Haba Pendam Pelakuran

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7 Diagram 7.

1 shows two cups of coffee of equal mass being cooled by adding a few pieces
of ice cubes.
Rajah 7.1 menunjukkan dua cawan kopi berjisim sama disejukkan dengan menambah
beberapa ketulan ais.
Ice / Ais Ice / Ais

Cup A / Cawan A Cup B / Cawan B


Initially, each cup contains 0.2 kg of coffee at 75.5 oC. It is observed that both cups of
coffee reach a final temperature of 25 oC at the same time.
Pada awalnya, setiap cawan mengandungi 0.2 kg kopi pada 75.5 oC. Diperhatikan
bahawa kedua-dua cawan kopi mencapai suhu akhir 25 oC pada masa sama.

(a) The melting of ice involves the absorption of latent heat of fusion.
What is meant by specific latent heat of fusion?
Peleburan ais melibatkan penyerapan haba pendam pelakuran.
Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan haba pendam tentu pelakuran?


[1 mark]

(b) (i) Which cup of coffee requires more ice?

Cawan kopi yang manakah memerlukan lebih banyak ais?

[1 mark]

(ii) Explain your answer in (b)(i).

Jelaskan jawapan anda untuk (b)(i).



[2 marks]

(c) Calculate the heat released when the coffee is cooled down to 25 oC.
[Specific heat capacity of coffee = 4500 J kg–1 oC–1]
Hitungkan haba yang dibebaskan apabila kopi itu disejukkan ke 25 oC.
[Muatan haba tentu kopi = 4500 J kg–1 oC–1 ]

[2 marks]

(d) (i) Calculate the mass of ice needed to cool the coffee in cup A to 25 oC.
Hitungkan jisim ais yang perlu untuk menyejukkan kopi dalam cawan A ke
25 oC.

[Specific heat capacity of water = 4200 J kg–1 oC–1,

specific latent heat of fusion of ice = 3.36 x 105 J kg–1]

[Muatan haba tentu air = 4200 J kg–1 oC–1,

haba pendam tentu pelakuran ais = 3.36 x 105 J kg–1]

[3 marks]

(ii) State one assumption which you made in your calculation in (d)(i).
Nyatakan satu anggapan yang anda buat dalam penghitungan anda di (d)(i).

[1 mark]

Question 7
1 7 (a) 1 State the meaning of specific latent heat of fusion
Quantity of heat required to change 1 kg of a
substance from solid to liquid without any change in
1 (b) (i) 1 State the correct cup of coffee
Cup B
2 (ii) 1 State the explanation correctly
The ice is exposed to the surroundings
1 State the explanation correctly
The ice absorb heat from the surroundings
2 (c) 1 Shows a correct substitution
Heat released = 0.2 x 4500 x (75.5 - 25)
1 Correct answer with unit
45450 J
3 (d) (i) 1 Shows the expression correctly
mi x 3.36 x 105 + mi x 4200 (25 – 0)
1 Shows the correct substitution
mi x 3.36 x 105 + mi x 4200 (25 – 0) = 45450
1 Correct answer with unit
0.103 kg
1 (ii) 1 State the assumption correctly
No heat loss from the coffee to surroundings

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