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명문고 급 조연의 리플레이


When I cleared the final chapter of a game that was a

national failure, I became an unnamed side character in it.

A non-standard, unmeasurable, EX rank side character.


Action Comedy Fantasy School Life Sci-fi

Popular games that the whole nation knows are called Nation’s Game, while the
games that flopped are called Nation’s Failed Games.

In Korea, there is no Nation’s Game but there is a Nation’s Failed Game.

About 10 years ago, a certain game was launched.

A mobile RPG game called “Player Master Highschool”, PMH for short.

The modern times were transformed due to the conflict of two worlds.

Players who possess talent are trained in the Player Master Highschool.

It was a mobile RPG game taking place in the backdrop of the high school that
required various characters to clear quests and proceed with the story.

PMH would make headlines from the beginning, even before its release.

It held the record of having the highest development cost and marketing cost in the
history of the game industry.

The opening song was sung by a talented singer who dominates the music charts

The commercial song was aired during primetime on cable TV, comprehensive
channels, and public channels.

Posters were attached to buses, bus stops, trains, and platform doors.

Throughout the portal site, there were various banner and video advertisements
It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that half of the citizens saw PMH’s

“I’ve found the game of my life,”

I thought to myself as I was one of the 3 million users who pre-registered.

PMH began its service the day after the College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT).

Since I became free after the CSAT, I started the game along with 3 million users from
the first day of service.

However, PMH became a Nation’s Failed Game for life for many gamers.

The game balance was a mess, including its characters, skills, and items.

The bugs in the game weren’t fixed, and it increased in number day by day.

The control difficulty was so terrible and uncertain that it would drive users away
from the game, or piss them off.

There was little compensation with the mundane repeating routine that did not have
an automated feature.

Not to mention, there was a complete lack of multiplayer features. Except for the
command “Request help to other players”, all other features were for single players.

The store was bombarded with reviews with low ratings, and the comments were
filled with criticisms and curses.

However, fans who were loyal to the game persisted.

The game had a lot of flaws, but it had good features as well.

Beautiful high-quality illustration.

Character rendering that is similar to the illustration and in-game graphics.

Detailed and attractive character plot.

The loyal fans couldn’t let go of the game.

However, that didn’t last long.

A story plot with no hope destroyed the maniacs’ mentality.

[Let’s get a refund for this game that was crappy from the beginning.]

[I’m leaving as the character I raised, teachers, and all my friends, if you managed to
get a refund, please share your experience. I will reward you.]

[I’m ready to leave this game as my characters were raided. You guys should leave as
well. I understand how you guys feel, but I hope people don’t get a refund.]

[Just as I tried to quit the game, I received a message to join the army. Is that a

[The story plot is so lame. I feel like I’m suffocating. Dropping!]

[I’m not staying long. I quit. I want to go back to the time before I played this game.]

[Donating the manager position for this forum. If there is no application within 3
days, I will give it to someone randomly and will withdraw.]

After the story proceeded where the characters were slaughtered, a forum that
shared unofficial information for PMH failed and the manias left the forum.

Afterward, this incidence was named as the ‘Collapse of PMH Mania.’

There was this rumor going around in the gaming community.

”You shouldn’t even encounter the maniacs of PMH.”

PMH was a Failed Game that would be recorded in-game history.

Only the game producers and weirdos played the game and those two groups of
people are dangerous so you shouldn’t encounter them.

On the other hand, when I heard that only “weirdos” played it, I started playing the
game on and off.
Every time the story was updated, playable characters and other people died

The characters who survived suffered from mental breakdowns.

Still, I persisted to read the upcoming story.

“I will really stop if another character dies.”

At that moment, I really thought like that.

However, I couldn’t quit the game although dozens of characters died afterward.

After some time, I stopped taking intervals and just played continuously.

Even after I joined the army, I continued to play in my free time where I was allowed
to use my phone for 3 hours.

“Hey man.”

“Yes, Private Jo. Did you call me?”

“What game are you playing?”

“……It’s called Player Master High School.”

The dorm became silent all of sudden.

Sergeant Choi, who was holding a remote control in one hand and a phone in
another, opened his mouth.

Sergeant Choi talked to me while looking at me as if I were diving my head into the

“Huh, what a pitiful guy.”

I was treated as a pitiful guy until I was discharged.

Until Sergeant Choi was discharged, I was treated as, ‘Don’t bother to deal with the
pitiful guy,’ so I had a relatively easy life in the army.
Annoying Corporal, I mean, Corporal Gye became Sergeant Gye and he consistently
annoyed me until he was discharged.

After a few years, I really became a pitiful person.

“You have stage 4 lung cancer.”

I didn’t know what I heard just now.

It wasn’t something that a gamer, who couldn’t buy cigarettes because of in-game
purchases, usually hears.

“It’s rare, but there are cases where you wouldn’t experience any symptoms until the
late stage.”

The doctor also commented, “There are many people who get lung cancer despite
being a nonsmoker.”

After that, the doctor said something more.

Half of the comments that the doctor said flew out of my ears.

The conversation I managed to understand are as follows:

At the earliest, I might die in 6 months.

If I get treatment and become healthier, I might expect to live for more than 3 years.

Even if insurance is applied, without a job, I cannot afford to pay for the hospital bills
for a long period of time.

I told the doctor that I’d think about it, but I never visited the hospital again.

I lost my parents when I was in middle school, and I graduated high school while I
stayed at a relative’s house.

I graduated from university after repeating many leaves of absence to earn money.

I stayed unemployed for 1 year after surrendering a job opportunity which the
professor recommended to someone with a connection.
Last month, I managed to successfully get a job after living through part-time jobs.

I took a medical examination because I needed documents for a job interview and I
received a limited life sentence.

Although there were many difficult times, the life that was worth living would end

I became a person addicted to games.

Before, I was an ordinary gamer who had a normal social life.

However, now I quit all interpersonal activities and productive activities while
staring at my phone with hollow eyes inside a small room.

I became a person addicted to games.

‘One of the reasons why I got cancer is due to this game.’

I lamented that I had gotten cancer while playing PMH.

But then, even now while I’m dying from cancer, I’m still playing the game.

Recently, the coughs became worse.

I cough blood about two or three times a day.

Sometimes, as if I’m about to die, my body would experience so much pain that I
couldn’t fall asleep.

The painkiller sold at the pharmacy didn’t help at all.

‘Am I going to die soon?’

It was fine while I was playing the game, but when the game was under maintenance,
I only thought of death.

I tried to refresh the page for game news to think about something else.

The main article changed.

[Anticipated Update of the final chapter of Mobile RPG PMH to be released today!]

Regardless of me being a dying person, I couldn’t help but let out a curse.

I pressed the article and left a comment.

[jo2god111: Why is the update of this failed game on the main article? What
successful game? If you have money to give to journalists, remove the bugs, and
improve the game instead.]

Within a few minutes, there was a comment below my comment.

[kye777ing: For real. The failing PMH game still hasn’t closed its services. Are the
parents of people who play this game still not disowning their children? I don’t hang
out with those who play this game.]

It was true that PMH was a failing game.

However, I felt angry after hearing the insults to the family of the players.

If you are going to insult someone, you should insult only those who play the game.

If anything, the person who plays the game should insult the rotten mindset as a
person addicted to games.

I impulsively added a comment.

[jo2god111: Your words are a bit harsh. Are you criticizing after you played the game

Then, people were eating me up below my comment.

[zxYJ0008xz: What are you jo2god111, are you sick?]

[kye777ing: Are you nuts? Read what you wrote again.]

[dudtn90: Don’t pay attention to this weirdo.]

[rkrehrl12: Let’s be careful with what we say (explicit curse). Mmm, there is no
It was a comment that I made but it was crappy.

Soon, the comments were filled with half of them insulting the game, and half of
them criticizing me.

I couldn’t give a proper rebuttal and I turned off the feed after the maintenance was

“I will die after seeing the game’s ending……”

I laid down in a small bed and turned the PMH app on to proceed with the update.

While the update file was downloading, I took out the files and concept book.

I printed out A4 papers of strategies and put them together as a file.

It was eight books of detailed concepts with more than 500 pages in each book.

I put it under the bed so I could read it at any time.

As I was reading the concept book with comments for game strategy, the update was

“Is it over now?”

The 6 months which the doctor told me passed a long time ago.

In a situation where I don’t know when I will die, time and stamina are more
valuable than gold.

I was pouring all of that energy into the game.


A few hours later, after a fierce battle.

“It’s over.”

It was such a bad ending with no hope and mercy.

Overall, I couldn’t get anything and no one was saved.

‘White Tiger’ was my best character until the final boss.

He lost everything due to an evil scenario the writer wrote and died cruelly.

“Those asshole scenario writers.”

I thought it was fine to encounter any bad endings.

Instead, I may feel jealous if there is a happy ending while I’m going to die soon.

However, that was the wrong idea.

I may have expected a happy ending.

As the story was hard to read, I dropped and rejoined repeatedly but it wasn’t
because I was a masochist who enjoyed pain.

If I was, I wouldn’t feel miserable like this.

“I couldn’t let go of this game because I expected a happy ending.”

As I have a limited lifetime, I barely realized it after clearing this game.

However, the game was over.

All the playable characters died miserably.

Also, I will die soon.

I force closed the game and threw the phone to the side.


Then, I heard an alarm sound as if someone was complaining.

It was an alarm notification from PMH.

<You can obtain a reward for clearing the final chapter. Please check your inbox.>
‘…Reward for clearing the final chapter?’

PMH was criticized for managing the game poorly.

They didn’t even send advertisements or update notifications, so what was this all of

‘It must be a crappy reward.’

I didn’t expect it but I was curious.

I should take a look at it.

It was a mindset of a person with a game addiction, who is under the control of
gaming companies.

While thinking like that, I opened the app with dead-like eyes.

However, as I opened the gift box on the main screen, the screen froze.

No matter how long I waited, the screen didn’t move.

Force close didn’t work.

I tried to turn off the phone but I couldn’t.

Since the battery was installed inside, I couldn’t disconnect the battery either.

‘Wow, another bug! Gosh, eww.”

When I opened my mouth, a cough came out.

That was the end of the game which I played for almost 10 years.

There was a futile feeling due to the ending. It lacked seriousness.

I had a long playtime and less stamina due to my illness.

My body started to deteriorate quickly.

Cough, puke, cough, cough……

Soon, it sounded like shouts rather than coughs.

It sounded like shouts from a person right before death.

I thought there was saliva and I wiped my mouth but my hands turned red.

<You have been connected to a universe beyond imagination. Screening connected

players’ suitability.>

Beyond…… what?

I started to hear things.

This is dangerous.

Seems like it really is time for me to die.

<Screening complete. Selected player ‘Jo Euishin’ is suitable for two-dimensional

future innovation.>

“Hey Euishin, it’s Seongheon. Are you okay?”

I heard General Manager Cheon Seongheon, knocking on the door.

Due to the loud sound of my coughing, other residents have complained.

There must be many people like me, so from next week on, there would be a spot
available at the hospice.

If I don’t die today, I may have to enter while laying down in front of a hospital room.

It will be a burden for Seongheon and other residents.

<Proceeding with dimensional synchronization and transforming for suitable two-

dimensional future innovation ‘Jo Euishin’. Ten seconds until completion.>

Seongheon, who was a junior in my university, used to hang out with me.
After meeting as a manager and tenant in a private room, his attitude stayed the

Instead of the food meals which I treated him to, he used to give me cough medicine
and snacks.

He was an excessive person for someone who was about to die.

I prepared things in case I died suddenly inside the room.

If the funeral is over, there was some leftover money and my last will.

I wrote Seongheon’s name on the envelope.

<8…… 7…… >

I need to say I’m fine but I can’t.

I kept hearing things and I was coughing out blood so it was a mess.

At least I tried to close my mouth to minimize the noise.

However, as the coughs intensified, the sounds grew louder.

Cough, cough, cough, puke, cough!

Seongheon knocked on the thin door.

“Euishin, open the door!”

Seongheon seemed to be looking for keys and I heard the noise of metal clinking a
few times and the lock opened.

<2…… 1…… 0>

As soon as the door opened, a white light came into my vision.

I don’t dream.

There was a time when I didn’t even understand the concept of a ‘dream.’

My parents told me that when I was very young, I used to talk about dreams.

Maybe I stopped dreaming by the time my self-identity was formed.

I don’t have any memory of seeing dreams.

However, I can’t be sure if this situation is a dream or a reality.

‘It’s a school uniform……!’

I’m wearing a school uniform right now.

A yellow name tag was located on my left chest.

I wore an awkward-length jacket and a red tie.

This old-fashioned design is a school uniform from my middle school.

‘A few moments ago, I was throwing up blood in my gym clothes in the private
room… Why am I wearing a school uniform?’

I donated my school uniform after graduation.

There is no way it would be in my room.

‘It seems like my arms and legs got shorter.’

I stretched my limbs while looking at the school uniform,

I almost lost my balance and tripped.

It seemed somewhat awkward as if this wasn’t my body.

However, the most awkward feeling came from something else.

‘I’m not coughing.’

The pain that pressed on my chest and the coughing disappeared.

It seemed like my body returned to the state of being healthy before I had lung

“Jo Euishin?”


I was surprised.

There were three other people besides me.

“I’m Yoo Sanghoon.”

“I’m Son Minki. Nice to meet you.”

Those guys who talked to me all pointed at their name tags.

These three people were all wearing different uniforms, and I don’t know if they’re
middle schoolers or high schoolers.

It was strange that they were talking to me casually.

Do they think I’m their age because I’m wearing a school uniform?

No way……

“Were you dozing off? Wake up, there’ll be a test soon.”

“A test?”
“Cooperation is going to be tested, so let’s work hard. I’m Jang Namwook.”

The one who talked to me was the tallest one with glasses.

After the three introduced themselves, it was my turn.

I just said my name.

“I’m Jo Euishin.”

Everyone introduced themselves.

There was an awkward atmosphere and silence, just like when strangers are meeting
for the first time.

Namwook broke the silence.

“Let’s warm-up. We shouldn’t get cramps during the test.”

Namwook’s suggestion made the three people stretch.

The three people were moving lightly and they seemed to have good athletic skills.

They were all flexible like gymnasts.

They demonstrate air time while running.

The sound that it makes while they punched the air… it sounded like ripping wind.

The sight of them warming up astonished me.

‘Are these three people professional athletes?’

I don’t know what it is, but I’m screwed.

After receiving the expected date of my death, I haven’t exercised once.

I didn’t even go outside.

I ate and drank what was offered in the private room.

‘There is no way I can move my body all of sudden.’

However, I need to take a skills test with these guys.

Even if this is a dream, it wouldn’t be good to see people getting screwed because of

So, I stretched like those three guys.


There was that awkward feeling again.

My body felt way too light.

It felt like someone removed a metal plate attached to my body.

My body size decreased, but I felt way better than when I was still healthy.

‘Is this really a dream?’

Three people began to chat without me as I was daydreaming.

“The test seems difficult. Will we be okay?”

“When we do simulation, it’ll be fine as long as we don’t make any visible mistakes. I
heard the test here and the military school are similar and the test there wasn’t

Minki seemed nervous.

Namwook seemed nervous but still tried to talk calmly.

Sanghoon seemed relatively relaxed.

The three people carried out the conversation I couldn’t understand.

“Right. Eungwang High School uses a simulator as well.”

Sanghoon’s comment almost made me fall

“Eungwang High School?”

“……Are you okay?”


I was a terminal lung cancer patient, but I’m not sick at all right now.

My thoughts are becoming clear.

Eungwang High School.

There is no way I would forget.

It was the name of a school that I heard a lot for more than 10 years.

Eungwang High School was a place where the national failed game ‘Player Master
High School’ took place.

<’Euishin’, the two-dimensional future transformational object recognized in the

current dimension. ‘Euishin’ skill and exclusive menu for two-dimensional future
transform object will be used.>


There was a notification sound.

Thinking that it was a familiar notification sound, a familiar design window popped

This gradation and design…

There’s no way I wouldn’t recognize something that I’ve been seeing for the past 10

‘It’s a system notification window from PMH!’

Automatically, I looked at the category at the top.

<Viewing information on ‘Euishin’.>


A blue window appeared in front of my eyes.

The gym was dark so it looked like it was only visible to me despite it being in the

Perhaps using and looking at this window is a skill for <’exclusive two-dimensional
future transform object menu’.>

[Name] Jo Euishin

[Title] Two-dimensional future transform object, 8th grader

[Family title] (Failed to load)

[Esteemed Visit] (Locked)

[Status] Normal

[Overall ability] Lv. 10

It’s very similar to the game.

The window design and components are the same.

If you choose the overall skills menu, it’s the same as the game as it showed the HP,
MP, Power, Magic, Defense, Agility details.

Also, the ‘failed to load’ bug was identical.

There was a message like that and it was common to see nothing appearing on the

As a failed game, there were always bugs that may become a reality.

‘Is there a skills menu?’

I scrolled down the menu to see the skills.


Using objects Lv.1

Exclusive menu for two-dimensional future transform object Lv.1

Transcending contact with universe Lv.1

Destiny Lv.3

(Failed to load)

There were skills and terms which didn’t exist in the game.

Some of them, I remember hearing before I was engulfed in the lights.

‘Perhaps this is related to the reward for clearing the final chapter?’

I heard things after opening the gift box for rewards on clearing the final chapter.

I recalled my memory.

‘Completed connecting with transcending universe.’

‘Checking appropriateness for the accessed player.’

‘Selected Jo Euishin as a two-dimensional future transform object.’

‘Processing synchronization and transformation for information and dimension.’

To speculate, this phenomenon was caused by some transcending universe.

I came to the PMH world by becoming a two-dimensional future transform object.

‘It doesn’t make sense perfectly.’

It felt like I was missing something but I couldn’t figure it out.

I skipped the observation and I tried to read the detailed skills.

Other than ‘using objects’, I didn’t know what my skills were.

<Accessing skill information>

[Skill name] Using objects

[Rareness] SSR

[Skill level] 1

[Effect] Skilled with using all weapons and defense tools.

[Explanation] A skill that is closer to talents rather than techniques

[Skill name] Exclusive menu for two-dimensional future transform objects

[Rareness] EX (Not able to measure)

[Skill level] 1

[Effect] Able to access information and transcendently interfere with objects in the
same dimension.

[Explanation] Skill exclusive for someone who has passed appropriateness in the
universe. The range increases based on adjustment and understanding for

[Skill name] Communication with transcending universe

[Rareness] UR

[Skill level] 1

[Effect] Communicating with transcending universe

[Explanation] Multi-dimensional, multi-space. Multi-universe communication gives a

huge burden to the skill user. If the result of communication exceeds the storage
capability, the skill is canceled automatically.

[Skill name] Destiny

[Rareness] EX (Not able to measure)

[Skill level] 3

[Effect] Causes surreal interference.

[Explanation] Leads the user’s destiny based on experience, expectation, ideology,

goal, and faith.

Based on the skill user’s life and future, destiny may increase or decrease.

It occurs randomly.

Unmeasurable other than the standard size, 2 EX rank which is unknown.

1 UR rank and 1 SSR rank.

In terms of the rareness of skills, it’s the best rank of all playable characters which I

‘It’s an EX level character based on the skills.’

However, it seems like there is no skill usable other than the menu at this point.

‘How do I test these?’

While I was pondering, I felt a slight pressure from the situation that I was faced

If it is true that I did enter the game, then there is something strange.

If I entered the PMH world, why am I wearing a middle school uniform instead of a
Eungwang High School uniform?

‘By the way, if the test is for Eungwang High School…… ’

I reviewed the ten years of my game life.

Middle school uniform.

Four children including myself.

The entrance exam for Eungwang high school.

Dark gym.

Something came to my mind.

“Which group are we?”

I ignored the cold atmosphere and engaged in conversation.

I had to find out what was happening right now despite my lack of manners.

It was an event that happened a long time ago so it took a long time to recall.

I hope it’s not group 13.

I can fix things easily if I’m not in group 13.

Namwook pushed his glass and replied.

“Group 13.”

Damn it.

I tried to go outside.

However, as soon as I grabbed the gym door, there was a spark and I heard a warning

<Warning, contacted with N+ level block ‘Block for testing’. If you contact more than
twice, abnormal conditions will apply as well. Currently contacted once.>

I felt my blood turning cold after seeing the system window.

‘It started already……!’

N+ level blocks can be deactivated with N+ weapons or skills or the equivalent.

Also, this block is more special so it’s not possible to deactivate using a rare weapon.

We are trapped in here.

‘What, there is a trap already.’

‘There is no damage by contacting it but there is a strong penalty so try to avoid it.
That’s what I heard from my tutor.’

The other three didn’t sense the danger and continued chatting.

Anyway, it’s impossible to escape.

I opened the item window.

<Opening possessed item list.>

[Possessed item]

1 Student ID

1 Test ID

1 Copy of Test Commitment




Luckily, the last row contained an item that I wanted.

When I found the wanted item, I heard a warning system message.

<Warning, enemies are approaching.>

“Guys, take out the items you received before arriving here.”

They ignored what I said all of sudden.

“Shouldn’t you only open it with the proctor’s permission……?”

“It’s not cool for a guy with an old-fashioned uniform to act seriously.”

The system alarm sound became louder.

Soon, the enemies will be here.

“Enemies will be approaching. There is no time. Open the item box!”

About 100 years ago, ‘Enemies’ came from a collision between this world and
players against the enemies.

Also, the world is made with dungeons, towers, castles, gardens, and mazes, and
others, with items that have special effects.

Items acquired from the other world.

Items made with special skills.

Players must make items into a card, and they also have the ability to transform it
into an item from a card.

Eungwang High School wanted to check if the students had such an ability by
providing the box with an item card addressed to the students during the test.

“I have no choice but to have it here.”

That was the ‘random item box for students’ provided before entering the test center.

I looked at the black box located above my hand.

Out of the random boxes, the black box was the lowest in rareness.

A failed player like me would dispose of or destroy these without putting anything
inside the item box.

‘This is the only way to fight against enemies.’

Although I only had a useless item, I can’t reinstall it after deleting the game or start
the game over again.

So, reset and restart don’t work.

I have to choose a good item in one run.

<Using random item box for students>

The box opened and the item card started to spin in front of my eyes.
Enemies and items that appear in PMH are ranked by “rareness”, which is based on
the item’s ability and rarity.


That was the rank that reflected the possessed ability and rarity of the item.

The units were categorized as follows: UR (Ultra rare), SSR (Super Super Rare), SR
(Super rare), R (Rare), N (Normal), and +/– were added if necessary.

However, items with unmeasurable standard rareness were displayed as EX (Extra).

Also, the item I chose during such a devastating moment was of the lowest rareness.

<Obtained intern assassin’s folding knife. Weapon information is now viewable.>

‘A random item!’

The system alert sound made my eyes go blurry.

It was a bronze-colored item card close to being black-colored.

‘It may not be the random item I know!’

My brain was trying to move me towards a positive imagination.

With false hope, I chose to view the item.

<Viewing item information.>

[Item name] Intern assassin’s folding knife

[Type] Weapon

[Rareness] N-

[Experience] 0%

[Effect] 20% experience bonus +2 agility +0.5 power


Simple weapon purchasable at the normal market.

Contains hatred from the intern assassin and revenge seeker.

The assassin continues to train consistently to seek revenge and slit the enemy’s

My hope and happiness were shattered.

It was the random item that I knew.

If this were a game, I would press the home button immediately, forcefully close the
game, and erase the game to reset. That item is just the most random item ever.

The situation continued despite me feeling like wanting to give up.

The dim light at the gym showed something moving from the other side.

“Run…… away……” said the low voice.

The guys who said something to me about opening the item box looked at the other

“Huh? Isn’t that the supervisor? He is bleeding……”

“That’s the hat that the supervisor wears.”

“Euishin, you just said enemies were approaching……”

What Namwook said to me was blocked out by the siren sound.



Along with the siren sound, there was a loud sound playing over the speaker.

When it turned quiet, there was a strange voice that came on.

-Ahah, testing the microphone. Hello students!

Was that a real voice?

PMH was a failed game that didn’t support voice features so it was my first time
hearing that voice.

I hoped that it would be dubbed someday but not with such a voice.

– My pet was released in one area of this testing center. There is an order: ‘Play and
kill it’. Divine protection!

The opening of PMH are as follows:

A supporting role without a name or a face goes to the entrance exam for Eungwang
High School.

Before entering the test center, one has to sign a student consent form that says the
school is not responsible for any injuries during the exam.

Thus, the nameless supporting role was assigned to group 13.

-Currently, Eungwang High School is blocked from all telecommunication features.

Also, the block has been activated for 15 minutes while the pet is released at the test

Also, the bloody supervisor arrived inside the dark gym.

-To Korea’s well-known skilled students and potential elite players, life is always

I’m not trying to tell you that……

It’s just due to my personal reasons!

After the lame and insane broadcast is over……

-I want to kill some of you here. If you want to rescue others, have the courage and
try to find them. Bye!

It was the legendary event that made more than half of 3 million pre-registered
users log in to PMH in a day.

‘Nameless supporting role’s tutorial’ begins now.

<Warning, the enemy is approaching.>


An enemy with a weirdly shaped rhino head and lion body stepped on the supervisor
and let out a roar.

The noise was louder than the speaker and could rip eardrums.

The tension that tightens the breath.

Murderous spirit all over the body.

The stench that smells like a dead animal.

To me, this situation made me realize that this was reality.

This was my survival intuition. If I don’t react, I will die.

I had to admit it.

“What is that……?”

“Evil type? Hold on there is a bounty as well. Ah…… ah…… It’s from the bear tribe!”

Namwook, who had the insight skill, shouted.

‘Let’s check the enemy’s information again.’

I knew it after reading the guidebook, but I had to be careful before making a move.

<Viewing Rhinoceron’s enemy information.>

[Enemy name] Rhineceron 13

[Rareness] R+

[Title] Evil animal, bear type

[Divine protection] Your owner tells you to ‘play and kill.’

[Status] Completely submissive (Unable to deactivate), decreased cognition, senses,

increased intuition

[Overall ability] Lv. 38

[Skill] Heavy dash Lv. 5


Result of the bear tribe’s hobby.

Made after 13 combinations and modifications.

An evil animal that is neither a rhino nor a lion.

It follows its master’s order and intuition.

While following its owner’s orders, it devastated one village on its own.

Currently has a bounty.

‘Collision with an unknown world’ caused an invisible fictitious world to become


Something that used to be a myth and a legend became a natural phenomenon, and
something fictitious turned out to be a reality.

One of the new existences created is called the real tribe.

The real tribe is a strange dual race that is neither a human nor an enemy.

Their interference was limited although they existed for a long time in this world
now existing in perfect shape due to collision with the unknown world.

The dragon tribe, sky tribe, devil tribes that were believed to exist in the fictitious
world now existed in the real world.

The real tribe has different personalities so they could be allies or enemies for

‘The bear tribe who sent this creature is the enemy.’

The bear tribe is aggressive and is hedonistic.

Pet type R+ Rhinoceron, modified as a pet for the bear tribe, was the enemy.

‘Everyone was killed by this monster.’

Almost 10 years have passed, but I still remember.

From the tutorial, it was already a failed game feature as strong enemies murdered
everyone due to the unfair imbalance of players’ status.

‘I still wanted to clear the game.’

However, I wasn’t able to clear the game.

The NPCs and supporting characters that I controlled were killed in pieces no matter
what I did.

After the block was deactivated, high-rank players and teachers quickly ran to the

However, what they found were bloodstains and flesh that was too little to be a

Despaired faces in the detailed graphic were still vivid.

‘The maximum time I survived was 9 minutes.’

5 minutes using Rhinoceron’s characteristic

4 minutes using the item.

A total of barely 9 minutes.

However, there were still 15 minutes until the block would be deactivated.

“Don’t move!”

My comment made Minki stop from running away.

“Rhinocerons are sensitive to big movements, but it has bad eyesight and hearing! If
you don’t move actively, you will be fine for a bit!”

Then, I have to find other strategies.

Just survive for 15 minutes.

It doesn’t seem that long.

However, we were talking about surviving for 15 minutes against a monster with a
big level difference.

‘It’s the same difficulty as surviving 15 minutes inside a tall building that is about to

The available tools were three middle school students and a random item with the
lowest rank.

I needed more tools to use.

“Open the item box.”

The completely panicked guys took the palm-sized box out from their pockets in a

In my case, it was summoned from an exclusive menu item window, but it was
different for the others.
Soon, Namwook, Minki, and Sanghoon all opened a random item box for students
and obtained an item card.

However, none of the guys felt relieved.

Namwook picked 4 [Recovery potion from flower]

Minki picked 3 [Spider web trap]

Sanghoon picked 4 [Cotton puppet’s sacrifice].

We’re all screwed.

We four guys should never buy lottery tickets.

‘Wait, did Namwook pick relatively well? At least out of us four…… ’

Rareness was the worst, but those three picked consumable items.

I’m the only one who picked a weapon.

‘I need to think.’

Four people’s physical abilities including myself.


Monster Rhinoceron.

15 Minutes.

I thought of the next plan.

“I looked at the skills. The monster is a pet type R+ Rhinoceron. It belongs to the
bear tribe and has a title.”

I reviewed the confirmed information while remaining as calm as possible.

Minki seemed to stumble as he lost the energy in his legs but Namwook didn’t trip as
he had good reflexes.
These were guys who were looking to enter Korea’s highest high school, Eungwang.

They must learn theory so they could understand the Rhinoceron’s destructive
power with such information.

“It can turn everything into ash in 2 minutes despite not having eyes or ears.”

I landed a critical hit.

“For now, it is fine as it follows the ‘play and kill’ order. However, as time elapses, that
order may turn into ‘destroy everything.’”

To be exact, ‘it will change’ rather than ‘it may change.’

Even if we try out many patterns, the monster’s movement will surely change after
enduring for 5 minutes.

“Now I will share my thoughts. If you have any other thoughts, tell me immediately.
Let’s decide within 4 minutes.”

14 minutes left

I was the one who was spaced out until now and later became active which made
them doubtful, but there was no choice.

They nodded their heads.

“I’m in.”

As soon as I spoke, Sanghoon handed his item to me.

Sanghoon’s 4 [Cotton puppet’s sacrifice] was transferred to me.

<Received the rights of ‘Cotton puppet’s sacrifice’ from ‘Yoo Sanghoon’.>

He had guts as he handed over the only item at such a critical moment.

<Viewing item information>

[Item name] Cotton puppet’s sacrifice

[Type] Consumable

[Rareness] N-

[Effect] Decreases damage by 30% for 15 seconds and destroys.


A puppet filled with old cotton and fabric.

About 100 years ago, it was used to keep birds away from the cornfield.

Now, automatic laser puppets replaced the workforce to do the job.

It had a large surface to hide the body.

“Me too.”

Minki nodded while shaking.

Now, only Namwook had to agree.

The guy with the best physique was thinking so much that he repeatedly opened and
closed his mouth.

“I shouldn’t be saying this as I can’t plan out anything, but even if things turn out
well, someone will get wounded.”

Namwook spoke while taking out an item card.

“Be careful, Euishin……!”

Namwook hesitated as he was worried about me.

The Rhinoceron looked around the gym for its next target after abandoning the
supervisor who couldn’t move.

It was known that the Rhinoceron can’t hear, but still, we moved very slowly without
making a noise.
‘I hope we can run away after the block time is over.’

That expectation broke out shortly.

Rhinoceron let out a scream.


Its movement visibly turned aggressive.

When I rechecked the Rhinoceron’s status window, the [Title] part was updated.

[Title] Your owner orders you to ‘destroy everything.’

It was expected, but the monster will turn everything into ash, including the gym.

<Warning, enemy ‘Rhinoceron’ is going to use the skill ‘heavy dashing.’>

The core that consists and supports a living organism is called the ‘type.’

While the type of an enemy is called ‘species’.

Rhinoceron is a ‘pet type’ that is completely domesticated and is full of evil therefore
it’s an ‘evil type.’

That ‘evil type’ enemy.

Rhinoceron’s overall ability level is 38.

The average level of us four people is 10.

With the Rhinoceron’s few skills, we would be ground to a mixer, the gym itself

There is no time to waste.

“Namwook, throw it!”

“Here we go!”

As I gave a signal, Namwook sent the ‘Flower extract recovery potion’ towards the


After hearing the glass bottle break, a subtle grass smell filled the room.

The indoor air became fresh all of a sudden, replacing the monster’s disgusting
Grrr…… Grrrrr!

The Rhinoceron stopped using its skill and slowly approached the broken bottle.

Then, he slammed his head into it and its contents shattered all over the place
because of the broken glass.

Thump, thump, thump!

There were sparks produced as the monster bumped its head above the block that
has the broken glass.

The monster repeated its actions paying no mind to the sparks.

Namwook let out a sigh.

“I did it……!”

It was the time when the PMH service commenced.

Users who obtained the ‘Flower extract recovery option’ inside the ‘random item box
for students’ were doubtful of the bugs and uploaded comments on the forum.

The content was as follows.

The player suffered some damage, but the character didn’t die so he used the item
that was for recovering health points.

However, right after the recovery, the aggressive Rihonceron killed the character and
his corpse was damaged badly.

Of course, it was considered as one of the countless bugs and people didn’t mind it.

At that time, I was a senior in high school who just finished my college entrance
exams, and I was into PMH so I tested it out by making a new account.

Then, the same thing happened.

I thought it was due to the item so I tried to dispose of it.

Soon, the Rhinoceron ran to the abandoned item.

After some time, it switched its aim to the character but the effect of the potion was

‘I didn’t know the cause at the time but I understood after reading the guidebook.’

The Rhinoceron was a compound result of a monster Rhinoceros and a Lion.

A herbivore’s head in a carnivore’s body.

It may be completely brainwashed now, but if its instincts were reinforced, it would
react to concentrated grass smell.

Because the flower extract recovery potion is very volatile, the Rhinoceron will
return to its normal state shortly, but the character can earn time if they find the
right timing.

If there was more freedom in the game and it was possible to control NPC, more time
could be earned.

I thought of it like that, but a smartphone game famous for being a failed game
cannot try such things on a tutorial event where it is not worth clearing it.

‘It’s possible now. I’m a game character now and I can communicate with Namwook,
Minki, and Sanghoon.’

I gave instructions to these three people.

First, move to the designated location and wait until the Rhinoceron becomes

Second, once the Rhinoceron becomes aggressive, throw ‘flower extract’ starting
from Namwook, Sanghoon, Minki, and then myself towards a designated block point.

Third, once the effect of the flower extract is exhausted, trap the Rhinoceron’s foot
with Minki’s ‘spider web trap (5 seconds)’.

Fourth, I will attack the trapped Rhinoceron…

“Ah… arghhh!”

While I was recalling my role, Minki screamed.

Next to him, there was a spilled bottle.

He didn’t get contaminated, but if he doesn’t stand up and run away right now, he
will be destroyed along with the floor.


I ran to Minki who couldn’t run because he lost the energy in his legs, but the
Rhinoceron was already in front of Minki.

The Rhinoceron’s horn was about to attack Minki.

Grrr, boom!


There was blood all over the smashed floor.

Sanghoon grabbed Minki and ran sideways as his back was cut by the Rhinoceron’s

Sanghoon’s back had a solid and thick red line on it.


“This bastard monster, it really hurts……”

“I’m sorry……”

“Don’t worry, let’s run.”

Sanghoon spoke calmly but it seemed like it was hard for him to stand.
Minki still looked nervous but he wasn’t hurt.

“I was surprised. Ah, thank goodness……”

Namwook, who appeared out of nowhere, gave a relieved look right next to us.

There was a casualty, but the number of times the Rhinoceron contacted the block
decreased compared to what I expected.

Still, it went as planned.

‘Perhaps…… ’

There was something that bothered them.

The worst scenario and the worst result came to mind.

However, I bit my tongue as I saw Sanghoon’s back that was constantly bleeding.

There was a confrontation for a few minutes.

I went back to my place again and successfully attracted the Rhinoceron’s attention
before it used its skill.

The Rhinoceron bumped his nose against the block.

Thump, Thump, Thump, Thump!

The contact between the Rhinoceron’s horn and the block produced a spark.

“……The block is fine. It is R+ rareness and the enemy can’t destroy the block.”
Sanghoon, who was turning pale due to excessive blood loss, commented.

In my eyes, he was just bluffing to relieve the other guys.

He is an incredibly kind guy.

“The block won’t break. Stay away.”

I had the same thought as Sanghoon, but it’s impossible for the block to be attacked
by the enemy for the whole 15 minutes.

“Minki, it’s your turn. Get ready!” Namwook shouted.

Following my order, Namwook moved most accurately.

Now he knew exactly when the Rhinoceron would activate the skill.


Minki quietly took out the ‘spider web trap.’

Minki had three item cards.

The ‘spider web trap’ item could last for 5 seconds.

So, it was possible to stop the Rhinoceron from moving for 15 seconds.

With such a condition, there was the possibility of victory.

If it is possible to delay the time before the Rhinoceron activates the skill…


Minki aimed the item card at Sanghoon.

“What are you doing? There’s no time to joke around.”


Namwook looked confused. Sanghoon looked at Minki while stumbling as he

couldn’t understand Minki.

Minki didn’t care about such things.

He was worried and shaking, but he still poised the item with his hand.

“I want something safe.”

“I just need to endure for 4 more minutes before the block deactivates.”

There is the villain who didn’t get attention as he was cruelly killed in the tutorial.

Namwook shouted at Mink as he didn’t understand.

“Are you nuts?! R+ monsters can destroy everything, whether it’s in 50 minutes or 1
to 2 minutes. It’s not a short amount of time!”

Namwook didn’t seem to understand Minki’s intention yet.

The sparks decreased around the block.

Soon, the Rhinoceron will use its skill.

“It’s different when there is a moving bait.” Minki lifted the half-full bottle.

He dropped it, pretending as if he spilled all the contents.

Minki started to laugh as he saw two people looking shocked.

“Wouldn’t that monster be happy if three people die? You’re all baits.”

Minki planned to use us as a shield and turn us into bait by tying us up with his item
and applying the flower extract on us.

I knew he would cause trouble as he had left the contents inside the bottle.

Still, I thought he would hesitate after looking at Sanghoon who got injured while
protecting him but I was wrong.


Sanghoon tried to move so he could run away from Minki.

However, his scar became bigger so he collapsed while trying to stand, and let out a

Minki’s betrayal caused mental damage too.


Namwook tried to go for Sanghoon but Minki was waving the flower extract recovery
potion like a threat.

“You can come if you want to die first.”

“Are you planning to use Sanghoon as bait? Sanghoon got injured trying to rescue
you. You don’t even know how to thank someone.”

“Thankful? Screw that. Did you even have a life in middle school? You came all the
way here by surpassing others. Also, this involves lives, not ranks!”

“What are you talking about? How can you compare fair competition and betrayal?!”

Minki shouted with aggressive eyes.

Namwook didn’t have anything to rebuke so Minki closed his mouth after holding the
item card and the bottle.

As Minki showed his intent, he stopped shaking and mumbling. It was disgusting.

“Minki, stop now. It’s not too late.” I spoke for the first time after observing the scene.

“You talk nonsense. Who are you to tell me what to do?”

As predicted, nothing worked.

Minki’s laughter came back.

On one hand, he held the bottle and on the other, he was holding an item card.

It felt like deja vu.

There were many similar cases in PMH.

A character that cares for others genuinely while being picky like Namwook.

A character that doesn’t show what he thinks but will sacrifice himself under certain
circumstances like Sanghoon.
Anyway, they aren’t bad guys. Characters that did good deeds ended up in various

‘I died many times in the game because of traitors like you.’

My playable characters which included the hundreds of NPC faces that appeared
friendly all died and faded away.

The confrontation didn’t last for long.

The effect of the item that was intended to delay the enemy wore out, and the
Rhinoceron cried out loud.


<Warning, enemy ‘Rhinoceron’ is trying to use the skill ‘heavy dash’.>

Minki, who was trying to poise the item card, got injured and used the item against


The spider web trap from the item card tied Sanghoon on the spot.


Minki ignored Namwook’s shout and poured the bottle’s contents over Sanghoon.


It was little but the flower extract recovery potion still had an effect.

“Damn it……!” Sanghoon, who recovered a little, tried to escape but there was a trap.

The monster canceled the skill and moved his head towards Sanghoon.

Minki ran away and left Sanghoon who was immobile.

After 5 seconds, Sanghoon was able to move but the Rhinoceron was accurately
aiming for him.
“Sanghoon, run!” Namwook knew it was meaningless but he shouted to Sanghoon.

‘I was waiting for this moment.’

I used the item that was hidden in my hand and stabbed Minki.

Stab, collapse!

“Arghh!” Minki shouted with a thud.

He reflexively moved his right arm but spilled the potion’s contents, making Minki’s
right arm wet.

The item I threw was the ‘flower extract recovery potion.’

Everyone accepted my plan and it happened after Namwook dispensed the item

When we all got one item card and moved them to the designated place, there was a
system alarm.

<Skill ‘Destiny’ has been activated.>


I thought about the skill.

[Skill name] Destiny

[Rareness] EX (Not measurable)

[Skill level] 3

[Effect] Makes surreal interferences.


Experience, expectation, belief, goal, ideology, leads the skill user’s destiny.

Based on the skill user’s life and future, destiny can decrease or increase.
It occurs randomly.

To summarize, users can lead destiny by randomly causing surreal interference.

‘What is it? What’s happening?’ I couldn’t find any difference.

The Rhinoceron still didn’t recognize us and the other three were nervous, but there
wasn’t a problem.


When I looked at Minki, I sensed electricity in my hand.

I saw one more card below the item card when I looked at my hand by reflex.

Due to the broken bottle, Minki’s hand was injured but the healing potion recovered
the wound.

However, Minki looked grim as he knew what he had applied.

I added one more comment.

“Run if you don’t want to die, Bait.”

The Rhinoceron ran towards Minki who had a stronger grass smell than Sanghoon.
“Don’t come closer…… Don’t!”

Minki mumbled again and ran towards the back.

Still, he was able to make a rational judgment so he threw spider web traps.

The effect of the flower extract recovery lasts for more than 1 minute.

3 spider webs were used on Sanghoon so only two were left.

The effect of the spider web trap lasts for 5 seconds.

After 10 seconds, Minki will risk his life and play tag with the monster.

‘There are about four minutes until the block is deactivated. Minki can’t endure for
that whole period.’

There should be a last resort.

What is the Rhinoceron’s status right now?

<Viewing enemy’s status window.>

[Enemy name] Rhinoceron 13

[Rareness] R+

[Title] Domestic monster. Owned by bear tribe

[Mission] Your master orders you, ‘Destroy everything.’

[Status] Completely submissive (Unable to deactivate). Lower recognition skill, sense

skill, and increased intuition. Decreased HP 12, Power 15, Defense 8, MP 6, Anti MP
9, Agility 6, Anti Special Attack 13.

[Overall Level] Lv. 19

[Skill] Heavy dash Lv.3




It was a block made by the prestigious Eungwang high school’s staff and was
enhanced by the bear tribe.

As expected, the block’s abnormal status effect had been duplicated more than 70
times and re-applied.

There was no damage to ‘block for candidates to measure off-floor’, but it caused an
abnormal status effect.

‘Still, it is strong enough to kill all the middle school students in here.’

Although it decreased by 50%, the Rhinoceron’s ability is still at Lv. 19.

My ability is Lv. 10.

The battle result may change based on strategy and skill, so my ability didn’t matter.

The opponent is a monster with a high battle skill level compared to a human.

‘I can do it, I can…… ’ I took out a ‘trainee assassin’s folding knife’ summoned from a

When I unfolded the blade, it was only 6cm.

The monster’s shoulder size is more than 2 meters.

There is no way I’m not afraid.

Me dashing to the monster as I was waiting for death while looking at a smartphone?

I felt like my heart was going to pop out.

I held the knife, but I couldn’t move my feet.

My hand which held the knife was shaking.

The simulation fight inside my head was completely different from the game

“Ah…… Ahahah…… Help me. No!” While I couldn’t move, the 10 seconds given to
Minki was over.

The valuable 10 seconds were over for me as well.

The Rhinoceron escaped the trap and dashed towards Minki.

Minki started to run, but he was caught by the monster.

Slam! Smash, smash……

“Arghhhh, Ughhhhh!”

There was the sound of something getting destroyed and exploding.

The Rhinoceron didn’t stop and dashed with a huge horn against Minki.

Smack, smack, smack!

After a certain moment, Minki didn’t scream.

That caused greater intimidation for me.

‘If things don’t go as planned, I will be the next one.’ I took another deep breath, but
my feet didn’t move.

The Rhinoceron could move freely.

It could sense my attack as a threat and attack me instead of Minki.

“Move, now…!”

I saw Namwook assisting Sanghoon who started to run away after hearing a scream.

Namwook, who is healthier, may luckily survive with little energy.

Most of his body parts would disappear.

‘Sanghoon will surely die.’

After the tutorial, polygon pieces will be shown on the screen, and the dead NPCs
will be those two.

While I was having those thoughts, I was already running towards the monster.

<Activated ‘Use objects’ skill.>

My hands were moving unconsciously.

As if I were holding a hammer, I held the knife naturally sideways and stabbed the
monster which was attacking Minki.

While trying to attack the monster, a red HP gauge was shown above its body.

It didn’t decrease at all.

Once, twice, three times……

I attacked the monster by stabbing, cutting without applying pressure to my arm but
it felt like cutting a stone with a glass knife.

It was impossible to injure a monster wearing a scarf made out of metal.

It was due to the low performance of the knife and my ability.

Even if I tried a dozen times, the Rhinoceron’s HP gauge didn’t decrease by even 1%.


Namwook, who was watching the scene from afar, gave a nervous face.
Namwook, who had an intuitive skill, realized that the damage given to the enemy
was almost zero.

Still, it’ll be over if I stop here.

I have to do it while the monster attacks Minki.


The flower scent was completely gone and my nose was filled with the smell of
rotten meat.

The bloody monster left Minki who wasn’t moving and stared at me.

‘I want to run……!’

It was a pressure incomparable to when I played this on my smartphone.

Soon, I may end up like Minki as well.


The monster shouted once and then abandoned me.

Perhaps that’s because the damage I accumulated to him is close to 0.

It assumed that I was harmless so the monster decided to ‘destroy everything’

instead of attacking me in order to follow the order.

<Warning, enemy ‘Rhinoceron’ uses skill ‘heavy dash.’>

When the enemy used the skill, the Rhinoceron’s body gave off red steam as an effect
coming out of the body.

After a few seconds, my body will become ash due to the shock coming from the skill
that the Rhinoceron will be using.


A bit faster!
I moved my knife.

“No………! Stop and run, Euishin!” Namwook shouted from afar.

Still, I didn’t stop and waved my arm towards the body beyond the red steam.


<Weapon’s matureness: 100%.>

There was a system notification sound.

That’s it!

I held the knife up high, shined it, and stabbed the Rhinoceron.

<Weapon’s rareness has changed from N- to N.>

The knife that upgraded its rareness.

The knife in my hand stabbed deep inside the monster passing the red steam made
by the Rhinoceron.

Meanwhile, there was no scratch at all as the blade was penetrating the monster’s
pressure point.


<Special attack ‘Immediate death’ has been activated.>


The Rhinoceron couldn’t resist at all and collapsed after making a last shout.

After the collapse, I was standing while holding the knife for a while but the monster
didn’t move anymore.

‘It’s dead……!’

I breathed heavily while looking at the monster that couldn’t move.

If I was slower, I would’ve ended up like Minki.

The hand that held the knife wasn’t shaking anymore, but I still had scary thoughts in
my head.


Namwook and Sanghoon ran up to me while shouting my name.

It was way faster than running away.

That made me feel relaxed and I laughed.

“You killed it…… Good job, Euishin!”

“That was close. Did you aim for it?”

Namwook was frowning as if he is about to cry and Sanghoon was laughing brightly.

Maybe the rush of adrenaline allowed Sanghoon to make jokes and disregard his

“You think? Good job, guys.”

I tapped Namwook’s shoulder so he wouldn’t cry.

Although they were middle school students, if they cry in front of someone; it will
become a shame.

I tapped a bit stronger so he gave a bright smile while feeling the pain.

“Sanghoon, did you stop bleeding?”

“I feel a bit better after Minki sprayed the recovery potion.”

Although it stopped bleeding, if he moves, his wounds may open up again.

Sanghoon wouldn’t say anything weak before he died.

‘He would keep his mouth shut even if the wound opens up again.’
Just in case, I made a temporary dressing by cutting his uniform jacket.

I transformed the folding knife into a card before wrapping the dressing over his

Before carding the knife, the item information seemed to be updated.

<Viewing updated item information.>

[Item name] Trainee assassin’s folding knife

[Type] Weapon

[Rareness] N

[Experience] 102%

[Effect] 10% bonus experience, +2.5 agility, +0.5 strength

[Additional effect] Opponents die immediately with an extremely low chance


A crude weapon that can be purchased at a supermarket.

Contains a grudge of the revenge seeker who trained endlessly to penetrate the
enemy’s neck.

If he didn’t give up until the last moment, his last surely……

There was a huge risk of facing enemies with big level differences, but there were
many gains.

‘One of those is the experience of the weapon.’

This knife had the lowest rareness and bonus for experience.

So, there wasn’t much experience needed for a rareness upgrade so it could level up
quickly by attacking high-level enemies.
Also, this weapon had a special effect when it leveled up.

That meant immediate death, a special attack.

‘Low immediate death possibility, very low rareness, and weapon ability so it won’t
be used in the game.’

It was different when there was a block that gave an abnormal status effect.

‘I was lucky.’

I had the worst luck in choosing the item.

If I choose items with higher rareness or usefulness, it would’ve been easy to survive
for 15 minutes.

Still, if the destined skill wasn’t activated, we would’ve died from Minki’s plan.

“Euishin, aren’t you tightening it too much?”

“Bear with it. You need to put pressure on the wound to prevent it from bleeding.”

Sanghoon frowned and didn’t say much.

Namwook commented all the time

It felt like looking at a happy ending of the game despite almost dying.

It was a determined life that had no future anyway.

It wouldn’t be bad to see the happy ending of this world.

There were still doubts about my current situation.

‘However, right now…… ’

Now, it’s time to share the happiness of surviving by clearing the tutorial quest with

We will be the first and last people who will clear the ‘tutorial for supporting role’ in
this game.

“Why did you give it to him?”

Sanghoon’s attention was towards Minki who was lying down in a bloody puddle.

He seemed to be in shape, but his body was destroyed everywhere.

It was hard to find out if he was dead or passed out.

‘There is a high chance that Minki is still alive.’

Near Minki, there were 4 traits of ‘cotton puppet’s sacrifice’ which Sanghoon
transferred the rights to me.

“It’s an item to decrease the damage.” Namwook seemed to find out with his intuitive

When the ‘spider web trap’ was deactivated, I used the ‘cotton puppet’s sacrifice’ on

“I gave it so he can survive. The Rhinoceron has a lower ability, so if there is less
damage, Minki will survive despite being handicapped.”

A player with extraordinary skills is stronger than normal players, so they don’t die

Comparing a player and a normal person’s level, my ability is Lv. 10 as an 8th grader.

It may vary for normal people, but their level is between 1 and 5.

Normally, people would die in shock if their limbs are destroyed simultaneously, but
Minki is a player who is aiming for the best school.

He won’t die easily.

“I gave it to you because you were taking on a dangerous role. I didn’t give it to you to
betray someone,”

“I know.”
“Would you also let go of someone who tried to kill you?”


Sanghoon made a furious face.

“Nothing will happen if he repents, but he won’t. That’s fine.”

I won’t forgive such a trashy person.

‘Still, I can’t let Minki die here.’

‘One student died and three survived at Eungwang Player Master High school, the
prestigious school in Korea.’

All the blame will be towards the school and the three people who survived.

I’m the one who executed it, but the other two will be involved as well.

I’m okay, but I’m not sure if the two middle school students can handle their lives
getting destroyed.

‘What I think is, even if Minki survives, he won’t repent.’

The risk of death doesn’t change human nature.

What we saw at the risky moment was Minki’s characteristic.

“Understood.” Sanghoon calmed himself.

It became awkward.

Namwook made a comment after looking at Sanghoon.

“Umm…… Did I give you 2 item cards? I thought it was 4 cards so I made a mistake,
but thankfully it turned out well……”


Namwook’s attempt to make the atmosphere better was futile.

Before Namwook finished his comment, the gym door split into two.

‘There is still one minute left until the block is deactivated.’

The one who can destroy the block is someone who has such an ability.

Namwook, Sanghoon, and I all looked at where the sound was coming from with
nervous eyes.

‘What is it…… ’

Something went into my eye and made me feel dizzy.

In front of the destroyed gym, there was someone holding a bright white sword.

I knew well what that sword was.

It’s a white tooth from a tiger.

It’s the white tiger’s tooth that can destroy clouds and cut thunder if it’s swung to the

‘It’s a white tiger……!’

I could sense it by looking at the silhouette without looking at the white sword.

The white tiger was the only playable character in the last battle of the final chapter.

It was the main character that I used the most.


‘The white tiger doesn’t appear in this event.’

Things that I knew about this game seemed to differ from this world.
A world that changed due to collision with an unknown world 100 years ago.

In a dazed world, mankind turned into “players” and it became the normal life to be
fighting against different enemies.

Twenty percent of the people are born with a player’s special skill.

Fifteen percent of the people are those who have a special skill above the age of 17.

All potential players need to maintain special skills until they turn 17, then they can
become official players by getting an approval from the player’s association.

When a player turns 17, they are allowed to use a light skill that gives them the
ability to perform miracles for a certain period of time.

“The White Tiger is using light skill right now.”

For White Tiger, the light skill appears by summoning his weapon.

If his mental power is full, he can summon an EX rank weapon for a short period of

‘When I think about it, it was a character that broke the game balance.’

There was a reason why the White Tiger was way stronger than the other characters.

Even if I receive debuffs from God, the White Tiger is still one of Korea’s legendary

Also, the White Tiger is part of the legend of the real tribe.
<Viewing White Tiger’s information.>

[Name] White Tiger

[Title] Noble Legend. White Tiger in God’s world.

[Order] None

[Light Skill] Summon White Teeth that blocks cloud and thunder

[Status] God’s wrath – Locks partial skill and light skill, significantly decreases all
skills and skill level

[Overall Skills] Lv. 55

[Skills] Sword Lv. 10

Magician Lv. 10

Leap Lv. 10

Brightness Lv. 10

Roar Lv. 10


The White Tiger that appeared in the legendary myth.

Received skill of ‘teleport anywhere’ from the gods, but he lost his name while
playing around which angered the gods.

God wanted to punish the White Tiger’s pride so the gods locked up his skills and
ordered him to write his sins.


I felt suffocated all of sudden while reading the explanation.

I forcefully tried to take a breath and made eye contact with the White Tiger.
The White Tiger was staring at me.

‘Does he know that I’m using the exclusive skill menu?’

I tried to calmly shift my attention.

However, the White Tiger’s vision was directed towards me and it almost feels like
I’m being pierced by a thousand needles.

He’s not even using the glare.

<Bear tribe’s interference ended. Recovering communication.>

After hearing the sound system, all the lights inside the gym were turned on.

The bright flash hurt my eyes so I pressed on them while trying to look around. I
witnessed the atrocity clearly.

‘It’s a mess…… ’

The testing center had traces of destruction everywhere.

The monster had already stopped moving after it collapsed.

Minki and the examiner were in critical condition.

Sanghoon was injured severely.

Namwook and I were not injured but were exhausted.

All of a sudden, the White Tiger moved its attention away from me and slowly looked


There was an alarm different from my menu system sound.

It was a sound that I heard many times in the game.

‘Player’s association exclusive satellite… It’s an enemy alarm sound for satellite
‘Player SAT-K’ in charge of Korea.

Normally, when an enemy reaches a certain distance, the smart device beeps an
alarm from the satellite and guides evacuation.

Because the communication inside the gym was completely restricted, it beeped late.

‘Too late.’

Because of this world’s scientific technology, it was possible to tap all the warnings
appearing on the smartphone with one’s fingers.

This world was similar to contemporary Korea, but this world and its technology
were way more advanced due to the unknown world and special skills.

‘Everyone uses wearable devices.’

The White Tiger, Namwook, and Sanghoon loaded the hologram screen in front of
their eyes through their wearable devices.

On the screen, a notification from Player SAT-K reporting the defeat of the enemy
appeared consecutively.

-Wanted enemy, Rhinoceron Level 13 has been defeated.

-Player SAT-K successfully approached the region’s record device.

-Player SAT-K is analyzing the detailed defeat process.


The White Tiger’s hand reading the hologram notification removed the white tooth.

-Biggest contributor: Jo X X (Unregistered person: Limited information)

Player SAT-K began to collect the dead enemy’s body so the Rhinoceron turned into

Namwook and Sanghoon, who were surprised by the White Tiger’s appearance,
shouted Player SAT-K’s notification.
“Euishin! Congratulations!”

“Congrats. If you receive a bounty, treat us to a good meal.”

It became crowded outside the testing site.

Followed by the White Tiger, players from Eungwang High School arrived.

While the teachers from Eungwang high school were talking to us, the White Tiger
had already disappeared.

Namwook and I, who had no injuries, were sent to the hospital for a checkup.

Sanghoon, who was injured, had to change into a patient’s clothes and receive a
separate cure.

“I just want to use a recovery item.”

“We are not official players yet so ‘player insurance’ doesn’t apply. We will be
bombarded with medical bills.”

“Ah… right. We should just get hurt again next year.”

“There will be side effects if we use too many potions. Calm down.”

“Namwook, you talk way too much!”

While I was getting diagnosed, Sanghoon and Namwook were making jokes and
giggling around.

They seemed to get along well.

The hospital we were at was founded by a medical institution that owned Eungwang
high school.

‘It feels like a temple instead of a hospital.’

Is it due to the foundation being rich or is the hospital making a lot of profit…?

There was an outstanding hospital facility view.

The medical staff looked healthy and the employee benefits seemed good.

‘They must be earning well.’

PMH. Inside the game, recovery items and skills revolutionized the medical field.

However, recovery items and skills were barely effective for people other than the

There weren’t a lot of players with recovery skills so recovery items were traded at
high prices compared to their effect.

‘Based on the item price, Namwook was the luckiest… ’

‘Flower extract recovery potion’ was picked by Namwook.

It was a low rareness item that healed minor wounds, but without player’s
insurance, it would cost 3 million won to purchase.

‘Based on the setting, players that earn a high income can obtain items from the
other world so it’s affordable, but players still need to use hospitals.’

That’s because the player’s level decreases.

After a study was released about the repeated use of an item decreasing the player’s
ability in the long run, players began to use hospitals more often.

Because players are constantly doing raids or putting their lives in danger, it was
normal for them to consult experts on using recovery items.

As a result, the medical field which was expected to decline because of recovery
items and skills became highly successful due to players constantly getting injured.

“Next, Jung Namwook.”

After my examination, it was time for Namwook to draw his blood out.

Unlike me who answered vaguely towards the doctor’s question, Namwook sincerely
answered them.
“Do you also want to go home quickly? I do.”

Sanghoon spoke to me as I was responding vaguely.

“Right. I want to go home quickly.”

I said those words, but I didn’t really want to go home.

I don’t know the exact information on middle school student Euishin in this world.

If I talk a lot, he may ask for unknown information that cannot be viewed by people’s
information located in the menu window.

“Euishin? Come here for a second.”

The person who just spoke was Jegal.

He is a teacher from Eungwang High School who was making calls here and there
through his wearable device.

Jegal, who was panicked by the events in the exam center, fixed the situation like a
veteran teacher and led us to the hospital.

‘Nobody is here.’

There was nobody in the hospital’s hallway.

There was only a small, quiet sound of footsteps stepping afar and a faint sound of
birds singing.

“There was a call saying that the teacher who was registered as a guardian can’t visit
due to a business trip, and there was no other teacher to substitute for them. Is there
anyone else that you can call?”

I’m an 8th grader right now.

It was in fall when my parents and siblings were in an accident.

Right now, I know that it’s December of that year because that’s when I took the high
school entrance exam.
In the past, I was roaming around motels with what’s left in my little inheritance.

Detailed information on the menu said the following: “No, nobody.”

There was a far relative from my mother’s side.

However, I don’t know if he is in this world and I didn’t want to call him.

“……Okay. Call me when you need me.”

Asking such things made him feel sorry.

He seemed like a better person here than in the game.

Jegal handed me a business card with a sorry face.

‘Poet Jegal’

The business card given by Jegal had the player’s name and contact information.

Jegal is one of the playable characters in the game.

Teachers working in Eungwang high school were all qualified players, and those who
were related to the main story were mostly playable players.

Jegal retired in the beginning so he doesn’t appear in the story.

“Yes, thank you.” I accepted the business card with two hands.

The business card made out of paper seemed heavy like lead.

“Mr. Jegal!”

The hallway became crowded.

A man in a cashmere coat waved his hand and came forward.

“How did you manage to get here?”

Jegal bluntly frowned his face.

Wow, was there any character that can make Jegal frown like that?

“Hello. I’m Hong Gyubin from the Player’s Association Korean branch and manager
of the PR Team 1. Hello Mr. Jegal.”

What? Manager?

Why is a manager from the Player’s Association here?

I saw his face in the game but I don’t remember it well.

Perhaps he is an extra with only one or two lines.

“I know. This place is restricted to outsiders.”

“How am I an outsider? I just came to see you Mr. Jegal.”

“Yes. Well then, I will see you next time. Goodbye.”

“Haha, the media is focusing on this incident. Shouldn’t I cooperate well with you, Mr.

“I will contact the institution.”

“That’s fine. I already know.”

Gyubin was laughing while Jegal was looking defensive.

They forgot about me and exchanged banter between themselves.

‘Can I go back to the examination room……?’ I thought to myself.

While thinking like that, Gyubin saw me and he swiftly shifted his body to talk to me.

“Mr. Jegal, is he Euishin? Nice to meet you. I saw your records on Player SAT-K. You
are terrific!”

Jegal didn’t reply and made a weird face.

Gyubin didn’t expect a response and continued to speak to me.

“Can you give me your bank account so I can send you the bounty? The tax will be
deducted but it would still be over 200,000 USD. If you don’t have an account,
contact me after making one by next week.”

The business card was in my hand before I could muster a reply.

The paper that overlapped Jegal’s business card was light.

“You had outstanding adaptability and bravery, but what I liked the most was your
response to the sudden situation. Even if your choice is controversial, I will be on
your side. Ah, speaking of which, your response towards the enemy was very fast.
What skill do you have? If you agree to share a player’s detailed information, I can
give mentoring support based on your path and provide programs to improve your
skill level.”

Sharing detailed information?

His words were mixed like sugar-coated poison.

If I agree to share my information, it’s like revealing my weakness to the whole


I did want to get such support, but I don’t want to be trapped.

Jegal knew that so he was frowning.

‘How can I reject it without leaving a grudge with the player’s association and

Even if I don’t do anything, Jegal would stop me, no?

My dilemma didn’t last very long.

“Hey move!” A loud voice came from afar and moved like a gust of wind.

The movement and sound made me and Jegal step back.

It was the movement of Eungwang high school headteacher.

The manager player from the association, Gyubin, moved lightly to avoid colliding
with something.


Somebody who dashed in the hallway opened the door aggressively.

Between the open door, Namwook was putting a patch on his body to prevent
bleeding after the examination.

Sanghoon stopped after opening the door while on his way to the examination room

“Stop, Nobody can come in as the examination is in session!”

A high school girl wearing a school uniform approached Sanghoon and ignored the
nurse’s warning in front of the door.

Sanghoon was holding an IV stand and looked at the girl with doubt.

They stared at each other for a few seconds without saying a word.

Sanghoon spoke first.

“Why are you here?”

The girl held her fist and went onto Sanghoon.

“What are you doing?”

Namwook was surprised and tried to stop the girl.

However, before he could do anything, the girl started to cry and collapse in front of

“Sanghoon, you crazy guy!”

Namwook was stopped by her actions.

Sanghoon tried to calm her down by tapping her shoulder, but she removed his hand
and continued to cry.

“Okay. Okay. Stop crying.”

“Who’s crying! Gosh… getting hurt like a moron… Sob…”

“Okay then, keep crying.”

“Shut up!”

“What do you want me to do?”

Sanghoon, who gave up on comforting the girl, shut his mouth.

He made a loud noise but it was because he didn’t know what to do rather than being

Namwook asked while making a confused face.

“Who is she?”

“My mother’s daughter Sanghee.”


“Well… My sister.”

That girl is Sanghoon’s sister, Sanghee.

Sanghoon avoided Namwook’s eye contact as if he didn’t want to explain further.

Namwook made an odd face as if he was thinking, ‘is this how siblings talk?’

There was a quiet silence while Sanghee was crying.

Gyubin, who made sweet comments, had to shut his mouth.

Thankfully, they didn’t need to find an excuse.

Soon, Namwook and Sanghoon’s parents arrived at the hospital.

The Guardian’s appearance made it impossible to talk with Gyubin privately so the
conversation ended naturally.

The next day.

The institution that owns Eungwang high school uploaded an apology to their school

The last line of apology said that the school will be responsible for all medical bills
that are incurred by victim students as they are responsible for this incident and
they will give full support.

‘The school is not legally liable for injury as they received a sign from students’

If the enemy really decided to invade, it would be almost impossible to block them.

However, Eungwang high school only let one interference slip out of 300 test sites.

That was only for 15 minutes.

Instead, it proved Eungwang high school’s security level.

Still, there was a lot of criticism against Eungwang high school.

Luckily, half of the media’s attention was towards students who survived.

Students who do not have light skills use test items to get desired R+ items. The
enemy was a hot issue not only in Korea but also overseas.

Also, the person who received the most attention was Minki.

[Small hero Minki. ‘Sorry that I couldn’t fight with my friends until the end… ’]

Such bogus headline articles were all over the internet.

In one day, Minki became a star.

‘So he made the worst move.’

I thought while tagging the article.

Minki was making a step towards perishing.
Due to yesterday’s incident, the traitor became the hero and the star, but life still
goes on.

The staff were going back to work, and the students returned to school.

‘Right now, I’m a middle school student. Do I need to attend school?’

Special high school entrance exam including Eungwang Player Master High school
begins either in November and ends in December, or starts in December and ends in

Final exam for the 2nd semester in middle school is by the end of December, so the
score considered for the entrance exam is until 1st semester of 8th grade.

‘I don’t need to go to school.’

In my case, my written documents were already submitted and screened before I

was teleported to this world.

According to Jegal, I was expected to pass the theoretical exam.

In other words, because it was certain that I’d pass, I’m a free soul and I don’t have to
attend any classes.

‘In the past, I still attended school despite knowing that I’m accepted.’

If you were to stop attending class even if you’re sure to be admitted into high
school, teachers could retaliate and give penalties such as giving you a zero for the
performance evaluation due to your absence.

Still, it didn’t matter whether I attend school or not, as long as I take the final exam.

If I fulfilled the minimum number of attendance, I normally wouldn’t get my

acceptance canceled unless I get expelled.

When I applied for a job, there were almost no companies that looked at details of
secondary education and even if they did, they only looked at the high school
education so there was no disadvantage.

‘There are a lot of things to do but let’s just try and go for it.’

After contemplating, I decided to attend school to learn more about myself in this

Abandoning the small room, in this slum neighborhood, with only a single-sized
electric mattress, I went to school.

‘My personal information seen on the menu is similar to my past.’

Recently lost parents and siblings.

Attending Jinsu middle school.

All were the same as my past.

‘However, this world is different from the Korea that I know.’

Eungwang High School and the collision with another world are stories inside the
game, but they existed naturally in this world.

Korea’s history was a bit different.

The address where I live and middle school’s address was different than what I

‘It’s not only the address that is different.’

The Seoul here is different from the Seoul that I know.

Based on looking at Seoul’s map, the line that divides the district was somewhat
different, and there were also unfamiliar names of places.

Initially, ‘Seoul, Eunpyeong district’ where Eungwang High School is located didn’t
exist on the map of Seoul in the real world.

‘Still, the flow of history is similar to life in Korea.’

After seeing the last 100 years of history, most incidents were similar except for the
event of collision with the unknown world.

Published artworks, movies, dramas, and songs were the same as well.

There was a subtle difference but it was very similar.

‘This world doesn’t have anyone who I used to know.’

There were no relatives, friends who existed in the real world living here.

In other words, this world was like a parallel universe that had extra events, like the
collision with an unknown world, which almost changed the composition of ordinary

‘I don’t see the lowest point.’

As I was talking while thinking about things, I already arrived at the middle school
which I’m attending.

In front of the school, numerous journalists gathered around like clouds.

The defeat notification on Player SAT-K had one syllable, ‘Jo,’ but it seems like my
personal information is widely known among journalists.

Yesterday, if I didn’t send a message to Gyubin along with my bank account

information to request them to hide my name, journalists might have explicitly put
my name on the article.

‘Even in a world that collided with an unknown world, journalists are the same.’

Perhaps, in this world that collided with an unknown world, journalists are more
excited and try to take things too far.

Journalists forcefully held students in uniform and carried out an interview.

They shove their microphone and camera at students who were walking while
studying vocabulary.

‘It’s annoying to deal with them so I should run.’

I felt sorry for the students who were caught by journalists, but things would get
worse if I appeared.

I was looking for a place to detour when I found a small hole.

I was hesitant after looking at the hole, but right now I’m still a middle school

I was barely able to manage to pass through a small gap that would’ve been too small
for adults who have big waists.


In front of the 8th-grade 8th classroom of Jinsu Middle School.

While approaching the classroom, I looked around the school and it was different
from what I remember.

The building design and interior did not match my memory.

I also looked at the staff room and I didn’t recognize anybody.

‘Only the school uniform is the same.’

I tried to choose a random person from the hallway to check their information.

<This character is not registered on the database. Cannot view character


Character information wasn’t available.

Maybe because this middle school doesn’t appear in the game?

I tested it further by choosing other people, but it was the same.

There was no information obtainable with the menu.

I had to check it out by myself.


I opened the sliding door of the old-fashioned classroom and entered.

Students wearing old-fashioned uniforms were chatting everywhere.

The hot issue was the monster raiding Eungwang High School yesterday.

“Did you see the news? It’s awesome.”

“There was an interview and it was amazing. By the way, is it true that the biggest
contributor is from our school?”

He is from our school. It’s me.

“Is there anyone from our school who has a score high enough to attend Eungwang
High School?”

“The best student hid his power.”

“Meh, maybe the best student didn’t have skills.”

There was nobody here who knew me.

There were no alumni I knew from middle school.

While I was listening to the conversation near the door, I talked to a student who was
closest to me.


“……Huh? Students from other classes can’t come in. If you are looking for someone, I
can call them.”

“I’m from 8th class though.”

I showed my student id.

[Jinsoo Middle School 8th grader 8th class, Jo Euishin]

The student who saw the id was surprised and nodded his head.

“What? Oh…… I see. I’m sorry, maybe you are in our class.”

He had dull eyes that seemed like he was in hypnosis.

“Nevermind. There is something I want to ask.”


“Was our school uniform originally this old-fashioned?”

“No, it changed from our class. Seniors wore good-looking uniforms.”

I kind of understood what’s happening to me right now.

Afterward, I roamed around the staff room and asked around.

All the staff looked confused.

They gave a reaction which said ‘Do we have any student who is good enough to
attend Eungwang high school?’

‘I don’t know who the homeroom teacher is.’

My homeroom teacher who came back from a business trip was someone I didn’t
know, and the homeroom teacher didn’t seem to know me.

The homeroom teacher pretended to know who I was and tried to be friendly, but it
was very awkward.

After looking around the teachers and staff room, I found my middle school records
perfectly stored.

However, everyone reacted like ‘by the way, was he just here?’
I checked everything that I wanted to check.

“I don’t feel so good and I need to rest at home. Can I call it a day?”

The homeroom teacher generously allowed me to do so while telling me that if I

need help, I can ask for it anytime.

As I was leaving the staff room, the teachers gave me compliments and greetings.

Still, they were confused by who I was as they didn’t remember.

My assumptions became certain.


I left the school and went back to my small room.

Am I really inside the game?

If not……

I know who has the answer to this question.

<Viewing ‘Jo Euishin’s character information.>

[Name] Jo Euishin

[Title] Appropriate for two-dimensional future transform. One of the small heroes.

[Order] (Failed to load)

[Special skill] (locked)

[Status] Normal

[Overall ability] Lv. 10


Use objects Lv. 1

Exclusive menu for two-dimensional future transform object Lv. 1

Communication with transcendental universe Lv. 1

Destiny Lv. 3

(Failed to load)

The [Title] section almost made me curse.

Yesterday, Minki who gave a quick interview was portrayed as a ‘small hero’, while
the biggest contributor, which is myself, was becoming a mere supporting role.

‘For now, I should endure and be patient.’

It would be difficult for me if I get attention now anyway so it may be better this way.

I chose ‘Communicate with the transcendental universe’ from the menu.

<Viewing skill explanation.>

[Skill name] Communicate with transcendental universe

[Rareness] UR

[Skill level] 1

[Effect] Will communicate with transcendental universe


Communicate with the transcendental universe, beyond dimension.

Level gives a huge burden on skill users.

If the communication result exceeds the skill user’s information capacity, the skill is
automatically terminated.

Communication that surpasses dimension, time, space, and universe.

If I talk to someone who brought me to this world, there will be an answer.

I was worried about the phrase ‘excessive burden,’ but I wanted to find answers
before I attended Eungwang high school.

<Using skill ‘communicating with transcendental universe’.>


It felt like my brain was floating in the air.

The brain that divorced from the senses was scattered into fragments, different
dimensions, times, and space.

Just like the brain, I myself slowly turned into dust.

I slapped myself as hard as I could.


My palm and the cheek were hurting.

Thankfully, I’m back to normal.

“I’m not inside the game.”


There was no change.

However, it turned blue inside my head and suddenly it was easier to breathe.

The answer is positive.

“That failed game was a process to bring people here.”

Advertisements that had very little investment.

The game operated for 10 years despite having revenue close to 0.

Games that do not reflect the user’s opinion.

Looking back now, it was very weird.

‘If the transcendental universe is omnipotent, there’s no reason for it to reach out to

The world can edit the future of this world.

Also, other than viewing my character information, using the menu didn’t allow me
to view normal people’s information except for the main characters from the game.

It was certain that the transcendental world isn’t omnipotent.

‘I see why I was called to ‘two-dimensional future transform subject’.’

<Warning, excessive communication with transcendental world and two-

dimensional future transform subject can cause excessive burden to the body.>

There was a smell of steel coming from my throat.

“You called me from a different dimension as you can give limited interference. You
emptied a ‘supporting role’ in this world, changed my past by transforming
information, and gave power the same as in the game for me to change the future.”

I couldn’t continue to speak so it was hard to make a complete sentence.

My vision turned blue.

My whole body that was going through the sky and floating on the universe suddenly
felt like I was sinking again.

There were no words uttered, but I was certain that the other person affirmed what I

It felt like my mental and physical capacity was close to the limit as there was blood
coming out of my mouth.

<Warning, two-dimensional future transform subject’s body is close to the limit.>

<Restricting access to two-dimensional future transform subject.>

I heard a system sound and the unknown senses that dominated me disappeared.

<Dimensional understanding for two-dimensional future transform subject has

increased. Skill ‘two-dimension future transform subject exclusive menu’ level
increased from 1 to 2.>

My assumption seemed all correct.

I understand why I came to this world.

Because I know this game well.

I cleared the final stage.

‘They are right as well… ’

The reason why I’m here.

That’s because I sincerely wanted a happy ending to this game.

In order to achieve a happy ending, I would replay this game and this world.

‘…… ah, my skill level went up so I should see the changes.’

However, after such a thought my vision became black.

Before I checked the menu, I passed out.


I woke up 3 days later.

My lips were very dry as I wasn’t able to drink any water, while my body and my
head felt heavy.

It seems like I’m dehydrated and the world looks black and white.

I barely managed to go to the kitchen, and I felt better after drinking water with
sugar and salt.

‘I didn’t expect to pass out for 3 days just by having a conversation for a few seconds.’

If I knew such a thing would happen, I should use the skill while covered in a

I removed the school uniform that I was still wearing.

It took a while to take off as my body was very sore.

When I switched to comfortable clothes, I saw my smartphone with a dead battery.

As I charged and turned it out, it was full of missed calls and unchecked messages.

Gyubin, Namwook.

Those two were bombarding me with messages.

Gyubin said to check the bank account as he transferred the money and he wanted to
see me at the Player’s Association with a meal or if I needed something which was a

Namwook said you are not answering calls, are you eating well?

I didn’t have much to say so I decided to postpone the response.

While I was looking in the drawer to search for ramen, I received a call.

The name that appeared on the phone was Sanghoon, who didn’t say anything after
leaving the hospital.

……I can assume why he called.

Should I pick Sanghoon’s call?


[It’s me. Namwook said he can’t get a hold of you.]

“I was a bit busy. Why did you call?”

[Ah…… well]

Sanghoon faded his words.

“Is it because of Minki?”

Sanghoon didn’t deny it.

Minki was worse than I thought.

What Minki has done to Sanghoon is attempted murder.

It’s a bit complicated whether we can consider myself and Namwook as victims, but
Sanghoon surely was one.

‘At least I thought Minki would pretend to apologize to Sanghoon.’

I never expected Minki would say ‘If you let me go, I would give you money’ without
an apology.

Sanghoon’s family was extremely furious, but they weren’t in a good situation as
Minki released a statement interview first.

“So Euishin and I need to give a testimony?”

Namwook said furiously without hiding his anger.

We were inside a room of a Korean restaurant which Sanghoon invited us to.

Sanghoon didn’t say a word other than the greeting.

Sanghoon’s parents were very serious.

The person who led the conversation was Sanghee, who is Sanghoon’s sister.

“Yes. I will compensate you as much as you want. The skill I have is rare so if you
become a professional player, you will earn quite a lot. Of course, as a senior of
Eungwang high school, I can help you in many ways.”
Seeing the image of her laughing while moving her hair was incomparable to when
she was crying at the hospital.

I know another thing about Sanghee.

<Viewing ‘Sanghee’s personal information.>

[Name] Yoo Sanghee

[Title] Eungwang high school 10th grader, Student council secretary, Trainee for
AKEA, Cure

[Order] Akea’s theme ‘let me help you.’

[Special skill] (Deactivated)

[Status] Normal

[Overall capability] Lv. 34


Cure magic Lv. 5

Defense wall Lv. 3

Hand blade Lv. 3


Owns extremely rare cure skill.

With Cure Goddess Akea’s name, can use Akea’s all might with her skill.

Outstanding student who was never below 10th rank for academics in Eungwang
high school.

Values family.

“It’s completely different from the Sanghee I know in the game.”

In this world, there is a ‘superior existence’ beyond the enemies and the real tribe.

To say it simply, it’s ‘God.’

Superior existence didn’t stay all the time like an enemy but it interfered with this
world by order, miracle, imitation, reign, and revelation.

Sanghee is getting order and protection from Akea who is the God of Healing.

‘I remember Sanghee’s title was ‘Contractor for Nemesis’’

Sanghee’s order was to have a contract with multiple Gods for her life and increase
the enemy’s attack by 3 fold.

That’s why Sanghee was a final boss inside the game and she was a recommended
character for the quest where the monster appears.

‘Well… Speaking of which there is a setting which is written on the guidebook

explaining before she became a revenge seeker. What is needed for the game is right
after that section so I just read it briefly.’

Sanghee got rid of Akea’s title and made contact with the revenge Goddess Nemesis
in order to kill the monster who killed her brother.

‘That brother is Sanghoon.’

She hunted it and was killed by the monster before she graduated.

“There’s no need for compensation. Even if the litigation is long, I will testify until
the end.”

Namwook spoke confidently.

Also, he looked at me expecting me to ‘ join as well.’

I contemplated after turning off Sanghee’s status window.




I organized my thoughts one by one.

The answer is already there.

“I won’t.”

Namwook made an explicit disappointed face but Sanghee replied in a soft voice.

“Okay… Thank you for saving this moron. If you weren’t there, he would’ve been

“Whatever. Euishin. Let’s eat.”

Sanghoon opened his mouth for the first time while paying no mind about my

Sanghoon’s parents thanked me many times at the hospital and thanked me again
with a warm smile.

However, I wasn’t done.

“Please agree to a settlement as fast as possible. It would be best if it’s done today or


The atmosphere became quiet.

“Also, let’s agree to a condition in the agreement that we won’t leak the information
that we know.”

I added sipping my plum tea.

“In order to make Namwook and I to keep quiet, it’s better to raise the
“What! No, I will testify!”

Namwook shouted intensely.

“It’s better to put a penalty for non-disclosure as twice or triple the agreed amount.”

If Sanghee could kill with her eyes, I would be dead three times already.

Sanghee’s eyes had a murderous spirit.

“Are you telling me to take money and shut up?”


Sanghee’s warm traits evaporated and wild words started coming out of her mouth.

I overcame the White Tiger’s attention.

I communicated with the transcendental universe.

I won’t be upset by such a murderous spirit.

“Since we want to take revenge, let’s do so while making money in the process.”

Taking money from Minki can cause his complete downfall.

“Okay. I get it.”

Sanghoon instantly nodded his head.

Sanghee and Namwook looked at Sanghoon’s face appalled.

“Hey, Yoo Sanghoo!”

Sanghee abandoned her calm demeanor and shouted.

Namwook turned his appalled face from Sanghoon to Sanghee.

“I am going to follow what Eushin said.”

“What, are you crazy? Did you forget that you nearly died?”

Despite Sanghee’s fierce convincing Sanghoon continued to look at me and said.

“You better explain so that everyone can understand, Jo Euishin.”

With that, everyone’s attention fell on me.

Perhaps Sanghoon had read my mind or decided to believe in everything I had said I
wasn’t sure but I decided to speak up.

“Son Minki is being treated like a hero. At our expense, where we are being treated
as his sidelined props. Which isn’t false.”

Son Minki had lost his right arm and leg from the item I had thrown.

He had gained public attention by appealing himself as a hero in an interview for

having thrown himself to save his friend.

Right now, Minki would appear as the main protagonist in a young boy’s heroic tale.
“Even if we serve as witnesses it would only make us look like we’re trying to defame
him out of jealousy since minki is a star. After all, we’re too fully attached compared
to Minki who lost his limbs.”

The objective of the Player’s association was to “suppress enemies” and “protect its

To them, they had no reason or right to stand up for secondary students who were
unregistered association members and not even considered formal players.

That day the reason Gyubin visited me was due to a link between the unregistered
player and the wanted enemy.

“It’s a dilemma for Hwangmyeong corporation to make a move.”

Just as much as Minki was the center of attention, the security matter of Eunkwang
high that was run by Hwangmyeong corporation was equally drawing attention.

Some of the players and members of the press shared the view that ‘They are lucky
to be unscathed and dissolving the problem with minor interference when they were
against the Jin group’.

As for the rest of the world, the only impression left was that a secondary student
who had been on his way to the entrance exam of Korea’s most elite and difficult
high school had nearly died.

“Fortunately a warrant was issued and the investigation went smoothly and they
were able to obtain necessary evidence. However, Son Minki is a secondary student.
In the face of the Jin family, he is just a secondary schoolboy who pulled off a
deranged act. In court, as long as he puts up an act of repentance, even if he found
guilty, he will be let off with merely a probation.”

Even if this decision was to cause an uproar, this was the reality in Korea.

Where teenager’s rights help to prioritize the assaulter over the victim.

For teenagers even if they were the assaulter, they could easily hide behind the
shield of pity and young age.

If the assaulter was born with a gold spoon they often used the press to their

A portion of the society were forgiving towards the assaulter. These were the few
drunk on their own feelings of benevolence.

“Son minki distributed the news to the press within a day. He probably has
connections in the press. A fair fight results in losses and takes a long time. The
chances of winning are low and a lost fight even if he wins.”

My throat hurt after talking so much.

Even during the Rinoseron round, I did not talk this much.

I drank my plum tea that had turned cold to quench my throat.

The lukewarm tea tasted bitter.

Countless seconds had passed since I’d finished talking yet the room was silent.

I decided to wrap up.

“Negotiate an agreement. Then…”


Minki’s side agreed to the terms immediately.

After all, it was the celebrity Minki.

The one who had epitomized the meaning of sacrifice by giving up his limbs for his

His background as the future student of Eungkwang high

His more than average looks.

He was Minki who had recently received a love call proposition from the
entertainment business.

Should he become a star player a settlement fee of millions must mean nothing to

‘He may think that his past was getting in his way now that he had become

They tried to keep the case under control by offering a higher settlement fee.

They immediately agreed to our offer to keep Jang Namook’s mouth shut if they
raised the settlement fee.

In return, they placed a condition that should the secret be disclosed we were to
return three times of what they initially offered.

The settlement fee agreement was closed but it had taken a toll even on mink who
operated several businesses.

‘Materialistic Savages.’

Minki raged disregarding the presence of his lawyer and guardian.

Minki, who had appeared in a wheelchair and kept quiet until he signed the
agreement papers, finally showed his true colors.

Once the agreement papers were signed the 360 change of attitude in the opposite
party no longer had any effect.

‘He must have known this and waited until he had signed.’

Namwook who was also present was about to say something but I nudged him to
keep shut.

Even Namwook is like this imagine if Sanghee had come it would have resulted in a
violent scene

‘Are you really okay, Sanghoon?”

Namwook asked Sanghoon who seemed expressionless.

Sanghoon answered him nonchalantly.

‘Ya. Eushin’s face looks exactly as it did during the time he was discussing the

What kind of face was I making?

I looked at my reflection in the window but didn’t notice any difference than usual.


I am currently at Eunkwang high after arranging an appointment to meet the

chairman of Hwangmyeong corporation.

Of course, he was not an easy person to meet but once I pleaded to Jegal I was
granted an appointment.

‘The chairman too has some personal stories he would like to share.’

Excluding the principal and vice-principal, Jegal who was the head of department
had the most association with the chairman.

It was a stroke of luck to have received Jegal’s number that day

In the worst-case scenario, he may have needed to reach out to Kyubin to make this

“Thank you for arranging this meeting.”

“I only made a phone call that’s all.”

After a minute upon boarding the internal school air shuttle with Jaegal.

I wondered if we had boarded the shuttle meant for visitors as I did not see any
school buildings or facilities. I could only see air shuttles people on airboards
passing by.

It was a missed opportunity to see the game environment in real life.

I was too busy to notice after the exam.

‘Well I’ll see it every day once I start attending’

Just as I was having such thoughts, the air shuttle stopped in front of the main
building of Eunkwang high.

A golden pillar supported the white building that drew a beautiful curve in the sky.

The glass windows covering the external walls reflected the sun giving the building
the appearance of being wrapped in light.

‘It looks like a CG game.’

As I was appreciating the building internally we passed by a marble corridor and

came to a door engraved with a tiger where on a panel the title ‘Chairman’ was

“I’ll be outside so give me a call once you’re done.”

I wondered if he was really going to do so much for me, a mere secondary school kid
he had seen once from despite his other pressing work.

I wanted to thank him once more but he had already started walking away.

The chairman was in a meeting that had overrun.

“I’m sorry. The chairman is still engaged right now.”

The secretary advised me to take a seat and offered me some coffee.

A mahogany oak sofa and table.

An enamel painted bone china cup.

These were not things that looked good on a student.

‘Perhaps this was a part of the Chairman’s test.’

The chairman of Hwangmyeong corporation enjoyed observing people.

If I didn’t satisfy his expectations my future school life would be difficult.

“Thank you.”
I replied curtly and sat comfortably on the sofa.

The secretary smiled and it was hard to guess what she was thinking.

“The chairman is expected to arrive in 10 minutes.”

Her smile suddenly jogged a memory. Even in the game, she was smiling like this
while standing behind the Chairman.

If she was a character that appeared in the game then perhaps I could verify her
personal details?


<This character is not found in the database. There is no information on this person>

Just like the students and professors, I had met in secondary school I was unable to
verify their personal information.

‘The Hwangmyeong secretary doesn’t have a line in the game but was definitely in it.
But it is not registered.”

The secretary was not a character found in the settings home.

It was just to associate that the Chairman had a secretary.

Could it be that the future predicted by the visionary space in the game if you did not
have a big role in your personal information was not accessible?

With this assumption, it left me with a frightening prediction.

‘The future has already changed when several characters that ought to have died
were saved. One day an enemy whose information I can not read may turn up.’

Even so, I could not do nothing.

Out of fear of the butterfly effect, could I just stand and watch the likes of Namwook
and Sanghoon die?

No, I could not.

“Student Eushin.”

I lifted my head to see Chairman Hwang.

The signs of age were visible from his hair but he looked visibly healthy to believe
that he was in his sixties.

No, he was not in his sixties.

‘Chairman Hwang is a part of the Jin lineage.’

The lineage that existed over 5000 years ago even before the establishment of the

<’Notification on Hwang Myeong Ho’s Profile.>

[NAME] Hwang Myeong Ho

[TITLE] Chairman of Gwangmyeong corporation, Lineage of the legendary myth, The

yellow tiger from the legendary myth, guardian of the new age

[BELIEF] God willingly blessed my wishes

[ORDER] Inactive


[Overall skill] Lv.??


Magician Lv.??

Leap Lv.??

Brightness Lv.??

Roar Lv.??

(Failed to load partially)


The yellow tiger that appears in the legendary myth.

Blessed with the power to ‘exist anywhere’.

As long as it is the land of god he shall exist wherever he wishes.

He has locked up the white tiger voluntarily; he is one allowed by God.

In the settings page, most of the Jin lineage were marked as (unclear), and as
expected it applied here again.

Just like how I’d thought, most of the Jin lineage were not playable characters so did
not appear in the settings page.

‘Perhaps due to the Jin lineage’s power, the futuristic space was unable to perfectly

Hwang Meyongho was an exception even amongst the Jin lineages as he had received
power directly from God himself.


“Yes, let’s sit.”

I stood up from my seat and greeted him respectfully.

He sat opposite me and offered me to sit with a smile.

“I’ve seen your great contributions. Your ability to base your situational analysis to
resolve an unexpected accident was admirable. I am happy to have a student like
yourself in our school.”

His wrinkles framed his smile across his face.

Had I not known about his identity I would have perceived him to be a grandfather
like a figure in a high position.

