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decided Webb
was ready

FEBRUARY 2022 | A publication of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics |

Find your control.

The aerospace industry has the highest standard when it comes to aircraft – no errors.

Joby Aviation of California says it flew its electric

vertical takeoff and landing prototype at a true
airspeed of 205 mph (330 kph) in January.

10 16
The quiet flight revolution
Preparing for
passenger flights
Weather woes
Solutions for providing the
Joby Aviation’s air taxi emerging advanced air
We take you inside the high-stakes, low-noise competition mobility market with the
product lead discusses the
brewing among electric aircraft designers and propulsion company’s race to begin detailed weather forecasting
companies to reduce the sound profile of the coming class service in 2024. it needs.
of electric vertical takeoff and landing vehicles.
By Cat Hofacker By Keith Button
By Paul Marks

ON THE COVER: A computational fluid dynamics image of Joby’s four-passenger

air taxi design in transition between hover and high-speed cruise flight. | FEBRUARY 2022 | 1



AIAA online short courses help you stay sharp while strengthening your knowledge base.
We’re committed to assisting in your professional development and maximizing your success
year-round. AIAA is offering over 20 courses this spring featuring a variety of technical areas
including UAV aircraft design, space launch vehicle design, and space systems engineering.

Design of Experiments: Improved Experimental Methods in Aerospace Testing

Starts 18 February

UAV Aircraft Design by Dan Raymer

Starts 23 February

Fundamentals of Python Programming with Libraries for Aerospace Engineers

Starts 28 February

Trusted Artificial Intelligence

Starts 8 March

Understanding Space: An Introduction to Astronautics and Space Systems Engineering

Starts 8 March

Aircraft and Rotorcraft System Identification Engineering Methods for Manned and
UAV Applications using CIFER®
Starts 14 March

Systems Thinking for Modern Aerospace Complexity

Starts 14 March

Fundamentals of Thermal Vacuum Testing Science

Starts 22 March

Technical Writing Essentials for Engineers

Starts 29 March

Fundamentals of Data and Information Fusion for Aerospace Systems

Starts 5 April

Design of Space Launch Vehicles

Starts 11 April

Application of Thermal Vacuum Testing

Starts 12 April

Applied Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE)

Starts 26 April

Browse the course catalog to learn more

about these courses and discover additional
courses starting in May and June.

FE BR UA RY 2022,
VOL. 60, NO. 2
Keith Button
Keith has written for C4ISR Journal and Hedge Fund Alert, where he broke
Ben Iannotta news of the 2007 Bear Stearns scandal that kicked off the global credit crisis.
PAGES 9, 16
Cat Hofacker


Christine Williams Before becoming an associate professor at the University of Texas at
Austin, Moriba helped navigate the Mars Odyssey spacecraft and the
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab and worked
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS on space situational awareness issues with the U.S. Air Force Research
Keith Button, Moriba Jah, Laboratory.
Robert van der Linden, PAGE 64
Paul Marks, Frank H. Winter


Daniel L. Dumbacher PUBLISHER
Paul Marks
Rodger Williams DEPUTY PUBLISHER Paul is an award-winning journalist focused on technology, cybersecurity,
aviation and spaceflight. A regular contributor to the BBC, New Scientist
and The Economist, his current interests include eVTOL aircraft, new space
and the history of notable inventors — especially the Wright brothers.


THOR Design Studio |


Association Vision | DEPARTMENTS

LETTERS 4 Editor’s Notebook
4 8
CORRESPONDENCE 5 Letters Editor’s Notebook AeroPuzzler
Ben Iannotta, A special focus on advanced Inverted helicopter flight
7 Flight Path air mobility
8 AeroPuzzler
9 R&D 9 10
Aerospace America (ISSN 0740-722X) is published monthly 10 Q&A R&D Q&A
except in August by the American Institute of Aeronautics
Building better robotic arms Tom Prevot, air taxi product
and Astronautics Inc., at 12700 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 45 AIAA Bulletin for satellite servicing lead at Joby Aviation
200 Reston, VA 20191-5807 [703-264-7500]. Subscription
rate is 50% of dues for AIAA members (and is not deduct- 59 Career Opportunities
ible therefrom). Nonmember subscription price: U.S., $200;
foreign, $220. Single copies $20 each. Postmaster: Send
62 Looking Back
address changes and subscription orders to Aerospace
America, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics,
64 Jahniverse
62 64
at 12700 Sunrise Valley Drive, Reston, VA, 20191-5807,
Attn: A.I.A.A. Customer Service. Periodical postage Looking Back Jahniverse
paid at Reston, Virginia, and at additional mailing Submarine-launched missile, Solving the “Don’t Look Up”
offices. Copyright 2022 by the American Institute of Europa flyby and celebrating phenomenon
Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc., all rights reserved. the 10th anniversary of
The name Aerospace America is registered by the AIAA in Friendship 7
the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. | FEBRUARY 2022 | 3


Advanced air mobility

for regular people
ur special focus on advanced air mobility in this issue exemplifies how we plan to take readers along with us to the cutting edge
of understanding of this topic. We’ll continue to cover the technology associated with the airframes and propulsion, as we do in
our cover story about quiet fl ight (p. 24), but we’ll also look beyond such traditional technical topics for a very good reason.
A host of problems beyond the airframe must be solved if the leaders in this field are to revolutionize local transportation for regular
people, rather than for a clique of wealthy people, as is the case for now with space transportation. I don’t know about you, but I’m tired
of hearing that the rich must inevitably lead the way, for what will seem like an eternity, in any consumer innovation.
My theory is that the faster lots of these aircraft get airborne safely, the faster prices will come down to something regular people can afford.
One issue blocking the way at the moment is inadequate weather forecasting. These electric aircraft must fly at relatively low altitudes,
and for that reason their operators are going to need uniquely granular real-time weather data and forecasts so they’re not surprised by
conditions along the routes. The feature “Weather woes” (p. 16) tells you about that problem and the possible solutions.
Our Q&A with Joby Aviation’s Tom Prevot (p. 10) demonstrates that the California company is thinking big about how to serve lots of cus-
tomers, and soon. Prevot’s job is to lead the company through the fine points of rolling out its service in 2024, right down to how the consum-
er app will work and the basic pricing. We often hear that the “business case” can’t be closed until autonomous flight or remote piloting of
multiple aircraft is achieved, but here comes Joby looking to make a go of it in 2024 beginning with its piloted, four-passenger aircraft.
Of course, along the way in this revolution you’re going to need specific information presented in an interesting way. So we created a
map graphic (p. 30) that shows you which among the leading companies is flying prototypes and where.
We have more ideas brewing ahead for this beat, which is among the most important for this magazine.

Ben Iannotta, editor-in-chief,

4 | FEBRUARY 2022 |


Banishing fear from

NASA’s vocabulary
s the launch of the James Webb Telescope nears, the November 2021
issue you devoted to the mission shows how much has changed in the
years since Apollo. We began the adventure into space with the vision
of President John Kennedy who urged us on with a drive to do things “not
because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve
to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that chal-
lenge is one that we are willing to accept ... ” These are not words of caution and
timidity. Yet your excellent graphic of the Webb mission has “A fortnight of
fear...” as its headline. If the mission team is gripped by fear over this mission,
how will they react when we send humans back to the moon and beyond? Should
the team be alert, a bit nervous and intently watching to ensure mission success
— sure! But fear has no place in this venture — or at least it should not. Let’s
restore the NASA culture of preparation, agile thinking and resolve and banish
fear from the mix.

Let us Send letters of about 250 words to

hear Letters
may be edited for length and clarity
Gary O’Neill
Editor's note: Our headline was not meant to be
from you and may be published in any medium.
AIAA senior member
a judgment about any specific group's mindset.
Marietta, Georgia


Learn from the person who literally wrote the book
on aircraft design! This new course, instructed by
Daniel Raymer, author of the best-selling AIAA
textbook Aircraft Design: A Conceptual Approach,
will review the conceptual design, development, and
operation of unmanned/uninhabited air vehicles.

i 22–24 February and 1–3 March 2022
i 1200–1600 hrs Eastern Time USA
i 6 Classes, 24 Total Hours
i Classes will not be recorded
i Cost: $1,495 USD Members
$995 USD Student Members
$1,795 USD Nonmembers


– 1 AP
IL 2002
22 | LAU
S ecrret/N

The AIAA DEFENSE Forum is focused on aerospace
technologies and their applications in national
security. The 2022 forum will explore how the
science and technology community can advance
research and development to rapidly provide
operationally relevant capabilities to the warfighter.



