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Chin. Sci. Bull. (2014) 59(23):2882–2889 csb.scichina.

DOI 10.1007/s11434-014-0388-1

Article Environmental Science & Technology

Mineralization of flue gas CO2 with coproduction of valuable

magnesium carbonate by means of magnesium chloride
Heping Xie • Yufei Wang • Wei Chu •

Yang Ju

Received: 3 February 2014 / Accepted: 9 April 2014 / Published online: 14 May 2014
Ó Science China Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014

Abstract CO2 mineralization and utilization is a new Keywords CO2 mineralization and utilization 
area for reducing the CO2 emissions. By reacting with CCUS  Magnesium chloride  Electrolysis 
natural mineral or industrial waste, CO2 can be transformed Magnesium carbonate
into valuable solid carbonate (such as calcium carbonate or
magnesium carbonate) with recovery of some products
simultaneously. In this paper, a novel method was proposed 1 Introduction
to mineralize CO2 by means of magnesium chloride with
small energy consumption. In this method, magnesium The emission of CO2 by combustion of fossil fuel is con-
chloride was firstly transformed into magnesium hydroxide sidered the main cause of global warming and a great threat
by electrolysis. The formed magnesium hydroxide showed to human environment. Reducing the emissions of CO2
high reactivity to mineralize CO2. In our study, even at low becomes a worldwide event [1–5]. Currently, Carbon
concentration, CO2 can be effectively mineralized by this dioxide Capture and Storage (CCS) is considered the most
method, which makes it possible to directly mineralize flue potential method for reducing the emission of CO2. In the
gas CO2, avoiding the expensive process of CO2 capture process of CCS, industrial flue gas CO2, the concentration
and purification. Moreover, valuable products such as of which is usually 10 %–20 %, is firstly captured and
hydromagnesite and nesquehonite can be recovered by this purified. And then the pure CO2 was sequestrated by
method. Because of the wide distribution of magnesium methods of geological storage, ocean storage or mineral
chloride in nature, large-scale CO2 mineralization is carbonation.
potential by means of magnesium chloride. Currently, chemical absorption is the main method for
CO2 capture and the energy consumption for capturing per
metric ton of pure CO2 from industrial fuel gas is
H. Xie (&)  Y. Wang  W. Chu 370–510 kWh. Among the methods of CO2 storage, CO2
Center of CCUS and CO2 Mineralization and Utilization, geological storage has been heatedly studied. There are
Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China pilot-scale and full-scale CO2 sequestration sites currently
operating around the world, such as those in Texas, USA
H. Xie  Y. Wang and Erdos, China [6–10]. However, because of the high cost
Key Laboratory of Energy Engineering Safety and Mechanics on and uncertain safety problem, the wide application of CO2
Disasters, The Ministry of Education, Sichuan University, geological storage was constrained at the present stage.
Chengdu 610065, China
CO2 mineralization and utilization is a new area for
W. Chu disposal of CO2. The basic concept of CO2 mineralization
School of Chemical Engineering, Sichuan University, and utilization is using natural mineral or industrial by-
Chengdu 610065, China products to react with CO2 and transform it into valuable
solid carbonate (such as calcium carbonate and magne-
Y. Ju
State Key Laboratory of Coal Resources and Safe Mining, China sium carbonate), with coproduction of useful products
University of Mining Technology, Beijing 100083, China [11–13].

