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Science of the Total Environment xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

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Exposure assessment of heavy metals in an e-waste processing area in

northern Vietnam
Tomoko Oguri a,b,⁎, Go Suzuki a, Hidenori Matsukami a, Natsuyo Uchida a, Nguyen Minh Tue c,d, Le Huu Tuyen c,d,
Pham Hung Viet d, Shin Takahashi c,e, Shinsuke Tanabe c, Hidetaka Takigami a
Center for Material Cycles and Waste Management Research, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan
Center for Health and Environmental Risk Research, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan
Center for Marine Environmental Studies (CMES), Ehime University, Japan
Centre for Environmental Technology and Sustainable Development (CETASD), VNU University of Science, Viet Nam
Center of Advance Technology for the Environment, Faculty of Agriculture, Ehime University, Japan


• Daily heavy metal intake in a non-

intensive e-waste recycling area was
• Bioaccessibilities of heavy metals in soil,
dust, and diet samples were deter-
• Potential noncancer risks due to Cd, Cu,
Mn, Sb, and Zn may be low.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In developing countries, inappropriate recycling of e-waste has resulted in the environmental release of toxi-
Received 17 August 2017 cants, including heavy metals, that may have deleterious health effects. In this study, we estimated daily metal
Received in revised form 11 October 2017 intakes in five households in a Vietnamese village located in an e-waste processing area and assessed the health
Accepted 12 October 2017
risk posed by exposure to the metals. Garden soil, floor dust, 24-h duplicate diet, and ambient air samples were
Available online xxxx
collected from five households in northern Vietnam in January 2014. All samples were acid-digested, and con-
Editor: F.M. Tack tents of Cd, Cu, Mn, Pb, Sb, and Zn were measured by using ICP mass spectrometry and ICP atomic emission spec-
troscopy. In addition, the soil, dust, and diet samples were subjected to an bioaccessibility extraction test to
Keywords: determine bioaccessible metal concentrations. Hazard quotients were estimated from bioaccessible metal con-
Heavy metals centrations, provisional tolerable weekly intakes, and reference doses. Garden soil and floor dust were estimated
Exposure assessment to be mainly contributors to daily Pb intake, as indicated by calculations using bioaccessible metal concentrations
Bioaccessibility and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency soil plus dust ingestion rate. Diet was suggested to contribute sig-
E-waste nificantly to daily Cd, Cu, Mn, Sb, and Zn intake. Estimated metal exposures via inhalation were negligible, as in-
Health risk
dicated by calculations using International Atomic Energy Agency reference inhalation rates. The maximum
hazard quotients were calculated as 0.2 (Cd), 0.09 (Cu), 0.3 (Mn), 0.6 (Pb), 0.2 (Sb), and 0.5 (Zn), on the basis

⁎ Corresponding author at: Center for Health and Environmental Risk Research, National Institute for Environmental Studies, 16-2 Onogawa, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8506, Japan.
E-mail address: (T. Oguri).
0048-9697/© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Oguri, T., et al., Exposure assessment of heavy metals in an e-waste processing area in northern Vietnam, Sci Total En-
viron (2017),
2 T. Oguri et al. / Science of the Total Environment xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

of bioaccessible metal concentrations. The contributions of Cd, Cu, Mn, Sb, and Zn except Pb to potential
noncancer risk for adult residents of the five households in the e-waste processing area may be low.
© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction provide information about chemical behavior and potential fate of