As I was planning on how to bring up the favor, the chairman cut me to the chase.
“I assume you are here to ask a favor regarding student minki?”

The chairman was still smiling.

I was unable to tell what he was thinking within the game.

The chairman never acted rashly regardless of how tragic the situation was.

He simply observed leisurely with the use of his authority.

“All of the student’s practical exams are recorded on video but I have no intention of
revealing it without a warrant.”

Even if the white main building of the school was dyed in blood red.

Even during the dying moment of his comrade white tiger with whom he had shared
5000 years together, the yellow tiger still did not show up.

‘To be honest, one of the plot twists I’d anticipated was the surprise appearance of
the yellow tiger and him suppressing the white tiger.’

From a certain point in the game, he stopped appearing all together including the
final round.

“The board of directors are looking to quickly dismiss the case.”

I could not understand the yellow tiger but one thing was clear.

He found this humorous.

If not he would never have agreed on a one on one with a mere secondary student.

‘That is not why I am here.’

What he wanted was humor and unexpectedness to which he would react.

“I came to request you not to pay Minki’s expenses.”

There was a glint of light in his eyes.

“…Is that all?”

“Yes. Otherwise, I’ll abide by the final decisions of the board.”

The directors of the board were well aware of the Chairman’s identity.

If the Chairman wished it, all of the directors would agree unless they had a death

The chairman seemed amused by my words.

The lines by his eyes deepened.

“Then I have a condition.”


“Enter class zero.”

Class 0, class zero.

More commonly known as the special class, those famously labeled to have “dormant
possibilities” or those seeking special attention were found in this class.

‘Even if the latter was acceptable, the former would be a problem.’

After causing a problem, to enter the most elite school in Korea meant I must have
the skill to make up for that problem.

To enter class zero was the equivalent to hugging a bunch of timebombs that could
go off any time. Even so, there was only one answer for me.


3 Days since my deal with the Chairman.

The news of the ‘small hero’ which had slightly subsided was brought back into the

‘Chairman Hwang must have made his move.’

The wearable device I had bought with my bounty was in the form of an earring and
transmitted a hologram.

To practice wearing the wearable device that sprayed particles and formed the shape
of the hologram I read the news from various portal sites.

[Eunkwang high Hwangmyeong corporation refuses to compensate hospital fees for

the small hero]

[‘Small hero’ Son Minki, not eligible for players insurance… hospital expenses
estimated to be around 20 million dollars]

[The bankrupt tragedy of our ‘small hero’ who tried to save his friend]

[Hwangmyeong Corporation’s change in terms, ‘investigation is in process’]

Amongst the many articles, there was an interview with Minki’s parents.

-’Overnight they changed their word, initially a spokesperson form the corporation
visited and told us not to worry about the expense, that we should focus on using all
items for a speedy recovery. They had said they were sorry for the poor security of
the school, but now we are unable to get treatment or be discharged from the
hospital as we don’t have the money. The surgery for just his limbs is estimated to be
a few million… ’

I scrolled through related comments.

[The whole nation knows how rich Hwangmyeong corporation is… seriously those
with money are worse off.”]

[Eunkwang high school insurance covers accidents that occurred on school grounds
yet they are refusing to pay up.]

[Eunkwang high sucks that’s why I never went there]

[Korea’s most elite school engaging in power play. What a disappointment. I am


There were also related articles on starting a fundraiser for Minki’s hospital
[We are starting a fundraiser for Minki who became a cripple while trying to save his

[Minki stay strong, it’s a small amount but I would like to contribute.]


[What a piece of trash~~~!!! Minki… I contributed. Stay strong mate!!!]

[I intend to start a one-person riot in front of Eunkwang high… if there are others up
for it we can all go together.]

A day or two passed since the articles were published.

Even though days passed, the Hwangmyeong corporation refused to make


Just when the press were at their peak and the civilians started a large riot in front of
Eunkwang high.

A video with a dark gym as the background was broadcasted via the public
broadcast channel.
Inside the dark gym, where the evil had come in contact with the limit it was
accompanied by an uncomfortable sound in the background a modified voice of a
student can be heard.

The face has been mosaiced, but only the eyes have been covered so anyone who has
seen the news lately will be able to identify the person.

He was the secondary student recently named the ‘little hero.’

The little hero was aiming an item card at the friend who he had saved and sustained
the injuries for.

 It’s different if there is a living bait. Even the Jin lineage won’t that family be
happy if three were to die. Baits.

 Do you think of ▣▣▣ as a bait? ▣▣▣ got hurt while trying to save you. You
ungrateful trash!

 Grateful? What a joke? Didn’t you work hard in school? I stepped over
others to come to where I am today.

The little hero uses the item card and ties the other students up


Hwangmyeong corporation decided to release the video as they struggled to contain

the press.

The comments from the board of directors were as below.

‘We decided to withdraw all payments to the student identified in the video after
belatedly confirming his shameful acts. We decided to open the video to the press to
explain to the public their misunderstanding in the matter.

Ya right, belated.
‘They were well aware and willing to bury the fact, what a 180 degrees change.’

Hwangmyeong corporation released the already made film to the press.

The eyes of the person in the video was mosaiced away, and the portion where he
screamed he was going blind was edited out.

Perhaps they wanted to prevent another controversy or this was the benevolence of
the chairman, the part where I lay hands on Minki was edited out.

The video provided by the corporation was published and the presence went wild.

Each press edited the video to include subtitles and audios based on the
commentaries of their own anchors.

Afterwhich the press uploaded the videos to their channels and within seconds the
total views jumped to 100 million.

The little hero title of minki was changed to ‘Son of a bait’

Every article related to minki was followed by comments of “Son of a bait.”

[Hero? Haha you’re just a son of a bait]

[S O N O F A B A I T]

[You used the kid who tried to save you as bait?? Today the world has seen an
increase in one whole new the devil clan. Those who are under the protection of
Satan watch out~~~]

[OMG Goosebumps; You’re worse than the enemy]

[Hwangmyeong corporation… please don’t ever pay for that scums hospital fee. He
might just use that money for an expensive lawyer… the thought of that makes me

[If you pay for him you’re an idiot]

Minki’s side immediately responded.

Although his response never made it on the public channels or main newspapers,
few articles supporting Minki popped up.

[‘Little hero’s tears, ‘I was scared, I am sorry to my friends.’]

[The whole in Hwangmyeong corporation’s security system, drives young elite into a

[Video revealed, without the ‘little hero’s’ consent. Lawsuit to be expected]

The public had long turned their backs to Minki

He had nearly killed someone to live.

This fact may have bought him pity votes.

And turned the rage to the Hwangmyeong corporation.

But the public were unable to forgive Minki for deceiving them and acting all this
while as a hero.

[After all those lies how shameless]

[Translation: give me the money]

[The school’s security??? Defamed??? Hahaha The corporation kindly edited the
video to make the person unrecognizable, and we all consented before the entrance
exam that the school is not liable for any injuries sustained. Hahaha, you admitted to
it by responding to the video.]

[Look carefully at the article. It’s not ‘sued’ but ‘expected to sue’. They are probably
playing it out cause they are guilty.]

Then the next day.

On a web community, a furious post was uploaded.

The post’s content stated that the school had supported the manipulation of results
to allow Minki to enter Eunkwang high.
The writer of the post had several subjects with scores better than Minki and when
he had checked the ranking for each individual subject he and Minki’s positions had
been swapped.

Many suspected the post to be false.

As soon as people commented that his post was fake he uploaded his own student
card and a written message of Minki’s confession.

Minki who had been confident of his powerful friends must have flaunted it by
threatening him ‘You will never go to a high school if you ever reveal this.’

‘I had anticipated that once Minki fell from the heroic title those who had been
‘stepped on’ by Minki would speak up.’

But this was beyond expectation.

[A student that had been disadvantaged by Son Minki reveals story. A three-line
summary. 1. Son minki and his power friends manipulated scores 2. Sonminki
confesses and threatened. 3. Son minki is trash]

[Isn’t that a crime? Attempted murder, violence, manipulation of results, and

blackmail! I hope he goes to jail!]

[He has done those things aged 16. Imagine if he was never caught and grew up
sheltered under Korea’s most elite high school. Wonder how many more would have

At this stage, no more articles advocating for Minki were seen.

And it was not only Minki the public criticized and shunned.

His parents who had previously revealed their faces to the press also were targeted.

[Those who want to see the parents of the horrible Son of a bait can rewatch the

[Son on a bait’s father resigned only a month after working in his company. I can
reveal why.]
[Son of a bait’s company website link is going up~~~you can sue or not~~~*spits*]

Minki’s parents ran a business where they sold props used by the players association
and team.

Once the company’s name was revealed publicly, there were endless complaints and
petitions asking the pro player teams to cut off ties with them.

And those who had started raising funds for Minki’s hospital fee lost objective and

Those who had participated in the fundraiser raged and directed it to Minki.

[Pay back the money you family of frauds]

[I am so embarrassed to have been fooled by Son Minki… I wrote so many

supporting comments and even donated.]

[Go to hell with me ㅠㅠ]

[Am suicidal after donating for Son Minki. Is the Han river cold in December? I Will
let you know after trying out.]

[We have set up a cafe to be compensated for the donation we raise for Sonminki. We
are discussing the strategy… we ask for your subscription.]

This reaction took exactly one week after the video was released.

Sonminki was in a financial crisis.

Settlement fees, hospital fees, lawyer consultation fees, bribery to the press put
together was worth hundreds of millions.

And even their company was struggling to secure their yearly deal with a supplier
with all the petition and rioting against them.

Regenerative surgery was out of the question.

Furthermore, all high schools including Eunkwang high had all rejected his
Son minki was a disabled secondary student swamped in debt.

It was near the end of December when Sonminki was absolutely crushed.

Around the time Sonminki’s controversy died down the attention of the public had

[Most ethical person Mr. Jo? Why did no one talk about him? He was totally
unmentioned in the whole thing.]

[He must have been threatened by Son of a bait]

[ If I think about it now it’s so weird. Why did that kid get hurt when everyone else
was fine. Why was SAT-K’s most ethically chosen player treated like air.]

[So why did he get hurt in the end??]

[The most ethical person is in my class! I am in xx secondary class 3-8 and this
incident must have been traumatic. He hasn’t been coming to school.]

[Is he just being loyal? In the first half of the video where he threw himself it was
damn cool and awesome.]

Because of our happening Minki was attacked once again but the settlement content
was not one they could release to the press for their advantage.

As it was stated in the clause that if it was revealed the penalty was three times the
initial settlement fee.

As the situation progressed and I monitored the headlines and comments I closed
the hologram satisfied.

As planned.

No, the situation was resolved better than planned.


“It’s a daily routine to read the news and comments. I am keeping all the writings I
was inspired by. So that I can read it again when life gets tough.”
Sanghee showed the hologram to us who had visited Sanghoon’s room to hang out.

“Every day there is a call. At first, it felt good but now it’s a nuisance. They want to
apologize and post a picture of us getting along on SNS…? It was his limbs that were
cut off but he’s acting like it was his head.”

As expected from the disciple of the goddess of healing, Sanghee brushed her long
hair that was reflecting the sun elegantly.

Even though the content of her speech was brutal.

Namwook did not respond and simply drank the apple juice Sanghee brought.

He must be used to Sanghee.

“I didn’t tell him your contacts. I’m having a bit of fun while acting as if I’m

Sanghee put down the snacks and drinks and came forward with a smile.

“Thanks, Eushin. It’s all thanks to you. I’m sorry for not believing you right at the
start. I will pay you back for sure.”

“No. I didn’t do anything.”

“You’re humble. But no need to refuse. I am your senior so you can comfortably call
me Sang Hee noona.”

Sanghee smiled brightly at me.

Sanghoon who saw that beside me made a face as though he’d seen a monster.

“Yuck, Sanghee nonna.”


Snaghee hit Sanghoon’s hand.

Sanhoon did not react to the pain but his face turned blue.
…Sanghee’s hand strength skill was level 3.

Wonder if it will worsen his wound from before.

“Well have fun while you are here. Tell me if you need anything.”

As soon as Sanghee left the room I lay on the floor comfortably.

A basketball lying around in Sanghoon’s room touched my back.

I pushed the several basketballs lying around with my finger and asked.

“So why are we all gathered here today? Is it to commemorate the vacation?”

We had sent messages in our chat group but this was the first time we had met
offline since the signing of the settlement.

I had skipped school but these two had diligently attended so it was hard to meet up
as well.

“To celebrate you. ‘The nameless Supernova’.”

Now how did they know that?

“We saw it on the player’s association webpage. You’re listed as the wanted enemy
tobal player.”

Sanghoon who saw my face and read my mind added on.

While Sonminki’s entire family was going bankrupt I frequented the Player

The ordinary 16-year-old who had defeated the enemy tobal was not registered on
Player SAT-K so they found an issue with the record.

As I did not want to leave my real name in the records, I decided to go ahead and
receive a pre-given name Player SAT-K gave based on the player’s activity level.

The result of that was the nameless supernova.

As Hong Kyubin said…

‘An unregistered ordinary secondary school kid accomplished what the esteemed
couldn’t do, so it’s fitting.”

I wasn’t fond of the sly Kyubin but the name itself had a good ring to it.

The temporary player nameless supernova would automatically become an official

player in a few days as I turned 17.

“Ya, thanks. In a few days, both you and Namwook turn to official players too so is
there really a need to celebrate?”

“Well, there’s that and also the vacation.”

“Are you sure you called me over to celebrate.”

“Let’s just play the game.”


The meaningless conversion between Sanghoon and I continued.

We were taking out the controllers for a combat game when Namwook threw a

“I decided not to go to Eunkwang high. I am going to go to a military high school and

become a military officer.”



Sanghoon and I stood with our jaws wide open at the unexpected turn of events.

Namwook’s determined eyes shined brightly behind his glass lens.

“I only applied to Eunkwang high because I had the score. Not because I wanted to go
there from the start.”
You applied to Korea’s most elite high school just because your scores made it?

Had the 200 million high school students in Korea would have assassinated
Namwook or placed a bounty on his head.

But Namwook sounded firm and somehow sounded distressed.

“I don’t have the courage to throw my body like Sanghoon, I can’t strategize like you
Eushin. I can only move as planned, and shout for you to run.”

“There are plenty of people out there who can’t even do that.”

“Even for Minki’s case. I couldn’t put a plan like Eushin or believe in Eushin like

“Jang Namwook…”

Sanghoon looked like he wanted to stop Namwook.

But Namwook shook his head and said firmly.

“I just had the right scores and had met the requirements to apply. I wrote that I
aspired to be a pro gamer, but in actual fact, I don’t have any dreams or know what I

“There isn’t a secondary student who has an idea of what they want. Even if someone
asks me, I reply that I want to be the president.”

“But at least you want to be a player in Eunkwang high. For me, I don’t”

Sanghoon must have run out of things to say because he closed his mouth.

“I don’t fit in with Eunkwang high, which focuses on freedom. Even if I attend with
you guys I’d only hold you back.”

Namwook was the most diligent person I knew.

Namwook continued.

“But I want to be someone who can help and protect others too. To do that I think it’s
a better choice to learn that skill in the military school and become a soldier.”

For him to say it like this he must have contemplated the matter every single day
since the incident.

What was the right thing to say now?

A word of advice for his military life?

The pros and cons of Eunkwang high and military high?

Had there been even the slightest hint of hesitation in his eyes I would have said

“Okay. I understand.”

For Nawook he didn’t need any of this information.

“If anything happens call me anytime. Even if I can’t do anything I’ll always be there
to listen.”

Namwook did not bring this up so that we would convince him otherwise or tell him
things he didn’t know. He just wanted a ‘friend’ who would listen.

“You sound like an old man”

“Are you an old man?”

My overly serious tone was laughed at by the two secondary students.

Soon Sanghoon and I continued our thoughtless conversations.

Namwook soon seemed relaxed and nagged at our pointless conversations.

The sunlight is shorter in winter.

We ate dinner at Sanghoon a little earlier than usual and decided to part before the
sun went down.

Sanghoon’s family suggested we sleepover and seemed disappointed.

But Namwook’s parents came over to pick him up, and I also declined.

There were three means of public transport back home.

Train, bus, or air shuttle.

The air shuttle was pricier and my neighborhood had no air shuttle stop so I decided
to take the bus.

Sanhoon accompanied me to the bus stop and waited with me.

“Namwook doesn’t seem to have noticed but there is something getting on my


“Like what?”

There was nobody in the street.

Only the sound of passing cars could be heard.

“You know, when you threw the item at minki, it’s weird. If you wanted to optimize
the impact it would have been better to throw it at the limit.”

It was rare for Sanghoon to form such long sentences.

Even when he was about to be backstabbed to death he did not speak this long.

He must have been thinking about this for a long time.

“Have you been thinking about this since then?”

He didn’t answer.

I answered after considering the worst possible scenario and the next possible step.

‘Had it been a player who had reached the final stage of this game they would have
anticipated and made the same move.’

I had left a few openings.

Would have stopped using Sanghoon as bait or seized the ball by making use of the

It would have never come to this if he had sincerely apologized to Sanghoon.

But Minki always made the worst possible decisions.

“The prize money is in. My treat next time.”

Sanghoon stared at me who had blatantly changed the subject.

Sanghoon gave up on hearing an answer.

“I received the settlement money, I’ll buy it. Let’s call Namwook too.”

Now that I thought of it the settlement money was much more than the prize money.

I felt a sense of defeat.

Even though Namwook and I received our share of the settlement money for
agreeing to keep silent.

We planned ahead on where we wanted to go by making use of the hologram.

The search engine AI suggested two places.

A hotel in the air that overlooked the Han river that served a snow and air winter
special buffet.

Or a famous french patisseries’ Korean visit limited edition dinner course.

Both seemed good.

While I was seriously contemplating between the two…

“Thanks, Jo Eushin.”

Sanghoon thanked me out of the blue.

I pretended not to hear.

And a few days later, on 1st Jan.

The day I, nameless supernova Jo Eushin turned 17 and became an official player.

The moment my analogue clock’s second hand pointed to zero.

The system alarm was heard.

<You have access to the usage of the Esteemed.>

The authorized age for ‘esteemed’ players in Korea was 17.

After the collision in this industry.

For several decades there had been no legal age limit for players.

However becoming an esteemed player meant ignoring all laws of physics,

stereotypes, sense, and logic.

It was a difficult task for an ungrown mind and body.

There had been big and small cases caused by an underage player being an esteemed

There had been propositions enforce regulative laws of esteemed players, but the
lawmakers were passive.

And then, approximately 30 years ago.

The now-abandoned Segu primary school in Gangwon province.

Three classes were caught in the recklessness of an esteemed student.

The press went ballistic and the government and national assembly were heavily
criticized for their lack of establishing a measure.

The result of that was the enforcement of the teenage esteemed player regulation.

Named ‘The Segu primary law.’

This law restricted those under the age of 17 from becoming an esteemed player.

From then on it was legalized to implant chips invented by the player’s association
the moment players under the age of 17 were found with an esteemed ability that
acted to ‘seal’ their esteemed ability.
And now.

1st January.

The me of this world was 17 and I was authorized to use my esteemed ability.

‘The seal is gone.’

On 1st January the seal he had on his left wrist, a red semicircle the size of his
thumbnail, had disappeared. As soon as the seal was gone he could immediately feel
the presence of the esteemed ability in his body.

<A miracles takes the form of light and descends on the body>

‘It’s the exact same description the white tiger had said in the game text…!’

He could instinctively sense what the esteemed ability was.

He also realized how to use the esteemed ability.

<Esteemed ability, ‘Accessing player’s history’’>

As soon as I used the Esteemed ability, hundreds and thousands of multicolored

cards flooded out of my body.

I suspected my eyes the moment I saw the cards.

‘My playable characters…!’

What was imprinted on the cards were characters I had grown in the game for the
last 10 years.

The sight I saw in the scene where I chose a character for a story or a quest.

All the characters in that scene were before my eyes.

The hero and heroine that were the stars of the game.

And the many characters that existed as side characters

The extras that appeared once or twice and died.

The white tiger that I had manipulated till the very end.

After scrolling through the cards I opened up to read the terms and conditions of the
esteemed ability manual.

<Esteemed player, ‘Player history’ in detail for reading.>

[Player’s history]

The game is shown in the form of another world where it’s future, process, and
dreams are replayed.

The detailed explanation of the esteemed ability proved it wasn’t only the completed
physical attributes of the character that completed the last stage.

Even for one character the character’s progression and process were recorded in the

Taking the white tiger’s card as an example there were tens of this card.


‘This is Sanghee’s card… ’

It showed her in the form of an evil slayer after she had made a deal with the
goddess of revenge.

‘All that’s shown here is my player history.;

The future where Sanghee became a vengeful spirit was gone.

In this world, the biggest evil warrior Sanghee card I had was considered as a
different world’s possibility and record.

Card after card

Various emotions passed over me as I went through the various character cards.
‘This card I used when I just graduated high school, this card I used when I was in
the army, this I used when I was preparing for work… ’

My player life was approximately 10 years.

There were happy times, hard times all shared with these player characters.

I was often consoled by the growth of my characters and motivated to do the same.

All my playing history and records.

They shined like stars in front of my eyes.

For a long time, I stared at the cards.

In the ending, all the playerballs characters of this game had died.

Of course, all the characters found in these cards had died.

‘I had even continued to grow the potential powers of the dead characters.’

I had been nostalgic over a character that died in the middle and used them for free
battles or free quests to grow them.

I may have expected the obvious ‘The character you thought had died was actually

In terms of the storyline, it was impossible to use the dead characters in the story
mode but it was still possible to grow them.

I the loser of Fullma high had used every character and grow all of them without
throwing them away.

‘Let’s hope for a happy ending this time.’

As though in reply the character cards shined brightly.

‘Let’s do this.’

Of course, the first character I chose was the white tiger.

Out of the various white tiger cards, I chose the final round version that no longer
held restrictions of the ‘celestial wrath.’

But before I used the card.

I noticed the statement written beneath the card.

[Usable for 3 seconds]

“What am I supposed to do with three seconds!”

Cards with excessive power had a limited usage period.


1st Jan 12:09 am

I left the house.

The wind was so strong I thought it wanted to cut through my body.

‘I’ll freeze to death.’

I immediately wanted to return home but there were things I had to do today.

The moment I had obtained the esteemed ability I had told myself that I will use it
multiple times.

‘I had even considered boring the yellow tiger or Hong Kyubin’s strength at one
point. I was glad that it wasn’t causing a nuisance.’

‘Player’s History’ was an unanticipated move beyond expectation, and a piece

beyond expected.

Now it was time to move the piece to make the next move.

‘It’s like submitting to jump into hell.’

It made me creeped to even think about the past encounters with the enemy.
It was entirely different from tapping a smartphone from outside the screen.

‘Could I the loser behind screens possibly do a good job.”


I sighed into the air and saw the fog disappear into the night sky.

Ding Dong

The alarm rang from the wearable device.

Namwook, Sangwook, and I.

The notification sound from our group chat.

There was a backlog of unread messages from when I had been gaining the esteemed

[Namwook] Eushin, Sanghoon. Happy New Year. Even though I am going to a

different high school lets keep in touch and meet up often. Looking forward to
another good year ahead.

[Sanghoon] HNY

[Namwook] Sanghoon if you’re lazy to type, just send a voice message or a sticker.

[Sanghoon] K

[Namwook]… forget it. Fine. It’s cold today so don’t catch a cold.

[Sanghoon] K

I stopped walking and stared at the message screen.

Then I moved my fingers and typed a message.

[Me] HNY

I sent the message and laughed.

I knew that Namwook would nag and Sanghoon would reply with a one-word reply
like ‘LOL’.

Even though it wasn’t much the content of the chat seemed to make the air a little

I turned my device notification and GPS to be off and started running.

<Esteemed player, ‘Player history’ in detail for reading.>

The character card I had selected this year was a playable character from Eunkwang
high’s 3rd-year advanced section, ‘light in the darkness Oh Hyeji.’

<Largest Esteem character, ‘the moon in the sky’ is being used.>

The esteemed power of the moon in the sky, allowed your jumping skills to leap
forward with the limit of being the night and presence of a visible moon.

Within the game, it had been shunned as a rubbish esteemed ability and compared
to other characters for it’s unbalance.

Even so, once the criteria were met, considering its movement abilities the moon in
the sky character was extremely useful.

‘I need to use a useful character card to save strength and time.’

Fortunately, there was a super moon high up in the sky.

In the blink of an eye, my body was absorbed into the night sky.


New years party at one of Yeuido’s convention centers.

With the night sky and han river in the background, the background lights
emphasized the structures of the building.

Each floor of the internal structure was around 500 square feet.

There were approximately 1000 party attendees.

With more than 100 security guards.

I looked at the area around the convention center.

The stationed security guards moved in a team of three and reported once every 10
minutes through their earring.

‘The security is tight. It’ll be difficult to infiltrate.’

Even though there was a good character to use for infiltration the efficiency was low.

The problem was whether this character would have enough energy left to make an

‘So I prepared another option.’

I headed straight to the main entrance.

“Good evening, excuse me. May I see your invitation.”

I stopped in my tracks.

I was suited up in a tuxedo but it was obvious that I was just a kid.

Even so, the security guard spoke to me with respect.

‘The sons and daughters of some high flyers must be here.’

I looked at him blatantly and pointed my chin at him.


“Yes, this is an invite-only…”


The guard standing next to him seemed to recognize me and stepped in.

“This student, he’s the famous…!”

He looked like he wanted to ask me for my signature.

“He’s the son of the famous small red dragon Yeom Jun Yeol.”

I smiled at the guard who recognized me.

My face now appeared as one of the playable characters, red dragon Yeom Jun Yeol.

This was the red lion that made it within the counts of one hand.

The single son of the red lion team’s master and the king of prominence Yeom Jun

Yeom who was in his second year in Eunkwang high possessed the looks of a young
noble and was well known for his grand esteemed ability.

With the halo of his father, Yeom was soon an immediate star in the Player’s classes
the moment he started playing.

The ‘player history’ reproduced his outward appearance perfectly.

‘Yeom Jun Yeol hated the adjective ‘small’ that PlayerSAT-K had added to his name
small red dragon.

The word small as his trigger point.

To call him a small red dragon was asking him for a fight.

Now was the time to act aggressively.

I imitated the crankiness of Yeom I had seen in the game.

“Small red dragon?”

“……Ah! Sor-sorry. Red dragon, sir! You look much more mature than you seem on

That was true.

Yeom’s current age was 18.

The esteemed ability I chose was from when he was 19.

To be more accurate it was Yeom who had died at 19 in the storyline and who’s
power I had continued to grow.

I decided to continue acting thick-skinned.

“You want to check my invitation after seeing my face?”

The guard seemed taken aback by my fierce attitude.

“Please excuse my… my manners. Red dragon, sir! Could I verify your player
identification or student id at least… you see, there are some players who imitate the
famous ones.”

<Large esteemed character, “red dragon’ is benign used.>

Instead of replying I spread my hands into the air and summoned the forces of the
fire dragon.


The dragon’s head appeared from the space between my hands.

It was impossible to possess similar or exact esteemed ability, esteemed abilities

were not replicable.

The presence of the fire dragon should be proof enough to identify me as Yeom.

“Is this something others can imitate…?”

“I apologize.”

The security guard pressed the earring with one hand and reported what was going

“…yes, this is the main door. The red dragon Yeom Jun Yeol is here… ah, alone… yes…

They would suspect his sudden appearance.

But Yeom opened a door to a vast network, which was too tempting.

It would be hard to decline.

‘They will try to seize an opportunity with this chance.’

If it was Yeom alone they could even take him down.

They might even consider using him as a hostage,

Or use his participation at ‘this event’ to his disadvantage.

I was confident that the organizer would let Yeom in.

“Sorry to keep you, please enter!”

As expected they made way.

As I had borrowed the small red dragon Yeom’s name the event manager escorted
me in.

Pass the carpeted corridor to a duplex event hall.

The duplex hall was full of guests in tuxedos and dresses.

The brightly lit Chandelier and golden velvet curtains covering the windows were
hurting my eyes.

‘Maybe the dress code had been Vegas Gold… ’

Here and there I saw Vegas gold colored dresses, head ornaments, cuff buttons, and

‘They sure splurged.’

There are some A list and S list celebrities who would have spent the new year in far
more expensive locations such as air hotels over the sky.

But the ones here waiting for the new year countdown were considered winners of
After all, the organizer owned this convention hall.

“At this party, all communication material besides the ones approved and used by the
security teams intranet are not allowed. We seek your understanding.”

The event manager then advised me other cautionary measures and handed me a
gold box with a silver coin.

‘Enjoy your time.’

The event manager bowed and disappeared.

I looked down at the silver coin.

<Item information update>

[Item name] Copy of the silence oath coin

[Type] Prop

[Rarity] SR+++

[Effectiveness] It is used for silence oaths


Copy of the silver coin used by the evil king of spectatorship and silence Sidelentium.

The head of the coin shows the seal of Sidelentium, and the tail shows a crow.

If you use this item to make an oath to keep silent over any matter, you are not able
to deliver any similar or related content.

This silence oath item of rarity SR+++ is not destroyable unless the item’s curse is
lifted or the tongue is removed.

This item was manufactured by the sad bear goddess amongst the 8 deities, who was
from the bear tribe in the great methodology.

As expected this party was related to the bear tribe I was looking for, the sad bear
goddess of the 8 deities was involved.

‘If I can’t find her here it will make things complicated.’

But for now, there was a more pressing matter at hand.

I will think about the sad bear goddess another time.

I silently left the event hall and headed to the targeted location.
Wherever you go there are always people unsatisfied with their positions even if
they are already a part of an elite group.

To further categorize many of these unsatisfied people came from the B or C groups.

They had big ambitions and rage.

The easiest way to vent these feelings was to take it out on the weak.

For that very purpose, they had organized the auction called “dream world” which
was the main event of the night.

‘When I had played it as a game I strategized by constructing the map myself, so I

remembered where the secret passageway.’

I referred back to my memory and easily found the secret passageway.

Soon I reached the location I had planned to reach, the backstage of the banquet hall.

That’s how I had reached backstage.

Every individual item card was packaged on a golden box waiting to go on stage.

‘The item qualities are not bad.’

They didn’t look more than SR rarity but there were SR—— and R+++ rarity items.

They were sufficiently rare items.

Seeing how there were a few large boxes there seemed to be a few items up for
auction that wasn’t convertible into a card form.

In terms of cost, these items were worth thousands and millions.

But of all the one that caught my attention was the gold plated birdcage.
‘What bad taste…… ’

The dress code for the party was Vegas gold.

There was a boy wearing an angel costume made out of gold.

He was the playable character

< Identify information>

[Name] Saeum of April

[TITLE] Last lineage of the royal family’s messengers

[[BELIEF] None


[CONDITION] Sealed for sale applied – those sealed are preconditioned to level 1

[Overall skill] Lv.1


Messenger Lv.1

Flying Lv.1

Mastery of wind Lv.1


Last lineage of the royal family’s messengers

The last king of the royal lineage had said “Even though the saying goes that people’s
ranks are decided from birth for me all are of the same rank to me”

The king had dissolved the rule of slavery for 66 thousand slaves and liberated his
messenger who had no name or identity.
The messenger had been born in April so was named with the last name “April.’

He, Saeum of April, who had been in the shadows in no name or identity served to
deliver the ‘words of the king that should not have been recorded in history.’

Those of the April lineage had the ability to display the power of what had only been
heard as a myth since the collision of the world.

The known abilities of the messengers were ‘messenger skills’, ‘flying’, and ‘mastery
of wind’.

Only Saeum of April had all these three skills combined form the April lineage.

The great Saeum of April was now locked up in a birdcage.

With a blindfold over his eyes, and cuffs around his wrist.

He who had been breathing softly must have sensed my presence and asked.

“Who are you…?”

Saeum of April was a prized item.

They would not have used violence or treated him poorly in case his cost dropped.

Yet Saeum of April had sunken cheeks and dry lips.

He looked small and weak enough to have passed off for a primary school kid.

“How long has it been since you’ve been here.”

“A week… a month…?”’

He seemed to have lost his sense of time.

In the game, the kidnap of Saeum of April had been straight after the Eunkwang high
practical exam.

I had alerted the police but due to the death of one professor and four secondary
school kids at the practical exam his disappearance had been buried.
And with Minki’s controversy, it buried even deeper.

‘Even those of the April lineage were not in the state to actively search for his
disappearance. They must have had no choice.”

The lineage of the king’s messengers lived a secluded life for a long time.

After 100years of consideration, they finally decided to come out.

The first step they made was to enroll Saeum of April to Eunkwang high.

‘The family of the April lineage had wanted to avoid revealing Saeum of April to the
world… ’

He had finished his primary, secondary education as a private candidate and wanted
to go to Eunkwang high for his tertiary education.

Due to Saeum of April’s determination his family allowed him to do so.

‘But unfortunately, he was identified by the King’s enemy’s descendant.

The professor in charge of the administration documents was the descendant.

The moment the professor saw the family name “April” he knew it was he.

He set a trap to kidnap him and sold him off to the auction.

‘In the storyline, Saeum of April is only rescued two years from now.’

It was when the main character and his team infiltrated the auction to resolve the
issue of the stolen cultural heritage theft case.

The first item for sale was Saeum of April who had appeared for the first time in two

The owner of Saeum laughed and unveiled the cage as he described his item, ‘To be a
messenger is to be a bird.’

That was when the main character and his team saw him.
Saeum of April with wings of the barbaric Grifagnas forcibly attached to his scrawny

I did not want to see such a future.

“I came to save you. Let’s go.”

“Bu… But… my uncle Saemin is captured…”

The uncle of Saeum was…

He was the one who had searched for Saeum and was eventually turned into an
enemy after being caught by the sadistic commander.

Had he been caught at this point.

“They said he would be used as a sacrificial sample at today’s opening show…”

Saeum of April burst into tears.

He must have known that making a sound would attract unwanted attention and
tried his best to stay quiet by pressing his mouth to his shoulder to not make a

“I will unlock the cuffs. But pretend they’re locked. I will save your uncle too.”

The presence of his uncle was an unexpected turn of events but wouldn’t be a big

“Yes… Yes… thank you… I am okay so please… save my uncle.”

“Okay. Stop crying or you’ll lose your strength. Save it for later.”

I felt uneasy about leaving Saeum behind alone when he looked as though he was
about to pass out but I had no choice.


My head felt like it was going to crack as an after effect of putting up my entire status
I tried to make out all the participants in the party and tried for a few seconds but
gave up.

‘I found the character I wanted so that’s enough.’

I started to greet the participants slowly.

There was no need to be overly friendly.

They tried to start a conversation just because I was in the guise of Yeom Junyeol’s

The single son of Yeom Bangyeol the master of the red lion team.

He himself was also a star player.

For the B and C group elites, he was a tempting network to have.

“Hello, it’s my first time here. Did you all receive the coin? This is my first time seeing
such an item.”

“Yes. Of course, it is an SR+++ rarity item given from a royal lineage.”

These people held on fiercely to the coins and brought it up during their
conversation to flaunt it proudly.

Afterall an SR+++ item was something most people couldn’t even dream of holding.

‘They must want to savor the feeling of holding it since it is only a prop and will soon

There were some who intentionally avoided me but every one of them was the same
when it came to the coin.

Even if they didn’t engage in greetings they were all holding on tightly to the coin.

Only after I had made one full round of the party hall I felt at ease.

I moved away from the crowd and went to the window after excusing myself.
‘It’s a shit hole.’

The lights reflected by the chandelier and the gold velvet curtain got on my nerves.

I had the sudden urge to pour the non-alcoholic champagne on the curtain.

I was frowning when someone approached me.

“Hello, senior Yeom Jun Yeol. I am Lee Lena, I just entered Eunkwang high.”

“Oh, I see. Hi.”

She had a Vegas gold ribbon bowed her head and greeted me.

Half her hair was tied up in a ribbon and she wore a sequin embroidered dress that
suited her.

‘Lee Lena was a playable character. Next year she would join the enemy before she is
appeased by the title hero and joins… ’

I was about to open the status window using the menu skill but my head ached badly
stopping me in my tracks.

I had to use my esteemed ability later on.

I wasn’t confident to lose my focus any further.

‘Lee Lena is not a dangerous character yet so let’s wait and see.’

If I lost my energy here and failed to rescue both April Saeum and Saemin and ended
up getting caught myself, it was truly the end.

“I actually, saw you on TV before.”

“Is that so.”

“For someone of your caliber… you probably don’t need to come to such a place.”

“Such a place?”
Lee Lena seemed taken aback by my sudden question.

She blinked her unusually round eyes and covered her mouth.

That was the effect of the coin’s oath.

‘Had she already taken the oath? The auction hadn’t even started.’

Lee Lena gave up trying to talk and folded her hands together to her heart.

In between her fingers, you could see the ‘copy of the silent oath coin’.

The coin was a prop.

The moment the person took the oath it bound the user and the coin disappeared.

So for Lee Lena, it must have been the effect of her oath from the year before.

‘Why would Lee Lena’s parents bring a 16-year-old child to such a place.’

Lee Lena was the same age as Jo Eushin of this world

If she had come last year she must have been near 16.

No, it was even possible that she came when she was younger.

“For me, I was told it would help to memorize the faces of the people here for the

Lee Lena seemed uncomfortable.

I knew how she felt and her situation but I could also sense that she was trying to
warn me with the best of her ability.

“…It’s very late so why don’t you go back home? Your parents don’t seem to be here,
so wouldn’t they be worried?”

“Yes. My parents would be worried.”

“Yes. I heard the ‘red lion’ team master was a fool for his son… no, he doted on his
only son.”

I knew that.

When Yemo Jun Yeol died at the age of 19.

The king of the red kingdom and Yeom Bang Yeol led the whole red lion team and the
royal family that had doted on Jun Yeol to attack the National Assembly which turned
the city of Yeouido into a sea of flames.

‘It compares too much.’

There were the kind of fathers who would risk everything they had to avenge for
their son’s death like Yeom Bangyeol.

But there were parents like Lee Lena’s who would push their child into the pits of
hell for their own gratification.

“You don’t have to worry about me.”


I wished Lena would worry more for herself than Junyeol.

“Before school starts apply for a dormitory at Eunkwang high.”

Lee Lena should be distanced from her parents as much as possible.

“Once the host of the event goes up on stage, throw that coin away. I have to go for

Just as Lena had shared a piece of advice, I returned the favor.

I left the girl looking surprised and disappeared back into the crowd.


“Ladies and gentlemen. May I have your attention, please! I Byeong Soon Hui, the
organizer, and host for tonight’s party of dreams, announce that it is 2 o’clock. We
will kick off the first fantasy and dream of this year! With this, I announce the Dream
auction officially begins!”

His exaggerated voice filled the hall.

The lights went off and the stage soon flowed the contents of dry ice.



Then one by one the lights started to turn on and people cheered to each spotlight.

The golden spotlight highlighted a gold-framed acrylic case containing an item card.

‘Saeum of April… ’

The last item to be shown was the birdcage at the center of the stage, entrapping

Saeum’s blindfold had been removed and his eyes looked bloodshot.

“Huhu, I heard. Apparently he is the last heirloom of the royal lineage. How rare.”

“Oh my, how shabby. I want to take him home and teach him some manners.”

“I want to ask a Jin lineage for a favor and release him in the ‘garden’ to see how
many days he can survive.”

Saeum of April’s face turned pale at the words of the audience.

Saeum pressed his lips tightly and looked around the room.

He must be looking for me.

Although he had never seen me with his blindfold.

“Before I start the auction proper I have a surprise.”

Byeong Soon Hui lightly clapped his hands.

“We captured this little rat and his accomplice that fearlessly tried to reclaim the
captured bird!”

It seemed like it wasn’t only Saemin of April who was caught.

Speaking of which, how would Saemin who had no almost no connections have
found his way here?

‘Someone at this party, or more clearly someone involved with the organizer must
have slipped the news to Saemin.’

The security guards pulled a man and a woman who looked like a wreck and threw
them to the center of the stage.

The man, assuming he was Saemin, was covered in blood and passed out.

The woman who was dressed in the same uniform as the guards was injured
everywhere but still conscious.

She glared with murderous eyes at Byeon Soon hui.

“Now, how’s this. Why don’t you take the coin of silent oath, and return to…”

“Shut your trap.”

The woman cut Byeon off.

She must have been beaten up while being dragged over as the black earring she had
was smashed and her face was covered with blood and scars.

She didn’t back down.

“Had I known that this was such a horrid job I would have chosen to be jobless. You
are worth less than the enemy you scum!”

“Oh my!”

“So vulgar!

“This is why they’re like rats that aren’t taught any manners.”


Byeon kicked the woman in the stomach himself.

The woman who couldn’t even seem to breathe properly didn’t even scream.

Saeum started shedding tears as though his eyes could melt away.

“I shall leave it to the audience to decide the fate of the betrayer. The first auctionable
for tonight are these rats.”

Byeon lifted the silver coin in the air.

“Now, can all of you hold your coin of oath, please? Please swear an oath that you will
be a silent spectator for all that is about to happen. Only those who swear the oath
can participate in the auction!”

Those in the party hall held their coins with eager eyes.

I didn’t lift my hand and cut Byeon off.

“I have a question.”

“Yes? Small… No, red dragon Yeom Jun Yeol, sir. Please ask anything you wish!”

Byeon seemed taken aback by the sudden intrusion but was not in a position to
ignore Yeom Jun Yeol.

I adopted Yeom’s tone and nuance as much as possible.

“Do you know that the burning point of silver is higher than copper?”

“I beg your pardon…?”

<Using skill of chosen character, ‘targeted ignition’ is selected>

The moment I stunned everyone with my unexpected question.

The hundreds of silver fires that had hidden flames started to burn collectively.
Yeom Junyeol’s main skill was in controlling fire.

‘Targeted ignition’ was a skill Yeom Junyeol was the diversified and personalized
version of the fire controlling skill.

The effect was to ignite a potential flame he had planted to his own discretion.

The silver coin which everyone was smitten over was the best tool and opportunity
to burn everyone’s hand.

‘I had planted the flames while I had to put up with greeting those people.’

Just by planting these small flames, it was enough to heat up the silver that was as
big as a coin.


“Argh, Arghhh! My hand, my hand!”

Screams filled up the hall.

The seal of the crow and the Cidelintium emblem scorched the hands of these greedy

It was one of the top-ranked pains a human felt; burning.

Those dressed in tuxedos and dresses were having a taste of this painful sensation.

They forgot their ranks and titles and rolled shamelessly on the floor crying in pain.

“Kyah, ambulance, call an ambulance!”

“It hurts… argh, argh.”

“Heek! Hand, my hand!”

The entire place was experiencing a communication failure.

All they could do was jump around in pain surrounded by their own cries.

‘Why don’t they just let it go.’

The guests despite the burning sensation used their clothes or handkerchief to hold
on to the coin prop.

They were obviously overly attached to the SR+++item that only served to silence
their mouths.

“Small Red dragon Yeom Jun Yeol! Is this your doing!”

Of course, it was my doing,

‘Who else would do something like this.’

Currently, my targeted ignition skill was level 100.

Those able to identify these hidden flames were those of the same level or higher.

Players skilled with a 10 would be in an ambiguous position to attend this party and
they had no reason to enter disguised as a security guard.

The only person who could have fooled everyone in this party was myself disguised
as Yeom Junyeol.

In this world, the real Yeom Jun Yeol was not yet a level 100.

“Yes, it was me.”

I had no reason to hide so I answered them honestly.

The security guards and players were tolerant to pain and still standing their
ground. The only sign of pain was their sweat covered face.

They hesitated for a while before shouting.

“Ar-arrogant bastard!”
“Don’t you even dream about leaving this place alive…!”

They stanced themselves ready to attack with their weapons and power yielded but
none of them dared to launch an attack.

They may outnumber me but those who attacked me first would have to prepare to
sacrifice themselves to be roasted to death by me.

The morals of the security company that agreed to do a job for this trash like place,
the grit of players attending this trashy auction were only of that standard.

“The public people are coming over here right this minute so you all should prepare
your excuse.”

I changed my tactic and focused on attacking their weak mentality.

“Ha, the public? Not everyone can enter this place! There is no communication
device here. Even the police are on our side! Even if they did manage to come in the
100 over security guards here will use you as a hostage…”

<Using skill of chosen character, ‘Calling forth the red dragon’>

<Using skill of chosen character, ‘Targeted ignition’>

Fwahhhh –

At my mark, all the velvet curtains were set aflame.

The fires went out after burning off the curtains.

After the curtains disappeared you could see through the windows… the flames had
covered the entire building structure outside and was burning it.

“What in the…!”

When I paired the targeted ignition skill with the esteemed ability of the red dragon
the coverage parameters were higher than before.

Before entering the convention center.

I looked around and had laid potential flames out of sight from the security guard’s
line of sight.

“Those out celebrating the New Year are still out and about. Those in the air hotels
above the han river will see these burning flames right now. The number of reports
being made to the fire station this minute should already have passed hundreds.”

Byeon Soon Hui’s face turned pale.

The report on the fire should be coming up on the security guard’s intranet.

The fire has only thinly blanketed the convention center.

‘From outside due to the flames and smoke it would look like a large fire”

And this entire place had blocked all means of external communications so they’ll
think that it is an emergency.

Of course, it was an emergency to a certain extent.

‘Even if the communication channels are cut off it doesn’t stop me from calling for

The bad ending of the world was not avoidable by changing one specific bad event.

The countless evil, greed, rage, misfortunes, coincidence, and miscommunications

came together to one big end result which was the bad ending of the world.

‘I will not solely rely on the esteemed ability and skill.’

Even with the esteemed ability of the ‘player history’ there would eventually come a
point when I would reach a limit.

Like how in chess even the queen, the strongest piece on the board, was not able to
win the game alone.

While missing out on school I had researched this world to find and expand the
number of pieces to use in the game.

To find out the things unmentioned in the game setting such as politics, tradition,
laws, and such.

During which I realized.

‘Even in this world, the fire response teams were top-notch.’

Estimated casualties more than 2 digit figures.

Estimated Ending Time to be around 8 hours.

A fire response of this scale is categorized as stage 2 fire.

The respective fire station will respond to fires of stage 2 and above by calling pre-
identified players as backup to assist with the situation.

“Total forces able to reach in less than 5 minutes are estimated to be more than 400,
with more than 2 professional players. Also, the press will be in a hurry to film the
first fire of the year.”

Yeom Jun Yeol’s esteemed ability appeared in the form of a large red dragon after
sensing the presence of a large fire.

The dragon circled around me slowly and placed its head on my shoulder and let out
a breath of fire.

As per the legend of the dragon tribe, ‘The fire will not burn you’ applied for me and I
was unaffected by the flame.


Countless air, land fire extinguisher alarm sirens from outside mixed with the cries
of the burnt participants were shaking up the convention center.

“Now do you understand the situation?”

Even as I added on to provoke them further, Byeon Sunhui and the other security
guards remained silent.

As I jumped on stage Byeon Sunhui slowly backed up.

“Now shall I collect my payment for the dragon show I’ve exhibited?”

I collected the cards on the item boxes one by one.

Paat –

I melted the box with flames and opened the box which transferred the ownership of
the cards to me.

Byeon Soonhui looked like he was about to pass out but was unable to stop me in
fear of the red dragon that was by my side.

<You have collected the fan of angles, caller of the east wind>

<You have collected the lens of sacred doors>

<You have collected the bubble of a mermaid’s breath>

<You have collected the rusted tiara of a loyal guard>

<You have collected the folding fan of the blind god>

The list of items collected increased line after line.

With multiple notifications of a newly added item, the cards disappeared as it settled
into my item library.


I laughed loudly as I looked at Byeon Soonhui.

The best feeling was the feeling of kicking a villain’s ass.

‘Even then in the game, it felt good to kick ass the villain of the dream auction.’
Even in the dream auction of the game version, after wiping out the function it was
possible to collect the items once you inspected the stage.

Unlike the game version, I ignored the strategy of the top, dungeon, castle, and
garden and simply acted as the sole golden piece.

“You, you thief!”

“Oh, are we doing self-introductions?”

Byeon Soonhui replied sarcastically with a scoff

Most of the auctionable items were item cards related to one’s mental or physical

‘Some of them were not in a card collectible version.’

Some of the actual items on sale were unbelievable.

Not only was Byeon Soonhui a thief he was a tomb raider.

“Why are there national heritage items classified missing but the government? Wow,
you’ve raided a lot. I’ll make sure I return them where they came from.”

I should confiscate these and return it to the national museum or cultural heritage

As I selected store items in the menu window even items that were not in the form of
cards went in to be stored.

Byeon Soohui who seemed furious but not surprised must think that I was doing this
to steal the skill items or items for my own needs.

After all, I did use the main battle skill.

Byeon Soonhui spoke in a strained voice.

“Do you really think the bear lineage will let you get away with this…!”

Of course, I had thought of a plan to deal with the bear lineage.

After splitting up with Saeum of April.

I returned to the party hall and was scanning with my information window when I
saw it in the corner of my eyes.

A royal lineage that stood out due to an ‘unidentifiable’ database.

Her eyes were full of boredom.

It seemed like she had little interest in the upcoming dream auction.

‘I know the attitude of the seller and a spectator when I see one.’

After seeing her myself I was confident that this whole scene would not upset her at

“You are finished.”

Byeon Soonhui, having understood the deeper meaning behind my sentence, looked


Byeon Soonhui who lost his mind came running right at me.

I was about to turn him into ash with the red dragon when.



“Serves you right you scum!”

The female security guard who had freed herself kicked Byeon Soonhui between the

She must have pretended to be tied up and waiting for the right opportunity.,

Kick, kick!
“Arghggg, ugh!”

The female stepped and kicked Byeon’s stomach repeatedly with her heels.

Unlike the female who had stayed silent just now, Byeon cried like a wild pig about to
be slaughtered.

“I’d rather become a rat than become a swine like you.”

While she was beating Byeon up, I used the red dragon to melt away Saeum’s


The door opened and Saeum of April threw the loose cuff away and dragged himself
heavily to Saemin of April.

Saemin whose face was covered in blood bruises was still unconscious amidst the


Saeum carefully seated Saemin up.

“Uncle… I am sorry… I don’t need to go to a school… please don’t die…”

As though in atonement Saeum bowed his head deeply and mumbled to Saemin who
slowly opened his eyes.

Despite his half awoken consciousness the moment Saemin saw Saeum the life in his
eyes returned.

Saemin blinked his eyes continuously as though doubting his own vision then finally
smiled brightly.

“…Saeum, I’m so glad you’re safe. What a relief.”

Saemin used his unbroken arm to gently pat Saeum.

Saeum smiled at those words with his eyes full of tears.

The sound of sirens grew louder in the background.

‘Seems like everything is over.’

I had collected my items so my job was done.

If I stayed, help would arrive shortly but revealing my appearance was an issue.

Revealing Saeum of April was an issue as well.


The last messenger of this country’s king.

The descendant of the messenger, the king he himself had freed.

One day he would show himself to the public.

‘But now he was too young.’

Also revealing Saeum in such a weakened state was not an option.

“Let’s run away.”


At my command, the red dragon broke the window.

I placed a finger and marked the heads of Saeum, Saemin, and the female guard
whose name I did not know, to prevent them from being affected by the red dragon’s

By sharing the mark on others shortened the usage period of the esteemed ability
but I had no choice if I wanted to escape along with these three.

“I will share 10 minutes of my esteemed ability. Now hop on.”

The remaining time I had with Yemo Junyeol’s ability was 30 minutes.

I decided to speed things up.

As I got on the dragon, the three supported one another to climb on.

I surrounded the four of us in flames of disguise and protection and flew the dragon
into the night sky.


At the same moment, the fires extinguished from the convention center.

From outside it would look as though the flames came together and shot up into the

As we reached high into the clouds we saw through the flames the moon shining
more brightly than ever before.

“Where do you live.”

“Oh, The westgate district Yeonhuidong…”

Saeum answered straight away.

It was nice to know that he trusted me but was it alright for the lineage of the royal
king’s messenger to expose his address so easily.

‘Even though I had already known it was around Yeonhuidong from the game.’

With my lead, the red dragon quickly arrived at the location identified by Saeum.

There was a secluded entrance door in the palace.

“Thank you for saving me! You’re Yeom Junyeol right?”

“I am not Yeom Junyeol”

The real Yeom Junyeol would probably be celebrating the new year in an air hotel
somewhere with his ‘red lion’ team and alliance. As well as investors and societies
leading figure of S ratings.

I had intentionally chosen a character with a perfect alibi and an untouchable so that
even if the dream auction organizers tried to get back they wouldn’t be able to.

‘Today’s job was also for Yeom Junyeol.’

There was one person from the dream auction committee, under the influence of a
promising figure who managed to successfully enter the national assembly.

That assemblyman would then be responsible for the death of Junyeol.

“All of you were never there, and you saw nothing. Miss security guard, you too,
please don’t return to your house yet and hide out here for a while.”

“What? But those swines……!”

“They will receive lawful punishment. The remaining evidence, the number of people
at the scene, the pro players witness and the press, the seals on their hands. There
are plenty of eyewitnesses and evidence. You need not involve yourselves in it

And I had also laid out a trap.

Not only did I lay a trap I had provoked Byeon Soonhui sufficiently.

‘He will try to take it out on someone he should not mess with.’

After hearing my explanation the female security guard nodded with a look of

Saeum seemed to have had no intention of getting involved from the start, as he
continued to look up at me in a tired manner.

Saemin who was barely able to keep his eyes open continuously thanked me with a
breaking voice.

“…Thanks, thank you. Please let me pay you back one day.”

I was about to leave with the red dragon when Saeum of April approached me.

From today’s job, I was able to remove certain leading factors of the bad ending.

And including the cards I’d gathered today, it was already worth millions so he really
didn’t need to repay me…

I replied Saeum who stood waiting for my reply.

“You don’t have to repay me. But do reconsider dropping out of Eunkwang high.”

In the game, Saeum enjoys a school life for a short period after being rescued.

Since it’s his first encounter with the outside world he enjoys himself

The small jokes from the teacher during lessons.

The conversations he held with his classmates during breaks.

The menu of the day for his school lunch.

I recall that he had these details in the storyline of the game that he really enjoyed.

The descendant of the King’s messenger Saeum of April smiled easily and
appreciated the small things in life.

I never want him to be trapped in the likes of a cage again.

“If you intend to join, talk only to Jegal the department head. You can trust him.”

I shared Jegal’s device code with him,

There were a few other trustworthy professors but I only had Jegal’s contact details.

‘I don’t have much time left with this esteemed ability.’

Once I had finished sharing the device code I hopped on the red dragon.

Saeum’s parting words to me were.

“I’ll see you at school.”


Some stories have a lump in their storylines.

There are the non-harmful ones that may seem to get in the way at times but don’t
cause you any trouble no matter how long you leave them unattended.

But there are also harmful ones that are like cancer.

The longer you leave those there, they spread and lead you to death.

‘If I remove this cancer cell now I might get an unthinkable cancer from another
cause in the future!”

Some may come up with a conspiracy theory like the one above……

Should you just leave it?

That is being suicidal.

In this world, there are certain factors that must be removed like cancer cells, no
matter how much effort it requires.

And I am about to conduct a dangerous transaction to just find out how to get rid of
these factors.

“You’ve arrived as expected, human child.”

The 8 deities of the bear tribe are known to be their strongest powers.

The sad bear goddess being one of them was waiting for me.
The royal lineage had several origins and sources.

And depending on those origins, their title “faction” was decided.

Although there were a few exceptions that existed based on mutual relationships.

The most widely known were the Mythology faction, legendary faction, folklore

The source that was recorded as a mythology, left as a legend and referred to as a
folklore differentiated the league of these factions.

The founding myth of Korea for this world was the myth of Gaecheon instead of the
myth of Dangun.

Unlike the myth of Dangun, there were no bear tribes in the myth of Gaecheon.

Those of the myth of Gaecheon had taken over the Korean Peninsula, they were the
sacred tigers that appeared with the blessing of celestials and ruled a country
together with the gods.

So unlike the bear lineage that existed in the mythology faction, they existed as a
legendary faction.

I was able to make contact with the sad bear goddess who was a member of the bear
lineage’s 8 deities.

The moment I saw her at the dream auction I handed her a memo.

It was a note inviting her to this place we were currently at, the fire beacon of
Muakdong located at the top of the Ann mountain.

“Thank you for heeding to my invite.”

“It’s repayment for the entertainment you provided at that boring party. Now speak.”
Dressed in a black dress with a golden shawl, she smiled from the shadow like a

‘I need to stay calm… ’

What I was about to say would enrage the sad bear goddess.

But to ask for what I wanted, I needed to mention it anyway.

“The red tiger from the myth faction… now a legendary faction since he was
demoted, dies a year from now.”


A large force was being emitted out from the bear goddess.

Even with Yeom Junyeol’s appearance, the strong and impactful force caused my hair
to be blown around like crazy.

‘If I hadn’t put up a defense barrier I would have lost a body part from the force.”

After seeing the fine crack in the fire beacon that was a great distance away from us,
I felt a shiver down my back.

“Everyone in the Korean Peninsula is well aware of the antagonism between the tiger
and bear lineage. Even if you knew of the red tigers’ death what reason do you have
to share that with me?

I did not answer.

The fact that one was demoted a faction down meant they had committed a crime
worthy of such punishment.

Not only did I know that the red tiger had been demoted, but I was also aware of the
sad bear goddess’s involvement leading to the demotion.

The tiger lineage had supremacy over the Korean peninsula and the blessing of the

The tiger lineage had wished to come to a compromise and share the supremacy and
reign over the peninsula together with the bear lineage.

But the bear lineage were too ambitious and eventually, the sad bear goddess
betrayed the red tiger and made him lose the blessing of the celestials.

With the wheedled saying…

‘Only when the blessing of the celestial disappears will the tiger and bear lineage be
able to live fairly in the Korean peninsula’

After tricking the red tiger to commit a sin the bear lineage caused a rebellion.

The tiger lineage eventually suppressed the bear lineage but it was only after the
gods, feeling betrayed by the red tiger, had withdrawn their celestial blessing over
the Korean peninsula and resulted in them losing many of their families.

For the tiger lineage consisting of deities from the mythology faction, they erased the
name of the red tiger and bear lineage from the myth so as to erase the shameful
part of history.

And even after the mythology period came to an end, within the invisible world line
the antagonism of the tiger and bear lineage continued.

Even in the present, which was what they had constructed after the clash of powers.

But the truth being told in this world’s present moment was,

“The tiger and bear lineage continue to be antagonistic. They are predicted to have
been at odds with each other since the time of the myth of Gaecheon.’

That was all.

Since the story between the red tiger and the sad bear goddess had been erased in

‘I bet if I mentioned that now she would really hurt me or even kill me.’

I didn’t like the thought of getting hurt and disliked the thought of dying even more.

I hid the truth and changed the subject of the conversation.

“You, the sad bear goddess, possess the cane of truth that has three eyes. Please lend
me that cane now.”

“…Those that stand in front of me can not speak of any lie. Are you aware.”


The sad bear goddess made a gesture in the air, then a goosefoot cane with three red
eyes embedded in it appeared.

The cane of truth with its three eyes.

With the opponents’ consent, the cane distinguishes the authenticity of answers to
three questions. It was one of the most popular SSR rarity items created by the sad
bear goddess herself.

I was determined to go through with this after seeing the sad bear goddess yield the

“Is it true that you know the future of the red tiger.”


One of the eyes on the cane closed. Authenticating the truth.

The moment I speak a lie, instead of the red eyes closing it would release a curse that
would destroy my eyes.

“Does the red tiger die in a year.”


Another eye on the cane closed.

The sad bear goddess too closed her eyes.

For a few seconds, the goddess remained silent before asking the last question.

“Are you able to save the red tiger.”

I was not sure of this myself.

But I was going to.

But I was not 100% sure if I could.

But in truth, there never is any future where we can be 100% sure.

“If I say “yes” here that would be a lie.

I closed my mouth.

Seeing how I refused to answer she changed her question.

“Fine, let me change the question. Is there something you can do to prevent the red
tiger from dying?”

There was no need to hesitate about this question.


All the eyes on the cane closed.

The sad bear goddess made a graceful gesture with her arm once more and the cane

“Speak. What do you want.”

The sad bear goddess’s eyes were wet with tears.

The eyes that had seen 5000 years of rage and longing.

I observed those eyes as I answered.

“I need the three secret weapons that the 8 deities had created to harm the Gods.


A tree that had been in a 10m radius from the sad bear goddess immediately
shriveled up.

When the royal lineage was raged, the ground beneath them lost their lives and
turned to the color of ash.

“Human child, do you even know what that means.”

“Yes, I do.”

“Are you aware that the secret weapon was a failure”


The item that only existed with the game data.

The item I had come to know after seeing it in the setting home page.

One of my goals was not achievable without the use of this item.

This was before the clash.

This was the period when the royal lineage existed invisibly in the human world and
did not interfere with their lives.

The eight deities had collaborated their wisdom and power to destroy the gods.

But during the process, two had lost their minds and three fell into deep hibernation,
resulting in a failed attempt.

All that was left was the remainder of their failure.

The sad bear goddess quietly closed her eyes.

When she had opened them again there were three cards in her hand.

“Remember this no matter what. If the red tiger dies before you meet the end of your
short life, I the sad bear goddess swear upon my name that I will destroy you.”

<You have received been given ownership of the ‘wealth and weight of life’ by the sad
bear goddess.>

The shining item cards flew over from the sad bear goddess to me.

The moment I held the cards in my hand they disappeared into the item window.

I felt a sense of relief only then.

‘I’ve finished a huge milestone I needed to resolve until the start of Eunkwang high.”

The sad bear goddess who had passed the items to me was now standing in front of

She observed me with eyes that were impossible to read.

“The next time we meet it will be when you are in your real appearance. As long as
you hold onto those failures of mine, there is no way that I wouldn’t be able to
recognize you.”

She must have realized that I was under the disguise of Yeom Junyeol.

‘Were the royal lineages able to see through the player’s trajectory?’

My eyes were wide as I watched her defensively.

Then as though all the rage that she’d shown until now had been a lie, she made a
mischievous smile.

“The small red dragon is doted on in the bear lineage and I have met him on several
occasions. There is no way that you are that immature young boy.”

The sad bear goddess smiled widely under the moon with her set of teeth on full

She leaned forward as though she could see Jo Eushin hidden behind the appearance
of Yeom Junyeol.

‘…she truly was a royal lineage that had been able to seduce the red tiger.’

The sad bear goddess was alluring.

But at the same time, she triggered an immense fear within me.

Subconsciously I took a step back.

“You appear to be a version of him from a very far away time, which is impossible for
that young boy to achieve now.”

Hahaha, the sad bear goddess laughed.

As she turned her back to me and walked a step forward into the shadows, she
disappeared immediately.


After taking a long nap on the first day of the year it was already night time.

During that time the mysterious Yeuido fire had been revealed as a large criminal

‘To think that they would have been able to find out within a day.’

The investigation had proceeded much faster than I had anticipated.

I opened the hologram window and read several articles on the fire.

[The missing rare player, accounts on human trafficking records found causing a

[How far were they involved, the dream gate, 100 of witnesses to investigate.]

[Dream gate, main mastermind ‘Byeon SoonHui’, human trafficking, violence,

kidnapping, confinement, money laundering, breaking the laws of construction as
such with more criminal records being discovered…]

[Seoul Metropolitan Department, those bribed by the dream gate will be investigated
and disclosed. Special investigation ongoing.]

[Player association Korean affiliated society, players present at the dream auction
everlasting expulsion expected.]
‘Is this the power of the cast iron arm hero Song Mansuk…… ’

On that day I had aimed not to only call the fire department and the players who had
a deal with the fire department.

The real objective was to call the “Han river cycling team.’

The Han river cycling team.

A team established around 20 years ago by the master of this player team ‘cast iron
arm Song Mansuk’ who had turned 72 years old this year.

50 years ago Song Mansuk had achieved on becoming a professional player by

defeating the enemy with no game strategy or items and survived with his bare

Although he lost many warriors in battle he saved far more people.

He had been a hero of the dawn and led an era as the great hero ‘cast iron Song

But even the great hero passed his forties and into his fifties where his stamina
decreased as compared to his days of youth and he was soon forgotten into his

After his retirement, he gathered his team of players and created the Han river
cycling club that would soon become the han river cycling committee.

The purpose of this committee was purely for group exercising. The committee
started every weekend with a simple cycle around the cycling trail at the Han river.

Then one day.

The cycling club came across a 100 boys possessed by the evil demon enemy
attempting to commit suicide at the Yanghwa tower bridge.

The fatalities of this incident referred to as the “Yanghwa tower bridge group suicide
case” totaled to zero.

That was the result of cycling club members consisting of 15 retired players with
their average ages at 54.

‘That was how the current Han river cycling team was born.’

After that incident, Song Mansuk and his committee members came together to
create the ‘Han river cycling team.’

The minimum requirement to join the club was a player experience of a minimum of
30 years.

After the formation of this team for the last 20 years they avoided the public and
press’s attention and saved the lives of others just as the cast iron hero had for many

On average the number of attempted suicides at the han river is over a 1000.

Those who actually make the jump are around 400.

Then there were the evil devil and demon enemies that sabotaged and lured the
weakened hearts of these people into suicide.

However, these formless demon enemies were only compatible through the feelings
and intentions of humans.

The Han river cycling team sought out these weakened and tired souls and
convinced them out of the devil’s whispers.

‘The han river cycling team are bound to make their rounds even on public holidays.’

Fortunately, the convention center where the dream auction was held faced the han

And if they saw the large fire?

No matter how late the hour they were bound to call in their teams to assist the
situation on-site.

Just as how when the Red Lion team that Yeom Bangyeol led to attack the national
assembly, there wasn’t even one civilian casualty all thanks to the hard work of the
Han river cycle team.
‘Even in the press, it mentioned that the Han river cycle team were present.’

I made the assumption based on one line of headline I read on the hologram.

A veteran like Song Mansuk would have been able to guess that Byeon Soonhui had
been hiding something else.

Song Mansuk the hero of justice would not have been able to ignore the repeatedly
disgusting events occurring at the dream auction.

‘Byeon Soonhui had mentioned that he had already bribed the police. But seeing how
there was mention of a special investigation… Son Mansuk must have confronted the
head of the police department.’

Although the majority of the public had forgotten the existence of the cast iron arm
hero, those from his age group who were now in their 50s and holding high jobs,
who were unable to forget his heroism.

With one call from him, within 10 minutes, the Korean head of the players
association would have flown over to meet him.

As for me, having wiped out the dream auction, I received another title along with
the nameless supernova.
My newly appointed title was…

The Mysterious Red Wall Thief.

Must be due to the wall of fire at the dream auction and for using it to gather people
while wiping out the stolen items at the auction.

A reporter who had appreciated the wall of fire must have given me the title.

Fortunately, the public were focused on the endless misdeeds of Byeon Soonhui and
his people that they forgot about the mysterious red wall thief.

The problem was what came after.

It occurred when I anonymously returned the national heritage items to its rightful

The items that were only found in the records of the dream auction.

As the items were returned to the national heritage cultural centers, the
administration must have made it known to the press as my actions were published
in an article.

Along with the title The Mysterious Red Wall Thief.

[The Mysterious Red Wall Thief that broke the dream gate, return national heritage

[The kind deeds of the Mysterious Red Wall Thief that exposed the dream auction,
national heritage culture center ‘sends their appreciation.’]

After this, my title was fixated as The Mysterious Red Wall Thief.

I was embarrassed.
What do you mean red wall?

And to be called a thief…

[TITLE] Second dimension’s future change initiator, Nameless supernova, The

Mysterious Red Wall Thief.

I checked the status window and saw that The Mysterious Red Wall Thief had been
added to my title section.

Of course, only I was aware of the fact that Jo Eushin was The Mysterious Red Wall

But it was impossible to stop myself from cringing in embarrassment.

Days passed as I struggled to live with my own embarrassment.

Byeon Soonhui had finally tackled someone he should not have.

It was all over as the main headline of the news portal sites.

[Dream auction participant, ‘Small red dragon, was present at the scene’, is Yeom
Junyeol the Mysterious Red Wall Thief?]

[The swindler has the audacity to cry victim to fraud as Byeon Soonhui cries victim
to arson, kidnapping, human trafficking, and violence. ‘Investigate the Mysterious
Red Wall Thief, small red dragon Yeom Junyeol’.]

Yeom Junyeol was the sole son of the ‘king of red flame, Yeom Bang yeol.

He was also a star player loved by many fans.

To attack a subject of love and adoration was the equivalent of insulting their love

‘Of course, it was beyond Byeon Soonhui to figure this out.’

I opened the comments section of the article.

Already thousands of fans had commented after seeing the association with Yeom

[Suddenly moody Yeom Junyeol]

[I am XX an acquaintance of the red lion team. I know that Byeon Soonhui had been
asking for the attention of the red lions but was ignored. And since The Mysterious
Red Wall Thief is associated with fire, he seems to be trying to pull anyone down
along with him.]

[On that day Junyeol was doing a live dragon show on his SNS from the air hotel. It
was a live show with more than 10 million views lol]

[Our red dragon really must have become famous, for some criminal to leech on to

[Soonhui don’t suffer in pain… and just die]

Byeon Soonhui’s statement proved to be invalid as numerous witnesses stood as an

alibi for Yeom Junyeol.

Yeom Bangyeol and the red lion team, finding this incident to be very unpleasant,
called for a press conference to make a statement.

Yeom Bangyeol was clearly furious as he emphasized twice in his statement that he
wanted Byeon Soonhui to receive a strong punishment.

Even though the red lion managed the situation and the police ignored Byeon
Soonhui’s statement, the rage of the fans were not so quick to dissipate.

“Byeon Sonhui must be going crazy.’

From Byeon Sonhui and his accomplice’s point of view, they had clearly seen me who
had adopted the appearance of Yeom Junyeol so it must have driven him nuts.

It seems my words had provoked him greatly that day, as Byeon Sonhui didn’t give
up on associating the red dragon Yeom Junyeol till the end.

It was impossible for anyone to have the same esteemed ability and it was
impossible to copy anyone’s esteemed ability so he insisted that Yeom Junyeol was
‘In that convention center, there was no record of any form to prove his statement as
there were no surveillances.’

I was able to keep my identity from being exposed as Byeong had used a large scale,
device controlling equipment

The only photo of the Mysterious Red Wall Thief was a picture taken from afar, of the
red flames rising to the sky.

As a result Byeon Soonhui’s statement only seemed like an attempted defamation of

Yeom Junyeol to drag him down along with himself.

Byeon Soonhui didn’t seem to repent on any of his crimes and continuously
mentioned Yeom Junyeol.

There were several thick-skinned participants from the dream auction who claimed
to have seen Yeom Junyeol as well and were a victim to his attacks.

Eventually, the furious fandom of Yeom Junyeol called for action.

Resulting in the creation of the ‘Dream list’.

The fans utilized all their sources of information, editing skills to gather the list of
participants from the dream auction.

They uploaded and shared this list publicly, mainly to Yeom Junyeol’s overseas fans.
And were headstrong and brazen not caring about the possibility of being sued.

There were high-quality photos of individuals.

The past misdeeds, evidence, and personal information of the auction participants.

It also contained a detailed summary of the current dream auction investigation


After the dream list was publicized.

Those that had been luckily sidelined due to the vast number of investigation
suspects, were exposed via the dream list.
Those with their names exposed on the name list raised an outcry of defamation.

‘No matter it is impossible to eradicate anything that has been published on the web.’

Later on, the dream list was prohibited on search engine portals.

But it was easy to find the dream list by searching it up with an alphabet modified in
the word or searching it as a jargon.

The dream list had been quickly archived and there were also mentions of Yeom
Bangyeol and his red lion team’s involvement in this.

Eventually, the dream list was a public record for everyone to view.

As I read the article, I swore to myself that I would take this secret of having used
Yeom Junyeol’s esteemed ability, to my grave.


With the upcoming start of school, we decided to meet up for a meal Sanghoon was

The question was whether to go for the air hotel’s snow and air winer special buffet.

Or the famous french patisserie player’s limited edition dinner course

commemorating his visit to Korea.

The three of us debated over quantity and quality.

If we wanted to go for quantity, the buffet was the right choice.

But Namwook suggested that we familiarise ourselves with table manners for the
upcoming official players’ event.

This shallow debate was easily resolved.

Sanghee who had been listening to us told us to ‘go to both’ while looking at us

It was to the extent that Sanghoon’s parents offered to buy Namwook and I a meal on
whatever we desired once every week.

As Namwook had entered the dormitory in his military school, we agreed to meet on
the weekends when everyone was free. We decided to have the course meal on
Saturday and the buffet on Sunday.

On Saturday.

It had been some time since I had met Namwook.

The military school required short haircuts so Namook had a buzz cut.

“What’s with the hair man?”

“…it’s the school rules.”

Namwook answered Sanghoon’s pleasant greeting while averting his eyes.

“A soldier haircut… ’

A few years back I had also shared the same hairstyle.

Even though Namwook was not an adult enrolled in military service, it seemed like
the rules of military services applied to military high.

The three of us purchased a suit to match the dress code for the french restaurant
and to prepare us for the official player events.

After having the ready-made suit recommended by the departmental store staff to be
altered, it was nearing the time of our reservation so we headed straight to the
restaurant in our suits.

That’s how we had arrived at the restaurant.

After being escorted and seated at our table.

“Namwook, congratulations on your entering players military high as the second-

best in class.”

I finally offered my congratulations after having waited for the right timing.
Namwook looked surprised by the sudden congratulations.

“How did you know? Thanks, Eushin.”

Sanghoon who had been opening up his napkin looked surprised.

“You were the second-best in class?”

Namwook remained silent.

‘Sanghoon would never have known if I hadn’t mentioned it.’

I displayed the article I had scrapped on my wearable device.

In the article, there was a picture attached of Namwook and another person.

“I happened to come across the interview of player military high’s first and second-
best in class. Namwook you aren’t very photogenic.”

“He looks the same as always. Looks bad as always.”

Sanghoon giggled while comparing the picture of Namwook and Namwook in


In the photo, Namwook looked extremely tense and rigid as compared to the relaxed
and confident first in class.

“Anyways, congrats. So how’s the first in class like?”

Sanghoon stopped teasing him and offered his belated congratulations then saved
the article to his own wearable device.

Namwook watched Sanghoon saving his article with a look of embarrassment.

“Thanks anyway. I’m sharing a room together with the first in class and it’s… unique.”

Namwook made a confused face at the mention of his first in class.

I was slightly curious.

But it seemed rude to ask in detail about a person who wasn’t present, so I changed
the subject of the conversation.

Our first course had just arrived so it wasn’t difficult to change the subject.

“Have you started training in your dormitories yet?”

“Yes, I have. The schedule at the military high is a little faster as compared to normal
high schools. It’s quite tough but it gives you a sense of meaning at the end of the

Sanghoon also seemed more interested in dormitory life than the first in class.

“How are the dorms like?”

“…I need to clean and ventilate it. It has a staleness to it.”

I was well aware.

I was sure it was slightly different in military high, but I was familiar with the stale
air of routine life.

Even if you cleaned the place to the last speck of dust, the staleness still lingered in
the air.

The only thing you could do was get used to it.

“If you dislike it, come back to Eunkwang high anytime.”

Sanghoon still seems to have lingering hope.

“…no. I chose this path. Even if I were to walk a different path later on in life I am
going to be responsible for my decision until I graduate.”

Sanghoon seemed grumpy at Sanghoon’s reply and stabbed at his Amuse bouche.

Namwook nagged at him to keep his table manners.

Whenever I was engaged in a conversation with these two it felt like what had
happened on the 1st of January was a dream…

Although I don’t dream.

We discussed our future high school life and discussed our expectations for the

Then the hot topic in the interest of players, the dream auction came up as a topic of

The Mysterious Red Wall Thief was of course mentioned and I had to try my best to
restrain myself from cringing.

‘Why did that writer have to add a name like the Mysterious Red Wall Thief.’

It would be more acceptable had it been some nameless persona or something along
those lines.

Just as the entrees were benign served, Sanghoon asked.

“Jo Eushin which class are you in? I’m in class 1.”

We had already received the notification of our class allocation…

I was in a class close to Sanghoon.

“I’m in class 0.”

When I had checked the allocation notification via the wearable device, as a result of
my deal with the Chairman, I was allocated to class 0.



The sound of utensils dropping could be heard.

Both Sanghoon and Namwook who had nagged at Sanghoon to keep his table
manners had dropped their forks and knives.
What was up with them.

I tilted my head but Namwook and Sanghoon looked appalled.

“Do you have a criminal record?”

‘Confess, Eushin”

What were they talking about

I guess the notoriousness of class zero was more than I had anticipated.

I brushed their comments aside and enjoyed the rest of the course meal.

The two were worried about my enrollment in class zero even as we parted ways.

There are around 2 months remaining until the start of Eunkwang high.

I ignored all remaining secondary classes, graduation, and similar events.

The form teacher had called several times but I made an excuse saying that I was still
traumatized by the recent Minki incident.

There wasn’t much time until the start of Eunkwang high.

I had no time to invest in the likes of secondary school curriculum.

I had to continuously research on this world, purchase necessary items, build my

stamina, and prepare for my entrance to Eunkwang high.

Then came March.

It was the day of the entrance ceremony.

Often in a game, there exists a title hero and heroine that are like faces to the game.

Even in the multiple point of view game, fullmago where there are 3 digit playable
characters there exists a title character.

Title hero Joo soohyuck

Title heroine An dain

Their poster where they were posed back to back with a dual sword and sniper gun
respectively was the most famous poster from the game.

They were the typical munchkin protagonists.

In Eunkwang highs widely known elite selection process, these two were the two
geniuses that had scored full scores in all three parts of the process which consisted
of documentation approval, written interview, practical interview.

The two first met when they were both selected to represent the freshmen and from
then on they were constantly involved in a friendly competition against one another.

The two who had fallen for each other at first sight considered the other as their
competition but gradually formed feelings for each other.

But in a devastating storyline, there couldn’t afford to grow on their relationship.

In the second half of the final round.

All playable characters have died except Joo soohyuck, An dain, and the white tiger.

One day before the final battle.

Joo Soohyuck goes to An dain to confess his feelings.

[Are you going to die? Don’t try to make this out as some weird cliche!]
Dain puts up a defensive wall and adds on.

[Don’t you dare confess to me before I do.]

The two didn’t discuss any further but both of them made a promise.

To return back alive.

But Soohyuck dies while trying to save Dain, and Dain who survives and defeats her
opponent dies eventually from a fatal injury

After her esteemed ability is undone she looks to Soohyuck who is mixed in with the
corpse of the enemy.

[Soohyuck… I like you. Since the first day of school… during the times we fought side
by side… I liked you, I like you…]

Dain used her last breath to squeeze out what was left of her to continue her

Of course, Soohyuck made no reply and Dain eventually dies.

The last scene was where the white tiger belatedly comes to join them looks at the
two dead title heroes.

And now.

The two main characters Joo Soohyuck and An Dain are standing as the freshman
represents at the school entrance ceremony.

“Oath, We freshmen who have been accepted to enter Eunkwang player master high
will do our best to excel in our studies and focus on improving ourselves. We will
respect the schools’ traditions and rules and follow them in their entirety.”

“Freshman represent Joo Soohyuck”

“Freshman represent An Dain”

From these two geniuses, you could sense their charisma.

The student entrance oath they read out together left a beautiful impression as it
was heard from the speakers.

It was just an entrance oath and yet it felt more like a short opera.

‘The two had said they fell for each other at first sight, but it’s impossible to tell now.’

The two exchanged glances after they finished reading the oath. But their eyes were
full of tension.

Even so, the atmosphere around them was not harsh.

In fact, the atmosphere carried a sense of nobleness just like when there are two
knights awaiting their battle.

The eunkwang main large hall, Sang In Hall, was more fitted to be expressed as a
theatre than a school hall.

The hall was filled up by two thousand students and staff.

And hundreds of guests seated on the second floor.

Everyone was amazed and impressed by the charms of these two.

“They look like they’re living in another world.”

“The battle of the two geniuses…!”

“I was told that I was smart in secondary school… but those two are on another

“Nobody in Eunkwang high did poorly in secondary school okay… don’t even
mention secondary school it’s an embarrassment.”

“Hey isn’t’ the nameless supernova also a freshman this year? Wow, this year’s first
years are on a roll.”

The very top of the 200 million Korean high school students.

Where the geniuses and talents of the nation came together.

The attention on the best of the best was grand.

‘Seems like I’m being mentioned as well.’

When I was at the entrance exam my name and title must have been published for
everyone to know.

Although my presence was buried by the attention focused on the main character.

‘But that’s ok.”

I must really be an addict of the game for being excited at the sight of the two main
characters and meeting them in real life.

After their oath, Dain and Soohyuck exited the stage via different stairs.

The two of them didn’t look back at each other and returned to their seats.

Then the agenda of the entrance ceremony continued but most were still absorbed
in the two geniuses and their oath.

‘I guess I should just look for my classmates.’

I sidelined the entrance ceremony and tried to look for the faces of those in class
zero I had seen before but none were to be found.

The entrance ceremony was optional and the freshmen were seated based on a first
come first serve basis so it was difficult to distinguish who was allocated to which

I didn’t know any of the freshmen surrounding me.

‘Or it could be that I just couldn’t’ recognize them.’

The game centered around Soohyuck and Dain.

Sometimes the storyline was presented from a different point of view, like the
professors or other political parties outside the school. But it always fell back to the
two main characters to lead on the main story.
In the game, the introduction of the class zero characters began starting from the
point where the two main characters met.

‘I had revised but in the ‘game library’ it did not contain the whole class log of those
in class zero… it did not reflect the same number as the class size stated to be.’

Last December, ever since I had communicated with the external space, my “dual
world future status inquiry menu’ was leveled up from one to 2.

The result of that was the access to the ‘game library.’

The result of being passed out for 3 days was the games’ home settings.

‘I had sworn to myself for selling the physical copy and for selling it inside the game
as well.’

With the heavy payment, it opened up the game library.

Of course, I only paid highly because I was a loser and a junkie for the fullmago game.

I did not regret my splurge but did beat myself up for my obsession with the game.

‘It’s probably because of my obsession that they called me here from outer space.’

The entrance ceremony eventually came to an end and I was not able to locate even
one classmate from class zero.

‘I guess I’ll just see them in class.”

I walked away from the entrance ceremony hall.


The entire eunkwang high campus was around 50 million square feet.

In the morning the classes were held in classrooms but in the afternoon for the free
curriculums, the students needed their own means of transport.

In Eunkwang high they provided free bicycles and air boards for students and ran
regular air shuttle and buses.
The air boards were loved by many students as all you needed to do was to set the
destination you wanted and it transported you there automatically.

In other words, to prevent accidents in mid-air, it was impossible to manually drive

the air boards on your own.

For your own mode of manual transport, it requires you to go through a thorough
round of interviews to be approved limited usage.

‘I actually wanted to ride this for a long time.’

I held onto the handle of the air board and flew into the air.

I selected the first-year classroom zero that appeared on the hologram map. Then
the automatic flight system beeped and maneuvered my ride.

“It’s like a real CG game.’

Blue skies.

The air shuttle and air boards that were cutting across the sky.

The buildings fanned out below.

Everything was outstanding and beautiful like a CG game.

‘The building looks even nicer from a top view’

There were several shared facilities that surrounded the central large hall where the
entrance ceremony had been.

It was even possible to see the white clock tower located at the main gates and look
across the entire campus in a glance.

All the varying designs of buildings and sculptures decorated the campus nicely.
They all shined brightly like I had opened a chest full of treasure.

As the air board took me past the central area to the freshman area.

I saw from afar the heart of Eunkwang high. The main central building. Shining
brightly away.

I thought I would have gotten used to its grandeur since I had visited it once to meet
the chairman.

But no, it still amazed me and was the most graceful and beautiful building in
Eunkwang high.

I wonder why the yellow tiger left the main central building to be dyed and dirtied in

‘I had heard that the yellow tiger himself designed the main central building.’

Did he not care even if his hard work was dirtied and broken?

While I was deep in thoughts the air board slowly drifted further away from the
central building.


Eunkwang high provided wearable device earrings as well.

This was to avoid cases where students were not able to take part in curriculums
due to outdated wearable devices or not owning one.

I knew that we would be receiving one from school but went ahead and bought one
on my own.

‘GPS and messages may be exposed to the school so I had to be careful.’

As per the personal privacy data act it was against the law for this information to be
accessed publicly.

But in the terms and conditions, you signed off that in the case of an emergency you
consented to allow the school to have access to your personal information.

The case of emergency would mean ‘whenever I want’ to people like the professor
who had sold Saeum of April off in the dream auction.

‘If I were ever to encounter an emergency as per my own definitions, the first thing
I’d do was to destroy the wearable device provided by the school.

In one ear I wore my own and in the other, I wore the one provided by the school.

As I inserted the skin-colored wearable device it was hard to distinguish it clearly.

I wore the wearable earring and downsized the air board and returned it to my item
library and headed towards the classroom.

Also just for information the title hero Soo Hyuk was in class 1-2.

While Dain was in 1-1.

Unlike the second and third years where they were ranked in classes based on their
results. The first years were allocated to average out the class ranking.

For Soohyuck and Dain who had the same score, the person who was decided to be
enrolled in class 1-1 was based on alphabetical orders.

Hence the result of that was Dain in 1-1 and Soohyuk in 1-2.

‘Seeing the gathered people one side must be 1-1 and the other must be 1-2.’

Those who wanted to talk to the two main characters would be gathered there.

I walked past the crowd and found the class 0.

I finally arrived in class zero.

Perhaps I had arrived late, as the professor entered as soon as I sat down.

The professor wrote his own name on the whiteboard.

‘Ham Geun Hyeong.’

He was one of the playable characters and was the student manager.

In Eunkwang high, where they highly valued freedom, the role of student manager
was not given to those who were strict and emphasized excessively on manners.
Ham Geun Hyeong was witty, understanding, and capable of dealing with
emergencies flexibly.

He was like a wolf in sheep’s clothing so I remember him distinctively from the game.

“I am Ham Geun Hyeong who will be your form teacher for one year. I am also the
student manager this year so I may not be around all the time.”

In ordinary high schools, it was rare for a busy student manager to be appointed his
or her own form class.

But in Eunkwang high taking into consideration the special case of class zero they
appointed a rather senior member of the staff to be in charge of this class.

Just like how the second-year class zero form teacher was department head, Jegal.

And the third-year class zero class form teacher was the head of the research

“No one has applied for the role of the co form teacher so it is vacant for now. Once
it’s decided I will let you know. But…”

There was a frown line in the middle of Ham Geun Hyeong’s forehead.

“Never have I met kids like you.”

What Ham Geun Hyeong just said was a fact.

There were at least 500 freshmen in Eunkwang high each year, there was no way
that he had met them before.

“This is too much.”

I agreed with his statement.

In my entire school experience, I had never encountered an experience like this.

“To think that the attendance rate is half of half of the class size.”

Including me, this was the number of present students in class zero.

This was probably the only class that had a 25% attendance rate on the first day of

“Today we will decide on the class rep and the vice rep and be dismissed. I will
decide on the vision for the class.”

The vision of class 1-0.

‘Come to school on time.’

The bold fonted words were displayed on the hologram panel of the electric

The vision felt rather odd but Ham Geun Hyeong seemed serious about it.

“Who wants to be the class rep, put up your hand.”

Those who had come to school excluding me were three others.

Two females and one male.

‘Let’s observe and see.’

One of the females was Kim Yuri, a playable character.

The other was a non-playable character Hani.

I remembered seeing both of them in the game.

The male student.

I couldn’t help but express my shock and mutter out loud.

“…chairman lee?”

I had said it very quietly but the male student turned my way and glared at me.

‘Oh, I’m doomed.’

I must have relaxed after being carried away in the good mood of the entrance

What I had just muttered might be the dumbest move I’ve made since I came to this

I tried my best to overcome this crisis.

But nothing came to mind.

Because there seemed to be no way out of this.

My head was full of panic and chaos.

Just then, the speaker alarm rang in the classroom.


 Jo Eushin and Hwang Jiho of class 1-0, these students are to report
immediately to the Chairman’s office. I repeat, Jo Eushin and Hwang Jiho of
class 1-0, these students are to report immediately to the Chairman’s office.
That is all.

“We’ll go to the Chairman’s office teacher Ham Geun Hyeong.”

The chairman Hwang Myeong ho… no, the student Hwang Jiho took a hold of my arm
and dragged me out of class.

I knew I was smaller and lighter than my adult self but he moved so swiftly as though
I was a balloon.

Just before the classroom door shut I heard Ham Geun Hyeong’s voice mixed with

“……to have such poor attendance on the first day of school.”

The doors closed and the attendance of class 1-0 went down from 25% to 12.5%.
In the first half of the game, there was an extra cast that had briefly made an
appearance before exiting after being beaten up by Soohyuk.

It was an extra cast that was rare in Eunkwang high.

He had been a nerd throughout secondary school but pretended to be a hooligan and
someone stronger than he actually was.

But due to his lax ways, he was neither this nor that.

He tried to smoke when he didn’t have a good respiratory system and threw away his
cigarettes even before he finished it, and started fights on the street but was beaten
up and had to seek Soohyuk’s help.

The extra cast’s short life in the game was the life of a loser.

Then around the end of year one.

The extra cast is influenced by the morally upright Soohyuk.

He seemed to repent on his past misdeeds and became friends with Soohyuk and
was expected to become a side role.

But an evil spirit that had been targeting Soohyuk converted the extra cast into an

The evil spirit targeted the extra cast’s weak feelings and remaining feelings of

As a result, the top 7 evil spirits of sin, Invidious of jealousy possess the body of the
extra cast.

And when the extra cast was halfway into being converted as an enemy.

He had killed tens of professors and students during the battle with the evil spirit.
The only one who was still capable of moving was Soohyuk.

If Soohyuk didn’t kill the extra cast, those still alive were about to be killed as well.

Soohyuk is unable to kill the extra cast who had become his friend.

As soohyuk hesitates and puts down his sword, the extra cast uses his remaining
strength to regain control of his consciousness over himself.

[Joo Soohyuk you idiot, if you don’t kill me now I will kill you first! So please…]

Those words were the final will of the extra cast.

Soohyuck yields his two swords for his friend’s final bravery.

After he kills his friend, Soohyuk’s reputation and mental break down completely.

