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Activity 3 (UNIT 4)
Personal Reasons
 Have headache
 Have fever
 Have flu
 Have stomache
 meet the dentist because of my decay tooth
 Pick my parents up in the airport/ railway station
 Pick my child up at his/her school
 Meet my girlfriend’s parents

Situation 1: Asking for leaving work early
Student A: You are a Trainee practicing at Vinfast. You need to leave work early at 2 p.m.
for some personal reasons. Discuss with your manager to find a solution.
Student B: You are a manager at Vinfast. A trainee will come to ask for leaving work early.
However, there will be an important meeting later at 3 p.m. about the launch of a new
product. Discuss with her/him to find a solution.
Suggested answer: Situation 1
Student A: Good morning/afternoon, sir/ madam!
Student B: Good morning/afternoon! Everything’s ok?
Student A: Actually, (đưa ra 1 lý do). Will it be ok if/ Can / Could/ I leave a little early
Student B: It’s already (đưa ra 1 giờ nào đó) now. What time do you want to leave?
Student A: I'm just going to wrap up and leave pretty soon. Probably at (giờ- đọc yêu cầu
trên đề để lấy giờ mà đề yêu cầu).
Student B: I wish I could but (lấy lý do cho sẵn trong đề).
Student A: Would it be okay if I asked (1 người nào đó sẽ giúp mình làm việc) to cover my
Student B: I don't see why not. (Get some rest now --- nói thêm nếu lý do là bị ốm.)
Student A: Thank you. Just in case something happens, you can call me anytime.
Student B: Ok. I’ll see you tomorrow.
Situation 2: Asking for a day off
Student A: You are an engineer working at Foxconn Group. You need to have a day off for
some personal reasons. Discuss with your manager to find a solution.
Student B: You are a manager at Foxconn Group. An engineer will come to ask for a day
off. However, there will be an important meeting with clients on that day about the design
project. Discuss with her/him to find a solution.
Suggested answer: Situation 2
Student A: Good morning, sir!
Student B: Good morning! Everything’s ok?
Student A: Actually, (Tomorrow) I am having/ I am going to have a meeting with my
girlfriend’s parents (đưa ra 1 lý do). Will it be ok if I have a day off?
Student B: Which day do you want to be off?
Student A:………..
Student B: I’d really love to help you but (lấy lý do cho sẵn trong đề).
Student A: Would it be okay if I asked (1 người nào đó sẽ giúp mình làm việc) to cover my
Student B: I don't see why not. (Get some rest now.)
Student A: Thank you. Just in case something happens, you can call me anytime.
Student B: Ok. I’ll see you later.

Situation 3: Asking for advance payment

Student A: You are an engineer participating in a project of designing CNC components.
You need a lot of new equipment for the job but you do not have enough money. Ask your
Senior Engineer for an advance payment of $400.
Student B: You are a Senior Engineer in charge of a group of Engineer and Graduate
Engineer who are currently working on a project of designing CNC components. One of the
engineers will come and ask for an advance payment of $400. However, according to the
company policies, you can only give him/her $250 in advance. Discuss with him/her to find
the solution
Suggested answer
Student A: Good morning, sir.
Student B: Good morning. Everything’s ok?
Student A: Yes, sir. Just one small problem. As you know, I’m working on the project of (tên
1 dự án nào đó).
Student B: Yes. What’s the problem?
Student A: Well, (lấy lý do cho sẵn trong đề). Could I receive an advance payment of…..?
Student B: Unfortunately, according to the company’s policy, (lấy lý do cho sẵn trong đề)
Student A: Okay. There is some equipment I can borrow from my friends so it should be ok.
Student B: Alright. Send me a written report of all the equipment you need to buy and its
price via my email before …..(Tuesday.)
Student A: Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.

Activity 3B
Situation 1:
Student A: You are going to ask for a promotion. Use the note you prepared and follow the
chart to make the conversation with your employer.

Working time 2 years
Current position Junior Engineer
Responsibilities /Achievements - Accurately inspect vehicle engine and
mechanical/electrical components to
diagnose issues accurately.
- Successfully supervise and lead other
engineers to design machineries, plan and
develop the project “Environment-friendly
Desired position Team Leader

Student B: An employee is going to ask for a promotion. Look at the company policy and
follow the chart to make the conversation with your employee.
Company policy on promotion
Time in current job Minimum 2 years in the current position in
order to be eligible / make the list for
Job fulfilment An employee has consistently good
performance evaluations
Discussion Discuss the request with Human Resources

Suggested answers
A: Hi, are you free for a quick chat?
B: Sure, come in, come in. Sit down. What can I do for you?
A: Okay. Well, it’s a bit difficult, but … I really feel that it’s about time that I had a
B: Okay and why do you feel like that?
A: Well, (lấy lý do cho sẵn trong đề: Working time, Responsibilities – dùng hiện tại hoàn
thành) --- I have worked as a junior engineer for 2 years. During this time, I have
accurately inspected…… Moreover, I have successfully supervised…….
B: Right. So what position are you thinking about?
A: I was wondering if I could be a Team Leader.
B: Well, according to our company policy, You need to have……(lấy lý do cho sẵn trong
đề phần Time in current job). Besides …..(lấy phần job fulfilment- ). I can’t just give you
a promotion immediately, just like that. I’ll have to discuss it with Human Resources.
A: Thanks sir. Is there anything I need to do?
B: Email me and also copy it to human resources.
Situation 2
Student A: You are going to ask for a pay rise. Use the note you prepared and follow the
chart to make the conversation with your employer.
Working time 3 years
Achievements - Make good progress
- Grow in the job
- Take on more responsibilities.
Kind of rise  - 5% on top of the usual annual rise
Student B: An employee is going to ask for a pay rise. Look at the company policy and
follow the chart to make the conversation with your employee.
Company policy on pay rise
Time in current job Minimum 3 years in the current position in order
to be eligible for consideration
Job fulfilment An employee has consistently good performance
Discussion Discuss the request with other managers

Suggested answer:
A: Hi, are you free for a quick chat?
B: Sure, come in, come in. Sit down. What can I do for you?
A: Okay. Well, it’s a bit difficult, but … I really feel that it’s about time that I had a pay rise
B: Okay and why do you feel like that?
A: Well, I have been here now for …. (working time) and in that time…… (Achievements –
dung hiện tại hoàn thành)
B: Okay, well, what kind of rise would you be looking for?
A: Well, you know, I think that ……( dùng thông tin ở kind of rise - 5% on top of the usual
annual rise isn’t too much to ask.)
B: …. Hmm. Right, well, as you know, (lấy lý do cho sẵn trong đề phần Time in current job
and job fulfilment – dung hiện tại đơn) I can’t just give you a pay rise immediately, just
like that. I’ll have to discuss it with the other managers here.
A: Thanks sir. Is there anything I need to do?
B: Yes, that’d be a good idea. Email me and also copy it to human resources.

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