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U10: Psychology L1: Psychology

Psychology started as a part of philosophy.
In 1800s, Wilhelm Wundt separated psychology from
Similar opinions and philosophy, & considered “the father of psychology”.
Each group represents
thoughts about the Collected into groups
a school of thought Schools of thoughts: Psychology
In 19th century, scientist who studied human mind &
human mind behavior were called “psychologists”.
‫المدارس الفكرية‬

Structuralism and Gestalt

Behaviorism Psychoanalytic Humanistic Cognitive
functionalism ‫كلمة ألمانية معناتها‬
‫المدرسة السلوكية‬ ‫المدرسة التحليلية‬ ‫المدرسة البشرية‬ ‫المدرسة المعرفية‬
‫المدرسة البنائية‬ “shape/ form"

This is considered the first This school of thoughts This school of thought This school of thoughts
This school of thoughts This school of thoughts
school of thoughts in explains that all behaviors focuses on how the studies processes including
focuses on individual growth suggests that humans
psychology, and it studies the are influenced by the unconscious mind can how people think, remember
and achievement. experience things as a whole.
most basic mental processes. environment. influence our behavior. and understand thing.

“Classic conditioning”
‫االستجابة الشرطية الكالسيكية‬ Sigmund Freud was the
experiment which was done fonder of this school
by Ivan Pavlov
Gestalt principle:
The whole is different than
the sum of its parts.
‫واحد من أهم مبادئ هذي المدرسة إن‬
‫دماغ اإلنسان دائما ً يميل لرؤية الصورة‬
‫الكاملة فمثالً سترى الدراجة كاملة ولن‬
‫تركز على األجزاء التي تكونها "فالكل‬
"‫أهم من مجموع أجزاءه‬
U10: Psychology L1: Psychology

Clinical ‫اإلكلينيكي‬
(Diagnose & treat
Sports ‫الرياضي‬ mental illnesses)
(how psychology Cognitive ‫المعرفي‬
can affect (Processes of the brain)

Social ‫االجتماعي‬ Types of ‫ النموي‬/‫التطوري‬
(how people psychology (How people learn/
interact & affect (Study of the mind & develop/ change
each other) human behavior “how behavior during their
people think & behave”) lifespan)

12. What is the aim of forensic psychology?

Personality ‫الشخصية‬ Forensic ‫الجنائي‬

(people behavior/ (investigate criminal
personality/ Health ‫الصحي‬ cases)
(why people behave
in relation of their
Mind/ study
‫علم النفس‬
U10: Psychology Psychology ‫علم النفس‬ L2-L4

Cognitive psychology ‫علم النفس المعرفي‬ Developmental psychology ‫ التطوري‬/‫علم النفس النموي‬
(8 processes of the mind) (as people get older, how they behave/ think/ learn changes)
14. Which cognitive process allows people to communicate?

Basic (lower) cognitive processes Higher cognitive processes Theory of cognitive development Social cognitive theory
(Piaget’s theory) (Bandura’s social learning theory)
‫نظرية بياجيه للتطور المعرفي‬ ‫نظرية باندورة للتعلم االجتماعي‬
4) Learning: gaining knowledge
1) Sensorimotor:
1) Sensation ‫االحساس‬: sight/ (0-2years)
hearing/ smell/ taste/ touch
5) Memory: remembering ‫المرحلة الحسية الحركية‬
Explains how people learn &
a) Sensory ‫حسية‬ 2) Pre-operational:
develop their behavior & skills
b) Short-term ‫قصيرة األمد‬ (2-7years) through watching/ imitating
‫مرحلة ما قبل العمليات‬ “copying” other people.
2) Perception ‫المنظور‬: interpreting c) Long-term ‫طويلة األمد‬
& understanding the world around 3) Concrete operational:
‫مرحلة العمليات المادية‬
6) Language: communication 4) Formal operational:
3) Consciousness ‫الوعي‬: 3 levels: a) Verbal ‫لفظي‬ (11+years)
a) Conscious (aware) ‫مرحلة العمليات المجردة‬
b) Nonverbal ‫ال لفظي‬
b) Preconscious (things we can ‫مرحلة الذكاء الرسمية‬
remember easily) ‫تذكر رقم الفون‬
c) Unconscious (unaware) 7) Thinking:
a) Logical thinking: left side of
the brain ‫التفكير المنطقي‬
b) Creative thinking: right side
of the brain ‫التفكير اإلبداعي‬

