Haven of The Dead - Free Version (02.06.2023)

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Haven of the Dead

A Catacomb Themed Supplement

Written & Designed by: Carson H.

Hello, my name is Carson and I am the creator and writer behind Questline. Nearly eight years ago I first discovered
Dungeons & Dragons and it has been a creative outlet for me ever since. I found myself constantly weaving story elements
together to create plots and situations that I thought players and DM’s alike would enjoy. So years later here I am, my passion
for D&D is stronger than ever and I spend much of my free time writing homebrew for Questline! My dream is to one day turn
my passion for writing and creation into a career, and you are helping me to do just that. So thank you, I greatly appreciate
your support!

Instagram Patreon

Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game License version
1.0a, Section 1(e), and are not Open Content: All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper names (characters, deities, etc.),
dialogue, plots, storylines, locations, characters, artwork, and trade dress. (Elements that have previously been designated as
Open Game Content or are in the public domain are not included in this declaration.)
Open Content: Except for material designated as Product Identity (see above), the game mechanics of this Questline game
product are Open Game Content, as defined in the Open Gaming License version 1.0a Section 1(d). No portion of this work
other than the material designated as Open Game Content may be reproduced in any form without written permission.
Haven of the Dead is published by Questline under the Open Game License version 1.0a. Copyright 2023 Questline
Publishing. All Rights Reserved
Credits & Thanks
This supplement wouldn't have been possible without the help of several talented and dedicated individuals, who collaborated
with me to make this supplement a reality. Please, take a moment to acknowledge the work of everyone who contributed their
time and effort. I want to send a special thanks to each of you for helping me finish this quest.

Featured Homebrewers
Conflux Creatures Sonixverselabs
Website Patreon

Map Designer
Social Media Link

AI Art

Social Media

Midjourney Homebrewery imgur
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Haven of the Dead Credits & Thanks
Content Overview

ssues of Questline Monthly will contain a unique
fantasy setting built around enthralling lore,
enriched with enticing locations, and populated
with engaging characters and imaginative
monsters. Giving Game Masters a foundation to
create new adventures or to influence their existing
world. And providing players access to irresistible
new player options, extraordinary new spells, and thrilling
items. Where will your quest take you?
The Great Catacombs, can be seamlessly integrated into
your current campaign setting, allowing players to continue
their adventure in a catacomb-themed setting to gain
experience, upgrade equipment, or take a break from their
current objectives. You can place The Great Catacombs
and Crypt Haven anywhere beneath the surface of the
Name Page
Ther Great Catacombs 7
Crypt Haven 9

Places of Interest
Name Page
The Great Catacombs 11
Curator's Curio 12
Hozhul's Study 12
Nachtmahr's Cenotaph 13
Throne of the Eternal 13
The Rattling Hollow 14
The Smoldering Maw 14
Crypt Haven 15
Candlelight Shrine 15
The Crypts 16
The Dinky Shovel 17
The Laughing Coffin 17

Characters of Interest
Name Page
Cryptkeeper Renvar 19
Graverobber Erver 20
Grervil the Bodiless 21
Scholar Hendra 22
Ivan the Scoundrel 23
Priestess Liheth 24
Holy Warrior Siggurd 25
Trader Bazrim 26
A Risen Adventurer

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Haven of the Dead Content Overview
Player Options
Name Page Holy Candlestick 42

Race: Risen 28 Priest's Candlestick 42

Background: Cryptkeeper 30 Spectral Arrow 42

Roguish Archtype: Gravewalker 32 Vial of Ectoplasm 42

Spells Statblocks
Name Page Catacomb Corpses
Name Page
Gravecraft 36
Crypt Crawler 45
Desecation 36
Decrepit Skeleton 46
Vision from the Grave 36
Skeletal Soldier 47
Dying Breath 37
Armored Skeleton 48
Gravebolt 37
Charred Skeleton 49
Soulstone 37
Draugr 50
Corpse Smog 38
Bone Titan 51
Possess Corpse 38
Flood of Bones 52
Salient Seance 38
Baron of Bones 53
Undying 38
Awaken Undead 39 Haunting Spirits
Soul Storm 39 Name Page
Shade 55
Items Ghost 56
Name Page Grudge 58
Bonemail 41
Evertorch 41
Crypt Crawlers
Name Page
Flask of Light 41
Gnawers 60
Ghost Ward 42
Cofin Spiders 61
Gravedigger's Staff 42

Crypt Haven

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Haven of the Dead Content Overview

The Great Catacombs

Decorations of the Dead
Forsaken Necropolis
Dark Allure
Crpyt Haven
City of Scoundrels
Risen Sanctuary

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The Great Catacombs

he Great Catacombs are a vast network of Decorations of the Dead
underground tunnels and chambers that
stretch for hundreds of miles beneath the It is said that The Great Catacombs were started by
surface. Built in ancient times, their purpose ancient beings, long before the age of man. They were a
was to serve as a final resting place for the place of worship and reverence for the dead, where the
dead. They were created by a civilization that honored and powerful were interred in grand tombs
has long since disappeared, leaving behind adorned with intricate decorations. These decorations
this incredible underground world as the only testament to include inscriptions, paintings, statues, ornaments,
their existence. treasures, magical items, and other various things that
The size of the catacombs is vast, stretching for were placed in the graves at the time of their creation. Each
hundreds of miles and covering an enormous area. Despite tomb tells the story of the individual buried within,
the efforts of many explorers and researchers over the immortalizing their deeds and their legacy for all time.
years, much about the catacombs remains unknown. The But the catacombs hold more than just the remains of
true extent of the catacombs is yet to be fully determined, the dead. Some tombs are said to be decorated with images
as many of its passageways and chambers remain and words exalting various ancient deities, offering a
unexplored. Some experts believe that the catacombs may glimpse into the beliefs and religions of the time. These
be even larger than currently estimated. tombs are considered sacred by many and are believed to
The Great Catacombs have become a site of great be protected by powerful magic. Some even say that the
interest for archaeologists, anthropologists, and historians. spirits of the dead still linger within the catacombs,
The catacombs offer a glimpse into the past and the guarding the treasures and secrets that lie within.
opportunity to unlock the secrets of our ancestors. Despite the dangers and the passage of time, many still
Scientists can study the artifacts and remains found within seek to uncover the secrets of the Great Catacombs. For
the catacombs, providing valuable information about the within these endless passageways and grand cemeteries
culture, beliefs, and practices of the civilization that created lies a wealth of knowledge and treasure beyond measure,
them. Despite the many years that have passed since their waiting to be discovered by those brave enough to delve
creation, the Great Catacombs still hold many mysteries into the depths of the eternal labyrinth.
and secrets, waiting to be uncovered.
Entrance to The Great Catacombs

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Haven of the Dead Lore
Crypt Haven

