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Discrete Mathematics Project


Presented to:
Prof. Manish Gupta
Prof. Manoj Raut
Prof. Prosenjit Kundu

Dev Joshi - 202201405
Meet Katharotiya - 202201157
Dhruvin Akhaja - 202201172
Sania Patel - 202201053
Utsav Pansuriya - 202201468
Shyam Ghetiya - 202201161

• Introduction:
In this modern world of 1’s and 0’s, the rate at which com-
puters are advancing is exponential, where we have attained
a quantum stage so advanced that the systems can break
through a number of encryptions. So, a firm and practical
encryption methodology is required for the protection of data
from such advanced and robust systems not only in the present
but even for the future.

• Encryption around us:

Encryption is like salt in food, we do not notice it’s presence
but we can certainly feel when it’s absent.
Encryption is used in many instances of our day-to-day life
such as when we lock our door or even send a simple message.
It protects the confidentiality of digital data.

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• Encryption Analogy:
The modern cryptographic designs could be well understood by the
key-lock mechanism.
Almost all designs have a lock with two keys, one of which is used to
lock (public key), and the other is used to unlock (private key). If both
the keys are same then the system is classified as“symmetric en-
cryption” and if both are different then it is classified as“asymmetric
encryption” .

Now in digital cryptographic logic, as mentioned in the analogy the

“lock” is nothing but a “trap-door” function which is easier to
solve from one side and very difficult to solve from the other side. For
example, in RSA factoring is tough but if you know its multiples then
it becomes easy.

But solutions like RSA have hazards from quantum computers, as it

is estimated that with sufficiently optimized quantum computer can
factor the prime and henceforth could ransack the encryption, so it is
needed to have an algorithm in future that is resistant to such attacks.

• Our Methodology:
In our work, we came up with a geometrical encryption solution using
imaging, inspired from the currently used AES method and Krystal-
Kyber Algorithm (which is believed to be quantum resistant) which
uses Lattice points for encryption. Further Text would describe our
thinking process and where our solution is analogous to them.

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• Geometric Encryption using Devi-
ated Image :

|ax0 +by0 +c|

d= √
a2 +b2
, ϕ = tan−1(k tan θ)
L̂ = √bî−aĵ , a î+b
P̂ = √a2+b2 ĵ
a2 +b2 |sp |

In this Method we have a line ax + by + c = 0 with us and let the deviated

image of the message point (x0 , y0 ) with the line be defined by multiplying
it’s distance with the factor “k” (encrypting factor) and Deviating It with
respect to normal by encrypting angle “theta” to get the final image point
(x1 , y1 ).

We can find (x1 , y1 ) by using vectors as follows.

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using vector we can find (x1 , y1 )

∴ x1 î + y1 ĵ = x0 î + y0 ĵ + (k + 1)d P̂ + kd tan θ L̂
now L̂ = √bî−aĵ , P̂ = √aî+bĵ
a2 +b2 a2 +b2 |sp |

if we take h = a2 + b2 equation we get as given below
aî+bĵ sp bî−aĵ
=x0 î + y0 ĵ + (k + 1)d h |sp | + kd tan θ h

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d sp
∴ x1 = x0 + bk tan θ + a(k + 1)
h |sp|
d sp
∴ y1 = y0 + b(k + 1) − ak tan θ
h |sp|

ax0 + by0 + c
now d = √
a2 + b2

encrypting function (public to all)

|ax0 + by0 + c| s0
∴ x1 = x0 + bk tan θ + a(k + 1)
a2 + b2 |s0|

|ax0 + by0 + c| s0
∴ y1 = y0 + b(k + 1) − ak tan θ
a2 + b2 |s0|
So this function will be public to all after we set the values of a,b,c,theta
and k we can jumble this function so that non trivial terms cannot be re-
duced to the given form and in further text we are going to have layers of
this function with different sets of a ,b ,c ,theta and k which also makes it
more difficult to reduce.
decrypting function (private to me)
|ax1 + by1 + c| b a s1
∴ x0 = x1 + − tan ϕ + (k + 1)
a2 + b 2 k k |s1 |

|ax1 + by1 + c| b s1 a
∴ y 0 = y1 + (k + 1) + tan ϕ
a2 + b2 k |s1 | k
Now, in the above function replaced “theta” with “phi” and k with 1/k
to get a function that decrypts the image point back to message point.
Now. . .

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1. Receiver must generate pair of k and and put them in function
so obtained which will public to all. Also one has to keep theta and k
as private keys and find corresponding (1/k) and and put them again in
function obtained to get the decrypting function which will be private to

2. Now the sender has to plot his message as a point as regulated below.
• For example, let valid messages be a-z mapped linearly from 1-26 then
he may select any dimension from x and y and choose a random value
for other dimension and plug that value (that does not lie in that
range) in the receiver’s public key and then send the coordinates of
the image point.

• Now at receiver’s side he has to plug the coordinate values of image

in function of (ϕ, 1/k), this will give the receiver the coordinate of the

message point.

• The Working and inheritance:

A note must be taken from the above text that if there exists tapping in
the communication gateway, the third party will have information about
the encrypting function and the encrypted point but does not have the de-
crypting function, henceforth he can not trace-back to the message point.

Moreover, If we refer to krystal-kyber’s work on the lattice cryptogra-

phy, during encryption the sender has to “dislocate” slightly the signal
point. Analogues to that in our directive the sender has to randomly in-
put other values of the dimensions other than the message dimension, this
makes the message point to be indeterministic to solved by “hit & trail”
method. Let’s say if we extended this geometry for poly-dimensions say 3D
or 50D then the encrypting function will be more complex to disassociate
and there will be only one message dimension and many random valued
dimensions which makes the point to be even more difficult for guessing.

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Further like AES we can have stacks of encrypting functions and corre-
sponding decrypting functions so that, it becomes more secure and almost
impossible to crack.

From the above explanations, we can firmly claim that our logic can be
currently employed and with more research and advancement it can cater
current needs of being quantum resistant and become a non-trivial solution
that is industrially viable.

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link of source code

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For instance, let’s say Utsav wants to send a message to Shyam,
so we will notice how the logic runs in this particular case. . .

Let us say Shyam has his private keys as follows, and for singly layered
2D system. . .
θ = 73.23◦
k = 6.77
a = 6.23
b = -9.3
c = -0.23
and the message says. . . “nice!” and the encrypting number was 9.31

So, the code converts each letter to its point as image at a distance
k=6.77 times the message point distance and at an deviated angle
θ = 73.23◦ about line (6.23x − 9.3y − 0.23) = 0.
‘ n ’ → (−1133.85, −321.811)
‘ i ’ → (−1074.42, −304.675)
‘ c ’ → (−1003.1, −284.113)
‘ e ’→ (−1026.88, −290.967)
‘ ! ’ → (−218.637, −57.9246)
And then using ϕ = 87.47◦ and (1/k) = 0.1477. . . So, the code converts
each image point as image at a distance (1/k) = 0.1477 times the image
point distance and at an deviated angle 87.47◦ about line (6.23x − 9.3y −
0.23) = 0.

The decrypted message is “nice!”. In this way this beautiful algorithm

works using the geometric properties to encrypt.

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[1, 2, 3]

[1] D. R. Stinson and M. Paterson, Cryptography: theory and practice. CRC press, 2018.

[2] Veritasium, “How quantum computers break the internet... starting now.” https:
//, March 2023.

[3] Wikipedia, “Elliptic-curve cryptography — Wikipedia, the free encyclo-

20cryptography&oldid=1154889801, 2023.

Thank You

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