Commerce Holiday Homework

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Theme: 2023-24
1. Information and Communication Technology
2. Innovation in Transport
3. Mathematics for us
4. Aerodynamics and Hydrodynamics
5. Big Data
6. Agricultural technology: Showcase different farming techniques and
technologies, and explain how they contribute to increasing crop yields and
food production.
7. Sustainable Agricultural practices
8. Educational Games and Mathematical modeling
9. Space & Astronomy: Display models of rockets, satellites, and other
spacecraft, and explain how they work and their uses.
10 Renewable Energy: Showcase different renewable energy sources, such as
solar panels, wind turbines, and hydroelectric generators, and explain how they
11 Waste to energy
12 Green Fuel
13 Robotics: Create and showcase robots of different types and explain their
applications and functions.
14 Innovation and Emerging Technology
15 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Showcase different
applications of AI and machine learning, such as image recognition, speech
recognition, and natural language processing.


As per requirements of CBSE, the students are required to do a research based project work for
Term II Internal assessment. Out of ten marks allotted for the term, 5 marks will be allotted for the

report/script/essay etc. and 5 marks for the viva. GUIDELINES

1. Students must plan their projects and activities after discussion with teachers.
2. Projects should be based on research material taken from extraneous sources.
3. The project is to be done by a group of 5 students. Each student will handle 1 segment of the
project. The Project-Portfolio must include the following:
1. Cover page

Title of the project, Student details, School name and address.

2. Statement of purpose

Reason for choosing the topic, objectives and outcomes to be accomplished

3. Certificate of Completion

Certified by the teacher (Authenticity and Originality)

4. Action Plan

Describe the various steps planned for the completion of the assigned task

5. Materials Used

Scripts for Role Play, Questionnaire for interviews, survey reports, written assignments, essays/
articles etc. used while compiling the project

6. Report/Essay/Script

Final written submission in 800-1000 words.

7. Student’s Reflections Learning during the experience

8. Bibliography

List of resources/references used while working on the project. Assessment Criteria:

1. Quality of content of the project

2. Accuracy of information
3. Adherence to the specified timeline
4. Content in respect of (spellings, grammar, punctuation)
5. Clarity of thoughts and ideas
6. Creativity
7. Knowledge and experience gained through this group activity


1. Students need to conduct interviews with a few immediate neighbours/ friends/

2. For an interview, frame questions based on the preliminary research/background
3. Collate the entire information and write an essay/ write up / report etc. up to 1000 words on
your research and submit it.
4. Students should do proper research and gather as much information as possible. They can
listen to podcasts/ interviews/radio or a TV documentary on a topic and prepare a report
countering or agreeing with the speakers.
5. The final draft of the project portfolio/ report , (along with the pictures supporting the
research)to be prepared and submitted for evaluation.
6. The report should be succinct and coherent.
7. Students can showcase their creativity while presenting their report. They can adopt various
ways such as:

O In the form of a narrative

O A mini book- chapters with different headings O A magazine report

NOTE: Viva will be conducted on the report.( 1000 words)



a. PANEL DISCUSSION or ESSAY on Importance of Gandhian values/ importance of self-

reliance / How the idea of self-reliance initiated by Gandhi ji has led our country to AATAM
NIRBHAR BHARAT / Is Gandhian philosophy relevant today?
b. Press conference after the Champaran Episode
c. Research on the Contribution of Gandhi in Champaran (students to collect some evidences
to complete their research work / visual input / facts and figures)
d. Draft hypothetical Conversation/dialogue depicting the court scene/ Gandhi’s welcome at
Champaran/ miserable condition of the sharecroppers
e. Interview of one of the characters who worked with Gandhi ji in the upliftment of

CH- Fundamentals of Partnership-
MCQ & Assertion-Reasoning based questions (All from T S Grewal book)
CH- Valuation of Goodwill-
MCQ & Assertion-Reasoning based questions (All from T S Grewal book)
CH- Admission of a new partner-
MCQ & Assertion-Reasoning based questions (All from T S Grewal book)


Guidelines for Project Work in Economics (Class XII)

 Every student has to make one Project Compulsorily.

 Project work to be done on A4 size coloured practical sheet. (Don’t get the spiral done now)
 Paste appropriate pictures.
 It should be handwritten in your own handwriting.
 Project work should be between 30-35 written pages.