2022: Celebrating and
Anticipating the New Year
Happy New Year!

was thrilled to ring in the new year in a familiar fashion—at the able to equalize access to technical information across geographies,
2022 AIAA SciTech Forum in San Diego in January. It’s been helping the best ideas to flourish.
two long years since so many of us have come together in person. The outlook on innovation for the year includes progress in the
It was worth the wait to feel the energy exchanged among col- three AIAA Domains. A big thanks to our new Domain leads—Ming
leagues and friends during fi ve days of programming, both in Chang for Aeronautics, Scott Fouse for Aerospace R&D, Julie Van
person and online. Kleeck for Space—who shared their vision last month in this column.
AIAA SciTech Forum is said to set the tone for the year. Based I strongly believe the Domain approach will open new doors for AIAA
on my experience, I’d say this year’s tone is energized and optimis- to pursue at this time, propelling the Institute to do what it does
tic! The forum theme was about sustainability, and I believe our best—convening, publishing, educating, advocating, and connect-
community is certainly sustaining itself—and by the nature of our ing the content from the technical disciplines within each Domain.
work, we also are stretching ourselves and expanding our industry Student engagement is vital to AIAA all year long. It was one of
beyond the status quo. We are enabling sustainable systems for use the highlights of the forum for me. I especially enjoyed the Inter-
in air and space. We are fostering a sustainable workforce. We are national Student Conference, which showcased the first-place
advancing an environmentally sustainable aerospace future. The winners from each of the 2021 AIAA Regional Student Conferences.
work of our community fuels the collective human drive to explore, These students presented their winning papers in front of a panel
create, and be a part of something bigger than ourselves—and that of AIAA member judges. If you missed it, you can read their papers
was on display in San Diego. in the forum proceedings.
During the forum, a huge amount of research, innovation, and After meeting the AIAA Diversity Scholars and attending the
progress was shared. By the numbers, AIAA hosted over 5,000 at- Rising Leaders in Aerospace special programming at the forum, I
tendees: >3,000 people in person in San Diego and >2,000 people am even more encouraged by the next generation of aerospace
virtually. The number of students topped 1,900—a new record, in- professionals. We must continue to involve them and challenge
cluding more than 600 on-site! Thousands of papers were presented them on their career journeys. One of the immediate steps we can
on a myriad of technical topics. As I opened the forum, I claimed take is serving as a mentor through the AIAA Mentor Match program.
that the aerospace industry is not letting the hybrid world slow down I have been personally enriched through my experience as a men-
our innovation, connection, and technical exchange. The five-day tor and I challenge each of you to fi nd a way to participate. If you
forum program proved me right! AIAA members showed the aero- have any questions about becoming a mentor, I would love to talk
space community how we can move forward this year at the pace to you about it.
technology advancement demands. AIAA is dedicated to recognizing and celebrating aerospace
We are all concerned about large in-person gatherings during ingenuity, collaboration, and diversity as we began this year by
the challenging and changing conditions of the global pandemic. inducting the Class of 2022 AIAA Associate Fellows. These 133 AIAA
Many members were unable to travel for a variety of reasons, which members have distinguished themselves through important con-
is totally understandable. What I witnessed during the week was tributions to aerospace engineering and science. Congratulations
incredible attention to the health and safety of everyone involved. to those recognized as true leaders in our profession. Their induction
AIAA has built on last year’s in-person experiences to use the best ceremony during the forum is further evidence our community
practices we’ve learned at the 2021 AIAA DEFENSE Forum and 2021 continues to inspire innovation and drive technological progress.
ASCEND. I believe we must continue striving to hold in-person As we anticipate the rest of 2022, please join me in celebrating
events safely so we can make the most of networking, mentoring, where we are now and participate in activities all year long that
and robust dialogue. These connections are vital to our social fabric. enrich your AIAA membership. I hope to see many of you in person
Meanwhile, AIAA is pushing the use of technology to deliver com- or online soon.
pelling events online. This hybrid approach benefits all attendees Basil Hassan
and helps AIAA reach even more people in our community. We are AIAA President | FEBRUARY 2022 | 7

Do you have a puzzler to suggest? Email us at

How long can

a helicopter


asked you if a flying car could take off
Q: You’re editing a screenplay, and your job on a treadmill.
is to make sure the film isn’t bashed by WINNER: The answer is “Yes” if the
technical experts. Would you make any treadmill is long enough. The airplane’s
wings only care about airspeed relative to
changes to the following and why? “The
the wings. The airplane will move down the
rescue helicopter suddenly lurches to an treadmill until its airspeed is high enough to achieve lift greater than or equal
inverted position, causing the U.S. president to its weight and then it takes off. Because it is a windless day, the airplane’s
and assembled brass in the Situation Room speed relative to the ground under the treadmill’s base will determine the
airspeed. The wheels will be turning at a much greater rate than they would
to gasp in fear that it might not reach the on a stationary runway because the treadmill belt is going the other way, but
stranded SEAL team, but luckily, it is a coaxial the required airspeed will be reached. The driver should be wondering not
design that easily keeps flying upside down whether the propellers have the “extra speed required” but instead, whether
while the code gurus in mission control iron the propellers are generating the amount of thrust required to overcome air
resistance and rolling resistance. It is true that the rolling resistance will be
out the autonomous control snafu. Everyone marginally higher given the higher rotational rate of the wheels, but this is a
sighs in relief a few minutes later when the negligible increase over the air resistance plus the rolling resistance normally
aircraft is righted.” encountered on a stationary runway. The underlying assumption is that this
particular flying car could successfully take off from a stationary runway with
some margin of excess thrust.

Your challenge is to answer the above in Douglas Dobbin, AIAA senior member
El Paso, Texas
a maximum of 250 words that someone
in any field could understand. Email
Dobbin performs trajectory and risk analyses at White Sands Missile Range,
your response by noon Eastern Feb. 15 New Mexico, and is a graduate student studying fi xed-wing airplane design in
to for a chance the Aerospace Systems Design Laboratory at Georgia Tech.
to have it published in the next issue.

For a head start ... find the AeroPuzzler online on the first of each month at and on Twitter @AeroAmMag.

8 | FEBRUARY 2022 |


Mission: Humanlike
dexterity in space

atellite servicing is a hot topic in the space industry, but as a tumbling or spinning satellite as your target. That’s even trick-
far as the public record shows, no one yet has mastered the ier.
science of robotically fi xing or refueling multi million-dol- Grabbing the satellite might be necessary for more compli-
lar spacecraft. One piece of unsettled business is the need to cated repairs, but then there’s the concern that the robot might
compare the diffi culty of grappling a satellite to the option of damage an exterior surface or just miss the mark and push the
coasting alongside and touching only the component that needs satellite out of orbit, losing it forever.
fi xing or refueling. So, researchers plan to try versions of the “key in the lock”
Testing the non-grapple method requires creating a robotic repair scenario in labs at Carnegie Mellon, Northrop Grumman
arm with incredible dexterity. That’s one of the challenges that a in Virginia, and — potentially — the University of New Mexico.
university and industry team led by Carnegie Mellon University Each will mount a simulated satellite face to a robotic arm pro-
in Pittsburgh will take up starting in March under a fi ve-year, $5 grammed to simulate the weightlessness of space by offering only
million grant from the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory. slight resistance when pushed, for instance. Versions of robot
Howie Choset, the Carnegie Mellon robotics professor leading arms will then try to repair the satellite faces. Meanwhile, Texas
the team, has set a big goal for the technology: refueling the James A&M researchers will work on the satellite-grabbing scenario.
Webb Space Telescope should NASA decide to do so. Choset thinks Northrop Grumman has shown great interest in satellite ser-
the technology could be ready in 10 years, but NASA now estimates vicing. A spacecraft it’s developing, the Mission Robotic Vehicle,
that Webb will have a propellant life of twice that following a targeted for launch in 2024, will be equipped with robotic arms
highly accurate Ariane 5 orbital insertion and two midcourse from the U.S. Naval Research Lab and DARPA. MRV will be similar
correction maneuvers. to the company’s existing Mission Extension Vehicle-1 and 2 space-
First, though, Choset and his team will examine two scenar- craft, currently attached to two geosynchronous satellites for
ios: Catching up to a satellite to grab it versus fl ying alongside and propulsion and pointing control, Northrop Grumman says. The
having a robot arm reach out and work on it. One of their goals is difference will be that the MRVs will have arms instead of the
figuring out which scenario is more difficult. docking mechanisms on the MEVs that attach to each spacecraft’s
Both are tricky. Flying alongside might work best for simpler liquid apogee engine.
tasks, such as inserting a new navigation system into a defunct On the AFRL project, Northrop Grumman and the other par-
satellite, a maneuver akin in terms of precision to a person in- ticipants ultimately want to design arms with the dexterity to
serting a key into a lock. We humans sometimes take our dexter- build structures in space. Components could be packed into
ity for granted, but that’s an act of “insane” precision involving smaller launch vehicles, and elaborate folding and unfolding
our senses and muscles, Choset says. Now, imagine the task with wouldn’t be necessary, Choset says. | FEBRUARY 2022 | 9


Credit: David Becker

Positions: Since January
2021, air taxi product
lead at Joby, in charge of
developing Joby’s planned
air taxi service, including
the smartphone app
through which passengers
would book rides. Director
of airspace systems at
Uber Elevate, 2017-2021,
where he led development
of the cloud services and
simulation tools for Uber’s
planned air taxi service,
sold to Joby in late 2020.
Held a variety of positions
at NASA's Ames Research
Center in California 1996-
2017, including head of the
Airspace Operations Lab
that evaluates how future
mobility concepts, including
drones and air taxis, would
fit into the national airspace.
Technical officer in the
German Air Force, 1985-

Notable: Came to the U.S.

in 1996 after receiving
a postdoctoral research
scholarship from the
National Research Council.
At NASA Ames, invented
the MACS (Multi-Aircraft
Control System) software
that simulates air traffic
situations, including
inclement weather and

simultaneous remote piloting
of multiple drones. Recipient
of two NASA Software
of the Year awards: the
first in 2017 for the TSAS
(Terminal Sequencing and
Spacing) software for air
traffic control; the second
in 2019 for the UAS Traffic
Management Services

Air taxi trailblazer


Age: 56

Resides: San Jose, California

n one way or another, Tom Prevot has been preparing for the emerging advanced air mobility
market his entire career. After nearly 20 years at NASA simulating how the U.S. airspace could
Education: Diploma
accommodate new aircraft designs, plus four years at Uber’s AAM division Elevate, the dual (equivalent to a combined
German-U.S. citizen is now helping bring electric vertical takeoff and landing aircraft, eVTOLs, bachelor's and master's
to market as air taxi product lead at Joby Aviation. The California company that purchased Uber degree) and Ph.D., both
Elevate in 2020 wants to be the first to ferry passengers around U.S. cities, starting in 2024. Along with in aeronautical and
astronautical engineering,
earning FAA certification, Joby’s ambitious goal requires developing flight routes and building an in-
from Munich University of
tuitive smartphone app through which passengers would book rides. I led an Aerospace America and the German Armed Forces, in
audience Q&A with Prevot at AIAA’s SciTech Forum in January. We met in “the HUB,” an event area of 1990 and 1995.
the exhibit hall at each forum. I’ve condensed and edited the discussion for print. — Cat Hofacker