8) Intelligence: ‫الذكاء‬
a) Analytical ‫تحليلي‬
b) Verbal ‫ لغوي‬/‫لفظي‬
c) Interpersonal ‫اجتماعي‬
d) Practical‫تطبيقي‬
e) emotional ‫عاطفي‬
‫‪U10: Psychology‬‬ ‫‪Cognitive processes‬‬ ‫‪L2-L3‬‬

‫تخيلي إنه هذا دماغ اإلنسان‪،‬‬

‫العمليات المعرفية بنوعينها مرتبطة ببعضها!‬
‫في البداية يكون فارغ مثل‬
‫الورقة الفارغة‬
‫يبدأ يفهم مكنون الشيء ‪2.‬‬ ‫يستخدم اإلنسان حواسه ‪1.‬‬ ‫كيف يتعامل اإلنسان مع األشياء‬
‫ويكون وجهات نظر عنه‬ ‫الكتشاف األشياء‬ ‫"المعرفة‪ /‬المعلومات"؟‬
‫يختلف من‬ ‫لونه أخضر‬
‫شخص آلخر‬ ‫شكله مثل األشجار الصغيرة‬
‫رائحته كريهة‬
‫بس طمعه لذيذ‬

‫دماغك يخزن كل هذه ‪3.‬‬

‫المعلومات في األرشيف‬

‫ممكن أن يستخدم اإلنسان هذي ‪4.‬‬ ‫ممكن أن يتعلم ويبتكر اإلنسان‬

‫المعلومات المخزنة في التعلم واإلبداع‬ ‫طرق لجعل البروكلي ألذ‬
‫واالبتكار (العمليات العليا)‬
Cognitive processes ‫العمليات المعرفية‬
Type Basic/ lower ‫اكتساب وتخزين المعلومات‬ Higher ‫استخدام وتطبيق المعلومات المسبق تخزينها‬
Definition • Processes involved in obtaining and storing knowledge. • Change at each stage of our lifespan
• We have more control over them
processes 1) Sensation: the process that allows the brain to take information from 5 senses. 4) Learning: how people gain knowledge
Sensory Eyes Ears Mouth Nose Skin (next page) depends on memorizing/ understanding language/ the ability to think &
receptors intelligence.‫التعليم يعتمد على بقية العمليات المعرفية العليا‬
Function Sight Hearing Taste Smell Touch
(5 senses) 5) Memory: how people remember things
a) Sensory: (the shortest type of memory “lasts only a few seconds”)
Sensory receptors can adapt. (see next page) b) Short-term: (these memories last between 30 seconds and a few days)
2) Perception: the process of getting + selecting + organizing information c) Long-term/ life-time: (this allows you to remember things from a few
sent by the 5 senses weeks to many years ago)

6) Language: how we communicate with others

It is all about how a person interprets & understands the world. a) Verbal
Each one of us is unique & we see the world differently!‫لكل منا منظوره الخاص‬ b) Written
b) Non-verbal (e.g., body language)
3) Consciousness: awareness of your thoughts/ memories/ feelings/ 7) Thinking: how people think
sensation. a) Logical thinking (make decisions + judgments + problem-solving)
b) Creative thoughts/ awareness & imagination
c) Thinking on emotional base = emotional intelligence (affects feelings + mood +
a) Conscious: things that we are aware of. motivation + self-esteem “how you feel about yourself”)

b) Pre-conscious: things we are not aware of but can remember

easily. 8) Intelligence: people’s skills & abilities

c) Un-conscious: things that we are not aware of.