metals but may result in overestimation of the health risks associated
Electronic waste (e-waste) has emerged as a critical environmental with metal exposure.
health concern around the world. E-waste—that is, end-of-life electronic Most of the previous studies of e-waste focused on estimating daily
products, including televisions, monitors, computers, audio equipment, intakes of metals from metal contents; few studies have considered bio-
video cameras, cell phones, printers, and refrigerators—contains various accessible metal concentrations (Li et al., 2015; Tao et al., 2015). In ad-
toxic metals and persistent organic pollutants, which have the potential dition, risk assessments reported to date have typically focused on a
to become environmental contaminant sources if the waste is not ap- single exposure source, such as soil, dust, or foodstuffs (Li et al., 2015;
propriately recycled. For example, in some developing countries, inap- Luo et al., 2011; Yekeen et al., 2016); few studies have evaluated expo-
propriate recycling has resulted in the release of these toxicants into sure due to all sources or have evaluated the relative contributions of
the environment (Robinson, 2009). This situation is especially worri- different exposure pathways to risk (Zheng et al., 2013).
some in China (e.g., Guiyu and Taizhou), India (e.g., Delhi and Bengalu- The present study was measured the contents of six metals (Cd, Cu,
ru), and Africa (e.g., Accra and Lagos), which have become major Mn, Sb, Pb, and Zn) in multiple environmental exposure sources
destinations for e-waste from around the world over the past two de- (i.e., garden soil, floor dust, diet, and ambient air) for residents of an e-
cades (Chen et al., 2011). Most previous studies of inappropriate waste processing area in northern Vietnam. Specifically, the present
recycling of e-waste have focused on hot spots for contaminants derived study was measured both metal contents and bioaccessible metal con-
from e-waste recycling activities such as open burning and smelting centrations in environmental samples obtained from e-waste process-
process for retrieval of recyclable metals. These studies have reported ing areas with the goal of determining exposure pathways and
that such intensive e-waste recycling harms human health and the en- assessing potential noncancer risk to area residents. In addition, the
vironment (Ha et al., 2009; Itai et al., 2014; Li et al., 2008; present study was used the bioaccessible metal concentrations to esti-
Streicher-Porte et al., 2005; Tang et al., 2010). In contrast, little informa- mate health risks to the residents in e-waste processing area.
tion is available on non-intensive recycling activities, such as collection,
storage, and manual dismantling of e-waste, even though these activi- 2. Materials and methods
ties may have serious impacts on human health (Suzuki et al., 2013). Al-
though several developing countries have enacted legislation focusing 2.1. Study area and sampling
on the environmental effects of e-waste disposal and processing, none
of the legislation to date effectively regulates e-waste processing Our research group collected samples from the village of Bui Dau,
(Zhang et al., 2012). which is located in an e-waste-processing area of Hung Yen Province
Occurrence and behavior of lead (Pb) during e-waste processing is of in northern Vietnam. Detailed information about this area is available
particular concern because Pb is one of the major toxicants in such elsewhere (Matsukami et al., 2015; Suzuki et al., 2013; Tue et al.,
waste (Chen et al., 2011). Pb is a developmental neurotoxicant, and 2010a). The total area of the village, including inhabited areas and culti-
blood Pb levels of ≥5 μg/dL in early childhood are recognized as having vated fields, is approximately 4.2 km2. The population of the village was
adverse effects (CDC, 2012). Cadmium (Cd) is also an element of con- approximately 3000 in 2015, according to a survey conducted in the
cern, although the adverse neurodevelopmental effects of Cd in children previous study (Suzuki et al., 2016). The villagers produce crops by tra-
are less well characterized than those of Pb. The biological half-life of Cd ditional methods, and some households raise livestock or fish for con-
is long (~ 26 y), and this metal accumulates primarily in the kidneys sumption by members of the household (Tue et al., 2010b).
(Friberg, 1984), where it causes kidney damage (Noonan et al., 2002; E-waste processing in this village started in the early 2000s (Tue
Satarug et al., 2005, 2010). In addition, manganese (Mn) has been et al., 2010a). In recent years, most households have been involved in
shown to be neurotoxic in adults and children (Aschner et al., 2005; e-waste processing activities. Specifically, recycling operations such as
ATSDR, 2012; Lucchini et al., 2007). Some evidence suggests a link be- dismantling of power cables and circuit boards and sorting of metal
tween Mn exposure and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, au- and plastic electrical parts are conducted by family-based units in the vi-
tism, and other behavioral outcomes (Sanders et al., 2015). cinity of the family house. In the fields around the village, wires and ca-
Since January 2012, our research group has been investigating e- bles are burned so that copper can be retrieved from them. Because
waste processing activities in Bui Dau, a village in the My Hao district extremely dangerous e-waste processing activities, such as indiscrimi-
of Hung Yen Province in northern Vietnam, to elucidate the current nate open dumping and recovery of precious metals by acid digestion,
levels of contaminants associated with non-intensive e-waste recycling are not carried out in the area, it is considered to be a non-intensive
(Suzuki et al., 2013). Our research group have detected elevated levels recycling area (Suzuki et al., 2013).
of Cd, Cu, Mn, Sb, Pb, and Zn in soil in the vicinity of e-waste recycling Garden soil, floor dust, 24-h duplicate diet, and ambient air samples
workshops in the village (Uchida et al., submitted). This result suggests were collected from five volunteer households in Bui Dau in January
that environmental contamination by metals may have public health ef- 2014. A representative from each household agreed to participate in
fects in this area. present the study after the purposes and procedures of the study had
More data are necessary to comprehensively estimate daily metal been described. Each garden soil sample (which was collected to a few
intakes by residents in e-waste processing areas and to realistically as- centimeters in depth) consisted of five subsamples that were collected
sess the consequent health risks. Such an assessment requires evalua- in the work area near the volunteer's house, homogenized with a shov-
tion of the metal exposures, including their bioaccessible metal el, and stored in a sample bag. Floor dust samples were collected from
fractions, which is defined as the fraction of a substance that is soluble inside the house (from the floor of the bedroom, living room, or both)
in the gastrointestinal environment and is available for absorption with a clean broom and were sealed in the sample bag. The 24-h dupli-
(Ruby et al., 1999). Bioaccessible metal concentration gives a better ap- cate diet samples, including drinking water and other beverages, were
proximation of actual health risks than total metal content, which can collected on the diet sampling day at breakfast, lunch, dinner, and

