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1.List two (2) entrepreneurs (not listed in Handout 1) that made an impact on your life,or to the
society. Explain how they made a difference, and how their idea wouldaffect the world if it did not

*The first entrepreneur is Heidi Zak she now working at Thirdlove company,she made an impact
to my life through the lesson that I learned from her likebeing hard working in everything that you
did, and pursuing and focusing onyour study because education is a great key to success and having
a goodethic will ride you into success. Also, she made difference because shealways put on her head
the good ethic the she learned from her father andshe always apply it every time. If her idea did not
exist, it will hard for manywomen especially to senior citizens to buy their own personal things in
publicsupermarket because they are too old to go outside and they can't carryherself by her own.
The second is Henry Ford, Henry Ford was a dyslexic entrepreneur and said that because of this, he
wouldrepeat certain actions over and over, until he mastered them. Despite of this, hewas able to
become an Automotive manufacturer and was able to influence amodern transport pioneer. His
story inspired me to continue believing in myselfand what I can do despite of my imperfections.
Henry Ford’s creation contributedto the development of our transportation and if it wasn’t for his
influence, thetransport system might not be as developed as it is in our present time.

2.In your own opinion how does value creation affect entrepreneurship

Value creation is very important to entrepreneurship. You will not be able to gain customers to
make money if your product or service does not provide any value to them.To be a successful
entrepreneur, you must be able to provide a quality product that people are willing to pay money
for. You must also be able to beat out any competitors as well.You have to prove to your customers
that your product is better than the next guy’s product, or that you will provide something that will
benefit them to buy yours over theirs.

3.Will you aspire to have a business that creates value for society? Or a business that creates value
for the shareholders? Why

Businesses sell goods and/or services that customers buy are creating value for those customers.
And since customers reside in society, they are, by extension, creating value for society.Businesses
that attempt to sell goods and/or services that customers do not purchase do not create value for
society and fail. Failed businesses do not create value for their shareholders

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