Can We Have Virtual Buying Houses

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Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?


This dissertation could never be completed without the generously rich guidance of many

individuals. In one way or another, they have helped me through preparation and completion of

this research. I am highly indebted to my teacher Dr. Imtiaz Subhani for his great support and

help throughout this study. His supervision and continuous hard work to provide all the

necessary help and information was above par. I pay my thanks and appreciation to several other

people, who helped me according to their abilities, especially Muhammad Furqan, who helped

me a lot to understand and analyze the statistical aspects of the research. At the last, I would like

to thank my family for their unconditional support towards my studies.

Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?2

This particular study has been accomplished with the aim to examine the utility of advance

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the textile Industry. For this purpose, related

articles have been reviewed and the supporting statements have been extracted. Observations

from the field have also been taken by using survey tool. Essential information has been gathered

who are associated with the Textile Industries. After having applying the test, it has been found

that Textile Industries must need a virtual buying house portal for operating its operations

effectively and efficiently. Major factors playing role in order to have a virtual buying houses are

Cost of the services of the brokers, Time lagging, use of mobile applications and web browsers,

bargaining power of the manufacturers and the buyers and to building up the Network of

exporters and importers.

Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?3

Table of Contents

S.NO. Description Page No.

1. Acknowledgements……………………………………………… ii

2. Abstract……………………………………………………………… iii

3. List of Tables………………………………………………………… iv

4. Chapter 1: Introduction…………………………………………. 1


1.2 Problem Statement……………………………………………………..

1.3Background, Objectives and Significance of the Research...…………..

1.4 Outline of the Study …………………………………………………...

1.5Definitions………… …………………………………………………...

5. Chapter 2: Literature Review...................................................... 7

6. Chapter 3: Research Methods……………… 30

3.1 Method of Data Collection ……………………………………………

3.2 Sampling Technique …………………………………………………..

3.3 Sample Size…………………………………………………………….

3.4 Research Model Developed……………………………………………

3.5 Statistical Technique…………………………………………………..

7. Chapter 4: Results........................................................................... 34
Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?4

4.1 Findings and Interpretation of the results..............................................

4.2 Hypothesis Assessment Summary……………………………………

8. Chapter 5: Conclusion, Discussion, Implications and Future Research… 52

5.1Conclusion & discussion........................................................................

5.2 Implications..........................................................................................,,.

5.3 Future Research………………………………………………………..

9. References…………………………………………………………… 55

10. Appendix………………………………………………………………..

List of Tables
Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?5

S. No. Description Page


1. Hypothesis 1 Statistics 35

2. Hypothesis 2 Statistics 36

3. Hypothesis 3 Statistics 37

4. Hypothesis 4 Statistics 38

5. Hypothesis 5 Statistics 39

6. Hypothesis 6 Statistics 40

7. Hypothesis 7 Statistics 41

8. Hypothesis 8 Statistics 42

9. Hypothesis 9 Statistics 43

10 Hypothesis 10 Statistics 44

11. Hypothesis 11 Statistics 45

12. Hypothesis 12 Statistics 46

13. Hypothesis 13 Statistics 47

14. Hypothesis 14 Statistics 48

15. Hypothesis 15 Statistics 49

Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?6

List of Figures

S. No. Description Page


1. Research Model Developed 32

Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?7

Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Overview

The expression "Buying house" characterized as a 'the one who mediates the

purchasing and offering of products with the end goal of making a benefit.' In textile

industry there are distinctive sorts of duties which are intended to perform diverse sorts of

capacities all together at various phases of textile industry. Throughout the times of the

development of promoting as a train in the textile business, there have been many changes

in the profile of the buying house. It has charges from an easy to a substantially more

intricate occupation rising above all capacities in the industry.

The part of buying house is extremely pivotal and demanding in the textile industry. The

advancement of plan, generation execution and sourcing, pitching the product to client and

showing the product at retail shop, these are the elements of buying houses at various level

of industry. The aptitudes necessity of design promoting tuning with current patterns in

market, determining of forthcoming style patterns, specialized parameters like texture and

trim points of interest, piece of clothing quality, choosing the sourcing methodology,

correspondence and coordination alongside concern individuals in the business. Buying

Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?8

house takes plan or outline from manufacture and creates it such that it will be market

possible, generation practical, and takes care of client requests.

The part of buying house merchandiser is marginally not quite the same as creation

merchandiser. Buying house is an operator who works with the purchaser and

maker/exporter to satisfy the commitment of the fare order. Buying house merchandiser

straight forwardly deals with buyer. The capacity of any buying house is to build

connection to their abroad clients. The work done by buying house is relies on size of

buying house, volumes dealt with, administrations gave to purchaser. Prime reason for

merchandiser is to guarantee that conveyance of the request is on time. The part of buying

house can be depicted as

"Brokerage" is wide phrasing utilized as a part of industry. The part of the broker differs

from phases of the form business like manufacturer, buying house, retail and offers, visual

merchandiser. The work of broker progressively changes from firm to firm. In some firm

broker assumes wide part while in some firm part of merchandiser is exceptionally

specific. The work profile of merchandiser is additionally changing with the development

of clothing industry today it turns out to be more muddled than past.

Our fast growing textile industries are delivering clothing products with appropriate

quality however nearly in low cost. Thus new merchants are energetically come into the

market. Also, the vast majority of them are come through buying house, as they haven't

thought of putting request and execution. Along these lines, now a days buying houses

assuming an essential part in textile division. Buying houses straightforwardly contact

with the purchaser and affirm a request, and after that put in this request in a reasonable
Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?9

processing plant that is done this kind of request and have some notoriety on that sort of

articles of clothing generation. Accordingly remove amongst purchaser and producer is

diminished by buying house.

It expands time and cash for both manufacturing plant and purchaser. It removes the gap

amongst production line and purchaser. To execute these works buying house needs some

advance technology and skilled individual.

The genuine information can't be discovered any place as if they haven't any firm, how

much request is put by buying house on production lines. However, it is known to all that

the sum is enormous. Presently, a number of buying house is expanding quickly. What's

more, they are helping us by gathering request from bringing in and put them in our textile

enterprises. So it can be said that, buying houses are helping our economy by sourcing

requests and arrangement.

Each firm has its own working methodology. It's changes from firm to firm. Buying house

working method is given below,

Above all else advertising merchandiser contacts with a purchaser and gather a request by

demonstrating the samples they made before or specifically solicit which sort from articles

of clothing purchaser require.

Then he/she discover the reasonable industrial facility for that predetermined samples of

clothing. The production line must be reviewed by perceived firm.

Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?10

Does utilization and costing and dealing with industrial facility for cost for the particular

item. Conclude cost and send it to purchaser.

Then improvement merchandiser builds up the item send first example for any revision.