Please cite this article as: Oguri, T., et al., Exposure assessment of heavy metals in an e-waste processing area in northern Vietnam, Sci Total En-
viron (2017),
T. Oguri et al. / Science of the Total Environment xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 3

snack times from one individual representing each household. The 2.3. Determination of bioaccessible metal concentrations
volunteers collected duplicate diet samples in 2-L polypropylene
bottles. Collected diet samples were stored in a cool box. On the sam- The bioaccessible metal concentrations in the garden soil, floor
pling day, the interviewer administered a questionnaire about phys- dust, and diet samples were determined to approximate the oral up-
ical, dietary, and lifestyle information (sex, age, body weight and take of metals by the human body. For this purpose, a simple bioac-
height, workplace, work activities, hours of work, frequency of cessibility extraction test (SBET) developed by the Solubility/
smoking, and the food menu for the duplicate diet sampling day). Bioavailability Research Consortium of the United States (Kelley
Ambient air particle samples were collected for 24-h on et al., 2002; Ruby et al., 1999) was used in present study. For this
polytetrafluoroethylene filters (PF040, φ55 mm, pore size 4 μm, test, a sample is extracted with simulated gastric juice, and the per-
Advantec Toyo Kaisha, Tokyo, Japan) with a low-volume air sampler centage of the mass of extracted metal relative to the total mass of
(pump, LV-40BW; multistage type sizing unit filter holder C type, metal in the sample is calculated (referred to as bioaccessibility
Shibata Scientific Technology, Saitama, Japan). A sampler was placed (%)) (Oomen et al., 2002).
at a height of 1 m from the floor in the main living area or bedroom of Briefly, a 1-g aliquot of a soil, dust, or diet sample was added to
each house. The sampling rate was approximately 22.5 L/min. At the glycine solution (100 mL, 0.4 mol/L) that had been adjusted to
end of the sampling period, the filters were wrapped with aluminum pH 1.5 with HCl. The mixture was rotated end-over-end at 30 rpm
foil and stored in a cool box. for 1 h at 37 ± 2 °C by a tube rotator (TR-350, AS ONE Corporation,
After collection, all samples were kept in a freezer in the Research Osaka, Japan) in an electric oven (Advantec FV-1000, Toyo Roshi
Centre for Environmental Technology and Sustainable Development Kaisha, Tokyo, Japan). The mixture was filtered through a 0.45-μm
(CETASD), Hanoi University of Science, until they were transported to cellulose acetate disk filter (Sartorius Minisart, Sartrius, Göttingen,
Japan. Soil and food samples were transported with permission from Germany). After confirming that the pH of the filtrate was between
the plant and animal quarantine department of the Ministry of Agricul- 1.0 and 2.0 (Oomen et al., 2002), analysis of metal in bioaccessible
ture, Forestry, and Fisheries. All the imported samples were stored at extracts for all the samples except air were performed using ICP-
−20 °C until analysis. MS and ICP-AES.