The player association and his family defended him continuously.

But due to the interference of the evil clan, there were no remaining records of the
extra cast’s final will.

Soohyuck was labeled as a heartless killer that killed his classmate who had regained

Thankfully due to the survivors witnessing for Soohyuk, he was not punished. But
the Hwangmyeong corporation categorizes him as a dangerous person.

As he reaches his second year, it is decided that he is to join class zero.

Hwang Myeong Ho Chairman finds Soohyuk entertaining and sends his alter ego to
observe him.

That alter ego was Hwang Ji Ho that was just in class 1-0.

“Eushin, how did you recognize me?’”

“Student Eushin, how did you recognize me?”

We arrived at the Chairman’s office in the main central building after taking an air
shuttle from the freshman building.

They… no he seemed to have no intention to hide his true form the moment we

<’Notification on Hwang Myeong Ho’s Profile.>

[NAME] Hwang Myeong Ho

[TITLE] Chairman of Gwangmyeong corporation, Lineage of the legendary myth, The

yellow tiger from the legendary myth, guardian of the new celestial territory

[BELIEF] God willingly blessed my wishes

[ORDER] Inactive


[Overall skill] Lv.??


Magician Lv.??

Leap Lv.??

Brightness Lv.??

Roar Lv.??

(Failed to load partially)


The yellow tiger that appears in the legendary myth.

Blessed with the power to ‘exist anywhere’

As long as it is the land of god he shall exist wherever he wishes.

He has locked up the white tiger voluntarily; he is one allowed by God.

To summarise, he had the ability to create an alter ego.

Since any royal lineage member had the ability to change their age and appearance,
the yellow tiger was capable of creating as many alter egos as he pleased.

“…will only one of you speak, please?”

Seeing the yellow tiger speak in both his sixties and teens form gave me a headache.

The royal lineage who had minimal interference with humans had an extra identity
or two provided by the government.

The yellow tiger must have requested for an identity of a student so that he could
enroll himself whenever he pleased.

“Then I’ll speak since I’m easier to talk to.”

“Both of you are not easy to talk to.”

“HAHAHA, I like this side of you better than the rigid and tensed up version of you
from before. So are you not going to tell me how you found out?”

His tone sounded more like blackmail.

Hwang Myeong ho

Hwang Jiho

Hwang Ho ( Yellow tiger)

If you took the yellow tiger’s character into consideration the names were not

Then I came up with an idea to use as an excuse.

“It’s not fun if I tell you myself.”

To keep a secret from the yellow tiger this was the best possible reply.
As expected the yellow tiger’s eyes lit up brightly and he nodded.

“Then I will find out on my own.”

The yellow tiger was a very simple man.

“But when I’m in this form, talk to me informally. If I am found out because of you…
I’m too fond of you to kill you so what should I do?”

The yellow tiger was simple but ruthless and fierce.


I immediately adopted an informal tone.

The yellow tiger smiled as if he was making a joke but I knew too well that he wasn’t.

“It might be a good thing.’

If I had easy access to the yellow tiger it would make things easier to execute from

It was a hassle to visit the main central building every time I had reason to.

And it would also seem weird to onlookers for a freshman and the chairman to meet
so regularly

“How timely. I had a favor to ask you.”

“You want to strike another deal?”

I affirmed since he wasn’t wrong.

“Yes. There is a professor from Eunkwang high involved in both the ‘incident of the
evil spirit trespassing the entrance exam” and the “disappearance of Saeum of April.”

I had hoped that he would have been unveiled from the dream auction but perhaps
by luck, he had remained unscathed as I saw his name in the class timetables.

That professor’s name was also not found on the dream list as well.
“So what.”

The chairman is not doing his job.

The yellow tiger seemed to not care how things were being operated in the school.

‘I don’t understand why he would want to stay in the role of the chairman if he can’t
be bothered.’

His title was the guardian of the celestial territory.

That territory was Eunkwang district in Seoul.

The celestial territory mentioned in the myth of Gaecheon, where the sky opened
and the gods came down and fulfilled the wishes of the celestial beasts was the
Eunkwang district.

‘So why was he not doing his job.’

To say ‘so what’ when a bear tribe member was making a ruckus in Eunkwang high.

If he was going to be so unbothered why had he named himself the guardian of the
celestial territory?

It seemed it would be too much to expect the chairman to do his job.

So I decided to speak up on my end of the deal first.

“I need the financial records of the professor and the list of eunkwang high’s
specially admitted students.”

“Fine. Then how will you repay me…”

I shook my head.

“You’re not the one I want to make a deal with.”


“The one I want to make a deal with is the red tiger. I want to inform the red tiger of
that professor’s name in return for the financial records of the professor and the list
of eunkwang high’s specially admitted students.”

The yellow tiger did not reply immediately.

In the pleasant looking Hwang Ji Ho there was a faint hint of playfulness in his eyes.

Even though he was the same age and wearing the same uniform as me it was hard
to tell his age.

“You know ‘us’ well.”

Of course, I had observed them through the screen for ten years.

I knew them well.

‘Although I still found them hard to understand.’

The yellow tiger was momentarily deep in thought before looking at me.

He must be anticipating something fun to happen.

He seemed like he would inform the red tiger without asking for anything in return.

“Fine. I will inform the red tiger. The red tiger is currently somewhere unreachable
due to personal reasons. So it may take some time.”

He took the bait.

I had been initially worried that he would try to strike a deal to pass this information
to the red tiger as well.

My mistake in the classroom today had in turn worked in my favor.


After my consultation with the yellow tiger, before returning to the dormitory.

I stopped by somewhere else.

The school campus included a 156m tall mountain.

The name of the mountain was Cheon Ak San.

It was named as the mountain looked like it was reaching for the sky with wings
spread out from the top.

The dormitories were located at the bottom of the mountain. So there were
occasional appearances of wild animals at the dormitory gates.

The Eunkwang high protection barrier worked against enemies and the royal
lineage, it protected against those that were not recorded in the school database so
they were unable to stop wild animals.

‘There was a pre quest to eliminate the wild animals that trespassed into the

A wild boar was not an enemy of this world and the rewards were little so it was a
quest no one bothered to do.

‘Now let’s go look for them.’

I ran and looked around the parameters between the mountain and the dormitory

What I found was the title heroine’s dog ‘cotton wool’.

“Where are you, cotton wool.”

In the first half of the fullmago storyline.

Andain raised a limping stray dog.

Andain named the dog cotton wool as it was fluffy and lovely. Then raised the dog in
the mountain area after seeking the approval of the dormitory security
administration team.

‘Pets were prohibited in the dormitories so she had to raise the dog in the mountain
But during the first semester of the first year.

Cotton wool dies after those jealous of Andain feeds it bread mixed with pesticide.

Andain cries out loud as she buries cotton wool in the ground.

Joo Soohyuk, seeing this, investigates the incident and finds the culprits on his own.

‘The process of finding the culprits was a part of the game. It was Soohyuk’s personal
quest. It was nice until the scene where he caught the culprits and handed them to

The culprits denied and refused to admit initially.

But once they were shown the evidence, they made up excuses saying they did feed it
pesticides but did not know it would kill the dog.

To make things worse they adopted a victim mindset and said Andain was the
harasser for bullying them over one dead dog.

‘They were shallow trash that aimed at Anadin instead of Soohyuk even though they
were both first in class. Because he was the son of a conglomerate while she was not.’

The professor that investigates this case punishes Andain for bullying her friends
over a ‘simple prank’ from her friends.

Soohyuk involves himself actively so she doesn’t receive punishment and neither do
the culprits.

The angry Soohyuk tried to punish the culprits by using his family’s power but
Andain stops him, worried that it might cause him trouble.

‘This was the first insight into a typical hellish school system method of dealing with
internal incidents.’

Reality seemed like a gutter because whenever there was an incident in school it was
resolved in such a shitty manner.

‘Andain was not lucky.’

There were many good students and professors in Eunkwang high.

But that professor she had encountered was the worst of them all.

The culprits were those that had entered Eunkwang high with bribery and the
professor had received bribes from the culprit’s parents.

Joo Soohyuk and Andain were naive to believe that every student and professor were
fair and justified.

The two were both geniuses but they were naive and innocent to the real workings
of the world.

‘In the storyline, I’m sure it wouldn’t make much of a difference whether cotton wool
died or not… ’

I did not want to see cotton wool die.

Nor the main heroine crying.

I had been searching the area and saw on my watch that it was already 6 pm.

The sunset around 6:30 pm at the beginning of March.

I’m sure cotton wool wouldn’t move around in the dark.

I muttered to myself to call off the search for today.

“Cotton wool, I hope I see you tomorrow.”

I needed to return to the dormitory area and head to the Jiikhall cafeteria to ear my
dinner, unpack, tidy up, but I think I will give the freshman orientation a miss…

I was planning ahead for the days to come when…

‘What is this.’

I felt a flying presence above and looked up.

At the end of my gaze, there was a white tiger looking down at me.
“White tiger…!”

There were several old vending machines along the path.

On top of it stood the white tiger.

It had the sunset to it’s back which dyed the white tiger with a shade of red.

I stared at the hair of the white tiger that was reflecting the sunset.

Whenever the white tiger appeared in front of people he disguised himself to look
similar to an Asian. So I had never seen his white hair in the game.


The white tiger jumped down from the vending machine once our eyes met.

His landing was as light as a feather.

The white tiger’s hair had turned black once his feet touched the ground.

He now looked similar to the appearance I was used to in the playable cards.


The white tiger was glaring at me.

Like that time when we crossed paths after the ‘nameless supporting role tutorial’
was cleared.

‘Why was he acting like that.’

Even in my world, a tiger had the ability to entrance a person’s gaze.

Of all the tigers it was the white tiger’s gaze.

It was hard to breathe or move.

I needed a conversation starter.

Let’s try to talk to him.

“What are you looking at.”

Oh, oh no this wasn’t right.

I’m doomed.

Why was I speaking so out of control today?

And whilst speaking to the royal lineage.

I shouldn’t; have done such a thing, but what was the point of regretting when the
cat was out of the bag.

It felt like it was too late.

I’m doomed for sure.

I was holding on tightly to my sanity and tried to mutter the words please stop
looking at me.

When I noticed…

‘Was he actually smiling…?’

The white tiger had a hint of a smile hanging from his face.

Was he smiling or was he angry?

While I was confused the white tiger erased the smile from his face.


With the sound of the win, the white tiger was gone instantly.

He must have used his skills to fly somewhere.

I definitely did not intend to chase after him.

‘I feel like a storm just went by in my head.’

The white tiger of this world was weird.

The fact that he had appeared at ‘nameless supporting role tutorial.’

ANd the fact that he had shown up in front of me Jo Eushin, a first-year student in
Eunkwang high.

‘It bothers me.’

He was my longest used playable character and my final character in my final battle.

It was natural for it to bother me.

‘But it’s not any of my business for now.’

The white tiger was not a character that caused harm to others.

Excluding the final round, there were no other events that could cause him to die.

I decided to save observing the white tiger for another day.

All the best, future me.


There were five large buildings near the dormitory areas.

There were three 20 floored dormitories that accommodate 30 students per floor.

Including the staff dormitories that added up to four.

Then there was the main central dormitory facility building called Jiik hall. That
added up to five.

In Jiik hall, the main central dormitory facility building, there was a cafeteria, mini-
store, study room, seminar room, self-study room, simulation room, and the gym.

The dormitories were built to accommodate the entire school population but the
percentage of day boarders was 50% so it was fairly empty.

Since the space for each user had been doubled.

Even though the dormitories were 2 to one room, everyone was allocated to one
room unless requested otherwise.

As a result, I used the two-person room on the 17th floor of the freshman
dormitories all alone.

‘It was a few times bigger than where I had been living until late.’

The interior imitated a small apartment.

There were two bedrooms, a shared living room, a kitchen, a shower, and even a

I unpacked my stuff and cleaned the apartment with an AI robot cleaner and an air

‘I’ll wash up and go to sleep early.’

I didn’t have anything to do.

Then I suddenly recalled Namwook being curious about Eunkwang high’s


I took a few photos of the dorm with my wearable device and sent it to the group

[Namwook] Wow your dorm is nice. Two rooms, a living room, and a kitchen
attached. Is that a shower room, are you using a two person’s room alone?

[Sanghoon] Can I come over to visit?

[Me] Yes it’s a shower room. I’m using it alone. You can visit before 8 pm.

[Namwook] Can outsiders come and visit? I can come over on weekends

[Me] no no it’s against dorm regulations.

[Namook] What a shame ㅠㅠ

[Sanghoon] Transfer

At this point, I couldn’t tell if Sanghoon still wanted Namwook to join Eunkwang high
or he was just teasing him.

And Namwook, it’s not cute for a guy bigger than me to use ㅠㅠ.

I was contemplating on how to tease Namwook when.

<Skill ‘fate’ has been activated.>

I stood up from my seat at the alarm notification that sounded with no preamp.

I closed all other apps the hologram was showing from the wearable device and used
my esteemed ability.

<Esteemed ability, ‘player identity’ is being used.>

Thousands of cards started to spin around me.

With the player identity ability being activated, it would be able to handle most

‘The skill fate was beyond imagination so I couldn’t anticipate what was going to

If it was a short battle, ‘Hundred second Kwak Gyeogn Gu’s 100-second silver bullet’
was the most useful to use.

If I had to move fast I could use the ‘light in the darkness Oh Hyeji’s moon in the sky.’

No, today the moon was blocked by the clouds.

Then I can use ‘Majinsung the noble in the field’s esteemed ability… ’

In my head, I was going through the events at the dormitory in the game storyline
and was trying to decide what was the best character card to use in this situation.
One of the cards that had been spinning around me suddenly disappeared out
through the window and was beyond my control.

I opened my balcony window and stretched out my arm.

‘The playable character shown on the card… ’

Before I could see the character on the card my focus was redirected to what was
above me.

It was a person falling from the roof of the dormitory roof.

A player’s physical body and mind excel as compared to a normal human being.

Their ability to access an emergency was faster as well.

My head started to react immediately as soon as I saw the person falling from the
rooftop of the dormitory.

My room was on the 17th floor.

The place the person was falling from was from the 20th floor, the rooftop.

Taking into consideration the height of the building, the person would be falling
approximately 10 to 15 meters above me.

I was unable to confirm the weight of the falling person, so unable to calculate the
exact energy location.

But it was around that height.

For a normal person, the impact would result in a fatality.

The question was, whether I would be able to prevent the fall with my current
strength and skill level.

There was a high possibility of me sustaining a serious injury or losing grip over the
falling person.

‘I have to use my esteemed ability.’

But there were CCTVs installed on the external walls of the dormitories.

It would be problematic to reveal my ability to change my esteemed ability and outer

appearance when and wherever I wanted.

Then let’s use an esteemed ability that won’t affect my outer appearance.
In the worst-case scenario, I might fail and expose the player information but I
couldn’t simply watch someone die right in front of my eyes.

‘White tiger… ’

The first character that came to mind was my most used playable character and the
person I had met just a few hours ago.

He was of the tiger lineage and had the strength to use a large sword so I was
confident his strength would be sufficient.

But the usage time of the white tiger from the final battle was too short to use.

But if it was the normal version with the celestial’s wrath debuff then there were no
problems using it.

‘Let’s command the strength of the white tiger to be transferred to my body. I will
store strength within me as a contained image instead of letting it take over my

I wasn’t sure if this would work but I had to try.

It was the first attempt but I had to succeed.

I placed my entire focus on manifesting the player information as an image from

inside me.


Just as the white tiger’s card turned into light and enveloped me, I spread out my
arms to the falling person.

I felt the weight in my hands but with the strength of the white tiger within me, I was
able to securely hold out the weight of the person.

And I was still in the form of my 17 years old Jo Eushin self.

‘I succeeded, my appearance didn’t change!’

Before my hand slipped I titled my body inward and landed safely in my balcony.
“Ah… ahhhhhh!”

“Someone fell! A person, a person fell!”

It seemed like there were several people who had seen the person falling from their

There were screams heard from the floors above and the sound of people talking.

I looked down at the person who was in my arms.

It was a playable character.

A character I had spoken to just a while ago.

<’Notification on Lee Lena’s Profile.>

[NAME] Lee Lena

[TITLE] Eunkwang high freshman

[BELIEF] Hariti’s observer ‘I will watch over you until you open your eyes’


[CONDITION] Poor mind and body – overall skill and ability declined slightly, Silence
Oath 2, Fainted

[Overall skill] Lv.8


Trao dismantling Lv.3

Enemy detection Lv.2

Whipping skill Lv.1

(Failed to load partially)


The person who had fallen was Lee Lena who I had met during the dream auction.

The child who had shared her words of advice to get me, who looked like Yeom
Junyeol then, out of that place.

‘Lee Lena… ’

I turned off the player information status and soon the cards lost their light and
returned to me one by one.

The card that had flown out the window due to the activation of fate.

Lee Lena’s character card was the last to disappear.


The first point of contact after an incident in the dorms was the Jiik Hall.

It was the discipline facility in charge of the students in the dormitories.

The facility management was done by each dormitory administrative team but
conflict management between students in the dormitories, regulation of rules, and
student points management were done by the Jiik committee.

In the past, they used to have discipline leaders in Eunkwang high.

However, the selection had been untransparent and dictated by the board to work in
their favor, resulting in a problem.

Those that didn’t qualify to be a player had social connections to back them up but
they were not qualified.

And they had a strong inferiority complex against the nation’s most elite players.

The discipline leaders enjoyed using their power and authority to feel superior and
cause pain to the elite Eunkwang high student.

‘There were even a few incidents mentioned in the game.’

‘Entire third years receive mass detention a day before their final exams.’

‘Rape case in Jiik hall’s practical room’

‘Student punished publicly in Jiik hall student cafeteria’

And so forth.

After a series of accusations and being sued, the discipline leaders were brought to
court but managed to avoid jail imprisonment and being sacked. They got away with
merely a fine.

The discipline leaders and the board members of the school had colluded to
embezzle the school’s dormitory fees, maintenance fees, and other various fees that
exceeded millions.

The discipline leads, with the support of the board, harassed the students even more

‘Then the issue was only resolved 15 years ago when a student president was

15 years ago, there was a riot led by the student president to kick out the discipline
leads due to their misconduct and acts of corruption.

They started the petition and movement to have them resign, fired, or retired.

Students that were on sabbatical, hospitalized, or even on overseas exchange sent

their signatures via mail to support the movement.

The petition movement garnered extensive support and managed to obtain the
entire student population’s signature and made history, but even so, the board of
directors acted brazenly.

‘That students who merely attended the school for three years before graduation and
moving on, had no right to interfere with the school’s management. And that all
students should be taught a lesson to know how to respect others and adopt some

‘This led to a bigger situation,’

As the entire student population’s petition movement failed the teaching staff also
steeped in to support.

The students and staff of Eunkwang high refused to take part in lessons and held a
silent demonstration in front of the school’s main central building.

The student council recorded the process and evidence of their case in the form of a

Then they published the video of various sites after adding 38 different language
subtitles as an option. Then they actively participated in interviews with the press to
reveal the situation publicly.

The first-ever scandalous situation form Korea’s most elite player specialized high
was at the center of attention. Internationally and regionally.

Eventually, Chairman Hwang, who had been absent from his seat for a long time
returned and took the side of the students. Instantly resolving the situation.

As a result, the embezzlement, negligence was exposed publicly and the five board of
directors were dismissed and the entire group of discipline leads became jobless.
After which their other crimes were exposed and they served a prison sentence.

Through this process, the self-run student facility committee ‘jiik committee’ was

The Jiik committee consisting of the student union, leading committee, the entire
club, and society groups established itself as the largest student committee in the

And the person who flew to my balcony on a manually operated air board was the
head of the Jiik committee, Sung Siwan, a third-year in Eunkwang high.

‘Someone must have alerted the Jiik committee.’

Based on the CCTVs on the external wall, they would have figured out which room
this was.

And in the case of emergencies, the head of the student committee was issued a
manual airboard and its license, hence Sung Siwan had been able to fly over here.
Even so, to reach in 2 minutes, he was way too fast.

“I came after watching the CCTV, are you okay?”

Sung Siwan must have rushed here.

Maybe he had just gotten out of the shower, as his hair was dripping with water and
his shirt was on the wrong way.

His hair that had been blown by the cold night air of March, was slightly frosted.

“I am fine, but the kid that fell has fainted.”

“Ok… can I come in?”


Siwan left his airboard and shoes on the balcony and came into the room where Lena
was lying on the couch.

Meanwhile, there was a commotion outside.

The freshman dorm consisted of 20 floors.

From the 1st to the 10th floor were for females.

While from the 11th to the 20th floor was for males.

Right now where we were, was the 17th floor.

It will stand out if Lee Lena stayed here.

“It seems like she’s injured. So she won’t need a recovery item.”

Siwan sighed in relief and put the recovery item card back into his pocket.

“Eushin, I’m sorry… but can we say that it was a joke done by class zero.”

“Both you and Lena are from class zero. To say that it was me who pulled a joke, it
doesn’t make any sense, but if it causes any trouble I’ll be answerable for it. I’m so
sorry to ask this of you… when you saved Lena.”

Siwan bowed his head to me.

I was surprised that Siwan bowed his head to a first-year without hesitation, and
that he knew my name.

‘Could he have possibly memorized the names of all the students in the

But what was more shocking was the fact that Lena was in class zero.

Because in the game she was not in class zero.

‘For now, it wouldn’t be bad to pass it off as a prank.’

To be involved in a suicide attempt.

To be involved in a prank.

It was obviously better to be associated with the latter.

Until we could hear the details from Lena herself, it was best to leave this incident

As I nodded my head, Siwan looked apologetic and relieved at the same time.

Then he headed over to the balcony and shouted loudly.

“Go back to your dormitories, it was just a prank by the class zero students.”

Then the common stopped momentarily before the gossip started.

“Hey, the Jiik committee head is here. He says go back in!”

“Class zero, what a classic. Seriously on the first day of school.”

“Class zero take it easy, man. Today is the first day of school.”
“Were they training their skills?”

“Maybe they were prepping for April fools. I thought someone was falling for real.”

The many open windows of the freshman building started to close and soon it was

I was speechless by how fast the situation resolved.

“We briefed them during the freshman orientation on the past incidents and how it
was handled… 4 out of the 5 examples were caused by the previous class zero

The past class zero students were too much.

Just what had these students done before.

No, as I recalled the game and the class zero students doings, I could totally relate
why they reacted that way.

They changed the entire contents of the school’s water tank with coffee milk.

Or building a large ice castle in the fountain found in the school’s premises.

Or planting numerous explosives in a building identified to be demolished.

And so on.

I was suddenly interested to know what the five chosen examples were.

Maybe I should have gone for the freshman orientation.

While I was going through these chains of thought, Siwan was on a call using his
wearable device.

“Professor Ham Geun Hyeong, This is Sian. Oh… you heard it from the staff
dormitories as well? It’s true but she was saved halfway, there are no casualties…
yes, from class zero… sorry? Yes both of them are from class zero. Lee Lean and Jo
Eushin. Yes. We will be there soon.”
Siwan must have contacted the form teacher of class zero.

I could only hear Siwan’s side of the conversation but I could roughly guess what
Ham Geun Heyong was saying.

“Seems like we’re going to have to go and see professor Ham. Let’s leave through the
balcony. If I use the expansion mode it can change to fit 4 passengers.”

Siwan was modifying the airboard he had left on the airboard.

Meanwhile, I put the blanket he had passed me over Lena.

‘…she’s lost a lot of weight.’

Lena looked much thinner as compared to the last time I had seen her at the dream

Her small and pale face was pitiful to look at.

I covered Lena up tightly so that she couldn’t be seen and so that she could sleep
warm from the cold night wind.

“We’re setting off.”

Siwan turned on the engine once he checked that Lena and I were boarded.

Siwan drove the airboard extremely slowly in consideration for Lena.

“Do things like this happen often?”


“You just seem very used to it.”

Siwan had looked shocked when he had first reached my room.

But he had with him the recovery item, a blanket.

Contacted the form teacher immediately and we were on the way to meet him.
His level of readiness and movement made him appear as someone familiar with
these kinds of scenarios.

“There are suicide cases in elite high schools or colleges every year. Especially in our
school where there are only players. Because before this we were the top 15% who
were treated specially.”

Siwan avoided answering me with a direct response.

“But when you put all the players together, they are no longer special anymore. So
there are a few cases where the students are not able to accept that.”

Siwan stopped talking momentarily and looked at Lena who was in my arms.

“But I’m sure Lena who just started her first day of school has a different reason.”

While listening to Siwan, the airboard had arrived at the staff dormitory building.

As we were walking to the teachers’ lounge to meet Ham Geun Heyong Lena
regained consciousness.
Lena opened her unusually large eyes and blinked.

I spoke to Lena as her eyes were open.

“Are you okay?”

I who was holding Lena in my arms, and Siwan who was opening the teacher’s
lounge ahead of me, silently stared at Lena.


Suddenly Lean’s face turned blue.

Seeing her face I instinctively knew.

Lena had really intended to die.

“Come in.”

Ham Geun Hyeong placed the towel over his head on a table and signaled for us to
come in.

He should have been able to dry himself in three minutes if he used the whole body
dryer provided in the shower room.

Perhaps Ham Geun Heyong didn’t want to make us wait and came here ahead of us
with only a towel in hand.


I placed Lena down on the couch opposite Ham Geun Hyeong still covered in the

Ham Geun Heyong looked between Lean and me before turning to Siwan.
“I told the students in the dormitories that it was a prank by Class zero… would it be
better to discuss in detail another time?”

“Yes. You should dry your hair before you catch a cold.”

“I’m okay… oh, thank you.”

Ham Geun Hyeong threw the towel towards Siwan after noticing his frosted hair.

I thought it would be best for me to leave.

I bowed and greeted Ham Geun Hyeong goodbye.

“I’ll make a move first. Goodbye.”

“Be careful on your way back, Jo Eushin. Let’s talk more tomorrow.”

Just as Siwan and I were about to leave.

Lena stretched out her hand from behind the blanket and grabbed a hold of me.


A weak arm with visibly protruding bones was feebly holding on to the ends of my
uniform shirt.

“…oh, sorry.”

Lena hesitated before letting go.

Lena seemed frightened by something.


I tried to picture myself from her point of view.

Her parents.

The dream auction.

By looking back I could somehow guess what she was afraid of.

“…perhaps she is afraid of adults?”

Ham Geun Hyeong was a rather unpleasant looking man in his late thirties.

Siwan who was in his third year but held the demeanor that suited his title as the
head of the Jiik committee.

And there was me who was a freshman, with a medium build and still in my uniform.

To Lena, I was probably the one she felt most comfortable with.

It would be better if I stayed.

“Professor Ham Geun Hyeong, would it be alright if I left a little later.”


Siwan, who had been observing us, leaned on a wall nearby and started to towel dry
his hair.

He must have no intention of leaving his dormitory students here unattended.

I sat in the seat next to Lena.

As I sat down, Lena spread out her hand and held onto the end of my shirt again.

Perhaps this was a subconscious behavior.

‘Maybe it would be better for me to speak instead of Ham Geun Hyeong.’

I signaled to Ham Geun Hyeong with my gaze and he sensing my intention nodded
his head.

“Can I ask what happened?… Or do you want to go back and rest for today?

If we forced her to speak it would probably backfire.

I tried to make her feel reassured and asked cautiously.

‘Let’s wait.’

For a while, Lena didn’t say anything.

But none of us pressed her to speak up.

We tried to keep our gazes elsewhere so as not to pressure her and waited

“My parents were banned for life from the player’s association today…”

So it was something to do with her parents.

Ham Geun Hyeong covered his mouth to hide his expression.

“Then they told me it was all my fault, and I should never have been born.”

Tears started to well in Lena’s eyes.

“It felt like it was all my fault, and I thought I didn’t deserve to… live.”

Lena’s words started to break off.

And towards the end, we could only hear the sound of her cries.

She cried until she exhausted herself to sleep.

After which we left her in the care of the freshman female student guidance
counselor and left the staff dormitory.

Easing Lena’s slender hands from my shirt felt harder than destroying the entire
dream auction.

Siwan returned ahead to report the incident to the Jiik committee.

Only Ham Geun Hyeong and I were left behind.

Ham Geun Hyeong escorted me to the freshman dormitory on behalf of Siwan.

“It’s the dream gate, isn’t it?

Ham Geun Hyeong stopped walking and looked down towards me.

“Those that were recently banned for life by the player’s association were players
involved with the dream gate.”

Lena was not allocated to class zero in the game version I was aware of.

Her sudden allocation must be due to the dream gate.

Ham Geun Hyeong answer with a rather tensed up voice.

“Lee Lena did not have the mark of the cidelentium coin in her hand left by the red
cliff thief on all the participants of the auction. She cooperated as a witness to the
police and the association. But her parents were rather heavily involved so she was
allocated to class zero.”

The dream gate was currently the biggest scandal in the world of players.

If this was publicly exposed, Lena who herself had committed no wrong doings,
would bear the crimes of her parents.

I could guess what Ham Geun Hyeong was worried about.

“I know Lena is innocent.”


Ham Geun Hyeong looked relieved at my answer and smiled for the first time today.

“You save Lena today, Jo Eushin.”

The fierce-looking Ham Geun Hyeong looked like an ordinary professor as he smiled
and encouraged his student.

“If Lena had fallen to the first floor and survived she would have experienced pain
that would have killed a normal person… and Lena would have thought that she
deserved that as her punishment since she believes she doesn’t deserve to live right

Ham Geun Hyeong lightly patted my back.

“Well done, Eushin.”

By the time I had returned to my room after receiving Ham Geun Hyeong’s farewell,
it was already late into the night.

I was headed towards the shower to get ready to go to sleep.

When I spotted something shining from the corner of the living room.

‘This… ’

It was the golden ribbon that Lena had worn.

I wonder when it had fallen off.

I lifted the ribbon carefully, so as not to wrinkle it.

The ribbon that had been left unattended for a long time was ice cold.

‘Lee Lena’s parents…… ’

One more item was added to my list of to-dos.

I was easily able to come up with my next move.


I ran around Cheon Ak San as my morning training and also to keep a lookout for
signs of cotton wool.

It was just a manner of speech to say run, as my actual speed while I moved through
the hiking tracks, was much faster than a normal person bolting.

Perhaps the cold weather was keeping everyone indoors.

‘I’m the only one on the hiking track.’

As I reached a slightly elevated area I could see from afar the dormitory students
lining up for their selected ‘Eunkwang training course.’
There was a player training curriculum in Eunkwang high.

But it was optional for the students.

There were students who preferred the freedom to determine their own pace and
time to study.

But there were also students who preferred a routine lifestyle and needed others to
strategize ahead.

Eunkwang catered to both types of students and gave them to choose either of them.

Being time-bound would limit my movements so I chose the option of a free


‘It would be best to train myself physical skill to move about easily.’

When I first joined this world my overall skill was Lv.10.

3 months since then I was now an Lv.13.

The average level of most freshman was between 10 and 20, since now was the
beginning of the semester, my physical skill was probably around the middle
amongst the freshmen.

Based on the Player information’s special selection, my physical training was the

Because the esteemed ability allowed me to increase my overall skill based on the
character I selected.

There was no need to be so hung up on one’s level. When the overall skill level rose it
placed a limit to one’s feeling of damage.

‘But it’ll be good to expand on my lung capacity, just in case.’

As compared to others my esteemed ability was rather heterogeneous.

I had accomplished mastering the skill of control and used the selected character’s
power without affecting my appearance.
Even so, I wanted to avoid using the player information in front of others as much as

‘I bet Yoo Sanghoon would tease me for at least ten years if he ever found out that I
was the red cliff thief.’

The title that made me cringe.

I had to stop anyone from ever finding out that was me.

The above was the biggest reason.

‘I’m rather curious about the reporter who came up with that title.’

If possible I wanted to return him the favor by coming up with an equally

embarrassing title for him.

‘Cotton wool, where are you.’

This morning’s search for cotton wool was another failure.

The alarm from my wearable device went off as my allocated training time came to
an end.

I returned to the dormitory to prepare myself to go to school.

Lessons started at 9 am.

The morning assembly was at 8:30 am

The time I arrived in the first year’s class zero was 8 am.

There was one other in the classroom.


Kim Yuri, one of the playable characters greeted me first.

“Oh, hello.”
As I replied to her greeting Yuri stood up from her seat and came over toward me.

Yuri was much taller than other female students of her age.

Her straight posture and way of walking made her seem resolute.

In the official game illustration, she was drawn in association with a magnolia and it
felt like it would suit her even in real life.

<’Notification on Kim Yuri’s Profile.>

[NAME] Kim Yuri

[TITLE] Eunkwang high freshman class zero rep

[BELIEF] The words of the royal lineage that hid their name ‘Have a bit more



[Overall skill] Lv.15


Fencing Lv.4

Danger detection Lv.2

Sprinter Lv.2

I checked the settings and saw that Yuri’s esteemed ability was sealed.

‘Nothing is different from the game.;

Kim yuri falls into a state of panic after she experiences her esteemed ability for the
first time age 17.

Kim yuri is afraid of her own esteemed ability.

She voluntarily joined class zero and requested the players association to seal away
her esteemed ability.

‘She died while hiding this truth even from her best friend An Dain.’

In the end, Kim yuri was not able to overcome her fear of her own esteemed ability
before she died.

“I’m Kim Yuri, Nice to meet you.”

“Jo Eushin. Nice to meet you too.”

We were wearing name tags and were aware of each other’s names but still engaged
in a formal introduction.

“Eushin do you remember yesterday we were choosing the class rep and vice rep?
We decided for me to be the class rep but Hanyi says she doesn’t want to be involved
in school committee roles. So I was hoping either you or Jiho can take it up. Oh, if you
want to be the rep instead I’ll let you do it. “

I couldn’t ask the others since no one was here yet.

Looking at Yuri she was friendly towards me even though this was pretty much the
first time we had met.

Her natural ability to continue a conversation gave me the impression that she must
have been in a similar role in her secondary school.

‘Thinking of the future progress I definitely wanted to be either the class rep or the
vice rep.’

I couldn’t ask for more than someone like Yuri for a school committee role.

“Hwang Jiho would find something like this a hassle. I’ll be the vice rep.”

This wasn’t a lie.

Hwang Jiho, no, Hwang Myeongho to be more precise.

Anyways the yellow tiger seemed to find his current chairman role a hassle as well.
“Wah, I’m relieved. Let’s work hard together this year.”

Yuri spoke brightly.

She must have been worried that no one would want to be the vice rep since many in
class zero were famously known to have odd ones.

“Eushin, will you share your device code with me?”

“Sure, send me yours too.”

We were going to be the class rep and vice rep together.

It would be easier to know each other’s contact number.

We exchanged our wearable device codes and chatted as we waited for the morning
assembly to start.

“Eushin you are the ‘nameless supernova’ right? I didn’t think you would join class

“Ya somehow it turned out that way.

I really didn’t know things would turn out this way.

This was a result of my deal with the yellow tiger.

‘Overall it wasn’t a bad choice.’

It was in close proximity to the main characters in class 1 and 2.

And there were several characters in class 0 I wanted to save.

Besides my different vibe as compared to most Eunkwang high students could be

easily passed off without suspicion as “Class zero acting up again.”

“I think class zero is really nice. Other classes have like up to 50 per class but our
class doesn’t even have 20 in total. So it’s easier to ask our professor for help and use
the classroom spaciously.”
Yuri seemed to genuinely like class zero.

“Did you see the common timetable? Today’s ‘player battle practice1’ is a combined

Player battle practice1.


This was an event that was treated with more importance even in the game.

Yuri continued to talk.

“Because our class size is too small, we are combining with class 1 and 2.”

Year 1 class 1. Year 1 class 2.

The classes where the main hero Soohyuk and the main heroine Dain were in.

My first class would be together with these main characters.

Dark chapter.

A phrase used to describe your embarrassing past you wanted to erase.

Powerful, intelligent, sociable, good looking, and wealthy. The genius who had all of
the listed qualities.

The main hero of Fullmago, Joo Soohyuk, too had a dark chapter in his life.

The first time Soohyuk and Dain had a combined class.

Dain meets her best friend Yuri during the ‘Player Battle practice 1’ combined class
and smiles for the first time ever since the first day of school.

Soohyuk who sees her smiling in front of him trips and falls in a grand manner.

Had he not been in his players’ physical state, his fall was impactful enough to cause
a concussion or a broken bone.

Even the mighty Joo Soohyuk was just a teenager smitten by the smile of the girl he
had fallen for.

‘Dain rarely smiled so it’s understandable why Soohyuk was surprised. Previously
whenever she smiled they were out of politeness. A combination of her
expressionless face and a slight lift in the corners of her mouth.

Soohyuk had made a fool of himself in front of 100 or so people and was recorded on
live stream.

He then tries to pull himself together and engages on a one on one with Dain.

Soohyuk loses miserably.

Dain is taken by surprise by Soohyuk’s poor skills and Soohyuk sensing her
disappointment is tormented.
This whole scenario was the main highlight of today’s first class.

5 minutes before the start of class.

The entire year 1 class 1 arrived at the sports hall allocated for freshmen.

Yuri commented that more may come today so we had waited as long as we could for
our other classmates.

But like yesterday, there were only four of us again. Hwang Jiho, Kim Yuri, Hayi, and

The four of us walked together to the sports hall but as soon as we arrived I
pretended to explore the sports hall and went to stand behind Soohyuk.


Dain had found Yuri.

Dain, with a pretty expression that imitated a field of fully bloomed flowers, waved
her hand.

The cold and expressionless Dain was gone and a warm smile was widely spread all

All the students that saw Dain looked surprised.

But Dain and Yuri didn’t seem to care and started to talk.


I supported Soohyuk from behind and prevented his fall.

I don’t know how he had tripped but both his legs were momentarily in the air.

Thankfully I was prepared and avoided being entangled in an accident together.

“Are you okay?

“…oh, sorry. Ya I’m okay.”

Soohyuk who stood leaning against my shoulder looked like he wasn’t in the right
state of mind.

Even a lost and blank expression looked good on Soohyuk.

There were a few students standing behind Soohyuk and looking at the side of his
face. They looked even more lost and blank than he did.

“Are you sure you’re okay? I think you’re going to battle Dain in this class today. You
guys have the same score so.”

“What? Oh, right. Okay. That’s okay.”

He looked far from okay.

At the mention of Dain, his cheeks were dyed a shade of red.

But soon he calmed down after a few deep breaths.

Even though he was smitten by his first love Soohyuk was one of the main characters
in this world.

Now with this, he would have avoided an embarrassing moment.

‘This should have done the trick.’

I was about to leave Soohyuk and walk away when Soohyuk spoke.

“Thanks, Jo Eushin.”

Soohyuk knew my name.

It was an odd feeling to hear my name being spoken from the mouth of the main

“…You know my name?”

“My test site was right opposite yours for the practical exam. When everything
wrapped up and you were transported to the hospital, I caught a glimpse of your face
and name tag. I’m more surprised that you know my name.”
Soohyuk smiled and spoke casually, he no longer seemed to be out of it.

‘What a good memory.’

To think that Soohyuk was able to remember someone’s name and face just from a
glimpse amidst all the chaos that had happened that day.

If so it was even possible that Soohyuk remembered Sanghoon and Namwook.

“I don’t think there’s anyone amongst the freshman that doesn’t know you or Dain’s

“Hahaha, if you put it that way then the same goes for the nameless supernova.”

Soohyuk naturally continued the conversation.

He had the ability to make the other person smile and be at ease.

‘When I saw him from the game I only thought of him as someone who was easy to
stick to.’

But in real life, I realized he had the ability to charm people and genuinely gain their

‘No wonder those from the royal lineage reached out to Soohyuk.”

While we were engaged in a conversation.

The class bell rang and put an end to our conversation.

“The class bell…”

A combined sound of string and wind instruments filled the room.

It was a great combination of string, wind, and brass instruments that showed off a
great melody.

The students spoke in softer voices to appreciate the melody.

“They played this themselves? What was the title? I feel like I’ve heard it somewhere

“It’s composed by Elgar, the marching song of Wipungdang No.1 in D major… wow
they even organized the second half.”

“Seems like the string, wind, and orchestra club came together to commemorate the
first class bell.”

“I like this piece. I’m going to download it.”

As the piece continued the sound of conversations faded away.

All around, students put up their hologram to download the piece.

In Eunkwang high the soundtrack of the class bell changed every hour.

Those in charge of the class bell were the music-related clubs.

String, wind, orchestra, piano, a traditional instrument, band, vocal music, choir,
composing club, etc decided on the soundtrack to use for the class bell.

Anything from instrument pieces to self sung songs were possible to use.

There were times when it was a classic piece like today. Sometimes there were pop
songs or self-composed songs.

There were cases when it was a country song or traditional Korean pansori.

All these soundtracks were uploaded on Eunkwang high’s broadcasting homepage.

The sound of the class bell was only a minute long but the full version was
downloadable on the homepage.

‘I’ll download today’s one after making a donation.’

The class bell was downloadable for free but you were also able to donate as much
as you wanted.

After the allocated minute for the class bell was over, the track started to fade out.
Then the professors turned up.
Soohyuk and I had stopped talking and were listening to the class bell, but now
decided to part ways and return to our places.

“See you soon, Eushin.”

“Sure, Soohyuk.”

Soohyuk rejoined his class year 1 class 2 students and I rejoined my class zero

The students lined up in two lines per class. Then the three professors stood in front
of the 104 students and did a brief self-introduction.

Year 1 class zero homeroom teacher Ham Geun Hyeong

Year 1 class one homeroom teacher Kim Shin Rok

Year 1 class two homeroom teacher No Young Mi

No Young Mi was a non-playable character.

But Kim Shin Rok was a new character.

In the game, the form teacher of class one was Choi Pyeon Deuk, that piece of trash.

<This character is not found in the database. There is no information on this person>

Even with the specified menu tab, there was no information to be found.

The homeroom teacher of Year 1 class 1, where the title heroine Andain was, played
quite a crucial role.

But to think that it was an unregistered character.

‘Choi Pyeon Deuk is still out there alive so why was there a change in their appointed

I was staring and continuously observing Kim Shin Rok.

Then I realized he had a familiar face.

‘The invigilator who had appeared near death at the nameless side character’s

He was the invigilator who had turned up during the practical exam near death and
shouted at us to run.

‘In the storyline, he suffered a severe injury from the bear lineage and was thrown
into the sports hall with the enemy. Then died with the students who were in there
taking their exam… ’

Perhaps Kim Shin Rok was originally the appointed homeroom teacher for class 1.

But in the game, he had died so there was a change.

“Hello everyone. This is ‘Player battle practice 1’ your first lesson since you’ve
entered Eunkwng high.’

No Young Mi the homeroom teacher of year 1 class 2 started the class.

“Amongst you, there will be some of you that are not interested in battles and avoid
them. Of course, there are many paths for a player. You need not join the pro player
team after you graduate Eunkwang high. There are students who end up becoming
doctors, lawyers, civil workers, or even professors like us.’

There were some guilty faces in the crowd.

There were quite a number of students who had joined Eunkwang high for its title
and reputation as the most elite high school in Korea. Rather than because they
wanted to pursue a career as a player.

‘Namwook was an example of such.’

The enthusiasm and pursuit of the elite education system continued even after the
scandal in this industry.

“But we never know where the borderline will turn up. It may be found in the offices
you work in or the resort you visit for a holiday. A borderline may open up and the
enemy may appear.”

No Young Mi continued.
“Only players like us are capable of combating the enemies. It is the basic quality of a
player to train and polish their skills to fight for your family, friends, neighbors, and

Those of us here were newly turned 17, year-one high school students.

All this while it had been impossible to use our esteemed abilities as it had been
sealed away so even if we had outstanding battle skills we were in the position of
being protected.

But now that we were 17 and approved by the association we were the players.

No Young Mi’s speech made me realize that we all stood in a different position. From
the ones being protected by others to the ones that protected others.

“One of the entrance requirements to enter Eunkwang high is to ‘be equipped with
more than one battle skill.’ Our teaching team will do our best to enhance the battle
skills that you have shown to us.”

As No Young Mi gestured, Kim Shin Rok and Ham Geun Hyeong respectively brought
carts full of item cards.

“All of the cards here are item cards designed and catered to enhance the battle skills
you revealed during the entrance exam. Their rarity are all class R items.”

Several students raised their hands.

“Professor! I brought my own personal item card.”

“Same here.”

Those funded by their families’ wealth possessed even rarer items that were of SR or
SSR rarity. So to them, the R rarity item must have been unsatisfying.

No Young Mi shook her head.

“What we want to see today is purely your battle skills.”

It was expected for the homeroom teachers to observe and assess the strength and
abilities of their year one students.
That was why it was necessary to combine more than two classes to compare and
assess each student’s position amongst the rest.

Since attacks that occurred at the borderline were mostly in large groups.

There were many unhappy faces in the crowd, but No Young Mi ignored it and
continued to speak.

“Your respective homeroom teachers will distribute the item cards. One the
distribution is completed, gather back.”


I did not want to share my skill.

Personalized menu option? Skill of faith? Corresponding skill?

I was probably the only one in this world with these sorts of skills.

Once I revealed them, I predicted a future where I was used as a research target by
the player’s association or the government.

But it was a mandatory rule to reveal more than one battle skill in Eunkwang high.

‘I only have one skill I can reveal.’

Which was also my only battle skill.

The skill I revealed was the “all things ability” where I could use any shield and

“Wow! Are all these yours Eushin?”

Yuri looked at me impressed.

Most students had been issued one card.

‘This is more than I expected.’

The number of cards I received was 300.

Those around me started to talk as I stood there holding a whole stack of cards in a
plastic case.

Even Hwang Jiho who was standing next to me with a card in his hand looked at me
with sparkling eyes.

“Even amongst the royal lineage, there are only a few who have the all things ability.
You’re amazing Jo Eushin,”

He must have already known based on the documents I had submitted during my

Pretending was second nature to the yellow tiger.

I guess that was how he was so brazen to mix in with 17-year-old students when in
reality he was over 5000 years old.

“I wanted to let you try all the existing weapons. You’re the first student to have the
all things ability so this was the best we could do.”

Ham Geun Hyeond looked at the fully packed card case with a look of regret.

“Since your skill level is only 1 by using these various weapons you can then learn
how to level up accordingly…”

“Skill level 1? What a loser.”

A loud voice was heard from year 1 class 2.

An uncomfortable silence surrounded the year one sports hall.

The intentionally spiteful commented was directed at me.

“I was wondering how great you were to receive 300 cards. But it seems like you’re
nothing but a loser stuck at level 1.”

The person who said this was a student from Year 1 class 2.

I was a little surprised after seeing his face.

‘This is the guy is the extra who’s about to get beaten up by Soohyuk after picking a
fight with him’

The extra who repents his poor misconduct around the end of year one and becomes
friends with Soohyuk.

The one who is possessed by the evil enemy and breaks down Soohyuk’s mental

<’Notification on Bang Yoon Sub’s Profile.>

[NAME] Bang Yoon Sub

[TITLE] Eunkwang high Year 1 Class 2

[BELIEF] A certain snake lineage’s words of encouragement, ‘your foolishness is

your charm’

[ORDER] (Inactive)


[Overall skill] Lv.13


Dual Nunchaku Lv.3

Screaming Lv.1

‘It’s exactly the same information as what I saw in the setting menu of the original
extra NPC.’

In the game the first place Soohyuk who had left a dark memory.

Bang Yoon Sub then tries to pick a fight with Soohyuk

Soohyuk was already in the worst mood after embarrassing himself in front of the
girl he liked.

Soohyuk shows no mercy to Bang Yoon Sub.

‘Although it was the game user using Soohyuk to beat Bang Yoon Sub in the game.’

Bang Yoon Sub is completely shattered and beaten to a pulp by Soohyuk.

This incident will occur exactly a week from today during the Year 1 Class 2’s
individual battle practice class.

‘Did his target change to the nameless supernova now that Soohyuk doesn’t have a
dark chapter to deal with?’

I, Jo Eushin, who was famously known as the nameless supernova.

But I was in Year 1 class zero where all the problematic kids were in.

My battle skill was level 1.

I was considered as someone famous and seemed to have an opening.

‘Perhaps he’d thought that if he managed to get a head start on me, he would be
treated differently for having spoken over the nameless supernova.’

Today was the only time there was a combined class with class zero.
If he was aiming for me then he had to pick a fight today and now.

So he really changed his target from Soohyuk to me.

“Bang Yoon Sub, were you talking to me?”

Bang Yoon Sub took a deep breath as I called out his name.

He probably wanted to look cool but didn’t want to be against me.

He had acted cowardly amongst the crowd but since I had called him out, he was
clearly shocked.

But Bang Yoon Sub tried to put up a strong side and shouted.

“Ye, Yes! So what. It’s not like I said something wrong. Loser.”

A commotion started in the sports hall.

No one would have expected to see an idiot like him in Eunkwang high, the most elite
school in Korea.

Unfortunately, there is something called the rule of survival.

Wherever you go there is always a fool.

The professors and Ham Geun Hyeong in particular had adopted a stern look.

‘What should I do.’

Bang Yoon Sub

Joo Soohyuk

Battle practice class.

All things ability

The way things would proceed.

Suddenly I had a good idea.

I raised my hand before Ham Geun Hyeong could step in.

“Today’s class curriculum is a battle between the students right? I request for my
first fight to be with Bang Yoon Sub.

As I finished speaking there was a large commotion.

I added on privately to Ham Geun Hyeong in a quiet voice.

“It’ll be a good example if I fight with Bang Yoon Sub.”

Ham Geun Hyeong seemed to be deep in thought as he looked at me.

“Jo Eushijn, are you saying that because you know the objective of today’s class?”


Ham Geun Hyeong looked at me as though he was measuring me out.

After a few seconds.

Ham Geun Hyeong smiled.

“Make sure you do a good job, Jo Eushin.”

Kim Shin Rok and No Young Mi who must have seen me talking with Ham Geun
Hyeong privately and understood the situation, as they nodded their heads slightly.

As the three professors approved of the battle, everyone shouted “Ohhhhh!”

“He’s the nameless supernova right?”

“Just like professor Ham Geun Hyeong said, Jo Eushin has the all things ability.”

“I saw on TV that it’s the most desired top 5 skills. Looking at the number of cards he
has I can understand why.”

The students tried to predict the outcome of Bang Yoon Sub and my battle.
“Bang Yoon Sub is an idiot but his battle skill level is rather high… so I can’t predict
what the outcome will be.”

“The nameless supernova is level 1. His overall skill seems around the same. No
matter how many items he can yield, I’m sure it’s more advantageous for the skill
level to be higher.”

“Shall we make a bet on this? I bet ten dollars on Bang Yoon Sub.”

Although we don’t know whoever started it, the sports hall started to get noisy as
everyone started to talk about making a bet.

And soon someone took the lead and turned on a betting application and shared the
QR code via their hologram.

“3 dollars on Bang Yoon Sub.”

“5 dollars on Bang Yoon Sub.”

“40 dollars on Bang Yoon Sub.”

“I’ll bet 10 dollars on Bang Yoon Sub. Hey, you better do a good job!”

Everyone was connecting via the code and making their transfers.

Even Dain and Soohyuk’s first battle didn’t create a commotion like this.

The professors did not take part in the betting but did not stop the students and
watched on.

They already knew the outcome.

And they knew how they could use the outcome to link it to today’s lesson.

‘This is considered more as a form of entertainment than a gamble. Even if they

didn’t stop them it would be fine. The students will learn something from this

The total amount the students betted on was increasing to rise.

And the majority were betting on Bang Yoon Sub so it wasn’t much of a bet.

“1000 dollars on Jo Eushin”

A student betting a rather large amount appeared and the sports hall became quiet.

It was Sanghoon.

Now that I think of it, Sanghoon was in Year 1 Class1.

I had arrived late to the sports hall and was talking to Soohyuk, so I didn’t manage to
say hi to him.

“Can’t you tell from the look on Eushin’s face? If you don’t want to lose your money,
you should reconsider.”

Sanghoon smiled at me with a meaningful expression then transferred the money

using the hologram.

Sanghoon’s unwavering behavior made a commotion again.

“He’s the guy who survived the practical exam with the nameless supernova.”

“The guy involved in the Son of a bait incident…”

“Then he must know the nameless supernova pretty well. Now I’m torn.”

Meanwhile, Hwang Jiho was contemplating while looking at his bank account full of
zeros using his hologram.

“Shall I bet a million dollars.”

“…if the amount goes up too much you’re gonna be caught for gambling. So take it

“So what.”

I can’t believe he said, “so what.”

I convinced Hwang Jiho out of it.

Hwang Jiho put on a grumpy look but did not argue as I convinced him out of it.

The total amount was already as big as it was and I didn’t want to add another digit
to it.

A player is treated fairly as a player and will consider this to be okay but.

“What in the shit… this wasn’t what I intended…”

The small-hearted Bang Yoon Sub, who had picked a fight to grow his reputation and
vent out his stress. He seemed afraid as things were getting out of hand.

‘If he was going to be that scared, why did he even bother picking a fight.’

Then all of a sudden he must have had a thought.

His expression changed all of a sudden and he shouted loudly.

“Let’s limit the number of weapons to one in the battle. And no use of the esteemed
ability either!”

People started to sigh and look at Bang Yoon Sub pathetically at his cowardly

‘What a coward.’

Bang Yoon Sub’s dual nutchucker skill was level 3.

My all things ability skill was level 1.

Our overall skills were equally level 13.

If we were to rely solely on our skill level it was impossible to win.

And all the more impossible if the esteemed ability was banned.

‘Not a problem.’

There was no need to hesitate.


As I accepted his suggestion, Bang Yoon Sub smirked with a confident look as though
he had already won.

Those who had bet their money on me looked like their souls had escaped their
bodies once they heard my answer.

I activated one item card from my item tab and actualized it.

“If we fight as you suggested, then the person who loses is to… be a slave for a year.
How’s that.”

The item I actualized was a level R rarity item ‘fire tongs of promise’.

It was an item card I bought before the start of school.

Whoever that made a promise on the fire tongs of promise, would have all their nails
pulled out by the burning hot tongs if they broke that promise.

It was a rather low standard since breaking a promise only resulted in the loss of
your nails.

It would hurt like hell but for a player that could use a recovery item card, it could be
easily overcome.

‘For a scaredy-cat like Bang Yoon Sub, this is enough to do the trick.’

Nobody would voluntarily want to have their nails pulled out by flaming hot tongs.

“Wow slave for a year!”

“The nameless supernova is going out strong.”

At my suggestion, the year ones were even more excited.

“Fire tongs of promise……!”

Bang Yoon Sub looked nervous as he muttered to himself.

It was a popular item so Bang Yoon Sub seemed to recognize it immediately.

“Did you think I would back down? Fine, let’s do it!”

Flames erupted.

The moment Bang Yoon Sub agreed the fire tongs of promise burnt and dissipated
into the air.

At the same time, Bang Yoon Sub and my nails turned red momentarily before
returning to its original color.

The promise of slavery had been activated.

There were only three people who had bet on me.

Sanghoon, Soohyuk, and Yuri.

I could understand why Sanghoon, but I wondered why Soohyuk and Yuri had made
a bet on me.

Soohyuk bet the same amount as Sanghoon as Sanghoon bet 1000 dollars.

Soohyuk was one of the eldest grandsons of the top four conglomerates in Korea.

He probably didn’t have much money sense so he must have copied Sanghoon’s bet.

As for Sanghoon, his parents gave him allowance for him to use when he met with
Namwook and myself so I guess he was using that.

‘It’s odd that Yuri bet on me.’

Yuri was not the type of person to take part in a bet but perhaps she was trying to
show support since we were in the same class and a school committee role together.

The total bet placed on me was 2050 dollars.

The total bet placed on Bang Yoon Sub was 2478 dollars.

There were quite a few people who had not taken part like Dain, Hwang Jiho, Hanyi.
Yet the amount was quite large.

“Now, both of you, in position.”


The 100 students seated in the audience seat of the sports hall screamed and

The betting application was expanded and blinking brightly in the air from a
hologram device.

[Match of one-year slavery]

[The nameless supernova Jo Eushin VS The nameless contestant Bang Yoon Sub]

I wonder who was the one who had typed the title for this match.

To add on someone added the Lucky OST, ‘Going Distance’ to hype up the

I wonder if it was okay to use such a famous hit as a BGM for some dumb bet on two

“On my mark, you both can actualize your item card and begin the battle.”

The referee was the homeroom teacher of Year 1 Class 1, Kim Shin Rok.

Since I was in class zero and Bang Yoon Sub was in class 2, having class 1’s
homeroom teacher as the referee must have been determined as the best choice.

I chose one card out of the 300 cards and stood in position.

The sound of footsteps could be heard.

Bang Yoon Sub and I stood with at least 10m between us and faced each other.

The BGM changed from ‘Going The Distance’ to ‘Gonna Fly Now’.

“Now ready,”

“Go, Bang Yoon Sub!”

‘Bang Yoon Sub, become a winner!”

Bang Yoon Sub seemed happy at the thought of an increased popularity and the
thought of being treated like a hero.

Kim Shin Rok raised his hand and signaled.


Bang Yoon Sub’s card in his hand changed to his dual Nunchaku


With the dual nunchaku in his hands, and shouting a battle cry, Bang Yoon Sub ran
towards me

I actualized my item card.

I heard the system notification as I actualized my weapon

<Skill ‘All things usage’ has been activated.>

“Wait, hold on, is that a magic weapon?”

The crowd were shocked.

And they were right to be.

In my hand, I was holding the R level soil element magic weapon called ‘Novice
magician’s rod of soil’. Due to the all things’ ability I remembered the magic spells
and its use, naturally.

“Wow, it’s magic!”

“Wah! Wah!”

Even amongst the players, only a few are able to use magic.

Just like Yeom Jun Yeol’s ability to use fire and Saeum of April’s ability to control the
wind. Magic didn’t require you to hold an actual weapon.

Spells cast from a promised language.

The ability to control the power of the natural elements based on a spell.

Result of perfectly calculated and researched intelligence.

‘Magic is different from other abilities. It’s more like maths.’

To add on the ability to control the skill, and the difficulty to level up was one of the

Magic was considered impossible to use unless one was related to the royal family or
prior arrangement with the highly ranked people.

‘Even in this world, it’s only briefly mentioned in textbooks as an additional footnote
to deepen people’s understanding. Although it is a basic requirement for players
playing the game to fully understand their playable characters’ skills, and magic was
one of them.’

A magic weapon is also a weapon.

I had the power to use any kind of weapon so of course, a magic weapon was one of

“Terracia Ico!”


I cast a short spell and the magic that controlled the earth attacked Bang Yoon Sub’s
eyes accurately.

Bang Yoon Sub attempted to swing his dual nutchuckers but the speed of magic was
impossible to match.
A level 1 magic was not impactful but it was enough to seal someone’s line of vision
and damage their eyes.

“Arghhh! Eye… My eyes!”

Bang Yoon Sub struggled in pain as the soil hit him hard in the face and eyes.

I reduced the space between us and continuously beat the back of his head with the


Bang Yoon Sub screamed in pain along with the sound of being hit.

With that, I was done suppressing him.


It would be a waste to end it so soon.

I attacked Bang Yoon Sub one last time even though he was about to fall to the floor
of the sports hall.

Just like the saying, kill your enemy with kindness.

It’s best to give the bad guy more than he deserves.



I beat Bang Yoon Sub with the rod, the same spot as before. With that Bang, Yoon Sub
was completely knocked out.

I stepped on the back of Bang Yoon Sub as he lay on the floor and pressed him down
with the rod. Then I looked at the referee, Kim Shin Rok.

Kim Shin Rok raised his hand high up in the air and shouted.

“Jo Eushin Wins!”

The entire sports hall filled with cheers as Kim Shin Rok announced the outcome.


“Omg, This is the first time I saw a magic weapon!”

“Ah… magic weapon… right… I totally forgot about that.”

“What a rip off skill.”

“Damn it my 100 dollars!”

From the application screen, Bang Yoon Sub’s name was removed.

Instead ‘Nameless Supernova Jo Eushin Wins!’ was enlarged.

“Damn… that ass. To use magic… coward ass…!”

Perhaps his eyes were hurting Bang Yoon Sub was tearing up and muttering to

Even before I could say anything, Ham Geun Hyeong spoke first.

“Bang Yoon Sub, do you really think Jo Eushin is a coward.”

As Ham Geun Hyeong asked, Ban Yoon Sub shut his mouth.

“Don’t you think trying to embarrass someone in public, and forcing an all things
ability possessor to be restricted with one weapon is considered cowardly?”

Ham Geun Hyeong didn’t seem angry.

He was just trying to teach a student a lesson as a professor.

“Do you still not understand why we professor approved this match?”

Ham Geun Hyeong continued to add the blows.

Bang Yoon Sub fidgeted and rubbed his eyes but could not reply.
All the other students soon fell quiet.

The one who initiated the bet must know how to read a room.

The BGM and hologram turned off.

“All of you accepted in Eunkwang high are talented and hardworking. Each of you
strongly believes in your futures and take pride in it. But sometimes that confidence
can be your own poison. For a player, they must know how to be alert and humble in
the unknown.”

To be alert and humble in the unknown.

This was the first lesson and takeaway that the professors wanted to teach the
students of this elite school.

If Bang Yoon Sub and I weren’t here, they would have used Soohyuk and Dain and
used them to show them a different standard of battling. Then they would have used
that to reinforce this message.

‘Even though Soohyuk fails by creating a dark chapter for himself in the game.’

Ham Geun Hyeong continued his speech.

“The incident we had a few years ago. ‘The Naejangsan National Park murder case,’
‘The crisis of the Seokcheon case.’ The level and overall skill of the enemy that wiped
out the entire team at these cases is a well-known fact.”

The students who finally realized the intention of today’s lesson fell silent.

“A moment being off guard differentiates life and death for a player. To
underestimate the nameless supernova that is able to yield SSR rarity items and also
previously wiping out an R+ leveled wanted enemy with his bare body.’

Ham Geun Hyeong’s already fierce-looking face made his words even scarier and the
students tensed up.

Ham Geun Hyeong slowly looked around at the hall of students, who had been
excited just a minute ago.
Multiple students bowed their heads and avoided his gaze.

Those that bet their money on Bang Yoon Sub showed that they had underestimated
me and would be feeling guilty.

To end off Ham Geun Hyeong added.

“Bang Yoon Sub. You formally… no cowardly made a deal with restrictions and still
lost. Keep your word and be responsible by following up on your promise with Jo
Eushin. Class dismissed.”

The deafening silence continued.

It was even more comparable as they had been surrounded in a heated up

atmosphere just a few minutes ago.

“Should I step in and change the mood.’

Just as I was thinking to myself.

Clap clap clap!

“Good fight, Jo Eushin!”

Snaghoon was shouting and applauding while looking towards me.

Soon, Soohyuk followed his example, and then the three students from class zero
added in.

Then slowly the other students in the hall started to clap as well.


Soon the entire sports hall was filled with cheers and claps for me.

Some of them came over to talk to me.

“I lost my money but that was a good lesson. Thanks for the magic skill show!
Nameless supernova.”
“Jo Eushin, show us other magic next time!”

As the applause and cheering were coming to an end.

Bang Yoon Sub who had been lying on the floor must have removed the soil from his
eyes as he had stopped crying and stood up.

Bang Yoon Sub looked at me with a face full of rage then looked between myself and
his own nails.

I now have a slave.

Taking Sanghoon’s suggestion into consideration, we decided to use the winnings to
buy everyone snacks.

Soohyuk and Yuri agreed to the suggestion.

All those who had lost their bet and the professor seemed to like the suggestion.

The class ended 30 minutes earlier.

Those who had lost their bets on Bang Yoon Sub rode their airboards and went to the
school gates to collect the delivery food they had ordered in advance.

“What were you so confident about to bet a thousand dollars.”

“I was confident in you.”

Sanghoon replied as he took a bite of his deep-dish pizza topped with king prawns
and hot chicken.

There were five people seated near me in this eating spree.

The three who had backed me up; Sanghoon, Soohyuk, and Yuri.

And the others were Hwang Jiho and Hanyi from class zero.

“Soohyuk, why did you bet on me?”

“Magic is hard to fight against if you don’t have the appropriate shield or item. I
guess you could stop it if you had substantial power, to begin with. But I knew Eushin
would win.”

Soohyuk must have known exactly what I had in mind.

I’m sure some of those who didn’t bet and were in the top tier like Dain and the
professors, had expected the use of a magic weapon.
‘As expected of the top in Eunkwang high.’

The all things ability and a magic user were both rare.

Bang Yoon Sub and I started this on a whim and the time to decide the bet was
relatively short.

‘To think of the use of a magic weapon after hearing the all things ability.’

I then looked to Yuri who smiled.

“A magic weapon didn’t cross my mind. But I thought the nameless supernova
wouldn’t start a fight he would lose.”

After answering Yuri took a plastic fork and ate a garlic roasted oven chicken.

Even though Hwang Jiho had not taken part in the betting he seemed to have enjoyed
the battle lesson as he ate his tandoori chicken with a satisfied face.

“Jo Eushin, if you hadn’t stopped me I would have bet on you too.”

“Yaya. Thanks, Hwang Jiho.”

Actually I wasn’t thankful at all.

Hanyi on the other hand was seated next to Hwang Jiho and silently eating her
Gorgonzola pizza with honey.

‘I’m sure even though these two didn’t take part, they would have clapped for me.’

I didn’t really expect them to be on my side.

But it was a joyful thing to know that there were people supporting you and
congratulating you.

Somehow today, the oily chicken tasted sweet.

Just as the topic on Bang Yoon Sub and I died down.

Yuri opened up another topic.

“You know just now, the fight between Dain and Soohyuk was tense. I’ve never seen
someone so strong against Dain.”

Soohyuk choked the moment he heard the world ‘Dain.;

Thankfully he didn’t spray the cola in his mouth.

I had just helped soohyuk avoid a dark chapter and here he was about to make one

Maybe Dain’s smile was still spinning in his mind.

I added on to transfer the attention away from Soohyuk.

“Ya. I didn’t know both of you knew how to use the differentiation skill.”

The differentiation skill was the result of personalizing your skill into your own form
and appearance.

Soohyuk and Dain were geniuses who had already acquired the differentiation skill
even before they entered high school.

It was amazing, even the star player Yeom Junyeol learns the differentiation skill for
his targeted flaming skill in his second semester of Year 1.

“Both Soohyuk and Dain fought well.”

After my match with Bang Yoon Sub was over.

The professor pointed out Dain and Soohyuk and engaged them in combat.

“Ha, haha. I was lucky to have won a draw. Dain is strong.”

“Right? I’ve never won her before too.”

Soohyuk who used a dual sword.

Dain who used a sniper’s gun.

Once the battle was signaled to begin.

Soohyuk, to prevent Dain from loading her gun, threw one of his swords to Dain’s
vital point.

As Dain reflected the sword, Soohyuk crouched low and reduced the space between
them. So that he could prance and attack her vital point.

‘That’s when Dain’s differentiation skill was activated.’

Immediately Dain’s shooting skill adopted the differentiation skill.

She adopted a high energy skill that converted her entire body into a gun known as a
‘whole body gun.’

Just as the bullet from the end of Dain’s fingers shot out aimed between Soohyuk’s

Soohyuk used his remaining sword and deflected the bullet.

Meanwhile, Dain lifted her gun to press and hit Soohyuk’s spinal cord.

‘But Dain wasn’t the only one with the differentiation skill.’

Just when the result of the match seemed clear.

The sword Soohyuk threw before, returned back to his hand, and stopped the gun.

This was Soohyuk’s differentiation skill, ‘dual sword one body’.

Ignoring the rules of physics, the dual swords always returned back to Soohyuk’s

Nobody was able to keep their eyes off of these two.

“It was hard to keep up with our bare eyes. All the attacks were fast and it was a
smart move to go straight for the other’s vital point”

Sanghoon must have been impressed by the match as he commented as well.

Yuri seemed to be yearning for something.

“It’s a shame the combat was limited to 10 minutes and banned the esteemed ability.
This time it was a draw but I wonder what the results would be like if you two fought
for real.”

“The entire sports hall will fall apart.”

The freshman’s sports hall was already full of damage marks.

Within the school, there were players with recovery skills so that amount of damage
wouldn’t be a big deal.

But if Soohyuk and Dain fought for real, no amount of recovery skill will be able to
put back the sports hall.

“So what, doesn’t matter.”

Hwang Jiho do you even know what you are saying?

It must be costly to establish a sports hall that could withstand the powers of

“Hwang Jiho, just eat your pizza.”

I passed him a slice of pizza that Sanghoon had chosen.

Hwang Jiho looked at me with bright eyes as he accepted the slice.

‘Just because Hwang Jiho utters nonsense it won’t blow his cover, and even if he does
it has nothing to do with me.’

Even so, Hwang Jiho was a classmate in the same year as me.

It wasn’t nice to let him be treated as a weirdo.

Even though most of the class zero students were already treated that way.

“This is tasty.”

“Ya? Have some coke too.”


Hwang Jiho gladly accepted and ate with bright eyes.

I should continue feeding him to keep him quiet.

He ate everything I gave him.

And kept quiet while he ate.

‘To be unconcerned with the sports hall falling apart? What a different mindset.’

As per the architectural regulations in this world, a facility that catered to a player’s
skill had one of the highest requirement standards so it incurred a lot of money.

To build a sports facility to meet the requirements for a special player high, it would
require skills and items. It would also require multiple times more money and time
as compared to a normal sports hall.

“Hwang Jiho, do you want some pickle?”

“No, give me another slice of the deep-dish pizza.”

“Sure. Eat more.”

Hwang Jiho seems to have completely forgotten his role as a chairman.

Well, maybe it was okay since the Hwangmyeong corporation had a lot of money.

The class bell announcing the end of class started to play. This time it was the
Triumphal March from Verdi’s Opera ‘Aida’.

A trumpet march where in the story they congratulate the Egypt armies victory.

“This song is much too grand to celebrate my victory for a slave match.”

It must have been a coincidence but this song made me feel honored.

The first lesson I had since I had entered Eunkwang high.

Player battle practice 1.

It ended off pleasantly with everyone except Bang Yoon Sub being satisfied.


The entire morning came to an end after the first lesson. Now it was lunchtime.

Students that were already full, from chickens and pizzas went their own ways to
enjoy their free time.

I followed Bang Yoon Sub.

“Shit… why did I…”

He lost to me.

Was scolded by a professor.

Dealt with complaints from students for losing the bet.

Bang Yoon Sub must be in a poor state.

But it was all a result of his own actions.

“Why do I have to be a slave to that loser… cough.”

At the most secluded part of the freshman zone.

Bang Yoon Sub was squatting and smoking a cigarette.

He was a joke, not even able to smoke a full breath.

“What do you mean why, it’s because you lost.”

I came out of the shadows and accurately kicked the cigarette Bang Yoon Sub WAS
holding in his hand.

The cigarette left his hand and was thrown high up in the air before falling to the

“Gah, Jo Eushin!”

Bang Yoon Sub fell to his butt, surprised.

He must have been unaware that I had followed him.

I spoke as I stepped on the cigarette bud in front of him.

“Make sure you keep your promise, Bang Yoon Sub.”

“Wh… what. Damn it… what are you going to ask me to do!”

A few hours since I met Bang Yoon Sub.

I couldn’t get a scene out of my head.

Where he begged Soohyuk to kill him while shaking in fear.

The final sacrifice of Bang Yoon Sub.

Bang Yoon Sub was a cowardly loser but deep inside he was a good guy.

“Go and sign up for ‘Eunkwang Training course’”.


Bang Yoon Sub joined Eunkwang high with the stupid goal to become the school’s
bad guy.

But this guy was a pathetic idiot who didn’t really dare to go down an
unconventional path.

The best he could do was skip out on one class.

‘In Eunkwang high it didn’t mean much to miss out on class because all that really
mattered was your exam score.’
Because he had such a weak mind and body, evil was able to possess his body.

“You’re too weak so you don’t stand a chance. So, enroll in the Eunkwang training
curriculum. If you can beat me even once I will undo our ‘promise’.”

I spoke while pointing at his nails.

He probably wouldn’t have it in him now to go against his promise and have his nails
pulled out.

Bang Yoon Sub looked down at his nails then shouted back.

“Ah, I’ll do it! Damn it… If I win, don’t forget your promise!”

Bang Yoon Sub was about to leave.

But before he left the scene I added on.

“Every time I catch you smoking I’m going to send you to buy me bread.”


“Go and buy me bread and a packet of milk. From the store in the third year zone.”

I smiled and handed him 5 dollars.

Smoking would reduce his physical stamina.

So he should train himself as much.

And he was my slave.

“Why should I!”

“You don’t want to?”

As the fire tongs of promise sensed something affecting the contract, Bang Yoon
Sub’s nails flared red.

Panicking, he immediately snatched the 5 dollars.

“You can’t use your airboard. Take a bicycle.”

“What! The third-year zone is bloody far!”

“Then do you want to run there?”

“Jo Eushin you suck!”

Bang Yoon Sub got on a bicycle and headed towards the third year zone.

Seeing how I could catch the sound of my name, he must be riding on as he was
cursing me.

‘If he cursed out loud, then he would be advertising the fact that he was my slave.
What an idiot.’

After confirming that Bang Yoon Sub was out of sight I looked up at a tree nearby.

This tree was the only place anyone could hide around here.

They were probably watching from above.

“Both of you should come down now.”

Two people jumped down from the tree that was at least 10m high.


The two landed lightly on the ground.

One was Year 1 class 2 homeroom teacher, No Young Mi.

The other was Soohyuk.

“How did you know?”

“Haha, we got caught.”

The two seemed taken aback.

“I thought there would be someone worried about Bang Yoon Sub”

Joo Soohyuk and No Young Mi.

Based on their characters I knew they would come.

“I was going to stop you in case you asked him to do something too much… sorry for
suspecting you.”

Soohyuk who knew what my intentions were, apologized.

It wasn’t really something to apologize about.

“It’s okay. I don’t care. Because I am going to make him buy bread for me from time
to time.”

I knew they understood my intentions but I vocalized it nonetheless.

“Bang Yoon Sub had the skills and diligence to come to Eunkwang high. With the
right opportunity and guidance, he will become a good player.”

Even though Bang Yoon Sub in the game dies.

No Young Mi smiled faintly after hearing my words.

She looked cold but she had a lot of empathy in her.

“I hope you’ll take good care of Bang Yoon Sub.”

10 minutes after the two had left, Bang Yoon Sub returned soaked in sweat.

I offered the bread and milk to him for his hard work.

He hadn’t eaten much in the sports hall so he must be hungry.

Knowing him I was also a little suspicious to eat the food he bought back.

“Eat it.”

“Why! Damn it…”

Bang Yoon Sub looked from his nails to the bread and milk in his hand. He looked
like he was going to cry. But he must have not wanted his nails to be torn off. He
finished the bread and milk quickly.

“Jo Eushin you’re like the enemy you ass!”

Bang Yoon Sub ran towards the toilet and shouted.

As suspected he must have put something in the bread and milk.

This is what you get for playing with food.

I sighed at the expected behavior of Bang Yoon Sub.

‘Seems like Bang Yoon Sub has a long way to go until he can get out of this slavery

I should consider how I will use him for one year.


There were many brilliant professors in Eunkwang high.

The most prominent was the head of department, Jegal.

Year 1 class 0 homeroom teacher and student manager, Ham Geun Hyeong

Year 1 class 1 homeroom teacher, Kim Shin Rok. Who had shouted at the student to
escape during the entrance practical exam, even when he was half unconscious.

Year 1 class 2 homeroom teacher, No Young mi. Who had trailed me, worried about
his student.

‘There were many admirable professors in the game.’

But wherever you go the rule of life is fair. And this applied to the professors.

A good example was right in front of my eyes.

The professor that was leading a class in front of me.

Choi Pyeon Deuk.

“You young folks, just because you can study a little. You don’t even know what a
good lesson is. Hmm.”

Choi Pyeon Deuk’s lessons were only allocated to those in year 1.

Nobody in year 2 and 3 voluntarily chose his class due to its bad reputation.

“Th… That law on banning gifts and corrupt favors! In the past, there used to be a
bond between teachers and students. Where they exchanged gifts, helped one
another. And there was a deep fondness but to think they banned this.”

In this world around 10 years ago the government instilled a law that banned gifts
and corrupt favors.

Choi Pyeon Deuk seemed enraged as he had enjoyed these small token of goodwill in
the past.

“I don’t care about that. So you can always show your appreciation to me. It’s a
relationship between a teacher and a student!”

Choi Pyeon Deuk indirectly hinted for tokens of favors.

‘He must be twisting his word around in case he is recorded.’

Most students were aware that Choi Pyeon Deuk lacked professionalism.

According to students, those that selected his class without much thought seemed
drained by the end of the year.

In Eunkwang high, for three months you were able to change your curriculum.

During break time many students will probably escape this class and try to find

“Those seniors that you look up to! The player team. Red lion, the lake of eternity, air
society, white tempest, scent of hydrangea. All of them are my students!”

He shouted proudly.
Students go past at least a hundred professors during their years in Eunkwang high.

Choi Pyeon Deuk must have been one of the many so why was he taking the credit
like this.

“So be good to me. Do you hear me? I might slip in a word or two to your seniors if
you are.”

On the back of Choi Pyeon Deuk’s hand, there was a hint of a scar from where his
flesh had been cut away.

The brand I left with Yeom Junyeol’s powers from the Cidelentium coin during the
dream auction.

‘To remove it you need to use a very expensive scar removal item or cut off the flesh
that was imprinted with the brand and have it treated.’

Choi Pyeon Deuk is a player after all.

So he must have had the will to cut off his own flesh.

“I am connected to many higher-ups.”

This was an example of his most commonly used phrase ‘evil that escapes judgment.’

He undertakes horrible acts, but until the very end survives the consequences out of
luck and does not repent on his sins.

Choi Pyeon Deuk is assumed as an NPC who survives until the final battle and what

“In a sacred classroom, of course, you should trust and follow your teacher.

Choi Pyeon Deuk from the game communicates secretly with the bear lineage during
the entrance practical exam and ends up killing Kim Shin Rok and four other

He was the descendent of the King’s maternal relatives and recognized the identity
of Saeum of April. Then he sold him over to the dream auction and benefited from it.
There were other students he pushed off a cliff as well.

‘And he allowed trash into Eunkwang high.’

After receiving corrupted bribes, he set up a special administration process.

Allowing unqualified students into the school. Those students were the ones to bully
the weak and killed Cotton wool with pesticide, out of their jealousy for Dain.

Choi Pyeon Deuk tries to cover for them and tries to blame Dain who lost Cotton
wool, as a bully.

‘The more I think of it he’s like a dog.’

In the game, Choi Pyeon Deuk commits countless sins but survives and lives happily
till the very end.

His title as a professor in an elite high provided him stability and status.

He was able to make use of this with luck and connections.

‘No, to compare Choi Pyeon Deuk to a dog, would be offending the dog.’

After Jegal leaves Eunkwang high and slowly dies.

Choi Pyeon Deuk climbs to the position of head of department and is on a roll.

‘If I leave him alone, he will continue to grow his influence.’

As the final battle drew near.

Choi Pyeon Deuk is highlighted as an influential person in Eunkwang high as most of

the professors have already died.

“A student that chose my lesson definitely has a good instinct. You get my point right.
So be good to me this year. Do you understand?”

There were sins he had not committed yet.

‘I have no intention to sit back and watch him commit them.’

As soon as I find a piece to get rid of Choi Pyeon Deuk, I will.

I considered the choices one by one in my head.

As I changed my thoughts, I was able to bear through his bullshit.

Question 17.

Choose the correct answer that correctly explains the relationship between the
following example (ga) and the historical records (na).

Example (ga)

The sky opened up and God of the sky came down to ask for a wish, to which the
celestial tigers replied.

White tiger wished to go anywhere.

Yellow tiger wished to exist anywhere.

The blue tiger wished to serve god’s son.


God of the sky easily granted these wishes and returned back through the open sky.

The remaining gods and tigers were very happy.

The god that ruled over this land celebrated every year by opening up a banquet to
show his gratitude to the God of the sky.

-Myth of Gaecheon-

1. This is when totemism prevailed

2. You can infer there were more than four tiger lineages.

3. The tiger lineage and gods were of the same level

4. It was a theocratic society

5. You can confirm the relationship between the tiger and bear lineage.

‘The answer is 4. Since the god who rules this world holds a banquet, so it’s

2 and 5 were true but it was a trick question.

There are only three tiger lineages recorded in the myth of gaecheon, and the bear
lineage does not appear in it at all.

This was a question that tested if one was able to differentiate between myth and

‘That’s the answer.’

I checked the answer in the electronic workbook for my current class

‘Understanding of the royal lineage 1’ and was notified it was correct.

The questions on the myth of gaecheon were relatively easy.

As the answer was reviewed it moved on to the next question.

Question 18.

From the list below, select the descendant that is not described correctly.

‘This is a question testing the difference between the royal family and the royal

The likelihood of an offspring between the royal lineage or even between a royal
lineage and a human was extremely low.

But there were a few that managed to accomplish this very difficult task.

Even if a child is born to continue the royal bloodline, they are not allowed to
become a part of the royal lineage.

They are referred to as the ‘Royal descendants’

[The royal descendants’ question is not that hard. Simply, take Yeom Junyeol from
our school for example. Yeom Junyeol’s mother was born directly from the dragon
lineage. Even so, she and Yeom Junyeol are both referred to as royal descendants.]

I checked my answer while recalling the words of ‘Yim Yeonhwa’ the professor
teaching the class understanding of the royal lineage 1.

‘Even though he’s not a pureblood Yeom Junyeol is still a descendant of the dragon

Because Yeom Junyeol’s mother was a descendant of a pure royal lineage, his birth
itself was considered a miracle.

That’s why Yeom Bangyeol and the dragon clan treated Yeom Jung Yeol preciously.

‘The total number of the descendants of the dragon lineage were not more than ten.’

The number of descendants of a pure royal lineage were lesser than the actual royal

I couldn’t understand why they were asking such a meaningless question.

Perhaps Yeom Junyeol’s popularity played a part when the questions were

‘A descendants born between a human and a pure royal lineage… they were stronger
than an average human but weaker than the royal lineage also, they could not rebel
against their own royal lineage. Their existence was full of penalties.’

I finished the 50 assignment questions and turned off the electronic workbook.

As I had come to school early, I was the only one in class.

“…It’s only been a week since school has started and I’m already swamped by exams.’

A week had passed since the start of Eunkwang high.

To name a few events that happened since the Seoul Ministry of education advocated
a nationwide combined student assessment.

A nationwide combined student assessment was entirely based on topics that were
tested for the college entrance exams, so it applied to normal high schools in the
whole nation as well as the player-specific high schools.

Soohyuk and Dain scored full marks in year one and were momentarily the talk of
the town.

‘While I scored somewhere midpoint.’

Eunkwang high may be an elite school but for a 4-year college graduate, it was an
embarrassing result.

To fend for myself, it had been 10 years since I studied for the college exam, and I
had only studied on player relevant topics ever since I joined this world.

Personally I was satisfied.

‘The mock college exam was only applicable to those who had chosen relevant

I did not choose any module that was taught in a normal high school.

Namwook who saw my chosen modules had nagged at me and asked if I was giving
up on the college entrance exam.

To enter college, even the special player students had to meet a minimum
requirement in the college exams. So those who planned to go to college had to take
up all the topics in a normal high school.

‘College… ’

I had already experienced college life.

And I wasn’t exactly hung up on reliving that life.

The only thing I was hung up on was the future of this world’s ending.

‘Let’s just study.’

I put aside my depressing thoughts.

As expected from an elite high school there were exams swamping me every day so I
couldn’t be off guard.

Each of my modules’ test results were currently in the top ranks.

‘It doesn’t reflect anything on my overall skill so it didn’t mean much.’

I had studied beforehand using my personal menu setting ability so I was not too

In fact, I was learning in detail the aspects that weren’t covered in my personal menu

‘In this world, the tiger clan referred after the white tiger and yellow tiger was the
blue tiger… ’

I read the completed version of the Myth of Gaecheon and thought through it.

The tiger clans that appear in the gamer were the white tiger, yellow tiger, and the
red tiger.

It mentioned the existence of other tiger clans but they never appeared in the game.

The only time it was shown was in the form of a silhouette in a character’s

‘If the blue tiger wished to serve the god by his side, the chances are that he is still by
his side serving him.’

I wanted to find out more about the blue tiger and the presence of a god.

This was one of the blanks and unknowns that existed in the game.

As I dug deeper into this I could roughly guess the current state of the blue tiger and
the god.


‘I have no way to confirm it or prove it.’

If the story progressed there must be a way to confirm it.

For now, I had to wait.


I heard the automatic door of the Year 1 Class 0 door opened.

‘Wonder if that’s Yuri?’

I turned around thinking it was Yuri but was greeted with an unexpected face.

A non-playable character in the game, NPC, Hanyi.


As I greeted her, Hanyi replied back expressionlessly.

“Jo Eushin, hello.”

Hanyi had a high score in her entrance exam and she had never gotten herself into

She was on the quiet side but got along well with the professors.

But the reason why she was allocated to class zero was due to her disability. She had
a level 2 hearing and deafness impairment.

<’Notification on Hanyi’s Profile.>

[NAME] Hanyi

[TITLE] Eunkwang High Year 1 Class 0 (failed to load partially)

[BELIEF] (failed to load partially)

[Esteemed ability] Inactive

[CONDITION] (failed to load partially)

[Overall skill] Lv.17


Jumping skill Lv.3

Ability to detect presence Lv.4

Taehokwon Lv.4

(failed to load partially)


Grew up after being adopted from an orphanage at 5 years old.

Disable with level 2 hearing and deafness impairment.

Was unable to recover even with an eardrum transplant or receiving a player’s

recovery skill.

Assumed to have been strongly cursed when under the age of 5.

Perfectly accomplished in mouth reading, hence faces no difficulty in


(failed to load partially)

‘She has top rank qualifications as a student. But played a rather small role because
she was an NPC, I am now able to see more details I wasn’t aware of.’

Eunkwang high did not treat the disabled any differently.

Eunkwang high students were exposed to fight with the enemy from the other world
from Year 1 semester 2.

It was a matter of life and death.

Therefore differentiating the disabled for special treatment was unnegotiable.

‘Hanyi entered Eunkwang high with the same requirements as any other student and
entered within the top ranks.’

The school had never admitted a severe disability before, so the teaching staff had a
long discussion before deciding to allocate her to class zero.

They assumed it would be better to place her in a class of 20 instead of 50 so that it

will be easier to support her.

‘Although Hanyi doesn’t require much help from the professors much anyway… ’

Hanyi possessed a high level of presence detection and mouth reading.

Hanyi was able to converse perfectly as long as she was able to see the other
person’s mouth and replied with clearly articulated words.

There were a few times in the game where people were surprised after finding out
that Hanyi was deaf.

“You’re here early today”

“Because we get to choose our club activities today.”

The club activities were probably the biggest reason why Hanyi decided to enroll in
Eunkwang high.

Hanyi must have come early to submit her application.

‘It must be because of Gong Chung Hwen.’

Gong Chung Hwen was a volunteer through Hanyi’s time in the orphanage.

He was the first to find out that Hanyi was a player.

He taught her mouth reading and Taehokwon, one of the traditional martial arts of
Korea in this world.

‘He taught her perfectly to the extent that Hanyi was able to enroll in Eunkwang high.
He’s an amazing person.’
And now.

Gong Chung Hwen was a contract teacher in Eunkwang high and in charge of the
Taehokwon club activities.

“Are you going to join Taehokwon?”


Hanyi replaced her expressionless face with a longing expression and replied with a

‘…This is the first time I’ve seen such an expression in this world.’

Gong Chung Hwen dies while protecting a student.

Hanyi arrives late at the scene and puts on the same kind of expression.

Even as the enemy approaches she does not react.

She sits quietly next to Gong Chung Hwen and a close up of that was her last scene.

‘I should stop thinking about it.’

Maybe I had studied too much.

My thoughts continuously ran in a depressing direction.

I changed the topic to lighten up the mood for myself.

“I saw the cool Taehokwon match during last week’s lesson. I’ll drop by when I have

During last week’s first-class, player battle practice 1.

Hanyi was up against Hwang Jiho.

Hwang Jiho looked at Hanyi with sparkling eyes as she actualized an item card and
wore the safeguard to fight with her Taehokwon.
`There was a rumor that Taehokwon was formed by the tiger lineage, seeing how
Hwang Jiho reacted, it must be true.’

After seeing Hanyi take a Taehokwon stance, Hwang Jiho threw away his item card.

The professor and other students found this odd.

Hwang Jiho put aside the battle skill he submitted and adopted his bare hands to use

Hwang Jiho must have been excited to meet a successor skilled in Taehokwon he
seemed excited and gleeful as he performed Taehokwon.

The sight of him was amazing and crazy.

‘Taehokwon is forgotten over Taekwondo and is recorded as a traditional form of

martial arts only in history, so it must have been a long time since he last met a

The outcome of the match was the yellow tiger’s win.

Due to the crazy acts of the yellow tiger, the rumor that class zero students were a
bunch of psychos started again.

“Do you think Hwang Jiho will join the Taehokwon club?”

Hanyi seemed angry as she spoke.

“I’m not too sure. But he might barge in and ask for a match if he’s bored.”

Hwang Jiho who was negligent on school affairs probably wouldn’t even know that
the Taehokwon existed.

He will naturally find out if Hanyi joins the Taehokwon club.

Based on Hwang Jiho’s reaction during the first class, it seemed like he would
request for a match whenever he got bored.

“I will win him next time.”

Hanyi’s eyes were determined.

But her opponent was the yellow tiger of the tiger clan.

He wasn’t demoted like the white or red tiger and fully sustained his title as the tiger
clan of the myth faction.

Her opponent was too strong.

Even so, I decide to root for her.

“Yes, I’ll root for you.”

Just when Hanyi opened her mouth to thank me.

Knock knock –

We heard someone knocking on both the front and back door of the class.

Hanyi who had detected a presence looked to the door.

It was impossible to open both doors at once so I answered.

“Come in.”


“Eushin, can we talk?”

“Jo Eushin, you here?”

The one who had opened the front door was Yoo Sanghee.

The one who had opened the back door was Yoo Sanghoon.

“……Did they come separately?”