Usually purchaser makes some adjustment on first example, so second example is

submitted by first example remarks.

Then fit example is made and QC check is it takes after the endorsed second example.

Then the Red seal test is sent for endorsement which is otherwise called purchasing test.

Furthermore, if the red seal test endorsed then the request is affirmed.

After doing ex-manufacturing plant indicating pressing rundown and some business

exercises buying house get their bonus.

There are tremendous tasks are executed by a buying house which begins with meeting

with purchaser and closures with gathering commission from purchaser.

This whole procedure of duties performed by buying house can be more efficient,

effective and cost saving if it equips with advance technologies.

The technology transformation is upon us. Individuals are moving quickly from common

mobile phones to mobile phone applications.

The effect of the mobile applications and online platforms usage is felt in all aspects of the

global market and the improved education division does not remain saved. Propelled

instruction foundations in different regions have ended up being more aware of customer
Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?11

enthusiasm for flexible get to and are starting to respond to it. They are the best way to

stimulate the demand of the product among the clients.

1.2 Problem Statement

The intention of this study is to examine that whether we can have an online buying

house platform for textile industries to minimize the cost and profit maximizing or not.

1.3 Background, Objectives and Significance of the Study

The fundamental reason behind this review is to survey the significance of Online

buyinghouse platform. At present textile industries are associated with a very typical

broker or agent services. Garment industry is the major revenue generating sector of

Pakistan, efficient and effective performance can result in a growing GDP rate and a

prosperous economic progress i.e. higher the efficiency of textile industry, higher the GDP

rate and employment opportunities. Therefore, a research is required to examine so that

can be sort out that with what degree the performance of online buying house can be


1.4 Outline of the study

Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?12

This document is organized in the following way: Chapter 2 comprises of

Literature Review. It reflects the opinions and research work of other authors and about

the related study. Chapter 3 contains research methodologies used to conduct this study.

Chapter 4 presents the outcomes and the description of the subject. Chapter 5 confers the

conclusion and future research recommendations.

1.5 Hypothesis(es)

H1:Textile Industry must have a virtual portal of brokers for better performance.

H2:Launching mobile application is the best source to build up the Network.

H3:B2B brokers should use online trading facility to attain efficiency.

H4:Virtual buying houses can reduce time lagging.

H5: Online markets can save cost of services of Brokers.

H6: Virtual buying houses can add more value to the brokerage services.

H7: Introduction of online brokers will lead towards expansion of the Industry.

H8: Applications and Web browsers are the fastest mode of trading.

H9: Delaying of order processing is because of the communication gap among the

H10: Textile Industry is in dire need of Information Communications Technology (ICT).

H11: Virtual Buying houses will increase the competition to a great extent.

H12: Online trading can reduce bargaining power of the buyers and sellers which is
beneficial for the Brokers.

H13:Online Trading is subjected to less secure dealings.

H14: Virtual buying houses are the most popular and convenient mode of Trade.

H15: Virtual Buying houses are preferred over traditional Brokerage.

Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?13

Chapter 2: Literature Review

This Topic has a great significance in the field of Textile Industry. As the smart

use of technology can lead us to the globalization and will definitely open more

opportunities to the industry.

Vinelli, (1997) is assessed that QR technique and the role played by data innovation and

telematics summarized that QR is a period based procedure which requires more noteworthy

coordinated effort along the entire material clothing chain, from the yarn producer, the

texture maker, the article of clothing maker through to the merchant. Thus, the decisions and

conduct of the controlling organizations inside the anchor appear to be principal.

The selection of data advances and media communications brings points of interest, for

example, the diminishment of archive exchange times amongst organizations, and an

expansion in unwavering quality, accuracy and sureness in information exchange, and the

disposal of report addition time in organization data frameworks. The innovative and

hierarchical effect which this produces is tremendous, and if the appropriation procedure is

to be fruitful it needs to overcome the "grating" intrinsic to each procedure of progress. The
Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?14

many-sided quality of the procedure of progress is additionally high due to the important

acknowledgment of a progression of conditions, requirements and limitations, both inside

and without the organization. A representation of this can be found in the event that one

considers the variety and assorted qualities of the on-screen characters included – in their

points, agent strategies, relations with the last clients, and parts inside the chain – and the

perplexing "culture" of the material apparel segment, as far as the assortment of items

offered, obtaining methodology, and the desires and propensities for the clients.

Consequently, one point of organization arranging must be to locate another framework

which adjusts its exercises and its conventional method for playing out these exercises. This

is conceivable, as has been appeared through the cases introduced here, however difficult,

since the hindrances to overcome with a specific end goal to accomplish intensity through

fast reaction are various.

Razzouk& Seitz, (2008) is evaluated that the motivation behind the review was to evaluate

the demeanors of electronic material market individuals toward material e-showcases and to

recognize their key achievement elements. The exploration demonstrated that the majority

of the organizations took an interest in more than one-showcase. Given that there are several

e-advertises on the web, what number of them are fruitful in satisfying individuals' needs?

As demonstrated by the exploration, just 52 percent of respondents addressed that they had a

positive involvement with e-markets, recommending that there was opportunity to get


Today, a ton of the e-markets are controlled by site outlining organizations or some "mother

and-pop" shops which may not have any business information. However, they are pulled in
Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?15

by the simplicity of building a site. What these organizations neglect to comprehend is that

building an e-commercial center is more than a site. That is the reason, most e-markets

fizzle a couple of years after they have "opened."While the mechanical transformation

assumed control 100 years to play out, e-markets are in the early phases of their

advancement. Many exist just on paper or in pilot frame with a significant part of the

innovation to actualize more noteworthy usefulness not yet created. Throughout the

following couple of years, a lot of learning will happen about how precisely the guarantees

of e-market usefulness will be satisfied. The open design of the web takes into consideration

institutionalized arrangements that can be utilized by many firms as purchasers or dealers.

This is conceivable by the development of new delegates – electronic commercial centers –

that organization the substance to make it open by all gatherings.

Fang, To2, Zhang3 & Chang, (2014) is analyzed the both hypothetical and mechanical

fields. From the hypothetical point of view, they looked into the original speculations of

ICTs reception and clarified how ICTs appropriation can impact material virtual joint

effort. With the improvement of present day correspondence advancements, the

prerequisites for ICTs continue changing and refreshing. From the pragmatic point of

view, we led inside and out meetings and investigated the relevant prerequisites forICTs in

material virtual group joint effort. Such anattempt is missing from the surviving writing.