2.2. Determination of metal contents 2.4. Exposure and risk assessment

After arrival at our laboratory, garden soil and floor dust samples The exposure pathways for adult residents of the e-waste processing
were air-dried indoors for approximately 1 week and then sieved area were determined based on the daily intakes from each environ-
through a 250-μm mesh for metal measurement. This mesh size was mental source. The likely sources of human exposure to metals were in-
chosen because soil and dust particles smaller than this size are consid- gestion of metal-contaminated soil, dust, and diet and inhalation of
ered to adhere to children's hands (Yamamoto et al., 2006). An aliquot ambient air, and were considered each of these sources for adult resi-
of each sample (300 mg for soil, 100 mg for dust) was digested with dents of the e-waste processing area.
HNO3/HF/HClO4 in a Teflon beaker on a hot plate. After digestion, acid For each metal, the daily intake (Intake, μg/kg/day) was computed
was evaporated to dryness, and the residue was redissolved in 50 g of by multiplying the ingestion of soil (mg/day), dust (mg/day), and food
0.14 mol/L HNO3 and stored as a stock sample solution (Ishibashi (mg/day) and the inhalation of ambient air (m3/day) by the content
et al., 2008). The acids used for dust and soil digestion were of poisonous or bioaccessible concentration of each metal in the environmental ma-
metal analysis grade (Kanto Chemical Co., Tokyo, Japan). trix (mg/kg or ng/m3), and was divided by the body weight (kg) of
The duplicate diet samples for each household were individually each subject. The mg/kg refers to solids, the ng/m3 to air. The ingestion
weighed in our laboratory upon arrival. The sample was homogenized rate was set at 100 mg/day total for soil plus dust based on the average
in one lot in a food processor (Cuisinart, San-ei Co., Tokyo, Japan) to ob- soil plus dust ingestion rate reported in the literature (U.S. EPA, 2011);
tain a homogeneous composite sample for each household. In a prelim- the soil/dust ratio was assumed to be 1 (Stanek and Calabrese, 1992).
inary experiment, we confirmed that there was no metal contamination The ingestion rate for diet was based on the measured weight of the
from the food processor. A portion (30 g) of each composite sample was diet sample for each subject. The average inhalation rates for ambient
freeze-dried in a 100-mL polypropylene bottle. The weight loss after air were assumed to be 22.7 and 18.7 m3/day for Vietnamese adult
freeze-drying was measured and regarded as moisture content of the men and women, respectively reported by the International Atomic En-
duplicated diet sample. A 100-mg aliquot of each freeze-dried diet sam- ergy Agency (IAEA) (Lien, 1998). For each metal, concentrations below
ple was weighed into a perfluoroalkoxy alkane vial along with 1 mL of the limit of detection (LOD) for that metal were assigned a value of one-
HNO3 (AA-100, Tama Chemical Co., Kawasaki, Japan) and was digested half the LOD for calculation of intake.
with a microwave digestion device (START D, Milestone General, Kawa- The noncancer risk estimates for adult residents of the e-waste
saki, Japan) as described in the literature (Noël et al., 2003). The processing area were determined from bioaccessible metal concen-
digested sample was made up to 10 g by the addition of purified trations because these concentrations give results that are much
water, and stored as the stock solution of diet digest. Purified water closer to the actual intakes involved. Noncancer risks as the hazard
(Elix UV 10, Merck, Darmastadt, Germany) was used throughout prep- quotient (HQ) expressed were obtained by dividing the Intake
aration of all the samples. (μg/kg/day) by the tolerable daily intake (TDI). The following TDI
The present study focused on six metals (Cd, Cu, Mn, Pb, Sb, and Zn); values (μg/kg/day) were used: 1 (Cd) (JECFA, 2006), 500 (Cu)
these metals were chosen because our research group has found that (JECFA, 1982), 140 (Mn) (U.S. EPA, 1995), 0.4 (Sb) (U.S. EPA, 1987),
their soil levels have increased near the e-waste processing area that and 300 (Zn) (U.S. EPA, 2005). Details of the TDI endpoints are pro-
is the subject of the current study (Uchida et al., submitted). Metal con- vided in Table S1 of the Supplementary material. For Pb, a provisional
tents were determined by an inductively coupled plasma mass spec- tolerable weekly intake (PTWI) value of 25 μg/kg/week was used;
trometry (ICP-MS) (Agilent 7500cx, Agilent, Tokyo, Japan) and an this value was withdrawn at the 73rd meeting of the Joint FAO/
inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES) WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) (JECFA, 2011),
(Vista Pro, SII Inc., Chiba, Japan). and a new PTWI has not been defined by an international risk assess-
The association between metal contents in garden soil and metal ment authority. However, to evaluate the health risk for residents in
contents in floor dust was assessed by Pearson correlation analysis the e-waste-processing area, the HQ for Pb was calculated based on
(JMP 13.0, SAS Institute Inc., North Carolina, US). the previous PTWI.

Please cite this article as: Oguri, T., et al., Exposure assessment of heavy metals in an e-waste processing area in northern Vietnam, Sci Total En-
viron (2017),
4 T. Oguri et al. / Science of the Total Environment xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

