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Journal of Applied Psychology Copyright 1982 by the American Psychological Association, Inc.

1982, Vol. 67, No. 1,53-59 0021 -9010/82/6701 -0053S00.7S

Causes of Employee Turnover: A Test of the

Mobley, Griffeth, Hand, and Meglino Model

Charles E. Michaels Paul E. Spector

Hillsborough Community Mental Health Florida Mental Health Institute
Center, Tampa, Florida University of South Florida

This study was a test of the Mobley, Griffeth, Hand, and Meglino turnover
model. Data from employees of a mental health facility were collected on several
variables contained in the model, including perceived job characteristics, personal
employee characteristics, job satisfaction, perceived alternative employment op-
portunities, intention of quitting the job, and turnover. Two variables were added
to those in the model—confirmation of preemployment expectancies and orga-
nizational commitment. The results of path analyses were consistent with the
model, although with some modifications. Specifically, perceived alternative em-
ployment opportunities added nothing to the model as a direct cause of intention
to quit or turnover, or as a moderator.

Turnover, or employee withdrawal, is a Mobley and his colleagues presented a

variable often included in organizational re- simplified, earlier version of the turnover
search. Perhaps its ease of collection has model, which they attempted to verify em-
contributed to its widespread popularity as pirically. This partial model hypothesized
an objective, behavioral measure in a re- the following linkages: Age and tenure would
search domain often short of objective mea- lead to both job satisfaction and perceived
sures. Considering the number of studies in- alternative job opportunities; job satisfaction
cluding turnover as a variable, it is surprising would lead to thinking about quitting, which
to note how little systematic knowledge is together with perceived alternatives, would
available about its causes or antecedents. lead to intention to search, which would lead
Although they were not the first to do so, to intention of quitting, which would lead to
Mobley, Griffeth, Hand, and Meglino (1979) turnover. Mobley, Horner, and Holling-
pointed out that most of the turnover find- sworth (1978) did collect some supporting
ings represent a series of well-established data for the majority of these linkages. Using
correlations with other variables. At least a multiple regression procedure analogous
three comprehensive surveys in the past de- to path analysis, they showed that the major
cade (Mobley et al, 1979; Porter & Steers, linkages did in fact exist. However, the per-
1973; Price, 1977) have summarized these ceived alternatives variable seemed to add
findings. Mobley et al. (1979) attempted to little to prediction of turnover above the
place them into a model tracing a chain of other variables.
causes, or at least antecedents, of turnover. Miller, Katerberg, and Hulin (1979) rep-
Although there is considerable support for licated the Mobley et al. (1978) study with
relationships between many of the variables a different type of sample, National Guards-
in this model (see Mobley et al., 1979), few men. Their results were quite similar to those
studies have investigated multivariate rela- of Mobley et al., although they did find some
tionships, an essential step in the model's support for the perceived alternatives vari-
validation (Mobley et al., 1979, p. 520). able in one of their two samples, The con-
There have been at least two exceptions that tribution of this variable to the model, how-
can be considered partial tests. ever, was weak at best. Furthermore, their
Requests for reprints should be sent to Paul E. Spec-
choice of sample, National Guardsmen,
tor, Florida Mental Health Institute, 13301 North 30th causes some concern for generalizability.
Street, Tampa, Florida 33612. In summary these two studies provided