The Year 1 Class 0 was located at the most corner of the building so it was near the
entrance of the building.
The back door was near to the corridor where Sanghoon’s class 1 was located.

So Sanghee and Sanghoon must have arrived simultaneously without bumping into
each other.

The two seemed to have finally realized the other.

“Why are you here.”

“What a way to talk to your sister.”

“Why is a third year in a freshman’s class?”

“To meet Eushin.”

I had no idea why the two of them were here.

But having a third-year would attract attention.

Sanghee was not any third year but a top ranker who’s overall results were always
top ten in class and she was the student committee’s secretary.

‘Sanghee was a player who possessed a precious recovery skill. Of course, she would
be famous.’

Students who had spotted her started to gather.

Already, the surrounding was getting noisier.

“Senior Sanghee, hello. Sanghoon, hey. But what are you both doing here…”

I wanted to quickly hear them out to send them back.

At my question, the two siblings answered me in perfect unison.

“Eushin, would you like to join the school committee?”

“Jo Eushin, wanna join the basketball club?”

I was speechless by their sudden offer.

“Student Committee? That place works like a dog. Why would you ask Jo Eushin to

“What a way to phrase things. Eushin doesn’t seem interested in basketball, so

wouldn’t it be better to join the student committee that will help his future.”

“What are you even saying. How would you know if Eushin is interested in basketball
or not.”

It was hard to interfere.

“Oh, it’s the strong wind of recovery skill possessor, senior Yoo Sanghee!”

“Didn’t she appear on TV sometimes? For being blessed by the top Araceae.”

“She looks better in real life.”

“She was Sanghoon’s sister… maybe we should ask him to introduce us…”

“Strong wind of recovery skill, the light of wind that heals. What a fitting name.”


Sanghee’s player name was the strong wind of recovery.

But the character they referred to in her name referred to her name wasn’t referring
to light, but madness. Those reckless first years need to learn how to read better.

Meanwhile, Sanghee was listening to the conversation where she was being

She brushed her long hair to the side and turned sideways to give them a neat smile.


“She’s pretty…”

The reaction was explosive.

Sanghoon who had witnessed this made a face of devastation, as though he had seen
an enemy coming to attack.

“Will you please, just leave.”

Sanghoon rubbed his arms as if he had goosebumps.

Sanghee didn’t react and smiled but I’m sure when they got home he wouldn’t
receive a hard slap worth skill level 3 to his back.

In the end, what ended this situation was the class bell.

[Amazing grace how sweet the sound-]

Today’s class bell must be coordinated by the choir committee.

Amazing Grace from the morning.

It was an unusual choice.

The sweet voice of the soprano without any instrument accompaniment changed the
whole feeling in the classroom.

“Well. Think about it and feel free to contact me Eushin.”

“See you later Eushin.”

“Okay senior Sanghee. Bye Sanghoon.

After the two finally returned, and the morning assembly ended.

Ham Geun Hyeong called out to me.

“Do you want to join the Leader’s committee?”

This was the third offer for today.

The student’s committee required an interview process after applying or being


The leader’s committee needed a recommendation from a professor.

It had only been a week but it seems like I had given Ham Geun Hyeong a good

‘Was it because I survived the entrance exam? Or saved Lee Lena? Or because of
Bang Yoon sub?

Or could it possibly be all three?

The only freshman students to have received these recommendations would

probably be Soohyuk, Dain, and myself.

“Thank you for the recommendation. Would it be alright if I took some time to think
about it?”

For unexpected events, the best thing to do was buy time.

“Sure. Think about it.”

The official deadline to submit a committee application was the end of this week.

It was still possible afterward, but the process was complicated.

I had to decide within a week.


As usual, straight after class, I ran to Cheon Ak San.

I wasn’t able to meet Cotton wool but I met someone else.

It was the main heroine of this world, An Dain.

“An Dain…!”
I was running at full speed along the walking route.

She jumped down from the branch of a pine tree and greeted hello as she dusted off
the pine leaves from her hand.

“Hi… You’re Jo Eushin from Year 1 Class 0 right?”

I assumed we would bump into each other one day, but I didn’t think it would be
until March was over.

Dain and I had no commonality, so the only reason she talked to me must be Yuri.

“I heard a lot about you from Yuri. I heard both of you have been friends since


Dain smiled more brightly and beautifully than the flowers blooming behind her.

If Soohyuk saw Dain now he would probably trip and fall again.

“I heard about you from Yuri too. That the nameless supernova is in class 0. Yuri is
the class lead and you’re the vice lead right?”

Dain must treat Yuri as a precious friend.

She was what they commonly referred to as a self-made success.

Her family was below average and there weren’t any players in her area.

There were only two types of people around her.

Those blinded by jealousy over Dain’s beauty and intelligence.

Or those who looked up to her as a god.

‘She didn’t have anyone to call a friend before she met Yuri.’

She met Yuri who transferred into her primary school and her world changed.
The two became best friends, and their friendship continued to their secondary
school and now to Eunkwang high.

“Have you heard anything from Yuri?”

Dain was unable to understand why Yuri volunteered to join class 0.

Because Yuri hides her fears about her esteemed ability even as she dies.

Especially from Dain.

“I don’t think there is anything particularly wrong about class zero. It’s just… I don’t
understand why Yuri would volunteer to go there……”

As a gamer, I knew the reason but decided to change the topic.

“The classrooms are nice because they’re big and wide.”


“My class has less than twenty students, and most of them don’t even come to class.”

Dain’s face darkened.

She realized I wasn’t going to give her the answer she wanted.

“Why does it matter whether you’re in the same class or not. You and Yuri are friends

Dain’s face brightened up slightly at these words.

After seeing Dain relax, I decided to ask her what had been bugging me all this while.

“Have you seen a dog around here?”

“A dog?”

“It’s a dog with white fur…”

“Oh, I saw someone walking it. It seemed to have discomfort in its legs but it was
cute like Cotton wool.”


My mind was puzzled.

No, there might be a similar dog that looked like Cotton wool.

I tried to stay positive.

“I think that’s a dog I know. What does the owner look like?”

“I can’t recall cause I bumped into him while I was training… only that it was a male.”

My positivity dissipated.

Seeing her smile I was certain.

There couldn’t’ be another white dog with a limping leg that could make Dain smile
like that.

Cotton wool must already belong to someone else.

Why? Why did things change from the game?

‘A male owner… I couldn’t even make a wild guess.’

Dain wouldn’t have paid any attention to the dog owner so it will be hard to find out
who the owner is.

Maybe things will be okay since Dain isn’t the one raising Cotton wool so it won’t be
subjected to danger.

This brought an end to my futile search for Cotton wool.

Although I think I might still run Cheon Ak San as it was fun.


Freshman dormitory building.

I was heading to my room through the 17th level shared common resting lounge.

Someone who had been engaged in a conversation with the rest, who were watching
a real variety show via the huge screen that made up one of the walls of the common
lounge, stood up.


It was the Jiik committee head, Siwan.

“Are you busy? Can I drop by your room?”

I didn’t know what it was about but I didn’t have any pressing excuses to decline the
Jiik committee head.

“Ya. Sure.”

Siwan picked up the biggest and fancifully packed box from the table in front of him
and stood up.

“Alright, I’m off. Don’t stay up too late you guys.”

“Yup. Thank you for the snacks.”

“Bye Siwan, see ya.”

“Let’s go, teacher.”

What, teacher?

Looking closely in one corner of the common resting lounge.

Kim Shin Rok, the homeroom teacher of Year 1 class 1 was there.

He was pressing a thumbtack into a pamphlet and securing it to the cork


He must be putting those up in consideration of those who preferred paper over the
He kept the remaining thumb tacks and followed Siwan and me to my room.

‘Kim Shin Rok must have something he wants to discuss as well’.

“The graduating Jiik committee members brought us way too many snacks, so I
brought some over to share with the freshmen. This is especially for you.

It was a box neatly wrapped in traditional parchment.

It had a font printed in a calligraphy style and read “Moon Rabbit Rice Cake’.

It was a luxury store that specialized in rice cakes and was operated by the rabbit
clan form the royal lineage.

It was a gift set from that store.

‘It takes over a month to make a reservation and one box should be worth a few

I opened the box and there were various sized rice cakes wrapped individually.

Baekseolgi, Bupyeon, Songpyeon, Injeolmi, Sirutteok… there were even some rice
cakes that I didn’t know.

“It’s the Jiik hall’s tradition to eat rice cakes during the dormitories orientation and
on the day you move in, but you didn’t come. And I felt bad about the incident from
that day and how I made you say it was a prank.”

It was thanks to Siwan that Lena’s attempted suicide was forgotten without causing
any gossip, but he must have been feeling bad about it all this while.

But why was Kim Shin Rok here?

“Oh, I was on the way when I bumped into him, and he said he wanted to come too.
Professor Kim Shin Rok is the advisor for the Jiik committee.”

“I’m only an advisor by name. All I do is approve documents.”

‘Did the Jiik committee have an advisor?’

I wasn’t all too familiar with the Jiik committee.

There were hundreds of characters in the game but in Eunkwang high, there were at
least two thousand students and staff attending Eunkwang high.

Of course, there were some things not referred to in the game.

‘Siwan was an example. A character whose name didn’t even appear.’

“The falling concrete floor in Fullmago incident’

The incident… that led to mass deaths in the character, the devastating scenario that
had no dream or hope.

It was during a conversation from this incident where the Jiik committee was first
referred to.

[What happened to everyone from the Jiik committee?]

[…They all died.]

After that, no one spoke about the Jiik committee so it was impossible to know what
had happened.

Kim Shin Rok looked at me and spoke with a benevolent look.

“I owe you my life, I’m sorry for thanking you so late.”

“Professor Kim Shin Rok?”

“During the entrance practical exam, you lured the enemy away from me.”

I assumed that the invigilator was dead and planned my strategy as such.

I simply lured it away because I wanted the corpse to at least be in one piece even if
it was dead.

I wasn’t sure if that counted as saving his life.

“Anyone would have done the same in that situation.”

“I’m sure you know that isn’t true.”

Was he referring to Son Minki?

I think he was just the odd one out.

Kim Shin Rok thanked me again with a smile as I stood awkwardly.

“Eushin. Thank you, truly.”

After that, we engaged in a casual conversation.

The taste of the sweet capsule coffee and the moon rabbit rice cake that melted in
my mouth.

I was rather shy as Siwan added on words of encouragement.

Kim Shin Rok continued to share praises.

Even though it was a conversation between a professor and a senior, excluding the
awkwardness when they showered me with praises, it was a comfortable catch up.

“I should go now. Rest up.”

“Yes, goodbye.”

We decided to part ways as the night started creeping in.

Kim Shin Rok shared his wearable device code and told me to contact him if I ever
needed anything.

Before we parted ways, Siwan left me with a question.

“Do you want to join the Jiik committee?”

“I’ll think about it.”

I repeated the same phrase I used multiple times today and said goodbye to Siwan.

I cleared away the empty paper cups and the box of rice cakes and was about to
bring out and turn on the robot vacuum cleaner that was in my bedroom.

When suddenly the living room felt cold.

I looked towards the balcony and saw that it was open.

Someone was standing on the edge of my 17th-floor balcony.


As a reflex, I was about to bring out my esteemed ability but stopped.

Right now I was a player.

Even without my detection skill, my senses were pretty sensitive and acute.

On top of that my specialized skill would sound an alarm if the enemy was nearby.

‘Is that…… ’

The opponent was not an enemy so I couldn’t detect their presence without
activating my esteemed ability.

It was someone who could get past Eunkwang High’s security barriers without being

I was quickly able to narrow it down and guess who it might be.

“Hello, student Jo Eushin.”

It was hard to think that he was a royal lineage when he was being so respectful.

My guess wasn’t wrong.

<’Notification on Red Tiger’s Profile.>

[NAME] Red Tiger

[TITLE] The legend faction tiger clan


[Esteemed ability] Inactive

[CONDITION] The great god’s wrath – skill and esteemed ability have been sealed,
overall skill and ability degraded, predicted to go to hell – (Failed to load partially)

[Overall skill] Lv.45


Red Thunder Lv.8

Red smoke Lv.8

Leap Lv.8

Brightness Lv.8

Roar Lv.8

“Nice to meet you, Red tiger.”

He was the divine tiger whose name was erased from the Myth of Geacheon.

He was the Legend faction’s lineage, Red tiger.

A Jeokho stood on a balcony railing less than half a span.

‘It must be using the Jeokyeon (赤煙) skill right now.’

The red fog around the tiger was an effect that appeared when using Jeokyeon, a skill
that makes the user invisible and increases defense.

They are trying to prevent being recorded by the CCTV monitoring the exterior wall
of the dormitory.

“We received a message from Hwangho. I would like to respond to the transaction
proposed by student Eui-shin Cho.”

“Thank you. In addition to the deal, I’d like to ask you one thing.”

Jeok-ho was deceived by the grieving old lady and committed a deadly sin.

Jeok-ho thought protecting the students from the Silver Light school was part of the
atonement for his sins.

‘I shouldn’t be the one that needs protection.’

Jeokho, a specialist in information collection, seemed to protect me and had the

potential to hide important information.

“Please let me accompany you when dealing with that teacher.”

“An unknown supernova. It is said that you defeated an R+ Wanted Enemy, but the
other person is a teacher in the Silver Light school and is associated with the Ung
Tribe. Having a student take on a dangerous job……”

He took out an item card.

On the day of the dream auction, a failed item received from Ungnyeo.
‘The weight of wealth and life’

It was the item that symbolized Jinwoong Palsun’s will to destroy the gods.

In other words, it is proof that he survived even facing Jin Woong Palsun.

“I’m okay.”

The moment Jeokho saw the card in my hand, red lightning flashed and struck the
night sky.

Screams were heard all over the dorm.

Jeokho, standing in front of the red lightning, jumped off the balcony and walked in
front of me.

“What are you thinking?”

A student who belongs to the new area of Silver Light school and is the subject of

A player who survives face-to-face with the Ung tribe and passes information to

The conflict between the two facts made Joekho appear confused.

His blunt face was harder than usual.

“I will tell you the name of the teacher. Please conduct a survey of the teacher’s
property list and the list of students responsible for the special admissions
personality interview. I will plan the operation according to the results of the

“Student Cho Eui-shin……”

“Please listen to my strategy and decide whether to accompany me.”

Jeokho alternately looked at the “wealth and weight of life” item card in his hand and
his face.
It took a little time, but he nodded a little.


It was done.

“And I also want to know the identity of a parent.”

“Is it related to this job?”

“Yes, a little.”

Considering the behavior of the parents, there will be a high probability of a


There seems to be no direct connection though.

“The teacher’s name is Pyeon-deuk Choi. The parent’s child’s name is Irena. When
the investigation is over, please contact me through the device.”

Finally, he asked what he had in his heart.

“Do you like black?”

“……No, not really.”

Jeokho, who had been hardened by his words, made a stupid face for a moment.

‘When he appeared in the game, he always wore dull black clothes.’

Looking at his outfit today, he seemed to care about fashion, but why did it look like
that in the game?

There were fans who said that they liked it.

Was it bothersome to knit a new game polygon and choose a costume color because
it was a national trash game?

With such impolite thoughts, he saw Jeokho off.


The mysterious red lightning that struck in the middle of the night became a hot
topic for a while.

However, because there were no casualties, people thought someone’s abilities went
berserk for a little bit, and the incident was quickly buried.

It’s was just added to the numerous incidents in the Silver Light schools’ incidents.

“Hwang Ji-ho, thank you.”

“Did you talk to Jeokho?”

“Thanks to you.”

Before the ordinance begins.

Only Hani was in self-study in the front seat in the classroom.

Hani couldn’t hear through her ears, but she lowered her voice a little and chatted
with Hwang Ji-ho.

“Okay, I brought snacks with my gratitude.”

“Oh, this is a moon rabbit rice cake. Every year, I eat well because of the rice cakes
the moon rabbits send.”

Hwang Ji-ho brightened his eyes and accepted the wrapped rice cake.

‘It turns out that the Ho tribe and the To tribe were allies.’

The moon rabbit rice cake set received from Seong Si-wan was so much to eat alone,
so he shared the remaining rice cakes with Kim Yu-ri and Han-i.

Everyone admired the taste of the rice cake, but Hwang Ji-ho in particular enjoyed
the taste throughout the break, his eyes shining.

It was a piece of very useless information, but he found out that the 5,000-year-old
old man loves rice cake very much.
After the ordinance was over, he visited Ham Geun-hyung.

It was a contrast to yesterday where he called him out.

“Mr. Ham Geun-hyung.”

There was no one in the passage leading out of the first-grade building.

“Cho Eui Shin……? Looking at the expression, it doesn’t look like you want to join the
leadership department.”

What was his expression like for him to say that?

Like Sang-hoon Yoo, there seems to be quite a bit of mention about his expression.

He didn’t think that the emotions are particularly revealed on his face.

“You have a face that has something to think about.”

He read his mind again.

Ham Geun-hyung was very tactful.

“I’d like to ask you something.”

“Okay. I understand.”

Did he even know what he was going to ask for to accept it right away?

He stared at him.

“How long do you think I’ve been a player or a teacher? Among the old disciples,
there was a guy that was like you Cho Eui-shin. Admissions practical exam, the Irena
case, the Bang Yoon-seop case. I know just by looking at those three.”

Ham Geun-hyung had his eyes looking at somewhere far away and nostalgic.

Even considering his previous age, Ham Geun-hyung was definitely older.

He didn’t know if it was knowledge about games, but he will have a greater degree of
experience when it comes to dealing with people.

“Tell me, Cho Eui-shin. Do you need my help?”

He felt a little moved.

Ham Geun-hyung was a playable character in the game.

Among the teachers, he was the quickest to understand and help Joo Soo-hyuk and
An da-in.

‘When I saw it in the game, I thought about where in the world there was a teacher
who could communicate this much.’

Both Jegal Jae-gul and Kim Shin-rok are good teachers, but they died early in the
game, so they did not contribute much.

Ham Geun-hyung survived for a relatively long time and, from the perspective of a
teacher, lent his hand without thinking deeply about any help he could give.

“I will explain in detail with the device.”

He asked before leaving Ham Geun-hyung.

“Who was that old student?”

Similar to him.

He was a little worried.

“……The guy who made Jiikhoe 15 years ago.”

Was he talking about the student council president who drove out the board director
and the dormitory director?

Since Ham Geun-hyung answered and turned his back, he couldn’t see what
expression he had while talking.

Jeokho’s findings arrived in one day.

The three materials he asked for.

A list of students in charge of the special screening personality interview of Choi


Choi Pyeon-deuk’s property details.

Irena’s parents’ identity.

The personality interviews also indicated whether they passed or failed, and among
the four passing candidates, there were names he was looking for.

Two illegal admissions.

One student who is inferior to those who were admitted for illegally.

The remaining one is the playable character Maeng Hyo-don.

‘Out of these four, the only student who can get into the Silver Light school is Maeng

The special screening is determined by the achievements of the preliminary player

in the Youth Sports Competition.

Maeng Hyo-don was one of the strongest who confronted Joo Soo-hyuk several times
in the finals.

Currently, however, Maeng Hyo-don has never been to school and has been sold as a
fighting slave to the “Fight Club” run by Choi Pyeon-deuk to pay off his father’s
entertainment debt.

‘The reason he passed Maeng Hyo-don was to sell the brand of being an active Silver
Light student.’

Maeng Hyo-don only had his father after his mother passed at an early age.

The unemployed father used up the remaining wealth with alcohol, gambling, and
entertainment, and used abusive language and violence on Maeng Hyo-don.
‘Maeng Hyo-don wasn’t exactly smart, but he was excellent at physical things that
used his body and cherished his only family.’

Because of that, Maeng Hyo-don just listened to his father’s swear words and
suffered violence without rebuke.

He participated in the sports competitions to earn money for his father’s liquor.

‘Pyun-deuk Choi knew that Maeng Hyo-don’s father was going through the gambling
house, and he thought that his excellent fighting skills would bring in money. He
seems to have a good idea of how to make money.’

I’ll use this one to save him.

If it is as planned, in the second year, Joo Soo-hyuk destroys the fight club and saves
Maeng Hyo Don.

In addition to that, like the great-grandson of the Chuo Group, he even pays off all the
debts of Maeng Hyo-don in a cool way.

‘I have no intention of waiting until then.’

The next thing he checked was the list of Choi Pyeon Deuk’s properties.

The first thing he checked were five buildings owned by Choi Pyeon-deuk in the
Silver Light District.

‘There is an Ung tribe in one of these five places. I have to deal with it along with
Choi Pyeon-deuk.’

Choi Pyeon deuk was a son of a bitch, but he wasn’t incompetent.

Although he has a bad reputation among students, he has excellent administrative

ability, and his ability to manipulate documents is fantastic.

‘In terms of ability alone, the Choi Pyeon Deuk is several times higher than Byeon
Sun Hoe of the Dream Gate.’

Choi Pyeon-deuk knew how to get along with the board of directors, be weak to the
strong, and hide his malice from a righteous teacher like Jegal Jae-gul.
He was regarded as a sincere teacher with excellent administrative work ability,
although his class evaluation was poor among teachers.

And in this case, the Ung was deeply involved, and they were not bystanders like
Ung-nyeo of grief.

‘The plan is ready to solve this case.’

He organized the plans he had thought of and sent them to Jeokho.

Jeok-ho sent an OK sign, although it took some time to answer.

[Today, it is expected to rain all over the country. In particular, in Seoul and Gyeonggi
provinces, heavy rains with strong winds, thunder, and lightning are expected from
the evening, so care should be taken to avoid rain damage. The Seoul-Gyeonggi
Airbus Corporation has announced that it will stop operating Airbus from 9 am.
From the daytime tomorrow, the rain will stop and the chilly flower spring will


Friday morning.

He heard rain pouring out the window of his dorm room.

He wondered if it would stop later, but when he checked the forecast, the forecast
says rain would not stop tonight and it would actually be coupled with strong winds
and thunder.

‘It’s raining too much.’

Today is the day he decided to meet Jeokho and attack Choi Pyeon Deuk.

In the worst case, he was willing to risk embarrassment and show the world again,
the “The Red Monster.”

Because of the rain, The Red dragon’s power will be halved, and Yum Jun-yeol’s
condition will be poor so his level will drop.

‘Even if there is no red monster, there are other means.’

He took his umbrella and headed to school.

Today is the last day of the application date for sub-activities.

It was also a day when he had to respond to the invites for the sub-activities he had

He tried to respond to the Yu’s sibling’s recommendation by sending a message with

his device.

However, Yoo Sang-hee said that she would come to the classroom to see each
other’s faces, and Yoo Sang-hoon came to him immediately before saying anything
because he was closeby in the next classroom.

“I decided to join another club. I’m sorry even though you gave me an invite, Senior
Yoo Sang-hee. I’m sorry, Yoo Sang-hoon.”

Eventually, he had to go face to face and reject Yoo Sang-hee’s student council and
Yoo Sang-hoon’s recommendation to the basketball team.

“Why are you apologizing. If you want to play basketball, come to play anytime.”

From the beginning, Yoo Sang-hoon wasn’t very greedy.

Anyway, it doesn’t matter if it’s not a side activity if it’s playing basketball together.

Yoo Sang-hee looked a little disappointed, however.

“Yes, I’m fine. Rather, I’m sorry for making you apologize like this.”

Those who were watching Yoo Sang-hee from afar booed me in a playful way.

It is the sound of resentment that shaded her neat face.

“And call me Sanghee noona, Euishin.”


Suddenly, the sound of resentment grew.

He didn’t think it was done in a playful manner this time.

Yoo Sang-hoon stumbled with a dark expression as if swallowing mold.

“She said Sang-hee noona. Sanghee noona…… Ouch!”

Yoo Sang-hee pretended to lean on Yoo Sang-hoon’s arm and stabbed his side with
her hand.

He decided to rescue poor Yoo Sang-hoon.

He would get beat up when he goes home either way but.

“Sang-hee noona. It’s raining, and you have to take the ground bus so it’s not too late.
Please head on home.”

“……Yeah! Euishin. See you next time.”

“Yes, goodbye.”

He wasn’t ready to call a high school student hyung or noona yet.

If he thought of this as a senior who attended this school before him, he didn’t care
about the age, so calling them a senior was okay.

‘It’s subtle…… ’

Anyway, Yoo Sang-hee disappeared with a satisfied face.

Yoo Sang-hoon muttered ‘he said Sang-hee noona’ without knowing my efforts and
looked at me with his eyes looking at a moldy bread.

Okay. Go home and get beat up by Yoo Sang-hee.

After seeing the Yu siblings off and entering the first-grade class 0 classroom, there
was still time until the ordinance.

Only four students attended school today, whose class ‘On-time attendance’ of the
1st grade was unclear.
Due to the small number of people, we, who became quite friendly, chatted on the
topic of sub-activities.

“I was asked by Dain to join the student council. Even when I was in girls’ middle
school, I was a member of the student council.”

When he was in middle school, Andain was the student council chairman and Kim
Yuri was the student vice president.

Because she has experience in student council activities, he thought Kim Yu-ri
decided to join the student council with Andain.

‘Is the student association then Yoo Sang-hee, Kim Yu-ri, and Anda-in?’

Then, he thought Joo Soo-hyuk will enter the leadership team just like in the game.

Since the leadership team missed Andain, Joo Soo-hyuk will never be let go.

“Hani entered the Taehokwon small group, right?”

“Yeah. I decided on the first day.”

Hani nodded at Kim Yuri’s question.

This was as expected.

The problem was the one remaining, Hwang Jiho.

He decided to use this flow to figure out where he was going.

“Hwang Ji-ho, where are you going?”

“It’s troublesome to decide, so I’ll go wherever you go.”

Was he planning on following him?

He had a face that he hated blatantly, but Hwang Jiho seemed to like his expression
very much.

“Take care of me well in the sub-activities.”


Even if he hides where he will go from here, he will be able to check the documents
for sub-activities with the authority of the chairman at any time.

In addition, even after this week, the period of membership in the club, mid-term
membership is recognized if the sub-activities advisors and executives of the sub-
activities approve.

It seemed that going into the same sub-activity as Hwang Jiho was all but certain.


But if he moved with him, he might end up being useful in some way or another.

Hwang Ji-ho asked as not knowing what he was thinking on the inside, with shining
his eyes.

“So where are you going? Cho Eui-shin.”

There were a total of four places where he got an offer.

Student Association, Basketball Team, Leadership Team, Intellectual Association. He

declined all offers.

“The newspaper department.”

Hwang Ji-ho and Kim Yu-ri both expressed surprises at his answer.

He had no intention of going into the sub-activities either, but he couldn’t help it.

Meanwhile, the class bell rang.

‘Today’s first-class is the Jeux d’eau from the label, the play of water.’

A melody that sounds like a water fairy dancing on a piano keyboard.

Listening to this song and watching the rain outside the window made him feel
‘If I think about what’s going to happen in the future, I hope the rain stops quickly……

It was the first day it rained after attending the Silver Light High school.

It seemed like the broadcasting department prepared the first rain special class,
there were only songs related to rain and water.

‘The school is peaceful.’

As time passed, the rain became stronger and stronger.


23 o’clock.

It is the time he promised with Jeokho.

Outside, the recommendation to ban the use of air boards and air shuttles fell, and
the Air Hotel was also hitting thunder and lightning due to severe rain and wind that
landed on the hotel site.

‘He arrived right on time.’

Jeokho appeared in front of his balcony right on time.

Because Jeokho was wrapped in Jeokyeon, he had neither an umbrella nor a

raincoat, but he wasn’t wet at all.

“Student Cho Eui-shin, do you really intend to accompany me?”

Hearing and agreeing to my strategy, but still hesitating.

One hour later, it is the birthday of Choi Pyeon-deuk or X-Day where they will
execute the operation.

He was going to use his birthday party to score points with Jeokho.

“Yes. I want to give him a birthday present…… No, I want to give him more than that.”
There was also a ‘bonus’ to attain as well.
There are many ways to insult the pride of a group.

A method that has been used frequently since ancient times is to defile the group’s
land and symbols.

A typical example is tearing the flag or overturning their family graves and building a
facility on top of it.

Silver Light district, Seoul was an area that belonged to the tiger tribe.

In the Silver Light district, Silver Light High school was the center of the area.

The Ung tribe, hating the gods, newcomers, and the tiger tribe, tried to insult the
new areas, Silver Light district, and Silver Light High school.

“Did you know student Cho Eui-shin? That dirty work was being done right in front
of our tiger tribe’s new area, Silver Light high school.”

If Jeokho, an expert in information gathering, targets Choi Pyeon deuk, he would

have figured out everything.

A small red spark crackled around Jeokho, who couldn’t hold back his emotions.

“To think a teacher in the Silver Light high school would do that……!”

Choi Pyeon-deuk was secretly operating several decadent businesses in front of the
Silver Light high school.

As a teacher of the high school, he had high credibility and had many connections, so
it was easy to deceive the eyes of Silver Light district Office and Seoul Metropolitan
Office of Education.

“There was no clear evidence.”

If the game progressed normally, the protagonist and the party will succeed in
purifying the Silver Light district around next year.

From a gamer’s standpoint, it was clear that Choi Pyeon-deuk was the culprit, but
the protagonist and the party missed all of the evidence.

So he had to be more cautious.

“There is a high possibility that Choi Pyeon-deuk is holding hands with other tribes
besides the Ung.”


He saw a red lightning strike through the balcony window.

Like last time, he heard screams all over the dorm.

“If Jin Woong Palsun joins forces, it will be possible to break through the barriers of
the high school and infiltrate an Enemy after turning hurting a teacher in a short
time. However, the only thing that Jinwoong Palsun is related to is the disappearance
of the Sawol Seum.”

And now, of the unsuccessful attempts to annihilate the deities, two of Jinwoong
Palsuns have lost their minds, and three are in deep sleep.

There is no room for them to attempt to breach the Silver Light high school barrier.

The same is true of the disappearance of Sawol Seum.

Excluding for the fact that Ung Nyeo of grief made a sterling silver coin of oath of
silence and sold it to the Hwanmong auction, the greatest power of the Ung,
Jinwoong Palsuns becomes virtually irrelevant.

“One of the Jin tribes belonging to the Alliance of the 12 must have betrayed the
Tiger tribe.”

The Alliance of the 12.

About 100 years ago, the first alien conflict occurred on this Korean Peninsula.
As the Jin tribes existed in this world and the room for intervention increased, the Jin
tribes, the incarnations of 12 animals revered on the Korean Peninsula, established a
non-aggression treaty on the Korean Peninsula.

‘The Jin tribes belonging to the alliance decided to create a barrier. ’

The Alliance of the 12 contributed to the creation of defensive barriers that would
protect the foundation of their Jin tribes.

The defensive barrier of this Silver Light high school, where the gods of the Tiger
tribe came down, was a joint work of the Alliance of the 12.

In other words, the intrusion that occurred during the Silver Light high school
entrance examination practical test was the result of someone among the Jin tribes
belonging to the Alliance of the 12 betraying the Tigers and siding with the Ung.

“……You even know about the Alliance of the 12.”

Jeok-ho closed his eyes for a moment and pondered. Somehow, the appearance of
being immersed in that thought reminded him of Ung nyeo in grief.

It was a very short time, but when he was thinking, Jeokho replied.

“Okay, Cho Eui-shin. Let us go together.”

The title was changed from ‘ Student Cho Eui-shin’ to ‘Cho Eui-shin’.

He guessed he made up his mind about how to treat him.

Jeokho will treat him as a player to solve this case in the future.

He replied with a willing smile.

“Thank you very much. Jeokho.”


Education Environment Protection Act, abbreviated Education Environment Act.

The enforcement decree of this law stipulates “educational environment protection

areas” and “school purification areas”.

An area up to 50 meters in a straight line from the school entrance is an absolute

protected area, and an area up to 200 meters in a straight line from the school
boundary, except for an absolute protected area, is a relatively protected area.

In other words, 200 meters around the Silver Light high school on the roughly 400-
acre school site is an educational environment protection area.

In order to protect the health, hygiene, and safety of students and the learning and
educational environment, some facilities and businesses are prohibited from
entering this area.

‘It’s closer to the school than expected.’

On the ground corresponding to the educational environment protection zone.

A mansion across from an ordinary building without a sign.

On the roof, He and Jeokho were standing.

‘Even if you check with the map built into the device, that building is in the school
purification area.’

In front of the school, an educational environment protection zone.

Just thinking that there was a decadent establishment established by a teacher here
hurt his head.

‘It is illegal even if it is not an educational environment protection zone. He has some

It wasn’t that he had balls, it almost seemed like he was crazy.

What are you doing at the area where the mythical Tiger tribe is located, even if the
Ung had his back? When Joo Soo-hyuk, who became a sophomore in the game,
attacked to get Maeng Hyo-don, he didn’t know that it was this close because there
was only a description that he was near the Silver Light high school.

“Cho Eui-shin, what are you going to do?”

“Of course, we have to go inside.”

“Will you use Jeokyeon to enter?”

Jeokho had brought him to this point using Jeokyeon to protect him.

‘Thanks to it, I didn’t feel a single drop of rain even during this storm.’

If he used Jeokyeon to infiltrate like this, they will not be able to see him.

But for his plan, he had to show himself.

“Yes. Until we get inside. After that, I’ll fool their eyes with my Kwanglim. I will use it
right now in advance.”

This would be the first time he would be using Kwanglim in front of someone else,
but if it was Jeokho, he could trust him.

Wearing a mask prepared in advance and a modulator that changed the tone of his
voice, he used Kwanglim.

The character he was going to use today was well-known, so he needed to hide his
face and voice.

<Using Kwanglim, ‘Players trajectory’.>

A character card flowed out of his fingertips, then turned into light and wrapped
around his body.

Jeokho, who covered his face with a mask, realized that his physique and overall stat
level had changed significantly, and his eyes widened a little.

“Let’s go.”

He and Jeokho covered in Jeokyeon, completely erased their appearance and tracks,
and entered the building easily.

This was a power of the Jin tribe after all.

It was regrettable that Jeokho was not a playable character.

If he could use a player’s trajectory, stealth and information collection would be a
piece of cake.


The inside of the building owned by Choi Pyeon-deuk, which was an ordinary
building in appearance, was unexpected.

Camouflage offices up to the 4th floor.

From the 5th floor, it was only possible to enter the special elevator by providing a

‘He certainly put in a lot of work.’

This place was operated entirely by membership.

The fifth floor was a gambling room.

The sixth floor was escort services.

The seventh floor was a fight club.

The eighth floor was a VIP room.

Above all that was the rooftop.

The whole building was very corrupt.

It was a revised version of the word, meaning that the customs and discipline were
all messed up.

Cigarette smell was everywhere, and people enjoying the corruption and
entertainment while drinking alcoholic beverages and champagne were overflowing.

‘I guess doing this in front of the most prestigious high school in the country, your
sense of superiority and immorality will be heightened.’

Most of the members here were players.

However, all of them were weaker players than the Silver Light first grade students.

15% of the nation are players, but only about 500 of those players are capable of
attending Silver Light High school every year.

In other words, this building can be seen as a result of distorted desire and


He heard the crackling sound of the Jeokho’s teeth, which was adjusted so that only
his eyes could see it through Jeokyeon, and when he turned around, he could see his
hands shaking softly.

A spark came out from Jeokho’s fingertips, who saw two people acting obscene right
in front of him.


He grabbed the fingertips of Jeokho and whispered quietly.

The physique of the person he transformed into now was similar to that of Jeokho, so
he could easily stop him.

“If you run wild here, even if we catch Choi Pyeon-deuk, we will lose the Ung and the

He looked down at him with bloody eyes.

Jeokho let out a deep sigh and breathed deeply.

He replied after blinking his eyes very slowly.


“It’s okay. Let’s hurry.”

It may seem a little unnatural, but he pushed the back of the invisible Jeokho and
climbed the stairs.
Luckily, Jeok-ho took control of his temper and just captured the scene in his eyes.

‘This is it.’

They arrived at the fight club on the 7th floor.

In the middle of the floor, there were large rings and holographic windows.

The holographic clock was counting the time left until midnight today.

‘I think they will start the game at midnight, right on the birthday of Choi Pyeon-

As he discussed with Jeokho in advance, they decided to split up and look around.

As he looked toward Jeokho, Jeokho nodded lightly to respond and disappeared.

‘Jeongho seems to have calmed down, so he’ll do well.’

He started moving for the ‘dom’ he was looking for.

While he was wandering the 7th floor of the fight club.

He saw a strange image of him reflected in the window.

Front tinted glass window to prevent the inside from being seen from the outside.

There was an image of himself borrowing the physique of an adult, wearing a crow

It looked very suspicious, but the majority of the people in this decadent building
were wearing masks, so it was not noticeable.

‘My head hurts…… ’

It was dizzying to see all kinds of nasty sights, but he had to find him before 12

Because of the partitions, he wandered for a few minutes on the maze-like floor.
Then he stopped at the most corner room on the floor.

He found the person he was looking for through the open door.

‘Found him……!’

For a boy at the age of 17, he was short.

‘He seems to be shorter than Sawol Seum. Even though I think he would weigh more
because of his muscles.’

The boy was mechanically taping over his fist, gazing out the rainy window. He had a
blank face, but when he looked at his sharp eyes, he was immediately recognized.

‘It’s no mistake, it’s Maeng Hyo-don.’

Maeng Hyo-don.

A boy whose father, who is the only family left, bears all the debts made by alcohol,
gambling, and women.

Maeng Hyo-don became a fight slave in the back alley through the scheme of the
teacher, Choi Pyeon-deuk.

‘Choi Pyeon-deuk that motherfucker…… ’

Fight Club is between players who became slaves.

Or between the Enemy and the player.

It was the place where the corrupt shitty hobby took place.

‘Did they make him wear a school uniform and fight?’

He, who was a fight slave, was wearing a school uniform.

Maeng Hyo-don was wearing a black shirt, a dark gray jacket, and a Silver Light
school uniform.

In addition, he wore an acrylic nameplate engraved with his name.

It will be to sell the Silver Light brand here.

Maeng Hyo-don, who had never participated in the entrance ceremony or class, was
fighting a lonely fight in his school uniform to pay off his father’s entertainment debt.

“What is this.”

Looking at the small seat Maeng Hyo-don was sitting on, he went into the
unprecedented waiting room and closed the door.

Maeng Hyo-don, who felt his presence, looked at him and said a word.

“Crazy, why are you looking at me with those eyes. Do you want to die? If you want to
be sympathetic, do that with money.”

Maeng Hyo-don, the headstrong boy, was a little rough. For the most swearing
headstrong boy, he decided to become an old man.

“You, why are you fighting in this place?”

“It’s not your business, so fuck off.”

“Debt is not inherited unless you want it. You know that? That children don’t have to
pay their parents’ debts.”

“What are you talking about, you old ass piece of shit!”

He jumped up from his seat. He had the momentum to run at him.

“Do you really think what you do now is filial piety? Giving your father money to buy
alcohol, to gamble, to buy pleasure?”

“……Shut up and get out of the way before I kill you!”

Maeng Hyo-don seemed to be furious but hesitating.

He must have felt it while fighting in this hell.

That the father only sees himself as a bank.

That he did not love him as a parent would a child.

“Why are you still here.”

One of the biggest reasons Maeng Hyo-don couldn’t get out of this hell.

Because he didn’t think there was anyone to help or save him.

Fighting genius Maeng Hyo-don is a 17-year-old boy who was raised by fighting the
battlefield without being loved at all from his parents, unable to adjust to school.

To appease that loneliness, he was holding on to a father and giving money to him.

‘I wish I could see other places.’

Maeng Hyo-don’s school uniform was clean and well ironed.

It must have gotten dirty and torn in the fight, but there were traces of sewing and
washing with poor skills.

He didn’t think it was because he wanted to show off to the crowd his Silver Light
school uniform in this messy battlefield.

“Don’t you want to go to school?”

Maeng Hyo-don distorted his face and lowered his head without an answer.

He took a long breath, then raised his head and shouted.

“You, Who are you, you bitch……!”

Here, it was necessary to gain the trust of Maeng Hyo-don.

A suspicious guy who doesn’t know his face or name helped him, and he’s not the
one who will accept the help and thank a stranger.

‘I have to honestly answer who I am.’

He had to risk revealing his identity.

But he believed in Maeng Hyo-don.

It is Maeng Hyo-don who served Joo Soo-hyuk with fierce loyalty until his death
because he was saved by him.

“Silver Light High School, first grader, 0 class, Cho Eui-shin, your class vice

He showed his Silver Light school electronic student ID.

In the remarks column on the bottom of the student ID, it was written as ‘Vice-
President for Grade 1 Class 0’.
“Our class…… Vice President……”

Maeng Hyo-don blankly looked at his student ID.

Unconsciously, he was grasping the hem of his blazer.

The stiff school uniform was pushed by his power and began to wrinkle.

“……Why would an asshole like the vice president come here for? And you, you look
different from your picture. You look really old for your age.”

“Of course I am in disguise. Hey, go to school. Our class attendance rate is too low.”

It was an adult character that he used as the target of the player’s trajectory to

It was natural that the half-visible face between the mask and the body did not
appear as a first-year in high school

“Silver Light high school doesn’t care about the attendance, you graduate regardless.
Why are you caring about the attendance rate”

“Our homeroom teacher cares. I think the class leader also cares.”

“So what. I don’t even know both of their faces.”

“If you are curious, come and check it yourself.”

“Bitch, I am not curious.”

It was a conversation that the students in the ordinary 0 class of Silver Light would
When he was thinking about that.

Maeng Hyo-don suddenly shut his mouth and bowed his head and said.

“Anyways I can’t. Fuck off.”

“I know. When you go outside, there is a ‘chase team’, right?”

Maeng Hyo-don trembled.

“……Did you know? The vice president, your personality is pretty dog shit.”

Maeng Hyo-don’s head gradually went down.

He handed out an item card to him.

“Break the biggest window and jump out of the ring right before you get in the ring.
Use this item card to land.”

The item card he gave him was the ‘Low-grade Wind Spirit’s Wing Powder’.

It gave the user the ability to fly in the air for 5 seconds.

It was an item used often when landing from a high place.

However, Maeng hyo don did not take the item card.

“You already know. The chase team! That dozens of Jin tribe bitches will chase after
me! I can’t go out or run away before I pay my debts……”

His words slowly faded away.

His spirit full of anger he felt when he saw him the first time was gradually fading.

“Maeng hyo don.”

He tapped Maeng Hyo-don’s shoulder.

His height was short, but his shoulders were full of muscles, like a master of fighting.
Still, he didn’t feel like he had energy.

Maeng Hyo-don was his playable character who went on to attack the other world
with a smile on his shoulder with Joo Su-hyuk.

He didn’t want to see something like this.

He tapped on the shoulder of Maeng Hyo-don to make him look up, and forced him
to hold the item card in his hand.

“After jumping down, run to the Silver Light school gate, the front gate.”

Maeng Hyo-don’s keen eyes, looking at him talking with confidence, were shaking a

He no longer swore or blamed.

“It’s not just me. There are others……”

Maeng Hyo-don, who heard all of my words, had a look of distrust but was holding
the item card tightly.


As it approached midnight, the fight club on the 7th floor became busy.

The number of people gradually increased, and those dressed as waiters began to
carry champagne in glasses.

‘It looks like its starting soon.’

He mixed in with the others and sat on a sofa near the ring.

Fruit canapes and a glass of champagne were laid out naturally as he sat down.

On top of that, he shook his hand at the woman in the bunny girl outfit, who had
served him, trying to sit next to him and stared at the ring.

‘You use a minor as a fight slave in a fight club, and you drink and play with a woman
in front of him?’
In the game, it was censored, so there was no detailed description, and he did not
know well.

The dream auction guys at least pretended to be noble, but there was nothing like
that here.

No matter how much he dug, only more trash came out so would it be called

Even today, the world was wide and there was a lot of garbage.

‘It’s time.’


The date has changed.

As soon as the day changes, the mirror ball turns round and round with multiple

In line with the operation of the Mirror Ball, a happy birthday song that was crudely
remade with EDM flowed.

“Today is the owner’s birthday, everyone. It’s time to toast!”

People were greeted with cheers as the moderator, who had only a bow tie on with
briefs, climbed onto the ring.

He couldn’t believe what he had just seen.

‘Oh, my eyes!’

The strong should always give notice before they show off their intentions.

Where was the notice?

He closed his mouth and tried to think of beautiful things and good things in his

‘I’m doomed, I can’t think of any,’

All he could remember was the head of Maeng Hyo-don, who couldn’t say anything
and was gripping the item card tightly.

While he was breathing deeply, a large hologram was deployed over the ring.

‘It’s Choi Pyeon-deuk……!’

In the screen, Choi Pyeon-deuk wore a mask with a birthday cake as a motif and was
dressed as ugly as the moderator.

When the happy birthday song was over, the moderator started again.

“There was an unpleasant incident in the New Year, but we are here avoiding all
danger. You guys know that this is all thanks to the owner right?”

Many of the guys here were involved in the dream auction.

It was a case where hundreds of people were caught at once.

Of course, there were people who escaped like Choi Pyeon-deuk, but there must have
been some who were treated generously.

‘It won’t be that way this time.

Excluding some of the employees, all of them are the players.

At least all the players will be permanently expelled, and those who have already
been permanently expelled will face criminal penalties.

“There will be a battle to commemorate the owner’s birthday! A Fight with a boy
player who fights against the Jin tribe with his bare hands!”

The shadow of Maeng Hyo-don was seen across the ring.

What he saw on the other side……

It was a monster that looked similar to Rinoseron that he had defeated on the
entrance exam.

“In the blue corner, the owner’s specially recruited the Ung’s pet beast! Pet-type
monster species, Rinoseron #109! It is said to be an Enemy that is several times
stronger than the one who attacked the Silver Light school’s practical exam!”

What did he just say?

Are all the people here even after they knew that the owner has a relationship with
the Ung, the ones responsible for the ambush on Silver Light’s practical exam?

He didn’t know that incident was boasted about like this.

“In the red corner, the guy who everyone who has loved Fight Club knows! A
superpower who survived even though his arm was almost cut off! The owner of the
stubbornness who stood on the ring until the end even though his stomach was
pierced, the madman who survived even though both legs were crushed by evil

They’ve made a first-year in high school fight to that extent.

The crazy guy wasn’t Maeng Hyo-don, but the guys here.

“In the red corner is South Korea’s best prestigious school elite player. From Silver
Light High school Maeng Hyo-don!

The spotlight shone on Maeng Hyo-don.

He didn’t get on the ring.

But he didn’t even run toward the window.

Maeng Hyo-don was just bowing his head under the dazzling light.


Is he hesitating now coming all this way?

He looked at Maeng Hyo-don with anxiety in the crowd.

‘What is he doing? Jump quickly!’

If Maeng Hyo-don does not escape here, the plan must be completely revised.
In some cases, it may be necessary to postpone the operation today.

It was not common for Choi Pyeon-deuk and the VIPs of all the businesses he ran to
gather in one place.

‘Once I postpone the plan, I would have to wait for half a year……!’

At that moment.

Maeng Hyo-don raised his head and shouted out loud.

A louder sound than the voice of the moderator talking with a microphone emanated
from the small body.

“I’m leaving now, you bastards!”

Maeng Hyo-don ran toward the front window like an animal.

Even though it was indoors, it seemed that he could hear the sound breaking
through the wind.



“What, what happened!”


When Maeng Hyo-don broke the brightly colored tempered glass and jumped down,
the rain and wind began to rush into the room.

It happened so quickly that the audience screamed in the glass pieces and rain,
unable to escape.

‘Good job, Maeng Hyo-don!’

He stood up with a smile.

It was time for him to move in return for his courage.

He slowly walked towards the ring.

Little by little, he got closer to Choi Pyeon-deuk, who fluttered across the screen.

“How dare he…… Catch him! He doesn’t even know the grace of me feeding him and
giving him a place to sleep! Send a chase team out right now! Today’s show is going
to be a high school student show that will be eaten by the beast!”

“Owner, the chase team has left now!”

With the words of the moderator who turned on the device, he saw dozens of Enemy
start to run out of the broken window.

The Enemy were all part of the Jin tribe.

To be precise, the culprit who almost killed Kim Shin-rok, who was the supervisor at
the entrance exam for Silver Light, and released a pet-type beast in front of a middle
school student.

They are likely to be related to the ‘Beast trainer Ung tribe.’

‘It’s done.’

With this, the chase team protecting this building was removed.

The operation was progressing step by step as planned.

‘Cho Eui-shin, I have fulfilled all your instructions. This side is ready.’

Jeokho’s voice was heard from the earrings.

Hearing that, he jumped onto the ring.

The presenter, who had been talking with Choi Pyeon-deuk, looked at him and
looked confused.

“Oh, sir? You shouldn’t come up here……”

He saw Choi Pyeon-deuk in an ugly outfit smiling brightly behind the mask.
His eyes felt like it was rotting, but he was in a refreshed mood thinking of giving him
his birthday present.

“Owner, happy birth…… not happy birthday, but here is the gift regardless.”

His actions and his words were so strange.

Thanks to that, He guessed he was behind the escape incident that just happened.

Choi Pyeon-deuk, who was opening his mouth, made a loud voice.

“This, this, this rascal how dare you. Do you know who I am!”

“Of course. You are Choi Pyeon-deuk.”

When he said Choi Pyeon-deuk’s name, the whole floor was fluttered about.

Some were already ready for battle.

“Ho-How dare he mention the owner’s name!”

“Oh my!”

All you need, to do nasty behavior is anonymity.

And the owner who was in contact with the people of authority.

Is it because the guys here think that?

Choi Pyeon-deuk himself and his followers were angry, even though he only called
his name.

Some people were ready for battle.

However, fighting inside was strictly forbidden, so they hesitated and stared at him.

A similar situation developed when Joo Soo-hyuk started raging in the game.’

He kept talking to Choi Pyeon-deuk in the hologram.

“I know you are upstairs. Choi Pyeon-deuk.”

“Again, how dare you, how dare you call my name. Where do you think you are right
now! Who do you think I am! Huh, someone who doesn’t know anything. Alright,
come then!”

Excited Choi Pyeon-deuk woke up roughly from the seat.

His word “come then” seemed lax at first glance, but it was a remark that was heavily

‘The VIP room is so thorough that it is difficult to penetrate even with Jeokho’s
Jeokyeon. There will also be an escape portal. The upper floor is the place that Choi
Pyeon-deuk made the most effort.’

Of course, he had no intention of going upstairs full of traps.

“Hey Choi Pyeon-deuk, you know this is an illegal building.”

Looking at the real estate register, this building is a simple shopping mall.

It was not a player accommodation building.

The building laws of this world are a little different from Korea as he knew them.

In this world, more rigorous screening and high design strength were required for
the player-accommodating building to withstand the player’s abilities.

Thanks to this, the construction unit cost and construction period were four or five
times that of a general building.

‘But the player’s ability is so powerful that when it is smashed, it will be smashed.’

The Silver Light gym, which was built under the strict screening and thorough design
and supervision, would also be destroyed often by students’ competitions.

‘There, Choi Pyeon-deuk even illegally renovated this simple shopping mall building.’

Comparing the building blueprint obtained by Jeokho and the actual building, it was
confirmed that Choi Pyeon-deuk made illegal extensions to the flying construction in
order to save money in the middle.

So the weight that this decadent building can withstand.

The limitations of the load design were extremely low.

“Having an illegal building and to make it worse having poor construction done on it,
you take dozens of Enemies that each weighs over 1 ton and make them run around
on the high floors? You are crazy.”

He laughed at the incontinence appearing on the wall.

The collapse was already progressing little by little.

This is scary because of safety insensitivity.

‘Because you guys are players, do you think you will be okay if the building

As if guessing what he would like to say and what he was going to do soon, Choi
Pyeon-deuk fluttered.

He did not wait for his reply.

“Choi Pyeon deuk, receive your birthday present!”

Maeng Hyo-don jumped out of the window.

As soon as he jumped, he immediately regretted it.

“Vice president you fucking bitch!”

The moment the window was broken, dozens of Enemy and Ung family chasers
waiting on the roof of the building began to pursue Maeng Hyo-don.

When Enemy approached, it was natural that the player SAT-K reacted, but the
association satellites were always unresponsive to the families of the Ung tribe.

‘I almost died trying to kill one!’

The chasers were made up of the same kind as the Enemies that Maeng Hyo-don had
fought dozens of times at the fight club.

He almost died of shock from excessive bleeding several times while fighting the

Although he was healed with a recovery item, the price set for the item was several
times higher than the market price, resulting in a large debt.

As a result, Maeng Hyo-don had to play more dangerous games, and the debt
increased again.

He got just fell deeper and deeper.

“Damn it!”

One Enemy ran toward Maeng Hyo-don’s arm.

He rolled and barely avoided it, but he couldn’t run like this.
Suddenly he was surrounded.

“What is this……”

The Enemy did not immediately run at Maeng Hyo-don.

They were just growling for a long time and staring at Maeng Hyo-don.

They seemed to laugh at him in a miserable situation.

“Are you planning on playing with me, Enemy sons of bitches!”


Maeng Hyo-don’s scream rang in the streets at night, mixed with the sound of

‘I will at least kill a few before you catch me.’

Maeng Hyo-don pledged that way, and he was ready to fight.

Desperate moments and volatile situations continued.


Dozens of arrows of light came from somewhere.

All the arrows fixed the Enemy’s legs onto the ground.

As if protecting Maeng Hyo don.

‘Where the hell……!’

The place where the arrow flew from was the school gate of the Silver Light high

‘…… In this rain, in this darkness, through a strong wind, you hit dozens of shots?’

The streets were pitch-black, and the rain was pouring down enough to hurt his skin,
and the wind was blowing enough to stagger the trees on the street.
No matter how well he handled his abilities, the skill level was unexplainable.

It was something he couldn’t do other than the question.

He asked himself if he was seeing hallucinations right now.

[Silver Light school gate, run to the front gate]

What came to mind with the question was the words of the vice-president.

The voice of the Vice-president Cho Eui-Shin, who was disguised as an old man,
hovered in my ear.

Maeng Hyo-don got up again and started running through the rain.

Swoosh, swoosh!

Roar, roar!

While Maeng Hyo-don was running, arrows of light constantly poured out toward
the Enemy.

As if there were no rain, wind, and lightning, arrows of light penetrated the Jin tribe’s
family precisely.

The sounds of the arrows hitting.

The sound of the Enemy crying.

The sounds mixed with the sound of the rain were as loud as the sound of his heart

Thump, thump.

Enemies that turned into needlesticks with dozens of shots fell.

The leader Enemy was also unable to outperform Maeng Hyo-don because its foot
was injured.

The Jin tribes’ family could no longer hinder his escape.

He was taking his steps away from hell.

‘No way, no way really…… ’

Beyond the imperfect view, the front gate of the school gate was seen in the distance.

Even in the storm, he saw a white-silver light clock tower that was dimly lit.

Above the clock tower stood an archer shooting a glowing arrow.

“Run over here, Maeng Hyo-don!”

The archer of the black raincoat shouted toward Maeng Hyo-don.

He squeezed his last energy and sprinted.

Finally, he crossed the boundaries of the silver light front gate.


Maeng Hyo-don, a student of the Silver Light, was able to safely pass through the
school gate, but Enemy was blocked by the barrier of the silver light and could not
pass through the school gate.

The archer of the black raincoat instantly killed the Enemies, which had been
stiffened by the effect of the barrier.


When the last Enemy fell.

The archer wearing a black raincoat landed lightly under the clock tower and walked
toward Maeng Hyo-don.

Maeng Hyo-don was relieved and plunged into the puddle.

‘I came to school…… I came into the campus of Silver Light……!’

Maeng Hyo-don was relieved after a long time.

It was a feeling he missed very much.

“I heard from Cho Eui-shin.”

After hearing that, Maeng Hyo-don noticed.

The archer of this black raincoat was his homeroom teacher.

The vice-president said that he was Ham Geun-hyung, the homeroom teacher for the
1st years.

“Maeng Hyo-don, this is would be your first attendance.”

Ham Geun-hyung took off the black raincoat with the silver light’s logo and covered
Maeng Hyo-don with it.

Even though Maeng Hyo-don was wrapped in a raincoat, he couldn’t raise his head
because it felt like it was still raining on his face.

In his mind, the words of Vice-president Cho Eui-shin came to mind.

[It’s not just me. Besides me, teacher Ham Geun-hyung, who is in charge, also came.
To save you.]


It had been a long time since Maeng Hyo-don used the word “teacher”.

“Maeng Hyo-don, do you have any injuries?”

It felt like walking in the water.

Every day it was difficult to solve food, clothing, and shelter problems.

Worrying about tomorrow had filled his head.

Father’s swear words and violence that got worse.

Fight club that was like hell and the growing debt.

Day by day, he felt like he was choking.

‘I don’t know what to do, what should I do…… ’

Maeng Hyo-don, who was only a teenage boy, had only his father and school, but he
had no real friends or teachers.

It was Maeng Hyo-don, who had no money to buy school supplies or reference books,
nor money to go on school trips.

A player who doesn’t have money and was short in stature but can fight well.

It was natural to look at it.

It was the days when he noticed even eating meals alone.

‘…… Teacher.’

In the meantime, the middle school 3rd-year homeroom teacher was very nice.

He was an idiot who tried to prevent him from giving up going to high school and
found a special admission for silver light by searching thousands and tens of
thousands of pages of admission guidelines to send Maeng Hyo-don to a high school
that does not require tuition.

When he was accepted into Silver Light, he even cried out loud.

It was a stupid guy that seemed like he would try to pay all his debts even if he stood
as a guarantee for him.

That’s why he couldn’t tell him about his situation.

‘There was no place to ask for help…… ’

However, Maeng Hyo-don met the first person he can ask for help today.

Vice-President Cho Eui-Shin who came into that hellish place.

Ham Geun-hyung, the homeroom teacher who protected him from dozens of beasts.

Maybe it would be okay to ask for help.

Maeng Hyo-don opened his mouth without even knowing.

“……Help me, Teacher.”

Maeng Hyo-don shut his mouth right after he said that.

He couldn’t figure out what he was talking about.

“Yes, I got it.”

Ham Geun-hyung agreed very easily.

Hearing the answer, Maeng Hyo-don couldn’t get up from the ground for a long time,
even though he was getting drenched from all the rain.

His homeroom teacher, Ham Geun-hyung, waited for Maeng Hyo-don to get up on his


An arrow of light was seen through the red lightning and fog surrounding the

Ham Geun-hyung’s Gwanglim, “The Sharpshooter’s Gaze and Bow of Light” was
being activated that borrowed the eyes and bow of the high-ranking beings who have
left their names as sharpshooters.

‘Ham Geun-hyung will protect Maeng Hyo-don.’

Silver Light High school was attended by the best genius players in Korea.

The head of the Student Affairs Department that oversaw student management and
life guidance there.

The best martial artist among the teachers took on that role.
It was rare that the player’s life coach had a poorer skill than the student.

‘He wouldn’t have been a playable character that had survived a long time in this
crazy world for nothing.’

Ham Geun-hyung’s player alias was Heavenly Bow (蒼天名弓).

‘Any place that the eyes of that famous sharpshooter can touch was heaven’

Was the meaning of that alias.

Ranked at the top of the ranged attack playable character, he survives for a relatively
long time and helps the protagonists’ party.

‘This building is only 200m away from the border of the school. No matter how dark
and stormy it is, it would be easy for Ham Geun-hyung to protect Maeng Hyo don
from the clock tower at the front gate.’

Maeng Hyo-don was rescued.

Now it was his turn.

Immediately after Jeokho fired red lightning all over the building in response to his

He activated the skill inside the building that was collapsing by red lightning.

‹Using the target character’s skill, ‘Fly’.›

‹Using the target character’s skill, ‘space control’.›

At the same time as floating into the air from the collapsing floor, a barrier of light
was formed around him.

A spatial technique that manipulates or fixes a space in a desired state and changes
its properties.

Space control, a derivative skill of space arts, could also be used as a barrier.

‘It certainly deserves to be the favorite power of the dragon god king……!’
The character that he transformed into player’s trajectory was Yongje-geon.

His nickname is Mr. Yong.

Among the Jin tribe, this was Yong Je-Geon, who was part of the dragon tribe and
working as a silver light school teacher.

‘Although it is a version with a lower level than the real thing due to a teacher
contract with Hwangho.’

In order to work as a teacher in Silver Light, Yong Je-geon signs a teacher contract to
adjust all his levels to the human level.

Due to that limitation, he died without showing all of his power in the story that
triggered the “Plamago concrete floor collapse incident”.

‘There were a lot of users who regretted when he died because he was as popular as

There was only one playable character who could fly, defend, and capture at the
same time, even though he was old.

If he used the Gwangrim of Yongjegeon, it would be too tiring, so he had to use only
skills if possible.

‘Let’s use Yongjegun’s Gwanglim carefully.’

While he was spreading the barriers with the power of Yong Je-gun.

The collapse of the building was going smoothly.

‘Jeokho did a good job.’

Between meeting Maeng Hyo-don.

Jeokho did pre-work for the collapse of this decadent building.

In response to his signal, the building collapsed coolly when the red lightning struck
specific spots, pillars, beams, rebars, etc.
It wasn’t difficult to destroy buildings built by breaking dozens of building codes.

Jeokho even meticulously wrapped up the entire building with Jeokyeon to prevent
damage to the nearby buildings and to prevent members from running away.

Crack, Crack, Boom!


‘Maybe he is doing too good of a job.’

Jeokho did too well.

The building was collapsing much faster than expected.

He thought it would take 15 minutes for everything to collapse, but it will be over in
10 minutes.

It seems that Jeokho decided to meticulously collapse the building.

‘He is definitely part of the Tiger tribe.’

This building was the evidence of all the evil deeds performed by Choi Pyeon-deuk
and his VIP members.

To catch them, it was necessary to capture them inside the building as evidence.

However, there was a possibility that Maeng Hyo-don would be taken hostage if he
struck head-on, and tamers of Ungjok, the dozens of Enemy he raised, and the chaser
team would interfere.

‘Then it would be impossible to capture all the player members.’

His strategy was like this.

First, aim for the birthday of owner Choi Pyeon-deuk, where all the main characters
and VIP guests gather.

Second, rescue Maeng hyodon.

Third, remove the Jin tribes’ chase team from the building.

Fourth, seal the entire building and collapsed it to capture all the guests.

He let Jeokho focus on the part of the plan to block and destroy the entire building,
while he decided to take care of the rest.


“Get out, get out!”

“It’s falling apart, it’s falling apart!”

“Save me!”

Customers and employees dressed in filthy clothes were running away using their

All of the guests were players, but they were weaker than the silver light students,
had no weapons, and were drunk with alcohol and drugs.

There was no way they could properly exert their power in the red lightning of the
tiger tribe.

‘They are looking great.’

Red fog engulfed outside the window, and the building was collapsing with red
current flowing through the floor.

The hellish decadent establishment became a fire lighting hell.

‘Is this the feeling of deleting the hate?’

He enjoyed this hellish mess.

Especially on the entrance and the stairs.

They were in an absolute hurry, and it was very messy.

“Let’s not be afraid. You are also players.”

No one would listen, but he gave them a word.

He asked Jeok-ho in advance to wrap the few non-players a little with Jeokyeon to
protect their vital spots so that they would not die.

‘Of course, players don’t get that.’

Son Min-gi, who was only a junior high student, survived even though his limbs were

Even if this building is destroyed, not everyone will die.

Maybe, a lot.

Although they would feel like they rather die than feel the pain.

“Choi Pyeondeuk, don’t you think so too?”

He talked to Choi Pyeon-deuk, who had been caught with spacial skills.

The fifth part of the plan was to catch Choi Pyeon-deuk by collapsing between the
7th and 8th floors first.

The first thing that was smashed was the floor between the 8th floor of the VIP room
and the 7th floor of the fight club.

Choi Pyeon-deuk was going to be captured no matter what.

“Do, do you not know. Who I am! Ahh, ahhhhh!”

Choi Pyeon-deuk seemed to be still out of his mind.

He tried to get out of space by using his powers, but the power he was operating
right now belongs to the dragon tribe.

It wasn’t possible for a fallen player to respond without a trivial weapon.

‘You survived silver light high school by socializing, tightrope walking, and
paperwork when you were weaker than most of the student players.’
The more you look at it, he was a guy who was nothing compared to the excellent
teachers, Jegal Jae-geol and Ham Geun-hyung.

“Choi Pyeondeuk, I’m going to do what you hate from now on.”

He flew towards the secret place on the 8th floor seen in the game.

He had told Jeok-ho about his plans in advance and asked him to destroy the place

“Ugh, Arghh! I’m telling you, Ahhhh! ugh……”

During the flight, Choi Pyeon-deuk, caught with space skills, was deliberately made
to hit the ground and struck the building fragments that fell.

This short flight was very refreshing.

‘It was about here.’

He dragged Choi Pyeon-deuk and walked toward the secret place hidden in the
deepest part of the VIP room.

When he saw the door of the secret place, he started going crazy.

“No, what are you thinking. Ouch!”

“What do you think. If you catch the enemy, you have to get a reward.”

He grabbed Choi Pyeon-deuk’s head and brought his eyes to the iris recognizer.


The side door that seemed shabby at first glance opened slowly.

And what he saw was a warehouse the size of around 355 square feet.

Apple boxes filled with cash and item cards were piled all over the shelf.

“You’ve been storing away tons. Good work.”

Like dribbling a basketball, he put Choi Pyeon-deuk’s head on the floor and reached
for the boxes.

Then the boxes disappeared into the item window of his exclusive menu.

Looking at the disappearing boxes, Choi Pyeon-deuk screamed.

When he was happy with the growing list of items he was getting.

A system beep was heard.

‹You now have 500 weapon types.›

What was it saying suddenly?

‹The level of the skill ‘Use All Things’ has been increased from 1 to 2.›


Why all of a sudden?

He hasn’t used any weapons right now.

He just used the player’s trajectory and the skills of Yongjegun.

With that said, the reason the skill level has risen…

“Ha ha ha ha ha!”

The Use All Things skill levels must increase depending on the amount of weapon
possession too.

He felt better because of the unexpected bonus.

Choi Pyeon-deuk looked up at him, dropping his body with pain and anger from the
loss of his wealth.

“Why the hell…… Why!”

Choi Pyeon-deuk had a face that seemed to be struck by lightning in the dry sky
rather than being judged for his sins.

It was indeed true that he was struck by the red lightning of Jeokho.

He decided to give him a hint because he felt a little better with the unexpected skill
level up.

“Don’t you know me?”

“You, don’t you really know me? I mean, huh? I know a lot of people in high……”

“Don’t you know when you see this crow mask?”

With that answer, he stared at the traces of the cut off the flesh on Choi Pyeon-deuk’s

He engraved Sidelentium’s seal and the crow’s stigma to Choi Pyeon-deuk, who also
participated in the Dream Auction.

“I put a crow pattern on the palm of your hand.”

Choi Pyeon-deuk had a shocked face.

“The, the Red Phantom Thief……!”

That alias was embarrassing, so he wished he didn’t call it outright.


He reflexively slammed the back of his head.

Because he did not hold back, the dragon tribes’ strength was expressed without

Two of his front teeth were broken when he was hit by the ground when he raised
his head.

He didn’t feel sorry for it at all.

Because Choi Pyeon-deuk was also related to his old grudge, 10 years ago.
“Do you know how many pre-registered users of Plamago have fallen because of
you? That tutorial was like a real dogshit.”

“That…… What do you mean……”

“I want you to feel like an absurd dogshit for no reason. Choi Pyeon-deuk.”

The resentment of the veteran player in the national trash game was deep-rooted.

He laughed coolly over the mask for a while.

Humans are afraid of unintelligible disasters and unreasonable violence.

Choi Pyeon-deuk, who was terrified as if he looked like a maniac who kept smiling,
didn’t talk much after that anymore.

But while smiling, his head was spinning cold.

‘I will not pass you over to the police like Son Min-ki and Byeon Soon-hoe.’

He had no intention of judging Choi Pyeon-deuk by law.

Son Min-ki and Byeon Soon-hoe.

He had no intention of letting him live by seeing the light of the world like the two.

‘Choi Pyeondeuk knows the law well. The network is not comparable to the previous
two. At best, after living in prison for a few years, he will eat well and live well with
the wealth he has saved from corruption.’

Although he robbed him of a lot, there’s no way this sleazy guy hid his fortune in one
just place.

‘So let’s leave it to Jeokho.’

He communicated with the Ung by using the position of a teacher in a school run by
the tigers in the tiger tribe.

This Choi Pyeon-deuk was the thing Jeokho wanted to hit the most.
‘Choi Pyeon-deuk will disappear from this collapse today. On the surface.’

While thinking that he decided to join Jeokho.


With the sound of the wind, his nerves were on the brink.

Someone was trying to attack him.

He felt the wind move ominously in the collapsed building.

There was no system alert.

If that was the case, it was not the Enemy.

The opponent was the Jin tribe.

‘You’re here, beast training class Ung tribe!’

The owner of the pet-type monster who unleashed the monsters at the entrance
exam of the Silver Light school and this fight club.

He predicted that he would come to observe and show off his pet with great care at
Choi Pyeon-deuk’s birthday party.

It was one of the guys he must capture today.

‘Even if Jeokho isn’t with me, I can deal with it until the building collapses.’

The usable time of the player’s trajectory will be considerably reduced, but he will
use the Dragon tribe’s Gwanglim to block it.

It was when he tried to activate the Gwanglim of Yongje Gun.


An unimaginable existence between him and the Ung-jok of training class appeared
with a great sword.
A straight back obstructed his view.

It was a view he had seen for almost 10 years.

‘Why here……!’

It was Baek ho gun.

In front of his eyes, the Baek ho gun was confronting the Ung using the great sword
called White Fang of the Breaking Cloud and Slashing Thunder.
Baekhogun turned his cool face and looked at me.

The temperature in the room seemed to drop by a few degrees just by receiving his

“I will cover you. So you can step back.”

It was the third time he met Baekhogun in this world, but this was the first time he
heard his voice.

He realized this was how he sounded.


Baekhogun swung the White Fang and deflected the Ung tribe beast’s claws, and
swung the sword downward toward its neck.

The beast lifted its long claws wrapped in black aura, turned the trajectory of the
great sword, and giggled.

“That great sword, that spirit! I have seen it before. White Tiger!”

Cho Eui Shin remembered hearing this voice of the Ung tribe.

‘You’re the crazy guy who went crazy on the broadcast during the entrance exam.’

Baekhogun and the beast exchanged attacks by running between the collapsing floor,
pillars, and debris.

Black and white light clashing with each other were seen through red lightning and

At first glance, their fighting power seemed to be equal.

The beast smiled with the momentum of tearing its mouths and shouted.

“Hahahaha, it seems to be true when they say that you have become a prisoner of the
gods! You call this the power of the mythical world? It’s pathetic!”

The white tiger who received the wrath of the heavenly gods and became a prisoner
of God.

It was true that he received all kinds of debuffs and was currently only able to use
about 10% of his strength.

“Of course, the words of ‘him’ were correct. Hahahahaha! There is nothing to be
afraid of!”

Him? Who is he?

When he had such a question, the Ung tribe beast summoned two pet class demons
at the same time by flicking the fingers with one hand.

The beast flicked his fingers many times.

However, it seemed that there were only two remaining because most of them were
sent to chase after Maenghyodon.

As the Ung tribe chewed his lips and beckoned, a synthetic beast wrapped in black
smoke ran toward the white tiger.


The white tiger, who looked at the demon with indifferent eyes, said in a cold voice.

“You dare to bring in such a horrible thing in God’s area.”


Baekhogun swung the White Fang toward the Enemy.


When the flash disappeared, both of the two pet-type beast species were cleaved in
two without a chance for them to retaliate.

It was a ridiculously powerful and neat strike.

The Ung tribe beast clicked his tongue.


“You must have forgotten that the heavenly spirits did not forgive you.”

Baekhogun looked up at the sky and said calmly.

The collapse of the ceiling had progressed, so he saw the sky full of dark clouds.

“O God, please give me permission.”

A brilliant light fluttered around the forehead of Baekhogun who had finished saying

Particles of light illuminated the room brighter than red lightning.

When the brightness of the light reached its peak, Baekhogun sheathed the White

It was when the Ung tribe beast was wide open to see Baekhogun sheath his weapon.


Both arms of the Ung tribe beast disappeared.

He couldn’t see anything at all.

The ready motion.

Even the moment of attack.

“Ahhhh, ahhhhhh! My, my arms!”

When Baekhogun swung his great sword once again, the arm of the Ung tribe that
had fallen completely lost its shape and turned into a bloody mess.

The great sword with the red handle in the hand of Baekhogung was the Bear Claw (

Five thousand years ago, when the tigers and the Ung were confronted over the
supremacy of the Korean peninsula, it was a weapon that was only used for hunting
the Ung.

To slash someone from the Ung tribe, there was nothing like the Bear Claw.

‘And that is why he was my best flagship playable character……!’

It is true that the power of Baekhogun was sealed by the celestial god, but the
celestial god was angrier with the Ung tribe than Baekhogun.

Before the power of the White Tiger was sealed.

When dealing with the Ung, he had asked for their wrath to be removed, and the
heavenly god allowed it.

‘If the opponent is the Ung, Baekhogun was invincible.’

When the Ung is an enemy in a story or quest where Baekhogun can be selected in
the game.

Baekhogun was not a recommended playable character, but a required playable


“You’re not even in the legendary class. When was that life given to you? A thousand
years ago? A hundred years ago?”

“Oh uh, uh ah. My, my children are disappearing. Ahhhhhhhh……!”

The Ung beast was completely confused.

Perhaps his hand was sealed with a medium that allowed him to control his pet
demon servants.
Black smoke constantly flowed from the torso of the Ung tribe whose arms had

‘Because you were originally crazy, the way he’s talking doesn’t seem to be different
from usual.’

Baekhogun spoke a few more times, but the Ung tribe spoke gibberish and unable to

Baekhogun looked down at the figure and pointed the Bear Claw at it.

‘Is he trying to kill?’

He intervened between the Ung tribe beast and Baekhogun.

The two Jin tribe members were facing each other on a pillar that was barely facing
destruction, so they had to fly into the air.

“Stop it, I want this one to be captured.”

The collapse of the building was over.

The red lightning stopped and the debris was only visible through the clouds of dust.

‘He wouldn’t cut me just because I blocked him right?’

Baekhogun was looking down at him flying on the half-broken pillar.

It felt like his body was freezing as he received the gaze that looked like frost.

Immediately after the cold eyes that were staring at him quietly blinked once.

The Bear Claw disappeared from the hand of Baekhogun.


Jeokho appeared with the sound of kicking the wall.

“Baekho, why are you here……!”

Jeokho, who climbed up the wall in no time, looked astonished at Baekhogun.

Why does he have that kind of face?

Wasn’t it Jeokho who called the Baekhogun?

“Jeokho, why didn’t you call me?”

“I didn’t want you to dirty your hands……”

“So, is that why you came with a student belonging in the god’s territory?”

Anger was in the voice of Baekhogun.

He was the one that used underhanded tricks to come with Jeokho.


Baekhogun was recognizing that he was a student.

Why? How?

‘No, let’s leave the question behind.’

It’s not good to be here for a long time.

“It was me who asked Jeokho.”

Baekhogun turned his gaze from Jeokho to him.

There was a deep reprimand in those eyes.

Fortunately, he didn’t say anything anymore, so he talked to Jeokho, who was


“Jeokho please move Choi Pyeon-deuk and the beast. Soon, players from the
association called by Mr. Ham Geun-hyung will come. I’ll finish up here and leave.”

“……I understand. See you soon.”

There were several variables, but today’s work has been resolved.

After capturing the stunned Choi Pyeon-deuk and the luminous Ung tribe with
Jeokyeon, and climbed up the window frame.

“Baekho, what are you going to do?”

“I will act with Cho Eui-shin.”

Cho Eui-shin?

Baekhogun knew exactly his name.

He was using Gwanglim so how did he know?

‘Was he watching me all this time?’

He wrapped himself with Jeokyeon and moved from the balcony of his dorm.

If he had been watching since then, he’ll probably know who he was.

Even though Jeokyeon cheated on human eyes, he could not cheat on the same tiger

Whatever the process it seemed like he had to move with Baekhogun now anyway.

“Okay, let’s go.”

He descended through a cloud of dust toward the debris on the floor.

Baekhogun used his leap skills to kick the wall and lightly chased after him.

Beep, beep–

They turned on the device and tracked the transmitter Jeokho had attached to them.

Moving along the red dot marked on the holographic map, they saw two stunned
people through the fragments of the building.

Unlike those who became bloody, this middle-aged couple was fine.
‘Jeokho is really excellent at his job.’

He would have to treat Jeokho once.

With that thought, He kicked the two men wearing only underwear to wake them up.

Thud, Thud!

What did these people do here, that they would be wearing underwear?

If he thought of the business in this building, it was good that they weren’t naked at

“Uh…… Uh……”

Soon the two woke up with their eyes drenched.

While unconscious, he tried to remove the bracelet worn on each left hand and the
sheet attached under the watch.

Then, the black stigma received upon permanent expulsion of the player was seen.

He laughed behind the crow mask and talked to the middle-aged couple.

“Nice to meet you. Irena’s parents.”


As a result of Jeokho’s investigation, it was revealed that Irena’s parents were the
most popular regulars.

They were VIP enough to be invited to Choi Pyeon-deuk’s birthday party.

So, today, he decided to those two would be the bonus on top of the birthday gift.

Irena’s parents were noisy throughout the flight, captured with space skills.

He thought he should wake them up after they arrived.

The belated regret came.

“Teacher teacher. Let’s solve it with words.”

“Who is your teacher. Shut up.”

The only time he was polite to them was when he said hello.

He flew in the air, letting both of them be covered in rain and wind.

“Okay, we’ve arrived.”

It was the only skyscraper of Silver Light that they arrived at the end of the flight.

It was the Hwangmyeong Tower owned by the Hwangmyeong Group, one of Korea’s
four largest groups.

‘It’s a pity that it only has 55 floors.’

Baekhogun who had been flying together with him was watching his actions silently.

He used a space technique and put the middle-aged couple, wet from the rain, like
mice on a rooftop railing.

On the other hand, he and Baekhogun, who were protected by the barrier of space
control, were not wet at all.

‘If their feet touch the railing, they won’t feel like they are flying anymore.’

Pitch-black darkness.

A storm of rain, thunder, and lightning from time to time.

Altitude above 200m.

It will probably be difficult to stay sane.

A middle-aged couple who turned blue appealed to him.

“I made a mistake and made a moment of aberration. We are adults and can be held
accountable for our actions. Please let us make atonement in another way.”
“Yes Yes. Please let us go. I sincerely think I was wrong. I am reflecting. Please forgive
me only once. We also have a family. Please……”

The attitude the two asked me for was a calm, voice that aroused sympathy full of
reason, affection, and reflection.

Because they knew how to be this sneaky and cunning, that’s why they don’t go to
jail, and how they were playing as a VIP of a decadent business in front of the school.

“Turn on the wearable device and give me ownership.”

They both handed over the wearable device they were wearing as bracelets.

Ownership was transferred smoothly and the device could be operated without
security procedures.

The first thing he opened was the message window.

The record he was looking for was the message record with Irena.


The results came out quickly.

It was on the most recent record that didn’t take much effort to search.

They constantly sent Irena messages.

A few hours ago, even before playing in a decadent establishment.

‘It’s a spectacle.’

The two were very rational, but the reason seemed to be maintained by releasing
stress on Irena.

The message on the hologram was a spectacle.

[Did you talk to the police and the association? Tell me how much you took, you
[Don’t even call me mom anymore]

[This bitch that is ruining our family]

[How much money I invested in you, how much I gave up, but something like you
shouldn’t have been born]

[This is all because of you]

[I don’t know why something like you was born that we have to go through this

Irena was not even treated like a family.

It’s because they’re talking about ‘their family’, not ‘my family’.

‘Investment…… Does Irena look like a retirement pension?’

The money to raise Irena was a waste, but the money dedicated to Choi Pyeon-deuk
wasn’t considered a waste.

Even though that money was for playing in a decadent establishment in front of the
school where Irena attended.

‘…… Irena has read all these messages.’

Irena didn’t answer back, but all messages were read.

He seemed to know why she still couldn’t attend school.

“Irena is not your daughter? Why do you say this.”

When Irena’s name came out, the two people who had a polite attitude pridefully
raised their heads.

“Why are you talking about other families businesses? That’s because you don’t
know how arrogant and uneducated Irena is.

“Have you ever heard anything from that damn bitch? It’s a bitch who says constantly
lies. You can’t believe her.”
If they didn’t want to be ruined, he hoped they shut up.

These two went too far.

Words didn’t reach them, so he wasn’t confident he can just speak to them.

It seems that there was no beginning to gift a harmonious family to Irena by asking
the cause of the discord and helping to resolve it.

He grabbed the device in his hand and smashed it.


When the message window hologram disappeared, the heat on his head subsided a

“Yeah, I don’t know anything about your home business.”

However, he knew how Irena in the game died trying to be recognized by her

He saw with his own eyes how terrified she was in the world’s only mid-teens at a
forcibly dragged dream auction.

In the meantime, he also knew that she was very brave for him, who took the
appearance of Yeom Jun-yeol at the time.

He did the motion to activate the spacial arts.

‹Using the target character’s skill, ‘spacial arts’.›

“I know that you two are permanently expelled from the Players Association, so you
can’t even use Gwanglim, and your skill is sealed at level 1. But the body is still
strong. Your overall stats are also high, so you may not die.”

“Ahhh. Please save us!”

“We were wrong!”

Irena’s parents begged in fear.

He wasn’t touched at all.

Irena, who was standing on the roof of the dormitory on the first day of admission,
must have been scared.

“If you contact Irena again in the future, you will die.”

After saying that, he pushed the two out of the railing.

A scream was heard over the storm.


He and Baekhogun moved to the place they had promised with Jeokho.

The place where he promised Jeokho was Eunyeonggwan (銀影館) of Silver Light
high school.

It was Gwanglim Research Hall 4 located in the research building area of Silver Light
high school.

‘Gwanglim Research Hall 4 is a camouflage and seems to be the private building of


In the game, the description of Eun Young-gwan wasn’t displayed properly, but there
was an explanation that Jeokho mainly used it in the collection tab.

While waiting for an elevator through the main entrance of Eunyounggwan.

Baekhogun, who hadn’t said anything at all, suddenly spoke.

“Why did you use the item on them?”

During Irena’s parent’s fall, around when they were on the 5th floor.

At that point, he used the item ‘lower wind spirit’s wing powder’ given to Maeng
Hyo-don before.

‘I did damage because I deliberately shifted the timing.’

Until they were also expelled, they were veteran players.

Probably, they would have resisted by mobilizing all the skills and experience that
fell to level 1 as they fell.

Their bodies were almost smashed, but they did not die.

“If they were found a little late, they may die. If they died or become disabled, their
daughter will suffer.”

There was no intention of letting young Irena take care of the handicapped or make
her a resident.

“You are foolish.”

Even though Baekhogun said so, he had warmth in his eyes.

It was rare even in the game that a white tiger-like him with frost had such eyes.

Although not properly expressed throughout the game, it was a typical reaction from
Baekhogun who loves this world and the humans.

But since when did Baekho-gun follow him?

“When have you been watching?”

“From the beginning.”

From the beginning?

Did he watch Jeokho from the beginning and moved along with him?


An elevator arrived at the lobby of Eunyoung Hall, he and Baekhogun got on.

“I’ll do it.”

As the Jeokho told me in advance, he tried to operate the elevator button to go to the
hidden floor, but Baekhogun first reached out.
When he pressed the buttons in an order that he would never press when using an
elevator, the elevator started moving quietly.





The elevator gradually descended to the unmarked floor.

And when the door opened.

“I waited. Baekho-nim, Cho Eui-shin.”

It was not Jeokho that greeted him and Baekhogun.

It wasn’t another tiger tribe member.

It was someone he couldn’t even imagine.

‘Kim Shinrok……!’

Teacher of the 1st year 1st class and advisor to the Jiikhoe.

The supervisor who almost died during the entrance exam.

It was, Kim Shin-rok.

“Looks like I am in your debt again Cho Eui-shin. Thank you for your cooperation in
purifying Silver Light District.”

The tone and atmosphere were completely different from Kim Shin rok he knew.

He didn’t look like the friendly teacher who came to his room with Seong Si-wan and
said hello.

Kim Shin rok had a difficult expression to read.

‘Somehow not like a person.’


Kim Shin rok.

Entrance examination demon intrusion case.

Tiger tribe and Ung Tribe.

Now this place.

He put his thoughts together one by one.

It’s hard to believe, but there was one conclusion that came out.

“You are not human.”

The odds of the Jin tribe and Jin tribe or Jin tribe and humans having children were
extremely low, and even if they had children, the child did not become a Jin tribe.

In the case of the white tiger, the yellow tiger, and the red tiger, the sacred beasts
became mythical beings to be recorded in the Kaecheon myth and became a part of
the Jin tribes.

Yongje-gun was also born in the Chintamani of the Dragon King God.

‘Ha, I can’t believe it.’

Being in the realm of Jeokho without trouble means that they are either part of the
tiger tribe or descendant of one.

However, if he were a simple tiger tribe or descendant of one, he would not have
been easily beaten by the Ung during the entrance exam.

Even if the descendants were lesser beings of the Jin tribe, there was no way that
they could seriously injure the descendants in a short time by tricking the other
teachers before the entrance exam.

But if he was also a descendant of the Ung, the story was different.

The descendants cannot resist against Jin tribes they share blood with.

“You must be the descendant of the Tiger and Ung.”

Kim Shin rok was the descendant of the Tiger and the Ung, he shared both of their
blood at the same time.

To be precise, he was the descendant of Jeokho and the Ungnyeo of grief.

“You are definitely the Unknown Supernova. Very intelligent.”

Kim Shin rok, who answered that way and smiled, didn’t seem human at all.

“That’s right. I’m a Tiger and an Ung. I am a descendant of the two Jin tribes.”

Crazy national trash game.

In the tutorial, the character who died without much dialogue has had this kind of

“As you know well, descendants are blood-bound. I cannot attack the Tiger and the
Ung. So during the last attack, I couldn’t resist and I was beaten by the Ung.”
Kim Shin rok smiled and pointed to the end of the dark corridor.

“Let us go. Jeokho is waiting for us.”

The Jeokho in the game continued to wear black clothes until the day of his death.

Perhaps it was because he grieved for the death of his descendant, his son, Kim Shin-

As he reached the end of the corridor along Kim Shin rok, he saw Jeokho.

“Baekho, Cho Eui-shin. The Ung are locked up, but they lost their minds.”

Inside the lab guided by Jeokho.

There, he saw Choi Pyeon-deuk struggling with the tamer Ung tribe who lost both

When Choi Pyeon-deuk saw Kim Shin-rok, his eyes opened and glowed.

“Ki, Mr. Kim. Good timing! I, I mean. There seems to be some misunderstanding with
these teachers! Please, please.”

“Don’t make flap your mouth in front of Baekho-nim and Jeokho-nim.”

Kim Shin-rok threw a thumbtack at Choi Pyeon-deuk’s jaw.


The thumbtack stuck exactly in Choi Pyeon Deuk’s chin.

Blood flowed from the place where the tack was stuck, and Choi Pyeon Deuk

‘It is natural that Choi Pyeon-deuk is getting beaten. But why.’


Why a thumbtack?
He looked at Kim Shin rok with his eyes full of doubts.

“There are students and faculty members who prefer analog paper notice boards. So
I always carry them around.”


Kim Shin rok shook a small plastic bucket full of thumbtacks.

He took out two thumbtacks and simultaneously bounced them off his fingertips and
repeatedly looked at the Choi Pyeon Deuk.

“Do you have anything you want to ask?”

He thought that the interrogation was going to be done by Jeokho.

Kim Shin rok said with an artificial smile that was still unhuman.

“I am pretty good at stuff like this. Better than Jeokho-nim.”

“Let’s leave it to him, Cho Eui-shin.”

Choi Pyeon-deuk, who was groaning at Jeok-ho’s words, looked at me breathing


“What? Cho Eui-shin? No, no way, the Unknown Supernova is…!”

“Answer only the questions we asked.”


Kim Shin rok put two thumbtacks that he was playing with into Choi Pyeon Deuk’s

There was no doubt about it.

Kim Shin rok really seemed to be able to do this well.

“There is one thing I want to ask.”

There was one thing he wanted to ask.

Other than that, all the information that Choi Pyeon-deuk had was all that he already
knew or could know through a simple investigation.

Even in the game, he had to uncover unclear information.

“Who are the ones among the Zodiac Alliance that broke the barrier of Silver Light
high school?”

To my question, Baekhogun, Jeokho, and Kim Shin rok both sharpened their eyes.

Choi Pyeon-deuk flagged my question.

“T-there is no way in hell I would answer that!”


Kim Shin rok poured out a lot of school supplies in front of Choi Pyeon-deuk.

Ballpoint pen nib, zigzag scissors, cutter knives, thumbtacks, pencil sharpener…

They are obviously common school supplies, but when Kim Shin-rok displayed it, it
felt dark.

Kim Shin rok, who felt his gaze, said with a smile again.

“I’ve been a teacher for a while.”

Kim Shin rok said, picking up a 0.38mm red ink ballpoint pen lead and bringing it to
Choi Pyeon Deuk’s eyeball.

“I can handle a lot of analog school supplies very well.”

Soon, Choi Pyeon-deuk’s screaming was heard.

He was able to see the true face of Kim Shin rok, the descendant of the Jin tribe who
pretended to be like a normal, caring teacher…

One more teacher who he should never talk back against was added to his list.
After about 30 minutes.

Before Kim Shin-rok tested ten kinds of school supplies, Choi Pyeon-deuk made a
declaration of surrender.

“Oh, noh, I, I don’t know either! At the time of breaking the barrier, the shadow had a
long tail, a long tail!”

Kim Shin-rok nodded at him after checking Choi Pyeon-deuk’s eye movements, heart
rate, and skin tremors.

It seemed to be the truth.

When breaking the barrier, it would have been necessary to change into an
incarnation of a beast in accordance with the covenant of the Alliance of 12.

‘A long tail you say. Among the 12 zodiacs, the ones with long tails were rats, cows,
tigers, dragons, snakes, horses, monkeys, and dogs.