10 | FEBRUARY 2022 |

Hofacker: Just this morning before our interview, Joby anounced FAA ap-
proval to begin test flights with a second S4 prototype. What does this mean
for the 2024 target?
A: What it means is we can fly more, we can produce more data, we can support
our certification efforts more than we used to with just one aircraft. We’re all about

Hofacker: There’s certainly high hopes for the advanced air mobility market,
with projections of billions of dollars by 2030. How big do you think this
market has the potential to be?
A: I’m not going to make any number projections or anything; I don’t have my crys-
“In order to serve
tal ball with me to do it. But other people have done that. Just like you said, there
are different models out there. People are talking about billions of dollars in the as many people as
mid-2030s. I think there’s a huge demand for people to relieve some of the con-
gestion in cities, to get towards much more sustainable means of transportation
than what we have today, and so we think there’s a huge opportunity to meet that
possible and meet
demand with aircraft that are quieter, that are zero emissions while we operate
their needs, we
Hofacker: In investor materials, Joby has described 300 aircraft flying about feel like it’s much
20 routes a day in Los Angeles alone, so that gives us a sense of the scale.
A: The Joby vision of saving a billion people an hour a day will require lots of aircraft
and lots of operations, and we do believe that the demand is there. Obviously,
better to have a
that’s not where we’re going to start. We’re going to start with a few flights, oper-
ate them in the current environment so that people can really experience the
flexible service,
difference between aircraft like ours and what you would use today to do these
flights, like a helicopter, how much quieter it is. It also gives the communities just on-demand
the first sense of what these aircraft are, and then we do believe that’s going to
even increase the demand for it from the models that we’ve seen. There was a lot
of demand modeling done, including back at Uber, that is promising.
service than a
Hofacker: I’ve noticed that among AAM companies there tend to be two scheduled service
buckets: those that want to be first to market, like Joby, and those that want
to wait for the market to mature. Why does Joby think the first category is that runs the
the right strategy?
A: I believe there’s not going to be a second category without the first one. It’s an
opportunity for us also to kind of be the pathfinder, to make sure this market is
same every day.”
going to happen at all and then to get the aircraft out there. If nobody took the
step of leading the way into the market, we probably wouldn’t get anywhere. Think
about where would be the electric car market without Tesla. Where would
ride-sharing be without Uber? We want to make this market real; somebody has
to lead the way, and I feel like we are in the best position to do that because our
aircraft is getting ready.

Hofacker: Uber has such great brand awareness that people say, “I’m going
to Uber.” Is that what Joby wants — for us to one day say, “I’m going to
A: Well, I wouldn’t mind. Sounds pretty good.

Hofacker: I can imagine a scenario where I’m late for my air taxi ride because
I have to take an elevator up to a rooftop vertiport. How are you thinking
about those logistic challenges?
A: That’s a very good question and that’s a key component that we’re right now
digging into. We do have a specific product manager for our passengers and
riders, and some of us bring the experience from Uber with us. At Uber, we ran a
very similar pilot in New York City, where we had cars pick people up in downtown
Manhattan, we pooled several people together to a heliport, flew them over to | FEBRUARY 2022 | 11

Joby Aviation of California estimates it will need
to build 300 of its four-passenger electric vertical
takeoff and landing aircraft to ferry customers
around Los Angeles for its on-demand air taxi
service. LA is one of a handful of U.S. cities
where Joby plans to begin air taxi flights in 2024.

Joby Aviation

12 | FEBRUARY 2022 |

JFK International Airport, and then had other cars pick
them up on the other end too. And some of the first
things that you learn are that you’ve got to deal with
all the things that can go wrong. Predicting arrival times
in downtown Manhattan is difficult with cars, so you
got to build in the right buffers, the right trade-offs
between not waiting long for your helicopter, but just
long enough so that you can have a little bit of extra
buffer in there. Then the wayfinding along the way is
also something that’s extremely important, so you’ve
got to design the app right, that at the right time you
get the right context — “Go here, go there, go there,
go to this location” — so that you can find your next
leg of the trip. This part of the passenger experience
is a very critical element that we see and are working
on today to try to get right.

Hofacker: Give us a general sense of the app — is

it going to be similar to Uber’s, I plug in my location
and push a button to book my ride?
A: It will be similar. You will be able to book the entire
trip through either the Uber app or the Joby app. But
you can imagine the Joby app is a little more avia-
tion-focused and a little more leaning into the aircraft
and that experience, given that people are probably
more coming from that direction. Both will give you
the options to book the entire flight. That’s at least
how we lay it out. And both of them should be, the Joby
app as well, simple to navigate. And we do a lot of
product testing along the way. We don’t have to wait
for our aircraft to be certified to do this. We can work
with traditional aircraft today and kind of get into this
passenger and rider experience and build out the
product flow. And we do have an initial app that we
use internally.

Hofacker: Why did Joby decide to go with on-demand

services versus scheduled flights?
A: Looking at the Uber trip data initially and how
people travel around the cities, it basically tells you
that there are certain patterns, but there’s also many
different elements that come into play that help
people decide what they want to do at any given time
and when. If there’s a big football game somewhere,
people have a different travel pattern than if there’s
a vacation timeline. So in order to serve as many
people as possible and meet their needs, we feel like
it’s much better to have a flexible service, on-demand
service than a scheduled service that runs the same
every day. We want to utilize our aircraft in the most
efficient way. That way we can have as many people
on board to keep the prices at a reasonable level. So
it feels like the on-demand model is a lot akin to what
people do in the city urban air taxi use cases. I mean,
who orders a taxi every day at the same time? | FEBRUARY 2022 | 13

Hofacker: How do you think that calculus might because you expect noise is a make-or-break
change as you move out into rural areas or longer element for AAM?
trips rather than just short inner-city hops? A: I do think so. The Joby aircraft has been designed
A: One of the first things is you’re going to be able to from the very beginning, literally, with noise in mind.
connect more areas into the cities, right? I think that The advantage of distributed electric propulsion that
there’s been some statistics done way back that show you have is you can control multiple props on the aircraft
traditionally, people live about 30 minutes from where at very different speeds. You don’t have these high tip
they work and that is independent of the means of speeds that you have with helicopters, for example. So
transportation. So when all you had was to walk, you it’s very much designed around this noise profile, and
would live much, much closer to the city than if you the measurements that we’re taking are proving that
could drive or if you had some other form of transit. is working out. But I feel like that’s probably one of the
So perhaps with having an aircraft that allows you to biggest make or breaks. I mean, when I’m at home and
get there even faster, people might be able to spread I hear certain aircraft at night, it’s disturbing.
out even more and then you might be able to connect
those communities that are sort of underserved today Hofacker: I’ve always wondered how likely it is
with these aircraft into the larger picture as well. that people on the ground would hear the aircraft
overhead, especially in the middle of a busy city
Hofacker: Since the covid pandemic, we all feel a where there are buses and cars passing by.
little differently now about being in close quarters. A: It’s very unlikely. Noise profile is going to fit in and
Is Joby still confident in the ride-sharing model? the sound level is probably less than the cars you hear.
A: We can try and keep things very, very safe, and we
will keep things very safe. We control who gets on the
Turn to p. 24 for more on the quests of Joby and other
aircraft. We can screen folks. It’s still a small aircraft; advanced air mobility operators to achieve near-silent
there’s a maximum of four passengers, so it’s a much flight
more controlled environment, I would say, than if you
go into a larger airliner in some sense. But still, we
can take the appropriate safety measures so that Audience member 1: What would you see as the
people feel comfortable boarding the aircraft. It looks potential obstacles in terms of getting the certi-
like ride-sharing also is coming back. We will have to fication with the FAA?
establish the trust that we need from our passengers, A: We have the certification basis that we’ve
but I think that we will, and I feel like it’s a pretty agreed upon with the FAA through the G-1. There’s
decent model still for people to travel around. I’m definitely a lot of additional steps on the matters of
hopeful it’ll stay that way. compliance that have to be taken, but I feel like it
is at the execution level right now, where we know
Hofacker: That gets to this larger idea of public what we have to do. It’s going to be a lot of work,
acceptance. How is Joby thinking about introduc- but that’s one of our main priorities to do that. I
ing the public to this? can’t really point to any single main obstacle that I
A: One of the things that’s important is experiencing would see right now.
the aircraft, and we’ve already published a few ele-
ments where you can see the aircraft fly, you can hear Audience member 2: For me and for a lot of my
the aircraft noise compared to other aircraft in flyovers. friends who are also women, personal safety is a
None of this is a real replacement of actually seeing big issue when it comes to taking a taxi or an Uber.
it and I’m sure, in the very near future, we will also be With air taxis, you won’t have the option to say,
flying where it might be a little more accessible to the “Pull over, let me out here.” So what steps are you
public. And then over time, we want to really have going to take?
people understand that this is different from what you A: The first thing is that we are only going to be using
typically see. It’s not very noisy; even during takeoff commercial pilots, highly trained pilots. They will have
and landing, you’ll barely hear it when it’s above you. undergone vast safety checks, background checks
It’s got to be friendly. This idea didn’t get much trac- and everything you need to do there. So I would say,
tion in the company, but I always felt like maybe you not quite the same amount of people who could be in
could have some communities design their own aircraft; charge of your vehicle compared to an Uber. We’re
take some ownership, get it really nicely integrated also going to do a reasonable amount of safety checks
into your daily life, essentially. on the passengers. I don’t know exactly what the
details are going to be, but we’re going to figure out
Hofacker: You mention noise, but I’ve noticed that what the right level of checks is. Certainly things like
Joby and other AAM companies are pretty secre- checking against the No Fly List, other things are on
tive on how that quiet flight is achieved. Is that the table. It’s questionable if you want to go to a