eyond the ominous skull-inlaid arches of The Risen Sanctuary
Great Catacombs lies a labyrinth of winding
tunnels, each leading deeper into the ancient Crypt Haven is a sanctuary for the Risen, a place where
network of tombs. But for those brave enough they can escape the fear and hatred of the world above. It is
to journey deep into the catacombs, a grand a city unlike any other, hidden deep within the twisting
chamber awaits. Enormous in size, this catacombs beneath the earth. The Risen have built a
underground cavern is the central hub of the thriving community here, with all the comforts and
catacombs and serves as a refuge for those who seek the necessities of life. From bustling markets to cozy taverns,
secrets and treasures hidden within. Crypt Haven is a place where the Risen can live and thrive
Known as Crypt Haven, this makeshift town was among their own kind.
constructed within the grand chamber and is inhabited by The history of Crypt Haven is one of struggle and
those seeking fortune, knowledge, and adventure within perseverance. The Risen have faced countless dangers and
the catacombs. Here, the residents of Crypt Haven have obstacles on their journey to this place of refuge, but they
learned to navigate these treacherous passages, and have have persevered against all odds. Despite the hardships
built their homes and businesses amongst the bones and they have faced, they have never lost sight of the hope that
ruins of the past. Some seek to uncover the long-forgotten Crypt Haven represents. Here, they have found a sense of
riches of the ancient tombs, while others seek to unravel belonging and community, something that was previously
the mysteries of the catacombs or to uncover the ancient denied to them. They have carved a place for themselves in
artifacts that are said to be hidden within. a world that would otherwise reject them, and they are
So, if you seek adventure, fortune, or knowledge, then proud of what they have built.
pass through the skull-inlaid arches of The Great Crypt Haven is a place of hope, a symbol of the resilience
Catacombs and make your way to Crypt Haven, the heart of and determination of the Risen. It is a place where they can
the catacombs and the home of scoundrels. be free from fear and persecution, and live their lives as
they choose. The Risen have found a place where they are
City of Scoundrels accepted and valued, and they will do everything in their
Crypt Haven, a city of shadows and secrets, soon became a power to protect and defend it.
haven for the strange and unusual. Nestled deep within the
earth, it is said that the city was built upon the very
threshold of The Great Catacombs, a labyrinthine network
of tunnels and caverns filled with ancient tombs and untold
It is said that those who journeyed to Crypt Haven were
not of this world. They were a motley crew of adventurers,
outcasts, and seekers of forbidden knowledge. They came
from far and wide, drawn by the promise of wealth and
power that lay beneath the earth. Some sought lost
artifacts and treasures, while others sought answers to the
mysteries of the catacombs.
But among the brave and the curious, there were also
those with darker intentions. The city was a magnet for
grave robbers, tomb raiders, and scoundrels of all kinds.
They sought to plunder the catacombs, desecrate the
tombs, and loot the treasures of the dead. And so, Crypt
Haven became a city of shadows, where danger lurked in
every corner and secrets were sold for a price.
But despite the dangers, the city thrived. The taverns and
inns were always filled with patrons, and the markets were
always bustling with trade. And so, the people of Crypt
Haven continued to eke out a living in the shadows, always
looking for a way to strike it rich. For in this city, it is said
that those who dared to brave the catacombs would find a
fortune beyond their wildest dreams.

Crypt Haven

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Haven of the Dead Lore
Places of Interest

The Great Catacombs

Curator's Curio
Hozhul's Study
Nachtmahr's Cenotaph
Throne of the Eternal
The Rattling Hollow
The Smoldering Maw
Crypt Haven
Candlelight Shrine
The Crypts
The Dinky Shovel
The Laughing Coffin

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Map By: DungeonAE
The Great Catacombs https://www.instagram.com/dungeonae.art

he Great Catacombs is a vast network of Over the years, many brave adventurers have attempted to
underground passageways that stretch for delve into the depths of The Great Catacombs, seeking to
miles beneath the surface. It is said to be a unravel its mysteries and unlock its secrets. Some have
labyrinth of tunnels, chambers, and caverns returned with riches and treasures, while others have
that have been carved out over centuries by disappeared without a trace. Many tales have been told of
the forces of nature and the hand of man. the dangers lurking in the shadows, waiting for unwary
The Catacombs have been a source of travelers to stumble upon them. Some say that the
mystery and intrigue for centuries and have been the catacombs are guarded by powerful spells and curses, set
subject of many legends and tales. in place to protect the secrets within.
The Catacombs are home to a wide variety of creatures, Despite the dangers, the catacombs continue to be a
some of which are friendly and some of which are not. source of fascination for many. Some believe that the
Many of the residents of Crypt Haven have made efforts to tunnels hold the key to unlocking the mysteries of the
map out the more traveled areas of the Catacombs and ancients, while others seek to uncover the dark and sinister
have even created safe paths through some of the more secrets that are rumored to be hidden within. It is said that
dangerous areas. These safe paths are marked with the deeper one ventures into the catacombs, the more one
symbols and signs, warning travelers of the dangers that lie will find themselves facing the horrors that are rumored to
ahead. reside there.
However, many areas of the catacombs have not been For those who dare to brave the dangers of the
explored and remain a mystery. These areas are considered catacombs, it is recommended that they go in well-
exceptionally dangerous and are avoided by the residents of prepared and with a group of trusted companions. The
Crypt Haven. Some of these areas have been sealed off, in catacombs are a labyrinthine maze, and it is easy to
hopes of discouraging others from venturing inside. The become lost in its twisting tunnels. With each step, the
sealed areas are said to be haunted by spirits, monsters, traveler will face greater challenges and dangers, and it will
and other terrifying creatures. require all of their skill, courage, and cunning to survive.
For those who are brave enough to venture into the
The Great Catacomb Ambience catacombs, the rewards may be great, but the dangers are
Dungeon of the Undead by Michael Ghelfi Studios
even greater.
YouTube Link
Catacomb Chamber Map by: DungeonAE


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Haven of the Dead Places of Interest

Curator's Curio
The Curator's Curio is a dimly lit shop nestled deep within
the catacombs of a dungeon. The walls are lined with
ancient stone and the air is thick with the musty smell of
death. The shopkeeper, an eerie undead being known as
Curator Renvar, greets visitors with a cackle and a sinister
Upon entering the shop, one is immediately struck by the
vast collection of oddities that line the shelves and tables.
There are mummified hands and feet, skulls adorned with
jewels, and ancient artifacts that have been recovered from
the graves of the dead. Each item has its own unique story,
whispered to the Curator by the spirits of the deceased.
One can find many rare and ancient items in the
Curator's Curio such as ancient scrolls, vials filled with
mysterious liquids, ancient weapons, and much more. The
shop also has a section of cursed items, which the Curator
insists on keeping locked away from the rest of the items.
Browsing through the Curator's Curio is not for the faint
of heart. The eerie atmosphere and the macabre nature of
the items on display can be unsettling for some. But for
those brave enough to venture into the depths of the
catacombs, the Curator's Curio offers a unique glimpse
into the past and the mysteries of the dead.

Curator's Curio

Hozhul's Study
Hozhul's Study is a chamber of darkness and mystery. It is
the study of a powerful necromancer, where the secrets of
the dead are unlocked and the power of the undead is
harnessed. The walls of the chamber are adorned with
ancient runes and symbols, etched in blood and bone. The
faint whispers of the spirits trapped within the chamber
The necromancer's followers, a cult of devoted servants,
scour the catacombs for the best specimens of skeletons.
They carefully select the most complete and well-preserved
corpses and bring them to the necromancer's study for his
In the center of the room stood a large brazier, its
flickering flames casting a sinister glow on the skeletons
that hung suspended from the ceiling. These were the
necromancer's current subjects, the focus of his dark
The necromancer's study was a place of dark power and
forbidden knowledge, a sanctuary for those who sought to
harness the power of death itself. And as the necromancer
continued to practice his necromancy, the catacombs
echoed with the sounds of the dead coming back to life.
Hozhul's Study


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Haven of the Dead Places of Interest
Crypt Haven

s you enter Crypt Haven, the first thing that
strikes you is the lack of sunlight. The city is
bathed in eerie, ever-present darkness.
However, the darkness is not oppressive,
rather, it seems to add to the city's allure. The
walls of the grand chamber are lined with
candles and torchlight, flickering and casting
dancing shadows upon the ornate carvings and frescoes
that adorn the walls. The stonework here is unlike anything
you have ever seen as if each piece had been crafted by the
hands of the gods themselves.
As you explore the city, you will come across ancient
tombs that have been converted into homes, shops, and
even taverns. Each tomb has its own unique character and
history, and the residents of Crypt Haven take great pride
in preserving the ancient heritage of their city. You will find
yourself drawn to the strange magic that surrounds Crypt
Haven, a place where the living and the dead coexist in a
delicate balance.
As you wander through the winding streets, you will hear
the whispers and murmurs of the ghosts that haunt the city.
Some say that these spirits are friendly and benevolent,
while others claim that they are malevolent and dangerous.
But one thing is for sure - Crypt Haven is not a place for the
faint of heart. It is a city of magic, mystery, and danger, and
it is the ultimate destination for those who seek adventure
and excitement in the afterlife.
Crypt Haven Music
Depths Of Darkness by Michael Ghelfi Studios
YouTube Link

