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M: Hello My name is Milene Nayely

D: Hello My name is Raul

R: Hello My name is Daniela

M: Hi Daniela

R: Hii, good to see you!

D: Hi, guys. Hallowen are coming. Do you have any plans for the weekend?

M: I have bought a ticket to Huancayo. I'm so excited to visit my family.

D: Amazing! How long do you plan to stay?

M: I'm going to stay there for a couple of days.

R: Good! Who are you going to go with?

M: I'm going with my sister.

R: That's cool! Traveling is a very healthy therapy.

R: When are you leaving exactly?

M: We're leaving on Monday morning.

R: Good.

M: We're going to go by bus. That's why we are going to be at the bus station at about 5 in the

R: Well, I wish you a good trip.

M: Thank you

D: What else are you going to do there? I mean, apart from talking to your family, of course.

M: I am going to the cemetery and I'm going to visit diferente places. Also, I'm meeting an old
friend on Sunday at 8 o'clock.

D: It's going to be a great hallowen. It is also a good idea to go to a party.

R: That's a good idea!

M: I am not going to go a party because I have other plans. By the way, what are you doing on
the weekend?

D: I'm going to watch a horror movie.

M: Great! Who are you going to watch the movie with?

D: I'm watching the movie on Saturday with my boyfriend. He is going to come to my house.

M: Good! I hope you have a good time

R: What else are you going to do?

D: I’m going to go shopping on Sunday and I'm going to my doctor's appointment in the
afternoon. I have been a little sick lately.

R: Oh, sorry to hear that!. I'm sure you are going to feel better soon.

D: Thank you.

M: And what about you Raul?

R: I am going to the beach in Costa Verde.

M: ohh Who are you going to go with?

R: I am going with my girlfriend.

D: Oh that´s cool. What are you going to do there?

R: We are going to sunbathe and swim. Also, I am going to eat at a nice restaurant later.

M: Amazing! How long do you plan to stay?

R: I'm going to stay there for one weekend.

M: Good!. I'm sure you are going to have fun.

R: I hope so. Look at the time, I have go to home. byee

D: Well, my friends, have a nice trip. byee

M: Thanks. See youu

D: Thanks for watching this video, se you next week

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