Of these, except for the clearly innocent tiger and dragon, six would be left.’

Rat, cow, snake, horse, monkey, dog.

The Rat tribe (鼠族), the Cow Tribe (牛族), the Snake Tribe (蛇族), the Horse Tribe (
馬族), the Monkey tribe (猿族), and the Dog tribe (犬族).

Among these six, there was the Jin tribe who betrayed the Tigers.

It cannot be concluded that it was just one of them, but even if so, there was no

‘The game is still early. The number of moves I can make remains infinite.’

When his question was over, Kim Shin rok started asking questions.

“Why did you aim for the job of the 1st-grade class teacher and the job of advisor to
the intellectual society? You denied the offers given to you for homeroom teacher
and other advisory positions before. What were you trying to do in Silver Light?”

“Ah, I don’t know… They told me to, “to…!”

Three colorful thumbtacks were held between Kim Shin-rok’s fingers.

Choi Pyeon-deuk got frightened and immediately replied.

“Oh! Excellent student, they said they needed an offering!”

There was something that came to mind when he said that an excellent student and
an offering.

In the game, around a year later, the intellectual society gets annihilated.

Although most of the first graders survive because Joo Soo-hyuk and An da-in
protect them.

“By killing the descendant, Kim Shin-rok, the power of Silver Light is cut down, and
the procurement of offerings is facilitated by making Choi Pyeon Deuk sit as advisor
and homeroom teacher. They’ve been working on it from the very beginning.’

It’s what he expected, but to think he would hear that from a full-time teacher
working in Silver Light high school.

After that, interrogations and confessions continued.

‘……… There is no end.’

They set up a decadent business to insult the territory of the Tiger tribe.

Taking talented students to fight clubs.

Students with rare talents were sold at auctions.

Preventing excellent teachers from becoming regular teachers…

Red sparks continued to erupt around Jeokho, and Baekhogun’s eyes gradually
became colder.

Although those weren’t the only evil deeds performed by Choi Pyeon-deuk.

‘Putting his hands on the students and taking tribute… Because they are not directly
related to the tribe, they will not be condemned here.’
Kim Shin-rok, who judged that he had heard all the necessary information, put a
cutter blade into Choi Pyeon-deuk’s neck with the consent of him and Jeokho,
preventing him from screaming.

Meanwhile, Jeokho brought a frame with ropes stained with blood bound to a bright
red wooden board.

‘What is that………!’

Jeokho brought the red frame.

On the frame, indescribable thoughts and a terrible curse were buried.

Just looking at it caused him to choke.

It was as if he had brought a little hell.

“Ugh…… uh……!”

Choi Pyeon-deuk also started struggling as if he felt something.

Kim Shin rok kindly explained the hell that Choi Pyeon-deuk will suffer in his near

“After committing a deadly sin, Jeokho-nim bound himself here for about 4900 years
before the other world conflict broke out to punish himself. Humans have a short
lifespan, so trash like you must last maybe 100 years.”

Jeokho used that to punish himself?

A miniature version of hell would be right.

‘Choi Pyeon Deuk will be in hell until the moment he dies.’

He guessed this would be an eternal goodbye to Choi Pyeon-deuk.

He left a greeting.

“I felt like a dog listening to bullshit in your class. Live a long life here, Choi Pyeon-
Originally, birthday punch is given in hopes of longevity.

He turned his back, leaving Choi Pyeon-deuk, who couldn’t scream and was twisting
his body.

Baekhogun and Jeokho followed me in the elevator to the lobby of Eunyounggwan,

except for Kim Shin rok, who stayed behind to clean up.

‘With the entrance of Baekhogun, I still have strength leftover today.’

It’s great because he still had work to do.

He looked back at Baekhogun and Jeokho and said.

“There is still a building that needs to be demolished. Who wants to come?”

There were a total of five decadent business buildings operated by Choi Pyeon-deuk
in front of Silver Light high school.

Only one was demolished so far.

Before the rain and wind stop, he planned to demolish everything and rob it as a

The Tiger tribe has the Hwangmyeong group on their back, so they would have no
need for money and all the riches left in those buildings would be ripe for his taking.

“I will go.”

“We will be together. Cho Eui-shin.”

The two tigers who were nodding were really trustworthy.

The finest free workforce was here.

As he stepped out of Eunyoung Hall, he saw rain pouring again.

As it was the research building area, the lighting of the laboratory and the large
greenhouse, which was being tested overnight, were lit up here and there, but it was
still dark.

‘I don’t think the rainstorm will stop anytime soon.’

Still, it was worth going out through this storm.

‘Since the days of the game, I wanted to destroy the maps where dogshit-like events

Unless there was a special gimmick in the game, it was impossible to destroy maps
or buildings, no matter how strong the character was.

‘It’s different now.’

He could break anything as long as he had the strength.

The three of them broke through the storm and embarked on the demolition of
illegal buildings.

The work was easy because he checked the drawings and blueprints of the buildings
in advance and determined the weak points.

Opening the vaults hidden everywhere was quickly over.

Looking at the cash and item cards in the item window, he felt proud.

‘It’s so easy and rewarding!’

Since midnight has passed, it was now Saturday dawn, but in an idiomatic sense, it
was also still Friday.

He, Baekhogun, and Jeokho happily destroyed buildings and burned their Friday.


After the burning Friday was over, one more address was stored on his wearable

The one that was newly registered was Baekhogun.

He and Baekhogun exchanged their codes just before returning to the dormitory.

‘It’s strangely easy to talk to Baekhogun.’

He was always polite to Hwang-ho and Jeokho, but he used informal words to
Baekhogun as soon as he saw him.

Is that because it is a playable character who has rolled 10 years?

Hwangho and Jeokho were NPCs, so they were a little different from Baekhogun.

‘Baekhogun doesn’t seem to care so I’m just going to be informal with him.’

Sometimes, Jeokho gazed at him saying he did not understand.

‘The weather is nice today.’

Looking out the window, the rain and wind had stopped completely.

It was daytime Saturday now.

He was in the best condition because he hadn’t even dreamed like normal and got a
good night’s sleep.

‘Ham Geun Hyung’s message should be coming anytime now.’

As expected, ding-dong, and the arrival of the message alarm sound was heard.

[Ham Geun-hyung] Come to the faculty’s office break room by 2:00.

Ham Geun-hyung would have wanted to call him as soon as he finished protecting
Maeng Hyo Don.

He must have guessed what he had done last night, so he must have been
considerate of him to sleep a little.

He thought he should not keep them waiting.

He changed his clothes and left the dorm room.


The break room of an empty faculty residence that met the weekend.


“Yes, sit down.”

He sat across from Ham Geun-hyung.

With a shady face, he said calmly.

“Maeng Hyo-don is undergoing a close examination in the first health room in the
central area. The exact result was not obtained, but according to the opinion of the
player specialist, there were signs of excessive use of recovery items.”

Signs of excessive use of recovery items.

Maeng Hyo-don’s school uniform with traces of stitches here and there.

The Enemies that followed him.

Player SAT-K’s Enemy Alert, which did not sound.

Just by looking at those facts, Ham Geun-hyung must have a rough idea of what

“All you told me was that Maeng Hyo-don would come running to the front gate of
Silver Light after midnight, so protect him and report it to the Players Association.
Did you have anything else you wanted to tell me other than that?”

He talked about what might be known in the future.

He finished only explaining what Choi Pyeon-deuk did and what happened to Maeng

When the explanation was over, Ham Geun-hyung stood up.

“………Okay. Then I’m going to go see Maeng Hyo-don, so let’s go together.”


He thought it was natural for him to be questioned and was clearing up his mind to
prepare to answer, but he became stunned at his reaction.

Ham Geun-hyung seemed to have no intention of asking for more.

“Are you not going to inquire further?”

“If you don’t want to talk, I won’t ask.”

He didn’t understand.

In this case, Choi Pyeon-deuk, a teacher, and Maeng Hyo-don, a student, was deeply

It was natural to ask how he knew and how he dealt with it.

But he still chose not to ask?

“I’ve seen some just player students with excellent intelligence and independent
information collection routes. I know that those types of guys don’t break their will. I
haven’t even known you for a month yet, but I think you are one of those types.”

Ham Geun-hyung stood up and said.

“Whenever I tried to stop them or tried to find out more about it, it resulted in
injuries to them. I don’t want to hurt my students.”

“Mr. Ham Geun-hyung…”

I’ve heard of this line before.

It was also what Ham Geun-hyung said to Joo Soo-hyuk.

It was the line that made him think that there wouldn’t be a real teacher like this,
that games are just games.

“If you can’t talk about it, then don’t talk about it, Cho Eui-shin. Instead, be sure to
tell me when you need help. I will help you without asking anything.”
He thought it was very fortunate for him that he was his homeroom teacher.


He and Ham Geun Hyung each took an air board and moved to the central area.

When he got on the air board, an unusually blue sky came into his sight.

‘The sky is blue…!’

The rain had stopped and it was a little cool, but the sky was blue and the wind was

After a short flight, they landed in the central area, and someone was waiting for

The man smiled brightly and approached him and Ham Geun-hyung.

“It’s been a while, Eui shin.”

The large mansion with the aesthetics of Hwangho, located near the site of the Silver
Light high School, was one of the Silver Light Districts’ specialties.

A golden fence woven with stronger barriers than the school.

A labyrinth garden that was large enough to get lost.

The five-story mansion in the center was the residence of Hwang Myung-ho,
chairman of the Hwang Myung Foundation.

“Welcome, Baekho. Jeokho.”

Three tigers gathered in the mansion.

Hwang-ho, sitting at the top, welcomed his two friends and opened his mouth.

“How long has it been since the three of us got together? 30 years? 50 years? Why
did you two come to me at the same time?”

“Hwangho, that is……”

“Wait. I’ll try to guess.”

Hwang-ho put down the teacup silently and pondered for a moment.

Silver Light Districts’ purification case was known after receiving a post-mortem
report from Jeokho.

The case was already closed.

He didn’t know what kind of business it was for, but he guessed why.

“Did Cho Eui Shin make a request?”

No negative answer was heard.

‘That’s amazing.’

Cho Eui Shin, a 17-year-old high school student who had been admitted to Silver
Light high school for less than a month.

Cho Eui-shin has already saved five people just from what Hwang-ho gathered.

At the time of the entrance exam, Jang Namwook, Yoo Sanghoon, Son Minki.

Irena on the first day of admission.

And this dawn, even Maenghyodon.

‘Although he may have saved more from places that I didn’t know about.’

Hwang-ho, who looked like a teenager, smiled.

Jeokho, who saw Hwangho’s smile, was a little surprised.

Hwangho kept talking with his eyes shining.

“The intelligence that grasped our identity, the courage to deal with the Jin tribe, the
unknown Gwanglim and skill, and the insight that could not be considered a 17-year-
old. Cho Eui-shin is excellent in every way. It makes sense why you consider him

Hwangho’s gaze passed through Jeokho and reached Baekho.

“Hahaha! Not only has he received help from the Red tiger, who openly protects
humans, but to draw out the White tiger too. It’s been 15 years since I’ve felt so

Hwang-ho laughed out loud as he recalled the head of the student council who had
asked for a solo audience with him 15 years ago.

“So what did Cho Eui-shin ask for?”

“He would like to hold an Alliance of the 12 meeting. Hwangho.”

Hwangho’s eyes sparkled at the proposal of Jeokho.

“It’s not easy to gather them…… okay. But, I have a condition.”

Living for a long time his friends and loved ones all died or fell asleep.

But the eyes of his remaining friends had changed.

After seeing those dead eyes, Hwangho, who lost all motivation had been pursuing
the joy of moments.

‘To think Cho Eui-shin would change these two, and make a move.’

The two friends who visited him today and asked for help were different from

They wore the eyes of warriors standing shoulder-to-shoulder on the battlefield

after a very long time.

“Baekho, Jeokho. Stop wandering outside and come under me. From now on, the
chairman’s residence will be the base. This is my condition.”

The two tigers responded without much complaint.


“I understand, Hwangho.”

Baekho and Jeokho would have accepted this easily because they wanted to observe
Cho Eui Shin’s actions up close.

Hwang-ho understood their feelings.

“Especially you Baekho. Your name and seat were prepared already in the school.
Come if you are determined.”


“I have already created a family register. The name registered in the database is
called ‘Baekhogun’. I gave you word gun for you, who was once the brother of the
head of the family. In the last dynasty of the Korean peninsula, it was said that the
king’s brother was given a title with that word in it.”

Hwangho’s eyes twinkled and laughed with very little malice.

“It would be funny to call you “Baekhogun-kun”. You’ve never laughed after you lost
your true name. Even with a fake name, you have to leave room for laughs.”

Baekho looked at Hwangho with frost-like eyes.

Even at Hwang-ho’s words, Baek-ho didn’t look particularly upset.

“Let me think about it.”

After Baekho’s words, the brief discussion between the three tiger tribe members


“Changcheon Myeonggung Ham Geun-hyung. Hello.”

“Hello, team leader Hong.”

Hong Gyu-bin and Ham Geun-hyung greeted each other.

‘The two seem to have met before.’

Even after the alias was decided, he was in contact with Hong Gyubin occasionally.

Although Hong Gyu-bin regularly sends out messages and he replies about once
every three times.

“Team leader Hong Gyu-bin, it’s been a while since we’ve met in person. What
brought you to school?”

He guessed why the player association official came to school, but he asked

The aim of the association was ‘Enemy Subjugation’ and ‘Player’s Protection’, and the
two were the same this time.
It was an agenda the association had to stand for.

“Hahaha, what do you mean for what. Of course, it is because of ‘work’.”

Hong Gyu-bin smirked as usual.

However, when he looked closely, there were dark circles around his eyes, and his
eyes were red.

Hong Gyubin looked very tired.

“Have you not been getting sleep?”

“Yes, I couldn’t sleep. I was working overtime all year because of the Dream Gate but
on Friday night…… No, the emergency call order came down early on Saturday, so all
the team leaders had to stay up all night.”

In the meantime, Hong Gyubin’s hair was well set, and there were no wrinkles on his
coat and shirt.

As usual, he dressed better than himself, who slept fine without a single dream.

“I learned that there was something wrong with the player SAT-K, and the
association had an emergency. Yesterday, the satellite didn’t send any warnings of
the Enemy that Changcheonmyeonggung-nim defeated in the vicinity of Silver Light
high school.”

Hong Gyu-bin said with a smiling face without breathing.

“There was a psychopath who disturbed the satellite signal among the association’s
employees who were fired because of the Dream Gate incident. For reference, the
psychopath was found naked in the nearby collapsed building, severely injured, and
his body and mind were completely disabled.”

That psychopath probably was one of the perverts he had caught.

It seems that his actions have adjusted the balance between the sick person’s body
and mind.

Not only did he lose his mind, but the body was also crippled.
“If Changcheonmyeonggung had not subjugated all of them, all of the assistant
managers of the satellite management team would have to resign. Still, I have to
write a written apology. Hahahahaha!”

Today’s Hong Gyubin was a little scary.

They were smiling like those who were sick in body and mind.

Ham Geun-hyung thought so too, pulling his shoulder and setting some distance
between him and Hong Gyu-bin.

Hong Gyu-bin’s rampage, the monologue of like shooting a machine gun continued.

“I checked all the accessible recording devices, and it was confirmed that one player
escaped to the school after being chased by Enemy from the collapsing building. The
building owner was Choi Pyeon-deuk, a Silver Light school teacher. And the player
who escaped was Maeng Hyo-don, a student in class 0 in the first grade of Silver
Light. It’s not what I am thinking right? Eui shin is also in the first grade, class 0. Can
you tell me that Hyo-don has been attending school properly and have been good at

Enemy, part of the Ung family.

An association employee involved in the Dream Gate.

Player satellite signal disturbance.

A building owned by Silver Light teacher Choi Pyeon-deuk.

Permanent expulsion players found in the building.

The escape of Maeng Hyo-don, a silver light student with excellent awards.

With such clues, the Players Association would have figured out what Maeng Hyo-
don went through.

‘I think Hong Gyubin knows exactly.’

Hong Gyubin was trying to force lies and was raising vain hope.
However, Ham Geun-hyung shattered his hopes.

“Maeng Hyo-don is now in school for the first time. You must be busy today.”

If you interpret Ham Geun-hyung’s words, it would be like ‘Your reasoning is correct.
You are working overtime again today.’

“Hahahaha, it’s confirmed overtime all weekend I guess.”

Hong Gyu-bin, who correctly interpreted Ham Geun-hyung’s words, laughed with
despair in his lost eyes.

“I will speak with the public relations team of the Foundation regarding Choi Pyeon
Deuk. So, please cooperate with me for Maeng Hyo-don’s case. Maeng Hyo-don’s
homeroom teacher, Changcheonmyeonggung-nim.”

He was not the only one who thought that sounded like ‘Please help me’.

“Maeng Hyo-don is undergoing examination right now. I’ll talk for him. Let’s go in

“Yes, please. Deputy Yoon, Employee Jung. Go get the data for the Choi Pyeon Deuk
case. The Foundation’s public relations team is expected to arrive in 15 minutes. I
will join later.”

Hong Gyu-bin gave instructions to two men with school visit permits hanging around
their necks.

“Yes, team leader.”

“Yes, team leader!”

The person, presumed to be Deputy Yoon, turned right away and headed for Eun

But on the younger-looking man, Jung was not moving.

Instead, he stared at him and Ham Geun-hyung with a serious face.

Employee Jung suddenly walked toward him and Ham Geun-hyung and unfolded a

Ham Geun-hyung moved like the wind and blocked him.

‘Why is he coming here?’

A person believed to be a regular employee opened his mouth.

“Changcheon Myeonggung-nim, can you give me an autograph? I’d like to take a

picture with the unknown supernova as well, and both of your device codes too

What was he saying now?

Ham Geun-hyung also had a tougher face than usual, as if thinking similarly to him.

Deputy Yoon made a sudden U-turn and came back and grabbed Jung’s neck.

“Let’s go.”

“Oh, deputy. Let me go! Wait, it only takes a minute! Changcheonmyeonggung-nim,

Unknown supernova! Deputy, ah, really!”

Deputy Yoon started dragging a head locked overly cheerful employee away.

Those two who seemed free were somehow like Hong Gyubin’s subordinates.

“………Jung has always been a big fan of the Silver Light players. You can ignore him.

Hong Gyu-bin laughed with a voice as if he lost his soul.


The reception room located in the Sangin Hall of the central auditorium in the
central area.

Since outside performances were occasionally held in the Sangin Hall, there was a
waiting room and a reception room for VIP only.
‘Can I even be here?’

Currently, there were three people in the reception room: Him, Ham Geun-hyung,
and Hong Gyu-bin.

It was unnatural for him to be with them, but both Ham Geun-hyung and Hong Gyu-
bin allowed his attendance.

“This is a common case. Parents who enslave their player children come out every
year. After the conflict, more and more people gave birth to children with the feeling
of scratching the lottery. It’s rare to find trash that sells them to fight clubs though.”

When Ham Geun-hyung briefly conveyed the situation in which Maeng Hyo-don
faced, Hong Gyu-bin said fervently.

“I will immediately sever the ties between him and his father and prepare a group of
lawyers to solve the debt problem. I will prevent the name of Maeng Hyo-don from
being brought up in the media as well. Instead, there will be a big interview with
Changcheonmyeonggung-nim as a cover up.”

“Okay. I will prepare my interview with the public relations team of Hwangmyeong

Ham Geun-hyung and Hong Gyu-bin thoroughly discussed future measures.

In summary, the case of Maeng Hyo-don is expected to unfold like this in the future.

The unemployed debtor who sold his son as a slave


Players Association and Hwangmyeong Foundation joint defense team

They had no chance to lose.

If that situation came out in a game, the difficulty will be so low that it will be treated
as a trash game.

The case of Maeng Hyo-don seemed to get resolved without problems.

“I want to have an interview with Maeng Hyo-don, but would it be difficult to do
today? I would like to meet in person as soon as he is stable.”

“Yes. Please contact Maeng Hyo-don through me. Team leader Hong.”

“Hahaha, I thought Changcheonmyeonggung-nim would say so. Then I’ll go for now.”

Hong Gyubin got up from his seat and added a word.

“The person who destroyed Choi Pyeon-deuk’s decadent business. Do you know who
it is? It didn’t remain in the recording device properly.”

“I do not know.”

Ham Geun-hyung answered without sincerity.

Hong Gyu-bin smiled at Ham Geun-hyung once and then at Cho Eui Shin.

“Well, there are not one or two fellows who hide their faces and acts like a vigilante
among players. Like the Red Phantom Thief.”

That Red Phantom Thief nonsense.

Why does that embarrassing title appear here again?

It was related to the Dream Gate, so of course it would come out.

Hong Gyu-bin got up from the seat as if he had no more intention of questioning.


Then the door to the room opened and someone came in.

The person who entered… No, it was Kim Shinrok, the descendant of the Jin tribe.

‘What did he do to involve himself in this case?’

Although it was convenient to have Kim Shin-rok.

He’s also one of the actual parties involved too.

‘He just looks like an ordinary teacher.’

Kim Shinrok now had nothing of the inhumane gloomy that he saw with school

Just as usual, he was making a look that would make a good teacher.

“Mr. Kim Shinrok. Long time no see.”

“Team leader Hong. Hello, were you on the way out?”

“Yes. See you next time.”

Hong Gyu-bin and Kim Shin-rok also greeted each other lightly and separated.

And before leaving the seat completely, Hong Gyubin said a word.

“Then see you next time. Unknown supernova.”

Hong Gyubin left me with a meaningful smile.

No matter how much he thought about it, it was strange that a student was included
in here, so he couldn’t help it.

‘…… If I have to use force, I can pretend that I needed to be present as the vice-
president of class 0 in the first grade.’

However, it was not only him that was strange, but Hong Gyubin was also strange.

‘It’s strange that a team leader level authority was kept on field duty. Does the player
association have a special business philosophy?’

It was a slight discomfort, but he felt there was more to it.

Unlike Jegal Jae-geol, Ham Geun-hyung and Kim Shin-rok were not called “teachers”.

When Hong Gyu-bin called Ham Geun-hyung and Kim Shin-rok, he added “Mr.” or
used the player’s alias.

Although there was no problem at all that he used honorifics and honorifics

“Student Director, The requested data was sent to the device. Including Hyodon’s test
result. There are still a few more tests left… Shall we talk while heading to the

“Yes. Cho Eui-shin, let’s go.”

Hearing the story, Kim Shinrok found Maeng Hyo-don and Ham Geun-hyung who
were heading to the infirmary “accidentally” and heard of this incident and decided
to cooperate.

‘You must have followed Ham Geun-hyung to find the timing to intervene.’

Maeng Hyo-don was expected to enter the dormitory soon.

So it wasn’t unusual for Kim Shinrok, an advisor to the Intellectual society to

intervene in this matter, and it was a good thing.

“Hyodon is outside the examination room. CT scans and MRIs seem to be over as

Kim Shinrok, who had been walking in front, opened the door to the infirmary while

Cho Eui Shin followed Ham Geun-hyung and also went inside.

‘Is this the infirmary?’

It was like an infirmary in the central area of Korea’s best player special purpose
high school built by the rich foundation.

It was equipped with medical facilities that seemed to have been made by melting
money because of all the expensive equipment.

When it comes to the level of equipment they have, it is as good as the

Hwangmyeong Foundation’s general hospital, where he went with Jang Nam-wook
and Yoo Sang-hoon before.

‘So, that is why they don’t to the hospital and do a close examination at the infirmary

Maeng Hyo-don was sitting in the corner of the shining infirmary.

He was wearing loose clothes that looked like he borrowed Ham Geun-hyung’s


Maeng Hyo-don, who was sitting on the inspection table, turned his head.

When he saw his face, he opened his mouth.

“You… you. Were you okay? Vice-president Cho Eui-shin!”

He showed his real face through his student ID, so he would have recognized it right

Thump thump thump!

Wow, how can he run like that with slippers?

Maeng Hyo-don jumped from the inspection table and came to him in an instant.

Seeing that he’s full of strength, it seems like he’s not really hurt at all.

“I thought I was going to die, you Vice-president piece of shit!”

“If you didn’t get hurt then it’s fine. Did you eat yet?”

“I still have to fast because I still have some tests left.”

“Yeah? I just got here after eating.”

“You bastard.”

Maeng Hyo-don’s mouth, who responded to his jokes, was rough but had a face
mixed with sadness and smile.

It was fortunate that he could afford to laugh at least half of the time.
He didn’t want to see the head of Maeng Hyo-don, who was bowing his head, ever

He gave Maeng Hyo-don the most important thing to say.

“Hey, keep it a secret that I saved you.”


It would be embarrassing if people found out that the Red Phantom Thief was him.

“Just pretend you don’t know. Because I smashed everything there. It’s going to cause
some issues if they find out I am involved.”


Maeng Hyo-don had a look saying that he did not understand, but nodded.

Feeling at ease, He talked about random stuff with Maeng Hyo Don.

Did he sleep well, what did he want to eat for dinner today, when will he officially
enter the dormitory.

Trivial talks like that.

Ham Geun-hyung and Kim Shin-rok were looking at the two of them chatting with
faces filled with longing and gratitude.

Somehow, his back felt creepy.

It was a similar sensation to when he first heard the word Red Phantom Thief.

“……He is similar with him in that he tries to hide his good deeds as well.”

What was Ham Geun-hyung talking about?

The biggest reason the Unknown Supernova hid his power was because of the
embarrassing title of the Red Phantom Thief.

“Yes. Eui shin is an excellent student.”

Kim Shinrok also said with an inhuman expression for a moment.

He didn’t know what this descendant of the Jin tribe was thinking.

‘If I talk out here for no reason, it might bring up the story of the Red Phantom Thief.

He decided to shut up.

That evening, Maeng Hyo-don, Ham Geun-hyung, and Kim Shin-rok, the four of them
ate at the dormitory restaurant.

Eating out was difficult because the Hwangmyeong Foundation’s legal team and
public relations team issued a ban on going out.

‘I wanted to eat something delicious outside.’

Fortunately, Maeng Hyo-don seemed very satisfied with the dorm meal.

“Hey, vice-president…… Is the food in the dormitory always this delicious…?”

Maeng Hyo-don scooped up a bowl of food and ate it, and said in a thrilled voice.

He ate dinner with a happy face.

He had to talk to him to try to make him eat slowly.

‘I am full just by looking at him.’

The dormitory restaurant was buffet-style, so he didn’t know the exact amount, but
he thought he ate at least 5 servings.

Thanks to him really enjoying the food, Cho Eui Shin also enjoyed it.

Among the dorm meals he has eaten so far, today felt the most delicious.

Then came Sunday.

This case was published as an article.

Numerous article headlines were pointing to this incident.

The most striking article was the performance of the incumbent teacher and famous
player “Changcheonmyeonggung Ham Geung Hyung” and his interview.

[Prestigious silver light teacher ‘Changcheonmyeonggung’ made a big success,

defeating dozens of Enemy at night]

[“Changcheonmyeonggung”, a genius archer who blocked the otherworld at the ski

resort in Hongcheon-gun alone 20 years ago, this time guarding Silver Light district]

When the player SAT-K showed a ‘mysterious malfunction’, Ham Geun-hyung was
introduced as the player who sensed the energy and defeated dozens of demon
species alone.

Ham Geung Hyung’s interview was short and concise.

‘As a teacher, I just did what I had to do to protect the students’

I thought it was an interview like the true teacher that Ham Geun-hyung was and
checked the comments.

[Because there is such a person, I fall asleep in peace in this hell class in his
otherworld heaven.]

[Mr. Ham Geun-hyung is famous in the player industry. Tier 1 Ranged damage dealer.
He would have been a top-level team master if he wasn’t a teacher. Do you think he
still gets scout offers?]

[From the time of the Enemy raid, it was a little over 12 o’clock at night. Wow. I live
in Silver Light District so I’m grateful and I’m crying… if something had gone wrong I
would have died without knowing that I did.]
[Are you looking for the player association? We lived thanks to Mr. Ham Geun-hyung.
If you are getting our taxes, do better!]

He definitely was his playable character, his homeroom teacher.

Ham Geun-hyung was praised, but he was in a good mood, so he made a lot of article

Of course, it wasn’t just the Ham Geun-hyung article.

He couldn’t stop Choi Pyeon-deuk’s name from coming up.

Just by looking at a certified copy of the real estate register, people could confirm
that the owner of the buildings that collapsed in front of the school belonged to Choi
Pyeon Deuk.

‘Because this case was also a derivative of the Illusion Gate. It will be a good
firewood to burn to bring notice to it.’

The contents of the article were as follows.

The horrors of players who were luckily missing from the Illusion Gate incident.

A brief overview of the decadent establishment established by Choi Pyeon-deuk in

the educational environment protection area right in front of Silver Light High

It also talked about players who were found in filthy outfits in the building that faced
a “destruction of doubt.”

‘All those caught this time will face criminal penalties.’

These are the guys who caused the anger of the players’ association staff to work

Hearing from Hong Gyu-bin, he said that he was going to handle this very strictly by
holding hands with the police and detectives.

According to Hong Gyu-bin, his great senior helped to establish a cooperative

relationship easily.
‘I guess Song Man-seok, the iron arm, decided to help.’

It was also because of his involvement with the Illusion Gate, but because Song Man-
seok’s grandson was studying at Silver Light.

In Song Man-seok’s eyes, he could not forgive anyone who plagued in front of the
school his grandson went to.

‘Let’s check the comments as well.’

He thought whether to put an alarm on the keyword ‘Illusion’?

Article comments were overflowing with those who are presumed to be fans of Yeom
Jun-yeol, who made a list of the illusions.

[There is also a silver light teacher this time? Junyeol’s school teacher? That is crazy,
very crazy]

[In Korea’s most prestigious high school, there is a King God teacher like
ChangcheonMyeonggung so why is there trash like him…… I’m glad he was caught
now hahaha;]

[There is no end to his deeds. Must have been carefully doing them for a long time.]

[We have finished updating the latest version of the list of the illusions. It will be
uploaded again even if it is taken down anyway, but go quickly download.]

In addition to Choi Pyeon-deuk, Irena’s parents were on the list of Illusion that was
greatly updated by this incident.

‘Finally, Irena’s parents are listed.’

In the ID photo, Irena’s parents were photographed like they were very gentle.

However, in the remarks column of the illusion List, there was a recent situation that
seemed to be not very gentle.

[Showed confusion symptoms after a suicide commotion in Hwangmyeong Tower

seminude. They have been accused by the Hwangmyeong Tower management team
of damage to property, obstruction of business, and obscene performance.]
On that day, CCTV wasn’t able to capture the rooftop scene properly due to strong
rain and wind.

Although Jeokho probably intervened already.

‘Because I scared them, they won’t bother Irena for the time being.’

Among the articles, a photo of him popped up as if there was a reporter who was
lucky enough to have a good recording device.

The title of the article is ‘Who is the mysterious person in the collapse of the
decadent business?’.

There was a picture of him standing in the red lightning wearing a crow mask, who
had transformed into Yong Jegun with a player’s trajectory.

‘Because I wore clothes that hid my physique, no one would recognize this as
Yongjegun… ’

Even though he would suffer from the inconvenience, he wore thick clothes, wore a
mask, and changed his voice.

It will be fine.

‘I hope I don’t get a strange title again.’

Fortunately, his title, which he checked through the status window, remained

Most of the public’s interest went to Changcheon Myeonggung.

Again, his homeroom teacher was wonderful and great.



Even today, the sky was blue.

The weather was sunny.

The day was a little cold because the spring cold was still riding in the wind.

It was such a wonderful weather that he wanted to take a ride on the air board and
drive through the sky despite the cold.

When he went to the dormitory cafeteria after morning training in a pleasant mood,
the students were all talking about Ham Geun-hyung.

“The head of the student department is great. Did you see the scene of him catching
Enemy at the front door of the school? As soon as they hit the barrier and got
stunned, it was one shot, one kill. The editing was enormous, and only a part of the
video appeared, but just looking at it was amazing.”

“Is this Gwanglim? I thought only his face was scary, but his Gwanglim is also
terrifying. I shouldn’t mess with him.”

“Isn’t he the homeroom teacher for class 0 1st grade? I envy the class 0 kids.”

Yes, he liked that Ham Geun-hyung was the one in charge.

From the morning, he was happy to have him as the one in charge.

Besides Ham Geun-hyung, the story of Choi Pyeon-deuk also became a big topic.

The player’s association has revealed that they will find more than 1 billion won for
Choi Pyeon-deuk, so the story has grown further.

“Did you see the public party recruitment board? There was only recruitment for the
hunting party for the preliminary bounty that Choi Pyeon Deuk would get.”

“That’s only allowed to participate starting from the second semester of the first
year, right? Choi Pyeon-deuk taught like dogshit. I want to go catch him too. Can’t you
make a party in first grade?”

“It is a violation of school rules. I’m going to at least donate item cards.”

Silver Light actively supports students’ voluntary targeting of the other world.

It was a routine for students of silver light to recruit parties for targeting the
otherworld on the school’s website, and although rare, there were also parties
aiming to hunt for bounties.

‘Even in the game, I was able to participate in the party to subdue wanted players on
the silver light high school board.’

When he opened the hologram and checked it, he couldn’t see a party attacking the
world, but there was an overflowing amount of parties to hunt for Choi Pyeon Deuk.

[Pyeondeuk Choi, I’m coming to catch you now ^oh^ The bounty is 1/n Insights,
Tracking Skills holders are welcome (7/10)]

[Party leader doesn’t need the bounty. Instead, I hope for a personal interview for
about a day before handing over Choi Pyeon-deuk to the association. Consult the
device for details. (9/10)]

[! Great Bounty Hunter Era Opening! ♡ 100% Le/gal ◑➫ Choi Pyeon Deuk bare-
handed hunting party☆★ Fist only ★ to beat him up◐☞ No burden ♡ No free
recovery item support § € Regi§Ster ★ ※ Any※ ♬one can§participate♬ (10/10)]

[It was dirty together, let’s never meet again! This is a support party that supports
the Choi Pyeon Deuk subjugation party. Receive a donation of consumable item cards
for recovery and consumables. Setting up an additional party at full party. (10/10)]

[Choi Pyeon Deuk subjugation support party 2 (8/10)]

It was a fun party that makes you want to apply for participation ignoring the school

‘It’s a pity that they won’t be able to achieve the purpose of the party.’

As the days go by, the bounty will grow, but the person who will win the bounty will
never appear.

Choi Pyeon-deuk will taste hell until he dies in the basement of Eun Young-gwan of
Silver Light high school.

‘Except for Choi Pyeon-deuk, all the players involved in this case have been arrested,
so there will be no other wanted criminals.’
Numerous players were captured.

The greatest crime was neglecting and nurturing enemies in cooperation with the
Ung tribe in the Silver Light environmental protection zone.

In addition, the number of allegations of illegal use of decadent establishments,

aiding in drug trafficking, and trafficking of human beings exceeded two digits.

Although not mentioned in the article, there are some who were involved in the
manipulation of the Player SAT-K satellite signal, so the Player Association is
probably dying.

‘Hong Gyu-bin probably will work overtime throughout March.’

Hong Gyubin was a type of conniving trickster.

He was still a subject of surveillance, but it was a little pitiful to see him suffering.

‘I should send a greeting message.’

The Korean branch of the Players Association was also a dog mess, so there was no

It might not be a good experience, but what can he do?

Make a clean association by working hard, Hong Gyubin.

A simple greeting message was sent.

[Me] Hello. I saw the article. Team leader Hong Gyubin, you seem to be going through
a lot of hardships. I hope you cheer up.

He sent it and in less than a minute, a reply came.

[Hong Gyu-bin] Thank you, Eui-shin. The weather is all over the place recently so
watch out for getting the cold. Nothing much going on in school right? If anything
happens, tell me right away.

Hong Gyu-bin responded quickly as usual.

He didn’t reply again in case he was interfering.

He wasn’t ignoring him on purpose, anyway.

‘The training class Ung was caught by Jeok-ho, three directors of the Hwangmyeong
Foundation were fired, and five teachers in Silver Light’s school were fired. The
player association will also go through some changes.’

Silver Light high school and the association were getting cleaner.

After having breakfast, the steps toward the first grade 0 class were infinitely light.

Until he saw Hwang Ji-ho who was waiting for me.

“Looks like you did a lot of things.”

Was he really waiting for him?

The entrance to class 0 was relatively small, so no one was around.

“As the president, my head hurts. Three directors and five teachers have been
changed due to Choi Pyeon-deuk. The gap in the school administration is huge. I
have to check again the documents that Choi Pyeon-deuk’s gang messed with. Do you
know that Choi Pyeon-deuk was in charge of the Korea-China-Japan youth player
exchange promotion committee? He tried to destroy it. We have to do it again from
the planning stage.”

His head hurts, yeah right.

Hwang Ji-ho has a face saying that it is fun seeing eyes shining brightly.

But, he was very refreshed today, so he was compassionate.

He decided to give Hwang Ji-ho a little help, who was pretending to be busy.

“Up to now, was Choi Pyeon-deuk not been in charge of reviewing the approval of
full-time teachers too? Even if they have the ability, there must be a lot of people who
didn’t get hired because they didn’t bribe. If you hire those people as regular
teachers, more people will work.”
“I guess there is a teacher you want to recommend.”

Like a family of 5,000 years old, Hwang Ji-ho was quick to notice.

‘Choi Pyeon Deuk and that teacher had overlapping majors, so he was very checked.’

There was one non-regular fixed-term teacher who was excellent in the game but
could not become a full-time teacher because he had no money or backing.

He has been a volunteer at an orphanage for more than 10 years, and he is also a
player with great specs.

The teacher was affectionate with silver light high school, so he received an
insignificant salary and served through Choi Pyeon-deuk’s bragging.

He was also the successor of Taeho-kwon, one of the few in Korea.

“His name is Gong Cheong-Hwon.”

Gong Cheong-Hwon, the benefactor of Han-i, who is a member of the 1st-grade class

He died in the game without becoming a full-time teacher.

In this world, he will be able to achieve his dreams.

‘Gongcheong-Hwon and Hani will also like it.’

I think there will be a party in our class.

Thinking of Han-i’s joyful face made his heart warm.

Choi Pyeon-deuk’s class of Introduction to Enemy Studies will soon be changed to

Gong Cheong-Hwon.

It was when he finished the story about Gong Cheong Hwon and entered the first
grade, 0 class, with Hwang Ji-ho.

When Kim Yu-ri came out and saw Hwang Ji-ho, she approached with cheers.
“Eui shin, Jiho!”

Did something happen?

Kim Yu-ri was smiling with the brightest face she had ever seen.

Kim Yuri showed me the inside of the classroom, which was a little covered with her

“Our class attendance rate has risen completely!”

There were Maeng Hyo-don and Irena in the classroom.

“Look! There are now six in our class.”

Kim Yuri had a thrilling voice.

It was Kim Yu-ri, who liked to use the classroom widely, but she was lonely because
she had only four classmates.

Kim Yu-ri was also paying close attention to the attendance rate.

“Irena, please keep coming to school!”


Irena’s parents’ mental attack over the weekend had disappeared, so she looked a
little brighter.

He thought she might take more time to recover, but he was glad to see her come

Since Irena and Maeng Hyo-don came to school for the first time, the interest will be
divided between the two, so Irena will be less burdened.

‘Because Yuri Kim became friends with Andain, who completely closed her heart, she
will get along well with Irena.’

Under the leadership of Kim Yu-ri, Han-i and Irena were both awkward to each other,
but they were talking.
That was just like Kim Yuri, who was at the top when it came to communication
skills, sociability, and human resources in the game.

The three will quickly become friends.

Meanwhile, Maeng Hyo-don was staring up at Kim Yu-ri, who is about a span taller
than himself.

“That’s the class leader…”

He said he wasn’t curious when he was in the fight club.

He said that, but he must have wondered who the class leader who cares about the
attendance rate was.

Kim Yuri, who felt Maeng Hyo-don’s gaze, approached Maeng Hyo-don and greeted
him brightly.

“Hyodon, welcome! Please take care of me for the rest of the year.”

“Uh, uh…”

Maeng Hyo-don turned his gaze to Kim Yu-ri, who was actively talking to him, with
an embarrassed face.

He graduated from a male-only middle school and even in the middle school he
wasn’t very social.

It would be difficult for Maeng Hyo-don, a purely cultured male high school student,
to suddenly talk to an unfamiliar opposite sex.

Maeng Hyo-don couldn’t answer properly and looked mindlessly at the center of the
classroom electronic board.

First grade, class 0 motto.

‘On-time attendance’

Just by looking at Maeng Hyo-don’s expression, he could see that he thought, ‘What
bullshit is this?’
“What is this motto. Was it the vice president?”

Not really.

But before he got to answer.

Maeng Hyo-don crossed the river where he could not return.

“It sucks ass. Who made the motto?”

“I did.”

It was Ham Geun-hyung who had just arrived at the classroom answered Maeng
Hyo-don’s words.

Ham Geun-hyung seemed to have come a little early because he was worried
because it was Maeng Hyo-don’s first school attendance.

Maeng Hyo-don, who saw Ham Geun-hyung, froze.

Leaving such Maeng Hyodon alone, the class bell began ringing indifferently.


The broadcasting department and the band department in charge of today’s class
bell they selected was the song by Somyeong called Bye Bye.

This song was a Korean trot song that sings about goodbye, and was usually used
with the meaning of ‘Fuck off well.’

Choi Pyeon-deuk disappeared, and a lot of corrupted directors and teachers were
arrested, so it would be a song for them.

‘The article appeared on Sunday, but they already recorded it?’

An electric guitar, drums, and bass were arranged with powerful accompaniment,
and the husky vocals screamed in the head.

‘It’s uselessly high quality.’

Since the sub-activity starts today, it was the second and third graders who made the
class bell.

The class was completely ignoring the original song and repeating the lyrics of ‘Bye
Bye ya’ infinitely.

‘There must be a lot on the minds of the silver light seniors.’

Maeng Hyo-don’s remarks.

The timing of Ham Geun-hyung’s appearance

Class bell selection.

First grade, class 0 was a total mess in a dumb atmosphere.

The class bell did not fade out and ended with shouting, ‘Bye-Bye-Bye-Ah!’

Tap tap tap.

When the class bell was over, Ham Geun-hyung, who was standing in front of the
classroom door, moved to the podium.

Maeng Hyo-don, who had been stiff, responded to Ham Geun-hyung’s movement and
sat down in a hurry.


He put his face on the desk as if he was embarrassed.

The sound of the super-reinforced ceramic desktop and Maeng Hyo-don’s stone head
clashed loudly.

If it had been an ordinary wooden desk used in an ordinary high school, it would
have split in two.

“Let’s take care of the school supplies, Maeng Hyo-don.”

“………Yes sir.”
The ears of Maeng Hyo-don, who slammed his head on the desk, were red.

“Please make sure not to break the shitty motto.”

“………Yes sir.”

Ham Geun-hyung laughed and with his last hit.

Maeng Hyo-don’s mental power became zero and burned white.

“Ha ha ha ha ha!”

Eventually, all the first graders in the class 0 except Maeng Hyo-don burst into
laughter for a long time.

Irena was also smiling enough to have tears in her eyes.

After Maeng Hyo-don calmed down, six of the first graders in 0 class finished their
self-introduction using the ordinance.

Maeng Hyo-don and Irena’s first day of school ended very well.


After school.

The first sub-activities began.

Central area, in front of the office in the general club hall.

‘Newspaper Department’

Hwang Ji-ho said, looking up at the sign next to me.

“I didn’t imagine you would pick the newspaper department. It doesn’t suit you.”

He read newspapers often, but he always wanted to be a reader, not a reporter.

‘Even if I think about it, the newspaper department doesn’t really suit me.’
He didn’t answer Hwang Ji-ho’s words and went into the office.

Hwang Ji-ho followed him with twinkling eyes.

It was only for one person that he chose this sub-activity.

‘No, if I save this person, it will be for the entire silver light school, so it’s not
specifically for one person.’

There were about 20 people in the newspaper office, including freshmen and

There was a name tag attached to the seat where the freshman would sit, so he could
find a seat in no time.

“Cho Eui Shin, our seat is here.”


Hwang Ji-ho sat down.

Standing in front of the small electronic board, the advisor to the newspaper division
said, pointing to the device code written on the board.

“I am Jegal Jaegeol, the advisor. Please contact me if there anything comes up. Then
freshmen, please introduce yourselves first.”

The advisor to the newspaper department was Jegal Jae-geol, the head of the school
affairs department.

At the beginning of the game, he was cursed on behalf of a student and exited, and he
was a just teacher who slowly died over a year.

He judged that it would be most effective to participate in this sub-activity to prevent

the death of Jegal Jae-geol.

“Hello, I’m Cho Eui-shin in the 1st grade. Please take good care of me.”

Paving stones were laid to prevent the death of Jegal Jae-geol.

Choi Pyeon-deuk disappeared from the Silver Light High school.

We also secured a list of fraudulent admissions that Choi Pyeon-deuk brought in as a

special screening through Jeokho.

Now was the time to begin the next step.

The outside was made of super-tempered glass, and the inside was a simulator room
of the Intellectual Property Center made with otherworld metals.

This was a high-end facility built under the direction of Chairman Hwang Myung-ho
so that dormitory students could observe the training of other students.

This training room had a wonderful title of improving student welfare and

The truth was that when Hwangho built this place this way because he had a hard
time watching other students train unless it was through a ‘window’.

“Wow…… Did you just see the skill he used?”

“Yeah, it was cool.”

From the morning in the expensive simulator room, dormitory students were
training against virtual Enemies.

Usually, the students that drew the most attention were the ones with brilliant
combat abilities that used natural elements such as fire, water, wind, earth, and

However, the student who drew the most attention today was the new student,
‘Unknown Supernova, Cho Eui-shin.’

“I don’t even know the names of some of those weapons…… Oh, I know that one. Isn’t
it Urmi? A kite sword that was used in ancient India.”

“I saw him shooting with Flying Crow With Magic Fire and Cheonjachongtong and
was in awe. Did the school give him that?”

“No matter how I look at it, it doesn’t seem to be a Level 1 skill.”

“It’s been less than a month since his admission, but he raised his skill level? That’s

Dormitory students chatted while watching Cho Eui Shin’s self-study combat
through super tempered glass windows.

Cho Eui Shin devoted about 2 seconds per weapon to attacking the virtual Enemy
and immediately replaced the item card.

“Oh, he already replaced it. I wanted to see more of how to use the Karambit.”

“I want to see the javelin throw one more time.”

Leaving behind the regrets of the crowd, Cho Eui-shin continued to change weapons.

Item cards came out magically from the tip of his fingers.

The fast item card summoning, the speed of changing weapons, and the movement
to activate the skill were all agile and sharp.

“Didn’t they say he received 300 weapon item cards? It looks like there were over
300 weapons used so far.”

“He must have a lot of personal weapons too.”

Of course, his personal weapons were the result of Cho Eui-shin’s acquiring of the
personal property of Byun Soon-Hui and Choi Pyeon-deuk.

“But where the hell is he taking the item card out from?”

“Is he using something like Gwanglim on top of it?”

“I’m betting my snack that comes with the breakfast that, it’s Gwanglim.”

“When a British magician player uses magic with an item card, they use that kind of
motion too. Maybe it’s a magic skill?”

“I think the magic technique of hiding cards in your hand was called ‘palm’. Back
palm? One-hand palm? What technique is he using?”
“I think there are almost 400 now, but is it even possible to hide more than 400 cards
with magic skills?”

All Cho Eui-shin was doing was just using the item card by selecting the item card
from the item window with a dedicated menu skill.

In the eyes of students who did not know the existence of the exclusive menu, the
series of movements was unknown to them.

Dormitory students continued their discussions without answers.

In the meantime, Cho Eui Shin finished his last training by shooting an arbarest.

“Ah, it must be over now.”

“That was his 500th weapon.”

“Were you counting it? Hmm?…… it’s Mr. Yong, hello!”

“Hello, sir!”

The dormitory students who were concentrating on Cho Eui-shin’s training

responded late.

The teacher, Yong Je-gun, who were mixed among the crowd between the students,
greeted each other.

This geezer, who didn’t hide the fact that he was part of the Dragon tribe of the Jin,
was popular among students.

“Mr. Yong, Mr. Yong! I thought you said you were commuting from the Red Lion Team
Building at Jonggak Station.”

“Mr. Yong, are you going to live in the dormitory now?”

“No. Today I stopped by to talk with Mr. Kim today.”

The dormitory students did not hide their disappointment at Yong Je-gun’s answer.

“You should move here, Mr. Yong!”

“I’ll think about it.”

Yong Je-gun responded gently to the students while watching the first-grader beyond
the glass.

“That student is the Unknown Supernova, Cho Eui Shin…”

After using his 500th weapon, the Unknown Supernova, Cho Eui shin had no idea of
the situation outside the window.

Cho Eui-shin was distracted by the system notification sound that was heard only in
his own ears.

<The level of the skill ‘Use All Things’ has risen from 2 to 3.>


The morning training had raised the skill level of using all things.

His hypothesis of if the level rose with just having possession of the weapons, then
gaining experience using those weapons would raise it again turned out to be

‘On the first day of class where I battled with Bang Yoon-seop, Ham Geun-hyung also
said that.’

His current overall stats were Lv.15.

His level had risen by 2 since his admission to the school.

Besides, the skill level of using all things was now at 3.

At this level, the “Cho Eui Shin” himself had become somewhat useful.

Even if the player’s trajectory was not used, it had become possible to compete with
most of the silver light students.

‘The training was pretty rewarding. Even though I have a hard time because there
are a lot of people talking to me now whenever I finish training.’

About the exclusive menu skill, he spoke moderately.

Thanks to all the guesswork done by the students, he didn’t have to make up excuses.

“Uh, vice president.”

After taking a shower in the dormitory, he came out and stood in front of the elevator
and met up with Maeng Hyodon who was also assigned the same floor.

He seemed to be going to school too, so he thought they can go together.

“Meng Hyo-don, did you eat breakfast yet?”

“Already did. Today, the buttermilk croissants and mozzarella cheese were delicious.”

The taste of Maenghyodon, which seemed like he would eat miso soup and rice even
in the morning, was surprisingly Western.

The dormitory dining room breakfast prepared for both Korean and Western dishes
so it was just a matter of choosing what you wanted.

“Among the Korean food, the three-colored herbs were surprisingly delicious.
Especially stir-fried bellflower sprouts. Seasoned with sesame oil and sesame seeds.”

“Ah, he ate both.”

Maenghyodon seemed to not care about Western and Korean food.

“On the menu that came out for yesterday’s dinner, the yam sweet pumpkin porridge
was delicious.”

“I also ate two bowls of that.”

“I ate three bowls. I ate souffle omelet separately as well. It was more delicious to eat
without sprinkling sugar.”

Maeng Hyo-don praised the taste by talking about each and every menu he ate from
last weekend to this morning.
He thought he was going to eat everything well, but he must have eaten while
savoring and remembering the taste of each one.

‘It’s amazing that he remembers the names of each menu exactly like that.’

Maeng Hyo-don will probably do well if he ever does a Mukbang show.

While he was excitedly talking about the menu, they headed to school.

“Hey, Hyodon!”

The voice of Joo Soo-hyuk, this world’s main hero, was heard.

When he turned around, he saw Joo Soo-hyuk running towards Maeng Hyo-don at
full speed.

Usually, when he ran at that speed, his face is pressed by the wind, and a humiliating
scene was created. But when Joo Soo-hyuk did it looked like he was watching a scene
from a youth movie.

“You attend Silver Light High School?”

“………Yeah, Joo Soo-hyuk. Been a long time.”

Joo Soo-hyuk, who stopped in front of Maeng Hyo-don, reached out and shook hands.

The two were rivals who faced several times in the finals of the pre-player section of
the youth sports competition.

They probably were more used to shaking hands rather than saying hello.

“I couldn’t find you, so I thought you went to another school. Which class are you in?
I’m in the second class.”

“Class 0.”

“It’s the same class as Eui Shin.”

Joo Soo-hyuk was very pleased and spoke to Maeng Hyo-don and him.
With Joo Soo-hyuk’s high communication skills, the three of them exchanged device
codes and even created a group message room.

‘It’s just like Joo Soo-hyuk who boasts Kim Yu-ri’s level of talent.’

Maeng Hyo-don, who was not yet accustomed to using wearable devices, struggled to
register a contact.

Maeng Hyo-don’s father did not properly provide food, clothing, and shelter.

In this world, there wouldn’t be even a smartphone that was treated as junk, so it
was unavoidable for him to be unfamiliar with smart devices.

“When I saw you at the last competition, I regretted not asking for your home
address. Once you become an official player, you can’t compete in sports. I was
worried that I would never see you again. I’m glad to meet you at Silver Light.”

Official players were not allowed to participate in sports competitions.

Since those under the age of 17 are not official players, there was a separate youth
reserve player section.

“Let’s keep in touch often. Hyodon!”

Maeng Hyo-don grumbled about the difficulty of using the device but looked at the
message room with a stupid face.

When Maeng Hyo-don was a middle school student, the only one of his age that
treated him nicely was Joo Soo-hyuk, whom he met at the competition, so to him he
probably felt closer to him than any others.

‘Before the game even started, Joo Soo-hyuk saved many people. Even though those
people probably don’t know about it.’

Peace broke when he and Joo Soo-hyuk was teaching Maeng Hyo-don how to use the
device and was peacefully heading to the first-grade classroom.

“Let’s fight, Cho Eui Shin!”

Oh, the wild bread deliverer Bang Yoon-seop popped out.

He had an elated expression and probably was also thinking of some type of cheesy
tactic to use.

“I have raised my overall stat level. I also have items that boost my magic resistance
as well! Come at me, you son of a bitch Cho Eui Shin!”

Bang Yoon-seop was still the ever clumsy small fry but he was even stupid at that.

‘You shouldn’t tell that to the person you’re going to fight. You idiot.’

As if he doesn’t care about any fair play at all, there was no start signal.

He recklessly swung the nunchaku and attacked.

He picked two of the SR item cards he had robbed from Choi Pyeon-deuk.

“Hey, the Unknown Supernova and the bread deliverer are fighting!”

“Is it the second leg of the bread deliverer match? If you’re going to do it, give us a
notice so we can bet money!”

“Oh, no. It’s already started!”

“No. Damn it’s so far. I should have illegally modified the airboard to be manually

Students on the way to school were coming to watch.

Some of the guys who jumped to watch the fight from afar were live broadcasting on
their devices, and some even had holograms turned on.

It seems that the fact that Bang Yoon-seop became the bread deliverer of the
Unknown Supernova was famous.

‘I have an audience, so I have to provide some entertainment.’

Today, the day was refreshing and the wind felt good.

The SR item ‘Rod that Brings a Creative Wind’ was materialized.

〈Activating Skill ‘Use all things’.〉

Along with the sound of the system, magic spells and their effects flowed into his

Perhaps thanks to the level up, the expected power of the repertoire of available
spells also increased.

He didn’t know what level Bang Yoon-seop’s magic resistance item was at, but he
decided to use the most powerful magic he had with a casting time of less than 5

‘If it gets resisted, I can just attack with the second melee weapon item.’

Casting, a necessary process to use magic, goes through three stages.

Understanding the mana management formula.

Rod movement according to understanding.

Understanding the mana flow which changed accordingly.

When the caster who has finished the casting shouts the incantation in the promised
language, then the magic is activated.

“Escensii Venti!”

As soon as his incantation was shouted, the flow of the wind changed.


“Hahahaha! Magic is useless… uh, uh, what!”

The momentum of the gentle spring breeze turned harsh.

A whirlwind rising high into the sky ran toward Bang Yoon-seop.


When a storm appeared at the end of his rod, the school students shouted.
On the other hand, Bang Yoon-seop, caught in the disaster, screamed.


He heard the sound of the item being shattered as if it easily exceeded the magic
damage that Bang Yoon-seop’s magic resistance item could endure.


The effect of losing the magic resistance item was seen from the other side of the

When that little light disappeared, Bang Yoon-seop was caught in a tornado and flew

He became smaller and smaller.

Gradually, he got further away.

‘uh oh, it’s too strong.’

Bang Yoon-seop will die if left alone.

He stopped the magic spell.

Then he fell on the floor like a frog fell to the ground in an upside-down position.

Because the wind was manipulated to act as a cushion, the damage would not be
great, but it was still unsightly.

‘I guess I don’t need the melee weapon item.’

Still, he used it to keep the momentum going and apply pressure.

He realized the second item card he prepared, the SR-class “Jeya Gosu’s Steel
Nunchaku,” and walked toward Bang Yoon-seop, spinning it around like a master.

It was the hand movement of level 3 level nunchaku skill.

Bang Yoon-seop, who recognized it, had a face of astonishment.

“Be careful, Bang Yoon-seop.”

“Crazy. You were level 1 before!”

“I leveled up.”

Bang Yoon-seop’s face was stained with despair.

“If you go on like this, you will lose to me even with the nunchaku.”

“Ah, shit…”

Bang Yoon-seop completely lost his fighting spirit and laid on the floor.

“Looks like I had plenty of eye candy today.”

“That magic is crazy. I want to learn it too.”

“I saw the bread deliverer match and listened to the online lecture on the basic mana
management theory, but it was difficult. It’s better to just learn other combat skills.”

“Unknown Supernova, it was fun to see!”

“Bread Deliverer, try a little better next time.”

When the short and intense fight ended, the students, who were the audience, each
said a word and headed back to the classroom.

Maeng Hyo-don and Joo Soo-hyuk remained next to each other and gave a cold
evaluation toward Bang Yoon-seop.

“Yoon-seop should train his core more.”

“When he moves his center of gravity, something looks a little clumsy.”

The factual violence continued.

Bang Yoon-seop, who had been upside down, looked at the two with confused faces.

As if he didn’t have the nerve to mess with Joo Soo-hyuk, the top seat, he pointed to
Maeng Hyo-don and let out his anger.

“Who are you! You look like you crawl on the floor. Are you a middle school student?”

Maeng Hyo-don’s weakness was his height and size that was below average.

Although he has strong muscles through numerous competitions and repeated fights
against the Enemy.

Maeng Hyo-don, who was treated as a rival with Joo Soo-hyuk, was a real master of

‘Maeng Hyo-don didn’t eat properly during the time it was considered his growth

According to Ham Geun-hyung, Maeng Hyo-don currently shows addiction

symptoms due to a lack of vitamins, malnutrition, and abuse of recovery items.

If he wasn’t a player, he said he would have to be hospitalized for a long time.

‘Since Maeng Hyo-don was still in his teens and has a strong constitution, I heard
from now on that he would be okay if he improved his diet, refrained from using
recovery items, and did rehabilitation training. I will have to help by staying at his

While he was thinking briefly, Maeng Hyo-don and Joo Soo-hyuk responded with a
firm face to Bang Yoon-seop’s words.

“Are you trying to tick me off?”

“Yoon-seop, what are you talking saying to Hyo-don?”

When Joo Su-hyuk blamed Bang Yoon-seop, he was amazed.

Bang Yoon-seop, who confirmed Maeng Hyo-don’s name tag, said with an astonished

“Hyodon? Are you Maeng Hyo-don?”

The two never met in the silver light high school in the game.
At the end of the 1st grade, Bang Yoon-seop transformed into an Enemy as an insular
demon servant, and he died at the hands of Joo Soo-hyuk, while Maeng Hyo-don
wasn’t freed until the 2nd year.

“I remember now. When I was in middle school, I saw you at the Taekwon nunchaku
contest. You were the little bitch that cried as losing in the preliminaries against me
huh? “

He guessed that the two met when they were in middle school.

Bang Yoon-seop’s face color changed like a blank paper.

Bang Yoon-seop was one of the victims who was beaten in the preliminaries when
Maeng Hyo-don swept through all sorts of competitions when he was in middle

Bang Yoon-seop was also someone who had enough talent to be admitted into Silver
Light, but even he was nothing compared to Maeng Hyo-don.

“If you want to fight, I’ll accept.”

Maeng Hyo-don approached Bang Yoon-seop, who was laying on the ground upside

Bang Yoon-seop couldn’t even look at Maeng Hyo-don.

“Are you smoking too? I can smell that, asshole.”

Maeng Hyo-don, who stopped in front of Bang Yoon-seop, said, frowning.

A cigarette?

He took a 50,000 won bill from his wallet and handed it out to Bang Yoon-seop.

He looked at the bill and spewed out curse words.

“Go buy some bread.”

“Buy a cake from the homemade bakery in front of the front gate. A Fromage Blanc
Mousse Cake. Bring seven forks.”

In front of the school’s gate, there was a famous handmade cake shop run by a
patissier player.

He wanted to feed the gourmet Maeng Hyo-don with outside food.

Since he was banned from going out until the press became quiet.

“Ugh, it’s farther than the third-grade shop!”

“You don’t want to?”

“Cho Eui Shin, you Enemy like son of a bitch!”

“If you mess with the food this time, I’m going to pull out your nails.”

Meanwhile, Joo Soo-hyuk was explaining to Maeng Hyo-don about the previous
promised bread deliverer match.

“Bring it to me before class starts. Bang Yoon-seop.”

He saw him disappear in the distance moving as fast as possible on his bike.

Maeng Hyo-don seemed to have an excellent sense of smell.

It would be convenient to use Maeng Hyo-don’s sense of smell when striking Bang

“Hey, Maeng Hyo-don. Whenever you find him smoking, I’ll buy you bread.”

“What, are you real? I want to do it.”

“Eui shin, I want to do it too!”

“Okay. Please take care of it.”

It would be appreciated if Joo Soo-hyuk, a classmate of Bang Yoon-seop, would

The three-person group message room they just created will be a great place for
information sharing.

Bang Yoon-seop would be under surveillance by Joo Soo-hyuk and Maeng Hyo-don,
the first tier of the melee attackers in the game.

‘Goodbye, Bang Yoon-seop. I guess you will quit smoking soon.’

The cake that Bang Yoon-seop bought was shared well with Joo Soo-hyuk and the six
students in the first grade.

Cream cheese mousse and blueberry confit blended together to create a fantastic

The cake party ended with the praise of hidden gourmet Maeng Hyo-don and sweets
lover Hani.


After-school activities time.

Among the few insolvencies that the newspaper department has, it is one for the

Eight new members of the newspaper department, including him and Hwang Ji-ho,
were staring at the holograms of their respective devices.

The first task given to them was to write an article about an incident that happened
at school.

“I envy you. You have it easy.”

Hwang Ji-ho looked dissatisfied next to him.

“Yeah, I like it. To think it would be this easy.”

What he chose to write an article about was the second leg of the bread deliverer
match between him and Bang Yoon-seop.

Thanks to Bang Yoon-seop, he had it easy.

Besides Hwang Ji-ho, the other six were also suffering because they had no idea what
to write for their articles.

“Bread Deliverer 2nd match…… I wanted to see it with my own eyes!”

Moon Sae-ron, a playable character in the game, belonging to the 1st grade 2nd class,
could not hide his disappointment.

Moon Sae-ron was a typical informational character belonging to the newspaper

department that often appeared in fiction.

It was also a character who was expected to survive until the third grade and become
the head of the newspaper department.

“You want to bet again? I liked the selection at that time.”

“Hwang Ji-ho you think so, right? Betting and BGM must not be missed in the big

“Okay. I want to shoot firecrackers if possible.”

“You are good, Hwang Ji-ho.”

Moon Saeron was also the guy that ran the betting applications during the first

‘It looks like Moon Sae-ron and Hwang Ji-ho go well with each other.’

There was a brief talk about the Bread Deliverer Match, but the topic returned back
to the article writing task in front of them.

The new members of the newspaper department jokingly spoke to him and Hwang

“Because it’s April Fool’s Day soon, I heard that there will be plenty of articles. Class
0 seniors are likely to do something this year.”

“You two are in first grade, class 0 right? If you are going to cause an incident, let me
know so I can write about it first.”
“This year’s 1st-grade class 0 is famous for its tranquility, so most likely nothing will

The problem was that it was so quiet that they did not even come to school.

Only 6 out of the 16 students attended school until April so far.

‘It’s April 1st soon… ’

April Fools’ Day is the day where major events take place in the game.

“I heard it’s customary for Class 0 to have accidents every year on April Fools’ Day.
Shouldn’t we do something too, Cho Eui-shin?”



He briefly answered Hwang Ji-ho’s question.

“I’m busy.”

Hwang Ji-ho, who was staring at his face, seemed to be shining strangely in his eyes,
but he decided to pretend he didn’t know.

He was going to be very busy on April Fool’s Day.

‘It would be very rewarding to save people and dispose of the trash left by Choi
Pyeon Deuk as well.’

Even though it was a pity that he couldn’t show the proper aspect of class 0.

It will be a truly rewarding April Fool’s Day.

“Baekho, Jeokho. Welcome. Except for the 5th floor that I use, please use whatever
you want.”

The residence of Chairman Hwang Myung-ho.

Hwang-ho, in the form of Hwang Ji-ho, greeted the two sacred tigers.

Jeok-ho looked at the smiling Hwang-ho with eyes as if he did not understand.

“………Hwangho, why did you call me and Baekho here? Don’t you resent us for
leaving after leaving everything to you?”

At the words of Jeok-ho, Hwang-ho recalled a very distant past.

‘Resent, huh.’

A heavenly deity who gave gentle grace to the Korean Peninsula.

A man who resembled that great heavenly deity.

Cheong-ho who was around that man with a happy expression.

The Baekho and Jeokho ran together on the barren ground.

And Eun-ho, the head of the tigers whom he respected more than anyone.

Precious beings came to mind and disappeared.

The disappeared past was so brilliant that everything in this world looked faded.

‘……… My friends have already been punished.’

Baekho, who asked the heavenly deity for freedom to go anywhere, was bound to the
god’s territory.

Jeokho, who asked for mercy from the heavenly deity to forgive the Ung, was
betrayed by the Ung and lost everything.

Hwang-ho did not feel relieved at all even when he saw the punishment carried by
his two friends.

“You want me to resent my two friends who are already being punished?”

Whenever his two friends looked at him with guilty and dead eyes, it was so painful
that his motivation for life disappeared.

Since those eyes have changed, he finally felt like being with them again.

“Eunho will also forgive you.”

Hwang-ho said as he approached the bird’s-eye view of Eun Hwi-gwan hung on the
wall of the drawing-room.

“I have to thank Cho Eui Shin. He gave you two new goals to aim for and helped you
two to wake up.”

In the eyes of Hwangho, who looked at Baekho and Jeokho with the bird’s eye view
of Eunhwi-gwan behind him, there was no boredom in his life at all.

It was the twinkling eyes that Cho Eui Shin usually considered very ominous.


The last day of March, morning.

Cho Eui Shin went to the 1st-grade class 1 classroom.

As expected, Yoo Sang-hoon, who finished morning training in the basketball club,
was in school early.

“Choeuishin, what’s up?”

“Hey, Yoo Sang-hoon. Come with me for a bit.”

He called Yoo Sang-hoon into the hallway without people.

He followed right away without saying anything.

There was something he wanted to ask while looking at his face.

“You know these guys?”

Yoo Sang-hoon nodded when he said the names of two students belonging to the
first grade.

“Cho Eui-shin, do you know them?”

“No. We don’t know each other.”

“Then keep it that way.”

He was a little surprised by Yoo Sang-hoon’s resolute attitude.

“It feels similar to Son Min-ki.”

Yoo Sang-hoon’s tact must have gotten better after almost dying from being hit in the
back of his head.

The two guys he talked about were the fraudulent students Choi Pyeon-deuk

Choi Pyeon-deuk, who was supposed to kill Kim Shin-rok and become the homeroom
teacher for the first grade, brought them into class 1.

‘In the first place, Choi Pyeon Deuk was supposed to look after them after killing Kim
Shin rok as the homeroom teacher, but the plan was ruined so they couldn’t have
caused much trouble after that.

There must not have been so many evils committed yet.

However, listening to what Yoo Sang-hoon said, the fundamentals seem to have not

He made his decision.

‘I can’t let them attend Silver Light.’

Not even because of the smallest evils, they will commit in the future, but he didn’t
know what they will do for themselves in the future.

Their family lived well enough to even give Choi Pyeon-deuk satisfaction, and on the
outside, they looked like normal students.

Even in the game, their skill of making evil atrocities making it look like just playful
jokes between friends was excellent.

‘They are the best in their ability to rationalize themselves, avoid responsibility, and
manipulate information. Not only from Silver Light High school but if possible, I want
them to leave the player world forever.’

Not only the two of them were accompanied by luck, but they had an amazing ability
to trick people.

They survive the event in which many of the students were murdered.

They would lock down all three or four existing emergency exits, even sealing them
with an SSR-class item, and ran away.

Because the presence of other students interfered with them when running away

“What else are you planning to do?”


“Cho Eui Shin your expression is a bit.”

“What about it.”

He was just thinking about how to deal with the evil axis of the Silver Light in the

“It’s the expression that you made before you destroyed Son Min Ki.”

Yoo Sang-hoon tapped his shoulder and smiled.

“Are you free this Saturday? Please give me a tour of the dormitory.”

“Okay. See you at lunch. We are eating outside.”

“Let’s make fun of Jang Namwook through a video call.”

He giggled with Yoo Sang-hoon and made plans for the weekend.

Jang Nam-wook was not affiliated with silver light so couldn’t enter the dormitory. So
it looked like Yoo Sang-hoon wanted to hang out with him in whatever way possible.

Even though it was packaged with words like making fun of him.

If this job is completed safely, he was going to play with Yoo Sang-hoon and Jang
Nam-wook as the reward.


The class bell that announced the afternoon class was a traditional marching song
called Muryeongjigok (武寧之曲), also known as Daechwita, performed by the
Ministry of Traditional Music.

[Myeonggeum Daechwita!]


When the head of the Traditional Music Department gave a command, a gong was
heard and the performance began.

The mellow sounds of the brass instruments Nabal, Nagak, Taepyeongso and
percussion instruments such as Yonggo, Janggu, Gong, sounded.

Thanks to the unexpected selection, the drowsiness that came after lunch went away.

‘The morning class bell, ‘Breath of the Wilderness’ was also good, but the
muryeongjigok is not bad either.

While listening to the class, he opened the electronic textbook stored on the device,
the introduction to the Enemy.
The afternoon class was an introduction to Enemy Studies, which was Choi Pyeon
Deuk’s subject.

In other words, it is the first class of Gong Chung-Hwon, the mentor of Hani.

“I am Gong Cheong-Hwon who will be taking over the lecture on the introduction to
Enemy Studies on behalf of Choi Pyeon-deuk, who is wanted. I hope we get along.”

Behind the school table stood a handsome man whose concept of goodness became

‘He looked so good in the game, but it looks that way even more so in reality.’

There were fewer than ten people left because the first graders all ran away from
Choi Pyeon-deuk’s class.

But today, the number of students increased as the teacher in charge changed from
Choi Pyeon-deuk to Gong Cheong-Hwon.

‘I’m glad the class change period wasn’t over yet.’

The period of class change happened during March.

Breathtakingly, Hani barely joined the class.

Han-i was sitting next to him and looking up at Gong cheong-Hwon with a happy

“Was this how far you guys progressed? It’s pretty much the same as starting new.”

Gong Cheong-Hwon, who was checking the progress of the class with the students,
looked puzzled.

Choi Pyeon-deuk didn’t teach the class at all.

All-day long, He talked about bullshit such as bragging about good connections,
complaints about society, politics they had no interest in, slander of other teachers
and baseless slander, etc.

‘I almost memorized that spell.’

When used in the classroom, he didn’t know how many times he wanted to shout
“Teacher Jindo is going out,” an incantation of a curse that aroused the hatred and
anger of most students.

He didn’t want to call Choi Pyeon-deuk a teacher, so he held on.

“The most important thing when studying is the question ‘why?’. Why should we
study about the Enemy.”

Gong Cheong-Hwon continued the class with a cheerful voice.

Although she couldn’t hear with her ears, Han-i showed a willingness not to miss a
single word from Gong Cheong-Hwon through lip-reading, and kept her eyes on his

“You could do a search for Enemy with a wearable device, use analytics items, or use
skills like insight.

About ten students also focused on Gong Cheong-Hwon’s words.

Gong Cheong-Hwon had the power to attract attention even with a soft tone.

“The answer is to reduce ‘time’. It is because a response is required in seconds in the

attack of the other world where many variable situations continued.

Gong Cheong-Hwon’s words continued.

“It takes time to activate devices and use items and skills. Reducing that time will
help you stand in an advantageous position.”

With a wearable device, Gong Cheong-Hwon posted the table of contents of the
introduction to Enemy Studies on the electronic board.

“Enemy Studies will be a useful weapon.”

After completing the Introduction to Enemies Orientation, Gong Chung-Hwon

started the class by writing on the electronic board occasionally.

As expected, it was a class with great content.

It was worth holding on until Choi Pyeon-deuk fell out.

‘Because it would have been noticed that many students would apply for this class as
soon as Gong Chung Hwon got the teaching role.’

Like Hani who was sitting next to him listening to every word of the lecture.


April 1st, it was April Fool’s Day.

Even in the former world, April Fools’ Day was treated as a kind of festival at school.

The school table is set up behind the classroom or hidden underneath it.

Stuff the inside of the gym uniform to make it look like a scarecrow and put it behind
the classroom.

Students would wear their school uniforms backward and sit backward.

Put on ketchup and act like corpses all over the school.

Graduates wear school uniforms and hide among the students.

The previous world’s April Fool’s jokes were also pleasant enough.

However, the April Fool’s Day mischief of the silver light was different.



When he left the dormitory early in the morning, he heard a scream in the dormitory
building of the second and third graders.

From a distance, a mass of gases that resembled the ghost type Enemy was
wandering around the dormitories of the 2nd and 3rd graders.

‘Since the first graders haven’t gone through the Enemy practice yet, they must have
been nice and skipped us.’
There were lumps of gas in the faculty’s residence, but they were quickly being

It was a quick and agile response like veteran teachers of silver light.

‘They are starting already.’

April Fool’s Day was a small festival of silver light high school.

The level of the playfulness of high school students with excellent abilities and good
brains was beyond imagination.

‘The brief introduction that was in the game was enormous.’

Traps and portals will be installed throughout the central area by 2nd and 3rd grade
0 classes, and some classrooms will be renovated to look like the other world.

The lake on the school grounds, Lake Cheongrang, will freeze or evaporate, or
monsters will appear.

‘The stress must have been accumulated due to the academic and otherworld
learning…… as long as no one is injured, pranks would be allowed.’

And one of the best pranks today would be the clock tower in front of the front gate
of the silver light in front of him.

‘How on earth did you install that?’

The white front gate clock tower was turned into a neon sign tower.

Hundreds of large and small silver light textbook-shaped neon signs covered the
clock tower.

Students who had been attending the school early stood with their mouths wide
open looking at the clock tower at the main gate.

Silver Light teachers will be troubled all day, but most of the students will have a
pleasant April Fool’s Day.

So when the people of the silver light in the game first heard the news, no one
believed it.

On April Fool’s Day, a taxi driver and two passengers died in a traffic accident near
the gate of the Silver Light high school.

‘I thought it was a vicious lie by someone.’

The taxi driver had family members to support.

The passenger was a middle school child.

The article was published belatedly and Silver Light students fell in shock.

He didn’t know exactly when and where the accident would happen.

He only knew that there was an accident near the school on the morning of April

‘I thought about how to respond.’

From the rooftop of Hwangmyeong Tower of the Hwangmyeong Group, the only
skyscraper in the Silver Light District, the entire district was clearly visible.

The weather was nice today and there were no clouds.

The wind from the roof of the 55-story building was refreshing.

〈Activating Gwanglim, ‘The player’s trajectory’.〉

He was going to transform into the character with the clairvoyance skill.

“Ahn Jungjigye (眼中之界) Cheon Dongha”

It would not be difficult to monitor the entire Silver Light District if he borrows his
Gwanglim, a second-year leader in silver light.

Check out each moving taxi and mark it as a target if a middle school student is

“Cho Eui Shin.”

Immediately, he canceled the player’s trajectory and looked at the side where the
voice was heard.

It was Hwang Ji-ho.

“Because I couldn’t see you at school. I tried tracking you because I thought it was an
“emergency”. As chairman of the board, it’s natural to worry about students.”

Damn him.

He used the authority of the chairman to track the location of the device distributed
by the school.

“Of course that was bullshit. You said you were busy on April Fool’s day, so I followed
you because I was curious about why you were busy. What are you doing, you know
this is my building right?”

Hwang Ji-ho confessed quickly with his eyes twinkling.

It seems like he didn’t even intend to hide it from the beginning.

Today’s 1st-grade class 0 attendance rate was ruined.

He couldn’t stop Hwang Ji-ho from acting freely.

Mr. Ham Geun-hyung, I’m sorry.

“To prevent a traffic accident.”

“Yeah? Then can I help you?”

He didn’t think he was curious at all about how he knew a traffic accident was going
to occur.

“Instead, let’s do a big prank at school when we’re done.”

Did he really want to play a prank on April Fool’s day that badly?…

Even though he was grateful if Hwangho helped.

If the chances of preventing an accident increased even a little, he can prank as many
times as needed.

As he nodded, Hwang Ji-ho lit his eyes and laughed.

“Then the deal is established.”

Hwang Ji-ho climbed up on the rooftop of Hwangmyeong Tower.

Jeokho, who stood on the balcony railing of his dormitory when he first appeared,
the tiger tribe seems to like high places.

Hwang Ji-ho maintained perfect balance and widened his arms.

“This body is the guardian of the god’s territory. As far as I’m concerned, there are no
secrets that I do not know about within Silver Light High school.”

As if he didn’t neglect Choi Pyeon-deuk’s decadent business.

He hasn’t been interested until now, so it was natural to not know but.


When the power of the Yellow tiger was released, the flow of the atmosphere
completely changed.

His hair and eyes turned golden.

An aura of gold and pressure spread around him.

It could be seen that even without insight skills, it was not a force that humans can
fight against.

‘Is this the divine power of a tiger?’

Hwang-ho rarely intervened in the game, so he had never seen him use his strength
in earnest.

As Hwang-ho reached out, gold particles gradually spread into the air, covering the
entire district.
The rain of golden particles fell in the downtown of the silver light district under the
blue sky.

It was a fantastic sight.


Hwang Ji-ho suddenly opened his eyes.

The pupils like the eyes of beasts flashed golden.

“Cho Eui Shin, there is no time to be bored when I am with you.”

Those twinkling eyes had a faint life unlike usual.

“There are Ung tribe people around the silver light district. Their target is that taxi
that is going over the speed limit.”

April Fool’s Day traffic accident in front of the school gate of Silver Light High school.

He thought it was an unfortunate accident that happened by chance, but he guessed

that wasn’t the case after all.
“Do they want to make it look like an accident? They aren’t actively attacking. They
are lifting up parts of the road, changing the friction…… working very delicately I

The golden eyes were accurately penetrating the movements of the Ung tribe who
stepped on the territory.

“I don’t see any legendary tier Ung tribe. Everyone’s grade is low.”

“Is it similar to the training class Ung we caught last time?”

“Yeah. I see five, but all of them are insignificant.”

The training class Ung, who lost his mind after fighting with Baekhogun, had his
arms not only cut off but ground away.

It is said that the training class Ung has completely lost the power to tame the Enemy
and was being tortured after losing his marbles.

He was told that Kim Shin-rok, who cannot attack the Ung, was attempting torture in
a “creative way”. But he never got a chance to ask how.

‘Was it another instruction from that ‘person’?’

“That Person” urged them not to be afraid of the tigers.

It still wasn’t clear who it was or what their exact goal was.

He knew they were still working hard to lead Silver Light District toward the bad

“To think he endured the attack of the Ung tribe and drove all the way over here. The
taxi driver’s driving skills are excellent. I want to hire him as my dedicated driver.”
Hwang Ji-ho smiled and added.

He must be very excited to see the golden iris flashing with the momentum to emit
even a beam.

“What should we do, Cho Eui-shin. Shall we go hunting right now?”

Ung Tribe.


Jin Tribe.

Silver Light District and Silver Light High school.

Traffic Accident.

He didn’t have much time, but he organized all the moves he can make carefully.

He cleared his thoughts and shook his head.

“It’s not a good move for you to show up right now.”

If they realize that Hwang Ji-ho noticed, there is no reason for the Ung to cover
things up, so they will be trying to get the taxi with all their power.

‘Although it’s not clear whether they will focus on their safety or the death of the taxi

Assassins usually prioritize achieving their goals over their lives.

He didn’t know what the Ung would prefer.

‘It would be better to make plans assuming the worst possible scenario.’

The taxi driver should not be a player.

The middle school student may have abilities, but in the end, it’s just a middle school
student who can’t even use Gwanglim.
They will have a hard time withstanding the attack of the Ung.

Even if they don’t die, they may be seriously injured.

“Let’s call Baekho and Jeokho…… If they able to come within 5 no within 10

It would be possible for him and Hwang-ho to protect the taxi with full force, but it
would be too noticeable.

Kim Shinrok, a descendant of the Tigers, cannot attack the Ung.

It is also difficult to mobilize other teachers or students in the Silver Light either.

The only ones they can call upon were the two tigers, Baekho and Jeokho.

‘If I remember correctly the game stated that the taxi was overturned near the main
gate of the school.’

It was about 15 minutes of distance between the taxi that Hwang Ji-ho is giving
attention to and the silver light school gate.

There was still time.

‘The situation gets complicated if this gets known to the residents of the district and
the students of Silver Light. He and the three tiger tribe should be able to quietly
capture the Ung and protect the taxi.’

Hwang Ji-ho started his device and sent a message.

“I’ll call them. Baekho and Jeokho will be here soon as they have finished organizing
their luggage.”

Organizing your luggage?

He didn’t know what he was talking about, but if they are to come right away, he was

Hwang Ji-ho, who sent the message, began to relax, changing the color of his hair and
eyes to the usual dark brown.
“Hwang Ji-ho, are you going to fight too?”



It was doubtful that Hwang Ji-ho looked motivated.

This was Hwangho, the lazy chairman, who responded with ‘what’s wrong with that’
when he made the first deal.

Maybe he was just responding to the deal that they made that they were going to pull
a prank in exchange for preventing the traffic accident.

Hwang Ji-ho now seemed like he was full of heart to work hard.

“I don’t know if it was invisible, but it’s natural that I want to catch and kill the bugs
if they wander right in front of my eyes.”


If he knew that there was an unseen bug of Ung tribes caliber somewhere, he would
immediately call the pest control company.

“And recently, playing with you has changed my mind a lot. I will cooperate with you,
Cho Eui-shin.”

He didn’t know what he had done to change his mind like this.

‘Hwang Ji-ho is not a person who breaks his word. Pretty reliable.’

The opponents were 5 Ung tribe members and there were people to protect, and
even though they had to act in secret, he wasn’t worried at all.

As long as the three tigers from the Gaecheon myth was with him

‘There is no reason to lose.’

Him, Hwang Jiho, Baekho, Jeokho.

The four of them decided where to move by connecting to the device group call

Jeok-ho contacted Kim Shin-rok, but it was difficult for him to get out of class, and he
couldn’t use his strength against the Ung, so he decided to take care of the post-

[The location of all the lurking bugs has been set. Go to the designated locations.]


[I will do as you say, Hwangho.]

From the earring, he heard the voices of Hwang Ji-ho, Baekho, and Jeokho.

Hwang Ji-ho was seen jumping to the roof of another building by activating his leap
skill from afar.

The Ung tribe were scattered throughout the district.

Baekhogun and Jeokho should also move to their designated position.

〈Activating the character’s skill, ‘Fly’.〉

The character used as the player’s trajectory this time was Yong Je-Geon, the geezer
dragon tribe teacher.

The skill was used while maintaining the appearance of Cho Eui-shin.

‘Although it has the disadvantage that it is difficult to use it openly because it can
only be used for a short period of time, and space techniques are a very rare skill.
This would be the most efficient option in this situation.’

Hwang Ji-ho was planning to catch two Ung.

Baekho and Jeokho decided to take on the other three.

He was in charge of the taxi’s security.

‘They must think I won’t be able to deal with the Ung.’

Considering the combat power of the three tigers and his player’s trajectory, It was
right for him to be in charge of the guarding.

‘Of these, It’s because I am the most flexible one of the group.’

He grabbed a magic weapon while using flight.

It was the SR-class magical weapon that blew Bang Yoon-seop away, “Rod that blows
the creative wind.”

He wanted to leave Yong JeGeon’s spatial techniques as a last resort since he was
right in front of the school.

〈Activating the skill ‘Use all things’.〉

‘The skill that Cho Eui Shin has is being activated even while using the trajectory.’

When he lifted the rod, the use of all things skills activated immediately.

Although the exclusive menu skill was activated even while using the player’s
trajectory, so it was natural that use all things could be used.

He put on the SR+ class armor, the Inspector’s Stealth Cloak, and followed the taxi.

‘This armor won’t be difficult for the Jin tribe, high-ranking enemies, and players to
notice, but it will help to trick the eyes of machines and the public.’

The use of Gwanglim and the wearing of weapons and armor were completed.

Using his flight skill, he moved along the roadside buildings where taxis ran.

Perhaps thanks to the cessation of the attack, the taxi driver calmly started driving
again at his own pace.


In the alley on the other side of the road where the taxis were running, he
occasionally saw white flashes and red lightning.

Baekho and Jeokho deployed around here seemed to be fighting well.

‘I also wanted to see Hwang Ji-ho fighting.’

Hwang Ji-ho was striking the farthest Ung tribe.

The reason Baekhogun and Jeokho moved together was that while Baekhogun has
no problems defeating the Ung, he didn’t have any skills suitable for capture.

‘I guess Hwang Ji-ho is an all-round type. Typical of a mythical tiger tribe member
without any debuffs.’

The security of the taxi he was in charge of progressed without any problems.

‘If the taxi stops at the front gate of the silver light, he will reveal himself and
naturally ask for the destination, and it would be over.’

Just like what you can expect from being in front of a high school with 1,500 students
attending, there were fast food stores, movie theaters, comic book cafes, VR game
rooms, arcades, convenience stores, and stationery stores in the downtown area in
front of the main entrance of the school.

The taxi smoothly passed the downtown area and headed for the school.

‘But why was the destination the school? Why were they being chased by the Ung? Is
either the taxi driver or the middle school student passenger related to the tiger

When he gets to the front gate and stops the car, he will have to ask.

Because of the silver light protection barrier system, they will not be able to pass

However, the taxi did not slow down as the front gate got closer.

‘What, it’s dangerous if you don’t slow down the speed… ’


The taxi driver, who had his eyes open and drove well until now, was stiff, holding
the steering wheel.

The whites of his eyes were showing.

‘The taxi driver passed out…!’

Was it a type of paralysis skill?

The paralysis had already been in progress, but it seemed that he had been holding
on with his willpower.

Until then, he couldn’t recognize it because of the taxi driver’s thorough

professionalism and mentality.


The engine sound from the taxi was exceptionally loud.

‘The silver light barrier system would send an alert to nearby vehicles and apply
automatic brakes… Did the Ung sabotage the system?!’

If the taxi continued on its way like this it would crash into the front gate.

The middle school student and the taxi driver were both ordinary people not
registered for the barrier.

It’ll be like driving a taxi into a wall.

‘It’s too late to use magic. I have to use the space skills!’

Considering the speed and weight of the taxi, it required too much power.

It would be too slow considering the casting speed it takes to activate high-ranking

Whether he gets caught by Hwangho or not, he had to use the space skills.
‘……… If I manage to save that taxi, I’ll have to think about excuses first.’

The system sound was heard, and the space was about to be formed.


Then, a pale wind gently wrapped the taxi and lifted it into the air.

It’s wasn’t his power.

‘Who was it?’

Near the main gate, a boy in a silver light uniform was using a wind technique.

‘No way………!’

The boy was the person he had met in this world before.

It was also one of the playable characters.

〈Opening the information on the person ‘Sawol Seum’.〉

[Name] Sawol Seum

[Title] The successor of the messenger of the last dynasty, Silver Light high school
1st-year student

[Blessing] Rooster Tribe’s suggestion, ‘Call me when you use flight’

[Gwanglim] (Inactive)

[State] normal

[Total Stats] Lv.14


Messenger Lv.5

Flight Lv.2
Wind Skill Lv.4

It was Sawol Seum that used the wind skill.

He was the successor of the messenger who was caught in the trap of Choi Pyeon
Deuk and was put up for sale on the fantasy auction stage.

‘Gwanglim seals and skill seals were all released. And the first grader of silver light
was added to the title… When did you get the rooster family’s blessing?’

The color of Sawol Se-eum, who used the wind skill, also looked good and he seemed
to have put on some weight as well.

He couldn’t check properly, but he seemed a little taller as well.


The taxi was wrapped in the wind and floated in the air like cotton candy.

Sawol Seum handled the wind with a hand like a bird flapping its wings.

“Silver light high school has barriers, so you should not rush with your car. Could you
turn off your car? I can’t put you down in this condition.”

He looked up towards the taxi with a troubled face.

The taxi driver had fainted, but the middle school student passenger inside reached
out to the front seat and turned off the engine.

When the engine sound of the taxi completely stopped, Sawol Seum gently lowered
the taxi to the floor.

“Are you okay? Sleeping while driving is dangerous.”

Sawol Seum must have thought this was a drowsy driving accident.

‘I can’t get Sawol Seum involved in this case.’

After all the equipment he was wearing was carded, he hurried to the place.

When he talked to him, Sawol Seum looked at him in amazement.

Sawol Seum, who was surprised to see him in the same school uniform, immediately
looked at ease.

“Yes Yes. Hello!”

“Yes, hello. Looks like our nameplate color is the same. I am also in the first grade.”

And with a high probability, it will be the same class.

Considering the history of Sawol Seum’s family, it would have been safe to send him
to class 0.

He can be put under the protection of Ham Geun-hyung, one of the best powers of
silver light.

‘In addition, in the case of a regular class with 50 students, the attendance rate is
almost 100% unless there are students who have gone abroad for short-term study.
It stands out when Sawol Seum, who was likely to be absent for a long period of time
due to weakness, entered.’

Jaegal jaegeol would have given him that much consideration at least, so Sawol Seum
will probably be in class 0.

He said with a tense face.

“Well, it’s my first day at school. This is the first time I have met someone of the same

He remembered that there was such a setting.

Since there were always only adults around Sawol Seum, he has never spoken to
people his age or younger.