Students will make project on any one topic from the list given below :-

1) Public Distribution system in India

2) Atma Nirbhar Bharat
3) Goods and Services Tax Act and its Impact on GDP
4) Human Development Index
5) Self-help group
6) Role of RBI in Control of Credit
7) Government Budget & its Components
8) Exchange Rate determination – Methods and Techniques
9) Balance of Payment
10) Mergers and takeovers
11) Solar and wind energy and its prospects in India
12) Livestock – Backbone of Rural India
13) Alternate fuel – types and importance
14) Sarwa Siksha Abhiyan – Cost Ratio Benefits
15) Waste Management in India – Need of the hour
16) Digital India- Step towards the future
17) Rain Water Harvesting – a solution to water crisis
18) Make in India – The way ahead
19) Bumper Production- Boon or Bane for the farmer
20) Rise of Concrete Jungle- Trend Analysis
21) Organic Farming – Back to the Nature
22) Foreign Direct Investment
23) China : Is it burdening poor countries with hidden debt?
24) Coal crisis in India.
25) Foreign direct Investment
26) Or any other topic ( Needs to be approved by me)

Expected Checklist for Project Work:-

 Acknowledgement
 Certificate
 Introduction of topic/title
 Identifying the causes, consequences and/or remedies
 Various stakeholders and effect on each of them
 Advantages and disadvantages of situations or issues identified
 Validity, reliability, appropriateness and relevance of data used for research work and for
presentation in the project file
 Presentation and writing that is succinct and coherent in project file
 Citation of the materials referred to, in the file in footnotes, resources section,
bibliography etc.


The students are required to visit any one of the following:

1) A departmental store.
2) An Industrial unit.
3) A fast food outlet.
4) Any other organisation approved by the teacher.

They are required to observe the application of the general Principles of management
advocated by Fayol.
Fayol’s principles-
1. Division of work.
2. Unity of command.
3. Unity of direction.
4. Scalar chain
5. Espirit de corpse
6. Fair remuneration to all.
7. Order.
8. Equity.
9. Discipline
10. Subordination of individual interest to general interest.
11. Initiative.
12. Centralisation and decentralisation.
13. Stability of tenure.
14. Authority and Responsibility.


1. The project should be handwritten and must be done on A4 size coloured sheets.
2. The project should be presented in a neat folder.
3. The project report should be developed in the following sequence-
a. Cover page should include the title of the Project, student information,
school and year.
b. List of contents. ( With 3 columns- serial number, Topic and Page Numbers)
c. Certificate.
d. Acknowledgement (acknowledging the institution, the places visited and the
persons who have helped).
e. Topic with suitable heading.
f. Introduction to Management principles ( Meaning, features and
g. About Henry Fayol( general theory)
h. About the organisation studied.( General information about the
i. Planning and activities done during the project. ( The Study Plan)
j. Observations and findings of the visit. ***
k. Conclusion (Summary of your entire experience).
l. Summary( With the help of a table and a pictorial presentation)
m. Suggestions for the organisation(If any)
n. Photographs (if any).
o. Appendix( For any additional information which could not be covered in the
p. Bibliography( Names of all websites, books or resources used)
q. Teacher’s observation.
***Observations and findings of the visit can be on the basis of –
· Different methods of observation can be used such as Personal information,
Interview, Questionnaire, etc. for observing the principles.
· Each principle should be explained first with its meaning, example, positive and
violating effect followed by the observation about the company.
· Organizational charts, Web charts, photographs should be used wherever possible.
· The following points can help in further studies-
a. The different stages of division of work resulting to specialization.
b. Following instructions and accountability of subordinates to higher
c. Visibility of order and equity in the unit.
d. Balance of authority and responsibility.
e. Communication levels and pattern in the organisation.
f. Methods and techniques followed by the organisation for unity of direction
and coordination amongst all


The students are required to visit any one of the following:
1) A departmental store.
2) An Industrial unit.
3) A fast food outlet.
4) Any other organisation approved by the teacher.

They may enquire into the application of scientific management techniques by F.W.Taylor
in the unit visited.
Scientific techniques of management-
1. Functional foremanship.
2. Standardisation and simplification of work.
3. Method study.
4. Motion Study.
5. Time Study.
6. Fatigue Study
7. Differential piece rate plan.


1. The project should be handwritten and must be done on A4 size coloured sheets.
2. The project should be presented in a neat folder.
3. The project report should be developed in the following sequence-
a. Cover page should include the title of the Project, student information, school and
b. List of contents. (With3 columns- serial number, Topic and Page Numbers)
c. Certificate.
d. Acknowledgement (acknowledging the institution, the places visited and the
persons who have helped).
e. Topic with suitable heading.
f. Introduction to Management principles ( Meaning, features and significance)
g. About F W Taylor( general theory)
h. About the organisation studied.( General information about the organisation)
i. Planning and activities done during the project. ( The Study Plan)
j. Observations and findings of the visit. ***
k. Conclusion (Summary of your entire experience).
l. Summary( With the help of a table and a pictorial presentation)
m. Suggestions for the organisation(If any)
n. Photographs (if any).
o. Appendix( For any additional information which could not be covered in the report)
p. Bibliography( Names of all websites, books or resources used)
q. Teacher’s observation.

