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Scripta Materialia 48 (2003) 1451–1455

Fine-grain evolution in friction-stir processed 7050 aluminum

C.G. Rhodes *, M.W. Mahoney, W.H. Bingel, M. Calabrese
Rockwell Scientific Company, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360, USA
Received 25 October 2002; received in revised form 13 February 2003; accepted 13 February 2003

Evolution of the fine-grained structure in friction-stir processed aluminum has been studied using a rotating-tool
plunge and extract technique. Initial sizes of newly recrystallized grains are on the order of 25–100 nm. These grains
then grow to a size equivalent to that found in friction-stir processed aluminum, 2–5 lm, after heating 1–4 min at 350–
450 °C.
Ó 2003 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Friction stir processing; Aluminum alloys; Transmission electron microscopy; Recrystallization

1. Introduction Because the production of a fine-grained struc-

ture is significant in terms of mechanical properties,
Friction stir welding is now established as a understanding the evolution of this structure is of
viable method for joining aluminum alloys [1–5]. interest. Others have theorized that the resultant
Basically, the technique involves plunging a ro- fine grains are developed during the stirring oper-
tating tool into abutted edges of sheet or plate to ation by rotation of existing sub-grains or sub-
be welded and then translating the tool along the grains developed during processing (via dislocation
seam to complete the solid-state joining process. absorption into sub-boundaries) within the parent
Details are available in the literature [1,2]. microstructure [7,8]. Sato et al., on the other hand,
The dynamically recrystallized zone (DRZ), or have proposed that the fine grains arise from re-
nugget, of friction-stir welded aluminum alloys crystallization within the stir zone [10].
consists of fine (2–5 lm) equiaxed grains [6–8]. The The objective of the present study was to ex-
fine-grain characteristic of the process leads to the amine in detail the evolution of the fine grains
concept of producing a controlled microstructure found in friction-stir processed 7050Al. The results
on the surface of an aluminum plate by multi-pass, indicate that the fine grains are initiated by re-
overlapping zones. This approach has been desig- crystallization and not by sub-grain formation.
nated friction stir processing [9].

* 2. Experimental procedure
Corresponding author. Address: Rockwell Scientific Com-
pany, Structural Metals, P.O. Box 1085, Thousand Oaks, CA
91358, USA. Tel.: +1-8053734233; fax: +1-8053734268. A set of experiments was designed to attempt
E-mail address: (C.G. Rhodes). a simulation of the conditions that initially exist

1359-6462/03/$ - see front matter Ó 2003 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
1452 C.G. Rhodes et al. / Scripta Materialia 48 (2003) 1451–1455