Chin. Sci. Bull. (2014) 59(23):2882–2889 2883

Nowadays, the raw materials for CO2 mineralization are However, there are few reports on CO2 mineralization via
focused on olivine, serpentine and other natural alkaline reaction with solution of magnesium chloride so far.
silicate [14–18]. The reaction between CO2 and silicate Therefore, how to mineralize CO2 with magnesium chloride
minerals can be naturally occurred in nature, but this pro- with recovery of valuable magnesium carbonate is the main
cess is too slow to be used for large-scale CO2 reduction in goal of our study. Moreover, because of the high energy
short time. A number of works have been attempted to consumption of CO2 capture and purification, the other aim of
accelerate the rate of CO2 mineralization [19–21]. Miner- our work is finding a feasible way to directly mineralize flue
alization of CO2 in high temperature and high partial gas CO2, avoiding the process of CO2 capture.
pressure of CO2 with small particle size of silicates showed In this paper, a novel method was proposed to miner-
faster reaction rate, but the high energy cost made it hard to alize flue gas CO2 by means of magnesium chloride. This
be industrially used [22]. Moreover, mixture of silica and method aims at mineralizing CO2 and recovering valuable
carbonates were obtained by these methods, but the magnesium carbonate with small energy consumption. In
application of these products was limited. this method, magnesium chloride was transformed into
Industrial by-products are other raw materials for CO2 magnesium hydroxide with recovery of hydrochloric acid
mineralization [23–26]. In comparison, industrial by-pro- by electrolysis. Then the formed magnesium hydroxide
ducts tend to be more reactive than natural silicate min- was reacted with acidic CO2, transforming CO2 into
erals. Cement kiln dust, coal fly ash, municipal solid waste magnesium bicarbonate solution. Finally, the magnesium
and steel-making slag are main industrial by-products used bicarbonate was decomposed into valuable magnesium
for CO2 mineral carbonation. Although the industrial by- carbonate. The whole process can be shown as Fig. 1.
products show an attractive reactivity, the total amount of The electrolysis cell, used for transforming magnesium
CO2 to be potentially sequestrated by industrial by-pro- chloride into magnesium hydroxide is shown in Fig. 2. The
ducts, is limited because of the relatively small production electrolysis cell was divided into two compartments by
amount of industrial by-products. anion exchange membrane. Hydrogen gas diffusion elec-
Magnesium chloride is an earth-abundant resource, trode was used as the anode to transforming H2 into H?.
which is widely distributed in sea water, salt lake, and Hydrogen gas diffusion electrode was firstly derived from
mine. The average concentration of magnesium ion in sea fuel cell, and it consisted of current collecting layer, cat-
water is about 0.13 %. The total number of CO2 emission alyst layer and carbon paper [28–30]. Nickel foil was used
in 2010 was 30.06 billion tons [27]. If 0.1 % of the mag- as cathode in this work. During electrolysis, water was
nesium chloride in the sea water was used for CO2 min- electrolyzed and transformed into hydrogen and hydroxyl
eralization and CO2 was mineralized as magnesium ions at the cathode. The magnesium ions in solution were
carbonate, 3.34 tribillion tons of CO2 could be mineralized precipitated into magnesium hydroxide via combining with
in theoretical value. It means that 0.1 % of the magnesium hydroxyl ions in solution. Because only anion was allowed
chloride in sea water can potentially mineralize as much as to pass through the anion exchange membrane, the mixture
111 years’ amount of global CO2 emissions. There are of Mg(OH)2 and H? was avoided.
abundant magnesium salts in China. The concentration of Cathode: 2H2 O þ Mg2þ þ 2e ! MgðOHÞ2 þ H2
magnesium ion in surrounding sea water is 0.13 % and the
prospective reserves of magnesium salt in 4 major saline ð2Þ
lakes are as high as several billion tons. Moreover, 33 brine Anode: H2 ! 2Hþ þ 2e ð3Þ
lakes existed in Qaidam Basin, reserving most abundant
magnesium resources in China. A possible reaction This paper studied the feasibility of CO2 mineralization
between CO2 and magnesium chloride is given in Eq. (1). by means of magnesium chloride with coproduction of
Hydromagnesite could be produced if this reaction occur- valuable magnesium carbonates. Moreover, the possibility
red. Hydromagnesite is wildly used as resistant fireproof of directly mineralizing flue gas CO2 by the method was
insulation materials, and also used as raw materials for
manufacture of high-grade glass products, such as pig-
ment, paint and chemicals. Because of the wide applica-
tion of product and the wide distribution of raw material,
large-scale CO2 is potential to be mineralized by means of
magnesium chloride.
5MgCl2 þ 4CO2 þ 10H2 O ! Mg5 ðCO3 Þ4 ðOHÞ2 4H2 O
þ 10HCl
Fig. 1 Process of CO2 mineralization by means of magnesium
ð1Þ chloride

2884 Chin. Sci. Bull. (2014) 59(23):2882–2889

chloride and magnesium chloride with different concen-

tration were used as catholyte and the change of current
density with cell voltage were tested.