U10: Psychology L2: Basic cognitive processes

Sensory Skin receptors: ‫المستقبالت‬

adaptation:‫التكيف الحسي‬ ‫الحسية في الجلد‬

‫نهايات عصبية حرة‬

When the level of sensitivity decrease (goes Free nerve endings:
pain/ cold/ heat/
down) as the senses get used to new conditions. touch
‫بصيالت كرواس‬
Krause end bulbs:
Light? Dim light (dark room) Bright light touch/ pressure

‫جسيمات ميسينر‬
What happens to the Pupils get bigger Pupils get smaller Meissner corpuscle:
eyes? “how they adapt?” touch/ vibration

‫أقراص ميركل‬
Merkel disks:
identify shapes &
‫جسيمات باسيني‬
Pacinian corpuscle:
deep pressure/
‫جذور الشعر‬
Root hair plexus:
hair moves

‫نهايات روفيني‬
Ruffini endings:
touch/ pressure/
vibration/ stretch
U10: Psychology L2: Basic cognitive processes

Sensation is your window

to the world

Perception gives meaning to

the sensations that you feel.
U10: Psychology L2: Basic cognitive processes

Consciousness levels ‫مستويات الوعي‬:

‫األشياء التي تقوم بها بكامل‬ (Things we know & are aware of)
‫وعيك وتركيزك‬ ‫العقل الواعي‬

‫األشياء التي يمكن‬ ‫العقل ما قبل الواعي‬

‫استدعاؤها إذا أردنا ذلك‬
Driving for the first time would be a frightening
experience for anyone. Imagine how nervous
(Accessible memory) and focued you would be!
(Things we could be aware of if we want to)

‫العقل الالواعي أو الباطن‬

By time, driving will be
(Things that we are not aware of) something you do
naturally without even
realizing. This will give
‫األشياء التي نقوم بها بدون‬ your brain the chance to
.»‫تفكير منا «الروتينية‬
‫يمكن برمجته وتقويته‬ focus on other things.
‫بالتدريب واإلعادة والتفكير‬
U10: Psychology L3: Higher cognitive processes


Sensory Short-term Long-term

# The shortest type of memory.

# Lasts only for a few seconds. Ability to store information
Lasts around 30 seconds to a
#Ex: if you looking at a picture, over a long period (a few
few days.
you can describe what it looks weeks to many years)
like once it is taken away.
U10: Psychology L3: Higher cognitive processes

Analytical intelligence: ‫الذكاء التحليلي‬ Verbal intelligence: ‫الذكاء اللغوي‬

The ability to solve problems Skilled in languages

Intelligence types:
‫أنواع الذكاءات‬

Interpersonal intelligence: ‫الذكاء االجتماعي‬

Good with other people
Practical intelligence:‫الذكاء التطبيقي‬
The ability to adapt to new things
U10: Psychology L4: Lifespan psychology and developmental theories
Lifespan psychology & development theory:

Theory of cognitive development:

Social cognitive theory:
(Piaget theory)
(Bandura’s theory)
4 stages

1) Sensori-motor: (0-2) ‫الحسية الحركية‬

Importance for healthcare:
Understand the world through senses by touching/ grasping/
watching/ listening
▪ Understand how behavioral change works
How people learn & develop their ▪ Understand what motivates people
behavior & skills through:
2) Pre-operational: (2-7) ‫ما قبل العمليات‬ ▪ Develop health intervention “effort/ policy to
#Develop language skills improve health”
imitating “copying”
#Pretend play “use things to represent something real” ▪ Understand children’s behavior
#Draw pictures & talk about things that happened in the past ▪ Help to give parents advice
#Understand objects names & uses Examples: ▪ Check if the child is developing at a correct rate
3) Concrete operational: (7-11) ‫العمليات المادية‬ #Walking & talking
#Learn logical “physical” rules (height/ weight/ volume) #Communication skills (e.g., listening skills)
#Understand conversations, & others’ feelings #Cooking/ using computer/ sports
#Tell right from wrong
4) Formal operational: (11+) ‫ التفكير المجرد‬/‫الذكاء الرسمي‬ #How to build relationships
#Analyse situations critically #How to behave in different situations
#Reasoning (logic/ sensible thinking, e.g., finding a good
solution to a problem)
#Abstract ideas
U10: Psychology L5: Stress & coping mechanisms