Candlelight Shrine
Priestess Liheth, a powerful and benevolent priestess,
recently created a temple in the heart of Crypt Haven. This
sanctuary serves as a refuge for those who have been
injured or diseased while exploring the treacherous
catacombs. The temple is a beautiful statue of an angelic
figure with clipped wings, standing tall and proud at the
center of the chamber. The statue's hands are outstretched,
holding a single large candle that emits a strange and
mystical glow from its flame.
The temple is surrounded by hundreds of other candles
that illuminate the entire chamber. The candles are placed
on the floor and the walls, melting from the statue and
casting a warm and comforting light on the visitors. The
sheer number of candles makes this one of the brightest
places in all of Crypt Haven, and it serves as a beacon of
hope for those who are lost and in need of healing.
For a small fee, Priestess Liheth offers her services to
visitors, alleviating any wounds they possess and curing all
diseases. Her magic is powerful and her touch is gentle,
and she is always willing to help those in need. The temple
is a sanctuary for the sick and the injured, and it is a place
where they can find comfort and healing. It is a sanctuary
where they can find hope and a new beginning.
Candlelight Shrine Music Theme
Cathedrals of Steel by Austin Wintory
Spotify Link
Candlelight Shrine

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Haven of the Dead Places of Interest
Characters of Interest

Curator Renvar
Graverobber Erver
Grervil the Bodiless
Holy Warrior Siggurd
Ivan Shek the Scoundrel
Priestess Liheth
Scholar Hendra
Trader Bazrim

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Curator Renvar
Curator Renvar, Male Risen (Neutral Evil)

Personality. Renvar has a very intense presence

that's a bit scary, and he's quite perceptive. He
believes you should never be content with what
you have.
Appearance. Renvar is a tall undead figure. His dry
and lifeless skin is stretched across his skeletal
face. He wears the tattered silks of a dead noble.
He stands 6’ 0” tall and has a slim build. He
weighs 153 lbs. and is 511 years old.

Ideal. Greed. Renvar is only in it for the money.
Bond. Renvar will one day reopen a museum.
Flaw. Renvar will do anything to get his hands on
something rare or priceless.

Renvar was once a respected museum curator,
dedicating his life to preserving the history and
artifacts of his people. He had a passion for
uncovering the secrets of the past and was known
for his extensive knowledge of ancient cultures
and customs.
But fate had other plans for Renvar. One day, while
exploring an ancient tomb, he was struck by a
deadly curse that claimed his life. His body was
buried in the catacombs beneath the city, left to Curator Renvar's Quests
rot among the bones of the dead.
The following quests are designed to provide compelling
But something strange happened as the years story elements for Game Masters to easily implement the
passed. Renvar's body began to stir, his corpse
animated by an unknown force. He awoke from his
material within this supplement. Utilize them to create
grave, confused and disoriented, but with a
captivating plot hooks.
burning desire to continue his work. Finders Keepers
With his newfound immortality, Renvar began to The Curator's Curio was ransacked by a band of
explore the catacombs, collecting oddities and graverobbers while Curator Renvar was exploring the
artifacts from the graves of the dead. He became catacombs. He tasks the party with tracking down the
known as the curator, a mysterious figure who thieves and recovering an artifact that was stolen and is
roamed the underground passages, always in now in their possession.
search of his next treasure.
Eventually, Renvar opened a small shop called the Curator's Collection
Curator's Curio, where he sold his finds to Curator Renvar believes there are countless ancient relics
adventurers and treasure hunters. He became buried within the Smoldering Maw. He requests the party
known as a valuable resource for those seeking to sift through the ashen remains within the crematorium
rare and unique items, and his shop became a in search of lost artifacts he may add to his collection.
destination for those brave enough to venture into
the catacombs. Cursed Curios
Despite his death, Renvar's passion for history and Curator Renvar has been cursed after taking a magical
artifacts never wavered. He continues to wander artifact he found within the catacombs. Curator Renvar is
the catacombs, always in search of his next asking the party to help him end this curse before it takes
discovery. And as long as there are treasures to be his undead life.
found, Renvar will never truly be dead.


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Haven of the Dead Characters of Interest
Priestess Liheth
Liheth Athen, Female Elf (Lawful Good)

Personality. Liheth seems to be fast friends with

everyone she meets She believes it is important to
have friends and to be devout. She is very soft-
spoken and often overly optimistic. She worships
the god of light
Appearance. Liheth is dressed in religious robes.
She has light skin and sky-blue almond-shaped
eyes. Her very long wavy light blonde hair is styled
in elaborate braids. She is 487 years old (adult), 5
ft, 5 in (165 cm) tall, and weighs 123 lbs (56 kg).

Ideal. Faith. Liheth trusts that her deity will guide
her actions. She has faith that if she works hard,
things will go well. (Lawful)
Bond. Liheth will do anything to protect
Candlelight Shrine.
Flaw. Liheth's piety sometimes leads her to blindly
believe those who profess faith in her god.

Growing up, Liheth was always drawn to the
spiritual and mystical aspects of elven culture. She
spent many hours studying ancient texts and
rituals and soon realized that her true calling was
to become a priestess. Liheth was determined to
fulfill her duty to her community and began her
training as a priestess.
As Liheth grew in her powers and knowledge, she
Priestess Liheth's Quests
became increasingly aware of the restless spirits The following quests are designed to provide compelling
that haunted The Great Catacombs. These ancient story elements for Game Masters to easily implement the
tombs were once a place of great reverence, but material within this supplement. Utilize them to create
over time had become a haven for dark and captivating plot hooks.
malevolent forces. Liheth knew that she had to act
and set out on a journey to the catacombs to help The Desecrated Tomb
the spirits find peace and to ward off the evils that Priestess Liheth has learned of a tomb within the
lurked within. catacombs that have been desecrated by looters and
Liheth arrived at The Great Catacombs and tarnished by scoundrels. She wants the party to help her
immediately began her work. She spent days and restore the tomb and retrieve any stolen artifacts or relics.
nights performing ancient rituals and prayers, and
soon the spirits began to rest more easily. But The Blasphemous
Liheth's task was not yet complete, as she knew Priestess Liheth has learned of a necromantic cult
that there were still powerful forces that operating within the catacombs, profaning the sacred
threatened the catacombs. tombs and artifacts. She wants the party to infiltrate the
Determined to protect the souls of the dead and
cult and stop their rituals and activities. She knows they
the living, she built the Candlelight Shrine, a place
operate in a chamber known as Hozhul's Study but doesn't
where people could come to seek refuge and pray know its location.
for protection.
Divine Intervention
With her deep knowledge of ancient magic and The Rattling Hollow is a place with an unimaginable
her powerful spiritual abilities, Liheth has become number of restless souls. Priestess Liheth is requesting the
a powerful force for good in Crypt Haven. She is party travel with her to this area of the catacombs and
respected and revered by the people of the city, protect her while she performs a ritual to give those left
and many turn to her for guidance and protection
in their darkest hour. And while the catacombs
there a proper burial.
may still be home to many dangers, with Liheth at
the helm, the Candlelight Shrine remains a beacon
of hope and a sanctuary for all who seek refuge.