14 | FEBRUARY 2022 |

The audience at the
AIAA SciTech Forum in San
Diego had a lot of questions
for Joby Aviation’s Tom
Prevot during his Q&A with
Aerospace America’s Cat

David Becker

TSA-level check there, but we’ll do whatever we can radars, and detect-and-avoid equipment. It will also
to keep people safe. then require the large separation standards that
you need between aircraft, and so there has to be
Audience member 3: Do you have any estimates some more work to be done in really figuring out
on how much weather will affect your ability to how can we take out the pilots safely and maintain
operate? a higher throughput and what’s going to replace the
A: Initially, more than we hope than at later stages. pilot’s decision making and eyeballs in the aircraft.
When we’re going to start operating, we’re going to Maybe some of the small UASs can lead the way
be primarily operating in visual conditions and nicer with some of the technologies that are being de-
weather. It is a new aircraft, so you kind of have to feel veloped there. We definitely want to get to auton-
your way into it a little more. It’s also a question then omous flights eventually, but it would be a pretty
of, again, acceptability. For people who’ve flown the high risk to try to do that from the get-go.
smaller aircraft in really bad weather, that’s not very
comfortable initially. We will follow up our initial cer- Audience member 5: Two questions: The first one
tification with an IFR [instrument flight rules] as well, is on the cost model, and the second is about the
so that if we get into a situation, we could continue to safety of the aircraft itself. For example, FAA
fly where weather gets bad. But we’re probably going certified the 737 MAX, but you had these crashes.
to be very conservative, initially, to stay out of difficult Can you talk about the safety measures taken?
weather situations and then build up that capability A: The goal is to start operating about at a similar price
over time. point as you would pay for an Uber Black and then
get it down over time to an Uber X-type price for the
aircraft. According to our models, that’s seems fea-
Read more about weather solutions for this new breed of
aircraft on p. 16 sible and economical. On the safety, there’s a number
of different things that we do. First of all, there’s a lot
of redundancy on the aircraft. There are independent
Audience member 4: What are the biggest obsta- battery packs. Each one of the rotors is being driven
cles and even the biggest opportunities in moving by two independent batteries so if one of the rotors
from piloted aircraft to autonomous flying? go out, one on the opposite side would be turned off
A: There’s a number of elements. The main thing is and we can still continue to fly, we can still continue
having the pilot on board, the pilot can do the see- to go vertical. There’s a lot of redundancy that’s built
and-avoid tasks. One of the primary tasks of the in. So those are the two main concerns with safety
pilot is they look out for the aircraft, they look out and noise on the vehicle. There’s more information
during takeoff and landing, depending on what the on the details also on our website. You can look at
minima are. We kind of know what the regulations some of the diagrams of the aircraft, how that is being
are if you do that for the larger airspace and larger built in. We are trying to get to a similar level of
UASs, and it requires a lot of additional equipment, safety as air carriers. | FEBRUARY 2022 | 15

16 | FEBRUARY 2022 |
Safely moving cargo and
passengers among buildings and
just over treetops will require
unique weather information.
Keith Button looks at ideas for
collecting and delivering the
required forecasts and real-ttime
knowledg ge of conditions.

he helicopter crash that killed basketball great Kobe Bryant

and eight others was a tragic example of the dangers of flying
at low altitudes, which is exactly the regime where legions of
electric rotorcraft might one day carry us to work or to the
airport or to an evening out under the coming advanced air
mobility revolution. In the Bryant case, the pilot of the Sikorsky
S-76B pressed on rather than turning around when he en-
countered fog, became disoriented and flew into a hill.
Today’s helicopter pilots make such life-and-death decisions, in-
cluding whether to take off in the fi rst place, based largely on their own
observations. That decision-making process won’t be possible in a future
with hundreds or thousands of remotely piloted or autonomous AAM
passenger and cargo aircraft sharing tight fl ight corridors.
NASA’s Nancy Mendonca, the agency’s deputy for its AAM research
efforts, flew H-46 helicopters for the U.S. Navy from 1989 to 2000. The
meteorology reports she received were very broad — typically covering
an area as large as half the Atlantic Ocean. “You’re really limited to the
weather you can see out the window.”
TruWeather Solutions CEO Don Berchoff describes the situation in
even franker terms: “If you look at the helicopter industry, they’re the
bastard child. They’ve never been given the type of weather tools or
sensing that they need. And that’s why there’s such a high accident rate.”
The scarcity of granular weather data and forecasts for low-altitude
fl ights is no accident. Flights of fi xed-wing airliners have historically
far outnumbered flights of helicopters and other low-altitude passenger
aircraft, and those jets cruise altitudes at tens of thousands of feet,
which puts them above the worst weather. Their greatest risk of encoun-
tering dangerous weather is closer to the ground, during ascent and
descent, and for that reason the bulk of the aviation weather sensors in
the United States are focused on monitoring and predicting the weath-
er around airports. | FEBRUARY 2022 | 17

The January 2020 crash
Troubling for the AAM community is that the able to reach a contingency landing site, and of the S-76B helicopter
carrying basketball great
vast areas between airports up to an altitude of anticipating the wind speed and conditions will
Kobe Bryant and eight others
5,000 feet amount to a weather “data desert,” says be vital to ensuring the aircraft has adequate
occurred in part because
Berchoff . For those who cruise in those places, range. Most of the AAM concepts call for lithium of the pilot’s decision to
the thinking has always been: “There’s a pilot batteries that will drain faster when it’s cold and continue flying amid bad
[aboard] and they’ll get out of it,” he adds. winds are gusty, says James Jones, an air trans- weather, the U.S. National
Transporation Safety Board
That status quo won’t do for the emerging $115 portation operations researcher at MIT Lincoln
concluded. Operators
billion AAM rotorcraft market. These aircraft must Laboratory.
of advanced air mobility
take off from vertiports built on city rooftops, vacant Simply put, an AAM operator with access to aircraft will need more
lots or undeveloped parcels, then fl y among tall detailed weather information will be able to weather information than has
buildings or hills and over treetops and roads. confidently push out more fl ights, while an oper- been available to pilots of
conventional helicopters.
Along these routes, winds can vary greatly in ator who lacks that information could become
strength; precipitation can be rain in one area, and overly conservative, cautions Brenda Philips, a NTSB

then later turn to sleet, freezing rain or even snow. research professor at the University of Massachu-
In these challenging weather scenarios, flights will setts Amherst. The best-prepared operators will
need to be regularly scheduled and conducted at have analyzed how many flights they can complete
a rapid tempo and, eventually, if all goes as planned, in bad weather, taking into account the vehicle
autonomously without a pilot aboard. Otherwise, type and its mission, she adds.
the business case might not close. Weather delays In this view, business success and the growth
and cancellations must be held to a minimum, and of the AAM market will require achieving the
in the case of scheduled flights, customers will same quality of weather awareness and forecast-
likely expect several hours notice so that they can ing available to operators of large commercial
make alternate travel arrangements. aircraft. Here are four ideas, none of them mutu-
On top of that, each aircraft will need to be ally exclusive, for meeting the challenge.

18 | FEBRUARY 2022 |

— Jamey Jacob, professor of aerospace engineering,
Oklahoma State University

1) Specialized radars and lidars create a network for community emergency weather
Aviation weather reporting in the United States warnings. CASA operates a demonstration network
currently relies heavily on a network of 160 NEXRAD of seven X-band radars with overlapping coverage in
(Next-Generation Radar) Doppler radars and 45 the Dallas-Fort Worth area, each with a range of 40
shorter-range Terminal Doppler Weather Radars, to 100 kilometers. CASA feeds data from each radar
operated by the FAA at major airports, which op- to the National Weather Service, which sends forecasts
erate at a shorter wavelength and offer higher and weather warnings back to users of a free CASA
resolution than the NEXRADs. But not much of the phone app. The app displays customized weather
zone up to 1,500 feet can be covered by these radars. information, such as f lash f lood warnings in the
That’s because the straight-line beam of a radar Dallas-Fort Worth area.
becomes higher and higher off the ground as the The data and resulting forecasts are very localized,
Earth curves away, so the radars see less of the down to a nearly street-intersection level, says the
lower atmosphere the farther out they reach. NEX- Amherst professor Philips, who is CASA’s co-director.
R ADs, for example, take measurements of t he The technology that the researchers developed to
1,500-feet-and-below region for only 40 kilometers. deliver the customized weather information to a
Unless an AAM route happened to pass near an moving object — a person’s cell phone — could be
airport or other radar location, the pilot or auto- applied to a moving AAM aircraft as well, sending it
mated f light computer could not receive a radar data based on predetermined preferences for that
picture of any precipitation ahead. individual vehicle.
For better weather radar coverage for AAM, re- A somewhat similar weather service at some
searchers are studying how smaller, shorter-range airports, namely the Automated Weather Observing
radars installed on rooftops and cell towers could fi ll System, might also inspire an innovation for AAM.
in the low-altitude gaps. This FAA-operated equipment transmits airport
Among them are researchers at the Massachu- weather reports every minute from sensors at the
setts-based Center for Collaborative Adaptive Sens- airport to pilots and weather forecasters, including
ing of the Atmosphere, which originally set out to the cloud ceiling height, visibility, the presence of fog | FEBRUARY 2022 | 19