Experiencing: face leave

#something new Fight or flight
#something dangerous Stress
(Automatic or natural
threatening you Pressure (body’s response to Stress hormones
reaction when something
# unexpected events pressure) is scary or stressful
#when you lose control happens)
over a situation

e.g., an angry dog barking &

approaching you

What are the signs of stress?

Physical changes: (physical signs)

Behavioral changes: (harmful “bad” behaviors)
~ change in heartbeat (palpitations) ‫خفقان‬
Feelings: (psychological/ mental)
~ headaches (pain in the head)
~ anxious (very worry) ‫القلق‬ ~ stop seeing friends or family.
~ nausea ‫غثيان‬
~ afraid ~ problems sleeping
~ angry or aggressive ‫الغضب والعدوانية‬ ~ digestive problems, such as not going to the ~ earing problems (eating a lot/ very little)
~ sad toilet or going a lot ‫إسهال أو إمساك‬
~ irritable ‫سريع االنفعال‬ ~ breathing problems, such as breathing very ~ exercise less or nothing at all.
~ depressed (very sad)
~ sweating ‫التعرق‬
~ consume toxic substances such as smoking.
~ aches and pains ‫ألم‬
U10: Psychology L5: Stress & coping mechanisms
Coping mechanism: ‫آاليات التكيف‬
Why is it important?
(how to deal with stress) Help to adapt ‫ تكيف‬to stressful events & still be
stable mentally/ physically & avoid involving in
harmful behaviors.

You need to get to know


Personality: ‫الشخصية‬
Ask yourself the following
questions: (the way a person thinks/ feels/

What makes you stressed?

Average: ‫المتزنة‬ Role-model: ‫المثالية‬
- Likes routine - Likes new ideas
Can you change/ find solutions easily?
- Adapts quickly
How does stress show in your body? The most common
‫عكس بعض‬
How do you feel when you are stressed?
Do you take good care of yourself?
Reserved: ‫المحافظة‬ Self-centered:‫تمحور حول الذات‬
- Few friends - Sociable (friendly)
Do you give yourself time to relax & do your hobbies? - Not ready to listen or
- Good listeners feel others
Who can help you & give you advice? ‫ عكس بعض‬Common in younger
people & usually change!
U10: Psychology
Scientific report parts: L6: Scientific report writing

‫حتاا إن مر رد كرر‬
1) Hypotheses ‫النظرية‬ • The idea you are trying to study or prove.`

2) Title ‫العنوان‬ • Gives a small amount of information, so readers understand what to expect from the report.

3) Abstract ‫نبذة مختصرة‬ • A brief summary showing the problem & explaining the findings & recommendations shortly.

4) Authors ‫المؤلفوون‬ • The names of all authors (writers).

5) Introduction ‫المقدمة‬ • illustrates the reasons for doing the report & the objectives.

6) Methods ‫الطريقة‬ • Detailed process that was followed to do the research.

• People can do their own research (can be done in a clinic setting/ a lab/ through questions)
7) Research design ‫أسلوب البحث‬
• They can analyze data that already existed

8) Results ‫النتائج‬ • It is based on facts (e.g., findings of an experiment, survey etc.)

9) Discussion ‫المناقشة‬ • Explanation of your findings (results) & if they prove your hypothesis.

10) Conclusion ‫الخاتمة‬ • A summary of your report & what you could change if you had a chance to do the research again.

11) Recommendations ‫التوصيات‬ • The section where you can provide recommendations based on the results of your research.

• The sources of information or text used (if you don not include sources, then it is considered “plagiarism”).
12) References ‫المراجع‬
• Plagiarism = stealing someone else’s work.

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