***Observations and findings of the visit can be on the basis of –

· Different methods of observation can be used such as Personal information,

Interview, Questionnaire, etc. for observing the techniques.
· Each technique should be explained first with its meaning, example, positive effect
followed by the observation about the company.
· Organizational charts, Web charts, photographs should be used wherever possible.
· The following points can help in further studies-
1. Methods of wage payments followed.
2. The arrangements of fatigue study.
3. Derivation of time study.
4. Derivation and advantages of method study.
5. Organisational chart of functional foremanship.
6. Any other area identified in the organisation
1. The project should be handwritten and must be done on A4 size coloured sheets.
2. The project should be presented in a neat folder.
3. The project report should be developed in the following sequence-
a. Cover page should include the title of the Project, student information,
school and year.
b. List of contents. (With3 columns- serial number, Topic and Page Numbers)
c. Certificate.
d. Acknowledgement (acknowledging the institution, the places visited and the
persons who have helped).
e. Topic with suitable heading.
f. Introduction to Business Environment ( Meaning, features and significance)
g. Different dimensions of business environment
h. Planning and activities done during the project. ( The Study Plan)
i. Observations and findings of the visit. ***
j. Conclusion (Summary of your entire experience).
k. Summary( With the help of a table and a pictorial presentation)
l. Photographs (if any).
m. Appendix( For any additional information which could not be covered in the
n. Bibliography( Names of all websites, books or resources used)
o. Teacher’s observation.

1. Changes witnessed over the last few years on mode of packaging and its economic
impact following changes:
a) The changes in transportation of fruits and vegetables such as cardboard crates being
used in place of wooden crates, etc. Reasons for above changes.
b) Milk being supplied in glass bottles, later in plastic bags and now in tetra pack and
through vending machines.
c) Plastic furniture [doors and stools] gaining preference over wooden furniture.
d) The origin of cardboard and the various stages of changes and growth.
e) Brown paper bags packing to recycled paper bags to plastic bags and cloth bags.
f) Re use of packaging [bottles, jars and tins] to attract customers for their products.
g) The concept of pyramid packaging for milk.
h) Cost being borne by the consumer/manufacturer.
i) Packaging used as means of advertisements.

2. The reasons behind changes in the following-

Coca – Cola and Fanta in the seventies to Thumps up and Campa Cola in the eighties to
Pepsi and Coke in nineties.
The teacher may guide the students to the times when India sold Coca Cola and Fanta were
being manufactured in India by the foreign companies.
The students may enquire about-
a. Reasons of stopping the manufacturing of the above mentioned drinks in India THEN.
b. The introduction of Thumps up and Campa cola range.
c. Re entry of Coke and introduction of Pepsi in the Indian market.
d. Factors responsible for the change.
e. Other linkages with the above.
f. Leading brands and the company having the highest market share.
g. Different local brands venturing in the Indian market.
h. The rating of the above brands in the market.
i. The survival and reasons of failure in competition with the international brands.
j. Other observations made by the students

3. Changing role of the women in the past 25 years relating to joint families, nuclear
families, women as a bread earner of the family, changes in the requirement trend of
mixers, washing machines, micro wave and standard of living.
4. The changes in the pattern of import and export of different Products.
5. The trend in the changing interest rates and their effect on savings.
6. A study on child labour laws, its implementation and consequences.
7. The state of ‘anti plastic campaign,’ the law, its effects and implementation.
8. The laws of mining /setting up of industries, rules and regulations, licences required for
running that business.
9. Social factors affecting acceptance and rejection of an identified product. ( Dish washer,
Atta maker, etc)
10. What has the effect been on the types of goods and services? The students can take
examples like:
a. Washing machines, micro waves, mixers and grinder.
b. Need for crèche, day care centre for young and old.
c. Ready to eat food, eating food outside, and Tiffin centers.
11. Change in the man-machine ratio with technological advances resulting in change of cost
12. Effect of changes in technological environment on the behavior of employee.


