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1. What is the primary product/service of the company?

a) Government department
b) Construction
c) Engineering and Technical Services
d) Manufacturing
e) Hospital/Health services
f) Automotive
g) Others

2. The type of ownership of your company

a) State – owned
b) Collectively -owned
c) Privately-owned
d) International Joint venture
e) Listed
f) Others

3. Number of employees in your company :( Please mark one only)

a) 1 – 10
b) 11 - 50
c) 51 – 100
d) 101 – 500
e) >500

4. Approximate total annual sales of your company

a) < US$10M
b) US$10M -$20M
c) US$20M-$50M
d) US$50M-$100M
e) >US$100M

5. Has your company obtained any environmental certification(s) (e.g., ISO 14001)?

a) Yes
b) No
Rate on five point scaling (AN: Almost Never; R: Rarely, S: Sometimes, FO: Fairly Often, AA: Almost

No N
6 Our company sources non-hazardous/toxic material
7 Our company sources from suppliers who comply with environmental regulation
e.g. REACH
8 Our company sources environmental friendly raw material
9 Our company controls operations process to reduce waste in all sources
10 Our company monitors operations process to reduce waste in all sources
11 Our company audits operations process to reduce waste in all sources
12 Our company uses cleaner technology to reduce waste in all sources
13 Our company recycles packaging
14 Our company reuses packaging
15 Our company reduces packaging
16 Our company utilizes cleaner transportation modes
17 Our company careful schedule transportation routes to reduce emission
18 Our company uses compact packaging that reduces spaces requirement

Please indicate the level of performance improvement achieved in the past two years relative to the
industries average using the following items

SL PROBLEM STATEMENT Significantl Below Above Significantly

No y Average Averag Significantly Above
Below e Average
19 Reduction in hazardous/harmful materials
used in manufacturing Products/service
20 Reduction in the use of electricity
21 Reduction in total fuel consumption used in
transportation of product/service
22 Reduction in total paper used
23 Reduction in total packaging materials used
24 Reduction in air emissions
25 Reduction in solid waste disposal
26 Reduction in waste water drainage

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