or precipitation, and icing conditions out to 8 kilome- could be shared with operators. Meanwhile, cameras
ters of the airport. In theory, vertiports could be aimed at roads could help report when snow is falling
equipped with similar sensors and transmitting via software that interprets when surfaces turn white.
equipment to cover the nearby airspace. Cameras with artificial intelligence could also be cheap
Of course, each AAM aircraft also will be suscep- to deploy, piggybacking on traffic cameras or security
tible to wind, depending on its design, not just to cameras that are already in place.
precipitation and the risk of icing. Radars can’t detect Another cheap option would be to tap into weath-
wind speed and direction when there is no precipita- er hobbyists who, like Bonin, have their own backyard
tion in the air to reflect their signals. A solution could weather stations and post their weather data — tem-
be Doppler wind lidars, which don’t have the same perature, humidity, wind speed and direction, and
problem because they need only aerosols to reflect rain or snow accumulation — to websites like Wun-
their signals, and aerosols are usually present at low, which claims a network of more than
altitudes, especially in urban areas. Lidars can mea- 250,000 contributors worldwide who automatically
sure winds at high resolution, for every 20 meters in post their data every few seconds.
a 5- or 6-kilometer radius. And when two lidar fields
overlap, they can discern wind direction. 3) Weather drones
None of these sources would come cheaply. Each Today’s large commercial aircraft are required to
CASA radar cost $400,000. As for lidars, even a mid- carry weather sensors that contribute to the World
dle-of-the-road version costs $250,000 to $500,000, Meteorological Association’s Aircraft Meteorological
and to cover a city with sufficient resolution would Data Relay, AMDAR, observing system, which provides
require 10 to 20 of them, says Timothy Bonin, a me- real-time in-flight readings to government and private
teorologist at MIT Lincoln Laboratory. That leads us forecasting services. The downside of AMDAR is that
to the next idea. most of the time the sensor-carrying planes are flying
at 35,000 to 40,000 feet — altitudes where there are
2) Crowdsourcing few weather features.
Internet-connected cameras and other sensors could “All of the interesting stuff is when they’re on climb
provide inexpensive access to a host of weather data. or descent,” says Jamey Jacob, an aerospace engineer-
Berchoff of TruWeather leads a committee of the U.S.- ing professor at Oklahoma State University.
based standards group ASTM charged with recom- But the general idea could be adapted to aircraft
mending weather data standards for drones. He would that fly at low altitudes. Among the advocates of this
like to change the emphasis of the standards away approach is Matthias Steiner, who directs research
from certifying weather instruments, as is done with into weather impacts on aviation for the National
those at airport weather stations, one factor that drives Center for Atmospheric Research in Colorado. Steiner
up costs. For example, a certified weather station at wants even small drones to be required to carry weath-
an airport can cost $120,000 to $250,000. er sensors, not only to improve weather forecasting for
Instead, he would like the FAA to set standards for aviation but for society as a whole. He argues that the
weather information that will guide drone flights based requirement would be a small ask, considering that a
on data reliability, which he says would “open the miniature temperature, pressure and humidity sensor
spigot” for operators to access many types of low-cost, is smaller than a quarter, weighs one-fi fth as much as
internet-connected weather sensors. More people the coin and costs less than $20.
would invest in building and deploying weather sen- Jacob is testing that concept. He leads a NASA-spon-
sors, because they could then sell the sensor data. The sored team of aerospace engineers, meteorologists and
cost of the data for the AAM operators would be driv- atmospheric scientists on a project dubbed Weather
en down as they fly more and more fl ights. Intelligent Navigation Data and Models for Aviation
Micronets of 40 or 50 weather sensors spread across Planning, WINDMAP. They are studying how AAM
a city — each consisting of a thermometer, a hygrom- aircraft could improve weather observations and fore-
eter measuring humidity and an anemometer mea- casting by carrying weather sensors and sharing the data.
suring wind speed and direction, all mounted on a Aircraft would collect data as they go about deliv-
pole — could help fi ll in a gap in weather radar cov- ering passengers and cargo, or some might fly with the
erage for the coming new class of aircraft, says Lincoln sole mission of collecting weather data. AAM operators
Lab meteorologist Bonin. would benefit by receiving more and better information
For reporting on flying visibility, existing video about conditions that could disrupt their flights, such
camera networks could be paired with artificial intel- as fog, icing and winds. Weather forecasters could feed
ligence, Bonin says. If a camera were aimed at a distant more data on temperature, humidity, atmospheric
object, and if the distance to the object were known, pressure, wind speed and wind direction, including
then software could report when the object disappeared vertical winds, into their models to improve their
due to fog or precipitation, and this visibility figure forecasts, particularly for severe weather. And AAM

20 | FEBRUARY 2022 |

operators could receive higher-resolution forecasts Already, the WINDMAP team has demonstrated In this 2019 model
— at the kilometer level instead of the current 30-ki- that flying a weather drone multiple times per day to created by FastEddy
software, researchers from
lometer-plus level of most forecast models. the FAA-mandated 400-foot limit at each National
the National Center for
Starting in March, WINDMAP plans to collect Weather Service ground station would greatly improve
Atmospheric Research in
weather sensor data with swarms of drones flying from its forecasting, Jacob says. Even drones as small as a Colorado simulated the
FAA test sites at the Choctaw Nation in Oklahoma and 1-kilogram DJI Phantom quadcopter could provide change in wind speed and
at the Virginia Tech campus, and then in June from useful sensor data. direction as a cold front
passed over Dallas. In the
an Oklahoma City urban test site. The project team
image at left, the wind is
will then compare the accuracy of sensor data to 4) Modeling and simulation coming from the southwest.
readings from National Weather System ground tow- Current weather forecasting computer models don’t The image at right shows
ers, weather balloons and lidars. Researchers will try take into account the winds created by the funneling that two hours later, the wind
replicate real-world conditions by putting sensors on and channeling effects of tall buildings, or the turbulence shifted 90 degrees to come
from the north, and the deep
a variety of aircraft: small drones, large cargo-carrying eddies and vacuums created on the down-wind side of
red indicates increased wind
drones and drones built to simulate passenger-carry- a building, says Berchoff of TruWeather. Flying through
ing AAM vehicles, complete with dummy passengers. these urban canyons will be particularly daunting for
NCAR Research Applications Laboratory
Jacob grew up in Oklahoma, where he says every AAMs. Forecasters will have to build computational
resident has an innate interest in weather, and a healthy fluid dynamics models to predict those types of winds,
respect for it because of the state’s severe storms, plus algorithms that can determine how changes in the
including tornadoes. WINDMAP chose Oklahoma for weather will change the building-related winds.
its testing in part because it has more than 100 ground To safely land at vertiports, and even to plan where
stations continuously sending readings to the Nation- vertiports should be built, AAM operators will need
al Weather Service. to know where the winds are blowing from, the strength
But for weather readings from the air, a lot of the of the winds and the influence of neighboring build-
data in Oklahoma still comes from weather balloons ings, says Steiner of NCAR. To capture the fi ne-scale
launched by the National Weather Service from a flow features of winds in urban environments, re-
single site, usually twice a day, or three or four times searchers need models that could produce predictions
per day when severe weather is expected. every few minutes at a few meters resolution.
“If you think about how rapidly the weather can Researchers who are developing weather models
change, that’s a real paucity of information you’re that could be applied to AAM fl ight environments
getting,” Jacob says. also need more actual weather data from local | FEBRUARY 2022 | 21

One way to provide
advanced air mobility aircraft
with more sophisticated
weather data would be
to add more sensors to
weather stations, like
this Automated Weather
Observation System at the
Ezeiza Airport in Argentina.

Eric Phelps

weather sensors, which they could then compare to NCAR has been developing a model, called FastEd-
the data produced by their models and fi ne-tune the dy, that employs GPU-based computing power to
models. The resolution of the models — how much create simulations of urban environments, including
detail they show — is also an issue for localized AAM wind eddies around buildings, down to a 1-meter
weather prediction in general. NOAA’s High Resolution resolution, Steiner says.
Rapid Refresh weather prediction model reports on Machine learning could apply the modeling and
the predicted weather in the contguous U.S. states data that are now available to help identify where the
within every 3-kilometer-wide cell in a grid covering hazardous conditions are for AAM operators, says
the entire country. But the model’s actual resolution, Lincoln Lab’s Bonin. For example, machine learning
the scale at which it can predict a change in conditions could be applied for an area of a city where weather
from a neighboring area, is closer to every 12 or 15 data is sparse and help fi ll in the gaps in a low-reso-
kilometers, Bonin says. lution weather model of that area.

22 | FEBRUARY 2022 |

Engage the
silent drive

24 | FEBRUARY 2022 |

First-generation electric delivery drones
and passenger air taxis could be too noisy
for many communities, so researchers are
attempting to engineer electric thrusters
of unprecedented quietness. Paul Marks
delves into their chances of success.

