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Our Ladies of Safe Harbor

Complexity: 6 Suspects
Nick Junior, cabin cruiser captain Abraham Castro, leader of the Historic Preservation Com-
Presenting the Mystery Burly. Handsome. Very chill. Technically Captain Nick, but
A busy-body. Speaks mostly in stage whispers. Expensive
that’s his father. His demeanor, sunglasses, and extra-large
coffee seem to indicate a hangover of some strength. shoes. Abraham serves as the point person for today’s fund-
Storm clouds gather as the bells of Brindlewood Bay’s historic raiser and is driven by his love of local scandal.
Little Chapel of Safe Harbor ring. For decades, boats would Quote: “This route used to be a big moneymaker for me and Dad, but
travel’s been way down since Brother Benjamin let the chapel get Quote: “There’s no mystery here. We all know that Brother Benjamin
shuttle tourists to the chapel’s home, a tiny island two miles was pretty clumsy when he drank … which means he was pretty
off shore. Wealthier families would book the chapel — and its into such a state of disrepair.”
clumsy in general. What? We all knew he drank, didn’t we?”
magnificent gardens — for their weddings and galas.

The chapel has fallen into disrepair in recent years, so the Sister Jeffreys
Jodi Knox, low-level bureaucrat
local Historic Preservation Commission has organized a fund-
raiser to support the chapel’s restoration. Direct. Hurried. Perfumed. Sister Jeffreys is always on the
move, putting out fires and attending to the chapel’s guests. Wrinkled blazer. Baggy eyes. Exhausted. Jodi has spent
months coordinating the fundraiser and managing the per-
Aboard a cabin cruiser grumbling through choppy waters, Quote: “All we wanted was to be blessed with a pleasant little day. sonalities.
the Mavens travel to the chapel to help Brother Benjamin Lord, I’m disappointed.”
and Sister Jeffreys prepare for the afternoon’s auction and Quote: “All this work. All the headaches. What I wouldn’t give to…
rummage sale. sorry, gotta take this call.”
Daniel, groundskeeper
Go around and have the Mavens share one lovely little item or ser-
vice they plan to donate. Soft-spoken. Slight. Terrible posture. Daniel pulls away from Olivia Russell, celebrated local chef & today’s caterer
any physical contact, and his eyes never stop studying the
flowers nearby. Surprisingly hip. Tattooed. Hints of a sensational haircut
When their boat reaches the island’s rickety pier, the Mavens underneath a bandana.
are met by an emotional Sister Jeffreys. She informs the Ma-
vens of a terrible accident: Brother Benjamin was ringing the Quote: “Brother Benjamin is a kind and devout man. He yells, but
only when I truly deserve it. His punishments are always fair, and Quote: “I’m happy to help a good cause, but if I didn’t know better, I
chapel bells and became tangled in the ropes. His neck was swear I’d think the fundraising committee was actively working to
broken as he swung. he brings me little sweets and snacks as I tend the gardens.”
screw me. As soon as I said the words ‘pro bono,’ pigs-in-a-blanket
turned into steak tartare, you know?”
Sister Jeffreys has already contacted the police, who have in-
structed her to keep everyone on the island. Their patrol boat Kent MacKenzie, auctioneer
has broken down, so they’re trying to find a captain before A true showman. Self-important. Spiffy. Even in the slight-
the impending storm makes transit impossible. est of conversations, Kent speaks as if he is in front of an audi-
ence of hundreds.
Establishing Question: Complaints and rumors have circled
Brother Benjamin for years. What have you heard about his leader- Quote: “I enjoy keeping the art of auctioneering alive. Dedicated
ship and moral character? study! Humiliating stumbles! But mastery only comes through
Note: A torrential storm will keep the Mavens on the island
and police officers away from it. Perhaps the ladies are forced
to sleep in the chapel overnight. Perhaps a determined depu-
ty braves the tempest to disrupt the investigation.
Clues Paint the Scene Keeper Notes
F Sleeping pills in the rectory Chapel interior

F A hymnal with a mysterious sigil roughly carved into Despite everything, you get a warm sense of welcome as you enter
its leather cover the chapel. What makes you feel this way?

F A half-burned document from Brindlewood building

commission, condemning the church The gardens and grounds
The chapel’s landscaping is truly lovely and verdant, but its physical
F Broken lock on donation box, now empty structure is in obvious disrepair. Which detail of the chapel’s decay-
ing exterior seems to be in the worst shape?
F A cat-of-nine-tails, haphazardly stuffed into a dark
The groundskeeping shack
F A letter from Brother Benjamin to a Suspect expressing
concern for their sinful ways You’re taken aback by the state of things. Is this because things are
supremely organized or unimaginably filthy?
F A shattered stained glass window

F A Suspect’s initials are carved into the back of a pew

F A thank-you card with an anonymous note: “Brother

Benjamin — Rot in hell.”

F Empty wine bottles in a brown paper bag

Void Clues
F A crown of thorns — perhaps once made of roses from F A mob of gray amphibians scuttles across a nearby wall
the chapel’s gardens
F A trio of dead and decaying sparrows, carefully
F A secret door arranged, their mouths stuffed with pages of a hymnal
F A wooden spanking paddle F Lightning strikes and takes the unmistakable shape of a
large sea creature
F A unopened packet of zinnia flower seeds
F A human tooth falls from a flower’s petals
F An elegant stone carving of a chubby man felating a
goat F A soggy, rain-saturated spot of soil belches a wretched
F A silken serviette; stained, crumpled, and crusty
F An unholy chorus can be heard through the wind
F A map of Brindlewood Bay; a conspicuous X over the
chapel’s location F A pile of dead, desiccated honeybees
F A length of twine clearly used for knot-tying practice

F A blank page torn from an old ledger with a Suspect’s

name on the heading

F A highly detailed pencil drawing of the chapel

F Soiled underwear
Written by Sean Patrick Cain

This Brindlewood Bay mystery was released with permission

from Jason Cordova, but the material is not otherwise associ-
ated with Jason Cordova or Gauntlet Publishing.

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