
rescuers and for the flood to subside. I have realized the importance of being
prepared in times of disasters such as bringing along essentials like flashlights,
whistles and supplies of food and water.

4. It is possible that both of them are exposed to the same hazard, but they
can have different levels of vulnerability because Lee came to school more
prepared as evidenced by him bringing along essentials like flashlights, whistles
and supplies of food and water.

It is a famous proverb that Health is the greatest wealth of all. This indeed is true
because without health, a person feels himself useless or someone who can't do what he
wants to do. To maintain health where it is important to keep a healthy diet, engage in
physical exercise, it is equally important to take care of safety protocols when doing any
activity whether at home or at work. Safety should be the priority of everything. For that a
person should be good enough to access safety hazard and act like a hero in adapting the
required safety protocols. It is not bravely to ignore the hazards, but a true hero is one who
not only follows safety standards but take care of others too.

Hero is anyone who can show courage mil face which problem. Hero is a person who is able
to help enter in various ways. Person can become a hero by saving someone who is in
danger another example of a hero is someone who is there to help others and give me
strength to go on throat life difficulties. Hero can be someone who gave up his or her life so
another could live. Hero does not always have to show courage we can be afraid but still be
a hero through his other actions.
I do believe that you don't have to be afraid to do you engage in heroic act most of the time
heroes are scared because their
human just like any of us but they feel a
moral obligation or something inside of them tell them to act regardless of they are scare or
not a lot of times heroes talk about being
scared at the time but that they had some type of superhuman strength reveal that allowed
them to act like they help them do what they had to do. But sometime Hero can be a
teacher a gai school Deccan teach you to read all right and what will they can't teach you to
read all right and that will make issue
different in your life. But most of the time that
you will go on appreciated during your life.

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