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Cs201 Gdb


To store the number 51,147,483,647,321, the fitting information type to utilize would be an information
type that can oblige such a huge worth. We should consider the given information types and their
particular reaches:

1. Number: Whole numbers are normally addressed utilizing 32 pieces (4 bytes) and can store entire
numbers inside a specific reach. The greatest worth a number can hold is regularly 2,147,483,647. Since
the given number (51,147,483,647,321) surpasses this breaking point, a whole number information type
wouldn't be reasonable for putting away this worth.

2. Float: Float information types are regularly used to store decimal numbers and have a bigger reach
contrasted with whole numbers. Nonetheless, they generally penance accuracy for this lengthy reach.
The size of a float is normally 32 pieces (4 bytes), and it can hold numbers up to roughly 3.4 x 10^38.
While this reach is bigger than the given number, utilizing a float information type would bring about a
deficiency of accuracy for such a huge entire number.

3. Roast: The scorch information type is utilized to store individual characters and has an exceptionally
restricted range. It ordinarily utilizes 8 pieces (1 byte) to store a solitary person. Utilizing singe to store
the given number wouldn't be fitting since it doesn't have the fundamental reach or ability to hold such
an enormous worth.

4. Twofold: The twofold information type is ordinarily used to store drifting point numbers with higher
accuracy than the float information type. It regularly utilizes 64 pieces (8 bytes) to store esteems and
has a bigger reach than float, fit for addressing numbers up to roughly 1.8 x 10^308. The twofold
information type can precisely address the given number with next to no deficiency of accuracy,
pursuing it a reasonable decision.

Accordingly, in this situation, the most proper information type to store the number 51,147,483,647,321
would be the twofold information type because of its bigger reach and capacity to keep up with the
accuracy of the given worth.

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