2.2.2 Mineralization of CO2 at different concentration

The magnesium hydroxide, obtained by electrolysis, was

putted into a 250 mL three-necked flask and 100 mL water
was added in with agitation. The flue gas CO2 was imitated
by mixture of CO2 and N2. The mixed gas was bubbled into
the flask and reacted with magnesium hydroxide. The
mineralization reaction was conducted at room temperature
and the stirring speed was 350 r/min. The concentration of
Fig. 2 Illustration of electrolysis cell for conversion of magnesium CO2 was controlled at 20 %–100 % by adjusting the flow
chloride into magnesium hydroxide rate of N2 and CO2, 1 mL solution in flask was removed
out every 15–30 min with needle syringe during the reac-
also studied. The key factors, which influenced the tion. After filtration, the concentration of bicarbonate in
mineralizing process, such as cell voltage, the solution was tested by acid-base titration. When the con-
concentration of hydrochloric acid, CO2 partial pressure centration of bicarbonate in solution stayed constant, the
and decomposition temperature were also investigated. reaction was stopped.

2.2.3 Formation of magnesium carbonate

2 Materials and methods
The solution of magnesium bicarbonate was added into a
2.1 Materials 250 mL beaker and heated in a water bath at different
temperatures (25 °C, 80 °C) Then the solution of magne-
The magnesium chloride, sodium chloride and hydrochlo- sium bicarbonate was stirred until a large number of solid
ric acid used in the experiment were of analytical grade. was precipitated. Finally, the solid was filtered, washed and
The CO2, N2 and H2 were purchased from Dong Feng oven-dried at 60 °C.
Company (China) with the purity of 99.99 %. Hydrogen
gas diffusion electrodes, covered 1 mg/cm2 of platinum/C 2.3 Characterization and analysis of mineralization
as the catalyst, were bought from Shanghai Hesen Elec- products
trical Co., Ltd. Anion exchange membrane was bought
from China Iontech Company. The crystal properties of solid products, obtained during
the experiment, were determined by XRD. The sam-
2.2 Experimental process ple morphology was studied by scanning electron micros-
copy (SEM). The thermal stability of the products in the
2.2.1 Electrolysis of magnesium chloride solution air was analyzed by Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA).
TGA experiments were performed to characterize the
Hydrochloric acid with different concentration (0–1.6 mol/L) decomposition behavior of magnesium carbonate product.
was used as anolyte and the solution of magnesium chlo- The air was utilized as the carrier gas, with a heating rate of
ride (1 mol/L) was used as catholyte. The electrolysis was 20 °C/min in the temperature range of 25–800 °C. The
taken place with a setting current density. The concentra- sample loading was typically 20 mg.
tion change of hydrochloric acid in anolyte compartment
was measured by acid-base titration. After reaction, the
product in catholyte compartment was filtrated, washed and 3 Results and discussion
dried at 110 °C. The solid obtained was magnesium
hydroxide. 3.1 Current efficiency of electrolysis
The change of current density with cell voltage was
tested and recorded when different concentration of The current efficiency was represented by the ratio of the
hydrochloric acid was added in anolyte compartment. In amount of products actually produced to that theoretically
most cases, magnesium chloride was coexisted with calculated by Faraday’s law of electrolysis. During elec-
sodium chloride in nature. So the solutions of sodium trolysis, the concentration of hydrochloric acid in anolyte