Joby Aviation announced n the shores of Lake Holiday in Cross- taxis or all-electric light aircraft fl ying city-to-city
in early January it had ville, Tennessee, a former watersports routes. Th is, they believe, will be key to earning pub-
received FAA approval
resort has found an unlikely new role lic acceptance for the emerging market NASA dubs
to begin test flights with
— as an electric aviation innovation advanced air mobility, AAM, typically consisting of
a second prototype of its
five-seat electric rotorcraft lab. On any given day at the startup eVTOLs, electric vertical takeoff and landing aircraft.
design, pictured here at Whisper Aero, one might find a bunch Will the device be a souped-up propeller that’s
Joby’s Marina, California, of aerospace engineers hunched over 3D laser scanners, digitally shaped, sized and spun at a speed to disturb
rapid prototyping software and computational fluid as little air as possible — perhaps in a special, hushed
Joby Aviation dynamics simulations, I'm told by an executive. It’s kind of ducted fan — or will it be something entirely
all part of an endeavor to solve one of the most press- new and exotic? Here is all Whisper CEO Mark Moore
ing problems facing the advanced air mobility revo- would tell me: “It’s a unique propulsion technology,
lution: Flying almost silently. one that lets us drive the noise down to such an ul-
Specifically, the Whisper team has developed an tra-low level that it will blend into the background
ultra-quiet type of electric thruster that it says can be noise of where drones or eVTOLs are flying.”
scaled for use on electric aircraft of different sizes, Whatever form these mysterious ultra-quiet thrust-
whether they are small delivery drones, urban air ers take, Whisper’s aim is to sell them to the makers

26 | FEBRUARY 2022 |

“From where I was
standing, you could barely
hear a faint whirring; it
was reminiscent of a
quiet ceiling fan.”
— Nikhil Goel, Whisper Aero investor

of delivery drones and eVTOL passenger air taxis, as market, which in the U.S. alone is predicted by market
well as to install the thrusters on an electric conven- researcher Deloitte of London to be worth $115 billion
tional takeoff and landing light aircraft that Whisper per annum by 2035 — creating, it says, 280,000 jobs.
is designing. These planes that would fl y fast, quiet To hear one observer tell it, this quest for quietness
city-to-city hops are called Whisper Jets, though the is not a pipe dream; Whisper is succeeding in its aims.
company hasn’t said quite what it means by “jet.” “I was one of the first to see a live demo of Whisper’s
Whisper’s aims are not unique. A handful of eVTOL tech,” says Nikhil Goel, a New York technology inves-
makers have their own proprietary technologies for tor and one of the company’s earliest financial backers.
quelling noise, including Archer Aviation and Joby “And I have never heard anything quite like it. From
Aviation in the U.S., Lilium and Volocopter in Germa- where I was standing, you could barely hear a faint
ny and Vertical Aerospace in Britain. In parallel, re- whirring; it was reminiscent of a quiet ceiling fan.”
search institutes elsewhere in the U.S. and in Europe He adds: “Having seen the plans for the Whisper
are also attempting to craft a new generation of quiet Jet, I am confident it will change the way cities inter-
thruster designs. act with airplanes forever.”
It’s a dynamic that’s setting up a high-stakes, low- Goel and half a dozen other venture capitalists,
noise propulsion competition in the much-vaunted AAM including “Iron Man” actor Robert Downey Jr.’s venture | FEBRUARY 2022 | 27

fund FootPrint Coalition Ventures, have invested a the sector’s potential to create irritating community
total of $7.5 million to fund initial development of noise can be reduced to socially acceptable levels by
Whisper’s technology. The company has also bene- the time some operators plan to start passenger flights
fited from U.S. Air Force Research Lab funding for in 2024 and 2025, AAM services could be stillborn.
some of its early quiet thruster research. “Without a better understanding of electric avia-
Progress has been quick: “We’ve already developed tion noise, its characteristics and why it is different
our design tool suite and built our fi rst propulsor and from traditional aviation, the easy answer from the
tested it. And we’re very excited by the results,” says wider public will be to reject it,” says Darrell Swanson,
Moore, who is well known in AAM circles because he a U.K. consultant specializing in electric aviation
pioneered the very concept of distributed electric issues and strategic adviser to NASA on eVTOL oper-
propulsion during his 30-year career at NASA. And ations. “And without public support for electric avia-
after he left the agency, he developed a number of tion, we will not get planning permission for landing
AAM business models at Uber’s short-lived but influ- infrastructure and the industry will never take off.”
ential aerial ride-sharing division, Uber Elevate, ac- Cutting the noise would result in a virtuous circle,
quired in late 2020 by Joby Aviation of California. Swanson believes: “In a nutshell, lower noise leads to
Now, Moore believes his team’s experience and a higher degree of social acceptance, reducing resis-
Whisper’s innovative design are a winning combi- tance to the building of AAM infrastructure. More
nation for creating “the next generation of distrib- infrastructure leads to more demand, leading to in-
uted electric propulsion technology, with a focus on creased competition and lower fares for passengers,
achieving ultra-low noise, quieter per pound of increasing the social utility of AAM.”
thrust than any other company has ever achieved, However, anyone watching the online postings of
while still having very high efficiency, low weight, the early runners and riders in the eVTOL arena could
and high reliability.” be forgiven for thinking that the sector’s noise issues
Those are bold aims, for sure, and there’s no short- are already a solved problem.
age of competition. Take Harmony Aeronautics, for On YouTube, for instance, Joby has posted videos
instance. Th is spinout from the aerospace research of its S4 tiltrotor prototype variously taking off, hov-
department at Texas A&M University in the U.S. is ering and flying over a series of calibrated microphones,
attempting to engineer quiet-running coaxial propul- showing what seemed a quiet performance. On its
sors for drones and eVTOLs. Like Whisper, it has done website, Joby claims what was quiet in the hover would
so in part with $150,000 in Small Business Technology be “near silent” in the cruise, thanks to the way the
Transfer research funding from the U.S. Air Force six tilting propellers located along the wing and tail
Research Lab, which on the STTR website described operate. Th is distributed electric propulsion allows
Harmony’s coaxial rotor technology as “revolutionary.” eVTOLs like the S4 to have multiple large-diameter
And in the U.K., the government-backed Aerospace propellers rotating at slow tip speeds, producing
Technology Institute is funding a $3.8 million research low-frequency pressure waves. This would create more
program called Inception, in which the University of of a hum than the well-known “wop-wop” sounds
Cambridge’s Whittle Lab and the University of Salford’s from helicopters, which have an even larger diameter
acoustics department are working with five aerospace rotor with higher tip speeds.
fi rms, including Dowty Propellers, to develop “quiet The question is: How loud will that hum be in an
and safe zero-carbon electric jet engines” — in other urban setting, and with a great many eVTOLs plying
words, ducted-fan vectored thrust propulsors, like the airways as our future taxis?
those spread along the wings of some eVTOL designs, On LinkedIn, Lilium of Germany showed a flight
including the Lilium Jet. demo of its eVTOL prototype taking off and flying a
However, those involved in this quest for quiet number of brief fl ight maneuvers so viewers can ex-
electric propulsors are under no illusions that they perience the inoffensive “sound profile” of its ducted-fan
will be able to achieve anything approaching silent vectored engines. However, Joby’s flights were in rural
fl ight. Electric motors, rotors, propellers and ducted locations and Lilium’s at an empty airport, rather than
fans have to drive air forcefully to provide thrust, “so the built-up urban areas that AAM companies are
there will always be noise associated with that” says targeting for early passenger service. There, buildings
Antonio Torija-Martinez, acoustics lead at the Uni- could create concrete canyons where resonating
versity of Salford on the U.K. Inception project. electric rotor noise from multiple eVTOLs might annoy
Harmony Aeronautics founder Moble Benedict people living near vertiports. But until eVTOLs are
agrees: “There is no shortcut to quieting a rotor that’s safety certified, the operators won’t be able to proper-
moving through the air at speed.” ly assess their noise in the urban environments they
So why take on such a tough challenge? Fear, are destined to fly in, says consultant Swanson.
basically: What’s driving this new battle against de- Some eVTOL designers, buoyed by encouraging lab
livery drone and eVTOL noise is a concern that unless and ground tests, say they are confident their aircraft

28 | FEBRUARY 2022 |

will fly quietly — before they have flown. Vertical Aero- about how its quiet electric thrusters work. This pre-production
space of the U.K., for instance says in an online video “Our first drone product won’t be operational version of Joby Aviation's
four-passenger electric
that it hopes to achieve “near-silent flight” with its until 2023, so we don’t see any benefit in letting others
vertical takeoff and landing
in-development VX4 tiltrotor, aided by a novel rotor know how the unique technology we’re developing design has made dozens of
design that lets Vertical “tune” noise levels, making it works until we need to,” Moore told me. “It’s natural flight tests since 2019 at the
some 30 times quieter than a helicopter. In a January that when others see what we’re doing, they will want company’s Electric Flight
blog post, Archer Aviation of California says its Maker to do similarly.” Base near Big Sur, California.

eVTOL prototype flying at 2,000 feet in altitude should Th is secrecy even applies to the five patent appli- Joby Aviation

be “1,000 times quieter than a helicopter” to a person cations Whisper has already filed on its thruster-hush-
on the ground. As of press time, Archer had only con- ing technology. “None of our patents will be made
ducted a low-altitude hover test with the Maker design. public for several years, with many more patents
The problem for people trying to make sense of all actively being fi led as we scout out this new frontier
these comparisons, says the University of Salford of electric propulsion,” says Moore.
professor Torija-Martinez, is that in this nascent AAM While a patent application is normally published
market, companies rarely compare like with like. 18 months after fi ling, a U.S. patent applicant can fi le
“I would be very careful with [comparing] noise a “request for nonpublication,” which if granted will
figures because there is a problem with nomenclature,” keep the invention secret until the inventor deems it
he says. “What do they mean by 30 times quieter? In commercially safe to publish the patent specification.
terms of acoustic energy? In terms of decibels? Or what?” So how might it be possible for an electrically
On top of that, with companies jockeying for driven rotor or vectored-thrust ducted fan to be hushed?
early market dominance, commercial secrecy is very What design features could be modified to make a
much the watchword. None, says Benedict of Harmo- difference? Thankfully for the curious, Harmony
ny Aeronautics, are going into much detail about how Aeronautics and the Inception team were willing to
their thruster quietening technology works. share at least some details with me.
But it’s not only the AAM airframe makers who Harmony Aeronautics was spun out in 2018 when
are keeping schtum; would-be quiet propulsor mak- Benedict and his colleague David Coleman, a PhD
er Whisper Aero, too, is saying absolutely nothing student who was then developing a robotic | FEBRUARY 2022 | 29

Joby Aviation
AIRCRAFT: S4, flown at Big Sur, Calif.;
flights with a second prototype in Marina,
Calif., were scheduled for late January
AIRCRAFT: Cora, flown in
California and New Zealand
Archer Aviation FIRST FLIGHT: 2018

While noise reduction HQ: PALO ALTO, CALIF.