Even in the game, it took some time for him to talk informally to Joo Soo hyuk.

“Then do whatever you feel comfortable with. Are you going to school now? I came a
little late.”

It wasn’t something he should be saying considering he’s skipping class right now to
stay here.

He said with an excited face.

“Because I will be entering the dormitory in the future. I wanted to walk to school for
the first day from home. But I kept wandering, it took a little longer than I expected.”

He walked all the way here from home?

There is quite a distance from Gungdong Neighborhood Park in Yeonhui-dong to

Silver Light.

Surprisingly, his stamina was pretty good.

“The wind was refreshing, and there were a lot of wonders. Oh, it’s my first time that
I’ve been to a silver light since taking the entrance exam… Was the clock tower at the
main gate originally like this? It looks like it was just white, but it’s nice to have a lot
of colored neon signs.”

Sawol Seum started talking to him about the scenes and impressions of the road that
he saw for the first time.

Buildings, cars, air shuttles, and today’s weather.

Was he that impressed over things like that?

‘Thank God.’

Sawol Seum came back to school.

But he couldn’t hold on to him at this place too long.

“Wouldn’t it be nice to go to the classroom as soon as possible on the first school

day? I’ll take care of this on my own.”

“Ah yes. Thank you! I forgot. I have to go to the classroom as soon as possible… Can
you take care of this please?”
“Yeah, get going.”

“Thank you!”

Sawol Seum greeted him, who was the same age, politely.

“Then have a nice day!”

Sawol Seum displayed a school map on a hologram and started running towards the
first-grade building.

If he used the flying skills, it wouldn’t take long at all, but he thought that he wanted
to go to the classroom on his own.

Today was April Fools’ Day.

There probably will be many things to see, so it will be fun from the front gate to the
first-grade area.

‘Looks like the attendance rate for class 0 will rise again.’

Even though he and Hwang Ji-ho were missing today.

[Cho Eui Shin, we are finished here.]

[Me too. Will be heading to the front gate.]

The voices of Baekho-gun and Hwang Ji-ho were heard through the earrings.

The accident was safely stopped.

They had caught all the Ung tribe.

What’s left now was.

‘I have to check why all this happened.’

After confirming that Sawol Seum had completely disappeared, he opened the taxi
The area in front of the front gate of the silver light was on the quieter side, so there
were no people around.

‘I’m glad today is April Fools’ Day. Even if the taxi flew and came down, they would
think it was just a prank by a silver light student.’

He spoke to a middle school kid with a terrified face.

“Are you hurt anywhere?”


“Where were you going?”

Of course, it was obvious he was on the way to Silver Light, but he asked anyway.

“Well, to…… to Silver Light high school……”

“In order for outsiders to visit silver light, you need to obtain an access permit in
advance because of a barrier. Did you make an appointment?”


He said as softly as possible.

“It’s difficult to show you around the school without an appointment in advance.
Instead, if there is someone you want to meet in the silver light, I can call them.”

“Yes please!”

It was a good idea to come in school uniform.

Since Sawol seum and the middle school kid easily believed him and followed his

The middle school kid said brightly.

“I came to see Chairman Hwang Myung-ho!”

He came to see Hwangho?

It seemed that this really had a big relationship between the Tigers and the Ung.

“Cho Eui Shin, all the captured Ung tribes were left to Jeokho. Is the person in the
taxi safe?”

Hwang Ji-ho spoke from behind in a relaxed voice.

Good timing.

“Yeah. The taxi driver passed out, but the passenger is okay. He says he came to see
the chairman.”

He showed Hwang Ji-ho inside the car where the middle school student was sitting.


Suddenly, Hwang Ji-ho, who saw the middle school student, hardened.

He had eyes like he didn’t believe what he was looking at.

What, why was he acting like that?

“Eun, Ho…”

What, Eunho?

It’s the first time he ever heard of it… was he talking about one of his own?

“You must be Hwangho-nim.”

The tone of the middle school kid suddenly changed.

And when he saw Hwang Ji-ho, he immediately called him Hwang-ho.

Although Hwang Ji-ho was wearing a school uniform and a name tag written as
Hwang Ji-ho, the middle school student got out of the taxi and greeted Hwang Ji-ho

“Nice to meet you. I, a descendant of Eunho, greet Hwangho-nim.”

When he heard that, he was sure.

The tragedy of April Fool’s Day in the game was not just a simple car accident.

It was an Ung assassination case of a descendant of a Tiger.

The taxi driver was brought to the Foundation Hospital by Hwang Ji-ho’s direct
secretary team.

He saw the secretary who smiled as if he was wearing a mask in the chairman’s
office he visited before starting school.

He even gave a small bow to see if he remember him.

‘I guess the secretary also knows Hwang Ji-ho’s identity…… Although Hwang’s direct
secretary team were not really just secretaries.’

They said all the Ung were still alive.


‘The experimental targets for Kim Shin-rok’s’ creative torture method’ has

He, the 3 tigers, and Eun-ho’s descendant now had arrived at the house of Chairman
Hwang Myung-ho.

He didn’t know how many floors there were underground, but it was a five-story
mansion above ground.

‘It’s amazing to see the golden fence and the labyrinth garden. In the game, it was
shown in the background for just a moment at a distance.’

It was when he entered the mansion after a security check.

Something ran towards them at a frightening speed.

Bark Bark-!
On top of the white natural marble.

A puppy, as pure as marble, was running, waving its tail.

The puppy was a little unnatural but was running as hard as he could.

Even in the midst of that, he was shaking his tail violently, so he was worried that it
would trip.

‘It has a supporter on one leg…… Did it have a problem with its leg?’

A tremendous sense of feeling struck his head.

A downy puppy.

A puppy that limped on one leg.

The presence in the game emerged in his mind and he shouted reflexively.

“It’s a Cotton Ball!”

Cotton Ball rubbed his body at the foot of the Baekhogun as if he was the closest to

“Cotton Ball?”

Baekhogun answered with a warm voice and hugged Cotton Ball.

It seems that the male owner of the Cotton Ball that Andain saw was Baekhogun.

Baekhogun had also wandered around in Cheoniksan.

Did he pick up Cotton Ball at that time?

“This guy is Snare.”

Baekho said, stroking Cotton Ball’s head.

He was doing that with a cold expression, as usual, so the feeling of discomfort was
Still, Cotton ball loved that, and he was charmingly spinning his tail like a motor.

He doesn’t know how scary he is.

It’s okay because he seemed to care for the puppy too.


Cotton Ball had a necklace that had Korean characters on it that spelled ‘Snare’.

A snare is another word for hunting trap.

He gave this fluffy Cotton Ball the name of a hunting trap?


When he couldn’t take his gaze away from Snare, Baekhogun passed Snare onto him.

Snare stuck out his tongue and showed off his cuteness.

It was as if he was rushing him to hug him quickly.

‘Okay, okay of course I will hug you.’

Immediately he grabbed Snare and gently stroked his head.

The soft, warm tail flapped on his arms.

‘There was a good reason why he made the title heroine Andain act that way.’

It was so cute, why did it matter whether it was named Snare or Cotton Ball?

“Snare, it’s nice to meet you.”

Bark Bark!

As he played with Snare, the three looked at him with amazement.

Baekhogun was nonchalant, but the descendant of Eunho, Hwang Ji-ho, and Jeokho
opened their eyes wide and opened their mouths.
“Cho Eui Shin…”

“To think the heavenly beast Snare is acting that way with a human, Cho Eui Shin
what are you……!”

“Obviously that is a heavenly beast. And he is really a human…?”

Heavenly Beast? Cotton Ball… Snare is a Heavenly Beast?

That puppy who died after eating pesticides in the game is a Heavenly Beast?

Weren’t Heavenly Beasts a fantasy animal that guarded the territory?

Why does a Heavenly Beast eat pesticides and die?

Hwangho was here as the guardian, so he thought there was no Heavenly Beast.

“The Heavenly Beast loved being alone in Cheonik Mountain. When left unattended,
Baekho discovered that it had suddenly weakened in recent years…, and he had
completely lost his magic and was weak enough to die even to humans. It’s
surprising that It was holding onto its life.”

Jeokho said with a face he couldn’t believe.

“Silver Light District’s Heavenly Beast did not listen to humans very well. It may have
lost its awareness because it lost its heavenly powers, but this is the first time this
ever happened…”

He was not the first among humans.

In the game, it had acted cute enough that it melted away Andain’s icy attitude.

“I can guess why it had become so weak. Ley veins all over Cheonik Mountain were
cut off by something. The investigation is ongoing. If the Heavenly Beast dies in this
situation, the intellect of Cheonik Mountain will decline and the ley line will die
completely. That’s why we are protecting it.”


As the game progressed, the trees in Cheonik Mountain dried up and the ground

He thought it was just a background device to emphasize the gloominess of the


In fact, it seems to have happened because the ley was cut off by something, and
those motherfuckers who had been illegally admitted killed the weakened Heavenly

“If we give it a name and take good care of it, its awareness as a Heavenly Beast and
its godly powers will return.”

He listened to the words of Baekhogun and stroked Snare.

‘The broken vein of Cheonik Mountain…… Cheonik Mountain was also within the
vicinity of Silver Light High school. The barrier of the school should be applied. But
to break through that and break the ley line? How?’

There was something he could guess as a veteran of this trash game.

Bark Bark!

“Yes, Snare. Let’s go together!”

“………The Heavenly Beast really follows after Cho Eui Shin well.”

Snare didn’t want to leave his arms, so he held him while they moved.

The place he arrived in after passing the entrance was the reception room on the
first floor.

The dignified interior, which was based on the color of gold, but the tone of the
whole furniture was slightly darkened to avoid eye strain, was impressive.

Eun Hwi-gwan’s chairman’s office and Hwang Ji-ho’s aesthetic sense seemed very

Admiring, he sat on a natural cotton leather sofa with steel legs in a bronze mirror

As he sat down on the sofa, the state-of-the-art automatic maid counted the number
of guests and automatically served tea and dessert.

‘To bring this out so casually.’

The black tea was a smoky Earl Gray from a British royal supplier, and the dessert
was homemade carrot cakes topped with orange jam.

The porcelain tea set was hand-painted with 22k gold around the circumference, and
even the cake stand was crafted with gold.

‘It’s more colorful than the director’s office. It’s definitely Hwang Myeong-ho’s
reception room.’

But no one reached out.

‘I should eat at least.’

With only silence flowing, he tasted the black tea silently.

Snare leaned over its head asking for him to continue stroking it.

As he stroked Snare with one hand and had the teacup with the other, he slowly
organized his thoughts.

‘The Jin tribe and their descendants recognize each other. The Eun-ho’s descendants
have never met these three tigers.’

Why did these tigers not know the existence of Eunho’s descendants?

How did the Ung know and aimed for Eun-ho’s descendants?

There were still many questions left.

“Cho Eui Shin, you predicted the accident, but you didn’t know the existence of the
Ung tribe or Eunho’s descendant.”

Hwang Ji-ho suddenly talked about him.

“Yeah. If I had known, I would have asked the tiger tribe for help from the beginning.”

Five Ung tribes members were involved.

If he had tried to solve it on his own, he would have had to devote all his energy to a
terrible street fight.

As a bonus, the late Sawol Se-eum would have been involved as well.

“You know our story and the future, but you don’t fully understand it. I still don’t
know if it’s because of Gwanglim, a skill, or other factors I don’t know.”

Hwang Ji-ho was observing him and thinking about this and that.

He did encourage Hwang-ho that it would be more fun to find out.

“Thank you. Cho Eui-shin. Without you, Eun-ho’s descendant would have died.”

He thought he was going to pursue more, but it was unexpected.

Hwang Ji-ho, who felt his gaze, laughed playfully.

The expression was playful, but it was strange because he looked more mature than

“I have lived in this land for over 5,000 years. I know how far I can go before I have to

Someone who knew that lives like that?

 ……he almost blurted that out, but he decided to shut up after seeing the

Hwang Ji-ho turned to Eun-ho’s descendant.

Hwang Ji-ho’s tone toward the middle school student was a little chilly.

“You said you came to see me? Tell me about the business.”

“Is it okay to speak in front of this person?”

Eunho’s descendant glanced at me.

Of these people, he was the only human being.

It may be difficult to tell the situation if he was here.

He decided to leave for now and listen to the story later.

“Then I’m going to head out. I will contact you later…”

Someone pressed his shoulder as he was trying to get up from the sofa and sat back


When he turned to follow the hand that held the shoulder, it was Baekhogun.

“Cho Eui-shin, this is the story of the child you saved. You have the right to listen.”

To think Baekhogun was the one holding him.

When he looked at Hwang Ji-ho and Jeokho, both nodded.

The three tigers thought it was okay for him to listen.

Eun-ho’s descendant opened his mouth again after seeing the reactions of the Tigers.

“………As Hwang-ho recognized, I have the blood of Eun-ho, the head of the family,
who was with Hwangho, Baekho, and Jeokho at the time of the Gaecheon 5,000 years
ago flowing through me.”

It was the new god who ruled the Korean peninsula, but it seems that the one that
led the Tiger family was named “Eunho”.

To put it in an analogy, the new god was the king and Eunho like a knight

“To be exact I have the blood of my mother who was Eun-ho’s immediate
descendant. I am turning 16 this year. There are two more under me.”
Three descendants of Eunho? Or four?

Including the descendant’s mother and three brothers that would make it four.

He heard that the descendants of the Jin tribe have a difficult time having offspring,
but those three brothers were very lucky.

“We were entrusting our lives to the Rabbit tribe, a member of the Alliance of the 12.
The Ung and the unidentified Jin tribes and Enemies attacked when the information
got leaked.”

Did the Rabbits protect Eunho’s descendants?

The tribe that runs the high-end rice cake brand, the moon rabbit rice cake.

‘Aside from the Ung, there were other Jin tribes invading? Are they traitors of the

Meanwhile, Hwang Ji-ho and Jeok-ho, who heard the words of their descendant, were

“The damn moon rabbits have kept their mouths shut until now…”

“Every year, they sent the Moon rabbit rice cake, a local specialty product, every
holiday. I thought they were doing that out of their kindness, but maybe it was
because of guilt.”

It was visible that Hwang Jiho and Jeokho were feeling a deep frenzy.

If they haven’t been aware of this important fact for a long time, it would be

The words of Eunho’s descendant continued.

“I came to ask for help. The current high-ranking entity intervened to make the
barrier, but the barrier will not last until tomorrow. Our three descendants were
hiding in another secret place…… I came out without the knowledge of the Rabbit
tribe alone.”

“……Why have you not been looking for us all this time?”
As Hwang Ji-ho ground his teeth, Eun-ho’s descendant bowed his head deeply.

“My mother, who passed away after giving birth to the youngest, always said. The
divine tigers will try to protect us, so we will be their weakness. If you are by their
side, you will weaken them, so we have to hide.”


The furniture and floor around Hwang Ji-ho, who was sitting at the top, were
smashed and turned to dust.

‘I’ve never seen Hwang Ji-ho express his emotions like that.’

Then did the mother, who was a direct descendant of Eun-ho, die?

Then, there will be only three remaining descendants of Eunho.

“I can’t believe I didn’t get a chance to see Eun-ho’s immediate descendant before she

If they were the descendant of the leader of the family he admired, it was pretty
much the same thing as his child.

He could tell just by looking at the dragons’ treatment of the descendant Yeom Jun-

“I tried to contact you through Silver Light on my device, but I couldn’t connect with
the chairman in with my status. I thought there was no other way but to see in
person and ask for help.”

It would have been difficult for a middle school student to contact the chairman.

Even he wouldn’t have been able to talk to Hwang Myeong-ho without Jaegal
Jaegeol’s brokerage.

It seems that the Rabbits were barely holding on within the barrier with their
descendants hidden, so it would be impossible for the Rabbits to contact them

‘So you risked your life and came to ask for rescue. In the game, he was assassinated
by the Ung and failed.’

In the game, the Rabbits are described as very in decline.

Although the CEO of Moon Rabbit, the leader of the Rabbit tribe, survived.

Most of them had died from this event.

‘……… If Hwang Ji-ho doesn’t move, I think I should go at least.’

While thinking, Hwang Ji-ho said in a voice that suppressed his emotions.

“Tell me the location of the Rabbits. I’m sending myself and my alter egos, Jeokho
and the Tigers working in the Hwangmyeong Group.”


“You, Baekho, and Cho Eui shin will remain here. There may be remnants that come
aiming for the descendants.”

Hwang Ji-ho did not speak any further and got up and moved out of the parlor with

It is a pity that he cannot go directly, but it might interfere with the team play of the

So he decided to follow Hwang Ji-ho’s words.

The only thing left in the parlor was him, Baekho, and Eunho’s descendant and

‘It is awkward.’

There is no way that the silent Baekhogun will do anything full of sociability to
lighten the atmosphere.

Eunho’s descendant was depressed.

‘He’s not human, but he’s still only sixteen.’

He must have been very afraid while coming here at the risk of his life.

He must be mentally exhausted.


It seemed that he put strength in his hands unconsciously.

Snare struggled a little.

Eun-ho’s descendant glanced at the Heavenly Beast in his arms.


He threw a word at Eunho’s descendant.

“Would you like to hold him?”

He lifted Snare with both arms and reached out to Eunho’s descendant.

Snare stuck out his tongue and flapped his tail as if he liked the sense of floating in
the air.

Eun-ho, who couldn’t take his eyes off this cotton ball-like heavenly beast, nodded.

“If the heavenly beast allows…”

As he brought it closer, Snare sniffing his nose blinked as he saw Eun-ho’s


It wasn’t the same positive attitude he showed to him or Baekho, but it seems to be a
sign of ‘you can touch’.

Eunho’s descendant hugged Snare.

“Wow…… it’s warm……”

Eunho’s descendant stroked Snare with a hand that seemed to touch a piece of glass.

Snare closed his eyes and accepted Eun-ho’s descendant’s hand.

‘I can only see him as an ordinary middle school kid.’

It seemed difficult for humans to distinguish between the Jin tribe and descendants.

So even in the game, the article just ended up saying that a middle school student
died in a car accident.

‘If there is something that needs to be protected according to Eunho, risk does
indeed come with it. It’s true that it’s dangerous… but I can’t agree to say that it
makes you weak.’

Coming to this dangerous world he got a lot of things to protect.

Thanks to that, he changed, who was just waiting for the day he died.

“You, you risked your life to protect your younger brothers and the Rabbit tribe. Is
that being weak?”

Eun-ho’s descendant looked at him with confused eyes.

“Well done. If you didn’t have the courage, your younger brothers, who were left
behind, would be in danger.

Eunho’s descendant bit his lips tight and bowed his head.

Since then, neither he nor Eunho’s descendant has said anything.

Snare was quietly held in the arms of Eunho’s descendant.

And a few hours later.

Hwang Ji-ho sent a message.

[Hwang Ji-ho] The situation is over, everyone is safe.


The sun was about to set.

He left the mansion leaving behind Eunho’s descendant to Kim Shin-rok, who had
finished class a little earlier.

Baekhogun was going to go to Eunyeonggwan, where the Ung tribe was held, so they
headed for silver light together.

“I have a question.”

It was Baekhogun who told him that he had the right to listen.

‘If it was Baekhogun, he will hear my guess and give me a judgment.’

Seoul in this world was not so different from Seoul in the previous world.

But why does the place name ‘Eun Gwang-gu’ exist in this world?

“Are all the names of Silver Light District, Silver Light high school, Eunhuigwan, and
Eunyounggwan named that way to honor Eunho, the leader of the tribe?”

In particular, Hwang-ho seems to have considered Eun-ho especially.

Eunhuigwan was also a building designed by Hwangho himself.

‘Eunho disappeared, and Eunho hid the existence of descendants from all the tigers.
After that, Hwang-ho became the guardian of the new god’s territory and built Eun-
hwi-gwan to honor Eun-ho.’

This was his guess.


He guess his prediction was correct.

“Is Eun-ho dead?”

“No. He just can’t open his eyes right now.”

Was he in a vegetable state or something?

Like the Jinwoong Palseon from the Ung Tribe being in a deep sleep.
So that is why he didn’t appear in the game.

There was one last thing he wanted to ask.

“If Eun-ho’s descendants were with you, do you think you guys will weaken?”

“………Hwangho, Jeokho, and I almost died several times while defending Eunho. I
understand why Eunho made that choice.”

Baekhogun paused for a moment and looked down at him with cool eyes.

“However I agree with what you said to the descendant. Cho Eui-shin.”

In the sunset, the pure white tiger raised his lips ever so slightly and smiled.

Baekhogun struggled to protect this world and humans.

He was a little worried and anxious because he was moving differently from the
game, but his playable character was the same after all.

‘Baekhogun hasn’t changed after all.’

Baekhogun’s mood looked very good.

Taking this opportunity he asked for something very important.

“Can I sometimes come and see Cotton…… No, can I come and see Snare?”

“Do whatever you wish.”

Good. He will do whatever he wants.

If he missed Snare’s cuteness, He will barge into Hwang Ji-ho’s house.


Silver light high school closed area.

It was an area where the old school building, which was to be demolished, was
Buildings and old incinerators that have been delayed for demolition due to the
condition of the ground and building investigations seemed to be ugly.

Eun-ho’s descendant case took a lot of his time, but his April Fool’s Day schedule was
not over yet.

‘The sun has not set yet. It will be fine.’

The sunset time on April 1 was about 7 o’clock.

The current time was 6:40.

‘Because there was a description saying that the guys worked after the sun went


There were two first-grade class 1 students walking out of the building.

They are the ones he asked for names from Yoo Sang-hoon.

He felt like he was choking.

‘They moved faster than in the game!’

〈Gwanglim, Activating ‘The player’s trajectory’.〉

What he chose reflexively was a character card with really good capture abilities.

Currently, he was a 3rd grader of Silver Light and the student council president, Do
Wonwoo, the Wedge of Steel.

〈Activating the target character’s Gwanglim, ‘Iron Chain (鐵鎖連鎖)’.〉


Tens and hundreds of chains of psychic powers stretched out of his body and
captured the two firmly.

“What, what! uh? What, U-Unknown Supernova?”

“Wait, why?”

The appearance had not changed.

There were no recording devices in the closed area.

It didn’t matter if he showed his face to these garbages.

‘Because these guys will forget everything in the future.’

He ran through the old school building, dragging them on the floor.

They tried to escape, but there was no way that illegally admitted people could resist
the gwanglim of the Silver Light high school student council president.

The two screamed every time they slammed their heads on the stairs or threshold.

“Hey, stop making sounds like a dog is barking!”

<Activating the target character’s skill, ‘Partial Discharge’.>



“Ahhh, why! Ahhhhhh!”

Do Won-woo had no talent for electricity skills.

However, in order to effectively use the Gwanglim Iron Chain, he learned the skill
through heavy training.

Even the derivative skills of electricity.

That was a skill that caused partial discharge, a discharge phenomenon that
occurred only at the desired point.

“Wow…… what is……”

“Why…… Why……”
Whenever they barked, he gave them a taste of electricity and they started shutting

No matter how much they cried anyway, no one who can help them will come.

Like what these guys did to the students here.

‘Why, why did the events move faster than in the game?’

Suddenly, Kim Shinrok, the homeroom teacher in the 1st grade, came to mind.

He went to Hwang Myeong-ho’s mansion to meet Eun-ho’s descendant after

completing the classes early.

‘If so, the closing time would have been omitted for the first class due to the absence
of a homeroom teacher. So they can move faster than expected.’

The attempted assassination of the Ung in front of a silver light high school.

Sawol Seum’s first day at school.

The presence of the Heavenly Beast.

Eun-ho, and his descendant.

Today, a lot of information was crowded at once, so he couldn’t think about it.

All he could do now was run as fast as he could.

Finally, he arrived at the faculty bathroom on the fourth floor of the old school

‘Only one innermost partition is closed…!’


He opened the locked toilet door with force.

The door was easily smashed with the strength of the student council president Do
And inside the door, there was a student on the toilet.

The mouth was covered with blue tape and the whole body was constrained with an
SR-class strapping item.
There was a student who suffered harassment when he was a middle school student.

The victim had player abilities, but the combat power was not very high.

There was nothing bad about his family, personality, or appearance, but if you give it
a measurement it was below average.

‘Although his studies were as good as that of Joo So-hyuk and Andain.’

On the other hand, the two perpetrators were born with talent, good looks, well off
family, lots of friends, and was friendly with the teachers.

They were good at studying, but they weren’t nearly as good compared to the victim.

There was a huge gap between the first, second, and third places in the school.

That greatly bothered the perpetrators.

The harassment was subtle and difficult to understand and was conducted in a
direction to mess with the victim’s study pace.

“His only hope was Silver Light High school.”

The victim student spent painful and lonely middle school years, but he studied

This is because he thought the perpetrators would never be able to attend Silver

In order for the victim to pass the Silver Light exam, the victim, who had weak
combat abilities, had to receive a high written test score.

The victim passed the Silver Light entrance exam through his desperate efforts.
‘But the two perpetrators used the power of the best side to manipulate the results
of the special selection and come to the silver ad.’

The victim did not know the news of the perpetrator’s passing of the entrance exam.

This is because he did not attend the middle school when he was accepted into Silver
Light, as he did.

‘I didn’t have any friends to tell the news either way.’

The victim had a peaceful and happy Silver Light high school life for a while.

That happiness ended on April Fool’s Day.

Although they got into Silver Light with fraudulent admissions, it was caused by the
perpetrators who were stressed by the excellent Silver Light students.

Even later this day, the victim was used as a stress-relieving tool for the perpetrators.

‘The victim’s parents worked for a company run by the perpetrator’s parents, so he
couldn’t resist.’

All of this came from a recall of the playable character, Park Seung-hyun, before his

“Are you okay?”

He removed the blue tape from Park’s mouth first.

He looked at him and murmured.

“Unknown Supernova.”

Park Seung-hyun seemed to know him.

“Yes. You’ve been beaten by these kids right?”

He pointed his chins to the two students who were bound by iron chains, Gwanglim,
of Do Wonwoo, the student council president.
When Park Seung-hyun saw the two, his facial expression twisted, and nodded.

“I didn’t want Park Seung-hyun to go through this.”

He was planning on waiting in advance and tried to destroy them as soon as the two
committed the crime, but he was late.

‘As soon as I got the name, I had to get him out of Silver Light.’

He was left with a painful lesson.


He smashed the SR-class restraining item that tied Park Seung-hyun with iron

“Son of a… does he know how expensive that was…!

He used that expensive item for this nonsense.

It looked like he hasn’t woke up to reality yet.

They must have thought so because Park Seung-hyun was in front of them, who
helped them feel more self-esteem.

“Activating the skill of the target character, “partial discharge”.


“No, aaahhhhh!”

“Ahhhh! I didn’t say anything… Ahhhh!”

The guy who didn’t say anything got it as a bonus.

“Park Seung-hyun, I want to expel these bastards, but what do you think?”

“Expul… sion…”

Park Seung-hyun spoke in an unbeatable tone.

There was a little bit of euphoria in his eyes.

He must remember the time when he was happy with the harassment-free Silver

“But students are not expelled for this kind of thing. They would have to go to the
extent of murder, rape, or assault of faculty members to get expelled. They aren’t
going to be expelled just because they’ve locked someone up for 10 minutes on April
Fool’s Day.”

Park Seung-hyun was not injured.

He was just locked up in the old school building for a little bit.

Although he didn’t know how long he would have been here if he hadn’t come.

Even if the righteous teachers got actively engaged in it, they will end up with a few
days of suspension at best.

‘Furthermore, if this incident came up, Park Seung-hyun’s parents will surely be
penalized by the parents of the perpetrators.’

Park Seung-hyun understood his words and looked terrified.

He probably knew already.

Park Seung-hyun, who is well-studied and had a good head on his shoulders, won’t
have sought youth law or school rules to overcome this situation.

“But there’s a way to get rid of them from Silver Light.”

“Ha, what are you! Do you even know who my parents are…”

“Activating the skill of the target character, “partial discharge”.

“Activating the skill of the target character, “partial discharge”.

“Activating the skill of the target character, “partial discharge”.


Zzzzzt -!

“Ahhhhhhh, no!”

“Ahhh, spare me! I didn’t say any……”

The guy, who did not say anything, was asked to take responsibility for the solidarity.

After a series of skill usage, they became quiet.

‘They didn’t even show a lax behavior like Son Min-ki. It’s hard to destroy their lives
like Son Min-ki and live as a cripple or bury them socially.’

These guys live in much better conditions than Son Min ki used to live in.

In order for them to go bankrupt, they would have to use the power of Hwang’s
Hwangmyeong Group or Joo Soo-hyuk’s Joo oh Group to exert pressure.

Moving them takes a lot of time and was a big risk.

‘And if these guys have abilities, victims will come out. No matter where they go.’

Even before he started, he was contemplating on how to banish them forever from
the player scene, and from Silver Light.

‘I can put a seal on their skills and Gwanglim, but it’s not a good solution since they
will just release the seal, because these kids have a lot of money, it won’t be hard to
find a way to release it.’

So he decided not to seal the power, but to remove it entirely.

“There are cases where the player’s ability disappears after the age of 17. Although
it’s rare.”

He secured the means by making risky transactions.

“The loss of player talent would be a reason for the expulsion from Silver Light.”
He pulled out the items he received from Ungnyeo of Grief on the day he destroyed
the Fantasy Auction, the wealth, and the weight of life card.

<Opening item description.>

[Item Name] Wealth and The Weight of Life

[Type] Consumables

[Rarity] UR-

[Effect] Erases the human’s potential in exchange for wealth and life.


The item card itself was worth a great deal of wealth.

Erase human’s potential in exchange for the item card and the wealth they own.

However, if there is a lack of wealth that they own against the humans potential they
are erasing, it will take the life force of the item user in exchange.

Jin Woong-Palsun created this with the intention of erasing the potential of the
heavenly deity and new god.

That failure.

There were three “wealth and the weight of life” cards that he had received from
Ungnyeo of Grief.

One of them will be used to erase the powers of these two garbages.

The three people were astonished when they saw the item card he had taken out.

“UR-grade item card…!”

“You, are you, really going to !”

“No, No. Let me go!”

Dozens of apple boxes were pulled out of the item window.

The apple boxes were filled with 50,000 won bills.

In addition, he took out the otherworld gems in the form of cards and sprinkled
them over the boxes.

“I don’t want to have garbage like you attending Silver Light.”

He didn’t know how much he would end up paying.

‘If I remember the setting, it didn’t take much of Jin Woong-Palsun to erase the
talents of the three professional team players at the same time. It’s going to be okay.’

Even with unexpected variables, his life will be protected if he poured out all the
billions he had collected from Byeon Soon Hoe and Choi Pyeon Deuk.

Because the level of power of these garbages was trivial.

If it wasn’t insignificant, they wouldn’t have to do an illegal admission.

“This item erases the talents of humans in exchange for money or lifeforce. Your
abilities will be completely gone, and you won’t even remember why it’s gone.”

The scary thing about this item was that it made it unrecognizable even why the
talents had disappeared.

It was an atrocious item that was optimized for total crime fitting of a UR-class item.

The risk was great, and the difficulty of getting it was great because of that.

“Next battle practice time. The fact that your talents disappeared will become known
and after you receive an examination you will be disqualified as a player and be a
normal human being.”

It would be the first time that a player that attended Silver Light would lose their
talent after the age of 17.

The illegal admission will also come to light while thoroughly investigating the
When he tried to use the card.

“W-wait. Don’t do it!”

Park Seung-hyun came out with a struggle and stood in between him and the

‘Don’t tell me he is thinking about what I am thinking.’

His head went blank.

Was he going to forgive these guys?’

Sometimes, in fiction, a character was introduced that gave excessive struggles and
troubles because of their excessive humanity.

He wanted him to say that it was a lie.

It was still April Fool’s Day.

Yes, it might be a lie!

It’s going to be a lie.

He was going to pretend that he didn’t hear, and pretend that he didn’t know, and use
the item…

Park Seung-hyun cried out loud as he was turning the mental victory circuit.

“………Let me!”

He reached out and knelt.

“Let me get revenge with my hands, please, please!”

Park’s high-degree glasses were clouded with moisture, and his face was full of tear
marks and swelling.

It was an appearance bully that only looked at the appearance would make fun of.
“Every day… I- I always wondered, why, why I couldn’t say stuff I wanted to say. I
regretted it.”

Now, however, Park Seung-hyun’s eyes were shining so much that he will not lose to
the Jin Tribe, who was heading into battle.

Please, this time. Don’t let me regret it!”

Park Seung-hyun, who knelt down to him, reached out to the card.

“……Using this item can reduce your lifespan.”

“I wanted to die every day because of these bastards, but I’ve only held back because
of my parents! Is reducing my lifespan a problem? If I can kill these bastards and get
sent to hell, I will go!”

He cried out with a cracked voice.

Park Seung-hyun’s will seemed to be hard to beat.

In the game, Joo Soo-hyuk wasn’t able to stop him once Park Seung-hyun made a

He couldn’t help it.

He handed out the item card.

“Park… Park Seung-hyun, we were, we’re wrong! We are middle school alumnus.
We’re friends. You can play with your friends, and that’s it!”

“Yeah. We maybe did some bad pranks but, you are thinking of this too far! Why are
you going this far because of a few bad pranks!”

The illegal admissions were frightened and said nonsense.

Park Seung-hyun grabbed the card and smiled dryly at them.

“Hahaha… Even in this situation, you do not reflect.”

Even if you put these kinds of guys in the same position, they would just be

The reality was that it is difficult to find one that regrets and reflects their decisions
even in the most vicious criminals in prison.

“Park Seung-hyun, use this money for the exchange.”

He knew what was going to happen to him today. But still failed to protect him.

He was willing to provide this kind of reward at least.

Park nodded as he pointed to the apple boxes.

“Thank you……!”

With this, the ownership of the money should be transferred to Park Seung-hyun.

“Do you know what type of bullying is the most common type of youth school
violence statistics? It’s when a student who has the ability and all of a sudden it
disappears. They are usually arrogant and full of qualifications, they are weird, has a
background, and it makes them a good target for the general public.”

Park Seung-hyun hand that held the card shook.

His eyes were filled with tears, but his mouth was smiling.

“I hope there is someone like you guys at the school you guys will be attending after
getting kicked out of Silver Light.”

Park Seung-hyun used the wealth and the weight of life card.

The item card began to shine in ominous colors.


When the light stopped shining so strong that you could not see anything around it.

He and Park Seung-hyun, the two perpetrators, the four of them were in a
completely different space.
There was a huge libra scale in front of them.

‘This is the effect of a UR-grade item!’

He felt a strong force from the giant libra scale.

The Libra scale was engraved with the power of ancient language, which was
impossible to decipher with his knowledge of today.

On one side of the libra scale were two perpetrators, and on the other was a series of
gems depicted on the item card of wealth and the weight of life.

[What talent do you wish to erase]

A space made by a UR-grade item.

A man covered in pure white bearskin appeared above the Libra scale.

His face was covered in bearskin, so his face was not visible.

However, his lips were dignified, and his voice that rang the ears were full of dignity.

“Please erase the powers of these bastards!”

When Park Seung-hyun shouted, the man standing on the libra scale nodded.



Until now, the libra scale, which had been balanced by external forces, began to tilt

The man standing on the libra scale was measuring the leanings.

The two illegal admission students began to yell because they saw that the power of
the UR-grade item was real.

“N-No. No, Park Seung-hyun you son of a bitch. Stop! Why do I because of a shitter
like you!”
“Ah, No, No! If I lose my powers, I’m going to kill his little parents and his family. I will
kill everyone. I will make them beggars!”

Of course, they just pretended to reflect.

The perpetrator’s true heart was being broadcasted live.

The two men attempted to escape the libra scale plate, but the power of the UR-class
item made them unable to resist.

Every time they tried to jump out of the plate, there was a spark around the plate.

Then again they returned to the plate.

[Their talents are so trivial that there’s nothing more to accept.]

The man standing on the libra scale said with a regretful face.

In the meantime, the Libra plate stopped.

It was tilted to nearly 90 degrees.

Of course, the perpetrators’ side soared enough to penetrate the space.

‘I guess I didn’t even need to take out the money boxes.’

The money turned solid.

[Now I will take their talents.]

As the man standing on the libra scale reached out to the two, the libra plate changed
into a box.

And slowly the box shrunk.

“No, no, no, Ahhhh, it hurts. Ouch!”

“Ahhhhh. It hurts, it hurts it hurts it hurts. Ahhhhh!”

Crack, Crack!
The sound of something getting shattered and destroyed got louder and louder
compared to the sounds of the screams getting quieter.

He didn’t know what was going on inside, but he knew that the process of removing
the ability was painful.

[You are the child, the Ungnyeo of Grief had an interest in, I was waiting to see you
what you wanted to erase.]

Suddenly, a voice rang in his head.

He didn’t feel the sensation ringing in his ears.

This guy, directly in the head……

The man standing on the libra scale stared straight at him as he looked up in

‘Who is this guy’

The nature of this item.

A being who can lightly make remarks about the Ungyeo of Grief.

More intense power and dignity than a Jin tribe.

He guessed after sorting out each one of his thoughts.

He who was standing on the Libra scale seemed to be a higher being.

‘To have the ability to erase human talents would only be possible by beings of a
higher power.’

Park Seung-hyun, standing next to him, acted as he didn’t hear anything and stared
at the box.

[The weight of wealth and life was originally yours. This is the change. I hope you can
make use of this well]

As the man standing on the libra scale made a movement, he felt a foreign object
inside his fist.

Inside his fist was a black, but a small glass bottle.

[I will wait to see what you wish to erase next time.]

He stood on the libra scale, and he laughed.

By the time the laughter stopped, Cho Eui Shin, Park Seung-hyun, and the two
perpetrators had returned to the faculty’s restroom.

‘It felt like a daydream!’

But the glass bottle left in his hand was real.

“These bastards, they passed out.”

He woke up with Park Seung-hyun’s words.

They were in the dusty old school’s staff restroom.

It was a mess, with the apple boxes full of cash, item cards, and the two kids on a
messy floor.

‘Let’s just forget about them and go.’

First, all apple boxes and item cards were recovered.

He did not lose anything except the weight of wealth and life cards.

“Hey, let’s clean up and get out of here. Park Seung-hyun.”

“Yeah, really, thank you very much.”

He was smiling very brightly.

The sun had already been completely set.

The two of them left the closed zone, leaving the two kids behind after they had dealt
with the traces.
“Were you a dormitory student as well? What floor? I’m on the 17th floor.”

“I’m on the 20th floor.”

“That is the very top. How is the 20th floor?”

“It takes forever for the elevator to come so it’s uncomfortable.”

Park Seung-hyun was also a dormitory student and moved with him.

Why did he come to his rescue, why did he get caught up in this frenzy while
consuming a UR-grade item?

Park Seung-hyun asked nothing, even though there were many questions.

He just said thank you.

‘Park Seung-hyun was this smart and has a good head on his shoulders, enough for
others to be envious about it. He will deal with it wisely.’

He and Park Seung-hyun arrived on the first floor of the lobby of the first-grade
dormitory building.

Then a first-year student, who was lying on the couch in the lobby on the first floor
in his school sports uniform, jumped up and ran towards them.

“Park Seung-hyun, what did you do with the device off? Why did you leave alone
without saying a word, you disloyal brat?

“Uh, uh, just because.”

“Wait, did you cry?”

A first-year student in a sports uniform looked at Park Seung-hyun’s face and

alternated between him and Cho Eui Shin.

“You are Unknown Supernova. Did something happen to the two of you?”

The first-year student, who appeared to be a friend of Park, locked his arms and
posed vigilantly.
Park Seung-hyun said out of panic.

“No, just… He was listening to my worries.”

“………Yeah? Dude, did your device run out of battery? When it gets solar power, it
automatically charges. Let’s go out and play during the break starting from
tomorrow. That way the battery gets charged.”

“It still has battery. I don’t know what happened but it’s off.”

“What do you mean you don’t know. Turn it on quick.”

Surely the bastards would have turned off the device after they tied him up.

Park Seung-hyun’s friend in the sports uniform, put his arms around his shoulders
and after checking that he turned on his device started chatting with him.

The two perpetrators will be expelled soon.

Now Park Seung-hyun can spend his normal school life with his friends.

“I’m going to go.”

“Oh, wait a minute Cho Eui Shin!”

Park Seung-hyun suggested exchanging device codes after hesitating a bit.

It was a little surprising.

‘He didn’t actively try to get along with people in the game.’

Park Seung-hyun had been passive throughout because of the trauma inflicted by the

He gladly exchanged device codes with him and headed to his room.

And April 2nd came with the end of April Fool’s Day.

There were a total of seven students now in the Class 0 1st grade.
Day after April Fool’s Day.

The road was buzzing with the mischievous events that took place on April Fool’s

“Did the one who messed with the clock tower get caught?”

“Was it Moon Sae-ron the first-year part of the newspaper club? He wanted an
interview so he lurked around the front gate all night, but he didn’t catch him.”

“I’ve seen the video on the bulletin board, but in a moment it returned to how it was.”

“I don’t know. What is that, that is pretty scary.”

The main gate clock tower had been transformed into a neon sign tower.

Within seconds, the clock tower had returned to its original image like a ghost, and
the one who was responsible was not captured in the video.

‘……… I’m curious what kind of ability they used on the clocktower.’

There were also a number of other incidents that became a hot topic.

A dinosaur shadow on the other side of Lake Cheonglang.

The fake ghost species of Enemy that attacked the dormitory.

A giant upright walking plant that walked out of the Conservatory no. 6 in the
Research Building area.

A maze on the 13th floor of every building in the third-grade area.

An aerial garden that disappeared after an hour in the central area.

and so on.

“I don’t think there’s anyone who was crazier than 2nd grade 0 class.”

“The broadcast club was a big hit, but it still wasn’t enough to be on the level of 2nd
grade 0 class.”

The biggest event was a head-to-head confrontation between the 2nd grade 0 class
and the broadcast club.

‘In the game, it was just text so I wanted to see that.’

Last April, the second-year 0-class seniors, who were in the first grade at the time,
infiltrated the broadcast club and turned the morning class into a waterphone that
sparked the confrontation.

‘The percussion that they use to make horror movie sound effects… It costs around 3
million won but to buy that to play around with it for a minute.’

For one minute, the water phone was played as the class bell, and the broadcast club
received a lot of swear words from people.

Last year, class 0 of the first year sent a set of 20 limited spring cherry blossom black
and red raspberry dacquoise, sold at the Air Hotel Icaros to apologize.

However, half of its contents were very good for the body, but it was dacquoise, a
herbal medicine that was very bitter on the tongue.

The broadcast club had played… No, it was forced to play a random game with
medicine tasting dacquoise.

The broadcast club, which was hit on the back of their head back-to-back, decided to
get revenge.

‘Was this the result?’

This year, the class bell of April Fool’s day suffered an attack.
Glass cracking, baby cries, low frequency, construction site noise, a labyrinth of
yellow weapons, This is Terror by Passenger of Shit, etc.

Throughout April Fool’s Day, a list of music that did not make any sense, which was
famous for inter-floor revenge, continued.

In response, the second-year class took over the broadcast clubroom after school
created a barrier, and fought a battle.

There were also reporters who broadcast that live on the school’s web page taking
advantage of the situation.

‘It’s looking like Mr. Jaegal Jaegeol will be busy.’

Of all the class 0s to date, the second-grade class 0 was considered the strongest and
worst of them all.

Fitting of their reputation, since they charged into the broadcast clubroom after
school, they must have been busy playing other pranks before the end of class.

He could see the struggle of the second-year class 0 teacher, Jaegal-Jaegeol.

‘Our class is really calm compared to them.’

The first grade class 0 of this year was treated as the most modest class 0 of all time.

Since they don’t even attend school at all.

However, today’s first-grade class 0 has renewed its highest attendance rate after

“There are seven in our class now. It almost doubled in a few days!”

With an emotional face, Kim Yuri looked around the first grade class 0 of seven

Four men. Cho Eui Shin, Hwang Jiho, Maeng Hyodon, Sawol Seum.

Three women. Kim Yuri, Han Yi, Irena.

Thus were the seven.

‘Now seven out of sixteen… What are the other nine doing now?’

Are they going around eating food at least?

Nine people who had not shown even their faces throughout the month made him
wonder if they were even eating well.

Even if he was the vice president, he did not have the authority to view the
attendance, so he did not know who all the remaining nine were.

Although he knew of the few characters who turn out to be in the first-grade class 0
in the game.

“I am Sawol Seum. Nice to meet you. You are the one I saw yesterday. I’m sorry I left
you with that yesterday. Thank you so much. Eui… Eui Shin.”

Hwang Ji-ho, who came earlier than him, seemed like he was already done with
introductions looking at Sawol Seum introducing himself to me.

He looked at his nameplate and called his name before he finished speaking.

He must still feel awkward being informal.

After a year of being in the same class, he’ll get used to it.

“Yeah. Nice to meet you too. I am Vice President Cho Eui Shin. Did you say you’re
going to stay in the dorms? Me and Maeng Hyodon also stay in the dorms, so if there
is something you want to ask about feel free to ask.”

“Yes… Okay!”

He smiled brightly.

Kim Yuri and Irena said while looking at Sawol Seum.

“Seum’s last name is pretty unique. This is the first time I heard of the last name
“I heard a lot of new last names were created after the other world conflict. Seeing
the statistics released by the court, I was surprised to see all the unique last names.”

“Oh, true thinking about that Han Yi has a pretty unique name too. Last name Han,
first name Yi. If you pronounce it quickly, it sounds like “Honey” so it’s cute.”

“Uh… Thank you, Kim Yuri.”

Kim Yuri, Irena, and Han Yi were talking naturally as if they were pretty close.

In the meantime, the topic of the conversation changed, and the three praised each
other’s names.

What floor are you on? The Vice President and I are on the 17th floor.”

“It’s the same floor. I didn’t see you guys yesterday!”

“If the time is right, let’s eat at the dorm together.”

“Okay, Hyodon! I ate for the first time at the dorm yesterday, and the restaurant
facilities were good and the food tray was pretty too”

He seemed to have spoken to him in consideration to help Sawol Seum not be

anxious on his first day at school.

He knew how anxious it can be when he didn’t get used to the classroom.

Sawol Seum chirped away like a bird, and Maeng Hyo-don listened to him and
matched him.

‘Our class is slowly becoming normal.’

But today there was a guy who couldn’t fit in at all.

“Hwang Ji-ho.”

“………You’ve come, Cho Eui Shin.”

Hwang Ji-ho looked the same as usual, but he seemed to have no energy.
His thoughts must be complicated by the Eunho’s descendant incident.

‘I have a lot I want to ask him though’

What was going on with the interrogation of the captured Ung?

What happened to the Rabbit tribe who were protecting the descendants of Eunho?

How are the three descendants of Eunho doing?

‘I don’t want to ask Hwang Ji-ho, who seems powerless like this.’

He sat next to Hwang Ji-ho and said,

“Hey, let’s make sure to do it next year.”

“Do what?”

Hwang Ji-ho had forgotten about it.

“April Fool’s Day prank. You decided to help, in exchange for pulling a prank

Hwang Ji-ho helped him very well with the deal they made at that time.

Even if the prank was canceled because of all the things that came up.

He started to blink with a very stupid face and laughed loudly.

“Hahaha… Okay, let’s flip the school over next year!”

This was his school.

What was he planning to do to turn it upside down?

He didn’t know what will happen next year due to the chairman’s mischief.

Hwang ji-ho had already begun to devise what to do.

Then the topic turned changed to sub-activities.

“Did you check the message from the newspaper club?”

“Which message?”

“Guess you didn’t check the message that came in the morning. There’s been a few
hype gossips in recent times.”

Silver Light gossip?

“The red lightning that covered the dormitory and two people who were found in the
old school building looking like they were possessed by a ghost. It wasn’t spread far
yet but students that love to gossip have been talking about it on the Silver Light
school community site.

Hwang Ji-ho was looking at him with a face that said something like, ‘This was all
your doing right?’

The latter was probably what he did.

But the other one was his families doing.

“It’s the manager’s policy that new students have to investigate the silver light
gossip. Since you already finished the Bread Shuttle match article. So, you are going
to have to work hard for us first.”

Hwang Ji-ho cheered and shone.

As soon as he wakes up, things are like this.

‘I guess I’ll be busy in the future.’

Today’s class bell was ‘I Got Rhythm’, composed by George Gershwin.

The concert of jazz, piano, and string instruments was arranged a little faster than
the original song.

As he listened to the cheerful tone of the vibrato main, a minute passed by.

Saturday, Hwang Myung-ho’s mansion.

There were three Tigers, one descendant, and one heavenly beast.

The heavenly beast still forgot its dignity and loving moved around in the arms of the
Baekho, and Jeokho and descendants were staring at the Hwangho with a face saying

“Jeokho, what is going on with the interrogation of the enemy, the caught Ung?”

“I’m sorry, Hwang Ho. My descendant is excellent at this kind of thing, but he can’t
use his strength against the Ungs.”

“Hwang Ho-nim, I’m trying out different ways. We will definitely have better results


Hwang-ho did not expect it in the first place, so he showed no signs of


“Those damn moon rabbits. The talks with the Rabbits are done.”

Hwangho looked at the two Tigers and one of the descendants in the living room.

“As early as next weekend, at the latest the week after that, we will hold an Alliance
of the 12 meeting. Don’t forget and join in. Free up time on the weekend. Baekho,
Jeokho, Kim Shin rok.”

Hwangho added a word.

“Don’t forget to call Cho Eui Shin as well.”


Today was Saturday, the weekend promised with Yoo Sang-hoon.

They met for lunch and ate a pot of spicy rice cakes that had cheese, rice cakes, eggs,
and ramen noodles at a restaurant near the school, even making stir-fried rice after.
He came to the field in the first-grade area with Yoo Sang-hoon’s suggestion for a
basketball game to help digest the food.

‘Even though it’s Saturday, there’s quite a bit of people. The students in the dorm
usually work out at The Jiik Hall, so these people must live nearby.’

The word was playground but, when you run a simulator in each zone, you’ll be able
to customize the stadium according to your chosen sport.

Football, basketball, catchball, badminton, and tennis were the main focus.

Like the players of the prestigious silver light, they casually used the advanced skills
of professional players.

Sombrero Flick, Hawkers Focus, Free throw Line Dunk and bullet-like ball and
shuttlecock moving between the students were impressive.

The difference between the players and the general public’s athletic ability was felt.

“Cho Eui Shin, the setting is over!”

Yoo Sang-hoon said as he started the simulator in a section of the playground.

When the simulator sounded wooung- the floor was turned into urethane, the coat
line was drawn and the hoop was formed.

“Let’s do one hoop, half-court. The base score is 1 point, 2 points if put outside the 3-
point line. The first side to score 21 points wins.”


Since it was a one-on-one, they decided to apply the rule 3X3.

And after about 10 minutes.

Except that he was a little taller than Yoo Sang-hoon, Yoo Sang-hoon had far more
experience than he did and so he miserably lost.

The active basketball team was too strong.

It sounded like an excuse, but he was strong.

“Oh, Yoo Sang-hoon. You aren’t going to go easy on me.”

He barely managed to avoid the double score.

He took his breath and sat on a bench next to the simulator court.

“I did go easy on you.”

“What, yeah right.”

He threw the basketball a little harder because he got irritated, but he giggled and
received the ball lightly with one hand.

He can’t confirm because it was a one-on-one, but he thought his passing skills were
amazing too, looking at him being able to do that.

‘When you get into a shooting position, you just get it in.

It wasn’t a skill to get in a day or two.

He must have been playing basketball since the old times.

“Have you played basketball since you were a kid?”

“………Uh, no.”

Did you, did you not.

He did, but he didn’t, is that what he was saying.

“Before the otherworld conflict, I wasn’t able to go out, because my body was weak.
After that, there were very few kids around that had abilities so I couldn’t. I did play
on my own though.”

Oh, that’s why.

It would have been difficult to team up together and play basketball.

“I like silver light because I have a lot of kids to play basketball with.”

Yoo Sang-hoon smiled brightly as he spun the basketball on his fingers.

He also sat on the bench and started talking about the silver light basketball team.

Boring morning training.

A basketball game between the first, second, and third grades.

The first and second-year team’s disappointing defeat.

Overly enthusiastic basketball advisors and professional coaches.

Yoo Sang-hoon generously unraveled the basketball club’s story.

‘Yoo Sang-hoon really likes to talk.’

His expression, saying more than usual, looked brighter than ever.

“Hey, let’s play another game.”

“I’m not going to go easy on you this time too.”

Yoo Sang-hoon dribbled.

Damn him.

It looks like he wasn’t going easy on him the entire time.

At the end of the match, he lost to him again.

Even though the scoring gap was reduced by a certain number.

He played a few more matches to his regret but ended up with total defeat.

They played basketball until late in the afternoon and headed to the dorm.

His room on the 17th floor of the first-grade dormitory building.

“It’s so nice. It looks wide enough for two people to use but you are using it alone.
Must be nice.”

Yoo Sang-hoon marveled as he toured the dormitory room.

After visiting the dormitory room, he put the delivery food that was delivered to the
front gate in the living room.

Today’s delivery food menu was a Chinese restaurant menu, which was part of the
essence of house visiting.

Jajang, champong, fried rice, each one with medium size of sweet and sour pork.

It was about four or five servings, but it probably wasn’t enough for two hungry
teenagers to eat.

Next to them, they stacked bags of potato chips with original flavors, onions, bacon
flavors, consomme, etc. to be eaten as snacks.

“Hey, let’s tease Jang Namwook.”


They set up the device camera in a position where the interior of the dormitory
room was clearly visible and connected the video call with Jang Nam-wook.

Call latency 5 seconds, 6 seconds, 7 seconds.

“What’s up, why are you answering so late.”

Jang Nam-wook responded slower than usual.

He answered like really fast usually, just like how he was a snob usually.

It was only when the device was connected.

“Jang Nam Wook are you seeing this, Silver Light High school dormitory is so
Yoo Sang-hoon looked at the screen and closed his mouth.

It was a stranger who appeared on the screen.

Who was he?

They didn’t know who he was, but what he was wearing was the glasses of Jang Nam

“You guys, you are too close to the screen. If you look too closely at the hologram,
your eyesight is going to go bad so keep a good distance. Your posture doesn’t look
good too. Straighten your back and stare at the hologram.”

He flimsily imitated Jang Nam Wook.

Although the words and tones were the same.

‘Isn’t that the guy from the senior military academy!’

It was that guy that was interviewing with Jang Nam Wook a while ago.

The guy from the academy nagged at them, imitating Jang Nam Wook for a long time.

He and Yoo Sang-hoon watched him imitate Jang Nam wook with blank expressions.

“Hmm… you aren’t laughing.”

The guy shriveled when he saw their reaction.

What the hell, was this guy.

Yoo Sang-hoon was thinking the same thing next to him.

“Then I’ll show you a secret gag. Look forward to it

They weren’t expecting anything.

“If you pronounce Jang Nam-wook kun quickly…”

He didn’t want to listen to the rest of it.

He had a short thought of whether he had to end the video call or not.

He was late.

“Jangnamukkun, Woodcutter. Hahahaha!”

He and Yoo Sang-hoon looked across the screen with strict, majestic, and serious

The academy’s senior, who had been laughing on his own for a long time, saw the
dead reaction and again had a shimmering face.

After a long silence, the voice of Jang Nam Wook was heard from across the screen.

“Hey, Do Shi Hoo. Who in the world uses Gwanglim to tease people!”

His identity was the senior student of the Player Military Academy. Do Shi Hoo.

The “peculiar” guy who was roommates with Jang Nam wook was this guy.

Jang Nam Wook, who was wearing tattered clothing, finally appeared on the screen
and took his glasses away from Do Shi Woo.

‘……… Jang Nam Wook is also living in trouble.’

By the way, the silver light was overflowing with lunatics who would use their
Gwanglim to play around.

At the academy high school, the senior must be one of those types.

“I want to talk to your Silver Light friends.”

Looking at that attitude, it seemed to him that he usually teased Jang Nam Wook

It was a lot of fun to see the hard-nosed and sincere Jang Nam Wook getting teased.

“You are the Unknown Supernova Cho Eui Shin. And the guy next to you with the
basketball must be Yoo Sang Hoon.”
He must have heard from Jang Nam Wook.

“Yoo Sang-hoon, you said you were part of the basketball team? I’m a basketball
player too. Should we organize a match between the schools?”

“Yeah, let’s do it!”

Yoo Sang-hoon, who continued to look smiling, replied.

They talked about basketball for a while.

As he heard, each basketball captain will be introduced to each other soon to

organize a match.

This time, the topic changed after talking about the Silver Light vs. Military Academy
High School Basketball Friendly Game.

“You guys know Joo Soo hyuk? Is he doing well there?”

A name came out that was not unexpected at all.

There was a sudden sinister feeling in the words of Do Shi Woo.

In the game, Joo Soo Hyuk did have a close friend in the academy.

He was a man who was assassinated without anyone knowing while spying for him.

“Do Shi Woo, don’t you have any relatives in the TC group?”

At his question, he blinked and answered.

“Not really relatives but. TC is my great grandfather’s company.”

One of the four largest groups in South Korea was his great grandfather’s company.

He was sure.

‘He was so meticulous that it was sad that he was assassinated.’

The 4 group spying scenario.

Do Shi Woo had mixed passwords with device messages several times to convey
important information in order to save Joo Soo Hyuk.

In the game, the name did not appear, but it only appeared as a chat nickname.

‘Was that this looming guy?

When Jang Nam Wook changed his clothes and reappeared, the four of them made a
statement and exchanged their device codes.

Doo Shi woo was a very unusual character, according to Jang Nam Wook.

After all, he was related to the main story of the game, so it didn’t hurt to know him.

After the weekend was over, after school.

Freshmen’s room in the newspaper office of the General Club Hall in the central area.

“Hey Sae ron, what are you going to write about? Your investigation for the
clocktower failed.”

“Oh I don’t know, I’m screwed. I’m just going to investigate the Silver Light ghost
story and write an article about it.”

Moon Sae-ron, the loser, replied to the question of a freshman in the newspaper

Moon Sae-ron also had a tracking skill, so she would have tried to catch the one
responsible, all weekend by fully operating her skill and brain.

‘To think that Moon Sae-ron wasn’t able to catch them…… I wonder who the culprit

He knew that the culprit was one who wasted their talent, abilities, and time.

“Hwang Ji-ho, what are you going to write about?”

“The taxi levitation incident in front of the main gate.”

Looking at the hologram floating in front of Hwang Ji-ho, there was an excellent
hoaxing article that did not contain a single word about things like the Tiger tribe,
the Ung tribe, and descendants.

Getting a free article to write and covering up the case at the same time.
Hwang Ji-ho also had a strategist like-self to him.

“Cho Eui-Shin! I want to investigate the silver light ghost story too. I’ll check the back
page of the general bulletin board a year ago. You check from the front page, we

“Okay. I was starting from the front page anyway so that’s great.”

He nodded at Moon Sae ron’s suggestion.

A comprehensive gossip bulletin board of silver light where the number of pages
increased frightening pace every break.

The bulletin board of the school, which can be used by students on leave of absence
and graduates, has been updated very actively even during class hours.

‘There is also a bulletin board for current students, but most information gathered is
on the general chat board.’

From the beginning, he thought it would be difficult to see everything alone.

If he can check it with Moon Sae-ron, it will be a little less work.

‘Let’s start with the two recent ghost stories.’

First, the red lightning that struck the dormitory.

In the ghost story, the skill of Jeokho, Red Lightning was treated as a curse.

There was an opinion that it was a phenomenon of psychic ability caused by a

student’s spirit who committed suicide in a dormitory building.

‘When facts and imaginations come together, this kind of ghost story arises… ’

Second, two students possessed by ghosts.

There were two students who did not return home all night.

At the request of a parent, the two devices were tracked and they were found fainted
in an old school building in the closed area.
They didn’t know why they were there.

The facility management team looked at the recording devices installed on the
campus, but there was no recording of students entering the closed area.

There was an interpretation that the ghost of an unfairly framed faculty member
who had died in the old school building in the closed area called out the two.

‘The reason they weren’t photographed is probably because they chose a road
without a recorder to avoid being reproached later. Just like I did.’

When facts are distorted, it was easy to become a ghost story.

Most of the causes of urban ghost stories in this world were related to abilities, but
there were still many people who believed in the existence of ghosts and were afraid.

Even in this prestigious player specialty high school.

‘It was only 100 years ago that abilities appeared. It would be impossible for the
ghost stories related to ghosts that existed before then to disappear completely.’

“Wow…… There are many more scary things than I thought. No, it’s not that scary.
Yes, I’m not scared. But among the kids living in the dormitory today, who wants to
come to my room to sleep tonight? I’ll buy you food, please. Oh, it’s never because I’m

Moon Sae-ron, who was reading a ghost story next to him, muttered to himself and
clung to the other female members.

Even though she was not scared of hiding in front of the clock tower at the front gate
all night, the ghost story was scary.

‘Shall we look for other ghost stories besides these two ghost stories?’

If you go to the research building area in the middle of the night, you will see an
unidentified building connected to the underworld.

In the basement of Eun Hwi-gwan, the board of directors holds a ritual every month
to try to revive a corpse.
On a moonless night, all trails of Cheonik Mountain lead to the door to the

There is a ghost screaming at 6 pm, the previous garbage incineration time at the old
school incinerator.

When there is fog on Cheongnang Lake, ghosts who lost their mate during the war
wander around the lake in search of their mate.

If you enter the central library after midnight, you will be able to access the cursed
secret library.

The student council and the leadership team form a secret association and hold a
questionable ritual with live animal sacrifices. etc.

‘There are a lot of ghost stories in this school.’

It was when he was sorting out a reasonable story.

Hwang Ji-ho, who finished writing the article, looked into his hologram and said a

“Uh, this became a rumor. Where did the information leak?”


Hwang Ji-ho was smiling with a meaningful face.

He wanted to think of it as a joke.

Are any of these numerous ghost stories real?

‘…Let’s act like I didn’t hear that.’

Hwang Ji-ho laughed with an innocent face when he saw him turning away.

Maybe it was just him teasing him.

His depressed self not long ago seemed like a lie.

“Hey, eat dinner at my house.”

Hwang Ji-ho setting wise was a close relative to Hwang Myeong-ho.

Hwang Ji-ho was set to lodge at the chairman’s house, so the “my house” was Hwang
Myung-ho’s mansion.

Hwang Ji-ho’s voice got a little quieter.

“Didn’t you have many stories to hear from me?”

He nodded at Hwang Ji-ho’s words.


Bark Bark!

Cotton Ball. No, as soon as Snare saw him, he rushed at him happily.

He was running more naturally than the last time he saw him as if the rehabilitation
training was going smoothly.

It must have been difficult, but he was proud of Snare who endured the
rehabilitation, so he immediately hugged him and stroked him.

‘To think this cute thing was a Heavenly Beast.’

When he tickled the stomach, the cotton ball-like dog looked like it would die from
happiness, but to think this guy was a Heavenly Beast that was accepted by the Tiger

‘I hope that I will continue to be close even if he gets back his Heavenly Beast form.

Thinking so, he patted Snare’s ears.

“……It seems to follow Cho Eui Shin more than me.”

Hwang Ji-ho’s expression of dissatisfaction made it more healing.

After that, he attended the dinner prepared by the Automatic Maid.

It was him, Baekho, Hwang Jiho, Jeokho, and three little kids who seemed to be
descendants of Eunho.

The main menu was Chateaubriand Steak with Chateau Potatoes and Bearnaise

The tea served after the dinner was a limited blend of Unnam Jeonhong and Assam,
which was served a long time ago in commemoration of the Queen’s crowning.

Black tea was served in a teacup from a tea set that was designed just to serve black

“You seem to know your teas.”


“I’ve seen you drinking tea three times, but it looked like you are used to it. You seem
to be recognizing the value of tea sets and the manners are perfect.”

Hwang Ji-ho’s eyes were glowing a little.

Once in the chairman’s office, once on April Fools and including this time it was three

He put the teacup on the plate and thought of a college junior who was not here.

‘I studied hard because of Seongheon.’

Cheon Seongheon was the bastard son of a third-generation rich household.

Cheon Seong-heon had been invited to his mansion several times before he ran out
of the house saying he would go his way.

He who invited him was afraid that he would be embarrassed because of his
ignorance, so he learned table manners, and learned to see the brand.

‘Although it was eventually unnecessary.’

It was vivid that Cheon Seongheon, who was a tea lover, laughed that he liked the
mixed coffee at Gosiwon.
‘Was he doing well?’

Would the Paranormal Universe answer him if he had asked?

However, it will be difficult if he thought about how to communicate.

He’s doing well or he’s not doing well would be the extent he would be able to find
out, and even if he found out, there’s nothing he could have done.

“I like tea. I like coffee and tea, and I also like traditional tea.”

“………Is that so?”

Hwang Ji-ho had a suspicious face.

He was the eldest son of three brothers and sisters who barely earned a living
through double-income, and now he was the only one left.

He must have done a background check, so it would be a little strange to be familiar

with such high-class culture.

When he changed the topic, he gave up his suspicions and went to the point.

“Starting from the conclusion, as you said, it’s clear that there was a traitor among
the Alliance of the 12. The protective barrier, a joint work of the Alliance of the 12,
was disabled. Had it not been for the higher being Jeseokcheon’s involvement, the
Rabbits would have been annihilated.”

He had heard a great story.

He waited to talk about it, hoping it wouldn’t surprise him while he ate, but it didn’t
make any difference because he was still digesting.

‘It is unlikely that the Rabbits are traitors. If the Rabbits had made up their mind,
they would have lived without knowing whether Eunho’s descendants were alive or

The Rabbit tribe and the Moon Rabbit were famous for getting along.

Even in the game, there was no sign of antagonism, so it was difficult to think that
someone inside had betrayed.

“We decided to cooperate with the Rabbits to find a traitor among the ‘long-tailed’
ones. These kids will be homeschooled and will be protected in my mansion.
Anything else you want to ask?”

That was enough for the current situation.

As he shook his head, Hwang Ji-ho asked again.

“I have a question, why did you ask us to hold the Alliance of the 12 meeting?”

“To catch the culprit.”

“………The meeting takes place in a special way. All we can check is the voice and the
silhouette. But you said you will catch the culprit? Even though there was no clue
except being long-tailed?”

There was a clue.

This was a clue that only he knew of in this world.

“I have a clue.”

He glanced at Jeokho, listening quietly.

This was the clue that Jeokho caught before he died.

Even though he died without passing it on to the protagonist’s party.

The character that appears often in fictions where they find an important
information but fails to deliver it because they are found dead.

Jeokho was the protagonist of the event that gave fans quite the shock and caused
many of them to quit the game.

“Let me watch the Alliance of the 12 meeting.”

There was also information that was remembered by him who was a veteran of the
trash game.
Hwang Ji-ho, who saw his face with confidence, lit his eyes.

“Okay, got it.”

It was so good that he did not ask what the clue was.


“I’m sorry, I’ll come again next time.”

It was when he tried to leave the front door that Snare trying to hold him back with
all kinds of cute acting because of the regrettable parting.

The three descendants of Eun-ho approached.

The two above looked around 16 years old, but the youngest child only came up to
his waist.

“I…… I’m sorry I couldn’t say proper greetings back then. I was told by the sacred
tigers that they would not have been able to help us without Cho Eui-shin nim.
Thank you for rescuing me……!”

It was the child he saw on April Fools’ day that greeted him.

He was still only sixteen, but he was very polite.

“I didn’t do anything. The one who saved the taxi was a guy named Sawol Seum as
well. And why are you calling me nim, just call me brother.”

He really did not do much on the assassination of Eun-ho’s descendants’ case on

April Fool’s Day.

All he had to do was use flight skills and concealment items to chase a taxi.

Because the Ung was taken care of by the Tigers, and Sawol Seum finished it.

“But Hwang-ho nim and Jeok-ho nim said that. It was all thanks to the Unknown

“My mother who passed away always told us to become descendants who never
forgets grace.”

“Please let me repay the grace someday.”

The three descendants of Eunho gathered together and looked up at him.

They are said to be descendants of Eun-ho, who succeeded the blood of Eun-ho, the
head of the family, but they were still small children.

Looking at these three, he remembered his younger brothers who had gone ahead a
long time ago.

“………Ok, thanks. Still, don’t worry about the grace and anything. I’m glad you guys
are safe.”

Without knowing, he reached out and patted the hair of Eunho’s descendants once.

They closed their eyes a little as if they liked the touch and stayed quiet.

At his feet, Snare was showing his stomach, asking for a pat.

Baekho, Hwang Jiho, and Jeokho, who came to see him off, were watching the scene
without saying anything.

He was fortunate that they didn’t say anything about patting their descendants.


The day after visiting the mansion, after school.

Moon Saeron whined, saying she did not want to investigate the ghost story because
she was scared.

She seemed to be going to sleep in another friend’s dorm room today.

He came to the Jiik Center after finishing the noisy newspaper activity.

The place he visited was the Jiik Hall of the dormitory self-government association
among the Jiik Hall.
“Hey Eui Shin, welcome! Would you like a snack? Among the snacks that came in
today, the black sesame honey pancake is delicious. The crackers with almonds are
also delicious.”

As soon as he entered, Jiik Chairman Seong Si-wan greeted him.

At the conference table in the center of the Intellectual Society room, snack boxes
that were believed to have been thrown together by graduates were piled up like a

There were people from the Intellectual Society who were eating snacks and doing
self-study or chatting here and there.

Among them, Seong Siwan was watching a real variety show with a hologram, but as
soon as he came, he turned it off and dealt with him.

He felt sorry, so he decided to work quickly and leave.

“Hello, senior. I haven’t had dinner yet, so snacks are a little… I had something I
wanted to check.”

“Huh? What did you want to check.”

As the background of its establishment was a bit peculiar, all the notes from the
meetings and books were always open to all students and faculty members.

It was possible to access and view them on the webpage of the Intellectual Society
using a school device or visit the Intellectual Society room where anyone can go and
check it.

‘Because I am a close friend of Seong Si-wan, it is less noticeable and natural to come
directly to the Intellectual Society. I don’t want to leave a history of accessing
through the school device.’

“Because this task of the Newspaper Department is an investigation of a silver light

ghost story. There are quite a few ghost stories related to Cheonik Mountain and the
dormitory, so I would like to see the minutes of the Intellectual Society meeting… Is
it okay?”

“Of course it’s okay. The hologram chip is in that cabinet, and the paper meeting
minutes recorded at the request of Mr. Kim Shin-rok are on the bookshelf over

Kim Shinrok talked about preparing things because other faculty and students prefer

He guessed he did it because he liked paper.

“Thank you.”

“If you need anything else, tell me, Eui-shin.”

He thanked Seong Siwan and went to the bookshelf.

The thing he had to confirm was in the last year’s minutes.

‘Most of them are accident training meetings that occurred last year because of the
first grade 0 class!’

It was more than he had thought.

It was worse than what came out of the game.

‘Mr. Jegal Jae-geol…… I think he was the homeroom teacher of class 0 last year, but I
am worried he might get hair loss from all this.’

The teachers in the second grade tried to change the class teacher in the second
grade because it would be difficult for Mr. Jegal Jaegeol with class 0 causing so many

However, the class 0 who figured that out freaked out.

It was recorded that the Intellectual Society also supported because of the students
in Class 0 who occupied the lobby on the first floor of the residence building of the
faculty and staff in the residential area.

In the end, Jegal Jae-geol directly declared, ‘I will be your homeroom teacher until
you graduate,’ and the situation was finally over.

‘Anyway, I found what I wanted to find.’

After reading all the minutes of the one-year-long meeting containing the brilliant
biography of Class 0, he greeted Seong Si-wan and left the Intellectual Society.


He arrived at the restaurant at Jiik Hall and looked at the dormitory dinner menu.

Today, Korean, Western, and Chinese foods were prepared, but looking at the menu,
Western looked the most delicious.

He liked the pasta, which was flat like knife noodles, but the noodles were thick, with
bolognese sauce and mushrooms.

‘Let’s eat pasta today!’

Thinking so, he went inside to the holographic menu board installed in the lobby of
the restaurant.

In the dormitory dining room, unexpected characters were seen wearing unexpected

“………Maeng Hyo-don, Irena. What are you doing here?”

Maeng Hyo-don and Irena.

Two people, wearing sanitary hats and aprons, were carrying buffet dishes in the
dormitory dining room.
“Vice President, are you here to eat? I am working on a work scholarship.”

“Hi… Eui Shin.”

Unlike Maeng Hyo-don, Irena was a little hesitant to answer.

She must still feel awkward around him.

There was also the attempted suicide incident, and since she cried until she was
tired in front of him, it seemed she was having trouble with how to deal with him.

‘I forgot in Silver Light, there was a system called a part-time job scholarship. Looks
like they are doing it together.’

The part-time job scholarship was a part-time job system that paid about four times
the minimum hourly wage in exchange for helping with school chores.

‘Because Silver Light has a very extensive security procedure, it is very difficult to
hire or outsource faculty members.’

Most of the silver light students did not run out of money with items obtained from
targeting the other world and bounties to subdue wanted Enemy.

However, it is a school rule that first graders can target the otherworld starting from
the second semester.

So, first-year students or second and third graders in need of money often
participated in the part-time job scholarship.

‘Because neither of them can get support at home, I guess Mr. Ham Geun-hyung
introduced me.’
If you live in a silver light dormitory, you did not need tuition or miscellaneous

Still, it would be difficult for a teenage high school student to live without a penny.

‘If they worked two or three hours a day with a part-time job until the second
semester, they should be able to hold on until then.’

With that in mind, he tried to move to make a request to cook pasta.

“Vice president, this is the most delicious today.”

Before he got to move, a meat bomb that Maeng Hyo-don threw on his tray fell.

Gwangyang-style beef bulgogi was piled up like a mountain.

It was a really neat and unobtrusive movement and speed.

While admiring that he was also Joo Soo-hyuk’s rival, his mind was dazed by the
absurd amount of meat.

He was sure it was because he thought well, but… This was a lot.

“Hey, Maeng Hyo-don. If you’re going to give me food, give me vegetables and rice,
not just meat.”

“This dish is the most delicious, so fill your stomach with it today.”


There was no turning back.

Maeng Hyo-don’s was stubborn.

In the end, there was only meat on his tray.

This diet completely ignored the nutritional balance.

“Haha…… I think he did give you a lot, but today, bulgogi is really good.”
Irena said, smiling awkwardly.

Following the hidden gourmet Maeng Hyo-don, Irena said that, so he had no choice
but to eat it.

‘If you give up…… it’s comfortable…… ’

It looked like he was filling his stomach with meat today.

Goodbye pasta.

He was surprised when he ate a piece of meat after clearing his mind.

‘What. It’s really good…!’

Beautiful taste.


‘Wow, it’s much better than bulgogi at most traditional Korean restaurants.’

The seasoning that harmonized with the juicy juice from moderately cooked meat
melted on the tongue and disappeared into the throat.

Was this really a menu that would come from a high school?

Maeng Hyo-don, he really was a gourmet.

He emptied the whole plate without leaving a piece of meat.

Maeng Hyo Don was proud of seeing him eating well.

“I ate well.”

“If you know that, then good.”

He knew that Maeng Hyo-don did this in good faith, but he hoped he would know
that things went wrong, this can be seen as harassment.

When he first saw the mountain of meat, he felt like he was slapped with bulgogi.
Bulgogi slap.

It was an apt word to describe the meat terror that was forced on him today.

“That…… until now…… that. I don’t think I ever properly said… thank you.”

Maeng Hyo-don, who was handed a bowl at the exit, muttered.

It was a voice like an ant crawling.

“………Thank you.”

It seemed that the mass throwing of Gwangyang beef bulgogi was a result of

He got a little playful.

He pretended as if he couldn’t hear it.

“What did you say, I can’t hear you?”

“Ah, I said thank you, vice president bitch!”

Bitch, bitch!

Maeng Hyo-don’s words resonated, leaving an echo effect in the enclosed space and
dormitory restaurant.

All the students who were still in the cafeteria looked over to him.

He didn’t want to stand out.

He decided to bounce.

“Yes, I got it. You know you didn’t have to say that? You don’t have to care about that.
Alright, I’m heading out. Work hard.”

“Hey, wait a minute…… Vice president, You!”

He went out of the restaurant as if he had nothing to do with Maeng Hyo-don very

Maeng Hyo-don, who was working as a scholarship student, stayed there while
receiving the attention of the dormitory students.

The last moment he saw him before he left his ears were so red to the point one
might think it was bloody.

This wasn’t a retaliation to the bulgogi slap, it definitely wasn’t.


Lobby lounge in the first-grade dormitory building.

He was sitting on the innermost sofa in the unisex common room.

The person he was waiting for was Irena.

When he left Maeng hyodon, he spoke to her asking to see her for a moment.

‘I have to hand it over today.’

He pulled out a white envelope from the item window.

The item in the envelope was the gold ribbon that remained in the living room of his
room during the previously attempted suicide incident.

He kept missing the timing to hand it over.

This was because Irena was always with Kim Yuri and Han Yi in the classroom, so it
was hard to interrupt her.

If they ask him why he had this, things would become difficult as well.

“Eui Shin.”

Irena was looking down at him with her eyes wide open.

The break room on the first floor was quite large, so he thought it would take a
while, but she found it right away.
“Oh hey, sorry for calling you out. I have something to give to you…”

He wanted to quickly give her the ribbon and leave, but she cut in between his

“Eui-shin, would you like to take a walk…?”

It looked like she had something to say.

‘……… It is a little cold.’

The walkway around the first-grade building in the residential area.

Spring had come, but the April night breeze was still cold.

The residential area was even closer to Cheonik Mountain, so it was windier.

‘I guess no one is talking a walk because it’s cold.’

Irena’s half-tied hair fluttered a little in the night breeze while walking.

She just hesitated and hasn’t even said a word yet.

“Shall we sit here?”

Irena pointed to a bench under artificial lighting next to the trail.


He walked first and sat down, blocking the direction of the wind.

If Irena catches a cold and the attendance rate drops, Ham Geun-hyung and Kim Yu-
ri will be disappointed.

Irena sat down with enough distance to fit two people next to him.

“Eui Shin, I haven’t been able to say thank you…… I didn’t know what happened
between you and Hyo don but looking at Hyo don today I wanted to be like him so…”

Was it because of Maeng Hyo Don?

“That day, I think it’s fortunate that I didn’t die. It’s still very difficult and painful
remembering what my parents said, but… I have classmates and teachers waiting for
me to come to school now.”

She kept stop talking several times, but he kept waiting.

“I have something I want to do these days. Do you remember the day when the first
spring rain fell? Did you know that the class bell rings in the dorm room as well?”

He had just come after seeing the minutes of the Intellectual Society meeting so he

The class bell rang in the dormitory room as if they were applying unspoken
pressure to people to come out and go to class instead of being stuck in the dorm

Last year, 1st-grade class 0, where the majority stayed in their dormitory room,
didn’t like that very much, so it caused the broadcasting department to be raided on
April Fools’ Day.

In the end, most of last year’s first-grade class 0 spent time and money to carefully
renovate the speakers installed in their room, and then they got caught by the
Intellectual Society.

“There was a song called ‘for LENA’ among the songs that were used for the class that

He remembered that the day he was raiding Choi Pyeon Deuk because the first rain
fell, it was listed with songs about rain and water all day long.

Ravel’s “Playing Water”, Chopin’s “Raindrop Prelude”, John Strauss II’s “On the
Beautiful Blue Danube, Waltz,” and Debussy’s “Garden in the Rain” etc.

And ‘for LENA’.

‘The most popular song among the OST of the Plamago game was for LENA.’

‘For LENA’.

It was a masterpiece composed by the team master of “Lake of Eternity”, one of the
four major foreign otherworld teams in England.

The team master of the Lake of Eternity was a British Korean, a senior who
graduated from Silver Light.

The team master was also excellent in talent, but it was widely known that he was a
famous violinist and received a medal of honor from the Queen of England.

‘He was being invited to naturalize in the UK every day, but it’s amazing that he is
still Korean. I don’t know why he’s working in the UK if he was not going to be

Manchester United Kingdom attack is a famous example of attacking the other

world, which is said to be a legend of the player world.

The Team master of the Lake of Eternity team cleared the worst and largest
dimension rifts in the world in British history, five dungeons, one tower, and two
labyrinths in just a week.

After clearing, as a side effect of the team master’s enormous use of his abilities, a
lake appeared on the ground where gaps in the other world were created.

‘The Queen awarded the Eternal Lake Team Master a medal of honor and granted the
right to name the lake that appeared on the land.’

The team master gave the lake the name “LENA”, the name of his mother who died
during the attack.

After the lake was given its name, a memorial ceremony was held for the members of
the Eternal Lake team who died in front of the lake LENA.

The commemorative song ‘for LENA’ was composed and played by the team master
on the spot.

“I remember listening to that song in the dorm room alone. I wanted to learn the
violin before my player’s ability was realized. When I was young, I begged my
parents, but I forgot because they didn’t allow me at that time saying that the lesson
fee was expensive.”

If they had spent the amount they spent in a day playing in the VIP club of Choi
Pyeon-deuk’s decadent business, Irena would have been able to buy a violin for
practice and take lessons for three months.

They must have thought the money spent on Irena was that much wasteful.

Before making them bungee jump without a string at Hwangmyeong Tower, I should
have slapped them with a bundle of money.

“As I spoke to Mr. Ham Geun-hyung, he made me consult with a string music advisor.
When I join the string music club, they said they will give me a violin for practice and
support private lessons. The seniors said that they will also help.”

That masterpiece saved Irena so she can come out of the room.

She was smiling brightly under the moonlight.

In this world, so far all he ever saw were faces with eyes wide open and hesitating,
embarrassed, or terrified.

“Thank you, Eui Shin. Really…… I think it’s a good thing that I am alive.”

He opened his mouth for the first time since he started listening to her.

“If you have a concert recital, call me. I will take our classmates to go watch.”

“Yeah………! I will practice hard!”

Irena laughed in tears.

“Okay, I’ll be waiting. And you left this last time.”

He gave her a white envelope.

“This ribbon! I lost this last time… Thank you!”

Irena looked inside the envelope and said thank you again.

It seemed to him that he heard a lot of thank-you greetings today.

However, he didn’t know whether it would be okay to receive thank yous for this
ribbon thing.

‘Irena will appear as a villain next year. The cause is still unknown.’

Currently, the biggest cause of foreseen was the disagreement with her parents, but
he wanted to be prepared in case the prediction went wrong.

If she became a villain, children will be injured, and those children were very likely
to be in the first-grade class 0.

This ribbon was a just in case thing.

‘The blessings left on this ribbon will protect Irena and the other children.’

Naejang Mountain National Park Naejangsa incident.

Irena’s ribbon was blessed by using the Gwanglim ‘Touch of Rest’ of the playable
character, ‘Saint of Naejang Mountain’, who managed the incident.

The usage was massive, so if he used this level of blessing, he will not be able to use
the player’s trajectory for a while, but he used it despite the risk.

Since after April Fool’s Day, the days were peaceful.

“No need for thanks. Sorry for returning it to you late.”

He said as he hid complex emotions.

Even if something happened, there was no guarantee that Irena will have that ribbon
at that time.

He just hoped that the day will not come when the remaining blessings on the ribbon
will be used.


Next day.

It was a peaceful day except for Maeng Hyo-don, who was waiting for him in the
dorm elevator on the way back, grumbling with the fact that he left him in that
situation at the dorm restaurant.

No, to be honest, it wasn’t really peaceful.

“They said that a student whose ability disappeared came out in the morning class.
They seem to be the ones that were discovered at the old school building a while

It seems that Sawol Seum heard the news somewhere.

Kim Yuri and Irena also added as if they heard the story as well.

“I heard that there have been several cases of loss of abilities after the age of 17
abroad. Although this was the first time it happened in Korea.”

“I heard that there is no case that the lost abilities returns…… Do you get expelled if
you lose your abilities?”

“Yeah. It’s expulsion according to school rules. Although there is no precedent.”

Han Yi, who was listening quietly, immediately gave an answer.

Han Yi was deaf and had many penalties.

She would not want to leave Silver Light, so she would have thoroughly investigated
the school rules.

“What, there is such a thing?”

Maeng Hyo-don wasn’t showing off any fear, but he was worried.

Rest assured, Maeng Hyo-don.

His abilities will not disappear until he dies, and he will get strong enough that
people called him an overpowered character.

‘At last, the loss of abilities of the two illegal admissions who harassed Park Seung-
hyun was discovered.’

He pretended to know nothing, pretended to be irrelevant, and maintained his


Hwang Ji-ho was staring at him like that.


Hwang Ji-ho laughed and said as if he was sincere.

“Okay, I’ll pretend I don’t know.”

Yes, keep pretending not to know.


A few days after that.

After about ten close examinations, the two students’ determination of loss of ability
was not reversed.

During the investigation of the cause, the school was completely turned upside down
when it was revealed that the two students were fraudulent admissions pushed by
the wanted criminal Choi Pyeon-deuk.

“People must live nicely! I didn’t know that there was an illegal admission to Silver
Light. I’m glad those kids have lost their abilities!”

Sawol Seum and Han Yi tilted their heads at Kim Yu-ri, who was a little angry.

“Even if they don’t do that, they could have just studied hard…”


The two of them didn’t understand because they were full of talent who came to this
school after studying on their own.

On the other hand, Irena, who barely passed the Silver Light exams trying to get
accepted by her parents, tried to stay still, ignoring the two.

“Somehow, they were ones I hadn’t seen at the tournament. I remember even seeing
Bang Yoon-seop a few times, but they didn’t even show up in the preliminary

Said Maeng Hyo-don, the only person qualified to pass the special screening.

As he heard more, there seemed to be a lot of talk about the disposition of students
with inferior grades than those who were admitted for fraudulent admissions.

‘Still, he got the opportunity, so if he tries, he will be able to remain in Silver Light.’

It seemed that the victim of good intention was hit by a lightning bolt right now and
had a lot of heartaches.

There are many opinions that there is a high possibility that the recommendation for
transfer will fall if you fall within the bottom 10% of the overall grades for the
midterm exam.

“But why were the two found in the old school building? Looking at the general
bulletin board, there were talks about how they were dragged by a ghost, and that
they had lost their talents and were punished.”

“There must be a guardian angel in Silver Light.”

To Kim Yu-ri’s question, Sawol Se-eum answered with bullshit.

What guardian angel?

For a strange title, the Red Phantom Thief was enough.

Hwang Ji-ho was bursting out loud laughing next to him while he was holding back
the distortion of his face.

“Ha ha ha ha ha!”

Damn him.

If you’re going to pretend you don’t know, keep it low.

The other kids were puzzled when they saw Hwang Ji-ho suddenly burst into
laughter, but they all thought Hwang Ji-ho was a bit strange, to begin with so they
just figured that was just how he was and moved on.

The date on which the expulsion of the two illegal admissions was confirmed.

Several messages arrived on his device.

[Park Seung-hyun] Thank you.

Now Park Seung-hyun can live a happy silver light life again.

There will be no chance that the two will kill Cotton Ball or torment Andain, and the
other children will not be sacrificed when a major incident breaks out.

He archived Park Seung-hyun’s message.

[Yoo Sang-hoon] haha

Yoo Sang-hoon did not use the group message room with Jang Nam-wook and sent a
one-to-one personal message unlike usual.

He seems to have noticed something weird with his senses.

The day before April Fool’s Day when they were possessed by ghosts, he suddenly
asked for their names, so he guessed he had no choice but to know…

This message was immediately deleted.

[Hong Gyu-bin] Eui-shin, there are many incidents in Silver Light…

Hong Gyubin must be working overtime again.

As Korea’s first player 17 years of age or older was involved in the dismissal due to
loss of ability, and the case was also involved in the case of Choi Pyeon-deuk.

He just ignored this message.


The day after those two were expelled.

Cherry blossoms began to bloom in the silver light. Today, he met Maeng Hyo-don,
and Sawol Seum by chance in the dorm lobby so they decided to walk to school

They walked toward the first-grade building while reviewing the taste of raspberry
scones served as a morning snack in the dorm restaurant.



There was a scream erupting near the entrance of the first-grade building.

Rather than a human scream, it was a sound that a pterosaur would make.

Looking at the color of the nameplate, not only the first years but also the second
and third year was in the crowd.

What happened?

“There are a lot of people. Hey, let’s go somewhere to waste time.”


“Yeah. The weather is nice today, so let’s go for a walk! Flowers are blooming on the
walkway in the 1st-grade area, so it’s really pretty. I saw it while flying in the
morning, but the cherry blossom path leading to the central area and the walking
path in a little remote area leading to Cheonik Mountain are…”

It was when the three of them turned to the first-grade section promenade.


It was a voice that seemed to tickle his ears.

In front of the three of them who turned their heads at the same time.

There was a connoisseur wearing a silver light school uniform.

‘It’s Yum Junyeol…!’

It was the face he used at the fantasy auction.

The Red Lion Team Master, the son of Yum Bang-yeol, the King of Red Flames.

Small Red Dragon Yeom Jun-yeol, a descendant of the dragon tribe.

He was in front of the first-grade class 0 classroom.

It was February, when it was noisy because of the Illusion Gate.

The top floor of the tall team building in Jongno 1-ga, Seoul, where the Red Lions,
one of Korea’s top 5 otherworld teams and one of the world’s top 10 otherworld
teams, was located.

Small Red Dragon Yeom Jun-yeol was doing his own work in the office of the Team
Master King of Red Flames Yeom Bang-yeol.

“I changed my mind. I plan to remain in the silver light this year.”

Yeom Jun-yeol had decided to study abroad for one year from this year.

The reason he changed that decision was the “Red Phantom Thief” of the Illusion
Gate incident that broke out on January 1 of that year.

“Junyeol, are you really planning to quit studying abroad?”

“Yes, father. The month of March. I will only visit the player training center in the US
and China for two weeks each.”

“To me, if Jun-yeol wants to stay in Korea, I would love that but……”

Yeom Jun-yeol said while unfolding the hologram.

“I was also interested in the Korea-China-Japan youth player exchange exhibition

held this year or next year. And above all…”

The hologram showed a “wall of fire” with very low resolution and quality.

“I want to stay in Korea and find the Red Phantom Thief.”

When Yeom Jun-yeol pressed the play button, the wall of fire merged into one and
ascended to the sky.

He looked at the video as if he had already seen it hundreds of times.