support for the hypothesis that turnover is ents of job satisfaction, several organiza-
preceded by intentions of quitting, which are tional and individual characteristics were
preceded by satisfaction. The role of age and chosen that have been shown to be related
tenure was less clear, and in fact with both to satisfaction. On the organizational side
samples, it was more strongly related to in- were task characteristics, as measured by the
tentions of quitting than to job satisfaction. Job Diagnostic Survey (JDS), and consid-
Finally, the contribution of perceived alter- eration behavior by the supervisor. Individ-
natives was equivocal. It seemed to contrib- ual characteristics included age, tenure, sal-
ute to the model's prediction of turnover in ary, and job level.
only one of three samples and then only to Two additional variables omitted from the
a modest degree. Mobley et al. (1979) model were included
Both of the aforementioned studies treated because they show promise as potential con-
perceived alternatives as a direct precursor tributors to the turnover process. Confirmed
of intentions of quitting, rather than as a preemployment expectancies have been sug-
moderator of the relationship between these gested as a causal factor in turnover (Scott,
intentions and actual quitting. Although 1972; Wanous, 1973). That is, when an em-
they did not test for this relationship, Mob- ployee discovers that a job is not what he or
ley et al. (1978) mentioned the evidence for she believed it would be, turnover is a likely
a moderator effect supplied by Dansereau, outcome. Consequently a retrospective con-
Cashman, and Graen (1974). In this study firmed expectancy variable was included as
correlations were calculated between job sat- a possible precursor of job satisfaction.
isfaction and turnover for a sample of sub- Organizational commitment was the sec-
jects trichotomized on perceived alternative ond variable added to the model. Commit-
employment opportunities. Although they ment to the organization was discussed by
found a stronger correlation for the high Mobley et al. (1979) as potentially valuable
group than for the low group (/• = .27 vs. in explaining turnover. In fact Mowday,
—.08), which was claimed as support, these Steers, and Porter (1979) suggested that
correlations do not differ significantly when organizational commitment might do better
compared with z statistics. Thus Dansereau at predicting turnover than job satisfaction,
et al. (1974) provided weak evidence at best although they did admit the evidence for
for a moderator role of perceived alternative superiority was equivocal. For the current
employment. study it was decided to include commitment
in addition to job satisfaction to determine
The Current Study whether it contributed to the model above
and beyond job satisfaction.
A thorough test of all components of the It was hypothesized that 12 variables
Mobley et al. (1979) model would undoubt- would be related in such a way as to be con-
edly be beyond the scope of any single study. sistent with the Mobley et al. (1979) model.
Hence for this study it was decided to limit That is, individual factors (salary, organi-
the number of included variables to a man- zational level, age, tenure, and confirmed
ageable subset. Thus this investigation in- expectancies) and organizational factors
volved a sample of the several dozen vari- (perceived job or task characteristics and
ables specifically outlined in the model. perceived consideration behavior by the su-
Turnover was included as the final predicted pervisor) would lead to job satisfaction and
product of all other variables. Immediately organizational commitment, which in con-
preceding turnover in the model is intentions cert with perceived alternative employment
of quitting the job, a variable also included. opportunities, would lead to intention of
The model postulated three major anteced- quitting, which would lead to turnover.
ents of intentions, and two of these were cho-
sen—job satisfaction and perceived alter- Method
native employment opportunities. The latter
variable was considered less important to the Subjects
present study, due to the mostly negative Subjects were 112 permanent employees of a com-
results with it in the literature. As anteced- munity mental health center in an urban area of the

