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Research Roadmap

Literary Lessons
Step 1 Choose a Topic
You will research the moral, or message, in two or three versions of an
animal fable or folktale. With a group, you will use an outline and a summary
you’ve created to give an oral presentation.
First, make a list of the fables and folktales you have read this week.

What were the messages in the stories?

Choose one of the messages. Have you ever experienced the message in
your own life? Have you seen or read other versions of this story?

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Did the author use character, setting, or plot to express the message? Write
down examples from the reading.

Unit 2 • Week 1 Literary Lessons

Research Roadmap

Step 2 Find Resources

Now, research two or three different versions of the story of your choice at
the library or online. Be sure to use reliable print and online sources.
Remember to record the author, title and publication information for the
stories you choose.


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Use the Research Process Checklist to evaluate your research process.

Unit 2 • Week 1 Literary Lessons

Research Roadmap

Step 3 Take Notes

In your group, read the versions of the story out loud. Remember to take
notes about the changes in the characters, setting and plot as you read. Be
sure to note what is similar and what is different in each version.


Step 4 Create the Project Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Create an outline using your notes about the characters, setting, and plot.
Next, summarize the fable or folktale using your outline. What is the moral,
or message, of the story?
Decide whether to use formal or informal language in the presentation. Then
present your outline and summary to the class. Explain how the details in
the stories support the moral, or message.
Use Presentation Checklist 2 to evaluate your presentation.

Unit 2 • Week 1 Literary Lessons

Name Date

Student Checklist
Research Process Checklist 2

Did you narrow your focus for your research?

Did you create a research plan for your project?

Did you gather information from print and digital sources?

Did you list your sources?

Did you evaluate the information you collected?

Presentation Checklist 2

Did you practice your presentation?

Did you express your ideas clearly?

Did you support your topic with appropriate facts and details?

Did you speak clearly at an understandable pace?

Did you make eye contact with your audience?

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Did you use appropriate language for the task and situation?

Unit 2 • Week 1 Literary Lessons

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