Ideally, used ICTs can encourage virtual joint effort in today' worldwide business

condition. In view of the experimental examination, we suggested that to encourage

viability for material virtual groups, ICTs ought to (1) have an easy to understand

interface, (2) pass on social and nonverbal signs, (3) arrange intrusion, (4) permit
Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?16

advancement of intra-group connectedness, and (5) permit conjunction of ICTs with

various levels of synchronicity, media wealth and independence in quick changing

relevant conditions. They set forth a structure of fitting ICTs reception and determination

in material virtual joint effort and correspondence. They proposed six basic qualities in

picking innovations to manage the informative difficulties emerging from land separation.

Facilitate, contended that the differing qualities of ICTs ought to conform to the ecological

settings when utilizing ICTs. We broke down how this innovation setting fit can be

accomplished, utilizing cases of normally utilized ICTs. The down to earth ramifications

of this work is that we create rules for mechanical professionals on embracing assorted

ICTs amid virtual coordinated effort and remote association. Along these lines, the

surviving progressed ICTs can be conveyed all the more suitably and relevantly to

upgrade virtual advancement administration in the material business.

Mr. V.Viswaprakash and Dr. K.Sentamilselvan, (2014) is evaluated Globalization as the

development of financial action or spreading over politically of national and territorial

limits. It implies the expanded development over those limits of products and ventures,

through exchange and speculation, and frequently of individuals, by means of migration. It

is driven by the activities of individual financial performers, for example, firms, banks,

individuals typically in the quest for benefit, and regularly prodded by the weights of

rivalry. The WTO has assumed a vital part in the development and improvement of the

materials business at worldwide level. The advancement and advance in free economy

because of globalization, with focused condition abandoned nations path in the quality and

intensity of its products and enterprises. Control on generation, authorizing confinements

Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?17

alongside high defensive dividers had cultivated monopolistic patterns inside material

enterprises, made it import concentrated and internal looking. For liberals, globalization

advances the vanishing of exchange boundaries and state control. This paper manages

effect of Globalization on Trade in Textile Industry. It traces the patterns in Trade in

Textile industry, apparel exchange and issues confronting materials. This paper finishes up

with some strategy measures to conquer the negative effect of exchange material industry.

It could be seen plainly from the above discourse that the WTO was framed to Foster and

Facilitate world exchange with the expulsion of tax and non-tax boundaries and to quicken

the procedure of globalization. In this association the accompanying arrangement measures

can be considered. Material industry is bit by bit coordinating into local and worldwide

systems of generation. Its future apparently depends on this double procedure of excusing

and rebuilding creation from one viewpoint, and forcefully creating trade advertises on the


ForzaandVinelli, (2000) are analyzed the worldly arrangements of the exercises and

choices of the material attire fasten and to speak to the prospects for development

activities throughout the different creation and appropriation chain stages, regardless of

whether in term of advancements or of association and administration. Their exploration

concentrates on the strategies, procedures and methodologies that could be embraced all

through the whole bind keeping in mind the end goal to acquire an arrangement of

cognizant upgrades to accomplish speedy reaction. The major change stages are thought to

be: lessening of lead times in providing texture: diminishment of lead times in creating a

piece of clothing: and imaginative associations with the merchants. The basic and
Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?18

infrastructural changes required for q fast reaction as likewise dissected, and the need of

methodical perspective of the chain is highlighted.

They concentrated that it manages the issue of time pressure in the material clothing chain.

Utilizing the creation arrange diagram display some full scale regions in the chain where

intercession has occurred was distinguished. The diminishment of material supply lead

time is the most basic intercession, since, in their turn it requires mediation in coloring

process, the situating of distribution centers, the trading of data in decreases in the

assortment of segments. The foundation of inventive connections amongst makers and

merchants is maybe, the most complex mediation, since it infers change in relations

between the different performing artists in the chain and fundamentally takes any longer to

accomplish. This change which is turning into a basic in what is a perpetually demanding

business sector and notwithstanding ever fiercer rivalry, is gained conceivable today by

mechanical ground, yet can't be affected without a social jump that has more extensive


Tarn, Razi, Wen,andJr, (2003) are analyzed An e-satisfaction framework is expected to

meet the high demand volume and stringent customer advantage necessities of overall

business-to-customer online business. The framework changes over the conventional

stockroom into a multi-channel e-satisfaction focus. In the online business condition, a bit

of the hardest decisions must be made on for all intents and purposes no hard information.

In this survey, the nature of e-business and the consistent fulfillment process are

discussed. The makers moreover investigate the technique and operational necessities for

e-fulfillment. This article is done up with the consequences of a productive e-fulfillment

Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?19

system, a prescribed arrangement of an e-fulfillment center, and the future research


To prevail in today's unique, quick pace condition, the firm needs a framework that not

just deals with its whole appropriation and co-ordinations prepare additionally is

sufficiently spry to quickly react to customized client necessities. It likewise needs a

framework that can make-to-request and satisfy orders from both provider oversaw and

put away stock. At the end of the day, it is required to have a framework that

acknowledges returns, as well as oversees mien. Essentially, e-fulfillment is more than

basically "pick, pack and ship". In the new economy, fulfillment is about customer craving

and satisfaction – a technique that begins with enduring customer demand and completes

with each customer getting absolutely what they need, when and where they need it. In

this manner, understanding request nature and sort of things requested is the way to plan a

successful e-satisfaction focus.

Mafe& Blas, (2006) are recognized four hidden variables to Internet reliance, which allude

to the utilization of the medium for excitement and unwinding, discovering advisers for

conduct and comprehension, discovering data to take choices lastly, discovering data to

stay up with the latest and impart. As to responsibility made by this investigation,

immediately it has engaged us to portray the profile of Internet ward customers as the

young Internet customer, with a high informational level and who feels proclivity with the

medium. Web subordinate clients begin going on the web at a prior age and more every

now and again than non-subordinate Internet clients. A possible elucidation is that

customer needs and interests change with age, with more energetic individuals being ideal
Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?20

to Internet. Likewise, nonappearance of acknowledgment with the medium, keeps make

clients from looking over the advantages of Internet and suggests that they tend to lean

toward other information hotspots for their purchases, for instance, the TV, press or social

participation with sidekicks and relations. These results are also similar to those from past

surveys on the profile of the pioneer which find that the level of preparing decidedly

impacts perspectives towards progressions, for example, Internet.

The outcomes additionally propose that people who have used Internet the longest are

needier than the people who are less familiar with the medium.In this way, more

prominent online experience prompts improved relations with the medium, as the

individual is more familiar with it and qualities its focal points more. Medium reliance

turns out to be more extreme the more it enables the person to acquire his targets. This

examination enables associations to know the unmistakable objectives which Internet can

help a man to achieve and, accordingly, what points to highlight in their correspondence

frameworks. At last, our examination has made it conceivable to demonstrate the effect of

Internet reliance on the eagerness to buy on the web, with the most pertinent calculate this

perspective being that of hunting down data to take choices. Along these lines, to expand

Internet clients' ability to buy, organizations ought to give greatest data on their items as

well as administrations and elevate look frameworks to give quick, simple access to such

data. The consequences of the review energize advance inside and out investigation of

individual-broad communications relations. Thus, this examination enables associations to

know the unmistakable objectives which Internet can help a man to achieve and,

accordingly, what points to highlight in their correspondence frameworks.

Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?21

Lu & Julian , (2007) are analyzed the experimental connection in fare advertise endeavors

of the connection between the web (when it is utilized for correspondence, organizing,

statistical surveying, deals, picture improvement, cost lessening and upper hand purposes)

and fare showcasing execution. The review was established on the preface that the web as

a business device has encountered astounding development as of late and while past

research had endeavored to decide the connection between web use and fare showcasing

execution past research discoveries had been uncertain and those reviews were currently

very dated requiring further examination. All things considered, a strong exact

investigation into the impact of the web on fare showcasing execution when utilized for

the reasons for correspondence, organizing, statistical surveying, deals, picture

improvement, cost lessening and upper hand was required.

At long last, in connection to the worldwide experience of the firm, trade promoting

execution is upgraded by the global experience of the firm. Administration's global

experience, fitness and duty to the wander make a constructive commitment to fare

promoting execution, in this manner, firms have much to pick up in the event that they

contract or prepare qualified work force, amass universal involvement in an automatic

way, and allot adequate assets to completely benefit from fare showcase openings. The

present review has developed the writing on the connection between the web and fare

advertising execution in a few territories inside the particular Australian setting. To begin

with, legitimate and dependable scales have been re-approved to inspect the web's

utilization in fare showcasing in connection to correspondence, organizing, statistical

surveying, deals, picture improvement, cost lessening and upper hand. Second, the builds
Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?22

created here can fill in as an establishment for further research into the web and fare

showcasing execution. Third, the review has added to a more far reaching comprehension

of the achievement calculates send out promoting and the part the web plays. Fourth,

confirm has been given that the web when it is utilized for cost decrease purposes will

positively affect trade showcasing execution. Fifth, the web ought to be utilized as an

aggressive weapon since when it will be it positively affects send out showcasing

execution. At long last, additional confirmation has been given on the hugeness of the

worldwide experience of the firm and its positive association with fare promoting


Rangone&Renga, (2006) are exhibited exploratory review to examine the effect of B2e

MI applications and, specifically, an experimental examination of the principle elements

of Italian B2e MI applications for mechanizing deals and field-constrain exercises. They

contemplated development of the web and the remote broadcast communications world,

bringing about the authoring of the expression "portable web" (MI), which is additionally

utilized here. The joining of these two universes has displayed an extensive variety of new

open doors that can enhance organizations' present business and grow new regions.

Versatile information applications are assuming a noteworthy part in new portable

administrations in the business. The investigation uncovers that, at present, there are just a

couple of, exceptionally basic B2e MI applications, however the segment is growing

rapidly. Taking a gander at the contextual investigations dissected, the applications at

present used by Italian organizations are:

Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?23

• "simple" both in innovative terms (little coordination with the current data frameworks)

and at a hierarchical level (few changes in methodology and exercises);

• pull in constrained speculation assets, however get great outcomes; and

• are now and again used to bolster mobile exercises (operational versatility), however

not the mobile transmission of information (transmission portability).

A few signs for administration with respect to B2e versatile applications are the need to

create basic applications; and begin preparing the business drive, since this gives quicker

pay-back and the most straightforward usage. Later on, it could be conceivable that more

prominent advantages from B2e MI applications will be gotten from more mind boggling

applications that adventure "transmission versatility" and cause critical changes in

organization procedures and association.

Damanpour (2001) is analyzed the significance and exercises of E-business, and its

encouraging in current period. Plainly organizations without E-business techniques do not

have the stature required in contrast with those that appreciated the Internet Investment

framework. This audit reveals five key concentrations concerning the utilization of

Internet and E-business technique.In the first place, E-business is no longer a choice; it is

an essential segment for any business accomplishment later on. Creating nations need cash

and learning of innovation to be member in this worldwide wonder.

Chang & Li, (2003) are proposed that e-business is progressive as in it reevaluates new

standards of rivalry. E-business accentuates data innovation, scholarly properties, client

matchless quality, agreeable rivalry, inventive change, profitability development, and long
Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?24

haul monetary blast. Likewise, the case confirmation of Haier suggests a few lessons for

different organizations. In the first place, it is an undeniable prerequisite for inheritance

firms to plunge into e-business. Second, it is essential for inheritance firms to cooperate

with IT firms (i.e., the square and-snap illustrate). Third, e-business is an intense approach

for an association to globalize its business. Fourth, the most essential segment of e-

business is its stand-out farthest point regarding business customization. Fifth, another

essential segment of e-business is that the sharing of open information along supply chains

relies on upon regular trust. sixth, e-business must be founded on a solid preface of sound

business practices instead of on building a fortress in the sand.

The logical examination of Haier moreover suggests that multinational associations focus

on focus competency and net income while looking for after their e-business strategies. In

a promising business division with various entry hindrances, both equal collaborations and

centered joint endeavors between neighborhood firms and outside multinationals are

essential to powerful market advancement. Remembering the true objective to strengthen

their forceful position in China, such unions and joint endeavors are crucial for close-by

and remote multinationals to develop their e-business frameworks with key target, push,

position and mode. Plainly further research, both hypothetical and observational, is

required to move our perception of e-business technique plan of multinational


Liang, Huang &Yeh, (2007) are broke down the reception of portable innovation in

business and its determinants. An indicative apparatus for appropriate selection of portable

innovation is created. The aftereffects of study give a few hypothetical and useful
Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?25

commitments. To begin with and maybe the most huge ramifications, is that supervisors

need to consider both TTF and hierarchical reasonability while considering the

appropriation of portable innovation. Most past writing concentrated either on the fit angle

or hierarchical components, which are fragmented by any methods. Besides, we have

effectively approved the fit-reasonability system and demonstrate its pertinence by and by.

This ought to give valuable rules to specialists.

Another ramifications of the examination is that supervisors ought to take diverse

methodologies when they confront framework applications in various cell. For those in the

great target classification, they ought to abandon faltering. For those in the rebuilding

class, activities to reinforce authoritative support are fundamental for their prosperity. For

those in the option innovation and overlook it classifications, an intensive and broad

assessment before appropriation is unequivocally recommended. In spite of its

hypothetical and down to earth commitments, this paper has a few confinements. To start

with, it is exploratory in nature and needs additionally ponders for affirmation of the

discoveries. Second, it is hazy to what degree the fit-practicality system can be summed up

to other innovation and issues. Its hypothetical generalizability should be all the more

painstakingly saw in future reviews. At long last, we don't know whether the way of an

industry or some other components may assume a few parts in the model. In spite of the

fact that, we have expected to incorporate ecological and value-based vulnerability in our

model as a major aspect of the exchange cost components, yet there might be more things

that should be analyzed when we assess the exchange cost and effect on process re-

designing. They will depend on future research to investigate.

Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?26

Wong (2012) is inspected that both portable and PC stages have their clients. In this way,

the creators trust that it merits conferring ourselves to the arrangement of portable

recordings, on top of the current web administrations. it is an undeniable prerequisite for

heritage firms to plunge into e-business. Second, it is fundamental for heritage firms to

cooperate with IT firms (i.e., the square and-snap illustrate). Third, e-business is an

effective approach for an association to globalize its business. Fourth, the most essential

segment of e-business is its exceptional farthest point regarding business customization.

Fifth, another essential segment of e-business is that the sharing of open information along

supply chains relies on upon regular trust. sixth, e-business must be founded on a solid

start of sound business practices instead of on building a fortress in the sand.

The whole compact wander will happen in a couple arranges more than one to two years.

The underlying stride will consolidate taking care of and offering access to development

films and music presentations to attract the enormous social affair of potential worldwide

customers. By doing this, we could in like manner publicize our school to abroad

gatherings of spectators. They concentrate on the iOS organize at this moment. The

makers don't know whether his death will bring any noteworthy impacts on Apple Inc.We

will keep a watch out way to deal with all stages. The most troublesome piece of the

application creation is to create viable techniques for keeping up the presence of the

application in App Store. Investigation of a few methodologies that will be tried for

viability proceeds. Confirmation and patterns uncover an expanding utilization of portable

web, versatile applications, and versatile recordings. A few scientists even evaluated that
Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?27

portable access to arranged data will outperform desktop web get to. As one of the major

and expert data specialist co-ops, scholarly libraries ought to be completely mindful of the

pattern and react to it admirably. The creators trust the consequence of this contextual

analysis can be useful to different libraries that are as yet battling with or arranging

versatile administrations or accumulations.

Magrath&Magrath, (2013) are concentrated that online business outline writing can be

connected to the planning of versatile trade channels. A specialist should essentially

comprehend the wealth of advertising apparatuses that can be incorporated into a portable

procedure before they can start to examine the purchaser impacts. This article

distinguishes the item and administrations m-showcasing outline components that retailers

and advertisers can use with a specific end goal to advance and offer their items by means

of versatile. The examination system adds to both scholarly and administrative research in

the portable and online field and makes incomprehensible open doors for further exact

research into the impacts of the individual outline boosts. Portable applications could soon

turn into a retailer's most essential deals channels, defending the prerequisite for prompt

examination of the purchaser's recognitions. Professionals and scholastics are welcome to

use the all encompassing structure to frame their own particular reviews in regards to m-

business outline. Experimental scholarly learning of the customer's behavioral and

passionate reactions towards portable application configuration would encourage creators

with fundamental outline data. Such learning would exhort and manage mold retailers as

to which outline components may increment and energize specific purchaser feelings and

practices, particularly those that will profit their business.

Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?28

Balboni, Berman &Korsten, (2015) are examined that every Individual Enterprise will be

exceedingly altered. In the period of inescapable portability and progressed investigation,

no two associations will be precisely indistinguishable. However a portion of the means

expected to accomplish the Individual Enterprise vision are normal crosswise over

associations and ventures. A five-stage movement progresses associations toward turning

into an Individual Enterprise:

1. Portray worker/client encounters through individual excursion maps. Create day-in-the-

life storylines in view of a profound comprehension of client needs, then share demos,

layouts and practical data to educate the advancement of app(s).

2. Pilot test applications, and evaluate expenses and advantages. Distinguish conceivable

portable applications adjusted to authoritative needs, then run pilot exercises that give

hands-on involvement and take into account execution assessment.

3. Construct abilities to understand the Individual Enterprise. Express the general

procedure and build up a specialized change guide. Deal with the endeavor programming

and application programming interface (API) list and advancement condition.

4. Exploit existing applications and arrangements. Recognize chances to utilize existing

outsider arrangements and applications to empower speedier time-to-market and diminish

advancement costs. Expand after existing applications utilizing standard engineer units.

Simultaneously, build up an application commercial center and sourcing procedure.

Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?29

5. Advance the esteem and size of advantages. Association pioneers ought to convey the

need to incorporate versatility as the essential method of communication inside the

undertaking and among accomplices in their biological community. Setting up better

approaches for working and adjusting hierarchical strategies and administration with the

new portable reality will be crucial. As the versatility technique keeps on advancing,

execution parameters and achievement criteria should be characterized and money saving

advantage examinations performed.

The conjunction of two advances, portable and investigation will change the way business

completes, putting constant logical data readily available and giving prescient suggestions

and bits of knowledge to enhance basic leadership at the time. They will give individuals

access to cooperation openings when and where they require them and enhance

hierarchical aptitude. Singular workers will be better ready to use the information of the

whole endeavor, make more productive utilization of time and resources and drive better

outcomes speedier. By making an Individual Enterprise, associations will have the

capacity to find, characterize and refine new and developing client needs and needs, and

make genuinely novel, energizing client encounters.

Abrar, Deng, Safeer, Ghafoor and Baig, (2016) are concentrated that the Textile division

assumes critical part in the financial system of Pakistan. It contributes as outside

settlements receipts for material items fares to universal markets. At present worldwide

condition, the Pakistan material area is not completely relating the most recent advertising

apparatuses to build fares and piece of the overall industry in the universal markets. In this

paper, we exhibited the E-advertising improvement demonstrate which clarified the entire
Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?30

procedure of e-promoting application like ecological checking, audit showcasing

objectives, and with considering every one of the 4 Ps to settle on successful choices for

the material associations. This model completely manages the organizations for

compelling basic leadership with respect to the use of e-promoting in the material area of

Pakistan. This present work endeavors utilization of e-advertising in the material part of

Pakistan and how this e-innovation can reward to advance the material business of

Pakistan in the nearby and outside business sectors. This paper additionally controls the

chiefs to execute e-showcasing model in the associations for all intents and purposes for

successful basic leadership.

They separated about the material esteem chain process and guide about utilization of e-

promoting in the material area of Pakistan. E-Marketing model assists the organizations to

lead intensive examination, with reviewing the e-promoting objectives with considering

showcasing blend for viable basic leadership. Inner and outside condition examinations

are critical to know influencing variables on basic leadership of the organizations.

