İngilis Dili GRADE 7, KSQ 2

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English VII Sub summative 2

Tarix ___________ Adı ______________ _____________

1.Choose the correct variant

…… is the process of expressing ideas and feelings
A) information B)discussion C) communication D)innovation
2.Choose the correct variant.
Mary enjoys……nature programs on TV.
a) listening b)watching c) looking d) reading
3.Choose the correct conjunction
My sister likes playing the piano, …… my brother likes playing the violin
a)and b)that c) but d)because
4.Choose the incorrect sentence
A) English is a global language
B) It is important to know English
C) English is spoken only in England
D) Chinese is the first language in China
5.Choose the correct conjunction
Computers are the main part of our life today…. they help us to communicate
A) Because B) and C)but D)or
6. Choose the correct variant
I….to do these tests, …… I work hard
A) is able, because B) am able , because C)are able, and D) am able, or
7. Choose the correct variant
A) a furniture shops B) a news programme
C) a good information D) a good advice
8. Which one is wrong?
A) Computers can design cars
B)Computers can do puzzles
C)Computers can’t send e-mails
D) Computers can find facts
9.Choose the correct variant
… means Internet Computer Center
10. Write a quote: “How do you communicate?

Müəllim ______ Qiymət _________

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