southeastern United States. Questionnaires were dis- was included asking the respondent to indicate his or
tributed to all 180 employees, of whom 124 (69%) re- her perception of how easy it would be to find acceptable
turned them. Twelve were returned without the partial alternative employment. The distribution of actual
Social Security numbers by which turnover was matched, scores covered the entire 1-6 range, with a mean of 2.9
so they were eliminated from the analyses. and a standard deviation of 1.4.
Intention of quitting. Three questions were included
asking about intentions to quit the job. They asked how
Instruments often the respondents seriously considered quitting the
job, whether they wanted to quit, and whether they were
An extensive battery of instruments was chosen in- actually planning to quit. A single score was derived by
cluding several existing scales and several items written combining the three.
specifically for the study. The instruments were placed
into questionnaire packets suitable for distribution
through interoffice mail. Specific measures included the Procedure
Survey packets were distributed to employees through
Job Diagnostic Survey. Hackman and Oldham's interoffice mail. 2 Each packet contained the instruments
(Note 1) JDS was chosen as a measure of perceived job described above, instructions, and a cover letter from
characteristics. The first 21 items of the survey were
the agency director asking for cooperation in an "or-
included to yield measures of skill variety, task identity, ganizational self-study." The study was presented as an
task significance, autonomy, feedback from the job, administrative function, which it was in part, rather than
feedback from agents, and dealing with others, and a
a research project. Respondents were asked, to return
total motivation potential score (MPS) was derived from completed surveys through interoffice mail.
the first five subscales. It was felt that these job char- To track employees for determination of turnover, the
acteristics would be related to job satisfaction as found questionnaire asked for the last four digits of the re-
by Hackman and Oldham (Note 1), among others. They spondent's Social Security number. Six months after the
were also predicted to be an antecedent of commitment. survey, the personnel department supplied to the re-
For the path analysis the overall MPS was used. The
searchers the last four digits of all individuals who re-
reliabilities (coefficient alpha) of its components ranged signed within the period of interest. These were matched
from .69 to .79 in the current sample. to the questionnaires, and a turnover variable was
Leadership consideration. The Consideration sub- created.
scale of the Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire
(LBDQ; Stogdill, 1963) was chosen as another measure
of organizational characteristics. This scale consists of Analysis
10 descriptive statements concerning consideration by
the supervisor of subordinate feelings, problems, and The data analysis proceeded in two steps: zero-order
input for decisions, as assessed by the subordinate. In- correlations and path analysis. The zero-order correla-
ternal consistency reliability (coefficient alpha) for this tions indicated the strength of relationship among the
scale was .87. various components of the model, verifying that linkages
Personal characteristics. Five questions were in- of some sort existed. The path analysis is essentially a
cluded asking about individual characteristics. These several step multiple regression procedure in which each
were age, job tenure, annual salary, and job level (su- variable is regressed against all those assumed to pre-
pervisor vs. nonsupervisor). An additional question cede it in the model to be tested. Though it provides
asked whether or not the job was "what you expected evidence that can support a hypothesized causal model,
when you agreed to take it." one must be cautious in interpreting such analyses, es-
Job satisfaction. Job satisfaction was measured with pecially with correlated terms in the model that can
the Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS), a nine-facet instru- contribute to instabilities in path coefficients (Asher,
ment developed by the current authors. 1 This scale has 1976, p. 48).
36 items in a six-choice agree/disagree format, resulting
in nine subscale scores and a total satisfaction score.
Subscales include satisfaction with pay, promotion, su- Results
pervision, benefits, general rewards and appreciation,
co-workers, work load and conditions, intrinsic nature Six months after completion of the ques-
of the job, and communication. For the path analysis tionnaires, a list of all turnovers was pro-
the total satisfaction score was chosen, which had an vided by the personnel department. It was
internal consistency reliability of .89 in the present
sample. found that 54 employees had terminated,
Organizational commitment. Commitment to the representing 30% of the total staff. Of these,
organization was assessed with Mowday et al.'s_(1979) 17 (31%) had partial Social Security num-
Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ).
This scale has been used by these authors in the pre- 1
diction of turnover (Mowday et al., 1979) and, as dis- Details about the Job Satisfaction Survey are avail-
cussed previously, may be a better predictor of turnover able from the authors.
than job satisfaction. It was included to test this pos- Questionnaires were prepared in two versions to de-
sibility. The internal consistency reliability for the cur- termine possible contaminating effects of instrument
rent sample was .90. order. These results, indicating no effect of order, are
Perceived alternative employment. A single question described elsewhere (Spector & Michaels, Note 2).

bers matching returned surveys, a percent-

age smaller than for nonquitters (75%). E
Thus quitters were somewhat underrepre-
sented relative to nonquitters, a phenomenon
also reported by Wanous, Stumpf, and Be-
drosian (1979).