Chin. Sci. Bull. (2014) 59(23):2882–2889 2885

Fig. 3 Dependence of current efficiency with concentration of proton Fig. 4 Change of the concentration of bicarbonate with reaction time
in anolyte compartment on stream

compartment was increasing. Figure 3 shows the depen- directly reacted with magnesium hydroxide and trans-
dence of current efficiency with concentration of proton in formed into magnesium bicarbonate. Thus, it is feasible to
anolyte compartment. In our study, the current efficiency of directly mineralize low concentration of CO2 by this
CO2 mineral carbonation reached about 98 % when con- method. But the higher the CO2 concentration was, the
centration of acid was low (about 0.1 mol/L), but the faster the mineralization rate became and the higher the
current efficiency decreased gradually with the concentra- equilibrium concentration of magnesium bicarbonate
tion increasing of acid. When the concentration of hydro- reached. When pure CO2 was used as raw material, the
chloric acid was 1.6 mol/L, the current efficiency reduced concentration of bicarbonate in solution stayed at 0.4 mol/L
to 63 %. The observations can be explained as that a part of after 100 min. But, the concentration of bicarbonate was
proton in anolyte compartment passes through the AEM 0.2 mol/L after 400 min when the initial concentration of
and goes into catholyte compartment when the acid con- CO2 was set at 20 %.
centration is high. This phenomenon is called proton This study confirmed that the magnesium hydroxide was
leakage. In order to enhance the current efficiency of CO2 reactive to directly mineralize low concentration of CO2.
mineral carbonation at high concentration of acid, the Moreover, the slurry of magnesium hydroxide was also
AEM should be revised to avoid proton leakage. used for Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) [32]. After FDG,
The leakage of proton can be avoided by improving the SO2 was transformed to soluble magnesium sulfate, so the
selectivity of anion exchange membrane. In Ref. [29], process of FGD wouldn’t influence the purity of magne-
ARA membrane from Solvay shows a high selectivity. The sium carbonates formed by CO2 mineralization.
current efficiency could be still above 75 % when the
2CO2 þ MgðOHÞ2 ! MgðHCO3 Þ2 ð4Þ
proton concentration reached 4.5 mol/L. So the perfor-
mance of anion exchange membrane has great influence on It can be shown in Fig. 4, during the reaction of
the current efficiency. Improving the selectivity of anion magnesium hydroxide and CO2, the concentration of
exchange membrane is one of the further directions of bicarbonate was slightly increased at the beginning of the
study. reaction, but decreased afterward and then it significantly
increased and stayed in certain value finally. The reason
3.2 The reactivity of magnesium hydroxide for CO2 for this phenomenon was that the solubility of
mineralization solid magnesium hydroxide in water was low, and it is in
the form of solid in water. When the concentration of
According to Jung’s study [31], CO2 can be absorbed by bicarbonate reached a certain value, the bicarbonate would
magnesium hydroxide in water (Eq. (4)) with relatively react with magnesium ion on the surface of magnesium
fast reaction rate. In our study, formed magnesium hydroxide, and magnesium carbonate was formed. Thus,
hydroxide was used to mineralize different concentration the concentration of bicarbonate in solution would be
CO2 (20 %, 50 %, 70 % and 100 %). The change of decreased in the second period. XRD results proved that
bicarbonate concentration in solution is shown in Fig. 4. It there was the formation of MgCO33H2O when the reaction
can be shown that CO2 with concentration of 20 % can be time on stream was about 30 min, while the concentration