Intensive investigation gives the key bearing to the organization for anticipating up and

coming patterns in business condition. Assets are especially imperative to accomplish the

organization objectives. Right basic leadership for asset distributions give the upper hand

to the organization, comparably client input is especially vital to enhance the creation

procedures to get the new clients and in addition hold the current clients.

E-showcasing is best model with financially bring down cost achieve clients in nearby

and global markets for at last accomplishing the organization goals. The Pakistani

material regard chain is particularly mind boggling strategies industry and the level of e-
Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?31

promoting is assorted in each sub some portion of the material fragment in Pakistan. The

material division is crucial wellspring of outside exchange salary in the economy of

Pakistan. This part primarily made out of little and medium endeavors and there are

couple of extensive associations. The capability of e-promoting is not being used in the

material division of Pakistan. In this area, for the most part e-advertising exercises are

helped out through email, sites, and e-commercial centers.

Fong1 & Wong2, (2015) are dissected that distinguishes and investigates are key

determinants of the conduct aim of portable trade benefit to the clients. Study

demonstrated that the four key components impacting clients' expectation to utilize a

portable trade administration are: the state of mind of clients toward the versatile business

benefit, the clients' apparent subjective standard, or the force of social and associate

gathering weight to utilize a versatile business benefit; the apparent convenience of the

versatile trade benefit, and the limitation of the versatile business benefit. This review

adds to the assemblage of information in the fields of administration advertising,

innovation reception, and client relationship administration.

Advancing versatile trade administrations is costly, thus to remain focused it is pivotal for

advertisers of portable business benefit organizations to advance their administration in

the most practical approach to make the best utilization of their limited time spending

plan. To accomplish ideal outcomes, it is imperative for advertisers and administration to

comprehend the relative significance of different key components that may influence the

conduct expectation of cell phone clients. Better comprehension of the cell phone clients
Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?32

enables the officeholders to guide their assets to convey what clients esteem most. This,

thus, will guarantee the occupants to use the most from their venture.

Lee &Lin , (2005) are build up an examination model to review the relationship among e-

advantage quality estimations and general organization quality, buyer dependability and

purchase objectives. The audit makes duties in two central extents. To begin with, this

survey developed the instrument estimations of e-organization quality by changing the

SERVQUAL model to consider online shopping setting. Second, this audit perceived e-

advantage quality estimations that impact general organization quality and shopper

devotion, which subsequently are on a very basic level related to customer purchase


They prescribe that to redesign customer purchase points, online stores should make

elevating approachs to better address the trustworthy, steadfast quality, and responsiveness

of electronic organizations. Online stores can submit gainful corporate advantages for the

fundamental e-advantage quality attributes perceived by this survey. For example, change

of the level of acceptability, security, and incite organizations is requirement for both

pulling in and hanging on the web customers, since these components by and large impact

purchaser dedication and purchase desires. Second, web engineering can't be ignored.

Web engineering is a basic expects to give customer esteem and accommodation in the

midst of online trade frames. It in like manner relates to personalization and online

customer insurance. As web headways end up being continuously refined and destinations

can pass on more centered around substance, enthusiasm for personalization continues
Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?33

creating. On the other hand, contemplates have shown that various online customers are

outstandingly stressed over threats to their own insurance. Online stores along these lines

ought to endeavor to ensure that customers get huge information while in the meantime

securing their insurance, since personalization should not interfere. Furthermore, online

stores should accurately consider how much viably outfitting people with individual

organizations is principal given obliged human and material resources.

Islam1, Islam2 & Mazumder3, (2010) are concentrated the utilizations and impact of

portable devices in people, business and social region. In present day information and

email age flexible application is a champion among the most concerned and rapidly

making ranges. This paper demonstrates that how solitary convenient customer energize

using flexible application and the universality of the versatile application. Here we are

displaying the aftereffect of convenient application in business zone. Assorted authentic

data of the over a wide traverse of time condition of flexible application from different

parts of the world has been displayed here to express the impact. This paper furthermore

presents some effect of compact application on society from the ethical perspective. After

all the obstruction of compact condition and adaptable application, the uses and

predominance of convenient application are growing well ordered. Most of the overall

public are endeavoring to use PDA and flexible application instead of desktop for basic

undertaking. Well ordered the businesses of flexible applications are growing contrasting

with the use of desktop applications. Most of the flexible made associations and compact

application Developer associations are extending the breaking point, quality and value. So
Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?34

the bleeding edge compact applications are more talented and more usable for the

customer. Moreover, the overall impacts of compact applications are going high.

They have attempted to clarify that such a large number of things about versatile

application and business with a few information from current market. Furthermore, we

think this paper will help to other for further review in the portable application territory.

Kim, Lee & Park (2016), they are concentrated that the utilization of a client driven

administration maps to encourage the visual investigation and observing of client setting

data for proactive market examination. They dissected that it is a viable learning and

specialized instrument to help proactive market introduction, conquering the absence of

studies on considerable devices to acknowledge proactive market introduction. The center

component for proactive market introduction contrasted with responsive client

introduction is the setting of utilization. The client driven administration guide can

mastermind the information from the client driven methodologies and help the analyzer

get more keen data in a setting based market investigation. Two modules of market

examination in view of the administration guide can give down to earth suggestions to

administration firms to methodology improvement as per the setting they wish to explore.

On account of market-section investigation, for new business purposes, advertise

fragments can be assessed in light of their adjustments in the dynamic guide, i.e. which

client needs sections are rising in a particular period or keep on dominating over longer

periods, to be chosen as another objective portion. On alternate hands, for existing

business in the market, showcase sections that utilization association's administration can

be distinguished by static maps and their progressions followed after some time by
Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?35

element maps. Investigating why a few needs are new and some are predominant, or

foreseeing future needs in light of patterns, can offer experts more noteworthy knowledge

into their administration clients and their needs.

In client esteem examination, the relevant esteem picked up from the correlation amongst

very and humble appraised valuations can help firms give unrivaled client values by

means of the foundation of separation or customization methodologies. On the off chance

that the firm needs to give separated administration, an administration guide can be

created to look at how to give profoundly esteemed elements as indicated by the objective

client gatherings to expand the fulfillment. In the event that the firm expects to give

tweaked benefit, an administration outline particular client bunches in brief periods can be

developed to examine which work clients favor and esteem generally exceedingly.

Advertise introduction addresses association wide concerns and authoritative culture

through the coordination and joining of the company's assets, human and other,

coordinated toward the production of prevalent client esteem. Appropriately, it is not

restricted to the promoting division in association. Mark chiefs, advertisers, engineers,

R&D pros, benefit planners, client driven approach experts, and different experts

confronting difficulties to acknowledge proactive market introduction can use client

driven administration delineate. Besides, the correspondence between them will be

encouraged through the administration outline, it is a common visual portrayal.