Zero-Order Correlations
Table 1 indicates the zero-order correla-
tions between the variables of interest in this
study. All 12 variables in the table were a
those used in subsequent path analysis.
Perhaps the most important question an-
swered by the correlations concerns whether
turnover itself was related to any of the vari-
ables in this study, especially intention of •a
quitting. As can be seen in the table, turn-
over and intention were correlated (r = .41).
Turnover was also correlated significantly,
although modestly, with organizational com-
mitment and with total job satisfaction. In-
tention of quitting was correlated rather
strongly with both commitment and satis- r- en >—( (N oo ^ co
oo r-i tN o —• o —<
faction (r = .61 and .68, respectively) as well
as with several other variables, although to
a smaller degree. Total JSS and OCQ were
intercorrelated (/• = .67) and showed the w
same general pattern of relationships with
other variables, although JSS consistently o
had higher correlations. In summary, for the I
most part there were significant correlations
between most of the adjacent variables in
the Mobley et al. (1979) model. The excep-
tions were that salary, organizational level, CO
and tenure were unrelated to turnover, in-
tention, or anything else. OO'-OOOOOO

Path Analysis
* * * * * *

A path analysis was conducted to test the r 'r

hypothesized model using the multiple
regression routine in the Statistical Package
for the Social Sciences (SPSS; Nie, Hull, * * # *

Jenkins, Steinbrenner, & Bent, 1975). The

analysis was a series of multiple regressions
of each variable in the model, regressed on
all preceding variables. The beta weights
represent the path coefficients and indicate

the relative strength of relationship between

all variables in the analysis.
< .05.

In the first stage of the analysis, all 12 _u £

variables illustrated in Figure 1 were en- X> .to

tered. The figure has indicated only those


paths with statistically significant beta Mobley et al. (1979) model of employee
weights or path coefficients. As can be seen turnover. In addition to the factors described
there were no significant direct paths not specifically in the model, two variables
hypothesized by the model. However, the were added—organizational commitment
variables tenure, salary, organizational level, and confirmed preemployment expectancies.
and perceived alternative employment had Overall these results were supportive of the
nonsignificant path coefficients. model, although they suggest some modifi-
Since perceived alternative employment cations.
was found not to be a direct antecedent of The path analysis was consistent with the
intention and was not directly related to conception that organizational and individ-
turnover, a further analysis was conducted ual factors, including confirmed expectan-
to determine whether it might moderate the cies, lead to job satisfaction and organiza-
relationship between job satisfaction and in- tional commitment (except for confirmed
tention or turnover, or between intention and expectancies), which in turn lead to inten-
turnover. To accomplish this interaction, tions of quitting, which lead to turnover.
terms calculated as the product of intention More specifically, it was age, perceived task
with perceived alternative employment and characteristics (measured by the JDS), and
total JSS with perceived alternative employ- perceived consideration by the supervisor
ment were added to the analysis. The path that led to total satisfaction and commit-
analysis was repeated two times, including ment (confirmed expectancies also led to sat-
one of the two product terms as an anteced- isfaction). Tenure, salary, and organiza-
ent of turnover or intention. Neither product tional level were not related to the other
term had a significant path coefficient. variables of interest in this study, although
A final path analysis was conducted elim- tenure and salary have been found in other
inating or trimming the nonsignificant vari- studies to be related to turnover (Mobley et
ables. The path coefficients from these anal- al,, 1979) and level has been related to job
yses are those shown in Figure 1. This final satisfaction (Porter & Lawler, 1965). Per-
model, including only the seven significant ceived alternative,employment opportunities
predictors, accounted for 19% (R - .44) of could not be confirmed as a significant factor
the variance in turnover. in the turnover process.
The lack of contribution to the model by
Discussion the perceived alternative employment op-
The major purpose of this study was to portunity variable may help clarify the
test at least the major features of the equivocal results of past research. The pres-

