Walking in Two Worlds Task 3

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Artwork - Find a famous piece of art that evokes similar emotions, themes, motifs, and

feelings as this section of the text. Provide some information about your chosen piece of art
and explain how it connects to the text by exploring elements such as light and value, color,
space, texture, shape and line. In your Lit Circle, you will present the artwork for your group,
identify 3-4 important points and lead a discussion which encourages your classmates to
make personal connections.


By: Anastasia V. Pea

This artwork is highly related to the book because it contains similar emotion, themes,
motifs, and color of the text. Emotion of the text whenever Bugz is in the Floraverse is very
fantastic and dreamlike. The artwork has a background that is very fantastic and dreamlike
by using many different colors for the sky. The sky on the drawing is something that we
would never or barely see in our life but in Floraverse, there are a lot of descriptions on how
fantastic it is.

짧은 시간안에 폭딜을 넣는 사기 공격기. F3과 매우 유사한 부분이 일단 레일건 기총으로
빠른 시간안에 전탄 소모가 가능함. 또 사기적인 부분으론 극초음속 1개와 짤미사일 2개
2슬롯으로 나누어 져 있어서 플레어도 매우 잘뺀다. 단점으로 체력이 매우 낮음. 사용할수
있는 전략은 미사일을 위주로 쓰는 연계부터 짧게 한 사이클 굴리고 버리는 전략까지
다양하게 쓸수 있음. 강추.

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