Course Content Principles of Marketing - Summer

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Faculty of Business Administration

Department of Marketing

Principles of Marketing [BBA – 2107]

Instructor : REDWAN SALAM

Faculty Office : Campus 1, First Floor [Faculty room by the stairs]
Work Phone : 8820865, 9890804, 9894641. Ext: 559
Email :

Course Description
Marketing is of interest to everyone, whether they are dealing with goods, services, properties, persons, places, events, information, ideas, or
organizations. The course Principles of Marketing is designed to help the students to comprehend the basic concepts and strategies of marketing in
relation to the new technological and global realities. The course will develop the students’ knowledge about fundamental principles of marketing.
Simultaneously the course will provide the students with a systematic framework to understand practical implication of different marketing tools and

Method of Teaching
The Teaching method of this class is presentation of lecture. It incorporates slide show, hand-out distribution, class discussion, problem analyzing,
problem solving, case study, assignment, term paper and exam. Open class discussion is highly appreciated provided that it is relevant to the topics
of the course.

General Rules and Marking Policy

 Class attendance: Attendance would be marked at the beginning of each class. Doors will be locked after 10 minutes. At least 85%
attendance is mandatory. Failure to do so will lead to UW. For each absent class, 1 mark will be deducted.

 Adding / Dropping: Those who added the course later must inform the faculty. Their attendance would be counted excluding the first 3 classes
of the semester. If anyone wants to drop the course, please do so at least a week before the Mid-term exam.
 Assignments and Reports: Must be submitted within the given deadlines. Submissions after deadline will not be accepted.

 Quizzes: There will be 3 quizzes and best 2 would be counted. Whatever the reason is, there will be NO MAKE-UP QUIZ.

 Communication: The best way to communicate me is during my office hour which can be found outside my office room. If you have quarries
while I am not in the office, please EMAIL ME. DO NOT CALL ME even if you have my number.

 Requests: I strongly discourage any requests which is somehow relevant to grade.

 Text Book: Text book is essential to understand the taught topics better.

Course Evaluation
The total 100% will be broken down as follows:

Mid Term Final Term

Category Marks (%) Category Marks (%)

Quizzes 30% Quizzes 30%

Task 30% Task 30%
Term Exam 40% Term Exam 40%
Total 100% Total 100%

Final Grade = 40% of Mid Term Total + 60% of Final Term Total

Principles of Marketing 1
Set B / C Exam Policy
 Set B: Set B exam is only applicable for clash exams.
 Set C: Set C exam is applicable for those cases where the student has missed the exam on valid reason. To appear set C exam student must
provide valid documentations. The student might get fined as well in case of set C.
 A student can appear set B / C exam for this course only once, either in the mid-term or final.

Evaluation Contents
 Quiz: Quiz will give students an idea of the upcoming exam questions regarding the style and the level of difficulty. It will be a blend of key terms
and short answer questions.
 Individual Task: Individual task would help the students develop better understanding of the course work.
 Group Report: Group report is introduced to increase the students’ ability to develop teamwork, co-ordination, commitment and other relevant
skills. There will be several groups formed where each group will comprise no more than 5 persons.
 Group Presentation: This will help the students develop their presentation skills.
 Exams: Mid Term and Final exams will be a mixture of objective, descriptive, analytical and case solving type questions. The full format will be
discussed in class before the actual exam.
 Grading Policy: The set policy of AIUB for grading the students’ performance will be followed.

Course Structure
Time Frame Topics to be covered Quiz Schedule
Lecture 01 Introduction Mid-Term
Lecture 02, 03 01: Defining Marketing & the Marketing Process: Managing Relationships Quiz Lecture
Lecture 04, 05 02: Company and Marketing strategy 01 05
Lecture 05, 06 03: Partnering to build Customer Relationship 02 07
Lecture 07, 08 04: The Marketing Environment: Micro and Macro Environment 03 10
Lecture 08, 09 05: Market Research
Lecture 10 Review
Mid-term Examinations.
Lecture 01 Mid-term Exam Paper Review Final Term
Lecture 02, 03 06: New Product Development and Product Life-cycle strategies Quiz Lecture
Lecture 04, 05 07: Markets: Consumer Markets and Consumer Buyer Behavior 01 04
Lecture 05, 06 08: Product, Services and Branding Strategy 02 07
Lecture 07, 08 09: Pricing: Pricing Considerations and Pricing Strategies 03 10
Lecture 08, 09 10: Communicating Customer value: IMC
Lecture 10 Review
Semester Final Examinations.
* The instructor reserves absolute rights to change or modify this schedule as needed

Text Book and Reference Materials

1. Kotler, Philip, Armstrong, Gary, Agnihotri, Prafulla Y. and Haque, Ehsan ul, Principles of Marketing (A South Asian Perspective), 13th Edition,
2010, Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd, India.
2. Kotler, Philip and Armstrong, Gary, Principles of Marketing, 14th Edition, 2012, Pearson Prentice Hall, Boston, U.S.A.
3. Kotler, Philip and Armstrong, Gary, Principles of Marketing, 14th Global Edition, 2012, Pearson Prentice Hall, Boston, U.S.A.
4. Kotler, Philip and Armstrong, Gary, Principles of Marketing, 12th Edition, 2007, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, India.
5. Chowdhury, Tamzid Ahmed, Principles of Marketing (Practices and Applications in Bangladesh), 1st Edition, 2007, New Age Publications,
Dhaka, Bangladesh.
6. Masuduzzaman, Khandaker, Principles of Marketing, 4th Edition, 2006, Angel Publications, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
7. Kotler, Philip and Keller, Kevin Lane, Principles of Marketing, 11th Edition, 2006, Pearson Education, New York.
8. Kotler, Philip and Keller, Kevin Lane, Principles of Marketing, 10th Edition, 2005, Pearson, India.
9. Perreault Jr., William D., Basic Marketing, 15th Edition, 2005, McGraw Hill/Irwin, Boston, U.S.A.
10. Perreault Jr., William D., Basic Marketing (A Global Managerial Approach), 14th Edition, 2002, McGraw Hill/Irwin, Boston, U.S.A.

Principles of Marketing 2

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