A simple market research with the objective of finding out a product /service whose
marketing may be profitable like
i. Toothpaste
ii. Noodles
iii. Shampoo
iv. Bathing soap
v. Washing detergent
vi. Washing powder
vii. Lipstick
viii. Moisturiser
ix. Shoe polish
x. Pen
xi. Shoes
xii. Hair dye
xiii. Mobile
xiv. Chocolate
xv. Sauces/ketchup
xvi. Ready soups
xvii. Body spray
xviii. Fairness cream
xix. Hair oil
xx. Roasted Snacks
xxi. Jeans
xxii. Pickles
xxiii. Squashes
xxiv. Jams
xxv. Salt
xxvi. Bread
xxvii. Butter
xxviii. Shaving cream
xxix. Razor
xxx. Cheese spreads
xxxi. e -Wash
xxxii. Tiffin wallah
Identify one product/service from the above which you may like to manufacture/provide
[pre assumption].
1. The project should be handwritten and must be done on A4 size coloured sheets.
2. The project should be presented in a neat folder.
3. The project report should be developed in the following sequence-
a. Cover page should include the title of the Project, student information, school and
b. List of contents. (With3 columns- serial number, Topic and Page Numbers)
c. Certificate.
d. Acknowledgement (acknowledging the institution, the places visited and the
persons who have helped).
e. Topic with suitable heading.
f. Introduction to Marketing ( Meaning of marketing and marketing management,
features, functions of marketing, marketing mix with a diagram , etc.)
g. Marketing research- Meaning (1st and 2nd point of functions of marketing),
questionnaire (original copy), detailed analysis of each question with a table and
pictorial presentation.
h. Planning and activities done during the project. (The Study Plan)***
i. Draft a social message for your label.
j. Conclusion (Summary of your entire experience).
k. Photographs (if any).
l. Appendix( Photocopies of questionnaire conducted)( 15-20)
m. Bibliography( Names of all websites, books or resources used)
n. Teacher’s observation

***The project on the identified product/ service has to be made keeping in mind the
1. At this stage the students will divide the project into the four P’s of marketing.
PRODUCT SECTION should include answers to following questions-
a. General theory on product mix
b. Why have you selected this product/service?
c. What is the name of your product?
d. Enlist its features.
e. Does your product have any range give details?
f. Draw the ‘Label’ of your product.
g. Draw a logo for your product.
h. Draft a tag line.
i. Find out ‘5’ competitive brands that exist in the market.
j. What is going to be your ‘U.S.P?
k. What are your competitors Unique Selling Proposition.[U.S.P.]?
l. What permission and licenses would be required to make the product?
m. How will your product be packed?
n. What cost effective techniques will you follow for your product.

1. Theory of pricing (meaning and factors affecting pricing decisions)
2. What is going to be your selling price?
(i) To consumer
(ii) To retailer
(iii) To wholesaler
3. What is the profit margin in percentage to the
· Manufacturer.
· Wholesaler.
· Retailer
4. What is the selling price of your competitor’s product?
(i) Selling price to consumer
(ii) Selling price to retailer
(iii) Selling price to wholesaler

1. Theory on place mix and channels of distribution.
2. Which channel of distribution are you going to use? Give reasons for selection?
3. Decisions related to warehousing, state reasons.
4. What means of transport you will use and why?

1. Theory on promotion mix.
2. List 5 ways of promoting your product.
3. Any schemes for-
(i) The wholesaler
(ii) The retailer
(iii) The consumer
4. What cost effective techniques will you follow for your promotion plan.



1. The project should be handwritten and must be done on A4 size coloured sheets.
2. The project should be presented in a neat folder.
3. The project report should be developed in the following sequence-
a. Cover page should include the title of the Project, student information, school and
b. List of contents. (With3 columns- serial number, Topic and Page Numbers)
c. Certificate.
d. Acknowledgement (acknowledging the institution, the places visited and the
persons who have helped).
e. Topic with suitable heading.
f. Introduction to stock exchange (general theory including terms, trading
g. Report on History of Stock Exchanges in India. (your country)
h. Planning and activities done during the project. (The Study Plan)
i. Observations and findings
j. Conclusion (Summary of your entire experience).
k. Photographs (if any).
l. Appendix( For any additional information which could not be covered in the report)
m. Bibliography( Names of all websites, books or resources used)
n. Teacher’s observation.
· The purpose of this project is to teach school students the values to investing and
use the stock market. This project also teaches important lessons about the
economy, mathematics and financial responsibility.
· The basis of this project is to learn about the stock market while investing a specified
amount of fake money uncertain stocks. Students then study the results and buy and
sell as they see fit.
· This project will also guide the students and provide them with the supplies
necessary to successfully monitor stock market trends and will teach students how
to calculate profit and loss on stock.
· The project work will enable the students to:
• understand the topics like sources of business finance and capital market
• understand the concepts used in stock exchange
• inculcate the habit of watching business channels, reading business journals/newspapers
and seeking information from their elders.
· The students are expected to:
a) Prepare a list of at least 25 companies listed on a Stock Exchange.
b) To make an imaginary portfolio totaling a sum of Rs. 50,000 equally in any of the 5
companies of their choice listed above.