The same Gwanglim does not exist in this world, so why did it look like the red

Firing speed, holding power, scale, control…

The technique of the Red Phantom Thief seemed to be a novelty that was not lacking
in anything.

He seemed to have accurately embodied the future and utopia he dreamed of.

“As someone who has the red dragon I know. This is very similar to me, it is unlikely,
but it is an ability that I can describe it as the same…… and the Red Phantom Thief is
much stronger than me.”

The faint longing felt from that gaze surprised Yeom Bang yeol.

When he married a descendant of the dragon tribe, he had given up on having


Then, the precious only son Yeom Jun-yeol that came into being was like a miracle
and he has always been the best boast and treasure to Yum Bang-yeol.

There could be no admiration for someone other than himself or the dragon tribe.

Although he admitted the strength of the Red Phantom Thief, this was a problem in
the realm that the fatherhood could not forgive.

“Y-yeah. No child is stronger than you! This Red Phantom Thief… must be a veteran
about my age!”

“Yes. Maybe so.”

Yeom Jun-yeol poured out the words of Yeom Bang-yeol with a calm face.

‘I want to find the Red Phantom Thief.’

Yeom Jun-yeol thoroughly investigated the Red Phantom Thief throughout the

He dug up every little testimony and clues.

“There are two things that are bothering me. First, the testimony of Irena, a
freshman in silver light. The child, forcibly dragged by his parents, answered all
questions sincerely, except for the part where the oath of silence was held. But she
pretended that she wasn’t sure about the Red Phantom Thief. It was like she was
protecting him.”

If the Red Phantom Thief really had the same appearance and abilities as his own,
there was a possibility that Irena would have shut her mouth in fear of harm to her
senior, himself.

But is it really all that?

Maybe because there were other reasons besides that.

Yeom Jun-yeol thought so and said.

“Second, the questionable word found in the recovered document. Of the data
independently obtained from the Red Lion’s side, only a few words were successfully
restored. Do you remember there was a peculiar word there?”

“Yeah. I didn’t know what it had meant though.”

“Sawol Seum. I thought it was a password or a dummy. But that was the name of a
classmate like Irena who was going to attend our school. Since I belong to the
student council, I was able to check the freshman list. In addition, the student was
reported missing last year. Sometime after it was ended as a simple runaway case.
Yeom Jun-yeol concluded his reasoning.

“Both of them attend Silver Light, and both of them were also related to the 1st-
grade class 0. Would that be a coincidence?”

After all, his son was smart, handsome, brilliant, polite, humble, uplifting, and
couldn’t be compared to anything!

Haha, his son was so good!

Yeom Bang-yeol almost exclaimed exclamation, but he tried to speak strictly him
bursting out loud about being proud of his son.

“………The Red Phantom Thief destroyed the Illusion Auction alone. He had his own
information route and dangerous abilities. Don’t get caught up with him! I can’t give
permission! I’d rather you go study abroad! Instead, you come to Korea often,
contact us every day, and don’t sneak away from your bodyguards!”

In the mouth of Yeom Bang-yeol, who was a fool for his son, no strict words came

“Father, thank you for always caring. Even so, I want to remain in Silver Light and
find the Red Phantom Thief.”


Red Phantom Thief had very similar abilities to himself but was much stronger.

He definitely wanted to meet him.

Yeom Jun-Yeol read the report on the results of the Illusion Gate investigation again
while listening to what Yeom Bang yeol was talking about.

“Don’t worry about Junyeol. Yeom Bang yeol.”

“Yong Jae-gun nim!”

With a teacher contract with Hwangho, the geezer dragon tribe, Yong Je-geon, who
became a teacher of Silver Light appeared silently.

Freeman. No, the free dragon tribesman Yong Je-geon always popped up when and
where he wanted.

“As long as I’m in the Silver Light, nothing will happen to Jun-yeol.”

“Please, Yong Je-geon nim!”

Yong Je-geon stared at the night view outside the window with an ecstatic face.

“I’m really looking forward to living in silver light this year. Jun-yeol, and the
Unknown Supernova. It will be even more enjoyable if there was the Red Phantom

That dragon tribesman was a geezer who couldn’t stop when he was happy.

Yeom bang-yeol, who saw that expression of Yong-Je-gun, felt very uncomfortable
but shut his mouth.


Small Red Dragon Yeom Jun-yeol, a descendant of the dragon tribe, a star player
belonging to the student council, in the second year of silver light.

He walked towards them as if he had business with them. The moment Yeom Jun-
yeol walked, the back road became a runway, and the silver light school uniform
seemed to be a top-notch costume worn by the model.

“Junyeol said he ended his short-term study abroad early! Originally, he was
planning to study abroad throughout his second year. Crazy.”

“Are we going to school with the Red Dragon in the future? Really?”

“The real Jun-yeol oppa is really handsome…… The real thing is insane……”

“Jun-yeol is the same age as us.”

“If they are handsome, everyone is an oppa, I don’t have any conscience!”

Hearing the news of his school attendance, it seems that the first, second, and third
graders came rushing to see him.

His mind was complicated because there was something bothering him.

Yeom Jun-yeol should be studying abroad. Why was he here?


‘No way, I don’t think he has any business with me.’

Did he find the identity of the Red Phantom Thief?

When he was so nervous like that.

Yeom Jun-yeol stopped in front of Sawol Seum.

“We need to talk. Seum.”

It seemed that it was Sawol Seum that Yeom Jun-yeol had a business with.

It became vain.

‘In the game, Yeom Jun-yeol and Sawol Seum never had any contact with each other.’

Yeom Jun-Yeol’s death was when Joo Soo-hyuk became a sophomore. Sawol Seum
was rescued when Joo Soo-hyuk is in the third grade, so the two have never met in
the game.

“What, if you have something to say, we will listen together.”

Maeng Hyo-don said, shoving Sawol Seum behind him.

When he was in junior high school, he seems to be on the lookout for Maeng Hyo-
don, who was controversial even to seniors with his excellent fighting skills and
award history.

Of course, he reversed all the things the seniors would say and made the strongest
legend of Maeng Hyo-don.

Yeom Jun-yeol’s eyes were a bit dissatisfied with his confident appearance.

“Hey, it’s okay. Hyodon.”

It was Sawol Seum that ended their brief confrontation.

Sawol Seum was staring straight at Yeom Jun-yeol.

“I also wanted to talk with senior Yeom Jun yeol!”

“Okay. Please give me some time before the ordinance starts. Sorry for coming
Yeom Jun-yeol turned to the fans who gathered. Yeom Jun-yeol smiled at the fans in
the background of the cherry blossom leaves coming from the wind near the
entrance of the first-year building, and that space became a photoshoot.

“I just want to talk with Seum, so can you please leave us.”


The frequency was on the verge of breaking through the atmosphere.

A scream in the high-pitched range echoed.

“Jun yeol looked here. I saw it, I saw it…!”

“Yes. We will move right away.”

“Yep. Let’s go, guys!”

“Jun yeol requested it, so whoever stays behind still is going to suffer understood?”

“It’s okay if I suffer, so can I remain?”

“Come to the gym.”

“I will write a diary today and sleep. I will write it twice.”

At Yeom Jun-yeol’s word, the fans disbanded.

Some people couldn’t take their steps because of regret, but they were dragged by
fans full of action.

When the fans disappeared, this time, Yeom Jun-yeol’s gaze turned to them.

It would be better to leave tactfully here.

“Maeng Hyo-don, let’s go. Sawol Seum, come to class on time.”

“Wait a minute, vice-president…”

“Then we will be heading out now.”

He also gave a rough greeting to Yeom Jun-yeol and dragged Maeng Hyo-don into the
first-grade building.

Maeng Hyo-don was dragged reluctantly, but he was still worried.

Even if took a glance, it was natural to worry because Sawol Seum looked weak, and
Yeom Jun-yeol was tall and overflowed with strong energy.

“It this really okay, vice-president.”

“Yeah. Yeom Jun-yeol is a good person. Since he is a celebrity, he can’t do anything

wrong because an article gets published right away anyway.”

“Was he a celebrity?”

A hologram was displayed to show the article with Yeom Jun-yeol’s profile and name.

Maeng Hyo-don looked at the screen with an exciting face whether he did not know
who Yeom Jun-yeol really was.

In particular, he couldn’t take his eyes off the edited video of Yeom Jun-Yeol’s attack
on the other world and Enemy Subjugation.

At that moment.

〈Skill, ‘Destiny’ was activated.〉

One more thing that was completely unexpected happened.

He decided to leave while Maeng Hyo don was immersed in using his device to open
the screen.

“I’m going to the bathroom real quick.”


Listening to Maeng Hyo-don’s sincere answer, he looked around.

‘At least give me some type of notification. Should I use the player’s trajectory…?Then
something came into his eyes. There was a cherry blossom leaf moving very
unnaturally in the hallway of the classroom. One cherry tree leaf, much redder than a
normal cherry tree leaf, fluttered and shook in front of him.

‘I guess it means to follow.’

He decided to go along with the cherry blossom leaf. The cherry blossom leaf floated
leisurely in the air in the windless corridor. The students who he sometimes
encountered seemed as if it was only his eyes could see it and they did not pay
attention at all. After moving like that, he arrived at the end of the corridor on the
second floor of the first-grade building, a traditional culture study room.

‘Fortunately, it was a classroom that was not used frequently and there is no one
because it was the time before the ordinance.’

Oriental paintings were hung on the wall finished with Korean paper, and dozens of
mannequins were wearing various hanbok made of silk, calico, Gapsa, Hangra, and
Guksa cloth near the wall.

On the other side, from ordinary people’s clothes and ceremonial clothes to old
military uniforms, officials, and komnyongpo were also seen, and between the open
closet, a case which had a dragon and a tiger were embossed was seen.

‘To invest this much in a classroom that we don’t use very much.’

The red cherry blossom leaf stuck to the sliding lattice window and disappeared as if
it melted.

‘Is this the destination?’

The lattice windows were a little open.

He killed his presence and quietly approached the window.

‘Did you want to show me this?’

Under the window were Sawol Seum and Yeom Junyeol.

Their voices have been heard so far because the surroundings are quiet.

“Really, senior Yeom Jun-yeol wasn’t the Red Phantom Thief.”

“………Yeah. I’m also looking for the Red Phantom Thief.”

In an instant, the hands and feet felt like it was shriveled.

The two were chanting the embarrassing title he wanted to forget.

‘Did Destiny activate to tell me this?’

Yeom Jun-yeol seems to have been investigating to find the Red Phantom Thief. The
Red Lion’s intelligence would have found Sawol Seum’s name in the auction list, and
it would have been speculated that the Red Phantom Thief saved Sawol Seum.

‘Why is Yeom Jun-yeol looking for the Red Phantom Thief?

‘Did he want to punish for imitating him?

“Why are you looking for the Red Phantom Thief?”

Sawol Seum asked for him.

“I want the Red Phantom Thief to be my teacher.”

He didn’t expect that either.

“Teacher…? As far as I know, I heard that Yeom Jun-yeol’s master was one of the
dragons and your father, Yeom Bang-yeol, the king of Red Flames.”

“I guess the Red Phantom Thief really looked like me. Since you looked into my

As if Sawol Seum thought he had made a mistake, he covered his mouth with a
blurred face.

It’s okay because he thought all the pretending to be Yeom Jun-yeol thing was found
out anyway.

“I do not care. If I had known about the illusion auction, I would have also done the
same thing. Even if it would have been difficult to go personally because my father
and the dragon tribe would have tried to stop me.”
Yeom Jun-yeol was a good guy.

He deserved to be called his playable character.

“My father and the dragon tribes cherish me so much that I cannot train properly. I
want to be a little stronger.”

Yeom Jun-yeol had the aspect of a star player who everyone envied.

His greatest strength was his strong sense of improvement, not his appearance, his
pedigree, or his ability.

“The Red Phantom Thief is strong. The courage to invade the illusion auction alone,
the latent embers carefully laid out in advance, the timing and speed of igniting the
latent embers, the ability to maintain the wall of fire, the ability to freely handle
those flames… It’s not something I can imitate.”

“Yeah! Truly he was strong and cool! I wouldn’t have come to school without him. I
would love to find him and say thank you.”

“………The Red Phantom Thief is not only strong, but he also has human networks.”

At that moment, the surrounding space seemed to feel distorted.

It shrunk.

“Stop it, my mental power is already zero!”

The two people’s compliments of the Red Phantom Thief continued for a long time.

Did the power of destiny call him here to dry and wear out his mind and limbs?

Fortunately, it was getting closer to the time of the ordinance, and the two of them
ended the conversation that eroded his mind and exchanged device codes.

“Yes, call me if there is anything. If there is anything to help, I’ll help. If it’s okay when
you find the Red Phantom Thief, please contact me.

“If you the Red Phantom Thief says okay…… If you, Yeom Jun-Yeol find out who the
Red Phantom Thief is…”
“Okay. I will definitely let you know.”


No, it’s not okay.

In the future, he will have to move more carefully.

‘He wants to have me as a teacher?’

It’s true that iff Yeom Jun-yeol gets stronger, it will be reassuring.

It’s good if the characters who are slated to die becomes stronger and can prepare
for it.

‘I didn’t expect Yum Jun-yeol’s return to Korea, but I might be able to use this.’

Next month, that is, early May.

A big crisis was about to come to Joo Soo-hyuk.

It was a scale that was difficult to prevent by himself.

The number of the dead and the injured would reach four digits, and it is a major
event that will lead to an antagonism between the Joo oh and TC groups in the

He thought about the number of ways to cope with it, but with the power of Yeom
Jun-yeol, it would be dealt with very naturally and neatly.

It would be easy to trick the black curtain as well.

‘I have to think about it.’

Instead, he’ll have to reveal the Red Phantom Thief in front of Yeom Jun-yeol.

He really would have to think about it a lot.

Grade 1 Class 0 classroom.

Sawol Seum had arrived before him.

Maeng Hyo-don was stuck next to him, making sure he hadn’t suffered anything.

In addition to the bulgogi case, Maeng Hyo-don seems to have a secret nanny

“Wow, I’ve never seen Yeom Jun-yeol in person. He was handsome according to the
rumors but, he was really handsome.”

“………Yes, he was.”

“I was surprised when he talked to you, lrena. What did he say?”

“No, I just thought that Yeom Jun-yeol might have been someone I know…… It seems
like it was a different person.”


Yeom Jun-yeol seems to have had a conversation with Irena as well.

Kim Yuri, who was at the highest level of social skills, showed consideration and did
not pursue Irena greatly.

‘Did you recognize that they are different people? You didn’t even say a few words to
Yeom Jun-yeol. Irena, You must have some good sense.’

“I don’t know if Yeom Junyeol is handsome.”


Han-Yi threw a bomb without notice.

“He’s not that different from the boys in our class.”

Han-Yi was always expressionless.

Male students, including him in the classroom, Maeng Hyo-don, Sawol Se-eum, and
Hwang Ji-ho opened their mouths and looked at Han Yi.

We’re Yeom Junyeol’s class? What?

‘It sounds like you’ll be publicly executed by Yum Jun-yeol’s fan.’

Since then, there had been a relay of praise with no evil intent.

Hwang Ji-ho endured the laughing out loud and just said thank you. And Sawol Seum,
and especially Maeng Hyo Don’s faces were bright red.

And then came his turn.

He received a review saying, ‘Your face in thought looks okay.’

Hearing that, Maeng Hyo-don looked at him as if he was respectful.

“That’s weird because he looks completely suspicious when the vice-president is

thinking about something.”

“Hahaha, hahahahaha!”

At Maeng Hyo-don’s words, Hwang Ji-ho couldn’t take it and burst out loud and
rolled around with a smile with the momentum of fainting. Eventually, the
atmosphere in the classroom became a mess, and until the class bell rang, it
remained lifelike.

[We are electing together. Your clean vote, the flower of democracy―]

The class bell was a campaign song for encouraging elections created by the Election
Commission, which flowed out ahead of the general election and the elections of the
National Assembly. The chorus showed useless talent, and it was arranged so that
the voices of soprano, alto, tenor, and bass were well harmonized in a mixed choir,
sounding like a hymn rather than an election song.

‘Ah, it will be the general election soon.’

He knew the outcome of the general election. The independent candidate, who is
scheduled to be elected to the Silver Light district, will be the youngest member of
the National Assembly to be elected this year. He graduated from silver light and was
also a playable character.

‘We don’t have the right to vote yet, but everyone seems to like to prepare class bells
as specials in time.’

Soon the class bell stopped, and Ham Geun-hyung came into the classroom to do the
ordinance. When Ham Geun-hyung entered the classroom, the chaotic classroom
atmosphere was immediately corrected.

“Good morning. As you know, our class finally has seven students in attendance.”


The attendance rate has not yet exceeded 50%.

It still sounded a little sad.

The ‘Come to school on time’ panel placed above Ham Geun-hyung’s head seems to
be particularly flashing.

“The basis of the strategy for the otherworld is team play. We can now practice team
play with our class.”

It was recommended that at least five party members are used to attack the other

There were only four in their class so until now, but in a short period of time, three
attended school and it became seven.

Maeng Hyo-don, Kim Yu-ri, and Han-Yi were melee attack types.

Irena, Sawol Seum, were ranged attack types.

He and Hwang Ji-ho were all-round types.

Classmates were gathered in good balance.

“Common class in the morning, player combat practice 1. Practice team play using a
second strategy simulator. Change into your gym uniforms and gather at Gymnasium
5 before the start of the first period. That is it for this ordinance.”
The 5th gymnasium that specialized in running simulators for first-year students.

This was a place for combat training that deployed a virtual space with an
otherworld attack simulator.

The floors, walls, and facilities were specially designed to optimize the operation of
the other world attack simulator and were all covered with otherworld metals.

“What kind of gym is this? How are we supposed to do anything physical in here.”

“It’s like a VR movie theater!”

“Right. It is a building for operating a simulator that controls the five senses, so it has
a more similar structure to a VR movie theater than a gym.”

“That’s interesting.”

The class bell rang while the first graders in class 0 looked around, talking about
their feelings.

The class bell that announced the start of the class was a campaign song for
promoting voting.

When the class bell stopped, Ham Geun-hyung appeared, wearing a PE uniform for
teachers with a teacher tag on the back.

“We will start class now. I sent the outline of the R+ class simple dungeon that you
guys are going to challenge to your respective devices. The preparation time is 30

“Huh? Right away? Are we doing it alone? Without you?”

“Yes. Equippable items will be restricted to the R class items that were provided to
you by the school. Consumable items lower than the R class will be provided to you.
Tell me if you need it.”

Ham Geun-hyung, who answered Kim Yu-ri’s question, launched a timer that
counted down from 30 minutes with a hologram.

The kids who had just started school were noticeably surprised.

‘Because this is the first team play practice, did he want to measure the levels of the
students and have them enter like it was a real battle?’

Ham Geun-hyung’s words were sudden, but the gaps between the two worlds
occurred suddenly.

The rift of an SR class or higher was usually accompanied by a ‘precursor’, so the

association satellite and player SAT-K can detect it in advance.

The R class otherworld appeared very suddenly without notice.

It would be a good exercise to run into such an unexpected situation.

“The silver light practical test was four N-class enemy elimination using random
items…… It was simple but this……”

“There are more than ten enemies that will appear in the simple dungeon…… There
will ones above R grade as well…”

Sawol Seum and Irena looked at the outline of the dungeon when they arrived at the
device and looked dark.

Maeng Hyo-don, who had been in a bare-handed confrontation with at least R+ level
of the enemy and went one-on-one without equipment items, tilted his head.

He thought if this was supposed to be difficult? Was it difficult?

“No need to worry.”

Hwang Ji-ho was looking at me with his eyes twinkling.

He had an ominous feeling.

“We have the Unknown Supernova, Cho Eui-shin.”

At Hwang Ji-ho’s words, all eyes were on him.

“Yeah! I heard that he was in charge during the entrance examination case as well.”

“Yes, the Unknown Supernova!”

“Oh yeah, I had forgotten……!”

Kim Yuri, Irena, and Sawol Seum also looked at this side with their eyes twinkling.

Those three couldn’t say anything because they couldn’t treat him like Hwang Ji-ho.

“Try your best, Unknown Supernova.”

This old man who was over 5,000 years old… he wanted to hit him just once.

Currently, Hwang Ji-ho was the head of the Tigers, and not long ago, he even led the
Tigers to rescue the Rabbits.

If he just made up his mind, it would be nothing for him to take command of an R+
class dungeon.

‘Hwangho would have a lot more experience than me.’

Let’s give up. Cannot help it.

Because of the atmosphere, it was impossible to say that he couldn’t do it, and
someone had to call the shots anyway.

“Then tell me the skills you guys are going to use. Tell me if you are going to use
Gwanglim or not as well.”

Currently, there are six students in class 0, excluding him.

Hwang Ji-ho and Han-Yi were NPCs.

Kim Yuri, Irena, Maeng Hyo-don, and Sawol Seum were playable characters.
Except for Hwang Ji-ho, everyone’s skills and Gwanglim were roughly understood,
but since Cho Eui-shin in this world had no way to know, he had to pretend not to

‘Because some players do not disclose their Gwanglim and skills, or in some cases,
they may not use them for their entire life.’

In particular, it will be difficult to reveal the super rare skill of “Herald” that Sawol
Seum has.

It had to do with the secret of Sawol Seum.

As a result, the information each disclosed was like this.

Hwang Ji-ho. Gwanglim X, Skills Staff Martial arts, Taehokwon.

Maeng Hyo-don. Gwanglim O, Skill Fighting.

Sawol Seum. Gwanglim X, Skills Flight, Wind technique.

Kim Yuri. Gwanglim X, Skills Fencing, Danger detection, Sprinter.

Han-Yi. Gwanglim X, Skill Taehokwon, Presence detection, Leap.

Irena. Gwanglim O, Skill Whip Martial arts, Enemy detection, Trap release.

Him, Cho Eui-shin. Gwangrim X, Skills Use All Things, Enemy Detection.

Enemy detection was something he said to hide the enemy notification and status
window information viewing function of the exclusive menu.

Maeng Hyo-don expressed doubts.

“Why isn’t everyone trying to use Gwanglim?”

“If you use Gwanglim, your body hurts.”

“My Gwanglim is not helpful for battle and the conditions for activation are strict…”

Han-Yi and Sawol Seum answered.

Was that the reason why Han-Yi doesn’t use Gwanglim well in the game as well?

Sawol Seum’s Gwanglim was not intended for combat, and the conditions were

“Hahaha, I am not used to Gwanglim…”

Kim Yu-ri, fearing Gwanglim, changed the subject.

Hwang Ji-ho just laughed silently.

Okay, if Hwang Ji-ho, a tiger tribe, uses Gwang-rim, there will be a riot, so he hoped
he refrained from using it.

“There are a lot of players who don’t use Gwanglim. There are people like that in ‘Red
Lion’ and ‘Hydrangea’. Among the overseas teams, there seems to be such a player in
the ‘Three Knights’ Oath’ as well.”

“Is that so?”

With his words, Maeng Hyo-don was curious but convinced.

“Then shall we go without Gwangrim?”


“Usually, there is a fixed amount of time available for use for Gwanglim. If you can
save it, it’s good to save it.”

Even the player’s trajectory, the available time for Gwangrim was different
depending on the character card.

To Maeng Hyo-don, who did not understand, Kim Yu-ri and Irena gave a further

“I heard that there is no need to use Gwanglim unless the speed of expansion of the
rift in the world was very fast.”

“Yeah. This dungeon is rated R+. If you can clear it within an hour, I don’t think we
need to use Gwanglim. Because no enemy is generated outside during that time.”
When the rift between the worlds opens and dungeons, towers, and mazes appear.

The enemy is created around the rift in the world, that is, in reality.

So, in general, the attack on the otherworld is divided into a “raiding squad,” which
aims to directly enter the other world and clear the world, and a “guardian squad”
that remains in reality and blocks the enemy.

‘So, that is why five people are recommended for otherworld attack party. It’s better
for at least three to join the raiding squad and two to remain in the guardian squad.’

Of course, it was basic to focus the main power on the raiding side.

Unless cleared, the rift expands as time passes, and the number of Enemy generated
per hour increases accordingly.

‘However, the target of this attack was a virtual otherworld and R+ grade. We don’t
have to split the group into raid and guardian. Everyone goes to the raid.’

Seven students in first-grade class 0.

Simulator simple dungeon.

Enemies of R-class level.

Considering the level of their class there, the strategy itself will not be difficult.

They have all the R-class equipment items provided by the school.

Cho Eui Shin, Maeng Hyo-don, Hwang Ji-ho, and although a little anxious, if Kim Yu-ri
and Han-Yi take their time, it is a level that will be cleared by a solo play.

‘I guess Ham Geun-hyung did not know that and set the level of the dungeon like

Considering Ham’s intentions, the work to be done was simple.

He quickly thought of what kind of plan he had to embroider.

Although it became his oriented strategy, it would be best to do this if he was aiming
for the shortest time clearing under the conditions currently given.

“Then I will tell you what I think.”

The protagonist of team play in attacking the other world always changes according
to the tendency of the other world.

This time, he thought he will be the leading role.

It was a bit embarrassing to say such a plan, but all the first graders in class 0
nodded to him.

They were all way too kind, enough to be considered stupid.

Except for Hwang Ji-ho.

-3 seconds, 2 seconds, 1 second.


The hologram countdown was over.

Ham Geun-hyung stood in front of them.

“It looks like the preparations are all over.”


All of the first graders in class 0 answered with one voice.

Ham Geun-hyung started the simulator.


With the movement of Ham Geun-hyung’s fingers, the dark metals began to change
into dozens of colors.


“How amazing………”
While Kim Yu-ri and Sawol Se-eum admired, a screen appeared in front of the seven
of them.

[Starting the otherworld attack simulation. Are you ready? (Y/N)]

When he pressed the Y button, each of them was surrounded by a particle of light.

When he was pressing the Y button, Ham Geun-hyung’s voice was heard in the
blurred vision.

“Good luck.”

When the light stopped.

They were in a dungeon.

‘Everything I’m seeing and feeling looks and feels real.’

As shown in the dungeon outline, a granite swamp cave unfolded.

There was no artificial lighting, but there was no need to secure a separate light
source due to the otherworld ore lodged throughout the cave.

Based on the current location, it was about 10m high and 5m wide.

It was a dungeon based on a fairly wide cave.

“Wow, it looks real……!”

Kim Yuri substantiated the R-class lightsaber supplied by the school, the ‘lightsaber
of the novice prosecutor’, and admired it.

The combat skill Kim Yuri used was fencing.

And lightsaber fencing was one of the official events adopted by the fencing
association in France, which was the country of origin of fencing.

‘In this world, the lightsaber appearing in Star Wars has become an official fencing
The lightsaber commonly used in lightsaber fencing competitions was made of
polycarbonate and aluminum.

However, the material of Kim Yu-ri’s lightsaber was an otherworld metal.

The lightsaber finished with the player’s ability had a more powerful lethality than
that used in general competitions.

“At this height, I think can I can use my flight skills.”

Sawol Seum looked around and floated into the air.

Although he had no detection-related skill, Sawol Seum planned to monitor the

operation in the sky and assist with his wind technique.

‘By the way, what’s that effect?’

A few translucent feathers were visible around Sawol Seum in flight.

Was that the effect of receiving the Rooster’s protection?

It wasn’t in the game, so he didn’t know what that meant.

“Oh, these arm braces are nice. The movement became lighter.”

“Is this your first time wearing an arm brace? Have you been fighting without
equipment all this time?”


Maeng Hyo-don, Hwang Ji-ho, and Han Yi wore protective arm braces that increased
their attack power and defense by supporting and strengthening the movement of

Maeng Hyo-don furiously punched in the air with the hand with the arm brace.

Hwang Ji-ho was seeing the scene with his twinkling eyes and Han Yi with her
complicated eyes.

Han-yi lost to Hwang Ji-ho, a bare-handed man with Taeho-kwon in her first class
before, so it would be a subtle feeling.

“There are a lot of kids in our class who fight with bare hands.”

Irena said, pulling out her whip.

Hwang Ji-ho can use the staff, but it seemed more interesting to use Taeho-kwon to
match Han-Yi.

He also substantiated a rod and held it in his hand.

With this, the first-grade class 0 finished wearing their power equipment.

‘These seven people have better balance than I thought.’


Hwang Ji-ho, Kim Yu-ri, Han Yi, Maeng Hyo-don.


Cho Eui Shin, Sawol Seum, Irena.

‘Since he and Hwang Ji-ho were all-round types, either could have been possible.’

Since Hwang Ji-ho hid most of his skills, it was decided he would be a vanguard.

There were two in the vanguard and rearguard respectively who can use detection

Either way, it was easy to respond to attacks.

<Warning, Enemy is approaching.>

A system sound was heard.

‘Even in the simulator, the energy approach alarm sounds.’

He thought his exclusive menu skills have better performance than other student’s
A few seconds after he noticed, Kim Yu-ri, Han-Yi, and Irena also sensed the Enemy’s
approach and were ready to fight.

‘Still, with the skills of Kim Yuri and Han-Yi, they will only be able to know whether
or not they are approaching.’

Yuri Kim’s danger detection is to foresee concrete and abstract danger.

Han-Yi’s presence detection was the detection of physical approaches and actions.

Irena, who has the ability to detect Enemy, cried out because neither of them could
understand the details of the Enemy.

“The virtual beast species Enemy is approaching from the left and right passages! As
outlined, both have R-class water-related skills!”

“I think the left side will be on top of us in 10 seconds, right side in 15 seconds!”

Hwang Ji-ho raised his hand at the words of Sawol Seum watching from the sky.

“We will get the one on the left.”


Following Han-Yi’s back, Hwang Ji-ho threw a fist at the Enemy.

The two approached the Enemy and dodged its attack like flowing water, striking the
Enemy with a fist wrapped in a brace.


When Hwang Ji-ho and Han-Yi’s Tae-ho-kwon combo exploded, the Enemy screamed.

If Han-Yi first attacked, Hwang Ji-ho smoothly moved his body to assist, completely
blocking the Enemy’s movement.

The combination play of Hwang Ji-ho and Han Yi’s Tae-ho-kwon continued more
smoothly than expected.

“………I, I will take the lead, class leader!”


In the right passage, Maeng Hyo-don, whose agility level was higher, first put an
uppercut on the Enemy.

Looking at the way he spoke, it seemed that he was not used to talking with Kim

‘He was speaking like that, but he was reacting to the Enemy exactly.’

Maeng Hyo-don’s unfair attack skill, ‘Fight’.

Maeng Hyo-don was able to use all the skills of bare-handed fighting that he
recognized as fighting.

In addition, all his stats were mostly devoted to strength and agility.

He had almost zero magic power, defense, and magic resistance, but he was a
playable character with a romance to compete with strength and bare-handed fights.

‘To use an analogy, the martial arts version of using all things can be said to be the
fighting skill of Maeng Hyo-don.’

Maeng Hyo-don, who recklessly punched, began to use Tae-ho-kwon as if Hwang Ji-
ho and Han-Yi’s combo play was impressive.

They were weaker skills than Hwang Ji-ho and Han-Yi, but every time a blow went in,
the Enemy shook.

There was a demerit considering that he was short in height and was
disadvantageous in close combat in many ways and that he had to be careful about
injuries due to withdrawal symptoms caused by abuse of recovery items, but he
definitely deserved to be called an unbalanced player character.

“Hyodon, I’ll be there soon!”

Kim Yuri immediately caught up with Maeng Hyo-don using the “sprinter” skill that
greatly increased the speed of movement for a short period of time and cut the back
of Enemy long with a lightsaber.

The Enemy couldn’t properly resist Kim Yuri’s blow as Maeng Hyo-don put out the
Enemy’s lights.

<Warning, Enemy is approaching.>

“They are coming from the rear. I’ll go!”


Irena swung a leather whip around the Enemy.

It was a lean movement, but with her strength and whip level, the Enemy was not
properly damaged and the only thing she could do was to block the movement.


When Irena’s was being pushed and the Enemy moved one step.

“Lena, I’ll support you!”

Sawol Seum, floating in the sky, used a wind technique.


At the gestures of Sawol Seum, the blade of the wind poured into the Enemy.

With the addition of wind techniques, the Enemy could no longer resist Irena’s


‘The casting is over.’

When equipped with the use of all things skill level 3, the R attribute rod, the most
powerful magic that can be cast within 1 minute was ready.

When he lifted the R-class Lightning attribute basic magic weapon, “Beginner
Wizard’s Lightning Rod”, Sawol Seum shouted.
“Everyone step back. Eui shin has finished casting!”

Those who were in close combat at Sawol Seum’s words retreated away.

When the interference disappeared, the Enemies began preparing to cast their skills.

<Warning, Enemy ‘Kawertus’ is trying to use the skill ‘Freshwater Spray’.>

The same beep was repeated three times in total.

The skill casting by the three Enemies was confirmed, but there is no way that it can
be activated faster than the already cast magic.

“Fulgureus Veru!”

When his order ended, huge thunderbolts were formed in the air above the high
lifted rod.

He moved the rod and fired javelins at Kawertus.


The thunderbolt javelins, which were larger than Enemy Kawertus, were fired and
burned down the Enemy.

After taking damage over the set HP, it became a particle of light and he saw the
disappearing enemy and lowered the rod.

“This is magic! I think the mechanics are completely different from activating wind

“Strong………! This is the first time I’ve seen magic…”

Sawol Se-eum and Irena, who saw the magic for the first time, exclaimed.

The gaze was burdensome.

Hwang Ji-ho looked at him with an itchy face and was about to explode.

He had to change the atmosphere.

“Come on, let’s go!”

Everyone nodded at his words.

Since then, they encountered Enemy three more times, but two times, since the
grade was N or lower, the vanguard team destroyed them without needing to use

There were two traps, but with Kim Yuri’s danger detection skill and Irena’s trap
release skill, it was possible to proceed without problems.

And they reached the end of the dungeon.

They had arrived at the boss area.

The dungeon boss Enemy appeared.

‘The air is heavy…!’

R++ level virtual system variant Enemy Octicawerpers.

The system, which means the essence of the simulation, was a virtual system.

A mutant species because it was abnormally mutated by the dungeon cave.

The transformation has already progressed so that it was difficult to recognize the
original, but if you want to compare it, it was close to the shape of a giant octopus.

It had many legs as a means of attack and faithfully hid its weaknesses, which was
advantageous for it to go one vs many.

“Move to the appointed locations!”

They scattered to each location with his cry.

Currently, Hwang Ji-ho was the only one who had derivative skills among those six.

However, Hwang Ji-ho was hiding his skills.

There was a high possibility that the attack would be prolonged because there was
no crucial skill to take down the R++ with a final blow.

‘But if we target his weaknesses, we will be able to finish it soon.’

The weakness of the Enemy of this wetland cave dungeon was lightning.

He was the one who was able to inflict damage most effectively by targeting that
‘Because it’s a Boss Enemy, it won’t be as easy as the previous Enemy.’

This time, he was thinking of piercing the vital spot with a lightning hammer, a high-
ranking magic that was one level higher than the lightning javelin.

However, like what you would expect from a Boss class Enemy, it was defending its
vital spot hidden under its legs with armor with an insulating effect.

‘There is no way the kids in my class wouldn’t be able to break that…!’

There were five insulated armors that protected the weak points of Boss Enemy

“Ha ha ha ha ha.”

“………Hwang Ji-ho, that feels bad.”

It was Hwang Ji-ho who played openly and kept pace with Han-Yi, but anyway, the
combination of the Tae Ho-kwon destroyed two armors in turn.

“Hyodon, we are finished!”

“Uh, uh. President, I’m done too!”

Another two armors were stably destroyed by Maeng Hyo-don and Kim Yu-ri.

The combination play was a bit creaky, but it was a skill like Kim Yu-ri, a high-
ranking talent who kept her pace with thugs like Maeng Hyo-don and Andain.

“Okay, done……!”

The remaining one was destroyed last, thanks to the addition of Sawol Seum, who
was monitoring Irena’s whipping.

Sawol Seum shouted, confirming that all armor had been destroyed.

“All armor has been destroyed!”

Powerful magic requires high concentration and a long casting time.

It was he who calculated and cast the formula for mana management while keeping a
distance from the boss Enemy.

Fortunately, immediately after all the armor was destroyed, the casting finished.

“Fulgureus Marcus!”


Five lightning hammers appeared above the high lifted rod.

“It’s bigger than the last magic! Everyone step back further!”

At the shout from Sawol Seum, all the other students retreated away from him.

When the Boss Enemy tried to move chasing after the students.


As his rod moved, five lightning hammers struck the vital spot of Octakawerpers.

It wasn’t burned down as quickly as a miscellaneous mob, but the Boss Enemy
struggled and gradually collapsed.

“It fell!”

“The remaining HP is zero. It will disappear soon!”


As Irena said, the boss Enemy with zero HP disappeared as a particle of light.

Now, the remaining enemy in the dungeon simulator was 0.

They had successfully cleared the virtual simple dungeon safely.

“Wow! It’s the clear screen!”

“Oh, I guess in the simulator, it looks like this.”

Each hologram floated in front of them.

[Simulation clear! Clear time 7 minutes 45 seconds.]

A shout rang out.

“It’s been less than 8 minutes…!”


“We cleared it!”

“Wow, wow! We beat it so fast!”

The seven first graders in class 0 cheered with high fives alternately.

By the time they finished high-fives with everyone, the afterimage of the dungeon
was torn down.

Functional metal and simulator devices that filled the floor and walls began to be

They safely returned to the gym.

“Good work.”

Ham Geun-hyung, who was watching them through the screen, opened his mouth.

“This is my first time seeing guys who cleared within 10 minutes in their first team
play. This is the first time I see kids like you.”

The lines he had heard on the first day of admission.

But unlike then, he was smiling with a grim face.

‘When I look at Ham Geun-hyung’s face, I think I’m right.’

This team play wasn’t just about clearing.

Clearing in the shortest time with minimal force.

Number of consumable items used 0.

Number of people who used Gwanglim 0.

Number of wounded 0.

The goal was achieved.

“Everyone did well. You guys seem to have read my intentions well. The difficulty of
this dungeon was actually not very high. But if everyone had tried to share the
achievements ‘fairly,’ the clear time would have taken a long time.”

Most Enemies have weaknesses.

In order to quickly attack this, team play was to support a teammate who can do
damage most efficiently so that they can show their best skills.

If Enemy’s weakness was a wind attribute, then the main attacker would have been
Sawol Seum, if it was weak to blunt attacks then Maeng Hyo-don or Han-Yi, and
Hwang Ji-ho would be the main attackers.

If the slashing attacks was the weakness, Kim Yuri.

It was unlikely, but if it was a dungeon with a high proportion of traps, it would be
more efficient to plan an operation centered on Irena.

With the Use All Things skill, it was usually possible for him to take the lead, but
there will be times when it comes to the level of certain attribute attacks, others
would be better to lead.

“You have devised an operation that took advantage of each other’s strengths,
centering on Cho Eui-shin, who had the most effective skill for the attack, and
faithfully implemented it. You guys have cleared the dungeon in the best way in the
shortest time. This kind of team play is the most important thing in attacking the
otherworld. Keep that in mind for the future.”

After the general review was completed, Ham Geun-hyung began to conduct
personal evaluations.

“First of all, Cho Eui Shin. After setting up this operation, you destroyed the enemy
by casting calmly in front of the Enemy’s eyes. You did well.”

After him, Han-Yi and Hwang Ji-ho.

“Combo play between two Taeho-kwon users, Hani and Hwang Ji-ho. I think you guys
fit well with each other. But Hwang Ji-ho, you played around too much. You know
what I mean right? Han-Yi needs to try to match Hwang Ji-ho’s movement. You will
have to take more time looking out at your surroundings.”

Hwang Ji-ho seems to have been caught playing.

Hwang Ji-ho was in fact more interested in seeing how much Tae-ho kwon Han-Yi
could use rather than defeating the Enemy.

Next was Kim Yuri and Maeng Hyodon.

“The movements between Kim Yuri and Maeng Hyo-don was not bad either. Both of
you have a great attack power, so keep that up. And Kim Yuri, you must have been
unfamiliar with the Enemy. Practice with the simulator. Maeng Hyo-don, you need
calm down a little. You are familiar with your body condition right? Make some eye
contact with your classmates who will be together for the next year as well.”

It seemed like it would take a long time for Maeng Hyo-don to get used to Kim Yu-ri.

He also showed symptoms of addiction to recovery items, so it would be nice to

worry about injury as well.

“Sawol Seum, Irena. Both of you did a good job monitoring the situation. The practice
of catching the enemy was not enough however. Sawol Seum, you need to provide
support a little faster. Irena should focus on improving muscle strength and strength
in general.”

The evaluation of the seven was finished.

But then………

‘He didn’t say much about me.’

He waited because he wondered if he would give him more advice.

“That’s it for today’s class. Use the remaining time and talk with each other reflecting
and reviewing. That’s it! Everyone, good job.”

Class ended much earlier than usual.

And he ended up receiving only compliments.

When Ham Geun-hyung turned away and disappeared, the remaining six gazes
turned to him.

“Of course, he is the Unknown Supernova after all. He only received praise.”

“Vice-president, you are pretty good.”

“Yeah………! In the next team play, I will work as hard as Eui Shin!”

He thought Ham Geun-hyung saw him as the planner of the operation so he went
easy on him.

Even if he didn’t make any mistakes.

He thought these kind kids did not have any sort of envy or jealousy because they
were all staring at him praising him.

He hoped they stop.

“Ha ha ha ha ha!”

Hwang Ji-ho laughed at his embarrassment.

He hoped he will play around less and laugh in moderation in the future.

“Let’s have lunch together today. Also to review!”

He agreed to all of Yuri Kim’s suggestions.

The seven first graders of class 0 moved to the first-grade restaurant together and
spent time holding their first team play review today.

The conversation didn’t end even while they had lunch, so they walked the
promenade and chatted.

‘I feel like I’ve come to see flowers rather than a review meeting.’

It was just when the cherry blossoms started to bloom.

They chatted while watching cherry blossoms.

There was no end to the topic, and the eyes were not bored.

In addition to the cherry blossoms along the road, forsythia, moss, margaret,
daffodils, bamboo flowers, etc. in the flower garden on the other side of the

All the other flowers were beautiful enough to not lose to the cherry blossoms.

“I have a guess who Ham Geun-hyung would recommend…”

As he was preparing to move to take an elective class, Hwang Ji-ho shone his eyes
and murmured ominously.


There were a few things that came to mind, but he decided to ignore them.

Meanwhile, the class bell rang.

“Today’s afternoon class bell was played by our department!”

The class bell was still an election song.

The campaign song to encourage elections used in the last presidential election was
played with a string quartet composed of two violins, one viola, and one cello.

Could the election song sound this lyrical?

It seems that the best performers did not care what songs they played.

“I will someday participate in the production of a class bell too! I will practice hard.”
Irena’s aspirations were decided to be supported by all the 1st graders.

As long as the player has talent, the ability to acquire is several times that of
ordinary people.

Irena, who was trying to learn the violin for the first time, will be able to perform as
a sound source for the class bell next year, as early as the next semester, if she
practices hard.

After a short flower viewing, they disbanded while listening to the class bell.


After school.

As usual, the newspaper office he arrived at with Hwang Ji-ho.

“Praise me!”

Moon Sae-ron, a loser who lost to the culprit of the clock tower incident and lost to
the horror of the ghost story, was showing a triumphant face.

“I won the interview with Yeom Jun yeol!”

“Hey, that’s awesome.”

“Aren’t you lying? Senior Red Dragon doesn’t like to do interviews.”

The interview article, being written by Moon Sae-ron and the picture of Yeom Jun-
Yeol taken directly were displayed as a hologram.

Those who were in the office of the first year of the newspaper department
exclaimed out loud.

“I thought he would just say no, but when I tried to ask, he just said OK? Instead, he
asked to let him know if something interesting happens! He didn’t come to school in
March, so he was curious about the news that had occurred at school.”

He had accepted the interview in exchange for information.

Yeom Jun-yeol was looking for the Red Phantom Thief.

Since he talked with Irena and Sawol Seum, he may have sensed that the Red
Phantom Thief was related to Silver Light, and maybe the first-grade class 0.

It’s true that he helped two of them in the illusion auction.

‘Moon saeron has wide feet and bright ears. It would be good to use as an informant.
Yeom Jun-yeol chose the right person.’

This was Moon Sae-ron, who played an informative role even in the game.

Even though she was so timid that she didn’t help to investigate ghost stories.

Anyway, they finished the task of writing an article for all the new members with the
interview with Jun-yeol Yeom by Moon Sae-ron.

After being confirmed by the head of the newspaper department, all the first graders
moved to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd-grade public spaces.

“Teacher Jegal Jae-geol is a little late today.”

“Because he is the head of the school affairs department, he’s probably busy. Or
another second-year class 0 had an accident.”

“Usually in such a case, he will contact you though…”

The head of the newspaper department and the vice had anxious faces.

There was no atmosphere to report.

“I think a problem occurred with the editorial department again.”

Moon Sae-ron intervened between him and Hwang Ji-ho and lowered his voice.

“The editorial department?”

“Hwang Ji-ho, that bothers you too? Are you curious?”

“Yes, tell me.”

Moon Saeron was grasping this case.

It was like a playable character whose dream was to win the Pulitzer Prize.

“They want to merge the editorial department with the newspaper department and
close down the newspaper department.

“………The newspaper department has been around since the opening of silver light.
It’s only been 10 years since the editorial department was created.”

Hwang Ji-ho must have checked the history of the newspaper department before

“Hwang Ji-ho is right. Still, the editorial department… There are quite a few weird
graduates who backed them up and a lot of outside sponsorships came in. Strangely,
the newspaper department was always weak. If teacher Jaegal-Jaegeol had not
chosen to be the head, it would have closed down a long time ago.”

Hwang Ji-ho’s eyes shone a little at Moon Sae-ron’s words.

‘……… The teacher staff was busy due to the case of Choi Pyeon Deuk and his
decadent business. Thanks to that, it was progressing a little slower than the game,
but it looks like it’s still on track.’

The textbook editorial department and newspaper department scenario.

It was the event that triggered Jaegal Jaegeol to get hit by a curse and made him leave
the Silver Light High school.

Today, Jaegal Jaegeol did not appear in the newspaper room until the end.



His device was full of new messages.

First, he checked the group message room with Joo Soo-hyuk and Maeng Hyo-don.

[Joo Soo-hyuk] Eui-shin, Yun-seop smoked again! Picture of evidence here.

Behind Joo Soo-hyuk’s selfie, he could see Bang Yoon-seop squatting against the wall,
holding a lit cigarette in his hand.

Because it was photographed in one cut with that handsome Joo Soo-hyuk, Bang
Yoon-seop seemed more humiliating than usual.

‘Perhaps today was the day when Bang Yoon-seop was rescued by Joo Su-hyuk after
having a quarrel with gangsters.’

[Joo Soo-hyuk] Yun-seop was confronted by strange people. When I saved him, Yun-
seop had a burning cigarette in his hand.

His bread shuttle Bang Yoon-seop had grown up.

He didn’t start the fight, but rather others started the fight first!

As a result, in the end, it was the same thing.

He thought he got caught smoking a cigarette too.

He thought he did a good job getting Bang Yoon-seop’s account number.

[Me] Deposited the price of bread to the account of Bang Yun-seop. Have him buy
bread. From a faraway bakery.

[Joo Soo-hyuk] Can I run about 10km?

[Me] Yes, it’s the weekend, so you can make him run more if you want.

[Joo Soo-hyuk] Okay!

[Maeng Hyo-don] When will this idiot wake up? He already got caught by me twice.

[Joo Soo-hyuk] If I count this time, it’s been three times… No matter how correct it is,
saying that he’s an idiot is a bit radical expression, Hyo-don.

[Maeng Hyo-don] Oh, it’s the noble Joo Su-hyuk.

No, whether he was a noble or not Joo Soo-hyuk eventually will admit that Bang
Yoon-seop was an idiot anyway.
Meanwhile, a group message room with Jang Namwook and Yoo Sanghoon.

[Jang Nam-wook] Eui-shin, will you really not come?

[Yoo Sang-hoon] Even late you should.

[Me] Sorry, I’m busy.

[Yoo Sang-hoon] Why pretend to be busy? What else are you doing?

[Jang Nam-wook] What do you mean what is he doing? What are you doing again Eui
Shin? Even if you are a player, you must not do anything dangerous.

He ignored Jang Nam-wook’s continuous nagging and closed the message window.

Today was the day when the first graders of Silver Light and the Military Academy

They were planning to rent a private basketball court and play basketball all day

‘I think they are going to do a formal exchange later.’

At the recommendation of Yoo Sang-hoon, and Doshi-hoo, the chief student of the
academy, people who were not in the basketball club also gathered.

Neither Jang Nam-wook nor the basketball team were the ones that brought them in.

As a result, more than 20 people gathered, so it was said that they had to play at the
same time by dividing them into two sides.

‘Jang Nam-wook was persuaded to come right before midterm exams? He wasn’t one
to not study. Jang Nam-wook wasn’t interested in basketball. Doesn’t he like baseball

Even though he didn’t know how Yoo Sang-hoon and Doshi-hoo caught him, Jang
Nam-wook also sent a message to him several times asking him to play basketball.

Nam-wook Jang was also an easy guy.

‘The midterm exam is coming up real soon, but to play basketball. Looks like he is

Not doing the studying he asked them to do.

This was the reality that took place in the two tops of Korea’s most prestigious high

It wasn’t what he could say being at the house of Chairman Hwang Myung-ho.

‘I’m looking for him today.’

Today, the Alliance of the 12 meeting was held.

As soon as he got off the air shuttle for the labyrinth garden, Snare threw its whole
body at him.

Bark Bark-!

Snare took off the supporters and ran with clumsy footwork.

Was it more excited because he didn’t have a supporter? He went round and round
around him and rubbed his body and was acting crazy.

“Hey, Snare. Have you been well?”

He couldn’t tell if it was because it was a Heavenly Beast, it seemed that it was
growing faster than normal dogs.

Now, the name Snare rather than cotton ball has become more suitable.

He held Snare and carefully stroked it from the ear to the tail.

“Cho eui-shin nim……! Hello!”

“Hello, Eui shin nim!”

“I…… Hello!”

Three descendants of Eunho appeared.

They greeted him dressed comfortably whether they started lodging at the
chairman’s house.

But to call him Cho Eui Shin nim.

“Just call me hyung.”

He held Snare with one hand and pet the hair of Eun-ho’s descendants with the other

It was very pleasant to see well-maintained silver hair slipping through his fingers.

When he first saw it, they had black hair, but in this mansion, they didn’t need to
disguise, so he thought that’s why they are in their real form.

“Yes, Cho Eui-shin hyung!”

“Euishin oppa!”

“Eui, Euishin hyung.”

The three answered with their mouths together.

The more he saw it, the more he thought of his younger brothers.

They were not humans, but they are only in their teens…

Wait, oppa?

It wasn’t just boys.

He didn’t know because all three had a similar appearance and their hair was short.

“I can’t tell you our true names, but the names we use in this world is……”

Of course, they shouldn’t say their true name.

The meaning of the Jin Tribe was that it was tribesmen who had true names.

Both the Jin tribe and their descendants know their true name when they awaken
their strength and power.

True names were the source of existence and power itself.

Since Baekhogun was now being treated as a sinner and accused him of losing the
true name created by the power given by the heavenly deity.
‘If anyone learns of the lost true name, Baekhogun will become a puppet.’

Baekhogun, who lost his true name, was tied up so that he could not go outside the
god’s territory, Silver Light.

Perhaps that was also because the heavenly god protected Baekhogun in the

“I’m Eun Seoho……”

“I’m Eun Leeho!”

“Oh, I’m Eun Jaeho.”

Even though the two were of junior high school age, it felt like watching elementary
school students introduce themselves.

He didn’t know how they have lived so far, but it seemed that they weren’t used to
dealing with people.

“I will call you when it is time for dinner. Please wait in your room until then.”

When exchanging device codes.

Jeokho summoned Eun-ho’s descendants.


“Yes, JeokHo nim!”


At Jeokho’s words, the three descendants laughed and ran upstairs looking at the
device hologram containing his contact information.

“Eunho’s descendants are also good at following Cho Eui-shin.”

“The kids are polite. I think they are grateful for the April Fools incident.”

“I don’t think that’s the only thing.”

That isn’t all?

“It is difficult to say specifically…… but Cho Eui Shin is trustworthy. If not, there
would be no way for Baekho and that Hwangho to move. Maybe other tigers feel
something similar.”

What does that even mean?

He stared at him, asking for a more detailed explanation.

Jeok-ho, who received the gaze, closed his eyes for a moment, immersed in thoughts,
and then opened his eyes.

It was the same habit as the Ungnyeo of Grief.

“I seem to have confused Cho Eui-shin. Sorry. It’s difficult to explain.”

He had no idea what Jeokho wanted to say.

Does it have anything to do with his encountering this world as a game?

Or are there other hidden elements?

Jeokho turned away without saying more.

“My show of gratitude is late. If you hadn’t stopped me, who almost lost my temper
when we sneaked into the building, we would have missed those who defiled the

He was worried about what to answer.


As he was worried, Snare asked him to play and rubbed his head against his chest.

Jeokho said, looking at Snare and smiling.

“Let us go. I have a customer to introduce to you.”

He went into the reception room on the first floor, passing by the automatic maid
who brought out the tea.

The first thing that caught his eye was Hwang Ji-ho, who put rice cake in his mouth
with a dissatisfied face.

“………The rice cake is delicious.”

What was he eating with that expression?

Hwang Ji-ho tasted the bukkumi wrapped in a paper wrapper and pumpkin jujube
tea, but his face gradually decayed.

“Hahaha, it’s a rice cake that was served directly to Hang-ah of Wolgung. It can’t be

Perhaps the cause of the rotten expression was that person.

‘Who is it?’

A strange woman was sitting on the sofa opposite Baekho crossed legged.

She adjusted the headrests of the cotton-skin sofa to 45 degrees, leaned back in a
comfortable position as if she were at home, and was chewing on a rice cake.

The face was familiar.

‘It’s the Rabbit Tribe, CEO of Moon Rabbit Rice Cake…!’

He remembered seeing it on the moon rabbit cake web page.

The name used in the human world was ‘Oktoyeon’.

She used the fact that she was a Jin Tribe for business, and she was a woman of
entrepreneurial spirit who made great success in upgrading the product.

“Is this the human child who saved Eunho’s descendants?”

“Yes, Ok To-yeon.”

Even after hearing Jeok-ho’s answer, the Rabbit still holding the bean cake in one
hand looked him up and down as if she was measuring his value.

“Hmm…… he really is just human.”

The Rabbit tribe who ate bean cake and picked up the glutinous rice cake kept

He thought she really liked rice cakes.

“To think this was the boy the divine tigers other than Eun-ho believed in… Yes, if he
was the human being who saved the descendants of Eun-ho, It would be okay to
believe him.”

Okto-yeon, who swallowed glutinous rice cake with two bites, wiped her mouth with
a napkin and got up.

“The name I use in the human world is Ok To-yeon. I’m the best friend of the Tigers
and the head of the Rabbits! Today, at the summit of the Alliance of the 12, I came
here to support the Tigers.”

“I love how you say best friends when you’ve been hiding Eun-ho’s descendants all
this time.”

Hwang Ji-ho was still deeply mad.

Although Ok To-yeon doesn’t seem to care.

Rather, she suddenly wrapped her face with her hands and then provoked Hwangho
by pretending to be cute.

It was a strong aggro.

“………But, we are closer to Eunho than Hwangho!”

A phrase that brought anger, ‘but’ came out…!

“I hope Eun-ho will become the head of the family again.”

“I’m going to kill you.”

Are they really best friends?

‘Because they are closer to Eun-ho than Hwang-ho, the Rabbits secretly hid Eun-ho’s
descendants as well. It may have something to do with the old things I don’t know

Hwang Ji-ho displayed a murderous intent so thick it looked like it can cut iron with
just his eyes.

Ok To-yeon laughed happily even after receiving that look directly.

Because she has that courage, she secretly protected Eunho’s descendants.

“Hahaha, if Hwangho comes to kill, let’s trust that Jeseokcheon nim will help me
again. You came to kill me many times in the past, but in the end, you couldn’t.”

In the past, did they hate each other enough to kill?

It was a little understandable for Ok To-yeon to behave that way.

“………It was surprising that Jeseokcheon helped the Rabbit tribe.”

Jeokho made a subtle expression.

Jeseokcheon, the god of Buddhism, was one of the world’s higher beings.

Eun-ho’s descendant also said that Jeseok-cheon helped the Rabbit tribe to break the

“He and the Rabbits have a relationship. Without the involvement of Je Seok-cheon,
the chief and high-ranking member of the Palbushinjung (八部神衆), our tribe would
have been annihilated.”

Little by little the playfulness disappeared from Okto-yeon’s face.

“But the heavenly gods are all the same, and there is a limit to the ability of a
superior being to intervene in the present world. If you guys hadn’t come to help us,
they would have almost died or fell into a deep slumber.”

Hwang Ji-ho said the situation as if it weren’t a big deal, but it seems like he had a big

“Enemies who were protected by the unknown Jin tribes and higher beings blessing.
I was really ignorant. Our Rabbits were not originally specialized in combat. It could
have been catastrophic.”

The Rabbits rarely appeared in the game.

It just turns out, ‘They were very weak at some point.’

‘Since there was no support from the Tigers in the game, the Rabbits were driven to
annihilation. All of Eunho’s descendants eventually died.’

Ok To-yeon’s words continued.

“Even though we are best friends until now we weren’t close to the family other than
Eunho. Still, because I received grace. I will pay you back. Even that human being
said to have saved Eun-ho’s descendants.”

Ok To-yeon’s eyes were determined, but she added an unnecessary word.

“Well, I’m going to repay the grace, but I don’t know how to get along with the family
other than Eunho.

“When the Alliance of the 12 talks is over, quickly fuck off.”

Hwang Ji-ho’s frenzy seemed to continue for the time being.


Inside the elevator.

An elevator was also installed in the grand mansion on the 5th floor.

The elevator seemed to have a gimmick of moving to the number of floors that were
not displayed.

When Hwang Ji-ho raised his hand somewhere on the wall, the elevator started
moving without displaying the number of floors.
“So, why is the human who saved Eun-ho’s descendants here?”

“It is Cho Eui-shin who proposed this meeting.”

“The Tigers moved by human words?”

Ok To-yeon looked at him with red eyes.

“He was the first to notice the betrayal in the Alliance of the 12 and provided a clue.
Even at this meeting, if it’s Cho Eui-shin, he will find out something.”

“Hmmm. I heard that there are quite a few human players who are usable, but I
guess it’s true… I heard there were many among the 12 that gave their blessings to

Hwang Ji-ho suddenly intervened at Ok To-yeon’s words.

“Cho eui-shin, do you need the blessing?”


He raised an iron wall without worrying.

He didn’t know what he would ask for in return for the blessing, and he didn’t know
what to give.

In exchange for receiving the buff effect, depending on the scale of the blessing given
the minds of the one giving and the one receiving the blessing will be shared to an

‘I don’t want to receive any tribes blessing if I can help it.’

Then it turned out that (Loading failed.) was displayed in the Blessing column of his
status window…

He didn’t think he has received a blessing from anyone.

Even if someone did, there would be no candidate other than the paranormal
“Oh! It wasn’t the other Jin tribes, but to think he would refuse the blessing offered
by the mythic tiger tribe. I mean even if it was me, I would refuse too.”

“I won’t give you my blessing.”

“I have no intention of receiving it?”

Hwang Ji-ho and Ok To-yeon stared at each other.

In the middle, he decided to shut up.

‘It’s awesome.’

Even though there were many facilities in the school that looked expensive, he
thought it was a long way to even compare with Hwang Myung-ho’s mansion.

The enormous golden fence barrier and maze garden.

Making and maintaining it probably cost a lot of money.

But money didn’t look like it mattered for this underground facility either.

‘The whole room is filled with the magic power of ancient spells and the power of
blessings. Even all of them are made of top-notch otherworld metal…!”

Ancient words carved in ink with deep magical power melted between the golden

A huge magic circle containing the wisdom of ancient scholars.

The things he saw only in the game setting were real here.

“You can’t hold an Alliance of the 12 summits on a device line that leaves history in
the human world. As the conference organizer, I should exercise this level of power
at least.”

Hwang Ji-ho said boastingly, looking at him astonished by the facilities in this room.

This was enough to show off.

“Now, before we start the talks, I ask again. Cho Euishin, what do you want to check
by bringing the 12 tribes together? Is there any way to find the traitor?”

The eyes of the Jin tribe in the room focused on him.

‘He said he was the head of the Jin tribe like Hwangho or Ok To-yeon. The Jin tribe
who killed Jeokho in the game will appear at the conference today.’

Plemago concrete floor collapse event.

In the game, Kim Shinrok died and lost Choi Pyeon deuk, and the protagonists and
Jeokho lost numerous cooperators and clues.

In the second semester, an incident led Jeok-ho to become familiar with Joo Soo-hyuk
and conducted an investigation together.

It was at the end of his first year that he noticed the betrayal of the Jin tribe.

Jeokho succeeded in approaching the identity of the black curtain, adding a little luck
to his unique ability to collect information even under adverse conditions.

‘It was because of the deadly crimes he committed after being tricked by Ung-nyeo of
Grief. He didn’t even get help. For some reason, these three seem to live together

Because it was a very dangerous information, he did not inform the protagonist and
the student group.

In the end, Jeokho dies while struggling alone.

‘I will not waste the dedication shown by Jeokho in the game and on other world

After organizing his thoughts, he opened his mouth.

“Let every participant say at least two sentences. That’s enough.”

Hwang Ji-ho laughed for the first time today.

It was normal to laugh at the classroom every day, but today he laughed a little.
“Hahaha! Shall we see what kind of embroidery Cho Eui-shin will make this time?
Moon rabbit, come into the magic circle.”

“Well, I hate going next to Hwangho.”

“If you don’t like it, fuck off.”

“Hahaha, I’m kidding.”

Hwang Ji-ho’s laughter quickly stopped in front of Ok To-yeon’s aggro.

When Okto-yeon entered the magic circle, Hwang Ji-ho flipped his finger once.


The magic circle began to change its shape.

The power and pattern moved according to Hwang Ji-ho’s will.

The circular magic circle was divided into 12, and letters began to rise above each
divided area.

子 (rat), 丑 (cow), 寅 (tiger), 卯 (rabbit), 辰 (dragon), 巳 (snake), 午 (horse), 未

(sheep), 申 (monkey), 酉 (rooster), 戌(dog), 亥(pig).

Hwang Ji-ho stood in the realm of 寅 (tiger).

Okto-yeon stood in the realm of 卯 (rabbit) next to Hwang Ji-ho.

“The preparation is over. Operating the exclusive magic power line for the Alliance of
the 12.”

Hwang Ji-ho’s hair and eyes turned golden.

“Wow, no matter how many times I look at it, I really like that power. Just the power.”

He heard Ok To-yeon’s words, who could not know whether it was a compliment or a

He saw a tendon protruding from Hwang Ji-ho’s forehead.


At the same time, Hwang Ji-ho’s pupils turned beastlike, and all 12 areas lit up.

A shadow emerged from ten empty spots.

In front of the shadow and Hwang Ji-ho and Okto-yeon, words embodied by reason

Rat Tribe (鼠族), 子 [Cunning rat]

Cow Tribe (牛族), 丑 [Honest cow]

Tiger Tribe (虎族), 寅 [Tiger nim]

Rabbit Tribe (兎族), 卯 [Damn moon rabbit]

Dragon tribe, 辰 [Max Level Blue Dragon]

Snake Tribe(蛇族), 巳 [Molting]

Horse Tribe, 午 [Sensitive Black Horse]

Sheep Tribe(羊族), 未 [Sheep Zzz]

Monkey Tribe (猿族), 申 [Jecheondaeseong, the strongest in the universe]

Rooster Tribe(鷄族), 酉 [Rooster Mountain Gugutakyesulrak]

Dog Tribe (犬族), 戌 [The one who says it is like a dog is the most doglike]

Pig Tribe (豚族), 亥 [I am the Zhu Baije]

Why are their nicknames like that!

The Korean peninsula with the strongest intellect due to the first conflict between

The vast majority of the heads of the Korean peninsula’s high-ranking Jin tribes were
using nicknames an elementary school student would use.

“Wait, why is my nickname like this! Oh no, the power of the magic circle here is held
by Hwangho so I can’t change it! Each of the other kids has their own nicknames,
right? But what’s with their nicknames too? Everyone went crazy while we haven’t
seen each other! Is it old age? Anyway, Hwangho, please change me to a cute one!”

Hwang Ji-ho completely ignored the whining Ok To-yeon.

The moment he spoke, the area he was standing in lit up.

寅[Tigernim] “I checked the attendance of all the leaders of the alliance. The meeting
will be held now.”

Hwang Ji-ho’s words were completely subtitled and floated above the magic circle.

Soon, audio and subtitles emerged in other areas as well.

子 [Cunning Rat] “That unmotivated Hwangho called us. What would it be?”

巳[Molting] “I heard there were a lot of incidents in silver light these days? Is it
because of that? That idiot I gave my blessing to, and the priest that the daughter of
the higher-ranking being adores is also at silver light. If anything happens to them, I
will hurt you, Hwangho.”

辰 [Max Level Blue Dragon] “My proud relatives and descendants are in the silver
light. There can be no danger in silver light.”

All the people mentioned by the Snakes and Dragons seemed to be people he knew.

It won’t be because of his mood.

午 [A Sensitive Black Horse] “I’m busy, so let’s get this done quickly. The demons
attacked again.”

酉[Gugutakyesulrak in Rooster Mountain] “Are they at it again? If they don’t like that
their name is a synonym with yours in Korean, I wish they would just fuck off;”

申[Jecheondaeseong, the strongest in the universe] “Horses just need to change their
name and title or they should just leave the Korean Peninsula.”

午 [A sensitive black horse] “I hate both.”

子 [Cunning Rat] “The Korean Peninsula is the most intellectual in the world after
the conflict. Even Jin Tribes, whose popularity is at the very bottom in Korea, is good
to exert their power, so he doesn’t want to leave.”

卯 [Damn Moon Rabbit] “Anyone who knows how to change the nicknames. I will
shoot you the moon rabbit comprehensive rice cake set for one year.”

It was a big fiesta of nonsense.

This couldn’t even be treated like a summit let alone an absolute mess.

This sand-grained alliance had survived for 100 years.

丑 [Honest cow] “Damn moon rabbit, that nickname fits you well, so I’ll just pretend I
don’t know. ^_^”

巳 [Molting] “I agree with the cow’s words.”

戌 [The guy who says it’s like a dog is the most doglike] “I agree as well.”

子 [Cunning Rat] “The three Jin tribe above, I vote for that they don’t even know how
to change their screen name anyway. Right now, the moon rabbit is in the area of the
magic circle of the sacred tigers.”

丑 [Honest cow] “I got caught ^_^”

卯 [Damn Moon Rabbit] “Fuck you”

They even write emoticons.

Although the emoji were not voiced.

All of them are voices and letters that desperately contain the dignity and magic of
the Jin tribes but they are being like that.
It is said to be the best of the ancient magic circle communication that boasts a
perfect complement that transcends physical and mental boundaries but the stuff
they are talking about…!

A complete waste of talent. Waste of ability. Waste of money.

亥 [I’m the Zhu Baije] “Hmm, let’s have some progress. I mean, I’m a busy person.”

辰 [Max Level Blue Dragon] “This body is also busy.”

戌 [The guy who says it’s like a dog is the most like a dog] “I agree with the words of
a pig and the dragon.”

未 [Sheep Zzz] “Well…… Hey, you know. Can I say a word?”

丑 [Honest cow] “Do it ^_^”

午 [Sensitive black horse] “Make it short.”

申[Jecheondaeseong, the strongest in the universe] “Short go go”

With this, all 12 of them made at least one remark.

He guessed his guess was correct.

‘The culprit who killed Jeokho in the game, I caught their tail…!’

When he was thinking about that.

The words of the head of the Sheep tribe changed the atmosphere of the meeting.

未[Sheep Zzz] “There is a man here who brought a nightmare. The energy of
nightmares is felt beyond the magical circuit that connects the talks.”

The silence set it at the end of the words of the Sheep tribe.

Hwang Ji-ho, Ok To-yeon, and Jeok-ho, who were watching the situation, were also
firming their faces.
申[Jecheondaeseong, the strongest in the universe] “??? nightmare?? Confess and
find enlightenment.”

酉[Gugutakyesulrak in Rooster Mountain] “Ha, a nightmare? Are you talking about

the nightmare god Insomnium? When did he arrive?”

子 [Cunning rat] “…… is that high-ranking entity with the greatest authority to
intervene in the human world? 20 years? I think he has been quiet since about 15
years ago.”

丑 [The honest cow] “Yes? A nightmare? ^_^;”

辰 [Max Level Blue Dragon] “There is a nightmare on the Korean Peninsula?”

午 [Sensitive black horse] “Quickly tell me it’s a lie.”


What the hell are these Jin tribes agitating?

未[Sheep Zzz] “I would never lie about the nightmares, the incarnation of sleep and
dreams and their symbols.”

The Sheep tribe continued to speak.

未[Sheep Zzz] “The only thing we have to keep to each other is the promise of
‘impossible’. But I warn you as a part of the alliance that has been together for 100
years. Those who attend this alliance, or those around the magic circle, are
‘nightmares’ themselves. Be wary of being swallowed by the nightmares.”

The Sheep nicely left a warning and paused.

In the silence of the leaders of the Jin tribe.

The Sheep added a word.

未[Sheep Zzz] “I don’t care because there is no nightmare next to me anyway. If it’s
not me, it’s okay!”
That coolness didn’t take 10 seconds.
With the last remarks of the Sheep tribe, the Alliance of the twelve summit again
became a blight.

戌[The guy who says it’s like a dog is the most doglike] “I’m ashamed. I thought for a
moment that the Sheep guy was cool.”

申[Jecheondaeseong, the strongest in the universe] “You are one to talk since you
have never had a moment where you were cool.”

戌[The guy who says it’s like a dog is the most doglike] “The heaven’s horse
caretaker should just go clean after the horses.”

午[A sensitive black horse] “Would you like to come to clean it?”

申[Jecheondaeseong, the strongest in the universe] “I’m watching you. I’m really
watching you.”

戌[The guy who says he is like a dog is the most like a dog] Why is the guy who
bothered me first getting angry? What are you going to do? Watch me all you want
then fuck off to the stables.”

The talks continued between the mutual hatred.

Hwang Ji-ho continued to have a serious face after the word “nightmare” came out.

He looked at the messy conference hall and asked him.

“Cho Eui-shin, is this enough?”


“I guess you figured it out. Let’s think about the nightmare thing later. From now on,
the damn moon rabbit and I will deal with it.”

Ok To-yeon was muttering with her red eyes looking down.

“Ugh. It’s not like the nightmares are random or anything. I hope it’s not one of us
here? For the time being, I’m not going to come here or go even near the locations of
the 12.”

“You are welcome to do that. On the condition that you do not have access to the
Silver Light district for half a year, the school will serve moon rabbit rice cake for a
month in the cafeteria.”


“The contract is established. Even the name of coming to see Eun-ho’s descendants
doesn’t work.”

As Hwang Ji-ho laughed triumphantly, Ok To-yeon lost her confidence for the first

“Uh! That’s kind of… Oh, I want to cancel, cancel! I want to meet them often!”

“You know that the contract has already been signed?”

“………Eunho, please come back.”

It seemed that Hwang Ji-ho was more skilled with words than she was.

In the end, Ok To-yeon in exchange for yapping her mouth signed an unfair contract.

On the condition that there was no access to Silver Light District for two months, the
moon rabbit rice cake was sold at the Silver Light school cafeteria for a month at 1/3
the market price.

‘It’s a great deal from a student’s point of view. Moon rabbit rice cake for lunch…!’

Hwang Ji-ho, who was feeling better, was smiling with his golden eyes twinkling.

“I am now dead to Sister Toyoon…… The more I sell, the more I lose, This!”
“If you die, I’ll pay enough condolence money for your funeral.”

Hwang Ji-ho smiled the brightest and had the brightest face he had seen today, and
then looked towards the conference hall.

寅 [Tiger] “I order you as the host of the Alliance of the Twelve Summit. Quiet!”


At Hwang Ji-ho’s words, the sequence of texts and voices that burst out heating

The conference hall, where texts and voices were actively flowing, was completely
stopped as if a pause button had been pressed.

A tremendous pressure was felt outside the magic circle.

The parties to the communication would have detected it more clearly.

酉[Gugutakyesulrak in Gyeryongsan Mountain] “His power is still as strong as ever”

辰[Max Level Blue Dragon] “If it wasn’t that much, I wouldn’t leave my colleagues
and descendants in his care.”

巳[Molting] “The mythical tigers that we can trust and entrust.”

亥[I am Zhu Bajie] My ears hurt, huh why do things like that? You have to make a
notice and write it. Even among the Jin tribe, we should be polite.”

未[Sheep Zzz] “Ah, I woke up.”

The boss of the Sheep tribe must have been sleeping.

As the atmosphere calmed down, Hwang Ji-ho spoke heavily with magical power in
his voice.

寅 [Tigernim] “Let’s go to the main point. A traitor emerged from the Alliance of the
Twelve. There are people who have violated the non-aggression treaty and attacked
the barriers of Silver Light high school and the descendants of my tribe.”
The silence continued for a while.

卯 [Damn Moon Rabbit] “I was also attacked…… We were about to be wiped out? The
protection barriers of the Alliance of the Twelve have been properly disabled. One of
us, it’s sure to be someone of a boss level person. The attacker would know who they
are, obviously.”

寅 [Tigernim] “I couldn’t figure out exactly what they were aiming for. All keep in
mind. Now that this 12-way alliance’s protection barrier is not absolute.”

It was the Dragons who broke the silence.

辰 [Max Level Blue Dragon] “……… I declare as the head of the dragon tribe. The
Dragons will fully cooperate with the Tigers to capture the traitor. Aiming for Silver
Light high school is like targeting my own people and descendants.”

The head of the dragon tribe did not try to hide his anger.

The 辰(Dragon) area swaying with blue flames made it seemed like he was emitting
a powerful otherworldly energy wave.

辰 [Max Level Blue Dragon] “If our descendants, especially Jun-yeol, is injured,
whether we are in an alliance or not, know that all of your territories will be turned
into a sea of fire.”

申 [Jecheondaeseong, the strongest in the universe] “Ah, okay, okay. Stop making the
Jin tribes who have no descendants sad enough to die.”

辰 [Max Level Blue Dragon] “Then they just need to die.”

戌 [The guy who says it’s like a dog is the most doglike] “I hope monkeys would just
go and die.”

It seemed impossible for the atmosphere of the conference hall to become serious
for a long time.

子 [Cunning rat] “The Korean Peninsula where the otherworld conflict first occurred.
The Mythical Tigers are considered the oldest myth on the Korean peninsula. Tigers,
and even the Dragons… Well, as a bonus, it is worth trying to get the anger of the Tho

酉[Gugutakyesulrak in Gyeryong Mountain] “If it weren’t for the god of heaven, I

would like to go and lie down immediately.

午 [Sensitive Black Horse] “Do we have to worry about a traitor and the demons
now? Ah………”

丑 [Honest cow] “Our Jin tribe existence Fighting^_^!”

巳[Molting] “Next time, when the revelation of the superior being comes down, I’m
going to have a chat.”

未 [Sheep Zzz] “A nightmare, a traitor…… If it wasn’t for intellect; I would have left
the Korean Peninsula already”

The atmosphere at the conference hall slowly faded.

Jin Tribe, who was a traitor or not a traitor, will have to start moving to cope with
this incident, so it naturally became an atmosphere of ending the conference.

寅[Tigernim] “Of course, I am not going to remain still since I was attacked. As soon
as the traitor is revealed, the traitor will be expelled and condemned in accordance
with the agreement of the Alliance of the 12.”

卯 [Damn Moon Rabbit] “Me too! If they get caught, they’re dead!”

Hwang Ji-ho is talking cool words, but Ok To-yeon’s sensational mood didn’t fit at all.

Hwang Ji-ho finished firmly.

寅 [Tiger] “I don’t think we need a greeting between us…… The next meeting will be
a place to condemn the traitor. That’s it.”

When Hwang Ji-ho’s words were over, the magic circle gradually lost its light.

At that moment.

<The skill ‘understanding of the dimension of the two-dimensional future

adaptation’ has increased.>

It was a system phrase that he hasn’t heard in a long time.

<The skill level of the ‘Second-Dimensional Future Modification Special Menu’ was
increased from 2 to 3.>

Was it because he had contact with the heads of the Alliance of the 12 on the Korean

Or is it because he succeeded in guessing the culprit behind the major events?

Either way, leveling up was always thankful.

‘Then let’s check it.’

The menu opened due to the rise of the exclusive menu level was ‘Reread Log’.

When entering a specific map in the game, it was a function to reread the
conversation history on the map.

‘The log seems to be cleared after a large amount of conversation or after a certain
period of time, but it will be useful for collecting information or reconfirming

The record of the summit remained faithfully.

Meanwhile, while he checked the new exclusive menu, the magic circle completely
stopped, and Hwang Ji-ho’s eyes and hair color returned to its usual colors.

“Now, Cho Eui-shin. Let us listen to what you have to say. First, let us move. We
cannot stay at this place for too long because the density of magic, otherworld, and
holy powers is too high.”


1st floor, reception room.

The tea produced by the Automatic Maid was a traditional tea in which pine pollen,
was dissolved in honey water and pine nuts were floated on top.
Pine pollen came out in a celadon glass made with inlay techniques.

The dessert served with it was a set of moon rabbit rice cakes that Okto-yeon was
supposed to bring.

“Well…… I don’t think there were any kids who said anything suspicious! Although
everyone seemed to have a strange head on their shoulders.”

“There was no problem with the content. Then, the problem outside the content
would have been a clue.”

Two rice cakes lovers, Ok To-yeon and Hwang Ji-ho, said while eating rice cakes with
azalea flowers on them.

Their relationship was not too good, but the food tastes were the same.

“Hwang Ji-ho, you are right. I figured out one of the culprits.”

“One of the culprits…? Is the traitor that Cho Eui-shin found out has a short tail?”

Both Hwang Ji-ho and Jeok-ho were sharp.

He answered Jeokho’s question.

“Yes. I couldn’t figure out who the long-tailed traitor was.”

In the game. Joo Soo-hyuk’s end of first grade.

Jeokho was desperate amid increasingly worsening conditions.

He started thinking that maybe there were traitors among the alliance, but he
couldn’t find any evidence.

He wasn’t sure if the real enemy was the Ung Tribe or if there was someone else.

‘It was a rare luck for Jeokho.’

One day, Jeok-ho accidentally saw a teacher admonishing Andain.

He was anxious about Andain and hid for a long time to listen to the admonition.
When he had heard the bullshit for almost an hour.

Jeokho realizes that the teacher has a habit of talking that resembled one of the
leaders of the Alliance of the Twelve.

Phrasing, word, tone, speaking speed, etc.

They were similar enough to think it was an imitation.

‘He probably wasn’t sure at all, but Jeokho would have thoroughly investigated the
teacher with the feeling of grabbing for any clue.’

And the result.

Jeokho learns that the teacher was setting up five decadent establishments in the
Silver Light environmental protection zone.

It was also said that the positions he had were the positions of Kim Shin-rok, who
died, the first grade, first-class teacher, and the Intellectual Society advisor.

The teacher’s name was Choi Pyeon-deuk.

‘Jeokho caught Choi Pyeon Deuk because he knew the habit of talking by the leaders
of the alliance. Conversely, if you analyze Choi Pyeon-deuk’s speech habits, you will
be able to capture that leader.’

There is a saying that the habit of speaking is transferred and contagious.

Among the “highest people” Choi Pyeon-deuk encountered, the highest was the
leader of the Jin tribe.

Choi Pyeon-deuk, whether it was intentional or unconscious, had a habit of speaking

very similar to the boss.

For those high-ranking people, it was likely to be intentional to treat Choi Pyeon
Deuk that way considering he could not live without them.

‘It was worthwhile to listen to Choi Pyeon-deuk’s disgusting class.’

There was also a reason he wanted to take Gong Cheong-Hwon’s class.

If it was just that reason, he would have used earplugs or skipped that class.

But he sat down to the end and listened to the bullshit.

‘At that time, I thoroughly analyzed Choi Pyeon Deuk’s way of speaking.’

Tone, intonation, the habit of speaking, speaking speed.

He had remembered it with all the senses of the player.

And thanks to that, he was able to find an original that mimicked the tone of Choi
Pyeon-deuk among the Jin tribe.

“The words Choi Pyeon-deuk used. It mimics the highest person he can reach.”

‘It’s a word’ at the end of the sentence.

The sound of a cough.

The sound of ‘hmm?’ halting in the middle

Besides that, the tone or speed of the speech.

Of all the Jin tribe chiefs, there was only one being with this trait.

“The people who have a habit of speaking very similar to that of Choi Pyeon-deuk are
the Pigs.”

When he looked at the way Choi Pyeon-deuk said when he was interrogating, it
seemed that he did not know that he was a Pig tribe even though he knew he was a
Jin tribe.

They couldn’t risk revealing their identity to a guy like Choi Pyeon-deuk in a
situation where they have to attack the Tigers from behind.

Kim Shinrok and Jeokho nodded as they looked back at their memories.

“………I didn’t know well because I had never heard the head of the pig tribe. When I
think of it now, I think it sounds alike.”
“Because I only heard Choi Pyeon-deuk’s words during the interrogation… thinking
about it now you are right…”

The speech habit and the evidence left by Jeokho weren’t the only clues.

“There is one more evidence.”

Amidst the indifference of Chairman Hwang Myung-ho, the Silver Light high school
was heading in the wrong direction for a long time.

The school held together for so long because of the will of great teachers and

“The Cheonik Mountain and residential areas have been plagued by wild boar
infestations for a long time. However, until the creation of the Intellectual Society, the
negligence, embezzlement, and misappropriation of the supervisors and managers
were not corrected.”

On the day when he was slapped with meat by Maeng Hyo-don and handed the
ribbon to Irena, he read the minutes of the meeting at the Intellectual Center and
confirmed it.

In the minutes of last year’s meetings, there was a record of organizing a wild boar
eradication party at the intellectuals society.

“One of the biggest tasks of the Intellectual Society in 15 years was ‘to fight wild

Free quests that nobody did because the rewards were bad in the game.

‘Exterminate wild boars that have invaded the dormitory’.

It was the Intellectual Society who ordered the quest.

Perhaps the attempt to get Choi Pyeon-deuk to serve as an advisor to the Intellectual
Society was to take over and interfere with the Intellectual Society.

“The culprit who cut the veins of Cheonik Mountain. That would be the Pig tribe.
Wild boars won’t have great power, but if you slowly dig for the vital spots in the
mountains over the decades, it’s possible to break the ley. Although the progress has
been delayed by the Intellectual Society for the past 15 years.”

It wasn’t an Enemy or direct tribe members, but it wouldn’t be work for the Pig tribe
to hint at wild boars to make them move.

And the protection barriers of Silver Light High school cannot prevent the invasion
of wild animals.

“As Kim Shin-rok survived and Choi Pyeon-deuk was defeated, they failed to take
control of the Intellectual Society. In addition, it seemed that the invasion of wild
boars has ceased, whether it was because the Heavenly Beast was protected and the
investigation of Cheonik Mountain happened.

Among the party recruitment bulletin board history, there was no wild boar
subjugation party by this year’s Intellectual Society.

“Because it’s not a long tail…… There must be one more traitor among the other Jin. I
don’t know who other traitors are.”

He was done telling his thoughts.

The three Tigers, the one Rabbit, and one descendant of the Tiger and Ung tribe.

None of them contradicted his words.

“It was the Pig sons of bitches.”

Ok To-yeon put down the half-eaten rice cake and muttered.

“I think this kid’s thoughts are correct? Pigs can’t handle barriers well. When I heard
about the silver light entrance exam incident, it seemed like they messed with it very
delicately. They made it tricky to figure out if Jin Woong pal-seon messed with it or if
one of the 12 messed with it. Probably the more proficient one did, the one with the
long tail.”

Seeing Hwang Ji-ho not refuting it, Ok To-yeon seemed to be saying the right thing.

“It’s my fault. Even after three years of being an advisor to the Intellectual Society, I
haven’t been able to express doubts about the wild boar’s movement.”
Kim Shinrok lowered his head with a dark face.

No, that would have been difficult to understand without other clues.

The invasion of wild animals was what happened in most of the Korean dorms along
the mountains.

If you look for it on social media, you will be able to see pictures of elk and wild boar
who raided the university dormitory without difficulty.

Jeokho changed the topic as if covering for Kim Shinrok.

“We can start with the Pigs and slowly catch that long tail. It is difficult to monitor all
the alliances, but if you narrow them down to the Pigs, it’s okay. It’s looking like I will
be leaving Silver Light district for the time being.”

“Yeah. Then, shall we send one person as well? Damn Pigs, they are all dead!”

When Jeok-ho and Ok To-yeon finished talking, Hwang Ji-ho said.

“My long carelessness has made the situation develop like this.”

Hwang Ji-ho had a face, that made it difficult to determine his age after a while.

“I like my friends whose eyes have changed, the descendants left by Eun-ho, this
school, and the 1st grade Class 0 that I am currently attending. From now on, I will
move with all my heart.”

Hwang Ji-ho patted Jeokho’s shoulder.

“Jeokho, don’t do anything too dangerous.”

The Alliance of the 12 summits today.

The biggest harvest maybe that bystander Hwang Ji-ho was motivated.


On the way to the dorm after eating dinner.

He came out with Baekhogun and Snare for a walk.

Snare’s favorite was him and Baekho.

With the leash in his mouth, Snare who was waiting at the front porch asked the two
of them to go for a walk.

It means that he wanted to stay with him even on his way back.

Baekhogun would mean escorting him back to the mansion.

‘The last time I left it behind trying to stop me from leaving despite its charms, I
think he came up with a different method.

This couldn’t be helped.

He couldn’t help but reward the cute and smart Snare.

Of course, they had to be together.

Honestly, if it wasn’t for the ban on bringing pets in the dormitory, whether it was a
Heavenly beast or a Tiger tribesman or whatever it was he wanted to raise it.

Bark Bark-!

“You are going to get hurt acting like that.”

Baekhogun, who hadn’t said a word all day today, was excited and told Snare who
was running.

Even the silent Baekhogun couldn’t help it in front of Snare.

Yes, he understood him.

He had to ask what he was curious about while Baekho opened his mouth.

“What is a nightmare?”

The Jin tribe reacted violently to the word nightmare more than the fact there was a
traitor amongst them.
From the content of the conversation, he can see that it is a ‘high-ranking person
with a great deal of authority that intervened in the present world’.

It was also powerful enough to swallow the leader of the Jin Tribe.

“You don’t have to worry at all. Cho Eui-shin.”

The document answer came out.

Explain in more detail, he looked at Baekhogun with the meaning of protest.

But Baekhogun said only what he wanted to say.

“Do not care, do what you want to do, do what you need to do.”

There were a lot of things he wanted to do and a lot of things he wanted to do.

His playable character said this, so it made it more difficult to investigate further.


After a long walk with Snare and a tearful goodbye, he arrived at the dormitory.

When he turned on the device notification, all kinds of messages, videos, and photos
spilled out.

‘When will I check all this?’

The contents were about the basketball game between the first years of Silver Light
high school and the Military Academy.

He was surprised to see the faces he knew while watching the video of the game.

‘Ju Soo-hyuk and Bang Yoon-seop also participated.’

If he thought about it, there was no way that Joo Soo-hyuk, the best friend of Doshi-
hoo, who led this basketball game, could not come.

Seeing that there is a pile of bread near the court that seemed to have been bought as
a snack, it seems that Joo Soo-hyuk dragged Bang Yoon-seop to the game.
‘That’s not the amount they can buy with the money I gave. Did Joo Soo-hyuk spend
some of his own as a treat?’

Because of the number of people that participated, two teams per school came out,
and four teams played a tournament-style basketball game.

In the final, was Silver Light Team A and Academy B Team.

In any case, since it was a battle between schools in the first place, they also picked
up a replacement player from their respective losing teams and played a close game.

‘My bread shuttle Bang Yoon-seop made an accident again… ’

In the second quarter, Bang Yoon-seop lost more than 30 points by himself due to all
kinds of fouls and mistakes that he made as a beginner.

What’s even funnier is that this guy didn’t do that on purpose, but that it happened
even though he worked hard with all his might.

And in the third quarter, Joo Soo-hyuk replaced Bang Yoon-seop.

Joo Soo-hyuk, the all-around munchkin, overwhelmed the game with brilliant play
and frightenedly covered the mistakes Bang Yoon-seop made.

‘He’s not the main character for no reason…… I didn’t know he would be good at

After the third quarter, which was like Joo Soo-hyuk’s solo stage, was over.

In the fourth quarter, Doshi-hoo was introduced to the military school team, marking
Joo Su-hyuk as one-to-one, and the Silver Light team was stalled.

Silver Light was pushed back by two points.

The remaining time was 5 seconds.

At the last moment, Joo Soo-hyuk’s pass led to Yoo Sang-hoon’s three-point shot,
putting a buzzer-beater, and Silver Light won a big win.

[Yoo Sang-hoon] I won. Can you see it! Watch the video and when you see it all

[Jang Nam-wook] Ah we barely lost… It’s too bad…

Ju Soo-hyuk was chosen as the MVP of today’s match, but Yoo Sang-hoon was the top

Jang Nam-wook showed good defense by taking advantage of his big height, but he
had no choice because he didn’t have enough skill.

[Yoo Sang-hoon] Your bread shuttle cried.

In the attached photo, there was Bang Yoon-seop’s swollen face.

He cried when he was beaten one-sidedly by Maeng Hyo-don in the preliminary

round before, but he seems to have a weak tear gland.

There was a group photo underneath the photo of his bread shuttle.

The white T-shirt was silver light, and the black T-shirt was the military academy.

The color of the T-shirt was different, but everyone looked good.

‘Everyone looks good together.’

Even though they were divided by winners and losers, the schools did not look
obscured by that fact and took photos together hand in hand looking friendly with
each other.