2.5. Quality control As shown in Table 2, the mean metal contents in the soil samples
were slightly higher than the corresponding values for some e-waste
Analytical quality assurance was assessed using the following certi- recycling areas in China and the Philippines (Fujimori et al., 2012;
fied reference materials (CRMs): NIST SRM 2709a (San Joaquin Soil), Quan et al., 2015; Tang et al., 2010) but lower than the values reported
NIST SRM 2711 (Montana Soil), NIST SRM 2583 (Trace Elements in In- for an e-waste incineration site in China and some dismantling work-
door Dust), NIES CRM No. 27 (Typical Japanese Diet), NIST SRM 1547 shops in Thailand, where open burning of circuit boards and other
(Peach Leaves), BCR-185R (Bovine Livers), TORT-3 (Lobster Hepatopan- metal chips releases large volumes of toxicants (Damrongsiri et al.,
creas), NIES CRM No. 10 (Rice Flour-Unpolished Medium), and NIES 2016; Luo et al., 2011). In contrast, the recycling activities conducted
CRM No. 28 (Urban Aerosols). The measured values were within in the present study area were moderate-intensity activities, such as
±10% of the certified values of the CRMs for all the target metals. NIST fractionation of metal and plastic and sorting of electric parts. Metal
SRM 2711 (Montana Soil) does not have certified values for bioaccessi- contamination in the soil presumably originated from e-waste scraps
ble Cd and Pb, so for these metals our results were compared (Cd 0.375 that fell directly onto the soil surface. E-waste scraps tend to contain
± 0.002; Pb 10.7 ± 0.7 mg/L, n = 3) with literature data for this CRM many heavy metals because the sources of the scraps contain large
(Cd 0.352–0.364; Pb 9.22–10.1 mg/L) (Aung et al., 2004; Kelley et al., amounts of several heavy metals (Hino et al., 2009).
2002). The present study found good agreement between our results The Cu and Sb contents in garden soil were positively correlated
and the literature data. with the corresponding contents in floor dust (r = 0.974, p b 0.01; r
= 0.989, p b 0.01; Pearson's test). In contrast, the Cd, Mn, Pb, and Zn
3. Results and discussion contents in soil were not correlated with the corresponding contents
in dust. Xu et al. (2015) have reported that Pb, Sb, Cu, and Cd are emitted
3.1. Subjects during e-waste recycling activities. These results suggest that in our
study area, fragments containing Cu and Sb derived from e-waste may
Five volunteer subjects were recruited for this study: one male and have been carried from workshops to inside the houses.
four females (IDs 1–5). All five subjects engaged in collecting and dis- In none of the ambient air samples did the metal concentrations ex-
mantling e-waste and worked near their houses (either inside the ceed the ambient air guidelines for Cd and Pb (Ministry of Natural
house or in the front or back yard). One subject (ID 1) occasionally en- Resources and Environment, Vietnam, 2009a, 2009b). Note that an am-
gaged in farming and all subjects purchased foodstuffs at a local food bient air sample was not available for one subject (ID 5); therefore, the
store in the village. Local food store had sold some locally sourced mean of the other four values was substituted for the missing value
foods (rice, chicken meat, chicken egg and mullet). (Table 1). Ambient air samples were collected from the bedroom or liv-
The ages of the male and female subjects were 44 and 50.8 ± ing room in each subject's house. The processing activities near the
8.1 years (mean ± standard deviation); the body weights were 58 houses consisted mainly of dismantling and sorting, and our results sug-
and 57.5 ± 10.8 kg, and the body mass indexes (BMIs) were 20.8 and gest that diffusion of metal-containing particles from these activities,
22.4 ± 3.0 kg/m2, respectively. These BMIs are comparable to values and from open burning of wires, to the living area was limited.
previously reported for a Vietnamese rural population (n = 497; 21.0
± 2.7 for males and 20.9 ± 2.6 kg/m2 for females; Kim et al., 2010), in- 3.3. Dietary metal contents and daily dietary metal intake
dicating that our subjects were neither underweight nor overweight. All
subjects were nonsmokers. The median metal contents in the duplicate diet samples are shown
in Table 1. Exposure to metals were evaluated based on daily dietary in-
3.2. Metal contents in garden soil, floor dust, and ambient air takes. The mean daily dietary intakes calculated from the Cd, Cu, Mn, Pb,
Sb, and Zn contents were 6.1, 2670, 7840, 21.4, 1.05, and 19,700 μg/day
Table 1 shows the median metal contents in the garden soil, floor (Table 3). In Table 3, the daily dietary intakes were compared deter-
dust, and ambient air samples. The Cu, Pb, and Zn contents in the soil mined in the present study with previously reported intake values.
samples were up to 11, 5, and 4 times, respectively, the corresponding The present study found that the dietary intakes of Cd, Cu, Pb, and Sb
Vietnamese residential soil guidelines specified by the Ministry of in present study area were similar to those in uncontaminated areas
Natural Resources and Environment, Vietnam (2008). (Marcussen et al., 2013; Teruya et al., 2006; Ysart et al., 1999); that is,

Table 1
Metal contents in garden soil, floor dust, diet, and ambient air samples.a

Unit Median Range Median Range Median Range

Cd Cu Mn
This study Soil mg/kg 1.70 b0.03–3.54 771 61.9–4890 550 328–837
This study Dust mg/kg 2.53 b0.05–4.25 475 220–2790 479 462–575
Standard level Soil mg/kg 5b 70 b
This study Diet mg/kg 0.00429 0.00247–0.0222 0.270 0.218–11.8 7.42 3.62–11.7
This study Air ng/m3 1.7 1.3–2.1 18 6.4–42 30 24–37
Standard level Air ng/m3 5c

Pb Sb Zn
This study Soil mg/kg 580 69.8–1980 16.9 2.43–157 860 109–1720
This study Dust mg/kg 556 252–968 19.9 15.1–106 1079 539–1540
Standard level Soil mg/kg 120b 200b
This study Diet mg/kg 0.0203 0.00816–0.0624 0.00074 0.00026–0.00258 20.8 9.27–26.6
This study Air ng/m3 36 34–48 8.5 6.9–11 120 97–140
Standard level Air ng/m3 500d
Metal concentrations are expressed on a dry weight basis for soil, dust, and ambient air samples and on a wet weight basis for diet samples. An ambient air sample was unavailable for
one subject; for this subject, the mean of the other four values was used.
Standard for residential soil (Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Vietnam, 2008).
Standard for ambient air (Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Vietnam, 2009a).
Standard for ambient air (Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Vietnam, 2009b).

