21CS1202 Web Appln Development QuestionBank Solution STUD

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Panimalar Engineering College

Name of the Department :Department of Humanities and Sciences
Name of the Subject:WEB APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT(Lab Integrated)
Subject Code: 21CS1202
Semester: II
2 Marks :For each unit Three questions should be of lower order (LO) cognitive type and Two Questions should be of
Intermediate order (IO) cognitive type.
13 /15 /16 Marks:For each Unit Two questions should be of lower order (LO) cognitive type i.e. remembrance type questions ,
Two should be of intermediate order (IO) cognitive type i.e. understanding type questions and Two Question should be on
Higher Order (HO) Application / Design / Analysis / Evaluation / Creativity / Case study questions .
* HO Order is not applicable if the Question Pattern does not have Part C. In Such cases consider HO as IO.
** If the Mark for Part B &C is less than the applicable mark of the Question, Sub Divisions may be added. Subdivisions are
limited to a maximum of 3.


PART-A (2Marks)
S.No. Question Std. of question
Cognitive Level
1. What is cookie? LO
Ans: A cookie is a piece of data from a website that is stored within a web
browser that the website
can retrieve at a later time.
2. What is the use of HTTP protocol LO
Ans: Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is a method for encoding and
transporting information between a client (such as a web browser) and a web
server. HTTP is the primary protocol for transmission of information across the
3. Compare HTTP and SMTP LO
Ans: SMTP and HTTP are both network layer protocols that are used to
transfer information between hosts.
SMTP is used to transfer emails between mail servers, while HTTP is used to
transfer data from a web server to a web client.
4. What is the use of IP addresses and PORTS? IO
Ans: An IP address identifies a machine in an IP network and determines the
destination of a data packet, while port numbers identify particular applications
or services on a system. An IP address is a logical address used to identify a
device on the network.
5. What is the use of MIME IO
Ans: MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) is an extension of the
original Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) email protocol. It lets users
exchange different kinds of data files, including audio, video, images and
application programs, over email.

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Part – B (13marks)
S.No. Question Std. of question Mark
Cognitive Level
1. What is Internet? Explain in detail about the working principle of intranet 13
and internet.
2. Explain the functions of TCP/IP in detail 13
3. Explain in details about HTTP Transaction with suitable example. 13
4. Explain the concept of DNS and its functions in detail. 13
5. Give an overview of WWW and its architecture 13
6. (i)Explain in detail about Multitier Application Architecture – in detail (10) HO
(ii)Explain in detail about client –side versus server –side scripting – in
detail (3)

Part – C (15 marks)

S.No. Question Std. of question Mark
Cognitive Level
1. Explain the capabilities of web client and web server 15
2. Explain about HTTP request /response message. 15

Unit II –HTML 5.0

PART-A (2 Marks)
S.No. Question Std. of question
Cognitive Level
1. How will you create a password field in a HTML form? LO
<input type="password" name="password">
2. Mention some text formatting tags. LO
<b> - Bold text.
<strong> - Important text.
<i> - Italic text.
<em> - Emphasized text.
<mark> - Marked text.
<small> - Smaller text.
<del> - Deleted text.
<ins> - Inserted text.
3. Write the format of HTML Program. LO
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Page Title</title>
<h2>Heading Content</h2>
<p>Paragraph Content</p><body></html>

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4. Explain about list tag IO

HTML Lists are used to specify lists of information.
All lists may contain one or more list elements.
There are three different types of HTML lists:
Ordered List or Numbered List (ol)
Unordered List or Bulleted List (ul)
Description List or Definition List (dl)
5. What are the necessities of using HTML forms? IO
Ans: HTML Forms are required, when you want to collect some data from the
site visitor. For example, during user registration you would like to collect
information such as name, email address, credit card, etc.
Part – B (13 marks)
S.No. Question Std. of question Mark
Cognitive Level
1. Brief about different types of tags in HTML5 Table and list with 13
suitable code.
2. Explain the basic structure of HTML in detail 13
3. (i)Describe in details about audio and video controls in HTML5 with 13
necessary example.(7)
(i)Explain about HTML5 Drag and Drop with suitable example.(6)
4. Tabulate the HTML forms and its controls in detail 13
5. Explain the text formatting tags available in HTML with suitable 13
6. Write a HTML program to print your bio-data in your own prescribed 13

Part – C (15 marks)

S.No. Question Std. of question Mark
Cognitive Level
1. Write and explain any five HTML form objects for a typical online 15
user registration process.
2. Create a HTML document for a company home page and explain. 15


PART-A (2 Marks)
S.No. Question Std. of question
Cognitive Level
1. Define CSS Box Model. LO
Ans: In CSS, the term "box model" is used when talking about design and
layout. The CSS box model is essentially a box that wraps around every
HTML element. It consists of: margins, borders, padding, and the actual
2. What are style sheets? LO
Ans: A style sheet is a file or form that is used in word processing and
desktop publishing to define the layout style of a document. A style sheet
contains the specifications of a document’s layout, such as the page size,
margins, fonts and font sizes.
3. List the methods for implementing style sheets? LO
Ans: There are four different ways to use CSS in your web pages: –
Inline CSS – Embedded CSS/Internal CSS – Linked CSS/External CSS –

