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Alpha & Omega School

Social Science Grade 6

Formal Assessment Term 2
02 May 2023 Total: 40
Geography 1 hour
Moderator: Mrs C. Bender Examiner: Miss P Moloi

Name & Surname: _________________________________________

 Write with a blue.
 Ensure that you write your name, surname.
 Answer all the questions on the answer sheet.
 Write neatly.


Question 1:
State whether the following statements are true or false. If false, write the
correct statement. [5]

1.1. Trade is the act of exchanging, buying and selling something. (1)
1.2. To import is to give something and get something in return. (2)
1.3. To export is when goods are sent to another country to sell. (1)

1.4. Manufacturing is to make things in large quantities. (1)

Question 2:
Complete the sentences [10]

2.1. Goods that are used for trading can be divided into ___________ (1)
2.2. ________________________________ are called primary products and
________________________________ are called secondary products. (2)
2.3. Raw materials come from ___________________ and ________________,
__________________, ____________________ and fisheries. (4)
2.4. Manufacturing helps the country to ________________. (1)
2.5. Besides trading goods ____________and _______________ can also be
traded. (2)
2.6. The steps on how to make chocolate have not been arranged
properly. Go through them then arrange them in the correct manner.
Write the letters. [10]

1.______ 2. ______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______

6.______ 7.______ 8._______ 9.______ 10._____
Question 3:
Define the following words [5]
3.1. Raw materials
____________________________________________________________ (2)
3.2. Manufactured materials
____________________________________________________________ (2)
3.3. Infrastructure
____________________________________________________________ (1)

Question 4
4.1 Long question [10]
4.1.1. Discuss what happens when trade is unfair?
4.1.1. Discuss what happens when trade is fair?

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