Expectation! Perceived
\ Alternative
Perceived Job
Characteristics I
(Overall Motivation Job I
Satisfaction I
Potential from JDS) T
(JSS Total) .42
(LMX3 Conikiwatlon ) .24/ ^ .31
.24 ^x
(OCQ Total)

Salary Level
Job Level

Figure 1. Path analysis of the Mobley et al. (1979) model. (LBDQ =-Leader Behavior Description
Questionnaire; JDS = Job Diagnostic Survey; JSS = Job Satisfaction Survey; OCQ = Organizational
Commitment Questionnaire.)

ent study investigated this variable as both present measure was global, retrospective,
a direct precursor of intention to quit and and only a single item, it would seem worth-
as a moderator of both intention to quit and while for future researchers to investigate
satisfaction. It clearly made no contribution this variable more thoroughly. It is further
to the model in the current study. These re- suggested that Mobley and his colleagues
sults are consistent with Mobley et al. consider adding it to their model.
(1978), one sample of Miller et al. (1979), One must certainly be cautious in drawing
and the current reinterpretation of Danser- causal conclusions from these data. Al-
eau et al. (1974), using perceived alterna- though they certainly support the model,
tives as a moderator. they do not establish causal linkages. Con-
Now the results of four studies cast doubt sideration by the supervisor may lead to sat-
as to the role of perceived alternative em- isfaction, which may lead to intention, which
ployment in the turnover process. There is may lead to turnover, but manipulating con-
little doubt that labor market conditions af- sideration at the beginning of the chain may
fect turnover, but it may be more of a direct not affect turnover at the end, even though
effect than hypothesized by the model. That satisfaction and intention might change. In
is, rather than labor market acting directly fact consideration was correlated (/• = .81)
through a psychological process as hypoth- with supervisor satisfaction, but supervisor
esized, it may act directly on the behavior satisfaction was only modestly related to in-
itself. If a person intends to quit a job, he tention and was unrelated to turnover. Fur-
or she most likely would quit when another thermore, the interpretation of beta weights
job became available. Availability, then, with correlated predictors must be viewed
controls the behavior in concert with inten- with caution, as variable dependencies can
tion, but not through intention. A person lead to instability of the coefficients (Asher,
might well intend to quit as soon as another 1976, p. 48), However, the high degree of
job has been offered, rather than when he consistency between the present findings and
or she believed one could be found. Ob- the preexisting model upon which the cur-
viously when the job market is good, oppor- rent study was based lends credence to these
tunities to find alternative employment are results, which do suggest a possible causal
plentiful and turnover is more likely. chain from individual and organizational
Organizational commitment was omitted factors, through job satisfaction and com-
from the Mobley et al. (1979) model, al- mitment, through intention, and finally, to
though they did discuss it at length. It turnover. However, this chain fails to ac-
seemed to add predictability of intentions of count for a large amount of the variance in
quitting above that of total satisfaction turnover. Labor market conditions certainly
alone. As noted by Mobley et al. (1979, p. have a large influence through their impact
508) and Porter, Steers, Mowday, and Bou- on opportunities to acquire alternative em-
lian (1974, p. 604), however, there is overlap ployment. It may be that intention leads to
between the commitment and intention con- search behavior, which leads to turnover
structs. In fact 4 of the 15 items of the OCQ when alternatives are available. Future re-
involve the idea of leaving or changing jobs. searchers might do well to concentrate on
Nevertheless in the present study commit- this opportunity variable as a possible mod-
ment did not do quite as well as total sat- erator of the relationship between intention
isfaction in predicting intention or turnover, and turnover as well as on features of the
although the differences were slight and cer- Mobley et al. (1979) model untested in this
tainly nonsignificant statistically. or other studies.
The confirmed expectancy variable, which
has been suggested as a cause of turnover Reference Notes
(Dunnette, Arvey, & Banas, 1973; Porter
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