Please cite this article as: Oguri, T., et al., Exposure assessment of heavy metals in an e-waste processing area in northern Vietnam, Sci Total En-
viron (2017),
T. Oguri et al. / Science of the Total Environment xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 5

Table 2
Comparison of mean metal contents (mg/kg) in soil and dust obtained in the present study with contents reported in previous studies.a

Location Land use Exposure Cd Cu Mn Pb Sb Zn Reference


Bui Dau, Vietnam Simple household e-waste Soil 1.28 ± 1.71 1520 ± 2010 509 ± 189 759 ± 741 46 ± 65 761 ± 682 This study
recycling workshops
Guangdong China Incineration site Soil 17.1 ± 12.5 11,140 ± 9000 4500 ± 3370 3700 ± 2700 Luo et al. (2011)
Wenling, China Large-scale e-waste recycling Soil 3.0 ± 2.0 180 ± 70 180 ± 144 343 ± 169 Tang et al. (2010)
plants (n = 7)
Wenling, China Large-scale gold recovering Soil 5.1 424 144 203 Tang et al. (2010)
plants (n = 2)
Wenling, China Simple household e-waste Soil 4.4 ± 3.4 327 ± 373 313 ± 560 299 ± 155 Tang et al. (2010)
recycling workshops (n = 3)
Guiyu, China Acid leaching area Soil 1.36 684.1 222.8 1706 572.8 Quan et al. (2015)
Philippines Formal site (Complied with Soil 0.3 350 800 53 140 Fujimori et al.
environmental regulations) (2012)
Philippines Informal site (Not complied with Soil 2.9 810 900 650 1000 Fujimori et al.
environmental regulations) (2012)
Thailand Simple household e-waste Soil 58–12,986 30–715 40–4556 158–4258 Damrongsiri et al.
dismantling workshops (2016)
Bui Dau, Vietnam Simple household e-waste Dust 2.41 ± 1.68 881 ± 1080 509 ± 52.9 549 ± 297 38 ± 39 1000 ± 416 This study
recycling workshops
Qingyuan, China Large-scale e-waste recycling Dust 59.0 1712 1467 2250 Zheng et al. (2013)
China Simple household recycling Dust 10.2 6290 808 9520 67 1160 Xu et al. (2015)
Guiyu, China Large-scale e-waste recycling site Dust 1.94 589.74 Yekeen et al. (2016)
Philippines Formal site (Complied with Dust 2.9 23,000 9000 3000 Fujimori et al.
environmental regulations) (2012)
Philippines Informal site (Not complied Dust 3.0 6600 1400 2800 Fujimori et al.
with environmental (2012)
Standard deviations are provided when available.

our results indicate that e-waste processing did not result in substantial metal concentration in diet sample increased for the cause of soil or
serious contamination to the surrounding crops. In contrast, the dietary dust contamination in the cooking process.
intakes of Mn and Zn tended to be 2–4 times the previously reported in-
takes (Marcussen et al., 2013; Teruya et al., 2006; Ysart et al., 1999). Luo 3.4. Bioaccessibility
et al. (2011) have cited e-waste as the source of Zn contamination in ag-
ricultural soils and crops. The relative higher dietary Zn intake observed Fig. 1 shows mean bioaccessibility values for the six metals in the
in the present study may have been related to the e-waste processing garden soil, indoor dust, and diet samples for all five subjects. For all
activity in the study area. However in present study based on duplicated the environmental exposure sources, the bioaccessibility values for Cd
diet survey, it requires careful attention in that it cannot be distin- (69–102%) and Pb (58–83%) were higher than those for the other
guished whether the metal concentration in the crop increased, or the metals. However, the bioaccessibility values for Cu and Sb varied widely

Table 3
Comparison of mean daily dietary metal intakes (μg/day) based on metal contents obtained in the present study with intakes determined in previous studies.a

Location Land use Sampling Cd Cu Mn Pb Sb Zn Reference


Bui Dau, Vietnam Simple household e-waste Duplicate 6.1 ± 4.6b 2670 ± 5270b 7840 ± 3320b 21.4 ± 11.6b 1.05 ± 1.01b 19,700 ± 9310b This study
recycling workshops diet
Panlang, China E-waste disassembly site Market 14.6 167 Zhao et al. (2010)
Tongshan, China E-waste disassembly site Market 16.9 160 Zhao et al. (2010)
Xiazheng, China E-waste disassembly site Market 17.0 119 Zhao et al. (2010)
Xinqiu, China E-waste disassembly site Market 22.9 127 Zhao et al. (2010)
Yandang, China Reference site Market 13.6 82.4 Zhao et al. (2010)
Catalonia, Spain Near waste incinerator Market 4.6 2229 39.9 Marti-Cid et al.
area basket (2009)
Tarragona, Spain Industrialized area Duplicate 49.5 1192 2717 19.8 38.0 6751 Domingo et al.
diet (2012)
Hanoi, Vietnam Urban area Market 34.1 3070 4185 26.7 1.68 9000 Marcussen et al.
basket (2013)
Whole Japan Market 38.0 1500 3240 20.8 9340 Teruya et al. (2006)
Whole Market 14 1400 4500 23 3 11,000 Ysart et al. (1999)
UK basket
Standard deviations are provided when available.
Mean ± standard deviation.

