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STUDENT ID: 4420190083

Data Visualization
Report for
Global Website Data Analysis
Global Websites Data Visualization
Now a days we are living in a Big Data era. We have so much data now and if we want to find a
specific data from a datasets, it’s very hard to find it, almost impossible. But if we visualize this
data then we can easily find our specific data and we can understand our data structure very
easily. Google, Facebook, Instagram, twitter these are big website are now into every aspects of
our life. But what if we want to know which website give us more privacy or child safety then
we need to use data visualization tools.
Data visualization is the graphical representation of information and data. Data Visualization
tools make it easy to examine and comprehend trends, outliers, and patterns in data by
employing visual elements like charts, graphs, and maps. Colors and patterns attract our
attention. We can easily distinguish between red and green, and a Pie Chart from a Bar Chart. In
this project I have used a Global Website Datasets which is given from my respected teacher
Mr. Wang. This project provides a global hot website data set, which includes data from the
top 50 websites in 191 countries around the world. Each website's data covers 31 dimensions.
Aim is to make a global hot website data visualization work.

Types of data visualization:

 Charts
 Tables
 Graphs
 Maps
 Infographics
 Dashboards

Visualization Tools and Technique

I used python for preprocessing the data. Now Python is the most popular language in data
science. It is a very good and easy language for preprocessing data.
For visualization this data I used Tableau public software. It is a free visualization tool and easy
to use. Tableau public is very good tool to visualize complex data in an interactive and attractive
Informational Insights from Data Visualization
1. The world top 10 most popular websites and their Rank in Different Countries.

2. World most Average Daily page views website is in different countries.

3. Most average daily Visitors website in each country.

4. Top Website with Most Daily Page Views in each country.

5. Comparing Social media sites Facebook likes, Google pluses, Pinterest pins, Twitter mentions
for top 10 website. We can select Country wise.
6. From this website we can know most Stumbleupon views based on location.
7. From this picture we can know most Facebook likes based on location.

8. Top 20 Country those have highest amount of Website.

9. Privacy, Trustworthy and Child safety analysis for each of website in each country.

10. Most popular Website Ranking showing in different countries based on country rank.

11. Most visited adult website all over the world based on Average Daily Visitor.

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