· The students may be required to report the prices of the stocks on daily basis and
present it diagrammatically on the graph paper.
· They will understand the weekly holidays and the holidays under the Negotiable
Instruments Act. They will also come across with terms like closing prices, opening
prices, etc.
· During this period of recording students are supposed to distinctively record the
daily and starting and closing proves of the week other days under the negotiable
instrument act so that they acquire knowledge about closing and opening prices.
· The students may conclude by identifying the causes in the fluctuations of prices.
Normally it would be related to the front page news of the a business journal, for
• Change of seasons. • Festivals.
• Spread of epidemic. • Strikes and accidents
• Natural and human disasters. • Political environment.
• Lack in faith in the government policies. • International events.
• Contract and treaties at the international scene.
• Relations with the neighboring countries.
• Crisis in developed countries, etc.
• Impact of changes in government policies for specific industry.

· The students are expected to find the value of their investments and accordingly
rearrange their portfolio. The project work should cover the following aspects;
1. Graphical presentation of the share prices of different companies on different dates.
2. Change in market value of shares due to change of seasons, festivals, natural and human
3. Change in market value of shares due to change in political environment/ policies of
various countries/crisis in developed countries or any other reasons
4. Identify the top ten companies out of the 25 selected on the basis of their market value of
It does not matter if they have made profits or losses.

## Maths holiday homework will be sent separately.

1. Make notes on the chapter Mughal and Deccan miniature painting.
2. 100 sketches (Human figure, daily life scene, object study and nature)
3. Make two compositions and two still life using colours.

Format of Case Profile
1. Front Page: Case profile: [Heading in capital bold letters], your name, class and
section, board roll no. and name of the school
2. Acknowledgement by the student
3. Certificate

This is to certify that _____________ [your name] of class XII – B/E/F [your class and
section] has completed this case profile under my supervision and this case study may be
considered as a part of the practical exam of AISSCE 2023-24 conducted by CBSE.

Ms. Srishti Arya

[Department of Psychology]

4. Index

S.No. Particular Remarks Signature

1. Introduction to Case
profile & case study

2. Tools and
techniques used

3. Objective of a case
4. Identification of

5. Family History

6. Medical History

7. Habits, interests and


8. Interview with the


9. Interview with
Significant Others

10. Maudsley`s

11. Sinha`s
Anxiety test

12. Self Concept


13. Adjustment
Inventory for School

14. Conclusion and


15. Bibliography

5. Introduction to Case Study [Heading Page]

 Define Psychology, mental processes, experiences and behaviour [class XI
 Define Psychological test: Standardisation, objectivity, reliability and its
types, validity and norms [Class XI book]
 Define case profile

Case profile is an essential part of case study. Henceforth, case profile is a narrow term if
compared to case study. It contains general information about the participant, and we don’t
diagnose the participant but only suggest preventive steps of better management of life events
like stress, adjustment issue etc. The case profile includes developmental history of the
participant using both qualitative and quantitative methods.

A case study is an in-depth study of the individual in terms of his/her psychological

attributes, psychological history in the context of his/her psycho-social and physical
environment. Case studies are analyses of persons, events, decisions, periods, projects,
policies, institutions, or other systems that are studied holistically by one or more method.
The case that is the participant of the inquiry will be an instance of a class of phenomena that
provides an analytical frame — an object — within which the study is conducted and which
the case illuminates and explicates.

Case studies are widely used by clinical psychologists, case analyses of the lives of great
people can also be highly illuminating for those willing to learn from their life experiences.

The case study method often involves simply observing what happens to, or reconstructing
‘the case history’ of a single participant or group of individuals (such as a school class or a
specific social group), i.e. the idiographic approach. Case studies allow a researcher to
investigate a topic in far more detail than might be possible if they were trying to deal with a
large number of research participants (nomothetic approach) with the aim of ‘averaging’.

The case study is not itself a research method, but researchers select methods of data
collection and analysis that will generate material suitable for case studies such as qualitative
techniques (unstructured interviews, participant observation, diaries), personal notes (e.g.
letters, photographs, notes) or official document (e.g. case notes, clinical notes, appraisal

The data collected can be analyzed using different theories (e.g. grounded theory,
interpretative phenomenological analysis, text interpretation (e.g. thematic coding) etc. All
the approaches mentioned here use preconceived categories in the analysis and they are
ideographic in their approach, i.e. they focus on the individual case without reference to a
comparison group.

Case studies are widely used in psychology and amongst the best known were the ones
carried out by Sigmund Freud. He conducted very detailed investigations into the private
lives of his patients in an attempt to both understand and help them overcome their illnesses. 

