SD Journal 70113583

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Name: Muhammad Abdul Ahad

Sap: 70113583
Subject: Skill Development
Submitted to: Mam Fozia Ahsan Rao

Introduction Class (14th February)
On the 14 February Mam Fozia gave introduction of skill
development workshop, designed to enhance the abilities of
business students pursuing various career paths. Our instructor
divided the class into three distinct groups based on our career
aspirations: those who intend to pursue an MBA degree after
earning a BBA, those who plan to seek employment opportunities
following graduation, and those who aim to start their own
As an enthusiastic student interested in obtaining an MBA degree,
I joined the first group. Our instructor informed us that the
workshop series would consist of ten sessions aimed at enhancing
our professional skills. Attendance at all ten sessions was highly
recommended, with a minimum of nine being mandatory.
Additionally, the program included a content writing skills test,
an essential component of effective business communication.
The program organizers also welcomed suggestions from
participants regarding additional skills that they would like to
developed, with a commitment to incorporating them into the
program if possible. As a student who is always eager to learn, I
am excited about the opportunity to participate in this workshop
and expand my skill set under the guidance and expertise of our
Introduction and Mental Health
Discussion (21st February)
In the 21st February in class we discussed that how important is
the mental health for students and how we can take care of it. The
importance of mental health for students cannot be overstated.
Student's academic performance and overall well-being are
heavily influenced by their mental health. Students who struggle
with mental health issues may experience difficulties with
motivation, memory, and focus, which can lead to poor academic
performance. Mental health problems can also lead to feelings of
isolation, anxiety, and stress, which can negatively impact a
student's social life and ability to form relationships with their
peers. Furthermore, untreated mental health issues can result in
chronic conditions that may prevent students from living a
healthy and fulfilling life in the long run. Therefore, it is critical
to address mental health issues among students as early as
possible to avoid long-term consequences.
Educational institutions have a significant role to play in
promoting students' mental health by providing mental health
resources, support, and counseling services. Creating a safe,
supportive, and inclusive learning environment is also essential to
students' overall mental well-being. As educators, we have a
responsibility to recognize the importance of mental health and to
provide students with the tools they need to maintain good mental
health. By prioritizing mental health in our schools, we can help
our students succeed academically and lead fulfilling lives.
Write About Yourself, Your
Contribution, What Did You Overcome,
What You Do When You is Sad, What
Makes You Happy.
(28th February)

On February 28th, an introspective class activity was undertaken,

where I wrote about myself, my contributions, how I handled
sadness, and what made me happy. Initially, I struggled with
making decisions due to fear of negative outcomes, which
hindered my personal growth. However, as I began to work on
myself and my personality, I was able to overcome these
struggles. In moments of sadness, I engage in activities that bring
me joy, such as writing. Although I do not always share what I
write, the process of expressing myself through ink on paper is
therapeutic. Similarly, engaging in other creative pursuits can also
be helpful in relaxation and processing.
I have found that helping others during times of distress can also
boost my mood. By shifting the focus away from my own
problems and onto someone else, I am able to gain perspective
and feel a sense of purpose. Implementing a plan and taking
action can also prevent a downward spiral and help shift one's
mindset from being a victim to an advocate or champion.
It is important to communicate with close friends and family and
share what we need from them. Accepting help and listening to
advice can be instrumental in healing. However, if sadness
persists, or if it escalates into depression, it is essential to seek
professional help. Overall, engaging in self-care practices and
seeking support can help individuals cope with difficult emotions
and overcome challenges.

Teamwork and Leadership Video and

Presentation (7th March)
In our class on 7th march, we viewed a video that highlighted the
significance of teamwork and leadership. The video utilized
illustrations of birds, minions, and other examples to convey the
message. The importance of teamwork was emphasized through
the benefits of increased productivity, efficiency, problem-
solving abilities, and motivation and satisfaction of team
members. Leadership was also highlighted as a critical factor in
providing direction, building confidence and trust, and facilitating
However, the video also depicted the consequences of ignoring
the significance of teamwork and leadership. These included a
lack of coordination, poor decision-making, and a lack of
direction. In conclusion, teamwork and leadership are vital
components of any successful organization or group. Neglecting
their importance can lead to various challenges and disadvantages
that hinder the achievement of goals and making a positive
By prioritizing teamwork and leadership, teams can build strong,
cohesive bonds that enable them to achieve great things and make
a difference in the world. After watching the video, we gave
presentations on teamwork and leadership, which helped to
clarify my understanding of these concepts. Through our
discussions and reflections, we can recognize the importance of
teamwork and leadership in achieving success.