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Haven of the Dead Characters of Interest
Player Options



Roguish Archetype: Gravewalker

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"I have dedicated my life to the art of necromancy, yet I find Haven of the Dead
myself confounded by these Risen. They should be mere The Risen were once humanoid, but have risen from their
puppets, animated by my will alone, yet they move with a graves as undead creatures. With their withered skin and
consciousness all their own. I thought I had mastered the empty eye sockets, they are a horrifying sight to the living.
balance between life and death, but now I am faced with This, coupled with the legends of their unholy resurrection,
beings that blur the line between the two." has led the Risen to be shunned by society. They wander
— Keeper of Souls, Hozhul the lands as outcasts, rejected by those they once knew and
Death is an inevitability that can manifest in countless But there is a place of refuge for the Risen, Crypt Haven.
ways. Similarly, there are a vast array of reasons why the This city lies beneath the earth, hidden within a labyrinth of
deceased may rise from the grave. Some of these include catacombs. It is here that the Risen have found a home, a
necromancy, cursed locations, and unresolved matters. place where they are accepted and allowed to live among
Regardless of the cause, the newly undead are left with a their own kind. The Risen have built their own society
distorted version of their previous existence. All undead within the dark halls of Crypt Haven, where they can be
bear the physical or emotional scars of what ended their free from the fear and hatred of the living.
mortal lives, though some may be more subtle than others. Despite its dark reputation, Crypt Haven is not a place of
Overall, death and returning from the dead are complex evil. The Risen are not mindless zombies, but sentient
and varied phenomena that are not easily understood. beings who retain their intelligence and memories. They
have created their own culture within the city, one that is
Fear of Death steeped in tradition and respect for the dead. Here, the
Undead who have regained consciousness often find Risen live in peace, protected from the outside world and
themselves as outsiders in a world and era that is not theirs free to continue their existence as best they can.
and have no home to call their own Additionally, most
mortal societies have a natural fear of death and the
undead, associating it with evil. This creates a barrier of
prejudice and hatred that Risen must face. To avoid
discrimination, many undead chooses to conceal their
necrotic nature by wearing clothes, masks, and fragrances
when interacting with civilization.
Risen can vary greatly in weight, from 20 to 300 pounds.
They may have empty eyes, a colored flame-like animus in
their sockets, or harrowed, human-like eyes that burn with
an inner fire. If they have hair, it is usually dark, lank, and
dirtied with grime and grave dirt that cannot be fully
removed with cleaning.
Forsaken Pasts
The past is a source of both pain and power for many of the
Risen. They are confronted with memories of a life that is
forever lost to them, a life that is now as dead as their
bodies. The faces of loved ones and the names of friends
are but distant echoes in their minds, fading away into
nothingness with each passing day. The loss of their former
lives and the knowledge that they can never return to them
can be a heavy burden to bear.
For some, this loss is too much to bear and they are
driven to madness. They lash out at the world in their
anger, lashing out at all those around them, unable to
control their emotions. But others can harness this rage
and pain, using it as a source of strength and motivation.
They channel their anger and frustration into their actions,
pushing themselves to find meaning in their undead
This drive for purpose can lead the Risen down a dark
path, toward a potentially wicked fate. Some say that their
ultimate destiny lies in oblivion. But others hold onto a A Risen Resident of Crypt Haven
glimmer of hope, that there is some reason for their
existence, that they were not brought back just to suffer
and eventually be destroyed. Whatever fate awaits them,
28 they will fight to survive, reclaim what they have lost, and
find a place in a world that has rejected them.

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Haven of the Dead Player Options
Risen Names
Many undead that regain consciousness choose to
maintain the names they had during their mortal lives.
However, others may have forgotten their original names or
they no longer hold any significance to them. These undead
often adopt new names given to them by those who once
controlled them or those who currently surround them.
They consider these nicknames to be just as genuine as a
birth names. These names may reflect their physical
appearance, abilities, or even their role in society.
Nicknames: Rattlebones, Spore, Rotface, Raven, Bane,
Carver, Drudge, Rook, Mort, Pale, Minion, Crumble, and
Risen Physical Characteristics
# Characteristic
1. Translucent skin with visible veins and bones beneath.
2. Decaying flesh with exposed wounds and rotting skin.
3. Yellow or black eyes with no pupils.
4. An elongated jaw filled with razor-sharp teeth.
5. Skeletal frame with jagged and twisted bones,
resembling a scarecrow.
6. Glowing green veins running across its body.
7. Long and bony fingers with sharp claws.
8. Grey, pallid skin that is mottled and scarred,
resembling the texture of stone or ice.

Risen Traits
Your risen character has the following racial traits.
Type. Your creature type is undead.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score
increases by 2 and your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Age. Risen do not age.
Alignment. Risen tend to be neutral, but those with a
strong memory of their past life lean towards the same
alignment they previously possessed.
Size. You are the same size as the creature you were in
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of
you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were
dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades
of gray.
Grave Fortitude. When you are reduced to 0 hit points,
you can make a Constitution saving throw (DC 5 + the
damage taken). On a success, you drop to 1 hit point
instead. You can use this trait a number of times equal to
your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1). You regain all
uses of this trait when you finish a long rest.
Radiant Aversion. If you take radiant damage, you have
disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks until the
start of your next turn.
Turn Immunity. You are immune to effects that turn
Undead Nature. You do not need to eat, sleep, or
breathe. You are immune to disease, poison damage, and
the poisoned condition. Healing spells do not typically
affect undead creatures, however, this doesn't apply to you.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and 29
one other language of your choice.
A Risen Resident of Crypt Haven

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Haven of the Dead Player Options
Roguish Archetype:

ravewalkers are a mysterious and enigmatic
group of rogues who have been touched by Paranormal Origins
the spirits of the ethereal plane. They are Decide how your character gained their paranormal
known for their ability to navigate through abilities. Consult the table below for a possible origin of
the dark and dangerous places of the dead, your power.
and for their knowledge of the secrets of the
undead. These skilled rogues are often hired d6 Origin
to find corpses for necromancers, to plunder graves for 1. Haunted. You stumbled into a haunted temple and
treasures, or to act as guides through undead-infested upon entering, were possessed by an evil spirit. After
areas. They possess a unique and uncanny ability to detect being exorcised you obtained ghostly abilities.
the undead and avoid their deadly traps and ambushes.
Their expertise in tomb raiding makes them valuable 2. Near-Death Experience. You survived a near-death
experience and were imbued with the powers of the
assets to any adventuring party, as they can help to uncover spirit realm.
hidden treasures, and to uncover the secrets of the dead.
However, not all Gravewalkers are motivated by greed 3. Cursed. You were cursed by a vengeful witch, causing
and profit. Some are found protecting mausoleums and you to slowly become ethereal, but also gain ghostly
graveyards from desecration and spending their time
honoring the dead. They see their profession as a sacred 4. Honor. You gained your paranormal abilities after
duty, and they are dedicated to preserving the memory of years spent honoring the dead as a reward for your
the dead and protecting them from those who would seek service protecting mausoleums and graveyards from
to desecrate their resting places.
Despite their skills and expertise, many individuals are 5. Artifact. You discovered an ancient artifact that
hesitant to work with such a rogue in such a grisly granted you ghostly powers but at the cost of your
profession. They view Wraiths as a dark and ominous humanity.
presence, and they fear that their association with them 6. Ghost Hunter. You were trained by a secret society of
may bring them bad luck or ill fortune. But for those who ghost-hunters, learning to harness and control their
are willing to overlook their reputation, Gravewalkers can ghostly abilities.
be powerful allies and are sure to lead their party to
success. Half-Elf Gravewalker