within the DRZ (nugget) of a friction-stir weld. 3.1. Effect of tool rotation speed
These experiments involved plunging the rotating
tool into the aluminum sheet as if a weld bead were The sample from the 200 rpm tool rotation
to be produced, but instead of moving the work- speed test shows highly deformed material with
piece under the tool, the tool was immediately virtually no recrystallization, Fig. 1a. The single-
retracted. Although not an exact simulation of orientation deformed regions, such as that shown
FSW, this procedure has left material at the bot- in Fig. 1a, appear to be original grains in the Al
tom of the hole severely deformed, both in shear sheet. There are rare regions where there appear to
and compression, by the rotating tool. be isolated recrystallized grains on the order of 50
The material was 1.0 mm gauge 7050Al sheet in nm.
the T76 condition. The holes were plunged to a The 300-rpm-tool-rotation-speed test sample
depth of approximately 0.9 mm, leaving approxi- shows many recrystallized grains within some re-
mately 0.125 mm of deformed material at the tained deformation, Fig. 1b. These recrystallized
bottoms of the holes. The 1.25 mm diameter tool grains are on the order of 25–40 nm. The increase
was rotated at speeds of 200, 300, or 500 rpm. in tool speed from 200 to 300 rpm has resulted in
To freeze in the initial microstructures, a mix- increased deformation as well as increased fric-
ture of dry ice and isopropyl alcohol was flooded tional and deformation heating to the extent that
onto the upper surface of the plate prior to, and recrystallization has occurred.
during, the plunge. In all plunges, the anvil on the Increasing the tool rotation speed to 500 rpm
under side of the aluminum plate was cooled with produces a microstructure consisting of mostly
a chilled mixture of ethylene glycol and alcohol. recrystallized grains with little retained deforma-
The plunges were completed in 1 s or less. tion, Fig. 1c. The grains are on the order of 100 nm
Post-processing heat treatments were conducted with occasional ones up to 300 nm. The effect of
in salt baths. The times required for the sheet tool rotation speed on grain size is consistent with
samples to reach temperature were measured using earlier reports, i.e., as the tool rotation speed is
thermocouples that simulated the sheet material. reduced, the final grain size is reduced [10].
Samples were water quenched from the salt bath.
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) 3.2. Details of FSP region
samples were extracted from the bottoms of the
holes. This was accomplished by first grinding off Evidence shows that the extremely fine grains
the top portion of the plate, leaving the bottom (50–100 nm) present in the FSP material at the
0.125 mm. A 3 mm disc, centered over the bottom bottom of plunged holes are not sub-grains, but
of the plunged hole, was electro-discharge ma- rather are grains separated by high-angle bound-
chined from the 0.125 mm plate. The disc was aries. This evidence is in the form of electron dif-
mechanically ground from the bottom side to a fraction patterns taken from various areas in the
thickness of approximately 0.025 mm and then microstructure.
electrolytically polished to electron transparency. Those deformed areas that show no indication
The foils were examined in a Philips CM30 scan- of recrystallized grains give electron diffraction
ning/transmission electron microscope. patterns indicative of the underlying parent grain,
Fig. 2. The diffraction pattern, which is a selected-
area pattern taken from the entire area inset in Fig.
2, reveals that this area is a single crystallographic
3. Results orientation. This area would be included in a sin-
gle parent grain.
TEM was used to examine the bottoms of the In contrast to the deformed regions, electron
plunged holes for grain structure. The results are diffraction patterns from those areas with recrys-
presented here as the effect of tool rotation speed tallized grains show multi-orientations from se-
on the microstructure. lected areas comparable in size to those from the
C.G. Rhodes et al. / Scripta Materialia 48 (2003) 1451–1455 1453

Fig. 1. TEM micrographs of FSP Ôplunge and extractÕ tested 7050Al, isopropyl alcohol/dry ice cooling. (a) 200 rpm tool rotation speed,
(b) 300 rpm rotation speed, and (c) 500 rpm rotation speed. Arrows indicate recrystallized grains in contrast.

deformed regions, Fig. 3. There are two major extractÕ holes were made in the 7050Al sheet using
grains contributing to the pattern, both near [1 1 0] a tool speed of 300 rpm. This gives a starting
zone normal, but rotated 65° from each other structure with some retained deformation and
with (2 0 0) planes in one grain parallel to one of many recrystallized grains on the order of 25–40
the (1 1 1) planes in the other. Furthermore, there nm, see Fig. 1b.
are 4 other grains contributing to the pattern in Samples heated at 350, 400, and 450 °C reveal
non-low index orientations. These conditions in- grain growth, Fig. 4. After 1-min exposures, the
dicate that the newly recrystallized grains are not grain sizes are roughly 0.4 lm at 350 °C, 0.7 lm at
sub-grains. 400 °C, and 5 lm at 450 °C. Continued aging
demonstrates the grain growth behavior of the
3.3. Heating experiments FSP condition. For instance, after 2 min at 350
and 400 °C, the grains have grown to 0.6 and 3.5
Stability of the very fine grains generated in the lm, respectively, and after 4 min at the same
Ôplunge and extractÕ tests has been observed by temperatures, they have grown to 0.7 and 4.5 lm,
means of heating experiments. Several Ôplunge and respectively, Fig. 4.
1454 C.G. Rhodes et al. / Scripta Materialia 48 (2003) 1451–1455

Fig. 4. Grain growth behavior in FSP 7050Al at 350, 400, and

450 °C.