Additionally, when there is extreme clash amongst architects and advertisers, client driven

administration guide can help association wide proactive market introduction and multi-

disciplinary approach by working as an interface for correspondence and arrangement.

Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?36

Chapter 3: Research Method

3.1 Method of Data Collection

For conducting the survey on the need of virtual buying houses in the textile

industry, we made questionnaire consists of two parts one is demographic and second part

have questions related to the study. We consider the sample size, randomly selected

employees of different textile firms, conjoint cross questioning method and collected

primary data to carry out the research.

Primary data has been collected by using survey method to evaluate the importance of

virtual buying house in the performance of textile industry. Survey tool has been designed

by considering the important factors and their contribution to the industry.

This review entitled "Can we have virtual buying house?” a key purpose behind doing

subjective research is to examine the need and contribution of information and

communication technology in this particular field. Qualitative research method is used to

collect the information regarding the current market’s uncertainty and the views of the

employees who are associated particularly to this domain.

To assess the operations of virtual portal and the impact of mobile applications and web

browsers in the efficiency of the buying house performance multiple research articles have
Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?37

been reviewed too. Multiple factors are identified in the research. Cost saving, Time

lagging, building up the huge network, communication gap, bargaining power of the

buyers and sellers and Information Communication Technology are the important factors

which lead to the dire need of the virtual buying houses.

This review is quantitative on the grounds that we can evaluate the quantity of tests. We

depend on quantitative research for the most part. It is a considerably measureable and

convenient to do and with quantitative research strategy we can settle on choice off the

information since we know we have a representative sample. With quantitative reviews,

every respondent is made a request to respond to the similar question.

3.2 Sampling Technique

As this study is primary research therefore survey tool i.e questionnaire has been

used. Research topic is related to information and communication technology of the textile

industry that is why random sample from the related industry has been chosen. 5-point

Likert scale questionnaire has been developed as a survey tool for the research.

3.3 Sample Size

Total sample size for this research is 280. Members associated with the textile industry

with have corresponded through the survey tool.

Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?38

3.4 Research Model Developed

virtual portal of brokers Mobile Application Network B2B brokers

Time Lagging Cost of Services of


Value Addition Expansion of the

Virtual Buying
Fastest mode of trading Communication Gap

Information Communications less secure dealings

Technology (ICT)

Popular and
Convenient mode
of Trade
can reduce bargaining power of
the buyers and sellers
Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?39

3.5 Statistical Technique

The research uses One Sample T Test Technique to discover the role of virtual

buying houses in textile industry. This study is concerned about the progress of buying

houses in the textile industries. The sample population from Textile industry has been

selected. The other objective of conducting this research is to evaluate the contribution of

information and communication technology in the operations of buying houses.

Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?40

Chapter 4: Results
4.1 Findings and Interpretations

Case Processing Summary

N %
Valid 253 90.4
Cases Excludeda 27 9.6
Total 280 100.0
a. Listwise deletion based on all
variables in the procedure.

Reliability Test declares the consistency within the survey procedure. Cronbach’s Alpha

explains the reliability among the tool i.e questions. As per the decree, if Cronbach’s

Alpha is less than 0.5 it is unaccepted.

Cronbach’s Alpha is 0.759, which shows that there is greater level of consistency in the

survey tool and 15 items have been assessed for this test.
Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?41

Hypothesis 1:

Textile Industry must have a virtual portal of brokers for better performance.


The Statics table shows that 277 participants responded to this question. The one

sample t- test statistics is -0.331 and sig value is 0.741 which is greater than 0.05
Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?42

(0.741>0.05). Mean value 3.99 ≈ 4 which indicates that average sample population is

statistically significantly different from Test Value. Hence, H1 is accepted.

Hypothesis 2:

Launching mobile application is the best source to build up the Network.


The one sample t- test statistics is 4.731 and sig value is 0.000 which is less than

0.05 (0,000<0.05). Mean value is greater than Test Value(4.21> 4) which indicates that
Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?43

average sample population is statistically significantly different from Test Value. Hence,

H2 is accepted.

Hypothesis 3:
B2B brokers should use online trading facility to attain efficiency.


The one sample t- test statistics is 0.232 and sig value is 0.817 which is greater than 0.05

(0.817>0.05). Mean value 4,01> 4 which indicates that average sample population is

statistically significantly different from Test Value. Hence, H3 is accepted.

Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?44

Hypothesis 4:

Virtual buying houses can reduce time lagging.

Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?45


The one sample t- test statistics is -1.470 and sig value is 0.143 which is

greater than 0.05 (0.143>0.05). Mean value 3.93 ≈ 4 and Mean Difference is

-0.072 which indicate that average sample population is statistically

significantly different from population mean. Hence, H4 is accepted.

Hypothesis 5

Online markets can save cost of services of Brokers.


The one sample t- test statistics is -0.923 and sig value is 0.357 which is
Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?46

Hypothesis 6:

Virtual buying houses can add more value to the brokerage services.


The one sample t- test statistics is -5.106 and sig value is 0.000 which is less than

0.05 (0,000<0.05). Mean value is 3.75 which isless than Test Value (3.75< 4) which
Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?47

indicates that average sample population is not statistically significantly different from

Test Value. Hence, H6 is rejected.

Hypothesis 7

Introduction of online brokers will lead towards expansion of the Industry.


The one sample t- test statistics is -1.566 and sig value is 0.119 which is greater

than 0.05 (0.119>0.05). Mean value 3.93 ≈ 4 and Mean Difference is -0.072 which
Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?48

indicate that average sample population is statistically significantly different from

population mean. Hence, H7 is accepted.

Hypothesis 8:
Applications and Web browsers are the fastest mode of trading.

Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?49

The one sample t- test statistics is 1.218 and sig value is 0.224 which is greater

than 0.05 (0.224>0.05). Mean value 4.06 > 4 and Mean Difference is 0.062 which indicate

that average sample population is statistically significantly different from population

mean. Hence, H8 is accepted.

Hypothesis 9:

Delaying of order processing is because of the communication gap among the parties.


The one sample t- test statistics is -3.067 and sig value is 0.002 which is less than

0.05 (0,002<0.05). Mean value is 3.82 which is less than Test Value (3.82< 4) which
Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?50

indicates that average sample population is not statistically significantly different from

Test Value. Hence, H9 is rejected.

Hypothesis 10:

Textile Industry is in dire need of Information Communications Technology (ICT).

Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?51

The one sample t- test statistics is 1.007 and sig value is 0.315 which is greater than 0.05

(0.315>0.05). Mean value 4.04> 4 and Mean Difference is 0.043 which indicate that

average sample population is statistically significantly different from population mean.

Hence, H10 is accepted.