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Haven of the Dead Player Options
When you reach 3rd level, your connection to the ethereal Gravewalker Spellcasting Table
grants you the ability to cast spells. Rogue Cantrips Spells
Level Known Know 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
You learn the cantrip guidance and one cantrip of your 3rd Guidance + 1 3 2
choice from the cleric spell list. You learn an additional 4th Guidance + 1 4 3
cleric cantrip of your choice at 10th level. 5th Guidance + 1 4 3
Spell Slots 6th Guidance + 1 4 3
The Gravewalker Spellcasting table shows how many spell 7th Guidance + 1 5 4 2
slots you have to cast your cleric spells of 1st level and
higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot 8th Guidance + 1 6 4 2
of the spell's level or higher. You regain all expended spell 9th Guidance + 1 6 4 2
slots when you finish a long rest. 10th Guidance + 2 7 4 3
For example, if you know the 1st-level spell inflict
wounds and have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level spell slot 11th Guidance + 2 8 4 3
available, you can cast inflict wounds using either slot. 12th Guidance + 2 8 4 3
Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher 13th Guidance + 2 9 4 3 2
You know three 1st-level cleric spells of your choice, two of 14th Guidance + 2 10 4 3 2
which you must choose from the divination and
necromancy spells on the cleric spell list. 15th Guidance + 2 10 4 3 2
The Spells Known column of the Gravewalker 16th Guidance + 2 11 4 3 3
Spellcasting table shows when you learn more cleric spells 17th Guidance + 2 11 4 3 3
of 1st-level or higher. Each of these spells must be a
divination or necromancy spell of your choice and must be 18th Guidance + 2 11 4 3 3
of a level for which you have spell slots. For instance, when 19th Guidance + 2 12 4 3 3 1
you reach 7th-level in this class, you can learn one new
spell of 1st or 2nd-level. 20th Guidance + 2 13 4 3 3 1
The spells you learn at 8th, 14th, and 20th levels can
come from any school of magic.
Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can replace
one of the cleric spells you know with another spell of your
choice from the cleric spell list. The new spell must be of a
level for which you have spell slots, and it must be a
divination or necromancy spell unless you're replacing the
spell you gained at 3rd, 8th, 14th, or 20th level from any
school of magic.
Spellcasting Ability
Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for your cleric spells
since you gain them from your communion with spirits. You
use your Wisdom whenever a spell refers to your
spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Wisdom
modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a cleric spell
you cast and when making an attack roll with one.
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
Wisdom modifier
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your
Wisdom modifier


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Haven of the Dead Player Options

Guiding Ghosts
When you pick this subclass at 3rd level, you can ask
ethereal spirits to aid you or your allies. These spirits circle
you, but they can only be seen on the Ethereal Plane. You
have a number of spirits equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Whenever you make an attack roll or saving throw, you can
roll a d6 and add the number rolled to the attack roll or
saving throw.
Alternatively, as a reaction to an allied creature within 30
feet making an attack roll or saving throw, you can
command one of the ethereal spirits that circle you to aid it.
The allied creature can roll a d6 and add the number rolled
to their attack roll or saving throw.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
Wisdom modifier, and you regain all expended uses when
you finish a long rest.
Phantom Stride
At 9th level, you can assume an ethereal presence allowing
you to move uninhibited. Immediately after you deal your
Sneak Attack damage to a creature on your turn, you can
use your reaction to become ethereal until the end of your
You gain an additional 10 feet of movement and can
move in any direction. If you move up or down, every foot of
movement costs an extra foot. You can see and hear as
normal, but everything looks gray, and you can't see
anything more than 60 feet away.
While Phantom Stride is activated, you can only affect
and be affected by other creatures on the Ethereal Plane.
Creatures that aren't on the Ethereal Plane can't perceive
you and can't interact with you.
You ignore all objects and effects that aren't on the
Ethereal Plane, allowing you to move through objects you
perceive on the plane you originated from.
Upon ending your turn, if you occupy the same spot as a
solid object or creature you are immediately shunted to the
nearest unoccupied space that you can occupy and take
force damage equal to twice the number of feet you are
This feature has no effect if you activate it while you are
on the Ethereal Plane. You can use this feature a number of
times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all
expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Sixth Sense
At 13th level, your ethereal experience has given you a
paranormal sixth sense of danger. You are unable to be
surprised by ambush attackers, you detect food and drink
that has been poisoned or tampered with, and you have
advantage on saving throws as a result of triggering a trap
or environmental effect.
Nail in the Coffin
At 17th level, your experience with the dead has deepened
your understanding of the ties between life and death.
When you hit a creature that has less than half of its
maximum hit points with a Sneak Attack, the attack is
considered a critical hit and deals necrotic damage. Once
this feature has been used on a creature it cannot be used
again on that creature for 24 hours.

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Haven of the Dead Player Options

Vision from the Grave
Dying Breath
Grave Bolt
Corpse Smog
Possess Corpse
Salient Seance
Awaken Undead
Soul Storm

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By: Sonixverselabs

Gravecraft Desecration
Necromancy Cantrip 5th-level necromancy
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: 30 feet Range: Touch
Components: V, S Components: V, S
Duration: 1 minute Duration: Until Dispelled
Classes: Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard Classes: Cleric, Paladin, Warlock, Wizard
You are able to channel the forces of undeath to You touch a point and infuse an area with necromantic
manipulate a corpse in one of the following effects: magics. The area can have a radius of up to 60 feet and the
spell fails if the radius includes an area already under the
You can cause a corpse of a creature you can see in effect of the Desecration or Hallow spell. The affected area
range to randomly twitch or move. For example, you can is subject to the following effects:
cause the arm or tail of a corpse to wave. This Undying: Dead bodies and corpses in the area cannot be
movement is not enough to perform simple tasks, revived or brought back to life by any means short of a
interact with objects, or harm a creature in any manner. Wish spell. After remaining in this area for one hour, dead
You can cause one Medium or smaller corpse or piece bodies in this area return to life as a zombie or skeleton.
of a corpse to briefly reanimate and move 5 feet in a Undead raised in this manner are unfriendly to all living
direction of your choice. After the end of this movement, creatures. Roll initiative for the undead which has its own
it returns, to its inanimate state. turns. It is under the Game Master's control and acts
You can mend a single dismemberment such as a hand according to its nature on each of its turns
or arm, on a corpse or skeleton that you can see in Cursed: Creatures in this area cannot recover hit points.
range. For example, you can reattach an arm or mend a Whenever creatures take a short or long rest while in this
broken bone of a corpse provided the necessary body area cannot use or regain hit die. Effects such as Lesser
parts are available Restoration and Greater Restoration has no effect.
You can cause the eyes of a corpse to give off dim light Wither: Affected creatures other than constructs and
in a 5ft. radius for up to 1 minute as you briefly undead have their hit point maximum reduced by 2d10
stimulate the fragments of its soul. while in this area. The damage can’t reduce the target’s hit
You can cause any remnant flesh on a skeleton to points below 1. Once the creature leaves this area, its hit
rapidly decompose over 1 minute. This process only points return to normal after 1 hour. A creature can only
leaves hardened or bleached bone. suffer from the effects of this casting of the spell once every
You can cause spectral whispers or voices to originate day.
from a corpse. You have no control over these whispers Aura of Negativity: Affected undead within this area
as they are in a language that the creature spoke in life gain 2d10 temporary hit points.
and the word or phrase spoken is a random phrase
about something in that creature's life. It may be any Visions from the Grave
name of a person, thing, place, or moment from any 5th-level necromancy
point in that creature's life.
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 10 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Classes: Cleric, Wizard
You are able to harness the last vestiges of life from a
creature's soul to view its last moments of life through your
own eyes. You can choose one corpse in range that has
been dead for no longer than a year. The spell fails if the
corpse has been dead for more than a year.
Until the spell ends, you are able to view and access any
memories that the corpse may have had within the last
hour of its death. You are able to see and hear as if you
were using the target's senses during life. While in this
state, you are blinded and deafened to your own senses.
While in this state, you can target specific memories that
the creature had based on any names, places, individuals,
or other topics related to a specific memory.
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell at 7th-level,
the duration of accessed memories increases to 24 hours.
When you use a 9th-level spell slot, you can view any
moment in the creature's life up to 1 year before its death.