Fig. 2. FSP Ôplunge and extractÕ tested 7050Al, selected-area

electron diffraction pattern shows single orientation from inset translated rotating tool. However, there are sig-
TEM image of deformed region. nificant differences. These differences are twofold:
first, the amount of deformation in the nugget of a
weld will be greater as the material is carried
around the rotating tool, and second, the tem-
perature rise is greater in the nugget. Thus, the
deformed material at the bottom of a hole created
by a plunged and extracted rotating tool might be
considered an early ‘‘snapshot’’ of the deformation
experienced in the nugget at an instant in time
prior to the complete temperature and deforma-
tion cycle. Such speculation is based on the fact
that the material in the nugget of a FSW under-
goes more deformation as it is dragged around the
rotating tool than that at the bottom of a plunged
hole. Furthermore, although Sato et al. [10] sug-
gest that the onset of deformation in a FSW occurs
at a temperature near 200 °C, this temperature
remains well below the recrystallization tempera-
ture for the aluminum alloy. Hence, it is speculated
Fig. 3. FSP Ôplunge and extractÕ tested 7050Al, TEM image
that the deformation observed at the bottom of a
(inset) of recrystallized region showing a few grains in contrast; plunged hole is a precursor to the severe defor-
electron diffraction pattern shows multiple orientations. mation experienced within a FSW nugget.
The extensive deformation shown in Fig. 1a
demonstrates that the fine-grain evolution starts
4. Discussion with severe deformation of the parent material,
including pre-existing sub-grains. With a temper-
It is assumed that the deformed material at the ature increase, either by increasing the tool rota-
bottom of a hole created by a plunged and ex- tion speed or reducing the cooling rate, the
tracted rotating tool is similar to the deformed deformed structure recrystallizes by nucleation
material in the nugget region of a plunged and and growth, as shown in Fig. 1.
C.G. Rhodes et al. / Scripta Materialia 48 (2003) 1451–1455 1455

The initial grains are on the order of 25–50 nm, At slower cooling rates and/or faster tool rotation
which is significantly smaller than the size of the speeds, recrystallization of the deformed alumi-
pre-existing sub-grains, typically 1–2 lm [7,8]. It num occurs. The initial sizes of the newly recrys-
does not follow, then, that the 2–5 lm grains tallized grains are on the order of 25–100 nm,
found in the nugget regions of FSP aluminum have considerably smaller than the pre-existing sub-
arisen from pre-existing sub-grains that have ro- grains in the starting condition.
tated during processing [7] or from rotated sub- Subsequent experiments reveal that the newly
grains that form during processing [8]. Rather, the recrystallized grains grow to a size equivalent to
observations reported here are consistent with the that found in friction-stir processed aluminum, 2–
proposal of Sato et al. [10] that newly recrystal- 5 lm, after heating 1–4 min at 350–450 °C.
lized grains form during the stirring process. It is postulated that the 2–5 lm grains found in
Subsequent heating of the deformed regions of friction-stir welded and friction-stir processed
the plunge and extract material indicates that the aluminum alloys arise as the result of nucleation
nugget time/temperature exposure of a FSW during and growth within a heavily deformed structure
processing falls within the 400–450 °C range. For and not from the rotation of pre-existing sub-
instance, 1 min at 450 °C or 4 min at 400 °C gen- grains.
erates a grain size of 2–5 lm, equivalent to that
found in a FSW nugget. This is consistent with
previous postulates of nugget temperatures [4,6,11]
and agrees with measurements [10]. Times above Acknowledgements
temperatures within the nugget of a FSW, however,
are more difficult to determine. For instance, Sato This work was funded by DARPA under ONR
et al. [10] measured the bottoms of weld nuggets to contract no. N00014-00-C-0520.
be above 400 °C for only a few seconds. Lumsden
et al. [12], on the other hand, reported time above
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