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Instructions: Thank you for taking the time to complete this customer satisfaction survey.

feedback is valuable to us and will help us improve our research. Please answer the following
questions honestly and to the best of your knowledge.
Section 1: Demographics

Gender: [ ] Male [ ] Female

Age: ________
Occupation: ______________________
Monthly Income: ____________________
Section 2: E-commerce Adoption
Are you currently engaged in e-commerce activities for your retail business?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
If yes, please indicate the extent of your e-commerce adoption:
[ ] Basic online presence (e.g., website, social media)
[ ] Online sales and transactions
[ ] E-commerce integration (e.g., online inventory management, order fulfillment)

If no, please indicate the reasons for not adopting e-commerce for your retail business:
[ ] Lack of technical knowledge/resources
[ ] Concerns about cybersecurity and data privacy
[ ] Insufficient customer demand
[ ] Lack of perceived benefits
[ ] Other (please specify): _______________

Section 3: Effects of E-commerce

How has e-commerce adoption impacted your retail business in terms of sales revenue?
[ ] Increased significantly
[ ] Increased moderately
[ ] No significant change
[ ] Decreased moderately
[ ] Decreased significantly
How has e-commerce adoption affected your customer reach and market share?
[ ] Expanded customer reach and market share
[ ] Maintained existing customer base and market share
[ ] Experienced a slight decrease in customer reach and market share
[ ] Experienced a significant decrease in customer reach and market share

Have you noticed any changes in consumer behavior due to the availability of e-commerce?
[ ] Increased preference for online shopping
[ ] Increased price sensitivity
[ ] Increased demand for convenience and fast delivery
[ ] Decreased footfall in physical stores
[ ] Other (please specify): _______________

How has e-commerce adoption impacted your operational costs (e.g., inventory management,
[ ] Reduced operational costs
[ ] Increased operational costs
[ ] No significant impact

Section 4: Challenges and Opportunities

What are the main challenges you have encountered in adopting e-commerce for your retail
[ ] Technical difficulties and maintenance
[ ] Limited access to reliable internet infrastructure
[ ] Competition from larger e-commerce platforms
[ ] Difficulty in attracting and retaining online customers
[ ] Other (please specify): _______________

Have you identified any opportunities or advantages resulting from e-commerce adoption?
[ ] Increased customer engagement and loyalty
[ ] Diversification of customer base
[ ] Expansion into new markets
[ ] Enhanced data analytics and customer insights
[ ] Other (please specify): _______________

Section 5: Additional Feedback

Do you have any suggestions or recommendations to overcome the challenges associated with e-
commerce adoption in the local retail market?

Is there any other information or feedback you would like to provide regarding the effects of e-
commerce on the local retail market in Alcala?

Thank you for your participation! Your input is highly valuable for this study.

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