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Haven of the Dead Spells


Flask of Light
Ghost Ward
Gravedigger's Staff
Gravekeeper's Candlestick
Holy Candlestick
Priest's Candlestick
Spectral Arrow
Vial of Ectoplasm

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medium armor (scale mail), rare (requires attunement)
Bonemail is armor crafted from interlocking shards of
bone and bound together through necromantic magic.
While wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to your AC.
Bone Barrier. When an undead creature with bones (such
as a skeleton) is destroyed within 30 feet of you, as a
reaction, you can merge their bones into your armor
gaining 1d8 temporary hit points for 1 minute.
Undead Disregard. While wearing attuned to this armor,
an undead creature with an Intelligence score of 8 or lower
will not be immediately hostile towards you and will regard
you indifferently. If you or your companions do anything
harmful to an undead creature, it and all undead creatures
that can see you will become hostile.
wondrous item (torch), uncommon
The Evertorch is a magical torch that can burn infinitely,
and is said to have been forged in the fiery depths of Mount
Infernos. It is made of a shimmering black metal that
seems to absorb the light of its own flames.
Lightbringer. As a bonus action, you can speak the
command word of this torch to ignite a magical flame. This
flame shines bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light
for an additional 30 feet. If you make a melee attack with
the flame active, it deals 1 fire damage.
Flask of Light
wondrous item (flask), uncommon
The Flask of Light was a small, intricately crafted vessel
made of gleaming gold and adorned with sparkling gems. It
was said to possess the power to absorb light from any
source and hold it within its confines, only to release it
when it was most needed. Many a brave adventurer had
found themselves in dire straits, only to be saved by the
Flask of Light, illuminating their path and guiding them to
Light Collector. You can place the flask in an area
illuminated by light and it will slowly absorb light, storing it
within. The flask will absorb 3 charges of light per hour it
spends motionless. There can only be one type of light in
the flask, the light retains all its properties (like sun,
moonlight, or torchlight). The flask will absorb the
strongest light if not defined by the user. (e.g. sunlight over
Light Shedder. As a bonus action, you can activate the
flask by speaking a chosen command word to shed the light
captured. Every round one charge is spent. No matter
which type, the light is shed in a 10ft radius as bright light
and 20ft as dim light.


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Haven of the Dead Items

Catacomb Corpses
Crypt Crawler
Decrepit Skeleton
Skeletal Soldier
Armored Skeleton
Charred Skeleton
Bone Titan
Flood of Bones
Baron of Bones
Haunting Spirits
Crypt Crawlers
Coffin Spider

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Catacomb Corpses

ordes of undead skeletons lumber through
the catacombs at a slow, steady pace. Their
bones are yellowed and cracked, held
together by nothing but the magic that
animates them. Their empty eye sockets
seem to stare into nothingness, yet they
seem to know exactly where they are going.
They moved with a strange, jerky motion as if their joints
are rusted and stiff. Their bony fingers clutch at the air as if
reaching out to grab something just beyond their grasp. As
they moved through the catacombs, the echoes of their
clattering bones fill the caverns, sending shivers down the
spine of anyone who dared to cross their path.
Skeletons are often the remnants of warriors long dead,
cursed to roam the catacomb forever. Their armor and
weapons are rusted and worn, yet still deadly. They are
relentless in their pursuit, never tiring or slowing down.
They are a reminder of the power of death and the curse of
Catacomb Corpses Battle Music
Skeleton Battle by Bardify
Youtube Link

The encounter tables given in this section of the
supplement will be calculated based on the standard five-
character party size at level intervals of 3, 6, and 9. These
encounters are organized further into difficulty levels
ranging from easy to deadly. All monsters used in the
encounters can be found within this section of this
Lvl. 3 Encounter
Easy Crpyt Crawler(3), Decrepit Skeleton(3), Skeletal
Medium Skeletal Soldier(3), Armored Skeleton (2)
Hard Draugr(1)

Lvl. 6 Encounter
Easy Draugr(1), Skeletal Soldier(3)
Medium Bone Titan(1), Charred Skeleton(3)
Hard Flood of Bones (1)

Lvl. 9 Encounter
Easy Bone Titan(2)
Medium Flood of Bones(1), Decrepit Skeleton(3)
Hard Draugr(4)
Deadly Baron of Bone(1)

Skeleton in the Catacombs

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Haven of the Dead Statblocks
Crypt Crawler
Small undead, lawful evil

Armor Class 11
Hit Points 3 (1d6)
Speed 30 ft. climb 30 ft.


6 (-2) 11 (+1) 10 (+0) 6 (-2) 8 (-1) 5 (-3)

Damage Vulnerabilities Bludgeoning

Damage Immunities Poison
Condition Immunities Exhaustion, Poisoned
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 9
Languages Understands all languages it knew in life
but can't speak
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)

Spider Climb. The crypt crawler can climb difficult

surfaces, including upside-down ceilings, without
needing to make an ability check.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) piercing damage, and
the target must make a DC 10 Constitution saving
throw or be infected with the disease Grave Grub.

Grave Grub
major, natural disease Crypt Crawler
Crypt crawlers, small and skeletal in appearance, are
Transmission: Direct/Indirect unique and eerie creatures. These creatures crawl on the
Onset: Instantaneous ground, dragging themselves toward their unsuspecting
Duration: Until cured prey. Their elongated and curved spine gives them the
This disease is caused by a specific species of ability to move quickly and easily across the ground,
maggots that thrive inside undead creatures. making them a formidable force to be reckoned with.
Those who contract Grave Grub are crippled with The composition of each crypt crawler is unique, with a
gut-wrenching pain as the parasitic maggots different shape and arrangement of bones. The twisted and
slowly consume you from the inside. gnarled ribcage gives the creature a twisted appearance,
making it all the more frightening to behold. The long, thin
Contraction: Creatures contract Grave Grub arms of the crypt crawler are equipped with sharp claws
disease as a result of maggots transferring to a
living humanoid from an undead creature during
that can easily tear through flesh, making them a
a close-quarters encounter. Alternatively,
formidable predator. Their short, stumpy legs are equipped
creatures can contract Grave Grub by consuming
with bony spurs that can be used to dig into the ground for
food or water infected with the eggs of a Grave traction, allowing them to chase their prey with ease.
Grub maggot. The crypt crawler is a fearsome creature, to be sure, but
it is also one that is fascinating and alluring in its own way.
Effect: Creatures afflicted with Grave Grub must The unique composition of each crypt crawler, with its
consume double the amount of normal food and elongated spine and twisted ribcage, makes for a truly
water to sustain themselves. Additionally, an unforgettable sight. With its sharp claws and bony spurs,
afflicted creature's hit point maximum is reduced the crypt crawler is a force to be reckoned with, a creature
by 1 every day. If a creature dies while afflicted that is both fascinating and terrifying all at once.
with Grave Grub it will rise as a zombie.

Cure: The only way to cure oneself of Grave Grub

Questline Monthly
is to drink an ingestable vial of poison. The You can learn more about disease in the Questline Monthly
poison must be potent enough to kill the issue, Rise of the Afflicted.
maggots inside the afflicted creature. After the
poison is consumed the effects of Grave Grub
immediately end. 45