AIRCRAFT: Maker demonstrator, Beta Technologies
research continues, flown at Salinas, Calif.

developers are starting to AIRCRAFT: ALIA 250, flown at

Kitty Hawk Plattsburgh, N.Y., and Burlington, Vt.

fly their aircraft on multiple HQ: PALO ALTO, CALIF.


continents. Here are the AIRCRAFT: Heaviside, flown at

undisclosed California location

eight companies out of FIRST FLIGHT: 2018

23 on SMG Consulting’s
AAM Reality Index that
have flown prototypes. EHANG





30 | FEBRUARY 2022 |

AIRCRAFT: 5th Generation Technology
Demonstrator, flown at Munich; in late
January, planning was underway for
another round of flight tests in Spain
AIRCRAFT: EHang 216, flown in Austria,
HQ: BRUCHSAL, GERMANY China, Estonia, Indonesia, Japan, the
Netherlands, Qatar, Québec, South Korea,
AIRCRAFT: 2X, flown at Bruchsal, United Arab Emirates and United States
Germany; Las Vegas; Dubai; Helsinki;
Stuttgart, Germany; Singapore; Seoul, FIRST FLIGHT: 2017
South Korea; Oshkosh, Wisconsin; Paris SECONDARY FLIGHT LOCATION > EHANG

FIRST FLIGHT: January 2018












Graphic by THOR Design, reporting by Cat Hofacker

Sources: SMG Consulting, Aerospace America research



Startup Whisper Aero, hummingbird-like UAV, decided to enter Boeing’s the noise sound pressure level is proportional to the
located on the shores of GoFly X-Prize challenge. The goal: To build a sin- fourth (or higher) power of rotor tip speed, Coleman
Lake Holiday, Tennessee, gle-person vertical takeoff and landing aircraft, and Benedict eschewed the small rotors popular on
wants to provide its quiet
measuring no more than 8.5 feet (2.6 meters) in any many drone and eVTOL designs, which would have
propulsor technology to
other aircraft developers, dimension, which can carry a 200-pound (91-kilogram had to spin very fast, creating quite a din.
in addition to flying it on its person) a distance of 20 miles (32 kilometers). “Instead, we went with a big rotor with more blade
own Whisper Jets, an electric And there was a further proviso. The sound pres- area so we could move the blades at a much lower
vertical takeoff and landing sure level of the aircraft’s noise had to be less than 87 speed and produce the same thrust,” says Benedict.
design. Whisper Jets would
dBA, a special version of decibels weighted for the They also innovated with the blade shape to reduce
conduct passenger flights
from local airports like the human ear’s frequency response, at a range of 50 feet the noise caused when contrarotating blades pass
Crossville Memorial Airport (15.2 meters) from the aircraft. “That means the noise over each other (that is, as a clockwise-moving one
(back left) that’s adjacent to from the aircraft would only be like that from a truck crosses a counterclockwise-moving one). “During
Whisper’s 20-acre campus. or a lawnmower at that distance,” says Benedict. that blade crossover, a sudden, impulsive noise is
Whisper Aero There were two issues with noise they had to deal produced because of interactions between the blades,”
with: Its magnitude, as measured by its sound pressure says Benedict. With regular, straight-edged rotor
level in dBA, and its frequency range — which is a blades, the entire upper and lower blade will overlap
strong measure of how psychologically annoying a at the same instant, producing a strong impulse noise.
noise tone is to the human ear. “Our objective was to Their answer was to bend the blade into a dog-leg
make it not only reduce the magnitude of the noise, shape, sweeping half of it backward so the entire blade
but also to reduce the frequency so humans would span never overlaps simultaneously. “This means that
perceive the noise as quieter.” at any instant, only two points on the blade are actu-
The Harmony team settled on an electric rotorcraft ally overlapping, so we’re basically smearing out that
design powered by a pair of contrarotating coaxial interaction over a longer period of time — simply by
four-blade rotors and set about achieving that de- the virtue of the shape,” says Benedict.
manding specification. Knowing that on any rotorcraft They have patented this noise-quashing idea,

32 | FEBRUARY 2022 |

he adds.
Next, they addressed the annoying frequency
issue, knowing, says Coleman, the range to avoid is
between 1 kHz and 5 kHz. On a piano keyboard, that’s
approximately the top two octaves. Imagine music
only being played at that end of the keyboard, and it’s
easy to see how annoying it would be.
“In a nutshell, lower noise
“That is the reason we are irritated by the sound
of a drone or a chainsaw or a baby crying,” says Ben- leads to a higher degree of
edict. “All these noises, or all these pressure fluctua-
tions, happen in this frequency range.”
To avoid such audible angst, they designed their social acceptance, reducing
coaxial rotors to run at speeds creating sound in the
hundreds of hertz range, cruising at just 200 Hz. And
in tests of Aria, their remotely-piloted 250-kg helicop-
resistance to the building of
ter, the sound pressure level at 15.2 meters measured
a mere 73 dBA, a feat Benedict describes as “phenom- AAM infrastructure. More
enal” given the 87 dBA GoFly requirement.
Unfortunately, a systems failure caused Aria to
roll over and crash while taxiing in a slow hover, so it infrastructure leads to more
was not entered in the GoFly competition.
“That was one of the saddest days,” says Benedict.
However, he says Boeing, undaunted by that crash, is
demand, leading to increased
still interested in researching U.S. Defense Department
applications for the startup’s innovative coaxial rotor competition and lower fares
blade, while Harmony explores AAM applications.
Blade architectures are front and center for mem-
bers of the U.K. Inception project, too, as its members for passengers, increasing
study electric ducted fans — initially single rotor
modules, and perhaps dual-rotor contrarotating units
in a follow-up project — to see how best to design them
the social utility of AAM."
for noise abatement.
And in a sign that alleviating AAM community
— Darrell Swanson, U.K. aviation consultant
noise is starting to matter big time, the Inception
researchers, like Harmony Aeronautics, are “assessing
sound quality metrics, too” — the so-called psycho-
acoustics, says Torija-Martinez.
The kind of design parameters that could be mod-
ified to improve the noise performance of a ducted-fan propulsor technology on its U.S. Air Force STTR award
electric jet include rotor tip speed, the number of webpage, the company says the analysis of its tech-
rotor blades and how those rotors interact with features nology “indicates an acoustic signature below all
within the duct’s roughly cylindrical architecture. current eVTOL development efforts, with the potential
“We are optimizing the tip speed of the blades, the to blend into ambient urban soundscapes.”
spacing between those blades, and the other structures It’s clear that Moore and his colleagues at their
within the fan, such as the [air] inlet guide vanes and lakeside innovation campus in deepest Tennessee are
outlet guide vanes,” says Torija-Martinez. certain that beating noise is the key to unlocking AAM.
But not everything comes down to the aircraft “I’m convinced the future is electric, that sustainabil-
itself: The acoustic environment a drone or eVTOL ity matters, and that in the modern world, we’re all
operates in, known as its soundscape, could also be closer and closer to each other,” he says. “So the win-
used to mask noise. For instance, says Torija-Martinez, ner is going to be whoever’s the quietest and has the
operators might be able to fly delivery drones along greenest set of technologies. And I think that’ll be us.”
busy roads so that traffic noise is hiding the sound Harmony Aeronautics and the seven-strong In-
produced by the UAVs. Similar thinking, he says, could ception consortium may beg to differ, however. And
inform those seeking sites for vertiports — using in any case, Harmony’s Benedict has some words of
traffic routes to help defi ne fl ight corridors. caution about the limitations of the aerodynamic
Whisper Aero appears to have just such masking noise-reducing tricks they all crave:
plans in mind. In a statement about its quiet “You can’t beat physics,” he warns. | FEBRUARY 2022 | 33

34 | FEBRUARY 2022 |
Every do-it-yourselfer knows how hard it can be
to declare a project complete. Will another turn
of the bolt or brushstroke make things better
or worse? That was roughly the choice NASA
faced a year before the Dec. 25 launch of the
James Webb Space Telescope. Would more
testing close more technical risks in the nearly
$10 billion project or create new ones? In the
end, NASA decided against more testing. NASA’s
Jesse Leitner and Tupper Hyde describe the
assessment they performed that helped NASA
reach that decision.