The main characteristics of the case study

1. A descriptive study
a. (I.e. the data collected constitute descriptions of psychological processes and events, and of
the contexts in which they occurred (qualitative data).
b. The main emphasis is always on the construction of verbal descriptions of behaviour or
experience but quantitative data may be collected.
c. High levels of detail are provided.
2. Narrowly focused.
a. Typically a case study offers a description of only a single individual, and sometimes about
b. Often the case study focuses on a limited aspect of a person, such as their
psychopathological symptoms.
3. Combines objective and participantive data
a. i.e. the researcher may combine objective and participantive data: All are regarded as valid
data for analysis, and as a basis for inferences within the case study.
i. The objective description of behaviour and its context
ii. Details of the participantive aspect, such as feelings, beliefs, impressions or interpretations.
In fact, a case study is uniquely able to offer a means of achieving an in-depth understanding
of the behaviour and experience of a single individual.
4. Process-oriented.
a. The case study method enables the researcher to explore and describe the nature of
processes, which occur over time.
b. In contrast to the experimental method, which basically provides a stilled ‘snapshot’ of
processes, which may be continuing over time like for example the development of language
in children over time.

Strengths of Case Studies

 Provides detailed (rich qualitative) information.

 Provides insight for further research.
 Permitting investigation of otherwise impractical (or unethical) situations.
Case studies give psychological researchers the possibility to investigate cases, which could
not possibly be engineered in research laboratories. For example, the Money Case Study.

Case studies are often used in exploratory research. They can help us generate new ideas (that
might be tested by other methods). They are an important way of illustrating theories and can
help show how different aspects of a person's life are related to each other. The method is
therefore important for psychologists who adopt a holistic point of view (i.e. humanistic

Limitations of Case Studies

 Can’t generalize the results to the wider population.
 Researchers own participantive feeling may influence the case study (researcher bias).
 Difficult to replicate.
 Time consuming.
Because a case study deals with only one person/event/group we can never be sure whether
conclusions drawn from this particular case apply elsewhere. The results of the study are not
generalizable because we can never know whether the case we have investigated is
representative of the wider body of "similar" instances

Because they are based on the analysis of qualitative (i.e. descriptive) data a lot depends on
the interpretation the psychologist places on the information she has acquired. This means
that there is a lot of scope for observer bias and it could be that the participantive opinions of
the psychologist intrude in the assessment of what the data means.

Types of Case Study

On the basis of number of individuals:

 Person/individual: The study of one single individual, generally using several

different research methods. Since there is only one individual, it emphasizes analysis
in depth. Such individual case study is a time honoured procedure in the field of
medicine and medical researchers.
 Group/Community: The study of a single distinctive set of people, such as a family
or small group of friends. Such a case study is a thorough observation and analysis of
a group of people who are living together in a particular geographical territory. It tries
to deal with various elements of the community life such as economic activity,
climatic and natural resources, historical development, social life values, health and
education etc.

On the basis of purpose:

 Deviant Case analysis: The researcher starts with difference already found
between two people or groups and his/her task is to read backwards, to deduce the
condition that might have produced the differences.
 Isolated Clinical Case Analysis: Related to individual units with respect to some
analytical problems, such studies have become popular in psychoanalysis.

Methods used in Case study

 Observation of behaviour, characteristics and social qualities of the unit by the
 Use of questionnaires, opinions, inventories, checklists and other psychological
 Analysis of recorded data from schools, clinics, courts, newspapers and similar
 Interviewing the participant`s friends, relatives and significant others.
 Participant observation: Involves the researcher actually serving as a participant in
events and observing the actions and outcomes.

6. Tools and techniques used [Heading Page]

S.No. Method Define Advantages Disadvantage


1. OBSERVATION It includes Study Labor

selection of naturalistic intensive, time
behavior, situation, as it consuming,
recording and occurs observer`s bias
analyzing of

2. EXPERIMENTAL The key Provides Creation of

METHOD feature are convincing manufactured
control over evidence of situations, its
variables, cause-effect inability to
careful relationship control all
measurement between two or variables, and
and more variables its
establishing susceptibility
cause and to human
effect error.
Hypothesis is

3. PSYCHOLOGICA Used for Less time Lack of true

L TESTING assessment and consuming and zero point,
evaluation of cost effective. relative nature
the test taker There are norms of
by a competent and objectivity. psychological
examiner. It is Used for finding tools and
standardized strengths, talents participantive
and objective and weaknesses interpretation
instrument. of individuals of qualitative

4. SURVEY Studies the Cost effective, Respondents

sampling of easy to develop, may not be
individual reach wider encouraged or
units from a section of people give unclear
population and even in remote answers, lower
the associated areas, free from validity, lack
survey data errors. of awareness

5. CASE STUDY In-depth study Intensive study Possibility of

on an and continuous errors, bias
individual, analysis. Helps can occur,
empirical locate deviant participantive
inquiry that cases and method, costly
investigates a formulation and time
phenomenon comparisons. consuming.
within its real-
life context.