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Haven of the Dead Statblocks
Baron of Bone 7th Level (1 slot): finger of death
Medium undead, chaotic evil Turn Immunity. The baron of bone is immune to
effects that turn undead.
Armor Class 17 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points 204 (24d8 + 94) Actions
Speed 30 ft.
Multiattack. The baron of bone casts a cantrip and
makes two bone staff attacks.
Bone Staff. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5
10 (+0) 18 (+4) 19 (+4) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 20 (+5) ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage
plus 14 (4d6) necrotic damage.
Saving Throws CON +9, CHA +10 Grave Master (Recharge 6). Up to four CR 2 or lower
Skills Arcana +8, History +8 undead creatures that have died within the past
Damage Resistances Necrotic; Bludgeoning, Piercing, minute and are within 60 feet of the baron of bone
and Slashing From Nonmagical Attacks are returned to undeath and regain all their missing
Damage Immunities Cold, Poison hit points.
Condition Immunities Exhaustion, Poisoned
Senses Darkvision 120 Ft., passive Perception 13
Languages All languages it spoke in life
Bonus Action
Challenge 13 (10,000 XP) Shield of Bones. Skeletal remains orbit around the
baron of bone acting as a shield. The bone shield has
Aura of Undeath. While within 30 feet of the baron of 26 hit points. Whenever the baron of bone takes
bone, all undead allies of the baron of bone have damage, the bone shield takes the damage instead.
advantage on Constitution saving throws and gains 5 The bone shield has 26 hit points. If this damage
temporary hit points at the start of each of its turns. reduces the bone shield to 0 hit points, the baron of
bone takes any remaining damage.
Dark Revival. A slain baron of bone will return to
undeath after 1d6 days with all its hit points unless As a bonus action, when the baron of bone is within
the baron of bone's remains are burned to ash or 10 feet of an undead creature that died within the last
disintegrated. minute, it can absorb the creature's remains to regain
its bone shield's missing hit points. The number of hit
Legendary Resistances (3/Day). If the baron of bone points regained is equal to the number of hit dice the
fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed. undead creature had, up to a maximum of 26 hit
Reassemble. Upon dropping to 0 hit points, the baron points.
of bone must a Constitution saving throw with a DC
equal to 5 + the damage taken (minimum 10). On a Legendary Actions
successful saving throw, the baron of bone regains The baron of bone can take three legendary actions,
24 hit points. It cannot benefit from this feature if it choosing from the options below. Only one legendary
took radiant damage on its previous turn. action can be used at a time and only at the end of
Spellcasting. The baron of bone is a 16th-level another creature's turn. The baron of bone regains
spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
save DC 18, +10 to hit with spell attacks). The baron
Cantrip (Cost 1 Action). The baron of bone casts a
of bone has the following spells prepared
Cantrips: grave bolt (11th-level), ray of frost (11th-
Undead Empowerment (Cost 1 Action). The baron of
bone empowers one allied undead creature of CR 4 or
1st Level (4 slots): bane, false life, inflict wounds, ray lower within 30 feet. The creature may immediately
of sickness use its reaction to make a single weapon attack, dash,
2nd Level (3 slots): ray of enfeeblement or use an object.

3rd Level (3 slots): animate dead, fear, speak with Dark Enchantment (Cost 2 Actions). One allied undead
dead, spirit guardians, creature of CR 4 or lower within 30 feet of the baron
of bone is enhanced with dark magic. For 1 minute or
4th Level (3 slots): blight until the creature falls below 1 hit point it gains a +2
5th Level (2 slots): negative energy flood bonus to its AC, it deals an additional 1d8 necrotic
damage with melee attacks, and it gains an additional
6th Level (1 slot): circle of death, create undead action on each of its turns. That action can only be
(skeleton), eyebite, harm used to make a single weapon attack, dash, or use an


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Haven of the Dead Statblocks

A Baron of Bone's Lair
A baron of bone encountered in its lair has a challenge
rating of 15 (13,000 XP).
A baron of bone's lair is a dark and ominous space
known as the Thrones of the Eternal. Steeped in the power
of the undead, the chamber's walls are constructed of
rough-hewn stone, and the flickering torchlight casts eerie
shadows across the room. The throne itself is made of
carved stone and bleached bones arranged to create a
macabre seat of power. The air is thick with the stench of
death and decay, and a sense of malevolence pervades the
Ancient symbols and carvings adorn the walls and floor,
evidence of the powerful magic that was used to create the
lair and bring the baron of bone to life. The room may also
contain the remains of previous sacrifices or offerings to
the baron, or other signs of the master's necromantic
Despite its ghoulish appearance, the lair exudes an aura
of authority and control, reflecting the baron of bone's
mastery over the undead horde. The throne room serves as
a symbol of the baron's power and is a place of reverence
and fear for the minions under its command.
Encounter Tactics
During an encounter, a baron of bone would likely use its
intelligence and control over lesser undead to form a
tactical battle plan that leverages the strengths of its
minions. It may also utilize its necromantic powers to
create additional undead during the battle, and cast spells
to weaken or debilitate its opponents.
Lair Actions
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the baron of
Baron of Bone bone takes a lair action to cause one of the following
A baron of bone is a feared and revered sight among the effects; the baron of bone can’t use the same effect two
undead hordes. These skeletal monstrosities are not mere rounds in a row:
mindless automatons, but instead, possess a twisted Sense Life. The baron of bone and each undead
intelligence that allows them to command and control the creature in the lair can pinpoint the location of each
lesser undead at the whim of their master. living creature within 120 feet of the baron of bone.
Created through powerful necromantic rites and the
sacrifice of powerful souls, the barons of bone are a Grasp of the Dead. The baron of bone causes skeletal
formidable force to be reckoned with. Their bodies are arms to rise from an area on the ground in a 20-foot
imbued with dark magic, giving them the power to create square that it can see. The skeletal arms last until
more undead and cast advanced necromantic spells with initiative count 20 of the next round. Each creature in
ease. that area when the arms appear must succeed on a DC
These powerful undead are only found under the 18 Strength saving throw or be restrained until the
command of a lich or powerful necromancer, who has the arms disappear or until the baron of bone releases them
knowledge and resources to craft such powerful creations. (no action required).
The barons of bone are the generals of the undead army,
leading their legions into battle with ruthless efficiency. Overwhelming Despair. A flood of negative energy fills
Those who dare to stand against them will find themselves the lair, threatening to overwhelm living creatures. Each
facing a formidable opponent, one that will not rest until living creature in the lair must succeed on a DC 16
victory is achieved or their master's orders are fulfilled. Wisdom saving throw or be Frightened of the baron of
bone until initiative counts 20 of the next round.
Baron of Bone Battle Music Army of Darkness. The baron of bone summons 5 (1d6
Bones of the Forsaken by Michael Ghelfi Studios + 2) skeletons. Each skeleton rises in an unoccupied
Youtube Link location with 30 feet of the baron of bone. These
skeletons take their turns immediately after the baron of
bone. The baron of bone must wait 24 hours before it
can use this lair action again.


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Haven of the Dead Statblocks
Haunting Spirits

t is said that the spirits of the dead still roam its
twisting passages and dark chambers, unable to
find peace. These phantoms are rumored to be the
result of a powerful curse, placed upon the
catacombs by a mad sorcerer who sought to
punish those who had wronged him.
The haunting spirits are said to take many
forms, from the ghostly apparitions of long-dead priests
and knights to the shadows of nameless prisoners who
were buried alive within the catacombs. Some say that the
spirits are vengeful and malevolent, seeking to torment the
living and draw them into the darkness of the catacombs.
Others claim that the spirits are merely lost and confused,
trapped within the tunnels and desperate to find their way
back to the world of the living.
Despite the danger, some dare to venture into the
catacombs in search of treasure, knowledge, or the thrill of
the unknown. These brave (or foolish) individuals often
carry wards and amulets to protect them from the spirits,
but it is said that even these talismans are not always
enough to keep them safe. The legends of the catacombs
continue to endure, drawing the curious and the daring to
its depths and leaving them to face the haunted spirits of
the past.

The encounter tables given in this section of the
supplement will be calculated based on the standard five-
character party size at level intervals of 3, 6, and 9. These
encounters are organized further into difficulty levels
ranging from easy to deadly. All monsters used in the
encounters can be found within this section of this
Lvl. 3 Encounter
Easy Shade(3)
Medium Ghost(1)
Hard Ghost(1) Shade(1)

Lvl. 6 Encounter
Easy Ghost(1), Shade(3)
Medium Ghost(2)
Hard Grudge(1)

Lvl. 9 Encounter
Medium Ghost(3)
Deadly Grudge(1) Ghost(2)


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Haven of the Dead Statblocks
By: Conflux Creatures
Medium undead, neutral evil

Armor Class 12
Hit Points 16 (3d8 + 3)
Speed 40 ft.


