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CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) and SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) are

both middleware communication protocols used for distributed computing.


CORBA is a middleware communication protocol that is used to connect distributed objects in a

heterogeneous system. It is designed for the purpose of allowing objects to interact with each other
regardless of the programming language, operating system or hardware architecture they were built
on. Some of the key features of CORBA are:

- Supports multiple programming languages.

- Offers a flexible and extensible interface definition language (IDL).
- Allows communication between objects across different platforms.
- Is a mature, stable and widely adopted technology.

2. SOAP:

SOAP is a protocol used to exchange structured data over the internet. It is a messaging protocol used
for exchanging data between web services, and it is designed with the goal of being language and
platform independent. Some of the key features of SOAP are:

- It is XML-based and supports HTTP, SMTP and other underlying protocols.

- Allows for remote procedure calls (RPCs) to be made over the internet.
- Offers a structured and formalized interface.
- Is lightweight, easy to use and widely supported.


- CORBA is more complex and mature than SOAP.

- SOAP is primarily focused on web services, while CORBA is used more broadly for distributed
- Multiple programming languages can be used with both CORBA and SOAP.
- CORBA uses an IDL for object definition, whereas SOAP uses a WSDL (Web Services Description
- CORBA offers better performance, while SOAP offers better interoperability.
- CORBA provides a wider range of features compared to SOAP.

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