Please cite this article as: Oguri, T., et al., Exposure assessment of heavy metals in an e-waste processing area in northern Vietnam, Sci Total En-
viron (2017),
6 T. Oguri et al. / Science of the Total Environment xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

Fig. 1. Bioaccessibilities (%, means ± standard deviations, n = 5) of metals in garden soil,

indoor dust, and diet samples.

with exposure source: the percentages for Cu and Sb were 63% and 13%
for soil, 56% and 11% for dust, and 19% and 90% for diet, respectively
(Fig. 1).
The bioaccessibility of a metal generally depends mainly on its
chemical and physical state (e.g., pH, particle size, chemical speciation,
and organic carbon content) in the environmental source (Ibanez
et al., 2010; Luo et al., 2012). The bioaccessibilities of the metals in the
present study decreased in the order Cd (100%) N Cu (58%) N Pb (56%)
N Zn (48%) N Mn (34%) N Sb (12%) for garden soil and in the order Pb
(78%) N Cd (71%) N Zn (57%) N Cu (51%) N Mn (37%) N Sb (10%) for
floor dust (Fig. 1). The order for soil was nearly the same as the order re-
Fig. 2. Median contribution rates (%, n = 5) of exposure sources to daily intakes of Cd, Cu,
ported for Chinese urban soil: Cd (92%) N Cu (53%) N Pb (48%) N Mn Mn, Pb, Sb, and Zn: (A) metal contents and (B) bioaccessible metal concentrations.
(45%) N Zn (39%) (determined by the same SBET extractant; Luo et al.,
2012). However, our results were not consistent with those of Pascaud
et al. (2014), who reported the following bioaccessibilities for metals in waste-derived fragments (b250 μm), depending on the material and
in soccer field topsoils and mine tailings collected in France in the area the additive composition of the metals. Because Sb has a low abundance
of an abandoned mine: Pb (7–41%) N Zn (2–29%) N As (2–11%) N Sb in the earth's crust, almost all the Sb present in the soil is of anthropo-
(bLOD). In addition, Wang et al. (2016) reported the following order genic origin. Plastic materials derived from e-waste contain Sb in the
for bioaccessibilities of metals in urban park dust from China: Pb form of antimony trioxide, which is used as a flame retardant auxiliary
(36–83%) N Cd (30–95%) N Zn (32–79%) N Mn (32–81%) N Cu (De Boeck et al., 2003). Antimony trioxide in plastic materials is
(18–66%). The results of Wang et al. indicate that the bioaccessibilities known less water soluble (Onwudili and Williams, 2009). Consequent-
of Pb and Cd in dust tend to be high, which is consistent with our results. ly, it suggested that the bioaccessibility of Sb in soil or dust was low.
Taken together, all of these results suggest that metal bioaccessibilities The contributions of metal exposure via inhalation to daily metal in-
in soil and dust are highly variable among different sites and contami- take were negligible (Fig. 2), as indicated by calculations using IAEA ref-
nant sources. erence inhalation rates.
The bioaccessibilities of metals in diet samples are affected by the
sample matrix and by cooking (Moreda-Piñeiro et al., 2011). In our 3.5. Estimated noncancer risk
study, the median bioaccessibilities of metals in the diet samples de-
creased in the order Cd (100%) N Pb (99%) N Sb (83%) N Zn (24%) Our results show that health risks must be estimated on the basis of
N Mn (21%) N Cu (19%), which differs from the order for bioaccessible the bioaccessible metal concentrations rather than the metal contents in
fractions in shellfish (clams, mussels, scallops, etc.; Cu (70%) N Zn environmental exposure sources. Therefore, it was calculated HQs of the
(65%) N Cd (54%) N Pb (33%); Amiard et al., 2008). These results clearly measured bioaccessible metal concentrations to assess noncancer risk
indicate that bioaccessibility depends on the diet matrix. in the e-waste processing area. The calculated maximum HQs for all
Fig. 2 shows the contribution rate of each exposure source to the subjects were b0.1 for Cu; between 0.1 and 0.5 for Cd, Mn, and Sb;
daily intakes of Cd, Cu, Mn, Pb, Sb, and Zn. When daily metal intakes and between 0.5 and 1 for Zn (Table 4). These HQ estimates suggest
were estimated from metal content (panel A), soil and dust were the that adverse health effects due to these metals are unlikely.
main exposure sources for Pb and Sb, and diet was the main source Assessing the risk due to Pb poses some problems. In 2011, the JECFA
for Cd, Cu, Mn, and Zn. When daily intakes were estimated on the reported that the previously established PTWI for Pb (25 μg/kg/week for
basis of bioaccessible metal concentrations, soil and dust were the all age groups) is associated with decreased IQ in children and increased
main exposure sources only for Pb (panel B). Note in particular that blood pressure in adults; therefore, the committee withdrew the PTWI
soil and dust were the main exposure sources for Sb when intake was but did not establish a new one (JECFA, 2011). Moreover, the threshold
based on metal content but not when it was based on bioaccessible for the health effects of Pb remains unclear (JECFA, 2011); health effects
metal concentration. The reason for this result is that the may occur at Pb doses lower than 25 μg/kg/week, and a lower PTWI may
bioaccessibilities of Sb in soil and dust were low, 13% and 11%, respec- be set in the future. However, the Pb contents that the present study
tively (Fig. 1). Metals adsorbed on mineral particles or retained by ion was measured in soil and dust in this study exceeded the corresponding
exchange reactions are known to be very soluble (Fedotov et al., environmental standards in Vietnam (Table 1), an indication that Pb
2012). In contrast, metals in soil particles are less soluble, as are metals contamination levels in the e-waste processing area may pose some