CV Writing and Cover Letter

(14th March)

The aim of this session was to equip participants with the

knowledge and skills necessary to write an effective CV and
cover letter. Writing a CV is an integral part of the job search
process and should highlight an individual's educational
background, work experience, skills, and achievements. The first
step to writing an effective CV is to tailor it to the job being
applied for, using keywords from the job description. It is
essential to choose a clear and simple format for the CV,
incorporating headings, bullet points, and short paragraphs to
make it easy to read. A strong personal statement should be
included that briefly highlights an individual's relevant skills and
Reverse chronological order should be used when listing work
experience, starting with the most recent job. For each job,
individuals should include their job title, company name, dates of
employment, and a brief description of their responsibilities and
achievements, focusing on the most relevant experience that
matches the job being applied for. Educational background and
qualifications should also be included, highlighting any relevant
coursework, projects, or extracurricular activities. The CV should
be concise, no longer than two pages, and free of errors.
A cover letter accompanies the CV and is used to introduce an
individual to potential employers. It provides an opportunity to
explain why the individual is interested in the job and why they
are the best candidate for the position. The cover letter should be
addressed to the appropriate person and start with an introduction
of oneself and the position being applied for. The second
paragraph should explain why the individual is the best candidate
for the job, highlighting relevant skills and experience, and
providing specific examples. The third paragraph should express
enthusiasm for the job and the company, demonstrating how the
individual can contribute to their success. The final paragraph
should thank the employer for considering the application and
invite them to contact the individual to schedule an interview. The
cover letter should also be concise, well-structured, and free of
errors. These skills learned in the session are valuable in writing
an effective CV and cover letter.

Public Speaking Video and Story

Telling Video (21st March)
In this session instructor tell us about importance of public
speaking and storytelling to enhance our skills and she played
videos in class related to these topics. In video about public
speaking they tell that Public speaking is an important skill that
can help you communicate effectively with others and advance
your career. To become a good public speaker, there are several
things you can do to improve your skills.First, prepare thoroughly
before you speak. This includes researching your topic,
organizing your thoughts, and practicing your delivery. Make
sure you have a clear understanding of what you want to say and
how you want to say it.Second, focus on your body language and
delivery. This includes making eye contact with your audience,
using gestures to emphasize your points, and using a clear and
confident voice. Speak slowly and clearly, and vary your tone and
pace to keep your audience engaged.Third, connect with your
audience. This means understanding their needs and interests, and
tailoring your message to meet their needs. Use stories and
examples to illustrate your points, and ask questions to engage
your audience and keep them interested.
Fourth, be authentic and passionate about your message. If you
believe in what you're saying, your audience is more likely to
believe in it too. Show enthusiasm and energy, and be passionate
about your message.Fifth, practice, practice, practice. The more
you speak in public, the more comfortable and confident you will
become. Look for opportunities to speak in front of others, such
as at work, in your community, or at public events. Practice your
delivery and refine your message until it becomes second nature
and in story telling they tell that Storytelling is an ancient art that
has been used for centuries to convey messages, entertain, and
educate. To become a good storyteller, there are several things
you can do to improve your skills. First, choose a compelling
story. A good story captures your audience's attention and keeps
them engaged. Look for stories that have a clear beginning,
middle, and end, and that have interesting characters and plot
twists. Second, practice your delivery. This includes using
different voices and inflections for different characters, and using
gestures and facial expressions to convey emotion.
Use pauses and pacing to build tension and keep your audience
interested. Third, make your story relevant to your audience. This
means understanding their interests and needs, and tailoring your
story to meet those needs. Use examples and anecdotes that your
audience can relate to, and make your story relevant to their lives.
Fourth, use vivid language and imagery to paint a picture in your
audience's mind. Use descriptive language to create a vivid and
memorable picture of the characters and settings in your story.
Fifth, be authentic and passionate about your story. If you believe
in what you're saying, your audience is more likely to believe in
it too. Show enthusiasm and energy, and be passionate about your
Story of Non Judgment, Old Farmer
and Horse, Young Worker in Factory
and Story Telling Video.
(28th March)
During the session, two videos were presented that emphasized
the importance of non-judgment. The first video featured an old
farmer and his horse, and the second video showcased a young
worker in a factory who learned the art of storytelling. The video
on the farmer and horse highlighted the fact that nothing in life is
permanent or consistent. The farmer might have been promoted
or gained recognition in his current position, but he recognized
that there was always room for improvement and sought to learn
from his experiences. The video on the young worker in the
factory emphasized the importance of recognizing that nothing in
life is permanent and that one should never jump to conclusions.
The video encouraged viewers to talk less and do more, and to
appreciate the worth of the people who are there for you. The
young worker in the video was always in a hurry and did not listen
properly to the old man who was trying to teach him a valuable
lesson. The video concluded by suggesting that one should find a
balance in life and be reliable. The moral of both videos was that
one should avoid jumping to conclusions and focus on listening
more and talking less.

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