Talent Agrrement Contract Claudiu Alberto Alin

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PROD. #1 PRODUCTION TITLE: GRAVE SECRETS DIRECTOR: RENT PRODUCERS: HARRY, CLAUDIU ‘TALENT RELEASE AGREEMENT ‘To Whom It Mey Concern 1 (the undersigned) heshy rant to HBC PRODUCTIONS the Fight to photograph me and record my voie, performances, ose, actions, plays ad apeaances, and use my picture, photograph, silhouette and other reproductions of my plyscal awe in ‘conection with the moson picture tentvely entitled GRAVE SECRETS (he "Picture, 1 hereby grant to ___use propucrions. ts sucesors, signs and licenses the perpetual right to wie 8 you may desir, ll ill nd motion picts and soundtrack recontings and records which you may make of me or of my voice, and thevight © we my ‘tame or likeness ino in connetion with the exhibition adversng, exploiting andr pulsing of the picture. further gran the right to reproduce in any banner whatsoever ay reconings including a insrumersal, musical or other sound effets produced by me, ia connection with he prfution andor posprodution of the Picture. 1 agice that I will aot asset of maintain aginst HC PRODUCTIONS, your successors, assigns and licensees, any claim, action, suitor demand of any Lind ornate ‘whatsoever, including but not ited to those grounded upon invasion of privacy, sights of publicity cor oter civil rights, ofr any reason in connection with your authorised se of my pysical eness| ‘nd sound inthe Picture as herein provided By my signature hee [understand tat I wil othe best of my ability, adhere tothe schedule agreed 1o pri the beginning of my engagement. Additions, I agre, to thebestof my ably, to take myself availabe should it be necesuy to eccoed my voice andor record voice-over snd lberwise perform any necessary sound work requied after the end of iin. Should I not be ble to perform sich sound work, I understand that_ HBC PRODUCTIONS, ry ent into agreement with another person to rercord my dilogue andor record voice-overs and use tis sound wotk over my picture or however they deem appropriate | urhe acknowledge and agree that any commitments beyond the scope ad intent of his release re ‘he sole responsibility ofthe above named production, or is duly appointed reresentative(s) and Nor, HBC PRODUCTIONS ‘hereby cetfy and represent that Iam over 18 years of age and have read the fregoing and filly understand the meaning and eft thereof, TALENT NAME: ee oe ruont: 0; ae O86. BAI Chodiy 24. Chelm an anal. Conn ‘GianacreR ME: 5 [, ga 45> ware 4/05/2023 pare ( (os (23 Rope [PRODUCTION TITLE: GRAVE SECRETS [DIRECTOR BENT PRODUCERS: HARRY, CLAUDIU TALENT RELEASE A ENT ‘To Whom It Mey Concern 1 (the undersigned) hereby ran to MBC PRODUCTIONS the righ to photograph mo and wo record my voice, performances, poses actions, pays ad appaances, and use my picture, photograph, silhouette and other reprodections of my physic tenes in connection with the mation picture tentatively ented GRAVE SECRETS (the "Picture, 1 hereby grant to __ MBC PRODUCTIONS, ts sucess, signs and licenses the perpetual right to use, s you may desir, all sill nd mation pices and soundtrack reorings and records which you may make of me ar of my voice, an the riht owe my ‘ame or likeness ino in comnetion with the exhibition, advertising, exploiting snr policing of the picture. [farther gran the right to reproduce in any entaner whatsoever any recoding including al nsrumenial, musical or eter sound fet produced hy me, in connection wit he production andor postproduction of the Picture 1 agree that Iwill nt assert or maintain against HBC PRODUCTIONS, your successors, assigns and licensees, any claim, action, suit or demand of any kind or nature whatsoever, including but not lite to thase grounded upon invasion of privacy, rights of pubity or oer civil rights, ofr any reason in comneton with your authorised use of my physical eness nd sound inthe Picture as herein provided. By my signature here I understand tt Iwill othe best of my silty, adhere tthe schedule agreed to prior tothe beginning of my engagement. Additions, I agro, to thebestof my sbilty, to make myself availble should it be necessary, 0 rerecoed my voice andor ecord voiceover and therwise perform any necessary sound work roquied afer the end of flming. Should I note able ta erie Such sound work, I understand that MBC PRODUCTIONS, ry enter into agreement with another peron to rersord my dialogue andr record voice-overs and use this sound work over my picture or however they deem appropriate | further acknowledge snd agree that any commitment beyond the Scope and intent his eens ae the sole responsiblity ofthe sbove named production, or is duly appointed representatives) and or. [HBC PRODUCTIONS, 1 herby cetfy and represent that I am over 18 years of age and hae read the fegoing and fully understand the meaning and effect thereof TALENTNAME: (fit [oclloa noone iy 7 EBD ruoNE: 3 I @ ot ematle flirn — 2 Com “CHARACTER NAME TALENT SIGNATURE PRODUCER SIGNATURE “ib te 2 pare f {ak by 2 paren fos /ow [rove [PRODUCTION THTLE: GRAVE SECRETS DIRECTOR: BENT PRODUCERS: HARRY, CLAUDIU TALENT RELEASE AGREEMENT ‘To Whom ItMay Concern: 1 (be undersignod) hereby rant, HBC PRODUCTIONS the Fight to photograph me and to record my voice, performances, poses, ations, plays and apexances, and use my picture photograph silbouete and other reproductions of my physic eves in ‘conection with the motion picture tematvely tiled GRAVE SECRETS, (the “Pitre 1 hereby grant to BC PRODUCTIONS, its sucesoes, assign and Veenses the perpetual ight to use at you may desir al sill and motion picts nd sountrack recordings and records which you may make of me or of my voice, and height owe my ‘ame or likeness in rin connection with the exhibition, advising, exploiting andlor publcsing of ‘he picture. I further grant he sigh to reproduce in any manner whatsoever any recorsingsiding all instrumental, musical orotber sound effets produced by me, in cnnection with he proton andor postyrodution ofthe Picture agree that Iwill nt assert or maintain against upc pRopuctions__, ‘your successors, assigns and licesees, any claim, action, suit o demand of any kind or aatre ‘whatsoever, acting bt not limited to those grounded ypon invasion of privacy, rigs of publicity ‘or otber civil rights, or for any reston in connetion with your authorised we of my physical henss and sound in tho Picture a herein provided By my sigmture here Tundestand that I wil wo thebestof my ability, adhere tothe schedule agreed 'o prior to the beginning of my engagement. Additional, I agre, to the best of my bili to make myself availabe should it be necessary, to erecord my voice andor record voice-overs and otherwise perform any ascesiary sound work required a the end of ming. Should I not be slo perf, sich sound work, I understand that HBC PRODUCTIONS. may ent fino agreement wih anther person 1 rerecord my dialogue andlor record voice-overs and use this ound work ve my Pctre or however they dem appropiate 1 farther acknowledge and agree that ny commitments beyond te scope and nt ofthe eease are the sole responsibility ofthe shove named production, or is duly appointed rersentativ(s) end Nor. HBC PRODUCTIONS 1 hereby cotify and represeat that Iam over 8 yours of age and have read the fregoing and fully understand the meaning and effet thereof: TaeNTNAME: Albedo Gabriel Gremileco ‘aponess: Me Clcen S4 PHONE Faq Fy? 92115' EMAIL: & gremticen. aloe g@grei).com ccnanacten name: C ALAS ALENT SIGNATURE PRODUCERSIGNATURE rece. pare W/o 5/23 pare 1 (os 12S

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