These guys enjoyed their youth while he listened to the trash talk by the Alliance of
the 12.

‘Even if the date was different for one day, I would have gone to both the submit and
the basketball game… ’

But life and time are limited.

It was impossible to have everything you wanted.

It was during the midterm exam period of this Silver Light where he truly felt it.
Soon the midterms begin.
Silver Light high school residential area.

A dormitory room on the 10th floor of the first-grade dormitory building.

The owner of the room was trembling under a blanket.

Red spots, black spots, dark red spots, that were seen if she didn’t close her eyes…

The dark red stains began to take over her daily life.

‘Why the hell, why…!’

At first, she simply thought there was a problem with her eyes.

She received all the tests she could get.

Precise visual acuity and visual field examination, intraocular pressure

measurement examination, color vision abnormality examination, fundus
photographing, corneal surface layer photographing, etc.

First, in the first nursing room in the central area, the second at the most famous
ophthalmology clinic in Seoul, and the third at a university hospital.

But all three times she was judged as normal.

‘Now not only the eyes but also the ears… ’

Tinnitus started to be heard when wearing an earring-type device.

The small tinnitus that touched her nerves at some point grew louder and harder to

She thought it was just a device problem, so she applied for a replacement.
When she received the new device.

[Ahahaha, hahahaha! hahah, haha, hahahahaha!]

The moment she wore it, she heard a bizarre laugh from the device.

Without even being able to scream, she threw the device and put it in a desk drawer,
and never opened it again.

Fortunately, it wasn’t strange not to wear earring devices, as many students stayed
away from devices with entertainment features in the test period.

‘Maybe, I may be possessed by a psychic class Enemy.’

She thought so, but her mouth didn’t open.

Psychic class Enemy broke through the silver light protection barrier and seized the
mind of Korea’s top elite player?

That’s ridiculous.

It was more persuasive to say that she was crazy.

‘No… You’ll be treated as a psychopath. I don’t like it……… ’

These days, She has been thinking of her parents more often.

At the entrance ceremony, she couldn’t see her parents’ faces for the last time when
she took a commemorative photo against the background of the Central Auditorium
Merchant Hall.

It was a time that she was enjoying life at Silver Light high school she always
dreamed of so she hasn’t been in contact with her parents because she has been too
busy to spend time on her device.

‘Let’s just hang up after hearing mom’s voice… Just, just for a moment.’

She walked out of the bed with her blanket on.

One step, one step.

She approached the desk.

And when she opened the desk drawer.


It was blood.

Inside the desk drawer was filled with red blood.

Everything inside was immersed in blood.

And the blood gradually increased and flowed out of the desk drawer…

Knock Knock.

“It’s Dain.”

The person who stayed in the next room, Andain.

Andain, who sat next to her at the dormitory orientation, and was assigned a room

It wasn’t as much as Kim Yuri, who was her best friend, but she became quite close to


She opened the door eagerly.

“Because I heard a loud sound. Did a bug come out?”

In Andain’s hand, she held three types of insect repellent sprays.

The thorough security of the prestigious high school and the management of a pest
control company could not prevent insects from flying along Cheonik Mountain, so
insect repellant sprays were a must for the dormitories.

Something scarier than a bug came out.

She looked back and saw that the room had returned to normal.

She didn’t see the dark red spots that she usually saw in the corner of her vision.

No strange thing happened when she was next to Andain, who was considered to be
the best student of all time and the honor student of Silver Light high school.

“………Did something happen in the editorial department? You said it was hard

“No. It’s okay.”

“You look very tired…… Would you like to go to the infirmary?”

“No, it’s okay………”

“Are you really okay?”

“I said it’s okay!”

She screamed loudly without even knowing.

Her mind had become overactive these days, and her mood has gone up and down
like crazy.

She was relieved that Andain came, but why did she scream?

She immediately regretted it, but it was impossible to pick up the words she had
already spoken.

“………Dain, sorry.”

“It‘s okay. I’m sorry I pushed you to answer, I was just concerned. Then get some

Andain answered gently.

Whoever saw it or even as she saw it, she came running because she was worried
about her and she had just yelled at her.

She felt like she had become irreparable trash.


Andain went out of the room.

The door closed.

Again, the dark red stain obscured her view.


Weekday again after the Alliance of the 12 summit.


The midterm exam starts next week.

In other words, the midterm exam period started in a week.

‘The diligent kids must have been studying in advance.’

Even though there were guys like the first years from Silver Light and the Military
Academy who wasted time playing basketball last Saturday even going as far as
having an after-party.

Usually, it was common to prepare for midterm exams 2-3 weeks before.

‘The sub-activities are closed starting from today.’

The broadcasting department has also reserved all class bells and was now closed.

“I’m a stupid idiot. I’m a crazy dumbass, an ugly stupid idiot…”

“3.14159265358979323846264338327950… Ha, why am I good at memorizing

things that have nothing to do with the exam?”

“I didn’t have a Korean language course among the subjects I chose, but I memorized
the Kwandong Byeolgok last night. It was so fun. A disease of the Jianggang River was
lying down. You can taste the 方-myeon of 八-pal Hundreds in the East-dong…”

“Stop it, you crazy idiots!”

The dormitory cafeteria was already overflowing with students going crazy from test

‘Freedom always comes with a price.’

Silver Light high school values freedom.

The freedom that even the attendance rate was not reflected in the grades was the
best in the country.

However, as a prestigious high school, the regular exam of Silver Light was notorious
for its evil and vicious difficulty.

And by exams, they were midterm and final exams for each semester.

It was Silver Light that allowed graduation without going to school for all three
years, but it was only possible to get promoted by taking four exams in the year.

If you get a failing score, supplementary classes, and additional exams await, and if
you don’t get a passing score after that, you definitely flunk.

‘Because things like mini-tests in the middle of the class aren’t reflected in the total
grade…… Even if you’re good usually, mess up the regular exam and it was over.’

Also, students who were unable to attend school were able to take remote exams.

To take the remote exam, you have to wear headgear with dozens of anti-cheating

‘In the game, Maeng Hyo-don ‘s score was manipulated so that he barely passed.
Sawol Seum, who was considered missing, flunked the grade, and so at the time he
was rescued he attended again from the first grade.’

He tried to organize his thoughts and walked back and forth.

Cherry blossoms were in full bloom on the cherry blossom paths built along the
road, but students were dying.

Students checking memorization subjects on their devices on the go.

Those who muttered something like chanting.

Looking at them, he can feel that the exam was coming up quickly.

‘But the one that has the most test atmosphere was the party recruitment board.’

Specialty during the test period of silver light, study party.

The party recruitment bulletin board opened with the device was full of all kinds of
study party recruitment posts.

[Autonomous hiatus party. Only at least 12 hours per day (including class time).
When caught faking study time they will be banned from this bulletin board! (9/10)]

[Player’s Special Law Ⅱ, Test Range Complete memorization of all laws and
regulations. Morning test correct answer rate less than 80% will be dropped on the
spot (8/10)]

[※Limited to 3rd graders ※ Practicing the glacier labyrinth strategy. We are making
five rounds. Looking for range damage, support users. (6/10)]

[Introduction to Enemy Studies……… Aㅏ……… Teacher is good, but the test range is
not good…… Survival Party (4/10)]

[♬ Composer department♬ Let’s study while listening to the songs we have made so
far! If you keep your manners, even those who are not in the composition
department can join (8/10)]

[Pyeondeuk, let’s walk the (hellfire) flower path for a lifetime! The party who trash
talks Choi Pyeon Deuk and studies at the same time (10/10)]

[Choi Pyeon Deuk trash talk party 2 (10/10)]

[Choi Pyeon Deuk trash talk party 3 (9/10)]

He wanted to participate in some.

Especially the study party in the back.

He couldn’t go to the pleasant Choi Pyeon-deuk subjugation party, so he wanted to

participate in that trash talk party.

However, ahead of the midterms, time and resources were limited, so the choice had
to be made carefully.

‘First, let’s check the atmosphere in our class and go to the study party.’

He hated the possibility of anyone lagging behind in his class.


1st Grade Class 0 classroom.

As expected, the atmosphere in the classroom was darker than usual.

“What should I do if I flunk…”

Irena said, looking at the notes organized with neat handwriting with a terrified face.

Kim Yuri was next to him and cheering Irena.

“I’ll help with overlapping subjects! I’m not a dormitory student, so I can only help
you when I’m in school…”

Among men, Hwang Ji-ho… This guy didn’t need to worry.

Still, he decided to ask.

“Hwang Ji-ho, how are you going to take the exam?”

“I will avoid failing.”

It means he will place himself under the other classmates.

They were fortunate that he did not try to destroy the mentality of the students of
Silver Light by attempting to massacre the people with high grades.

Excellent, Hwang Ji-ho!

‘As for Sawol seum…… he missed a month’s worth of classes, so he would have a hard
time studying because he had a lot to study, but I wouldn’t have to worry about him

What he was most worried about was Maeng Hyo-don.

Maeng Hyo-don was a muscle-brain character who put all of his stat points into
strength and stamina.

He was stiff looking at the paper textbook.

“Heroes don’t study…”

was he crazy?

He was talking bullshit.

“Black is text, white is paper…”

He will have to stop Maeng Hyo-don before he crosses a river where he cannot
return from.

He was rescued in March, so he was able to change subjects.

Probably at that time, they rewrote all the class subjects, focusing on practical skills.

He couldn’t do anything about common subjects.

“Isn’t the only class you have to take notes in this time, “Player’s Battle Theory 1”?
That’s pretty much a real-world translation, so you just need to memorize a few

He couldn’t connect.

It wasn’t the player’s battle theory 1 textbook in the hands of Maeng Hyo-don.
“Is that a math book? Did you choose math?”

He wished he was wrong.

“Then what else does this look like, vice-president.”

Maeng Hyo-don opened a math textbook in front of him.

Chapter, Polynomial.

Small Lesson, Calculation of Polynomials.

He realized when he saw the large handwriting and very clean textbooks.

‘You haven’t even finished Chapter 1!’

The study party he will go to has been decided.

“Anyone among the dormitory students, who wants to gather at night to study.”

Maeng Hyo-don will be forced to participate.


After school, Intellectual Hall.

In the lobby, he saw the people of the Intellectual Society who were allocating study

Intellectual Chairman Seong Si-wan looked at him and pretended to know him right

“Ah, you came Eui Shin! Five of the first graders in class 0, all of the dormitory
students, said they will participate in a study meeting right?”

“Yes. Did you get a study room for us?”

“Yeah! Eui shin’s group is… Room 210 on the second floor of the study room zone,
Intellectual Hall. The password is set to 0000. Until the midterms are over, change it
to whatever you are comfortable with.”
Seong Siwan guided them to the study room while looking at the hologram.

“Give it your best for the first midterm. Hyo don, Seum, Han-Yi, and Rena. If you need
anything, tell me right away.”

“Here, take a snack.”

“The first graders of class 0 this year were so kind so I’m taking special care!”

The executives of the Intellectual Society, who were next to Seong Siwan, brought out
a box full of food.

Nuts, dried fruit, boiled eggs, sweets with cacao, chocolate, low-fat yogurt, soy milk…

There were plenty of snacks to ease hunger without harming health.

Han-Yi, who couldn’t live without sweets, received the box.

“Thank you!”

Along with him, Maeng Hyo-don, Sawol Seum, Han Yi, and Irena in his class greeted
him, and then they all moved into the study room.

“Wow, I’ve never been to the study room before, and it’s great!”

Study Room 210.

The dark-colored wallpaper to relieve eye strain was comfortable.

There were ergonomic chairs around the table, which was spacious enough even for
10 people, was designed to not strain the waist even when sitting for a long time.

In the corner, there was a couch sized for about one person to lie down, as if it was
consideration for the students who would stay overnight.

It was designed as a place for students to gather and study.

“Han-Yi, I’m really sorry…”

“It’s okay, I can study while teaching.”

Han-Yi sat next to Irena and explained the concept step by step.

Even at first glance, they were logical and piercing explanations.

‘It’s just what you would expect from the pupil of Gong Cheong-Hwon.’

Gong Cheong-Hwon’s Introduction to Enemy Studies was a really great class, except
for the range of tests that were not good.

“I’m thinking of joining a professional team or helping the family business without
going to college. I won’t be of much help because I didn’t choose math.”

Sawol Seum was showing a sorry expression.

To think he would feel sorry because of that kind of thing.

Maeng Hyo-don made a crazy choice, so it’s not his fault.

“Do you have any particular reason why you chose math?”

“It just happened.”

Maeng Hyo-don spits out to answer the question of Sawol Seum.

What do you mean it just happened?

He obviously knew that Maeng Hyo-don came in as a special admission, but Ham
Geun-hyung could not have recommended math.

‘So I am the only one that can really help him’

Anyway, his exam range study was roughly over.

Let’s help Maeng Hyo-don’s new challenge.

“How far have you finished with the math? Honestly.”


Uh, that’s surprising.

That’s the third part of the polynomial.

Did he finish Chapter 1?

“When I was in junior high school, I mastered factoring perfectly.”

They were fucked completely.

Was it not the factoring you learn in high school, but the factoring you learn in the
first semester of middle school?


Time passed gradually in the midst of a dire fight between Maeng Hyo-don and

Wednesday, only a few days left until midterms.

The Korean National Assembly elections and general elections were held, making it a
legal holiday.

The word was a holiday, but there was no way they could rest.

It’s just one more day to study without class.

“Hahaha…… The memorizing song of the periodic table of the chemical elements,
which was the class bell yesterday is stuck in my head. I didn’t even choose

Irena was looking desperate.

Sawol seum, who had been devastated because of the amount of study that had to be
done because he had missed a month of class, said without strength.

“Last year, someone jokingly played a banned song for the exams…”

Exam banned songs.

They were forbidden songs that are said to be difficult to forget after listening to and
thus decreased concentration.
Who played it during the exam period?

‘……… I don’t know who it is, but anyway, I think the guy who is in the 2nd-grade
class 0 right now did it.’

On the other hand, Maeng Hyo-don, who looked at the textbook with his soul gone,
was unresponsive.

Seeing that his hands moved occasionally, he seems to be alive.

He and Han-Yi were the only ones who looked like people at the 1st-grade class 0
dormitory student study meeting.

He and Han-Yi were scouring the other kids and whipping them so they wouldn’t
stretch too much.


The five of them stayed together throughout the holidays.

They all ate dinner together and studied until late at night, so the night came quickly.

He checked the hologram while drinking the Cassia tea that the Intellectual Society
provided to protect their eye health.

‘That person was elected, just like in the game.’

Next to the playable character’s name that he remembered, the phrase ‘Elected for
Sure’ was floating.

The exit survey was also being counted, but if it comes out like this, it would be nice
to just say that he was elected.

“Should I wake them up or bring a blanket?”

Han-Yi suddenly talked.

Turning off the hologram, he turned around and saw that Sawol Seum and Irena
were asleep.
He looked at the textbooks the two were using as pillows.

“Looking at the page, it looks like we couldn’t finish all of our targets today. Let’s let
them sleep a little and wake them up.”

“I’ll bring a blanket from the Intellectual Society clubroom. So I can wake up too.”

Han-Yi went out of the study room by killing her footsteps so as not to wake them up.

Maeng Hyo-don, a gangster with the greatest stamina could not sleep and was
fighting a lonely fight with numbers and concepts.

He didn’t know why he chose that thorny road.

“Why did you choose math? I don’t think you chose it because you were interested.”

In the game, Maeng Hyo-don, who returned to Silver Light in his second year, did not
choose math.

During the midterm exam, there was no description of him saying he struggled so


He heard a small sound of the shattering of the lead of the mechanical pencil held by
Maeng Hyo-don.

“Because it was the main subject of the homeroom teacher.”

Ham Geun-hyung was not a math teacher.

“I wanted to learn because my middle school grade 3 homeroom teacher was a math

Ah…… Was it the subject of Maeng Hyo-don’s middle school homeroom teacher?

In the game, Maeng Hyo-don used to talk to Joo Soo-hyuk from time to time.

He would not have been able to come to the silver light without the help of his
middle school grade 3 homeroom teacher.
‘What would have happened if Maeng Hyo-don did not come to the silver light.’

It’s clear that he was going to be doing a dangerous job moving around the bottom.

Other players’ special high schools do not have an entrance examination that was as
unconventional as the special admission for silver light.

There was no special high school for players that Maeng Hyo-don go to without
studying, and few general high schools didn’t have any tuition or spending

Maeng Hyo-don may have lived as a middle school graduate all his life.

“When I was in middle school, there was no idiot like that teacher. The only teacher
at that school, the only one I could call a teacher was the math teacher.”

Maeng Hyo-don did not give details.

Still, he could roughly guess what had happened.

“I thought what would happen if I started high school…… These kids are smart. I
can’t even tell whether it’s math or bullshit in this textbook.”

Maeng Hyo-don said that, pushing the lead back into the empty mechanical pencil.

Was it because he studied mathematics like that when he was in junior high school
that he is using a paper textbook and a mechanical pencil like that?

The reason he didn’t choose math in the game, must have been because he gave up
since he started from the 2nd grade.

Seeing Maeng Hyo-don say that, he couldn’t tell him to abandon math.

“Hey, first, memorize the terms first. Not the problem-solving process, starting with
what this symbol means and what this word means. Solve the problem from then

So the math hell continued.

There is a saying that Maeng Hyo-don had a stone head, but anything engraved on
the stone will not be erased.

Be strong, Maeng Hyo-don.

As he watched him memorizing terms, he recalled what he had said.

‘Because he was the only one who can be called a teacher… ’

Some people use the word teacher with a big meaning.

The incongruity that he felt faint in the past came to mind for a moment and then


First day of the midterm exam.

The first test was ‘Player’s Battle Theory 1’.

As a common subject, this was the only written test that all 1st graders and class 0s
take together.

All seven attended school early, perhaps because it was the day of the exam.

“Guys, let’s work hard!”

Kim Yu-ri said, handing out a bag of peppermint candy, supposedly hand-packed.

Inside a transparent bag the size of a fist, there were several lozenges of mint candy.

The children who were given the candy said thanks to Kim Yuri.

He was the last person to receive it.

“Thanks. There is still a lot left. Is it for your friends in the other classes?”

“No. It’s all for our class. I didn’t know if they might come, so I brought sixteen…”

Kim Yuri looked down at the candy bag inside the paper shopping bag with a sad
Because it’s a midterm exam, maybe they’ll come to take the exam, so he thought
that’s what she thought and prepared all of that.

Looking at the form right now, there’s no way anyone can come up, but what should
he say to comfort her…


At that moment.

The automatic door of the classroom opened, and a girl with a hooded jumper over
her school uniform zipped up all the way to her neck appeared.

On her messy head, she wore a hat, and horn-rimmed glasses making her face
difficult to see.

“………Well, what. I heard that the attendance rate was low!”

It is low.

While the other class has 50 people and had a 100% attendance rate, this place
never exceeded 50% of the 16.

“Too many people. I want to go home! Ham Geun-hyung, you freaking liar!”

The female student spits out lines and turned her back as if it were a one-man play.


The mysterious girl was forced to close the automatic door manually.

Tap tap tap tap!

They heard the sound of running on the hallway floor outside the classroom.

Even at a glance, they could know that it was an owner of a tremendous power.

When the seven first graders in class 0 were looking at the closed classroom door
with stupid faces.
The door opened again.

Did she come back? or so he thought.

It was Ham Geun-hyung with a disappointed expression.

“………I heard that one more student was coming to school today. Have they not come

That one.

She was here, but she was not.

“Ah…… I should have given her candy……”

Kim Yuri, who caught the situation belatedly, looked down at the peppermint candy
bag with a regretful face.

First day of the midterm exam.

The attendance rate for class 0 in the first grade was 50% or then not.

It looks like she’s really gone home, so she would be confirmed for an additional
Midterm exams were held for four days.

The first day.

From the first day, a straggler came out of 1st-grade class 0.

Not long ago, he had a cool thought, thinking that he would hate to see a straggler in
his class, but he probably thought that because of his mood.

It’s because of the mood.

It was important, so he thought about it twice.

“We already got students that need to take additional exams?”

Ham Geun-hyung, who heard the news of the female student’s skipping of the tests,
looked sorrowful.

It couldn’t be helped.

She was a kid saying that seven kids were too much.

Even if she was forced to sit down and take the test, she would not have been able to
demonstrate her skills properly.

“Teacher, the kids who don’t come…… do they even take the exams?”

“Yeah. Eight people applied for remote testing in advance.”

Ham Geun-hyung nodded to Kim Yu-ri’s question.

He guessed everyone was still alive after all.

He thought that they at least wanted to get promoted.

Although there was an incident before the exam, the midterm exam start time was
approaching quickly.

“Everyone get ready. When the class bell rings, the exam will begin immediately.”

In the end, the bag of peppermint candy that Kim Yuri had brought was distributed
to the seven classmates of Class 0 and Ham Geun Hyung.


The second day.

In the midst of the ongoing suffering of the silver light students, a news that pleased
the students started going around.

“Hey! Is it true that the moon rabbit rice cake will be sold in the school cafeteria
throughout the midterm exams?”

“It’s true. All the kids who didn’t eat at school yesterday are regretting it.”

“It was my first time trying it but as soon as I chewed it, it literally melted in my
mouth. The sakura-leaved rice cake was really delicious.”

Was this the result of Hwang Ji-ho’s bet with Ok To-yeon?

He wondered whether Ok To-yeon was killed by her Jin tribe older sister To-yoon
like she said she would.

‘Hwang Ji-ho has a good sense. To think he would serve the moon rabbit rice cakes
during the midterm exams.’

Their chairman has changed.

Considering the chairman’s actions so far, this was an amazing development.

‘It was also the cherry blossom leaved rice cake among many rice cakes. Whoever
chose it, chose well.’
The flower language of cherry blossoms has various meanings like fleetingness, the
beauty of life, fine beauty, mental beauty, wealth, culture, and prosperity.

Another flower language for cherry blossoms in Korea was “midterm”.

In particular, in the case of high school, they were notorious because it bloomed
during the period when it was necessary to prepare for midterm exams and then
wilted right before the exams started.

After the exams, it was common to see only greenish leaves.


“Why doesn’t the cherry blossoms fall? Last year it bloomed for a bit then,
immediately fell.”

“In areas other than the Silver Light district, cherry blossoms are all gone. I guess
they’re crazy too.”

“This year’s exams are also totally crazy. The new teachers that got hired in place of
the fired Choi Pyeon Deuk are crazy.”

“Yeah…… They just seemed to know how to squeeze you to the limit. Ah, it’s so

“Cherry blossoms, students, and teachers are all going crazy.”

All of the reviews of the students who took a break from studying for a while and
blankly stared at the cherry blossoms on the promenade were consistent.

“The kids who finished their exams early can probably go to the cherry blossom

“I envy them. My schedule is full until the last day.”

“If you’re lucky, you can go even if you finish late. I hope it keeps blooming like this.”

In the other regions, all the cherry blossoms were falling, but Silver Light cherry
blossoms were not.
Moon Sae-ron being excited about investigating it, was talking all about it in the
freshmen’s newspaper club group message chatroom.

It looked like her grades weren’t so bad to the point she needed to think about
failing, so he guessed she must have some breathing room.

[Moon Sae-ron] All areas that can be reached with an air board were checked!
Whenever you guys are free you should go check too. Make sure to call me if you find
anything unusual as well!

Moon Sae-ron sent a map of where the cherry blossoms bloomed in the area around
Silver Light high school in the chatroom.

It seemed that Moon Sae-ron went around the whole school already.

‘The game’s Silver Light high school’s cherry blossom quickly fell.’

When he saw the map sent by Moon Sae-ron, he got a sense of the cause.

‘The closer they are to Cheonik Mountain, the longer the cherry blossoms seem to

The Heavenly Beast Snare was gradually recovering its health, and the broken ley
lines were slowly being restored under the command of Hwang Ji-ho. Perhaps the
resurrected earthly powers had an effect on this. Mysterious phenomenon took place
even outside of school.

[Eun Seoho] Cho Eui-shin hyung, Hwangho-nim, cherry blossoms are continuing to
bloom in the maze garden. Here is a picture![Eun Leeho] According to Shinrok oppa,
he said it was because of the Heavenly Beast’s influence! He was saying it was its
wish to see it keep blooming.

In the group message room with the three descendants of Eunho, a picture of the
cherry blossom path in one of the maze gardens was uploaded.

Seeing a mat and a lunch box in the corner of the picture, it seems they came out to
view the cherry blossoms in front of the garden.

These children were sternly ordered not to go outside Hwang Myung-ho’s mansion,
so he thought they are doing this to change their mood.
‘…… But did she call him Shinrok oppa just now?’

It wouldn’t be strange for them to call him that way when he thought about the
children’s positions, but when he thought of the dreary school supplies show he put
on, the feeling of discomfort was huge.

It’s a good thing the descendants get along well though.

[Eun Jae-ho] The Heavenly Beast is sleeping now.

During the bloody recollection, the youngest sibling provided some healing.

In the photo sent by the youngest, Snare was sleeping under a cherry tree with a
smile on his face.

He was crouching with a happy face as if he was having a good dream.

A few cherry blossom leaves had fallen above the downy body.

‘Let’s save it!’

The two photos were renamed and saved, and one was set as the startup screen that
appeared when the device was started.

‘I wish they would take pictures of Snare often to me.’

There was no way Hwang Ji-ho or Baek-hogun could do this extraordinary thing.

Jeok-ho was busy, and Kim Shin-rok is a little…… He lives in the faculty’s residence
building and he will be busy, probably.

He decided, for the future, he will have to get closer to Eunho’s descendants.

Since he got a picture of Snare and all, he decided to do what he needed to do today.

‘Let’s see how that event had changed.’

On the first day of the midterm exam, the two illegally admitted students poisons
Cotton Ball to shake Andain’s mentality.
On the second day of the midterm exam, Andain finds a dead Cotton Ball after
completing the exam.

Joo Soo-hyuk meets Andain, who was crying in a place where people were scarce.

Joo Soo-hyuk, who usually has great social skills and communication skills, didn’t
know what to do, so he couldn’t comfort her and so he turned around and left to
investigate the case.

‘The students who entered the school illegally was expelled from the school, and
Cotton Ball was sleeping well like this now… nothing might actually happen.’

Still, wanting to see how the event had changed was a sad habit the veteran of the
national trash game had.

‘A little remote trail that leads toward Cheonik Mountain. It’s also far from the central
area or the 1st-grade area, and I remember there was a description in the game
stating ‘the side where people don’t come because the road is rough.’

This trail was also mentioned by Sawol Seum once before.

He didn’t know if he can find it properly.

While checking the school map through the hologram, he saw Andain walking in the

‘I guess I came to the right place.’

He didn’t want to be seen, so he hid.

The usage was great, but there was an appropriate Gwanglim for this situation.

There will be no other big events during the midterm exams, so it didn’t matter if the
time available for the player’s trajectory was significantly reduced.

〈Gwanglim, Activating ‘The player’s trajectory’.〉

The character that was used was the strongest when it came to stealth.

It was ‘Jeon Moo-young, the Colorless’.

If he hadn’t used this level of power, he would have been caught by Andain, the

〈Activating the target character’s Gwanglim, ‘Time without Shadow’.〉

When the Gwanglim was activated, his presence became extremely thin.

While in use, his presence will not be discovered by the human eye, recording
devices, or detection-related skills.

He quietly walked along Andain towards a less crowded place.

After walking for a while, they arrived at a dead end.

At the end of the road, there was a giant cherry tree and an old bench.


There was a person sitting on the bench.

“Uh, uh…… Dain?”

It was Joo Soo-hyuk sitting on the bench.

With a faintly red face, whether he was thinking of Andain, he had a face like he was
asking if this is a dream or reality.

Even though he had a face that would look stupid when made by ordinary people he
looked handsome, so he felt the unfairness of this world.


As if she hadn’t expected Joo Soo-hyuk to be there, Andain greeted quietly after she
hadn’t spoken for a very long time.

He expected that maybe the two would meet, but he didn’t know that Joo Soo-hyuk
would be here first, waiting.

It seems that the fate of the title hero and the title heroine was strongly applied even
without the corresponding skills.
“Yes, hi! So………”

Joo Soo-hyuk hesitated when he replied to Andain’s greeting.

Why does his strong communication ability become like that in front of Andain?

“……Would you like to sit here?”

Did he hesitate that much just to say that?

His speech was stiff, and he also looked very nervous.

Andain replied after hesitating for a while.

“………Can I do that?”

“Of course!”

Andain sat down a little away from Joo Soo-hyuk.

It wasn’t smooth, but sparsely, the two began to have a conversation.

Conversation about tests, cherry blossoms, moon rabbit rice cake at the restaurant…

It was a refreshing conversation that would be comparable to a conversation

between a male and a female elementary school student.

It seems there was a long way to go for the two to be together.

‘Ah, I’ve been here for too long.’

The two were more likely to sit there and continue the conversation, but he decided
to leave.

While trying to see how the event had changed, he ended up just being salty.

He felt like a tickle near his heart.

‘I did something rude to both of them… I shouldn’t have come.’

As a result, it was he took a peek and overheard of the stories of the two.

He felt sorry for Joo Soo hyuk, and Andain.

Still, he sincerely supported his playable characters.

There are many trials that the two will have to overcome in the future, but… he
wished them luck.


The third day.

They arrived at Study Room 210 of the Intellectual Hall after completing the exam.

The introductory test for Enemy Studies, which covered a very wide range, was over.

He and Han-Yi, who took the same subject, were checking each other’s answers.

“I chose number 1 for question 1.”

“Me too. Number 5 for question 2?”

“Yeah. The answer to question 3 is ‘similarity between the psychic Enemy’.”

“I wrote “Phantom ghost species, demon species Enemy”. Would that be correct as

“I do not know. Since intangible species of Enemies would fit that question as well if
you put it that way.”

“Ah… that’s true. Mr. Gong Cheong-Hwon is strict, so that answer will probably be
treated as a wrong answer. I think it was a mistake to answer it with broad terms.”

Han-Yi, who was looking for a perfect score, sighed.

However, when they compared all the remaining problems and scored themselves,
Han-Yi came out 1 point higher than him.

It was him and Han, who continued to compete for the lead during the mini-tests.
Perhaps the first place in this class will be Han-yi.

“………Aren’t your grades too good?”

Maeng Hyo-don was in an extremely nervous state ahead of tomorrow’s math test.

He was so nervous that he broke five mechanical pencils while solving the problems,
and was holding onto his sixth.

“Yeah, they both had perfect scores in the common subjects, right? It’s nice to have a
study meeting with Han-Yi and Eui-shin.”

“Yes. It was really helpful.”

Irena and Sawol Seum were able to afford some breathing room because they
successfully completed the exam for a subject they were not confident in.

Still, it was too early to be thankful.

“Let’s do our best tomorrow for the final exam.”

He hoped the absolute best for Maeng Hyo-don.


The last day.

All the exams were over, but the first-grade class 0, who had a study meeting at the
Intellectual Center, all gathered together.

Today’s big event, Maeng Hyo-don’s math test results presentation, was held after
everyone gathered.

“Hey, Vice-President. Tell me quickly. How many points?”

Maeng Hyo-don’s face was dark because he had studied without sleeping.

The result of pre-scoring his test paper.

“I can’t believe it.”

“What, what is it?”

Maeng Hyo-don’s score was literally unbelievable.

The method they chose was choice and concentration.

It was considered impossible to cover the entire range of the things that will be on
the exam, so it was a tactic to master half of the range perfectly.

40 points was the cutoff point of failing.

It’s wasn’t the best if you’re aiming for 50 points, but it wasn’t the worst strategy

But the score of Maeng Hyo-don was.

“63 points.”

“Ahhhhhhhhh! Yes!”

He clenched his fist and shouted.

According to the old grading method, Su, Wu, Mi, Yang, Ga, Su being the highest, Ga,
being the lowest, this score was equivalent to “Yang”.

Maeng Hyo-don was probably the last place among the students who chose

Still, it was like a miracle when he thought of that desperate study period.

Maeng Hyo-don, the guy who had a stone for his head, at this very moment was
someone who deserved all the glory.

“You got 44 points for getting almost all the stuff you studied right and 19 points for
multiple choice guesses. Well done, Maeng Hyo-don.”

It seemed that the god of mathematics empowered Maeng Hyo-don.

“It feels like the midterms are finally over.”

“Yes, I’m glad Hyodon passed safely!”

“Hyodon, guys, you guys did an extremely good job.”

The kids who watched the process of scoring with nervous faces sighed with relief.

Of all participants of the dormitory study meeting, no one had failing scores.

Kim Yu-ri and Hwang Ji-ho had nothing to worry about, so the first-grade class 0
actually passed safely.

Let’s take that escapee as an exception. He will forget about her.


Sawol Seum shouted brightly with a bottle.

It was a carbonated drink that was banned during the exam period because it made
the stomach feel uncomfortable if drunk incorrectly.

Now that the exams were over, the ban was lifted.

They poured soda into a paper cup and toasted lightly.

Everyone was tired of the exams, so they couldn’t have a big party.

They disbanded after a simple test wrap-up party.

Leaving the study room was somewhat regrettable.


The midterm exams were over, and the post-test parties were over.

The exams were done, but a great ordeal remained for him.

It was something that would be more painful and would hurt his mentality more
than the exams.

‘I rather prefer to take another exam.’

He left the device provided by the school in case Hwang Ji-ho would track it and find

He was the guardian of the territory, and if he used his powers, he can check
everything that happens in the Silver Light district in real-time.

‘If he could use that without any penalties, he wouldn’t have tracked my device on
April Fool’s Day.’

So it will be fine.


Ding Dong.

A message had arrived.

He came without the device that was provided by the school, but thanks to the
linking of the message function, it was possible for him to check new messages.

The sender of the message was Kim Yuri.

[Kim Yuri] Eui Shin, I sent the class management materials in preparation for the
first quarter student representative meeting tomorrow, so please read it!

After the midterm exam, the first quarter student representative meeting was held.

The class president and vice president of each class.

The school’s four major student organizations, student associations, leadership

team, intellectual society, and general club associations.

It is a student representative conference where more than 100 students participated.

It seemed that Kim Yuri, who was good at working, had already prepared the
materials meticulously.

‘I’ll have to give it a read after finishing this job.’

He can do it.
He can hold on.

He self-suggested, self-indoctrinated repeatedly.


Closed area without any recording devices.

A classroom in the old school building.

The person he called out spoke first.

“That crow mask, I’ve seen it before. You are also the one that cleansed the Silver
Light district educational environment protection area.”

He guessed he had investigated all the incidents that occurred in the district.

It was a picture in a very small and quickly buried article.

“The face and physique seen behind the mask. It all looks like me. I think it’s a little
older than me, however. I couldn’t believe it because I felt the burnt marks on the
invitations you sent, the energy left behind by Red Dragon, but it was really you…”

In the end, Yeom Jun-yeol spits out that word.

“Red Phantom Thief!”

It came out.

Red Phantom Thief.

He was prepared, but when he heard it from Yeom Jun-yeol, he felt very clingy.

His playable character gave him such a shame!

With the player’s trajectory, he transformed into the version of Yeom Jun-Yeol, which
was used at the illusion auction.

He desperately pretended to be composed.

“Yes, I am… the Red, Phantom Thief…!”

He wanted to go back to his house, his dorm room.

It was getting worse.

The vision went completely dark red.

Now, even in the dark, she felt it clearly that her vision was stained with an ominous

The darkness could no longer protect her.

‘I can’t stay alone anymore. I’m going crazy!’

She had been desperately looking for places with people.

The most crowded place was the self-study room of the Intellectual Center.

If she was mixed in with the students studying all night, even if her vision changed
strangely, she felt a little relieved.

‘When the exams are over, it may just disappear. Maybe it’s just because of test

She had been looking forward to it throughout the midterm exams.

That stain, that sound, blood that rose up at every corner.

When the exams were done, it will magically disappear.

‘It’s still the same… ’

No, it seemed it got more severe.

Now that the exam period was over the study rooms were empty.
She didn’t know where to go.

‘What should I do, what should I do…?’

The dormitory cafeteria was the next best place with the most students.

It looked like she had been sitting at the cafeteria all day, but she couldn’t even eat
the moon rabbit rice cake served as a special meal.

But when dinner is over and the cafeteria closed, where would she go?

If she went home, her parents will be worried.

Should she run away from school and go to a 24-hour cafe…

“Can I sit in front of you?”

The dark red stain and tinnitus magically disappeared.

Andain was in the clear vision.


“We haven’t been able to meet during the exam period. Let’s eat together.”

Andain was smiling with a light smile.

It was a rare smile.

Did something good happen?

Unbeknownst to herself, she felt relieved and followed Andain and smiled.

“I’m going to the central library in the central area after I eat. Would you like to go
together after we eat? Joo soo…… No, I was recommended a book by a kid I know…”


She heard a terrible word and raised her voice again.


She kept doing things she regretted to Andain.

The feeling of sinning and guilt flowed through her thoughts.

It was a rather loud voice, but fortunately, the dormitory cafeteria was busy, and the
students gathered after the exam were busy chatting and did not draw attention.

She looked around and lowered her voice.

“I’m sorry, Dain. But never… go to the central library.”

Andain blinked her eyes and nodded.

The operating hours are shorter than that of the central library, but she thought it
would be possible to use a library dedicated to first-year students or a library at the
Intellectual Center.

She changed the subject before she thought deeper.

“T-today. Would you like to watch movies all night? We can talk too. In my room or in
your room!”

“Sure. Want to come to my room?”

“Okay,………! Dain, thank you so much…”

She was able to laugh after a very long time, thinking that there would be no stains
or tinnitus at least until tomorrow.


An old school’s classroom filled with dust.

After the embarrassing entrance of the Red Phantom Thief, Yeom Jun-yeol reached
out into the air and summoned the Red Dragon.

A gap in space that appeared at Yeom Jun-yeol’s fingertips.

In the gap, the epitome of his power, the red dragon spouting flames from its mouth

However, neither hostility nor murderous intent was felt.

After experiencing a few battles, he knew that it was a bluff.

He just didn’t know the intention.

‘The level is still low. The size of the red dragon and the power of the surrounding
fire is not very high.’

The moment the red dragon took a motion to breathe fire in his direction.

Yeom Jun-yeol stopped it.

“I guess you are not a Dragon tribe.”

“Dragon tribe…?”

“There were several times the Dragon tribesmen acting as a fake Red Phantom Thief
to prevent me from finding the real Red Phantom Thief. I am a descendant of them,
so I was stopped before even beginning my attack, so I knew right away.”

Did the Dragon tribe do such stupid things behind the scenes?

Doing stuff like that is why Yeom Jun-yeol was saying he wanted to have him as his

He could probably bet a picture of Snare… a copy of Snare’s picture on the fact that
his father probably had something to do with the whole fake Red Phantom Thief

“I’m sorry that I attempted to attack you all of a sudden…… Although you seem to
have noticed that I wasn’t going to actually attack.”

“No, it’s alright. I’m sorry that I pretended to be you as well.”

“It’s okay. Thanks to that, the Illusion Gate was revealed, and Seum was able to come
to school.”

His playable character Yeom Jun-yeol was such a good guy.

Since he suffered annoyance because of him, even if he wanted to punch him, he had
nothing to say.

“Do you know why I was looking for you?”

“I heard you wanted to make me your mentor.”

Yeom Jun-yeol had a slightly surprised face but was delighted.

“Yes… will you make me your disciple?”

Seeing that reaction, he thought he must really want to make him his mentor.

It is him who nurtured the character by putting Yeom Jun-yeol in countless free
quests in the game.

He had a rough sense of how to help him grow.

Still, there was something to ask before that.

“I have conditions.”

“Yes. I’m listening!”

Yeom Jun Yeol had a face that he usually only showed when filming a CF.

His conscience hurt because it seemed like he was using that good dragon tribe
descendant, but he couldn’t think of a better way.

“May 5. Throw the first pitch at the Jamsil Baseball Stadium and watch the game
until the end. Instead, you have to keep the fact that you will be throwing the first
pitch on that day a secret.”

May 5 every year.

Children’s Day Jamsil series, one of the best box office cards in Korean professional
baseball, boasting a cumulative audience of 8 million per year, will be held.

Two rival teams who considered Jamsil Baseball Stadium as their home stadium
would play.

Joo oh Dragons.

TC Knights.

In each Children’s Day series, both teams play as the home team every other year.

If the Joo oh Dragons of the two teams become the home team, it was customary to
follow the symbol of the team and pick a dragon tribesmen to do the first pitch on
Children’s Day.

“………You are talking about the Jamsil Derby Match for Children’s Day between the
Joo oh Dragons and TC Knights? When Joo oh is the home team, the dragons do go to
the game and show off their Gwanglim and do the first pitch every two years.”

“Yeah. Switch with the dragon tribe selected as the first pitch. When the game is over
safely, I will be your teacher.”

The Red Lion Team, which was also among the top 10 teams in the world, was the
most popular team in Korea.

The same was true of the dragons behind the team.

Since the Joo oh Dragons has a dragon attached to the team’s name, they actively
attracted the dragons and Red Lion team members to be the first pitch.

“………The dragon tribe brothers and uncles hated being there, so they always snuck
out around the 4th or 5th inning. Are you really going to make me your disciple if I
do the first pitch and watch the game until the end?”

“Yeah. Don’t forget to keep it a secret until that day.”

“I will!”

Yeom Jun-yeol answered vigorously without questioning further.

He thought he would ask and question more.

As he looked silently, Yeom Jun-yeol said with a confident face.

“When we become master and disciple, I think there will be opportunities to get to
know you. Is this condition some type of test?”

In some ways it was.

He didn’t doubt that Yeom Jun-yeol will play the role well.

“May 5th will be the day you become my mentor.”

He added very useless words after the cool words.

“Please wait, Red Phantom Thief.”

His mind roughly went blank.

If he becomes Yum Jun-yeol’s mentor, he will stop him from calling him with that


Next day.

The students took a rest after the exam.

The crazy atmosphere that dominated Silver Light high school had calmed down.

Emotions were just mixed with the test results.

There was also a complaint on the general bulletin board saying that the water
temperature of the Han River was still too low to go swimming just yet.

‘It might sound like a joke, but it would be hard to because of Song Man-seok’s Han
River Cycling Team anyway.’

With a bitter smile, he read several bulletin board posts.

It was time to go to school early in the morning and spend time in the classroom.


The sound of the automatic door opening and closing was heard.

The guy who entered the classroom talked without saying hello.

“Why did you call me so early for? Is it something difficult to say through the

Hwang Ji-ho, who he was waiting for, had arrived.

Before the other kids came, he went straight to the point.

“From two weeks before the start of the midterms to yesterday. Students who have
undergone a comprehensive eye examination in our school health office and have
applied for a device replacement. Among them, students belonging to the editorial
department of the school magazine. I need a list of students who meet more than one
of these three conditions.”

The curse was triggered right after the midterms.

‘If I forcibly blocked this job, there was a possibility that I would put a curse that I
had no idea about on a kid I didn’t know.’

So even though he knew it, he had to neglect it.

There was also the reason that the students who suffered this curse deserved it.

‘It was probably difficult to overcome the temptation.’

Every student wants to get high grades on the exam.

It is natural to want to take an easier route.

Doing that sometimes they make the wrong choice.

“There was a problem between the school magazine editorial department and the
newspaper department. Does that have anything to do with it?”

“After hearing the story of Moon Sae-ron, I dug into the school magazine editorial
department, and it was indeed strange.”

Did he dig for information himself?

He felt that Hwang Ji-ho’s attitude had really changed.

It felt like he was talking to a different person than the chairman who answered with
‘what about it’ when school affairs were an absolute mess…

“I’m not sure if the people who have the editorial department backs are related to
the Choi Pyeon-deuk party.”

For him, that is probably the case.

“From the minutes of the academic affairs meeting, it is speculated that Choi Pyeon-
deuk actively supported the work promoted by the party… but they don’t have
personal ties with key people and have never gained any advantage.”

Hwang Ji-ho has lived for over 5,000 years, but it seems it was a little difficult to

It was rather difficult to understand even among the humans.

“They are ‘followers’.”

“………Ah, they had such a thing.”

All the party of Choi Pyeon-deuk, who were connected with a high-ranking person,
were caught.

Choi Pyeon-deuk was decaying in the basement of Eun Young-gwan, and the others
were thrown out of Silver Light high school after being judged by the law.

‘But it’s not over.’

If the villainy gets too much, followers will be created.

Even if they don’t get paid for anything, there are some who are satisfied just by
doing something for their idol.

Choi Pyeon-deuk had followers because he was very good at committing all kinds of
evil deeds and as a villain.

“Cho Eui-shin, perhaps the students who meet the conditions you are talking about

“Yeah. They are students who were influenced by those followers.”

“Why are those followers doing that in the editorial department?”

It had to do with the history of this Silver Light high school.

“Do you remember the reason why the Intellectual Society was established 15 years
ago? Because of the Intellectual Society, their plans were delayed and the directors
were all fired.”

“………Yeah I do. I also remember the face of the student council president who spoke
with me on a one-to-one basis.”

“The signature campaign, which was signed by all the students, didn’t work. It was
only after the student council brought the case to the media that the board of
directors were put into a corner.”

This was Hwang Ji-ho who was involved in that case.

Seeing that he eventually helped out the student council president in the end, he
must have roughly investigated the case himself.

Hwang Ji-ho did not refute.

“The followers who saw that incident thought to themselves. They wondered if it
would help them if they took control of the school’s well-known media club. That’s
why they made the school magazine editorial department 10 years ago.”

“………How does it help them by dominating a high school club?”

“It’s different if it becomes the only official media club for Korea’s top prestigious
high school. Even if you use the names of students and talk about bullshit, there is no
place to actively write contradictory articles. Also, from the outside, it looks plausible
as ‘the opinions of all students in Silver Light’.”

“Right. The media club is difficult to mess with. It is difficult for teachers or student
organizations to impose sanctions unless they are blatantly and consistently
submitting false articles. It could be seen as a type of media control.”

Hwang Ji-ho’s eyes narrowed a little.

He decided to continue to be an explainer.

“For example, let’s say 100% Choi Pyeon-deuk was found to have done something
wrong. However, if they say the students are also wrong, they could make it seem
like both sides were at fault. If the public opinion is raised in the way by seeing the
article that made it seem like both sides are at fault then things will look better for
them. Spreading a few subtle manipulated evidence can make the victims lose their
minds too.”

“……I understood why they were doing this even after Choi Pyeon Deuk has

Hwang Ji-ho, who heard him so far, seemed to have come to the same guess as him.

It seems like he was confused because he didn’t fully understand humans, but when
he threw a clue, Hwang Ji-ho immediately understood, because of his old age.

“When Choi Pyeon-deuk was active, they would have wanted to be helpful, and now
that he is gone, they would like to glorify his past. Maybe they are doing this in case
Choi Pyeon-deuk comes back as well.”

He nodded at Hwang Ji-ho’s words.

Originally, villains are good at thinking in vain.

In the game, the group of followers made a mess of things so they couldn’t easily
change their attitude now that Choi Pyeon-deuk’s party had been kicked out of the

“I got it. Do you need anything other than the list?”

“Get ready to select new teachers to be fired. And watch the pigs well.”

If the school intervenes heavily in this matter, it will fail.

It also bothered him to use the power of the tigers who had a lot of work to do.

‘If I make a mistake, Jaegal Jaegeol might notice and try to stop what I’m trying to do.’

He thought about what to do.


After school.

Today, the first quarter student representative meeting was held.

The participants in their class were Kim Yu-ri, the class president, and him, the vice-

In the case of Kim Yu-ri, she was also a member of the student council, but if there
were overlapping positions between class executives and other student
organizations, participation as a class executive is given priority.

That’s why the student council president, leadership manager, intellectual society
president, and general club president.

In principle, representatives of each student organization were elected in advance in

the second year, and in the third year, they were not allowed to serve as class

“I think the facilities are really good no matter how many times I visit the student

The hallway of the student hall in the central area he had arrived in with Kim Yuri.

In the hallway, a hologram containing the history of Silver Light and the activities of
student organizations unfolded.

“If you have any questions, just ask!”

Kim Yu-ri, who was familiar with the geography of the student hall, walked ahead of
him because she was a member of the student council, and guided him through the
student hall.

“Oh right. Eui shin! Have you read the material?”

“Yeah. Well done. Sorry for not helping.”

“No it’s okay, I didn’t say anything to you, and I did it alone anyway.”

While chatting with Kim Yuri and moving to the conference room A for the student
representative meeting, someone suddenly spoke.

“Hey, Cho Eui-shin.”

“Yoo Sang-hoon, why are you here?”

Yoo Sang-hoon was in the same class as Andain.

In the game, the class president of the first-grade class 1 was Andain, and the vice
class president was one of the illegal admitted kids.

Did Yoo Sang-hoon become the vice president?

“Were you a class executive too?”

They were in different classes and they weren’t the type to talk about how their
respective class was doing so they didn’t know.

Yoo Sang-hoon was usually less talkative unless it was about basketball.

“Yeah. I became the vice president after that one illegally admitted kid got expelled.”

Seeing the expression of reluctance, it seemed that he was forced to do it.

There were few talents who could stand next to her, not be discourage by Andain’s
spirit, and serve as the vice president.

Those who had been illegally admitted probably endured because of their pride.
And that would be why, in the game, they and Choi Pyeon Deuk tried to harass

“Ah, I don’t want to go to the student representative meeting.”

Yoo Sang-hoon was frowning.

He hated to be bothered, but did he have some other reason?


At that moment, Moon Sae-ron appeared happily and put a finger on her lips.

Moon Sae-ron was the vice president of class 2 of the 1st grade.

In the game, there was a description stating that she chose to be vice president
because she had to go to the student representative meeting to hear various rumors.

‘The class 2 class president was Joo Soo-hyuk.’

Moon Sae-ron pointed at the end of the hall with her other finger.

“………And I liked the part where the main character opens the window and says’ It’s
okay even without the sun.’”

“Oh, me too…! After that, there was also a line saying “until the moment the flowers

Joo Soo-hyuk and Andain.

Two people were pretending to be holding a book appreciation party in a corner of

the corridor and having a thing together.

Apparently, they recommended each other’s books and read them after the exam.

But how do they remember the script like that?

Did they memorize the whole book?

“………You get what I am saying right?”

Moon Sae-ron sent a signal with her eyes asking not to disturb the two.

Kim Yuri was surprised to see Andain and nodded her head with a very happy face.

‘They must have spoken very well with each other even after I left.’

When he was feeling happy for them.


Someone bumped into his shoulder.

Was it bumped on purpose?

The hallway was so wide, so why?

“Get out of the way, freshman.”

It was one of his playable characters that bumped into his shoulder.

It was the student council president, Do Wonwoo, the Wedge of Steel.

‘This is my first time seeing him in person.’

It was the character that he used on April Fool’s Day to deal with the illegally
admitted students.

A character who only acquired their skills without talent but only through hard

The leader who supported Yoo Sang-hee, a student council officer who becomes
increasingly insane after Yoo Sang-hoon’s death, hunting the demon species.

It was Do Won-woo, the president of the student council, who never graduated and
died a valiant death protecting the school until the very end like some character
from a cartoon.

‘Was his character like this originally? Why was he so rough?’

Suddenly, Do Won-woo looked at Yoo Sang-hoon next to him and suddenly had a
bright face.

“Oh, my brother-in-law also came.”

What kind of bullshit was that?

When Moon Sae-ron sparkled hearing the word, brother-in-law…


An attack on Do Won-woo’s stomach and back came at a terrifying speed with the
sound that cuts through the wind.

It was Yoo Sang-hoon who punched him from the front, and Yoo Sang-hee who struck
him from the back.

Do Won-woo not bothering to avoid the attacks, staggered after receiving both

“Hey Wonwoo, if you want to go crazy, go crazy alone. Why are you talking about
bullshit in front of your juniors?”

“Crazy bitch.”

Yoo Sang-hee, who was smiling, and Yoo Sang-hoon, who had a rotten face, matched
very well.

The timing of the attack was the same, you could tell they were siblings.

“Haha…… Ha, the beating of love from future family members does not hurt!”

What was he talking about when he looked like he was going to fall over from
extreme pain?

His playable character, the student council president of his school, was really a crazy
When the news of Yoo Sang-hee’s death was delivered.

Student council officials denied that that could not possible.

However, after checking the video sent by the newspaper students that were in
charge of communications, they shut their mouths.

One of the first graders who watched the video along with a third grade executive
fainted on the spot.

[That stupid bitch… I knew she was going to die acting like that. Why is she following
her younger brother’s path? Real bad bitch, dumb bitch.]

Oh Hye-ji, the disciplinary committee leader who didn’t have a good relationship
with Yoo Sang-hee, cried out loud.

The wounded, lying on the cold floor and resting, also curled up and wept.

Since the news of the annihilation of the Intellectual Society, only sad reports were

[If we hold on for just twenty hours, the association will provide us support. Let’s do
what we have to do.]

[Do Won-woo, you crazy son of a bitch! Sang-hee is dead, but you are asking us to
work? Do you think we can right now!]

[Rest two hours and switch with the kids on the front line. Get some rest.]

Student council president Do Won-woo calmly gave orders and stepped outside.
Student council vice president Ji Myung-soo, who followed Do Won-woo, blocked his

[Where are you going.]

At this time, it was Ji Myung-soo’s face that was shown in the game.

Do Won-woo’s expression was not visible.

[To get Sanghee.]

Ji Myung-soo couldn‘t possibly stop Do Won-woo.

Do Won-woo disappeared toward the end of the dark corridor.

After a while, he returned with Yoo Sang-hee wrapped in a curtain cloth.

This was the last scene she was mentioned in the game.

And back to the present.

“Future family? I don’t know what you’re talking about, Wonwoo. It just sounds like

Yoo Sang-hee dealt heavy damage with a friendly voice that was like the spring

Do Won-woo did not give in.

“It’s okay. Sang-hee. It’s also lovely to see you make small mistakes…”


Yoo Sang-hee punched his stomach again.

Considering Do Won-woo’s physical ability, it was something he could have easily

avoided but he just took the hit and laughed out loud being happy that she hit him.

He had an expression that desperately showed the pain while he was laughing.
He didn’t think he was acting like that because he enjoyed the pain.

That must be true love, Do Won-woo.

He didn’t know how Yoo Sang-hee felt, so he didn’t know if he should cheer him on.

“Ha, haha………! It’s okay, Sanghee. I can accept everything from you!”

Yoo Sang-hoon’s face distorted.

Was it because of Do Won-woo that he didn’t want to participate at the student

representative meeting?

“Why doesn’t he change even though he is older now?”

“………Did you guys know each other since childhood?”


Yoo Sang-hoon briefly explained his bad relationship with Do Won-woo.

Yoo Sang-hee had opened her eyes to a rare healing ability since childhood.

Yoo Sang-hee received a scholarship and attended a talent center, and she met Do
Wonwoo there.

It has been said he was like that since elementary school, but he said that the two
families got close so they weren’t able to flat out reject his approaches.

“Eui Shin, I’m really sorry. I don’t know how he got picked as student council
president… Is your shoulder okay? You should hit him once… No, hit him as much as
you want. Hard.”

“Sang-hee, if you want to hit me instead, I’ll gladly take the beating!”

“First, apologize to Eui shin. You were being filthy.”

Do Won-woo, who continued to laugh, looked at him for the first time with a serious
It was a look of him desperately not wanting to do it.

To think his playable character had this ugly of a character!

But this was the reality.

“………Sor… ry.”

It was such a quiet voice, he could barely hear it.

If he hadn’t been one of his playable characters, he wouldn’t have left it at that.

Yoo Sang-hee and Yoo Sang-hoon already did take revenge already too.

“It’s okay.”

Yoo Sang-hee smiled brightly at his answer.

“Our Eui Shin is more adultlike.”

“Our…… Eui Shin?”

Yoo Sang-hee poured oil on the fire.

Do Won-woo mumbled something, but Yoo Sang-hee seemed to have no more

intention of feeding him.

No feeding.

It was the best tactic to combat an attention seeker.

“Let’s head on in, guys. For the first graders this is their first student representative
meeting. I’ll guide you to your seats.”

Yoo Sang-hee led the first-year students to Conference Room A.

Behind Yoo Sang-hee, the loser, Do Won-woo, remained sad.

“………Hahahahaha! Ah, ahahahaha! Do Wonwoo got his ass handed to him! He was so
very wary of the Unknown Supernova. Ha ha ha ha ha!”
Do Won-woo had a face as if he wanted to die.

And the one that saw Do Won-woo like that, was the student council vice president Ji
Myung soo who couldn’t stop laughing.

Both were playable characters in the game.

This is what his playable characters really were like.

He realized the uncertainty of life.

A sense of emptiness swept in.


A Terraced conference room with 300 seats.

In the front, there was the president’s seat and the student council executive seats.

Above the president’s seat, a Silver Light flag, presumed to be handmade, was hung.

‘You guys are up the way up front.’

He sat down in his seat under Yoo Sang-hee’s guidance.

In terms of seating arrangements, class 0 of each grade was to sit in the front row,
and from class 1 to class 10 in the back seats in order.

Almost all of the students were sitting in the place where the sign was placed.

Only the second and third grade class 0 seats were empty.

‘All the other seats are full, but it’s expected of class 0s. I wanted to meet the people
from 2nd grade class 0 today too… ’

Before the meeting started, he heard conversations erupt everywhere.

“Junyeol came today……! Exciting.”

“It’s a student representative meeting after all. He is also a candidate for the next
student council president as well.”

“Majin-seung made a face that looked like a frog, but was it because of Jun-yeol… Is
he perhaps still thinking he is a rival?”

“The 3rd grade, class 0 executives aren’t here still. They always kept the meeting
time well before.”

“The entirety of 3rd grade class 0 went to feel the energy of the universe today. They
aren’t coming.”

“On April Fools’ Day, they floated a garden in the central area and talked about how
the universe was shaking and all that. They are up to that again?”

“They apparently felt the force in the central area.”

“……Are those humans crazy?”

What was the 3rd grade class 0 doing?


What were they going to do feeling something like that?

When he inadvertently looked up at the ceiling while listening to those words.

‘What, what is that!’

He found two a man and woman clinging to the ceiling in their gym uniforms in
between the ceiling lights.

The two made eye contact with him.

Desperately, they mobilized all their hand and foot gestures to signal to shut up.

‘What the hell did they want to do.’

He didn’t know what they were up to, but he didn’t want to get involved.

He tried to shut up as the two of them wished.

Unfortunately, there was an ugly man that sat at the president’s seat who stared at
him as if he were an enemy.

Following his gaze, Do Won-woo looked at the ceiling, found two people, and
narrowed his eyes.

“Come down.”

There was faint pressure in his voice.

From his slightly stiff expression, there was an atmosphere that was difficult to

‘This is the appearance of Do Won-woo, the president of the student council in the
game I remember.’

The acting crazy part must be limited to matters related to Yoo Sang-hee.

With his words, the eyes of all students turned to the ceiling, and both man and
woman sighed.

“Ah, man!”

“It’s ruined!”

He didn’t know what they were trying to do, but it looks like they gave up.

The two of them landed safely on an empty second grade class 0 desk.

Pop pop pop pop!

[2nd grade class 0 class president, Geum Chan-sol appeared!]

[2nd grade class 0 vice president, Wang Chan-sol appeared!]

The banner fell down with the sound of firecrackers popping.

It was a colorful but with childish color and design.

It was a banner of ignorant design that did not consider aesthetics at all, and only
thought about being visible.

He guessed they were stuck in the ceiling to want to appear like that.

‘…… To think they were the executives in the second grade class 0!’

When looking at the location of the banner, the class leader and the woman was
Geum Chan-Sol.

It seems that the man Wang Chan-sol was the vice president.

Although the last name was different, it was the same name.

To make matters worse they were the leaders of 2nd grade class 0, where the most
bad kids gathered.

It was a fateful combination.

“The student council president screwed up the plan, it’s only right the protagonists
appear late! Isn’t that right, Geumchan?”

“Yeah. It was going to be completely cool because we were going to appear like main
protagonists! I thought I was going to die trying to erase my presence…… Hey Wang
Chan…… This is all your fault because you forgot the invisibility item!”

“Geumchan, people forget things okay. Why are you pointing that out. But why isn’t
3rd grade class 0 taking forever to come?”

“They must be late because they are old.”

Rest assured, you guys appeared last.

Since 3rd grade class 0 was busy feeling the energy of the universe and was going to
be absent.

“Ha, we were stuck up there for an entire hour…… but it’s a failure.”

He learned how to waste an hour of his life.

The first graders were watching this situation with their mouths open, and the
second and third graders did not pay much attention to them whether if they were
already familiar with it.

“………It seems that everyone who will come has come. It’s a great support because
all of the enrolled members, except for the two third graders in class 0, attended.”

Do Won-woo stood up from the president’s seat and spoke.

“We will start the first quarter student representative meeting now.”

Do Won-woo gave a brief opening remark.

The national rite, which was conducted as a summary procedure, was finished.

‘The student representative meeting is now starting.’

The disciplinary committee leader who was picked within the disciplinary

The Intellectual chairman who gets picked by vote by students in the dormitory.

The general club president elected by the heads of each clubs.

And the student council president who was elected by an election in which all
students participated.

Among the four, the student council president was the highest person who
represented the students.

Therefore, the student council chaired the student representative meeting, and the
student council president led the student representative meeting.

‘It’s proceeding neatly.’

Leading the meeting was the chairman of the student representative meeting,
student council president Do Won-woo.

Ji Myung soo, the student council vice president, who announced the meeting order.

Yoo Sang-hee, the secretary, summarized and reported the student council activities.
All of them performed their roles perfectly and were stably conducting the student
representative meeting.


They were indeed worthy of being called his playable characters.

It was not even comparable to the disorder of the Alliance of the 12 summit.

‘……… Let’s ignore the ugly appearance the chairman had outside the conference

He thought so and focused on the meeting.

After the report of the student council was over, the details of the operation of each
class, reflection, and plans were announced.

The data summarizing the class management data delivered in advance by the class
executives in each class emerged as a giant hologram in the center and a small
hologram on each table.

There were no specifics, but there was a record that the 2nd and 3rd grade class 0s
caused multiple big and small incidents.

‘Looks like 2nd and 3rd grade will be tough.’

After the reports of the class executives was over, there was an explanation of the
schedule and progress currently being planned.

Various anniversary events performances.

Evaluating the beautification of the school environment.

Field experiences by grade, also known as field trips.

Academic festivals, thesis presentations.

Model class, model student selection ceremony.

Youth retreat.
University application workshops, etc.

‘I can see why Yoo Sang-hoon said he there was a lot of work in the student council
and told me to not join.’

There are quite a few events held every year, but even if you refer to the precedent,
your head would hurt if you have to plan all of them, make a budget, and execute

However, it was the student council that accomplished that difficult task in parallel
with studying and targeting the otherworld.

There was a description that Do Won-woo, the president of the student council, was
the first in his class every year, and that Yoo Sang-hee has never placed lower then

“Disciplinary Committee please make your announcement.”

The disciplinary committee’s report ended briefly.

The main activity of the Silver Light high school Disciplinary Committee was the
monitoring and checking of other student organizations, so the workload was low.

The Intellectual Society and general clubs were so busy managing their dormitories
and clubs, that there was no time to monitor and check them.

After the activity report of Oh Hye-ji, the disciplinary committee leader, there was a
report from the chairman of Intellectual Society, Seong Si-wan, and finally, the
president of the general club association.

‘The presentation of the general club association is the longest.’

As there were many clubs, it seemed that each clubs had a hard time adjusting the
schedule for presentations or conventions, securing a place, and distributing the

In the case of music-related clubs, there were frequent collaborations, so it was easy
to negotiate with each other, but there were many places that were not like that.

‘Go, Shogi club, chess club. Schedule adjustment agenda for each event… ’
Among the holographic subtitles and summarized information, there was a name
that caught his eye.

‘Is the Chess club adviser Yongje-geon?’

Yong Je-geon, the geezer teacher of the dragon tribe.

He knew he was a club advisor, but it was the first time he heard that he was the
advisor for chess club.

To think out of all the clubs, his main playable character was the chess club advisor.

“Eui shin?”


“You don’t look too good. Are you sick?”

“No, I’m fine.”

Kim Yuri lowered her voice and asked anxiously.

Korea is a wasteland for chess.

When he was in junior high school, he could avoid chess if he wanted, but the world
has changed.

‘You can’t leave a weakness.’

He saved the schedule of the chess tournament hosted by the chess club on his

After the Q and A session, discussion of other major agendas, suggestions, and
reading of the minutes of the meeting was completed, the student representative
meeting ended.


At the first quarter student representative meeting, he had checked the flow of
upcoming events.
He also was able to see the appearance of the main characters he wanted to see.

He also met people he had to stay in contact with.

“Why did that unknown supernova call us?”

“Although he is a first grader, class 0, famous for being quiet. Act like how you are
known for!”

“I wonder if he wants to learn from us? 10 years too early! Raise the attendance rate
first, newcomer!”

2nd grade Class 0 class president, Geum Chan-sol.

2nd grade, Class 0 vice president, Wang Chan-sol.

2nd class 0 never appeared directly in the game.

However, in the indirect description, it was said that the president and vice president
lead all the pranks.

If he wanted to move the 2nd grade class 0, he’ll have to talk to them first.

“I have something I want to ask you two.”

With his words, Geum Chan-Sol and Wang Chan-Sol began to whisper something
while facing each other.

They didn’t seem to be related by blood, but they looked oddly similar because they
had the same name.

Then he said pouting.

“We are expensive.”

“Yeah. Probably can’t buy us with just a normal amount of money. Anyway, money is
earned if we go to the otherworld and rob it.”

“We may or may not listen to it.”

It will be fine if he didn’t have the money.

It was about something that the second grade class 0 valued than money after all.

“This is about Mr. Jegal Jaegeol.”

The playable character, Jaegal Jaegeol.

Jaegal Jaegeol’s ability was expressed in the form of an extremely rare skill, words.

His player alias was Aquamarine Poet (藍玉詩人).

It was an alias that received the criticism that ‘the poet-like player’s words glow like

The rare ability and noble character of Jaegal Jaegeol caught the attention of Thoth,
the god of the ancient Egyptian mythology and higher ranking entity, personally
provided its blessing to him.

The god of knowledge, science, language, time, and the moon. The guardian angel of
libraries, the blessing that Thoth personally gave was,

[I hope your words will always be true.]

With that blessing, Jaegal Jaegeol could no longer lie, but he was reborn as a more
powerful player by being protected by the superior being.

A just and strong player.

Head of the Academic Affairs Department in charge of overall school affairs.

Such a person even served as an advisor to the newspaper department, making it

difficult to control the media in the school.

The “followers” made a plan to remove him.

They succeeded by making the student as bait, and he ended up leaving the Silver
Light high school.

However, in Silver Light high school, there were some who never tolerated his exit.

[Mr. Jaegal, why are you sick! That’s not true, right? You are pretending to be sick

[We formed a party to get a SSR-class recovery item now! Get ready to come back to

[If the SSR-class recovery item doesn’t work we will even go to Russia to get a UR-
class recovery item!]

[You just need to bring your body! We have prepared everything including socks!]

[We also brought a wheelchair and a hospital bed!]

The 2nd-grade students in class 0 left studying behind and chased after Jaegal

The appearance of the students in the 2nd-grade class 0 did not appear in the game,
but there was a depiction that the lines continue to be heard outside the darkroom of
Jaegal Jaegeol.

Jaegal Jaegeol worried that his students would stop their studies because of himself.

He shows his dying self to the second-grade class 0 students once.

The only thing that showed in the game was the back of Jaegal Jaegeol, whose shape
had changed.

Screaming and lament poured out through the door gap as he showed his

[No, it can’t be…]

[Teacher is a liar…… he said that he will teach us until we graduate……]

The body of Jaegal Jaegeol was at the level where an item could fix it.

In fact, he was pretty much dead.

Thoth, the superior being who cherished him, helped his time go by very slowly,
leaving a little time to organize the little life he had left.

The 2nd-grade class 0 students were the worst, but the strongest bad boy players.

The intelligent students met Jaegal Jaegeol in person and realize that and despaired.

‘Jaegal Jaegeol also tried to cover up for the students he saved in case they would get

Watching Jaegal Jaegeol act like that, the 2nd graders in class 0 make up their minds.

They couldn’t protect Jaegal Jaegeol, but they decided to protect the things he left

‘One of them was the newspaper department.’

2nd-grade class 0, who had nothing to lose, constantly went in between the line of
illegal and legal, destroying everything the school magazine editorial department
tried to do.

They were the same whether they were threatened or punished.

‘Even if I die, I will beat you as much as I possibly could.’

With this mindset, the 2nd-grade class 0 did their absolute best.

‘Because there was no Jaegal Jaegeol to stop them, there was no teacher to control
the 2nd-grade class 0… ’

Why did the delinquents who will remain in the history of Silver Light high school
suddenly only focus on the school magazine editorial department?

Of course, everyone else also paid attention, and the followers struggled to make a
‘They initially planned to quietly manipulate public opinion from behind, but when
things turned out like that it was counterproductive.’

After half a year of strife, the followers give up.

The newspaper department was preserved by the sacrifice of Jaegal Jaegeol and the
dedication of 2nd-grade class 0.

Until the game was over, students in the Silver Light high school did not suffer from
the mischief of the school media.

After the followers became quiet.

2nd-grade class 0 students attended school quietly.

On Teacher’s Day, and Jaegal Jaegeol’s birthday and anniversary, they just showed
him on all the holograms on the campus.

‘In the game, they left a legend behind even though they appeared only as text
dialogue or background description without CG.’

These two are leading that 2nd-grade class 0, the class president Geum Chan-sol and
the vice-president Wang Chan-sol, who appeared brilliantly at the student
representative meeting.

“Why about our teacher?”

“You were in the newspaper department. Is it related to the newspaper


“Mr. Jaegal doesn’t play with us much because of the newspaper department job.”

“Yes, let’s listen first. Tell me what it is.”

“Yeah. Tell us.”

They were definitely Plemago certified fans of Jaegal Jaegeol.

Geum Chan-Sol and Wang Chan-Sol immediately flashed their eyes and rushed in.
“Mr. Jegal Jaegeol is in danger.”

The speed at which Geum Chan-sol and Wang Chan-sol blinked and spoke got faster.

“Huh? Are you saying our teacher is doing dangerous things or getting hurt? Uh, it’s
the same isn’t it huh.”

“Our teacher Jaegal is definitely a pushover.”

“Danger? What kind of danger?”

He could feel that the two immediately felt agitated.

If you have to pick those who are insane in Silver Light high school these two will be
at the top, but their feelings for Jaegal Jaegeol were real.

“Someone who holds the lives of several students will make a deal with Mr. Jaegal
Jaegeol. If things proceed like this, Mr. Jegal Jaegeol will sacrifice himself by agreeing
to the deal.”

If someone they didn’t know came and said something like this, they’ll probably be
beaten up.

But he was a player who made a name for himself as the Unknown Supernova.

He also had a reason for trying to protect Jaegal Jaegeol since he was a part of the
newspaper department.

He was talking about his life, so even if they don’t believe it, they’ll at least try to
determine whether this was bullshit or not.

“……Why don’t you tell the school or the player association?”

“Right. Why why? The Silver Light high school teachers are strong. The player
association is also working hard these days.”

It was right to ask that.

“If this fact spreads now, the students will die. Even if we save those students, they
might catch other students and make a deal in a way I don’t know.”
He didn’t know all the names and titles of the Black Curtain.

How many people, who are intertwined and how.

So, in order to catch the culprit, it was necessary to try and make the story flow
similar to the flow in the game.

If the transaction proceeds in a way he didn’t know, it was over.

“If it’s Mr. Jaegal Jaegeol, if a student’s life was at stake, he would jump in. He is the
one who will just die if that will save the student. Mr. Jaegal Jaegeol can’t find out
about this.”

If this fact became known to the teachers, there was a high possibility that it would
fall into the ear of the criminal or Jaegal Jaegeol.

This had to be done as quietly as possible.

“Yeah. If that’s true, then Teacher Jaegal will go to die like the pushover he is. If that’s
really true!”

“……Do you have any evidence that you can show us so we can believe you?”

“How did you find out!”

It wasn’t confirmation that explained everything, but he did have a clue.

“I can’t tell you the route where I got the information, but I have something that can
prove what I am saying.”

He unfolded a hologram.

“These are the names of the hostages. Now, these students will be suffering from a
powerful curse. All of them belong to the newspaper department and the
problematic school magazine editorial department.

What he showed was a list sent by Hwang Ji-ho.

There were three categories he designated to Hwang Ji-ho in his investigation.

First, students who have undergone a comprehensive eye examination at the school

Second, students who applied for device replacement.

Third, students belonging to the school magazine editorial department.

‘I told him to try and search for students who fit into 2 or more categories.’

However, there was no student in only two cases.

There were only five students who met all three conditions.

‘Because they have committed a crime, they probably are struggling right now
because they can’t talk about it with anyone.’

The one who became friends with Andain in the dorms would suffer a little less.

Because of Andain’s “special constitution,” the effect of the curse will disappear
when you are next to her.

“………Shall we check it?”

“There is a second-year too. Let’s get them! The school magazine editorial
department has been a thorn in our sides for a while now!”

“That is a good attitude, Geum Chan. I also agree.”

Geum Chan-Sol and Wang Chan-Sol downloaded the list to their respective devices.

‘It’s done. The cooperation of the 2nd-grade class 0 is pretty much guaranteed.’

Even with a quick observation, they will quickly see that those five were going crazy.

“So, say it’s real. What can we do for you?”

“I understand that I have to hide the presence of hostages from teacher Jaegal

Probably, this proposal will be very much to 2nd-grade class 0’s liking.
“On the day I designate, please kidnap teacher Jaegal Jaegeol.”

The two were excited by the word kidnap.

The mouths of Geum Chan-sol and Wang Chan-sol gradually bend upwards.

Dozens of prank plans come to mind with that one word.

“You just need to take Mr. Jaegal Jaegeol somewhere else and play with him for a day.”


“I’ll do it!”

They haven’t even checked the kids on the list yet, but they agreed.

If this was going to happen, the list was shared for nothing.

‘Mr. Jaegal Jaegeol, I’m sorry. This is all for you.’

It wouldn’t be strange that the 2nd-grade class 0 kidnapped Jaegal Jaegeol as a


Of course, it was something the 2nd-grade class 0 naturally would do.

It would be the best distraction.


After exchanging device codes with Geum Chan-Sol and Wang Chan-Sol.

Upon returning to the dormitory room, he laid down on the sofa and turned on his

‘There is someone I need to contact through the device today… ’

The first screen that popped up was a picture of Snare sleeping while being rained
on by a cherry blossom leaf.

Seeing that it seemed like all the mental damage he received from his playable
characters today was being washed away.

‘There are a lot of messages to check.’

There were a lot of messages from guys who he hadn’t been able to talk directly to in

The first thing that caught his eye was the history of Joo Soo-hyuk’s bread shuttle

[Joo Soo-hyuk] He didn’t smoke today!

There was also Jang Nam-wook’s long nagging.

[Jang Nam-wook] Why don’t Sang-hoon and you ever check your messages. The
testing period is over now, you guys aren’t sick or anything, right? I heard that the
Silver Light high school tests are very strict. In the academy, the exams you usually
take are reflected so there is some breathing room… Be prepared like normally, so
you guys don’t get sick during the midterms next time.

A message of encouragement from Seong Si-wan also arrived.

[Seong Si-wan] At today’s student representative meeting, the materials for 1st-
grade class 0 were really well organized!

There was also Park Seung-hyun’s best regards.

[Park Seung-hyun] Beware of colds during the changing season.

While checking and answering, he saw a place where an overwhelming amount of

non-read messages were piled up.

This was a message room with the three siblings of Eunho’s descendants.

[Eun Leeho] Eui shin oppa! Today, Baekho nim and the heavenly beast fought!


It was the most shocking news among those he had heard today.
Snare fought with his playable character?

Who should he side with?

[Eun Jaeho] I think Baekho nim recently read the heavenly beast’s mind a little. Then
they fought.

He did not get what that meant.

Eun Jae-ho, the youngest, who was only 10 years old, seems to have insufficient
communication skills.

[Eun Seoho] It seems that the heavenly beast was waiting for Cho Eui-shin hyung in
front of the front gate……

[Eun Leeho] Baekho nim said, ‘Cho Eui-Shin is busy. He can’t come.’ and the heavenly
beast got mad. I guess he was really waiting for you Eui Shin oppa.

It was because of me!

True, what would possibly be wrong with Snare or his playable character?

Sides or whatever he was the sinner.

When he was feeling guilty. The youngest sent a picture.

The moment he saw the picture, he felt like he could hear the sound of his heart

‘It’s a picture of Snare pouting!’

The living room sofa where he sat every time he went to Hwang Myung-ho’s

Snare had buried his face on the sofa and wasn’t even looking at the device camera.

All of the lying postures and gazes were expressing as if saying ‘I’m upset’.

‘My heart hurts, but it’s cute…!’

When this case is over, he will play with Snare unconditionally.

He saved the photo of course.

‘Now it’s time to contact the person I was procrastinating on.’

An extra-class character that only appeared a few times at the beginning of the game.

At first, he didn’t even remember him well.

Even though in this world, he had his own strength and was one of those who strived
hard for the Silver Light high school.

If so, he kept thinking about whether there was a reason.

[Cho Eui Shin] Are you busy now?

[Hong Gyu-bin] It’s okay! Today I didn’t even work overtime^^!

Then he must have gone home.

Although he would need to get ready to work right now.

Maybe even if his reasoning was wrong, Hong Gyu-bin would lend him his strength.

[Cho Eui Shin] It’s about Mr. Jaegal Jaegeol.

How will he react?

The message was read, but there was no response for a few seconds.


[Caller: Hong Gyu-bin]

Hong Gyu-bin called right away.

‘It was weird from the beginning.’

Players Association Korea Branch Press Officer, Media Team 1 Team Leader, Hong
Gyu-bin, who was in charge of all cases related to the Silver Light high school.

He even visited the Hwangmyeong Foundation hospital and the Silver Light high
school in person when the incident broke out with the Silver Light high school.

‘Why did Hong Gyu-bin in the game have so little weight?’

Even though numerous incidents occurred in the Silver Light high school in the
game, he did not appear.

He also was familiar to him, but he couldn’t remember it well.

If that was the case, there was a high possibility that he was a character who
appeared at the beginning of the game and disappeared ‘for some reason’.

‘Another thing I felt incongruity was the title that Hong Gyu-bin used.’

His first day in this world.

Hong Gyu-bin introduced himself to Jaegal Jaegeol, giving his position and full name,
and continued to call him Teacher Jaegal.

On the contrary, the day it rained after Choi Pyeon-deuk’s birthday gift incident.

Hong Gyu-bin said hello to Ham Geun-hyung and Kim Shin-rok without any
introduction and then talked with the title “Mr.”.

‘Ham Geun-hyung and Kim Shin-rok are also good teachers. They are similar in age.
But why? Maybe there was another reason to distinguish the title.’


It was a title that was used to call those who taught students.

Some people use the word as if they simply use the title of a teacher, lecturer, or

However, there were also people who added meaning to the word.

It was Maeng Hyo-don’s words during the midterms that became the clue to this
faint sense of incongruity.

[When I was in middle school, there was no bastard that was like an actual teacher.
The only teacher at that school, the only one I could call a teacher was the math

Maeng Hyo-don said that there was only one person who could be called a “teacher”
in his middle school.

Maybe Hong Gyu-bin’s case was something similar.

The reason why he calls only Jaegal Jaegeol a teacher.

‘If I ask him personally, that question should get solved.’

Silver Light high school front gate.

A little past 9 pm.

Hong Gyu-bin was dressed in casual clothing as if he ran out while resting.

He passed through the Silver Light high school front gate very naturally and came to
him in the school.

“I guess Team leader Hong Gyu-bin nim can access Silver Light high school without a

Deputy Yoon or Staff Jeong had a school visit permit on their necks, but Hong Gyu-
bin didn’t have it.

At that time, he figured it was hidden by the coat he was wearing, so he couldn’t see

However, looking at the current situation, it seems that Hong Gyu-bin was a
registered figure in the Silver Light high school protection barrier system.

Like students or faculty.

‘The regular access permission for Silver Light high school is not easily given. Hong
Gyu-bin must be a main character for sure. Something in the game caused him to
stop running onto the scene, not appear in Silver Light high school, or quit the player

If so, what could that event be?

Obviously, it should be limited to what happened at the beginning of the game.

‘It must have happened before school started or in March or April.’

It may seem vaguely guessed, but he thought he can be sure of this only by having a
conversation with Hong Gyu-bin.

“Eui shin, it’s been a long time.”

“I didn’t know you would come all the way to school.”

He didn’t know that he would come all the way to Silver Light high school when he
said he wanted to consult about Jaegal Jaegeol.

Hong Gyu-bin smiled brightly as usual, but his expression was stiff.

“Is teacher in danger?”

He hasn’t said anything in detail yet.

Why did he react like this?

It was clear that Hong Gyu-bin had something more to him than what he knew.
“This isn’t something to be discussed at school huh? Follow me. Let’s talk in my car.”

Outside the school gate following Hong Gyu-bin.

‘It’s been a while since I came out of school at this time.’

He moved to Hong Gyu-bin’s car parked near the main entrance of the school.

The fuselage that draws smooth lines and parts made of different metals stood out.

‘It’s a player car.’

Hong Gyu-bin’s car was a player car from NK Motors, the flagship subsidiary of
Namgung Group, one of the four major groups in Korea.

Durability that were able to handle a player’s ability.

In addition, it has a beautiful design, powerful engine, and braking ability, which
makes it a dream car for the general public as well.

He didn’t know the market price because he couldn’t confirm the exact model of the
car, but he knew that it was like a small house worth of money was rolling around.

“……May I ask why you contacted me?”

Hong Gyu-bin sat in the driver’s seat and he sat in the passenger seat.

Hong Gyu-bin said that without looking at him.

He probably knew better that he was acting very strangely right now.

“The only teacher that team leader Hong Gyu-bin calls “teacher” is teacher Jaegal
Jaegeol. I thought it would be best to talk to team leader Hong Gyu-bin to quietly ask
for help from the player association regarding Mr. Jaegal Jaegeol.”

What would be Hong Gyu-bin’s answer?

If he was wrong here, he was going to wing it.

“………You are sharp. I was careful in front of the other teachers, but I guess made a

It must have been the right answer.

He thought his reasoning was correct.

“Yeah. I have the grace to repay my teacher Jaegal Jaegeol. I’m just waiting for an
opportunity to repay my debt… I guess he doesn’t like that fact so he acts coldly.
Sometimes he pretends to not know me too.”

Was that why Jaegal Jaegeol raised an iron wall against Hong Gyu-bin at the hospital?

Is it because he was trying to say ‘go your way without thinking of paying back the

He was his playable character after all.

His care for his disciples couldn’t be compared to by any other.

“I got a bit competitive, so I sent messages every day, and every time I met him, I
introduced myself from start to finish, handed out a business card, and said, Teacher
Jaegal. Hahahahaha!”

He didn’t know if he just raised the iron wall because he just didn’t like Hong Gyu-

Even at the hospital, he did bother him a lot.

“Mr. Jaegal’s serious face is fresh every time I see it. Hahaha! The last time I visited
him for the students who lost their ability, he said, ‘Who are you?’ Hahahahaha!
Hahaha… Oh, why can’t I laugh.”

Hong Gyu-bin must have been thinking the same thing as him, his face turned

He felt sorry for Hong Gyu-bin.

But he was on the side of his playable character.

Anyway, there was something he wanted to ask Hong Gyu-bin other than things like

“Why did you immediately think that Mr. Jaegal Jaegeol was in danger when you saw
my message?”

“I have the skill of ‘foresight’.”

A foresight skill?

Did he really have that rare of a skill?

Depending on the level, it would be managed at the national level.

“It’s useless because It hasn’t gone up from level 1. It’s just like a premonition.
There’s nothing special, but the accuracy seems to have increased because I was
blessed by an annoying Jin tribe.”

When Hong Gyu-bin mentioned ‘annoying Jin tribe’, his face rotted.

Probably, Jaegal Jaegeol would have similar thoughts while watching Hong Gyu-bin.

He didn’t know if Hong Gyu-bin knows the word NaeroNambul.

“Teacher Jaegal looked dangerous all year. So, I took charge of all the Silver Light high
school cases, but it doesn’t seem to have been very helpful.”

Hong Gyu-bin looked at the front gate of the Silver Light high school seen through
the windshield with a tired face.

It seems that his frequent overtime work wasn’t just because of the incidents he

It seems like he volunteered to do the job.

“And I found out that you were going to be involved in the future events for Teacher
Jaegal. The moment I saw your video sent by Player SAT-K, the foresight skill was

His foresight skill activated on him?

Was it because of that the reason that he often sent messages to him as soon as they
first saw each other?

Hong Gyu-bin was always curious about the news of Silver Light high school and
asked several times to tell him immediately if there was anything wrong.

Hong Gyu-bin seems to be a schemer just like his first impression.

He must have been preparing for this moment since before.

“Please let me know what’s going on with Teacher Jaegal Jaegeol. If there is anything
I need to do, please tell me.”

He was going to use Hong Gyu-bin anyway, so is it okay?

For him it was for his playable character, For Hong Gyu-bin it was for his savior.

Mutual aid.

Good is good.

“I will. In exchange, there are a few conditions.”

“Don’t ask about the route of information acquisition, you want to hide your identity,
it’s this type of thing right?”

Hong Gyu-bin pinpointed exactly what he would ask for.

“I tend to have a good sense. Since I’m a player in the association, I often do “stuff”
like this with other players. Do not worry about it.”

Jegal Jaegeol and Hong Gyu-bin.

He still didn’t know how two people of the same age became teacher and student
and how they became a relationship where one wanted to repay the other.

‘Still, my playable character seems to have raised the student smartly.’

After finishing the story.

Hong Gyu-bin decided to go to the association immediately to prepare.

Confirmed overtime.

Be strong, Hong Gyu-bin.

He asked him before getting out of the car.

“What would you do if Jegal Jaegeol was hurt so much that he couldn’t be a teacher

“What do you mean what would I do.”

Hong Gyu-bin answered without hesitation.

“Whether it was the association or not I would quit and everything and find a cure.”

At the beginning of the game, the reason why he didn’t come out after only briefly
showing his face was because Jaegal Jaegeol had left.

A riddle was solved, and the long day of the first quarter student representative
meeting was over.



1st grade Class 0.

Today, the number of attendees was seven.

Before the ordinance, each of the children gathered and chatted.

“I went shopping with my mom yesterday and bought this! What do you think?”

“Wow, where did you get it?”


“I want to buy something again. Would you two like to come with me?”
“Yes, let’s go!”

Kim Yuri said, showing them the new hair ornament she bought.

It was a bead hairpin in the image of a butterfly.

It is said that it was bought at a new handmade accessory store in the Silver Light

Listening to the story, it seems that the three girls in his class were going to go
together after class today.

“The Bekseolgi that came out as a special meal this morning was delicious. It was the
first time I thought that a simple white rice cake like that was so delicious.

“Uh, I just ate Bavarois. The fresh cream on top looked so delicious…”

“Why do you always eat only western food? Try the moon rabbit rice cake next time.”

Dormitory students Maeng Hyo-don and Sawol Seum.

This side was appreciating the taste of the dorm cafeteria.

Maeng Hyo-don seems to be talking about eating all the time, but it’s probably not
because of his mood.

The moon rabbit rice cake deal wasn’t over yet, so the moon rabbit rice cake was
being served daily as a special meal.

‘It is peaceful.’

There was a guy trying to break that peace.

“Cho Eui-shin, is there anything I can do? Huh?”

He hoped that Hwang Ji-ho would shut up before the other kids start listening.

He doesn’t need Hwang Ji-ho’s help this time because Hong Gyu-bin has decided to
“If you’re bored, play with Snare.”

“………It doesn’t like to play with me.”


Our Snare is so smart.

Already people… No, it knows how to pick and choose between Jin tribes.

“Actually, I’m a little busy working with my multiple clones because I’m busy with
school and group work. Moving at the same time, the load is a bit heavy.”

He guessed that Hwang Ji-ho was not all capable after all.

It seems that there was a limit to moving all the clones at once.

‘Then, it seems hard to help in the first place… If that’s the case, why did you ask?’

“Escape,” a defense mechanism that turns your eyes away from things you feel
bothered or difficult to encounter.

Hwang Ji-ho tried to start cleaning the room when he was supposed to be studying
for the exam.

The defense mechanism was also activated for the Jin tribe.

“Ha…… The result of neglect is this bitter. I want to play.”

Hwang Ji-ho seems to be busy trying to finish all the work he had left behind.

It is self-contained. Work, Chairman.

Hwang Ji-ho, who was whining, stopped with the bell ringing ahead of the ordinance.

Today’s class bell was the theme song of the world’s most famous spy.

The Acappella small group covered the song in an acapella version.

He prepared for the class while listening to the theme song for an unaccompanied
chorus that was embodied only with human voices.


Newspaper clubroom after school.

Seeing Moon Sae-ron lying on the desk without strength, it seemed like something
else had failed.

“Ah, I think 3rd-grade class 0 is crazy, really!”

“Didn’t you say you were covering the whole energy of the universe story? You said
they were doing something in the central area.”

“That’s all a big lie.”

Was it just a lie to purposefully not attend the student representative meeting?

Why would they lie like that?

“It was rumored that they had to monopolize the energy of the universe. The floating
of the garden on April Fools’ Day was all for show as well. They secretly went to
another area.”


He thought the 3rd-grade class 0 were unnecessarily smart for their own good.

Have they been planning with care since April Fools to hide that?

“The central section was a cover-up. I went around for hours in the central area.

“How crazy do you have to be to think that way…”

It seems that 3rd-grade class 0 worked hard to manipulate information to

monopolize the energy of the universe that no one coveted.

Moon Sae-ron was hooked nicely to that.

‘Then, where and what did the 3rd-grade class 0 do that day?’

As soon as he learned Hong Gyu-bin’s secret, a new mystery came up.

Although he was not really curious about the answer to this one.


After some time had passed.

The class president and vice president of class 0 in the second year.

He sent a message to both Geum Chan-Sol and Wang Chan-Sol.

[Cho Eui Shin] Please do it at end of school tomorrow.

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