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Importing CSS
4. What is CSS positioning. IO
Ans: The CSS position property defines the position of an element in a
document. This property works with the left, right, top, bottom and z-index
properties to determine the final position of an element on a page
5. Give the syntax of CSS rule. IO
Ans: A CSS Syntax rule consists of a selector, property, and its value.
The selector points to the HTML element where the CSS style is to be applied.
The CSS property is separated by semicolons.It is a combination of the
selector name followed by the property:
value pair that is defined for the specific selector.
selector { Property: value; }
Part – B (13 marks)
S.No. Question Std. of question Mark
Cognitive Level
1. List out the types of style sheets in HTML5 and explain about it with 13
suitable example code.
2. Explain different types of style sheets with relevant example 13
3. With the help of suitable example, explain about Positioning and 13
Animations in CSS.
4. State the objectives of using Cascading style sheet and explain the 13
various CSS properties. Briefly explain about linking of style sheets
and Fixing the backgrounds.
5. Create a web site to get feedback from the users using CSS 13
6. Explain how to set background image. 13

Part – C (15 marks)

S.No. Question Std. of question Mark
Cognitive Level
1. Explain any eight CSS text properties 15
2. Enlist in detail CSS border styles. 15


PART-A (2 Marks)
S.No. Question Std. of question
Cognitive Level
1. What are the data types supported by Java Script? LO
Ans: String,Number,Bigint,Boolean,Undefined,Null,Symbol,Object.
2. State the types of java script statements with examples. LO
Ans: JavaScript statements are the commands to tell the browser to what
action to perform. Statements are separated by semicolon (;).
3. What is event bubbling and capturing in Java Script? LO
Ans: Event Bubbling − Whenever an event happens on an element, the event
handlers will first run on it and then on its parent and finally all the way up to
its other ancestors.
Event Capturing − It is the reverse of the event bubbling and here the event
starts from the parent element and then to its child element.
4. What are global functions in JavaScript? IO

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Ans: Javascript Global Function is a tool used to wrap a set of Javascript

code with a function scope that can be used anywhere in the program. It
allows access to all the variables declared within the scope
5. Explain array creation in JavaScript with an example IO
Ans: JavaScript array is an object that represents a collection of similar type
of elements.There are 3 ways to construct array in JavaScript
By array literal
By creating instance of Array directly (using new keyword)
By using an Array constructor (using new keyword)
Part – B (13 marks)
S.No. Question Std. of question Mark
Cognitive Level
1. Write short note on Looping Statements and Arrays in java script 13
with example.
2. (i)Explain various data types used in java script(7) 13
(ii)Explain various operators used in java script(6)
3. (i) Explain the core feature of JavaScript?(6) 13
(ii) List and explain global functions in JavaScript?(7)
4. Discuss in detail about built in objects in java script with suitable 13
HTML5 code.
5. Explain various methods and properties of Array class. 13
6. Write a java script to find and print the largest and smallest values 13
among 10 elements of an array.

Part – C (15 marks)

S.No. Question Std. of question Mark
Cognitive Level
1. (i) Write a java script that reads an integer from the keyboard and 15
displays whether the given number is odd or even.(5)
(ii)Write a java script program to tabulate the cube of a first five
natural numbers.(5)
(iii) Write a java script program to display the reverse of a given
2. Create a form using javascript which will accept user input form the 15
keyboard, this form can validate age and email of the particular


PART-A (2 Marks)
S.No. Question Std. of question
Cognitive Level
1. What is Node Object and list its properties. LO
Ans: The Node object represents a single node in the document tree.
A node can be an element node, an attribute node, a text node,
Notice that while all objects inherits the Node properties / methods for dealing
with parents and children, not all objects can have parents or children. For
example, Text nodes may not have children, and adding children to such
nodes results in a DOM error.
2. Define DOM Tree. LO
Ans: The Document Object Model (DOM) is a programming interface for web
documents. It represents the page so that programs can change the document

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structure, style, and content. The DOM represents the document as nodes
and objects; that way, programming languages can interact with the page.
3. What is the purpose of Regular Expression? Give its syntax. LO
Ans: Regular expressions are patterns used to match character combinations
in strings. In JavaScript, regular expressions are also objects.
These patterns are used with the exec() and test() methods of RegExp, and
with the match(),matchAll(), replace(), replaceAll(), search(), and split()
methods of String.
4. Define event bubbling. IO
Ans: Event Bubbling is a concept in the DOM (Document Object Model).
It happens when an element receives an event, and that event bubbles up (or
you can say is transmitted or propagated) to its parent and ancestor elements
in the DOM tree until it gets to the root element.
5. What is the drawback of the DOM0 event Model? IO
Ans: The Document Object Model (DOM) is the model that describes how all
elements in an HTML page, like input fields, images, paragraphs etc.,
are related to the topmost structure: the document itself.
Part – B (13 marks)
S.No. Question Std. of question Mark
Cognitive Level
1. Demonstrate the need of exception handling in java script with 13
example for each type.
2. Explain the concept of DOM tree with the help of suitable example. 13
also explain the basic terminologies used in DOM tree.
3. Explain in detail about Document Object Model. 13
4. Explain the java script Object – Regular Expression. 13
5. Explain Exception handling in java script with relevant example 13
6. Elaborate the DOM history and intrinsic levels in event handling- 13
modifying element style.

Part – C (15 marks)

S.No. Question Std. of question Mark
Cognitive Level
1. How to validate Email Address without using Regular expression in 15
2. Explain DOM. Write a Javascript Program to validate Radio Button, 15

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