Hypothesis 11

Virtual Buying houses will increase the competition to a great extent.

Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?52

The one sample t- test statistics is-2.505 and sig value is 0.013 which is less than

0.05 (0.013<0.05). Mean value 3.87 ≈ 4 and Mean Difference is -0.127 which indicate that

average sample population is not statistically significantly different from population mean.

Hence, H11 is rejected.

Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?53

Hypothesis 12

Online trading can reduce bargaining power of the buyers and sellers which is
beneficial for the Brokers.


The one sample t- test statistics is-2.321 and sig value is 0.021 which is less than 0.05

(0.021<0.05). Mean value 3.87 < 4 and Mean Difference is -0.126 which indicate that average sample

population is not statistically significantly different from population mean. Hence, H12 is rejected.

Hypothess 13

Online Trading is subjected to less secure dealings.

Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?54


The one sample t- test statistics is-8.500 and sig value is 0.000 which is less than

0.05 (0.000<0.05). Mean value 3.87 < 4 and Mean Difference is -0.540 which indicate that

average sample population is not statistically significantly different from population mean.

Hence, H13 is rejected.

Hypothesis 14:
Virtual buying houses are the most popular and convenient mode of Trade.
Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?55


The one sample t- test statistics is-6.472 and sig value is 0.000 which is less than

0.05 (0.000<0.05). Mean value 3.87 < 4 and Mean Difference is -0.321 which indicate that

average sample population is not statistically significantly different from population mean.

Hence, H14 is rejected

Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?56

Hypothesis 15

Virtual Buying houses are preferred over traditional Brokerage.


The one sample t- test statistics is-4.778 and sig value is 0.000 which is less than

0.05 (0.000<0.05). Mean value 3.75< 4 and Mean Difference is -0.249 which indicate that

average sample population is not statistically significantly different from population mean.

Hence, H15 is rejected.

Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?57

4.2 Hypothesis Assessment Summary

    MV TV MV vs TV EC
Textile Industry must have a virtual
portal of brokers for better
H1 3.99 4 MV ≈ TV ACCEPTED

Launching mobile application is the

H2 best source to build up the Network. 4.21 4 MV > TV ACCEPTED

B2B brokers should use online trading

H3 facility to attain efficiency. 4.01 4 MV > TV ACCEPTED

Virtual buying houses can reduce time

H4 lagging. 3.93 4 MV ≈ TV ACCEPTED

Online markets can save cost of

H5 services of Brokers. 3.95 4 MV ≈ TV ACCEPTED

Virtual buying houses can add more

H6 value to the brokerage services. 3.75 4 MV < TV REJECTED

Introduction of online brokers will lead

H7 towards expansion of the Industry. 3.93 4 MV ≈ TV ACCEPTED

Applications and Web Browsers are

H8 the fastest mode of trading. 4.06 4 MV > TV ACCEPTED

Delaying of order processing is

because of the communication gap
H9 3.82 4 MV < TV REJECTED
among the parties.

Textile Industry is in dire need of

Information Communication
H10 4.04 4 MV > TV ACCEPTED
Technology (ICT).

Virtual Buying houses will increase the

H11 competition to a great extent. 3.87 4 MV < TV REJECTED

Online trading can reduce bargaining

power of the buyers and sellers which
H12 is beneficial for the brokers. 3.87 4 MV <TV REJECTED
Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?58

H13 Online trading is subjected to less 3.46 4 MV < TV REJECTED

secure dealings.

Virtual buying houses are the most

H14 popular and convenient mode of 3.68 4 MV < TV REJECTED
If I am a Textile Broker, I would have
H15 preferred Virtual Buying Houses rather 3.75 4 MV < TV REJECTED
than traditional Brokerage.

Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?59

Chapter 5: Discussions, Conclusion, Implications and Future


5.1 Discussion

Due to globalization world textile market is leaning towards the expansion. This

expansion is creating a high level of competition among the industry stakeholder. Pakistan

is also one of the major textile industry operations leaders. Pakistan earns around 57% of

its revenues from the exports of Textile manufactures. Buying houses play a vital role in

the progress of the industry as it works as a bridge in between the manufacturer and the

buyer. It is responsible of settling down all of the related activities.

In the developed countries buying houses are highly equipped with the advanced

technology because it is the actual demand and revenue generating sector. Currently, In

Pakistan all of the operations of the buying houses are being functioned under a traditional

method of brokerage. All the activities either building up a network of manufacturer and

buyer or settling the price dispute are operated manually.

Since there is no use of technology so it creates hurdles for the buying house members

which results in delaying of orders and the completion of the process. And we all know

that due to globalization if one is not in time is basically out of the market. This delaying

can have an adverse impact in the revenue margin of exports.

Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?60

5.2 Conclusion

As per the findings of the research, it is clearly shown that our participants agreed

on the view that buying houses must have a virtual portal to operate their processes more

effectively and efficiently. For this purpose mobile applications are the best and cheapest

source to build up the network, it can multiple the numbers of buyers and sellers


B2C online facilities have already been successfully practiced in the market but this

research supports that introducing B2B online brokerage in the textile industry can

definitely be a great achievement. The major problem in buying house operations is the

time lagging. As this is the era of technology and time is the most important asset for the

companies. Order processing time lagging can create dissatisfactionamong the parties and

can result in the cancellation of the contract.

Hence, it is concluded that textile industries are in the need of virtual Buying houses for

operating their operations to save their cost of services and to cope up with the time

lagging challenge. Information and communication technology has to be improved

especially in Pakistan textile industry. It has been noticed that due to the communication

gap major export contracts get canceled or the dispute among the parties occur.

5.3 Policy Implications

The requirement of virtual buying houses is established by the dimensions of

Textile industry and its functions. Such inventions can increase the productivity of the
Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?61

textile sector and eventually will have a positive impact on the other sectors of the


Textile buying house associations can encourage the members of the sector to implement

and adopt advanced information and communication technology. This new version of

buying house can increase the competition in the market which will result in quality


Concerned specialists and authorities must have to work together for the success of virtual

buying house. Some codes of conducts have to be established in order to have secure and

safe dealings. Rules and regulations for registered virtual buying houses have to be

developed so that manufacturers and the buyers can feel free and safe in order to

accomplish the contracts.

5.4 Future Research

This research approached the random sample population size of around 280

participants. It is evident from the findings that the future market is going to be a fastest

and modest market for all aspects of the business. Advanced technology will out date

traditional methods of operations.

The magnitudes of this study support the introduction online buying houses. Launching

Mobile applications and the use of Web browsers can boost the profit margins and can

save the additional cost of services. Skilled labor with the knowledge of advance

technology will be the key demanding factor.

Can we have Virtual Buying Houses?62


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