6. CORRELATION The Applicable to Cannot

relationship daily life, provide a
between the provides a good conclusive
two variables starting position reason, doesn’t
to determine for researches. reveal
whether they Determine influence of all
are associated causation the variables.
or not is experimentally
studied. Its
value can
range from
+1.0 to 0.0 to -

7. Objective of a Case Profile [Heading Page]

The case profile is a research method involving an up-close, in-depth, and detailed

examination of a participant of study, as well as its related contextual environmental
conditions. It involves assessment of individual`s psychological, physical, social, and
emotional dimensions with the help of specific psychological tools and techniques.
We are using the following methods:

 Psychometric tests
 Behavioral observation
 Interviews
 Self-report

8. Identification of Data [Heading Page]

[Latest formal picture of the participant - only one]

 Biographical data
 Name
 Age
 Date of birth
 Place of birth
 Gender
 Height
 Weight
 Religion
 Caste
 Educational Qualification
 Institute associated with
 Place of education
 Personal History [Paragraph about the participant`s general life, talk about
school/college life, what she/he wants to do in future, any particular change in life,
attitude about life, schooling, friends etc.]

9. Family History [Heading Page]

 Family Tree
 Family arrangement: Joint family/ nuclear family [advantages and disadvantages
– according to the participant point of view]
 Family details
 Name of the father:
 Age:
 Qualification:
 Occupation:
 Designation:
 Name of the mother:
 Age:
 Qualification:
 Occupation:
 Designation:


->(Participant, Mother/Father, Sibling/Closest cousin, Significant Other)

 Interview with the Father [Heading Page]

How are you feeling at this moment?

How much time do you spend in interacting with your child?

What are the things that you want to improve in your child?

What do you see as your child`s greatest strength or skills? Tell me about a time when
you saw your child demonstrating these skills.

Does he/she have frequent change in behaviour or mood swings?

Does he/she share her/his problems and opinions with you?

What are the changes you have seen in her/his attitude recently?

What are your fears or concerns about your child in this year of school/college?

Are you proud of your child?

 Participant`s relation with his/her father [your observation as the profiler]


(*Interview the parent whom participant feels more connected to*)

 Interview with the Mother [Heading Page]

How are you feeling at this moment?

How much time do you spend in interacting with your child?

How is her/his behaviour at home?

What does your child aspire to be?

Does your child like to read?

What are the things that you like about your child?

Does he/she have frequent change in behaviour or mood swings?

What do you think about your child`s group of friends?

What are the changes you have seen in her/his attitude recently?

Are you proud of your child?

 Participant`s relation with his/her mother [your observation as a profiler]

 Interview with Sibling [you can also interview the participant’s closest cousin as
perceived by them]

How are you feeling at this moment?

How much time do you spend in interacting with your brother/sister?

Do you stay in the same room? Are you comfortable with this arrangement?

What are the things that you like about your brother/sister?

Does he/she have frequent change in behaviour or mood swings?

Do you hangout with your brother`s/sister`s friends?

What are the changes you have seen in her/his attitude recently?

 Participant`s relation with his/her sibling [your observation as a profiler]

10. Medical History [Heading Page]




11. Habits, interests and talents [Heading Page]

[One Page, you can write about their favourite shows, sports they like to watch/play,
movies/music they enjoy, if they are good in art & craft, drawing, singing, debating
etc., ask them what type of food they like to eat, brands they like]

12. Interview with the participant [Heading Page]

How are you feeling at this moment?

Tell me about yourself.

What do your friends say about you?

What are your strengths?

What are your areas of improvement?

What do you like about yourself

Do you share all your problems with your friends?

Do you agree upon the beliefs of your family members?

What motivates you?

Summary of the interview: [your observation and conclusion of the interview]

13. Interview with a Significant other: [Best friend/romantic relationship/teacher who

knows the participant best]

How are you feeling at this moment?

How much time do you spend in interacting with your friend/student/relative?

What are his/her areas of improvement?

What are the things that you like about him/her?

Does he/she have frequent change in behaviour or mood swings?

Do you think he/she is an aggressive person?

14. Psychological Tests Conducted on the participant [Front Page Heading]
 Maudsley`s Personality Inventory
 Sinha`s Comprehensive Anxiety test
 Self Concept Questionnaire
 Adjustment Inventory for School Students

[Next Page -Just write the score and result of the test]

 Maudsley`s Personality Inventory: After conducting the MPI on the participant,

following scores were obtained.

Neuroticism Extraversion

Raw Score

Converted Score

Result: The participant’s personality was depicted to be ----------- and -------------- .

[Paste the test and interpretation sheet on the opposite page in an envelope]

 Adjustment Inventory for School Students: After conducting the AISS on the
participant, following scores were obtained.

