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7726944080 Name...................................................................... Date : ...........................

RAS BATCH- ....... Test Paper (Modern History)

Marks - 100

1. The candidates should not wirte the answers beyond the prescribed limit or words; failing this, marks will be

2. Candidates are directed that they should not write (answer) out side the border line in every page. Answer writeen
out side the border line will not be checked by the Examiner.

3. Attempt answers either in Hindi or English, not in both. For Language Papers, answer in concerned language and
script, unless directed otherwise to write in Hindi or English specifically.


Examiner/ Signature/
Note: Answer the following questions in 100 words each. The question carries 10 marks.

Q.1 "Maharaja Ranjit Singh died in 1839. His death was the signal for an outburst of anarchy all over the Punjab."

Q.2 For long, the Revolt of 1857, has been mistaken to be mere mutiny of the Indian sepoys in the Bengal army.
However, its causes need to be searched for not only in the dissatisfaction of the army, but in a long drawn
process of fundamental social and economic change that upset the peasant communities. Discuss.

Q.3 Do you feed that the Santhal Hool (rebellion) 1855-56, was the most effective tribal movement in pre-1857

Q.4 "The Mutiny of 1857 was much more than a Mutiny of Sepoys and much less than a National Rebellion."

Q.5 "Peace hath her victories no less renowned than war." Examine this statement with reference to Lord William

Q.6 "India's need for a federal system was more an imporative than a political choice." Do you agree?

Q.7 How far is ti correct to say that the 19th century tribal uprisings are a part of subaltern nationalism?

Q.8 "The need to impose greater parliamentary control over the Company's affairs increased during the decades
(1773-1853) after Plassey." Elucidate.

Q.9 "The Maratha polity disintegrated through internal stress."

Q.10 Examine the forces at work for the introduction of western education in India. Analyse the thrust given to it by
the Christian Missionaries.


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