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Section A: Comprehension (15 marks)

Read the story carefully, as many times as you think you need to, so that
you can answer the questions correctly.
Question 1:

1.1. What is the title of the story?

____________________________________________________________________ (1)

1.2. Who is the main character in the story?

____________________________________________________________________ (1)

1.3. Where does the story take place?

____________________________________________________________________ (1)

1.4. What were the rules their teacher gave them for the trip?
____________________________________________________________________ (1)
1.5. Name the three things Gabe is excited about?
____________________________________________________________________ (3)

1.6. How many tanks did they visit? Describe them

____________________________________________________________________ (2)

1.7. What types of fish were in the first tank?

____________________________________________________________________ (1)

1.8. List the colours of fish in the first tank?

____________________________________________________________________ (1)

1.9. What animals were in the second tank?

____________________________________________________________________ (1)

1.10. Who dared Gabe to grab one of the crabs?

____________________________________________________________________ (1)

1.11. What lesson do you learn from the story? Underline the correct answer.

a) Fish are greatly fun creatures.

b) If something doesn’t feel right to you, don’t do it.
c) When they are outside, kids are more excited about eating food
than seeing things.
1.12. Place the following events in order (2)
Some kids tapped on the glass

Some kids ran between the tanks

It had brightly coloured, tropical fish.

Gabe loved these large water animals

Total = 15 marks
Section B: Visual Text (5 marks)
Use the Advertisement to answer the question

Questions 2:

2.1. What is the advertisement about?

_____________________________________________________________________ (1)

2.2. How much is the entry fee?

_____________________________________________________________________ (1)

2.3. Which animals can you see on that day?

_____________________________________________________________________ (1)

2.4. Which date is this special valid for?

_____________________________________________________________________ (1)

2.5. What does T&C’s mean?

____________________________________________________________________ (1)
Total = 5 marks
Section C: Summary (5 marks)
Questions 3:

Read the comprehension Ä trip to the aquarium “again then write a

summary. Use the key questions to help you.
Section D: Language in Context (15 marks)
Questions 4:

“Gabe looked at the crabs swimming peacefully”

1. From the sentence above, write down: (2)

A Proper noun
A Common noun

2. Underline the verbs in the sentence below. (2)

“Kevin laughed and walked away.”

3. Circle the adverb in the following sentence (1)

“Gabe listened carefully as his teacher gave them rules for the trip”

4. Write two compound words from the sentence below (2)

“It was full of small horseshoe crabs that all his classmates could pet”.

5. Give the antonym (opposite) of the following word: (1)
Love: ______________
Happy: _____________

6. Rewrite the following sentence in the present tense: (1)

Gabe had a great trip to the aquarium.

7. Rewrite the following sentence in the future tense: (1)

Gabe had a great trip to the aquarium.
8. Rewrite the following sentence using the correct punctuation. (1)
kevin shrugged his shoulders “its not Against the rules”.

9. Identify the root , suffix and prefix in each of the following words (2)
unhappy: un - prefix happy - root

Word Prefix Or Suffix Root



10. Correct the spelling of the following word: (2)

Difforent: _______________________________

Total = 15 marks

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