Adjustment Area Scores Description




Total Score

Result: The participant scored a total score of ------------. Therefore, s/he falls under
category (*) which is indicative of ------------------ adjustment level. The participant’s
corresponding percentile score was ---------------.

[Paste the test and interpretation sheet on the opposite page in an envelope]
 Self Concept Questionnaire: After conducting the SCQ on the participant, following
scores were obtained.

Dimensions Scores Interpretation







Total Raw Score

Result: The participant depicted a total score of ------------ , which is indicative of a/an

 Sinha`s Comprehensive Anxiety test: After conducting the SCAT on the participant,
following scores were obtained.

Pages 2 3 4 Total

Raw Scores


Example: [Just for your reference, **don’t copy the same**- Modify according to your participant’s

[The participant scored a total of 50* in Sinha`s Comprehensive Anxiety test, his/her score relates to
99* percentile on the scoring table of the SCAT scoring manual. This indicates an extremely high
level* of anxiety which leads to development of emotional and even physical consequential issues
like feelings of disturbance and lack of attention in the face of stressful situations. The participant is
unable to deal with extremely stressful situations with a calm attitude and ends up being highly
anxious and physically fatigued.]

15. Conclusion and Suggestions [at least two pages]

For e.g.

[I conducted my Case profile on _____________________ [Name] aged _________ years from

_______________[School/College Name]. It was a wonderful experience and taught me a
great deal in terms of knowing the participant deeply and applying the techniques of
assessment learned in the psychology classes over the past two years. I conducted the
following tests on him/her:]

 Maudsley`s Personality Inventory

 Sinha`s Comprehensive Anxiety test
 Self Concept Questionnaire
 Adjustment Inventory for School Students

Assessment was done on the basis of behavioral observation, psychometric testing based on
self report, interview with the participant and significant others from his/her life and two
projective tests.

My participant scored _____________ in MPI which indicates __________________.

[interpretation with test score]

My participant scored _____________ in SCAT which indicates _________________.

[interpretation with test score]

My participant scored _____________ in AISS which indicates __________________.

[interpretation with test score]

My participant scored _____________ in SCQ which indicates __________________.

[interpretation with test score]

[Also write about the behavioral observation that you perceived through interview with the
participant and significant others. ]

[If there is discrepancy in test scores and your observation, then write it and the reasons.
Suggest strategies if the participant has high anxiety or emotionally unstable. ]

Suggestions: Personal+Ch-3 Life skills-based [Write after Discussing with the teacher]

16. Bibliography
 NCERT Class XII Psychology Book
 NCERT Class XI Psychology book
 Psychology Test manuals
 General Psychology by Dr. D.N.Srivastava
The holiday homework is divided into 3 parts. Attempt all three in home science file.

I. Art Integration Project- Pairing state for Delhi are Lakshadweep, Andaman &
Nicobar Islands
Following are the three examples I.a, I.b and I.c. Choose any one out it.
I.a Printing: Mono printing, Printing with wood-cut blocks on fabric, lino-cut and metal foil,
self-made stencil, etc.

Mono-block print Metal foil cut print

I.b Construction of puppets, their costumes or Rangoli correlation with Home Science

Puppets showing the life & culture of Lakshadweep, Andaman & Nicobar Islands.

I.c Try making any one cuisine of assigned states and write its recipe.
II. Practical work:
Practical 1: Modification of normal diet to soft diet for elderly person.
Practical 2: Development and preparation of supplementary foods for nutrition programme.
Practical 3:Planning a menu for a school canteen or mid-day meal in school for a week.
Practical 4: Design, prepare and evaluate a processed food product.
Practical 5: Qualitative test for food adulteration in: pure ghee, tea leaves, whole black
pepper, turmeric powder, milk, asafoetida.
Practical 6: Preparation and use of anyone teaching aid to communicate socially relevant
messages for children/ adolescents /adults in the community.
Preparation of any one toy for children (age appropriate) using locally available and
indigenous material.
Practical 7: Preparation of any one article using applied textile design techniques; tie and
dye/ batik/block printing.
Practical 8: Remove different types of stains from white cotton cloth –Ball pen, curry,
grease, ink, lipstick, tea and coffee.
Practical 9: Evaluate any one advertisement for any job position.
Practical 10: Develop a leaflet/pamphlet for Consumer Education and Protection on any one
of the following-
a) Consumer Protection Act (CPA)
b) Consumer responsibilities
c) Consumer organization
d) Consumer Problem

III. Following are the Vasudha Projects. Pick one out and prepare an action plan on it.

1. Agricultural technology: Showcase different farming techniques and

technologies and explain how they contribute to increasing crop yields
and food production.
2. Sustainable Agricultural practices
3. Waste to energy
4. Green Fuel
5. Food innovation and Emerging Technology

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