2886 Chin. Sci. Bull. (2014) 59(23):2882–2889

Fig. 5 Results of XRD analysis before reaction and after 30 min’s


Fig. 6 XRD results of obtained products

of magnesium bicarbonates was slightly decreasing (shown
in Fig. 5). Both of magnesium carbonate and magnesium
hydroxide can react with CO2 and magnesium bicarbonate As shown in Fig. 8, the decomposition product for
was produced, so the concentration of magnesium magnesium bicarbonate solution obtained at 80 °C had
bicarbonate was increased again at the third period, until three weight loss stages in the temperature range of
the concentration of magnesium bicarbonate in solution 200–280 °C, 400–500 °C and 500–560 °C, which was
was saturated. consistent with TGA curve of hydromagnesium. The first
two stages of weight loss were due to the loss of crystal
3.3 Mineral composition and thermal stability of solid water and water molecules in hydroxide, and the weight
products loss at higher than 500 °C was due to the release of CO2
[34]. It proved that hydromagnesite also had good thermal
Different kinds of magnesium carbonate mineral can be stability in the air, and CO2 can be safely sequestrated as
obtained when the solution of magnesium bicarbonate hydromagensite.
decomposed at different temperature. Figure 6 shows the
XRD results of products. When the decomposing temperature
was 25 °C, the product was nesquehonite (MgCO33H2O). 3.4 Cell voltage and energy consumption
When the temperature of decomposition was 80 °C, the of electrolysis
product was hydromagnesite (Mg5(CO3)4(OH)24H2O). The
SEM images of solid products showed that the surface mor- Figure 9 shows the plots of current density with cell volt-
phology of nesquehonite was in shape of elongated rectan- age when different concentration of hydrochloric acid was
gular (shown in Fig. 7a), and the hydromagnesite showed the used as anolyte. The current started to be formed and redox
structure of petal (shown in Fig. 7b). reaction occurred at the voltage of 0.60–0.62 V. With the
The TGA results showed that the nesquehonite had two increase of HCl concentration in anolyte compartment, the
significant weight loss stages in the temperature range of change of current density with cell voltage became more
100–300 °C and 300–550 °C (shown in Fig. 8). This result dramatically. It was due to that the ionic strength of anolyte
was consistent with that of Rao’s study [33]. The weigh was enhanced when concentration of hydrochloric acid
loss of MgCO33H2O in the range of 100–330 °C is due to increased. Figure 10 shows the plots of current density
the loss of crystal water. In the range of 350–550 °C, with cell voltage when mixed solutions of different con-
MgCO3 was decomposed into CO2 and MgO. Therefore, centration of sodium chloride and magnesium chloride
the decomposition product of magnesium bicarbonate at were used as catholyte. It showed that when the concen-
room temperature was nequeshonite, and the MgCO33H2O tration of chloride ion in solution was unchanged, the
had good thermal stability in the air. change of concentration of sodium chloride and

Chin. Sci. Bull. (2014) 59(23):2882–2889 2887

Fig. 7 Surface morphologies of obtained products. a Decomposition product of magnesium bicarbonate at room temperature, 25 °C;
b Decomposition product of magnesium bicarbonate at 80 °C

Fig. 8 TGA results of the products obtained at different decompo- Fig. 9 Plots of current density versus cell voltage when different
sition temperatures concentration of hydrochloric acid was used as anolyte

magnesium chloride had nearly no influence on the change coproduction of 3.16 tons of nesquehonite was about 871
of current density with cell voltage. kWh. Assuming the electric price to be 0.5 RMB/kWh, the
The main energy consumption for CO2 mineralization main cost for mineralizing per tons of CO2 was 435.5
by means of magnesium chloride was the energy consumed RMB. Because the market price of main product,
for electrolysis. The energy consumption of electrolysis nesquehonite, was about 3,000 RMB/t and 3.16 tons of
was related to cell voltage and current efficiency. nesquehonite could be obtained when per ton of CO2 was
Based on the theoretical value, the minimum cell volt- mineralized, the value of product reached as much as 9,480
age required for electrolysis of magnesium chloride was RMB. Therefore, CO2 mineralization by means of mag-
only 0.38 V, and 473 kWh was required for mineralizing nesium chloride was potentially to be industrial used.
per ton of CO2. In our study, the electrolysis of magnesium
chloride was occurred at the voltage of 0.60–0.62 V. At
this voltage, the electrolysis of magnesium chloride was
occurred, but reaction rate was too slow. The reaction rate 4 Conclusions
could be increased by improving the cell voltage, results in
increasing of energy consumption. When the cell voltage Magnesium chloride is a kind of compound which is
was 0.7 V and 0.1 mol/L HCl was used as anolyte, the widely distributed and abundant on earth. This research
energy required for mineralizing per ton of CO2, reports a new alternative method for mineralizing flue gas

2888 Chin. Sci. Bull. (2014) 59(23):2882–2889


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