6 (-2) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 8 (-1)

Skills Stealth +6
Damage Vulnerabilities Radiant
Damage Resistances Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning,
Thunder; Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing
from Nonmagical Attacks
Damage Immunities Necrotic, Poison
Condition Immunities Exhaustion, Frightened,
Grappled, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned, Prone,
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 10
Languages Understands all languages it spoke in
life but can't speak
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

Amorphous The shade can move through a space

as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing.
Shadow Stealth. While in dim light or Darkness, the
shade can take the Hide action as a Bonus Action.
Light Dependance. While in darkness, the shade is
invisible and can use its strength to drain. While in
bright light, the shade has an advantage on attack
rolls but loses its damage resistance.
Spectral Weapons. The shade's attacks treat all
creatures as unarmored (an unarmored creature's
AC is usually 10 plus its Dexterity modifier.) Shade
Actions Shades are believed to be the spirits of the wicked that
have been condemned to roam the earth for eternity. They
Shadow Choke (Dim or bright light only). Melee were once humanoids who reveled in causing pain and
Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. suffering, but now they are confined to a formless
Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) necrotic damage and the target is existence.
grappled and cannot breathe. If the target was Shades are elusive creatures, preferring to remain
already grappled, the target must make a DC 10
Constitution saving throw or lose its held breath
hidden within the shadows of their prey. They use their
and begin to suffocate.
stealth to approach their target unnoticed, waiting for the
perfect moment to strike. Once an opportunity arises, they
Strength Drain (Darkness only). Melee Weapon will use their powers to drain the strength of their target
Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: The until its unable to fight back, at which point it will choke the
target's Strength score is reduced by 1d4. The life from their body.
target dies if this reduces its Strength to 0. Although they are incorporeal, shades are not to be
Otherwise, the reduction lasts until the target underestimated. They are particularly dangerous in areas
finishes a short or long rest. of darkness, where their form is difficult to discern, and
If a non-evil humanoid dies from this attack, a new their stealth makes them even more unpredictable. It is
shade rises from the corpse 1d4 hours later. said that those who are followed by a shade will eventually
fall victim to its evil machinations, becoming a pawn in its
Reactions quest for power. Those who encounter a shade should
Shadow Glide (Dim light only). As a reaction to
exercise caution and be on their guard, for once it has
taking damage of a type it is resistant to, the shade
found its prey, it is not easily shaken.
may teleport up to 60 feet and turn invisible until
it makes an attack. If it does, it can't make attacks
on its next turn.


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Haven of the Dead Statblocks
By: Conflux Creatures

Ghost Actions
Medium undead, neutral evil
Withering Touch. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (4d6 + 3) necrotic
Armor Class 11
Hit Points 72 (16d8)
Speed fly 40 ft. (hover) Etherealness. The ghost enters the Ethereal Plane from
the Material Plane or vice versa. It is visible on the
Material Plane while it is in the Border Ethereal, and
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA vice versa, yet it can't affect or be affected by
7 (-2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) anything on the other plane.
Horrifying Visage. Each non-undead creature within 60
Damage Resistances Acid, Fire, Lightning, Thunder feet of the ghost that can see it must succeed on a
Damage Immunities Cold, Necrotic, Poison; DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened for 1
Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from minute. If the save fails by 5 or more, the target also
Nonmagical Attacks ages 1d4 × 10 years. A frightened target can repeat
Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
Frightened, Grappled, Paralyzed, Petrified, ending the frightened condition on itself on a
Poisoned, Prone, Restrained success. If a target's saving throw is successful or the
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 11 effect ends for it, the target is immune to this ghost's
Languages > - Languages Understands all languages it Horrifying Visage for the next 24 hours. The aging
spoke in life but can't speak effect can be reversed with a greater restoration spell,
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) but only within 24 hours of it occurring.

Ethereal Sight. The ghost can see 60 feet into the Reactions
Ethereal Plane when it is on the Material Plane, and
Drifting Apparition. As a reaction to being missed with
vice versa.
a melee attack, the ghost may move up to half its
Incorporeal Movement. The ghost can move through speed.
other creatures and objects as if they were difficult
Possession (1/day). As a reaction to taking damage,
terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its
the ghost may force the attacker to succeed on a DC
turn inside an object. 13 Charisma saving throw or be possessed by the
Spectral Weapons. The ghost's attacks treat all ghost; the ghost then disappears, and the target is
creatures as unarmored (an unarmored creature's AC incapacitated and loses control of its body. The ghost
is usually 10 plus its Dexterity modifier.) now controls the body but doesn't deprive the target
Unfinished Business. When the ghost is reduced to 0 of awareness. The ghost can't be targeted by any
attack, spell, or other effects, except ones that turn
hit points, it does not die or fall unconscious. Instead,
it loses the ability to take actions other than its undead, and it retains its alignment, Intelligence,
Wisdom, Charisma, and immunity to being charmed
Etherealness and Possession abilities, though it can
still communicate. After 1d4 hours, the ghost and frightened. It otherwise uses the possessed
recovers all of its hit points. While at 0 hit points, the target's statistics but doesn't gain access to the
ghost can be destroyed in any of the following ways: target's knowledge, class features, or proficiencies.

Resolving its unfinished business. The possession lasts until the body drops to 0 hit
Subjecting it to the same conditions that killed it. points, the ghost ends it as a bonus action, or the
ghost is turned or forced out by an effect like the
Performing funeral rites for it with the Ceremony
spell. dispel evil and good spell. When the possession ends,
the ghost reappears in an unoccupied space within 5
feet of the body.


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Haven of the Dead Statblocks

Legends say that the souls of those who die with unfinished
business or strong emotional ties to the world of the living
often become ghosts. They are often seen as fleeting
apparitions, shrouded in mist and appearing as a pale
reflection of their former selves. They are known to cause
mischief, terror, or even tragedy to those who cross their
path, as they seek to fulfill their unresolved desires.
The act of becoming a ghost is often seen as a curse, as
they are trapped in a state of purgatory and unable to move
on to the afterlife. Some believe that a ghost can only be
freed by fulfilling their unfinished business or by someone
else completing it in their place. Some tales even speak of
powerful magic users who can bind the souls of the
deceased to their will, forcing them to do their bidding as
ghostly servants.
Some cultures view ghosts with reverence, believing that
they are messengers from the afterlife or protectors of the
spirits of the dead. In these cultures, it is customary to
make offerings to the spirits of the deceased to appease
them and prevent them from causing harm to the living.
But for the most part, ghosts are widely feared and avoided,
as few dare to confront the unknown horrors that lurk
within the realm of the dead.
Many believe that ghosts can be encountered in any
location where they were strongly attached to when alive,
such as their homes, places of work, or sites of tragic
events. However, others believe that some ghosts can also
haunt specific objects, such as jewelry, weapons, or even
books, which were of great significance to them in life.
These objects are said to hold powerful energy, attracting
the spirits of the deceased and allowing them to manifest
their presence.
The appearance of a ghost can vary greatly, from
translucent, ethereal beings to solid apparitions that can
interact with the world around them. Some ghosts are
known to emit a chilling aura, causing fear and discomfort
in those who come near. Others are said to be able to
possess the living, using their bodies to interact with the
world and further their unfinished business.
While most believe that ghosts are a manifestation of the
dead, some theories suggest that they are instead an
alternate version of reality, a parallel realm that can
intersect with the physical world. In these theories, ghosts
are seen as beings from another dimension, and their
haunting is simply a side effect of the overlap between the
two realms. This overlap is often triggered by strong
emotions or trauma, and it is believed that ghosts are
attracted to individuals or locations that resonate with their
energy. Regardless of the cause, the appearance of a ghost
is always a harbinger of danger, and those who encounter
them are wise to exercise caution.


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Haven of the Dead Statblocks
Patron Appreciation
I want to express my deep gratitude to all my Patreon Patrons who support Questline.
Your belief and support mean the world to me and inspire me to create*
the best content I can for this wonderful community. I am so thankful to have each
of you on this journey with me, and I promise to keep pushing myself to deliver
high-quality material. Together, I can't wait to grow and evolve as we embark on this quest.

Sincerely, Carson H.

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Check Out Previous Issues of
Questline Monthly:
Wealth of the Wicked
Stones of the Earthen
Glory of the Arena
Coven of the Deep
Last of the Sacred
Thrill of the Hunt
Rise of the Afflicted
Rift of the Planes
Legends of the Fabled
Engines of the Lost

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