Please cite this article as: Oguri, T., et al., Exposure assessment of heavy metals in an e-waste processing area in northern Vietnam, Sci Total En-
viron (2017),
T. Oguri et al. / Science of the Total Environment xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 7

Table 4 measured metals. In the future, the present risk estimate should update
Daily intakes of bioaccessible metals and estimated hazard quotients (HQs). to reflect the latest scientific findings.
Element Intake Intake TDI HQ Most of the previous studies considered metal exposure only via soil
(μg/day) (μg/kg/day) (μg/kg/day)
and dust or food ingestion, and in many studies, the bioaccessibility of
the surveyed metals was not considered. In contrast, because the pres-
ent study was considered for bioaccessibility, our study provides valu-
Median 3.9 0.0676 1a 0.07
Range (2.9–9.9) (0.051–0.20) (0.05–0.2) able information that can be expected to be useful for estimating the
health risks to adult residents as a result of heavy metal exposure due
to e-waste processing activities in Bui Dau.
Median 330 5.9 500b 0.01
Range (230–2600) (3.2–44) (0.01–0.09) To the best of our knowledge, the present study is the only study to
assess human health risks on the basis of bioaccessible metal exposure
from multiple environmental sources in a non-intensive e-waste
Median 1800 31 140c 0.2
Range (1000–2400) (19–41) (0.1–0.3) recycling area. Since 2016, the collection, recovery, processing, and dis-
posal of waste products have been regulated in Vietnam, and a take-
back system was instituted in that same year (Yoshida et al., 2016). Ad-
Median 56 0.92
Range (21−130) (0.34–2.3) ditional studies of e-waste recycling activities in Vietnam, where e-
waste is a growing problem, are needed so that similar Pb and other
contaminants exposure scenarios can be prevented.
Median 0.78 0.015 0.4d 0.04
Range (0.54–4.4) (0.0088–0.076) (0.02–0.2) Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
Median 3800 67 300e 0.2
Range (3100–8100) (46–170) (0.2–0.5) Abbreviations
JECFA (2006).
JECFA (1982). BMI body mass index
U.S. EPA (1995). HQ hazard quotient
U.S. EPA (1987).
U.S. EPA (2005).
IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency
ICP-AES inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy
ICP-MS inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
health risks to area residents. Therefore, despite the lack of a PTWI de-
JECFA Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives
fined by an international risk assessment authority, it was calculated
LOD limit of detection
HQs for Pb by using the previously established PTWI (JECFA, 2011).
PTWI provisional tolerable weekly intake
The calculated HQs for four of the subjects were b 0.5, and the value
SBET simple bioaccessibility extraction test
for the fifth subject was 0.6 (data not shown in Table 4). These results
TDI tolerable daily intake
that Pb exposure of the subjects were lower than the former PTWI,
did not conduce whether immediate risk management is necessary or
not. Pb has significant adverse effects on the neurobehavioral develop-
ment of children even at low levels (CDC, 2012), and a new, lower Acknowledgments
PTWI for Pb may be established in the coming years. Therefore, the ex-
posure to Pb via e-waste processing will continue to be an issue requir- This study was partly supported by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Re-
ing attention. search (A) (No. 16H01784) from Japan Society for the Promotion of Sci-
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Please cite this article as: Oguri, T., et al., Exposure assessment of heavy metals in an e-waste processing area in northern Vietnam, Sci Total En-
viron (2017),

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