he James Webb Space Telescope’s core science goal of gathering light from the early universe pre-
sented the project team at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center with a tremendous launch vehicle
packaging problem during the conceptual design work in the late 1990s. At that time, the largest
available launch vehicle fairing measured just 4.6 meters of usable interior diameter, but detecting
infrared light from the early universe would require a primary mirror much larger than that. NASA
eventually settled on a 6.5-meter diameter primary aperture and a tennis court-sized sunshade to
keep the cold, optical side of the telescope operating at less than 50 Kelvin (minus 223 degrees
Celsius, minus 388 degrees Fahrenheit). The primary mirror of 18 segments would need to be arranged inside
the launch vehicle in three sections that would be unfolded and brought together in space with nanometer
precision to act as a unitary mirror. The five-layer sunshield, each layer consisting of what looked like plas-
tic wrap coated with thin aluminum foil, would need to be compressed and then expanded in space by
tugging on cables, something like a sailboat crew raising a sail.
Risk assessment involves predicting the likelihood that failures or other types of problems will occur.
After risks are assessed, project leaders and stakeholders determine whether risks are acceptable, so that
engineers can fi nd solutions to those that are not acceptable. For the Next Generation Space Telescope,
which we now know as JWST, the historical record provided no operational space telescopes of similar
designs to provide a basis for historical risks for such a system. Also, ground testing, which is the prima-
ry means for mitigating risks, came with great limitations in this case due to the telescope’s size, deploy-
ment plan, and Earth’s gravity. The spacecraft including its sunshield and telescope assembly were too
large to be deployed to its full configuration in a vacuum chamber. The telescope assembly would need to
be tested separately from the sunshield and spacecraft bus consisting of equipment for communications,
propulsion and other basic spacecraft functions. Perhaps most fundamentally, in space the sunshield and
optics would be deployed in zero g, but there was no way to precisely mimic such conditions at the required
scale on the ground.
The project team at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland, the field center chosen to lead the
project, developed a voluminous portfolio of technical risks over the years to assess and address. The reality
was that many of them could not be mitigated (reduced or eliminated) in any substantive way, largely due to
the 1-g, zero-g differential.

36 | FEBRUARY 2022 |

Decision time approaches
Such was the context in December 2020, when we 5
were assigned by Goddard Director Dennis Andrucyk
to perform an aggregate risk assessment, meaning
one that would examine individual risks and look for
linkages among them to reach a judgement about the 4
overall likelihood of mission success or failure. The

result of this assessment was a formal memorandum
to the center director and an accompanying briefi ng
to the JWST project office, to Goddard management, 3
and to various others involved in assessing the project’s
readiness to move forward. While we knew the proj-
ect well, neither of us were members of the project
team, so this would be an independent assessment. 2
When we began our work, the project schedule
demanded a decision shortly about whether JWST
was ready to be shipped to the launch site in French
Guiana. The sunshield assembly had been tested
multiple times at Northrop Grumman’s Space Park
facility in California, while the telescope with its in-
struments had been tested in a vacuum chamber in
1 2 3 4 5
a multiweek campaign at NASA’s Johnson Space
Center in Houston. At Space Park, workers then joined
the two segments together, and the complete obser-
vatory was fully integrated.
The project’s risk register — a database of open,
closed, and accepted risks — was large, but one par-
ticular topic was on top of everyone’s mind: the sun-
shield. No single deployment test had produced en-
tirely satisfactory results. One question the risk ments for its space missions. Prior to 2002, those NASA’s risk assessment
assessment would get at was whether to try one last working on JWST employed informal risk management, experts use this matrix to
numerically express the
deployment test of the sunshield to shoot for success without formal risk statements or a risk database. This
relationship between the
and a dose of confidence. At that time, the project did meant that risks were indistinguishable from risk likelihood of a bad event
not plan to do so because of the enormous efforts, factors, concerns, and worries or watch items. Under and the severity of its
resources, and risk involved with each deployment. this old approach, risk determinations were often consequences. For example,
Conducting such a test would require weeks of prepa- emotionally driven (often by gut feel, rather than de- an LxC 1x5 is an unlikely
event that would have
ration and then work to recompress the shield for tailed analysis) or speculative in nature, as was char-
severe consequences.
launch. But thinking hard about that decision was acterized by the format of the less structured (namely,
reasonable. Once in space, if the shield were damaged lacking a driving context) risk statements of the day:
or did not deploy fully, the needed cryogenic tempera-
tures likely would not be met, and JWST would not If <event occurs>
deliver the required infrared sensitivity. Of course, Then < consequence occurs>
with JWST now in space, we were as relieved as anyone
last month when a message to the mission operations The problem with this approach was that an if/
center in Baltimore confi rmed that all five layers of then statement does not describe the context indicat-
the sunshield were fully deployed, helping to set the ing the likelihood of something going wrong. Without
stage for months of commissioning ahead. In Decem- such context, a likelihood determination would be
ber 2020, we could not know how things would come arbitrary.
out for the sunshield, and at this writing we do not By the time of our assessment, Goddard had
know how commissioning ahead will go. We are en- shifted to contextually driven (three-part) risk state-
couraged by the confidence derived from performing ments as the standard process:
the assessment and the positive results to date.
Given: <existing condition or scenario>
A modern approach It is possible that <undesired event occurs>
Our assessment work lasted approximately three Resulting in <consequence to the project>
months and benefited from a decision NASA Goddard
made in 2002 to initiate creation of formal risk state- | FEBRUARY 2022 | 37

At Goddard, just as elsewhere at NASA, the likelihood at the time of our assessment could not be closed The James Webb
of a result is now expressed as a percentage on a risk until processing at the launch site, or on-orbit. For Space Telescope was
photographed from the
scale, and that likelihood is now matched to the sever- example, some risks that involved a possible deploy-
Ariane 5 rocket’s upper
ity of the potential consequence by referring to a five-lev- ment problem could not be closed until the deployment stage shortly after separating
el, color-coded matrix (see graphic). Risks can now be occurred on-orbit. Other risks were related to the in what NASA called
discussed in a numeric rather than emotional manner functioning of the instruments and optics in the real “humanity's final look” at
based on this likelihood-consequence, or LxC, matrix. thermal and gravitational environment and thus could the $10 billion telescope.
The black bar at the bottom
So, a risk with an LxC of 1x5 has a low likelihood of not be closed until commissioning was completed.
left is Webb's solar array,
happening, but if it happens, the consequence is severe. In addition to consulting the register, we had to which deployed shortly
An LxC of 5x1 means there is a high likelihood of the review recent events to ensure that no new risks had after separation to begin
risk happening, but the consequences aren’t very scary. emerged that were unaccounted for. providing power to the
In our aggregate assessment, we applied this On this front, since late 2019, new anomalies had spacecraft.

modern approach, which began with a review of all accumulated in various levels of testing. Many of these Arianespace, ESA, NASA, CSA, CNES

of the risks in the risk register and subsequently ag- occurred after the last full observatory-level tests had
gregated those that were in related categories. been completed. Since many involved changes or
“use-as-is” dispositions without the ability to verify
Reviewing the database the corrective actions or “leave alone” determinations
We quickly saw that the JWST risk register provided a at the full observatory level, it was essential to under-
holistic and complete understanding of the broad stand, characterize, and communicate any related risk
concern and risk profi le for the mission, including a impacts on the mission as part of this overall assessment.
well-thought-out assessment of the potential perfor- For the most part, these late anomalies came in four
mance shortfalls for the mission. But many of the closed sometimes interrelated categories:
risks in the register dated back many years to the if/then ■ Tears in blanketing, such as in the thermal protective

form of risk statement and came with the caveats we material over the electronics and other sensitive
mentioned earlier. Without context, they just represent- components, and in the sensitive sunshield mem-
ed past worries as opposed to formal, credible risks. branes
At the time of GSFC’s transition to the contextu- ■ Issues with cable tension and guiding sleeves for the

ally driven risk structure, the project’s risk board sunshield deployment mechanisms
brought the unresolved risks that had clear context ■ Issues associated with the accumulation (or “stack-

into the modern risk structure. Most of the open risks up”) of a range of tolerances throughout the obser-

38 | FEBRUARY 2022 |

addressed by a comprehensive examination of all
such surfaces, including those that had been repaired,
at the last reasonable opportunity before preparing
the observatory for launch, which was incorporated
into the launch processing procedures. To some extent,
the other bullets all combined to characterize an
inherent risk for such a large observatory as follows:

“Given: the large and complex observatory designed

for zero-g operation, with extensive mechanical in-
terconnections and the need for meticulous handling
within the observatory
There is a possibility that: the 1-g testing environ-
ment with limited ability to off-load gravity will give
rise to a stacking and cabling discrepancy on-orbit
that affects a key deployment,
With the result that: some observatory functions
will be degraded.”

In other words, the conclusions drawn from inte-

grating and testing a massive, flexible zero-g obser-
vatory under the effects of gravity might not be fully
relevant to the operation in space, and thus one or
more of the deployments might not get an instrument
into its ideal performance configuration. The design
team mitigated this risk by incorporating margins
into the design to accommodate stray light, image
vatory (tolerance in this case represents a generally quality issues, and cryogenic temperature offsets.
small variability that can contribute to changing some In our assessment, we recommended an LxC of
expected dimensions when the observatory is de- 1x4 for this subaggregate risk. The 1x4 risk level rep-
ployed); these stack-up errors could result in either resents a likelihood between 0.1% and 2%, with a
a deployment problem or an improperly aligned consequence being a major impact to full mission
telescope that could be uncorrectable success criteria.
■ Issues associated with effects of gravity during testing
and the inability to entirely offload gravity (e.g., using Key risk areas
rails with pulleys or cables); such devices could only The risk posture at the time of this assessment was
provide localized or discrete simulation of gravity largely characterized by accepted and open risks, but
removal but obviously cannot eliminate the effects this posture had the potential to be influenced by on-
of gravity entirely going issues at the time that had not yet been fully re-
solved, such as anomalous behavior with the primary
The anomalies were all resolved with root causes and redundant communication transponders (these
corrected, but we nevertheless reviewed each to see issues traced to combined workmanship and materials
that the resolution was vetted against the fi nal con- concerns on the electronic assemblies). At the fi nest
figuration of the observatory, not just against the level of detail, the key risk areas were as follows:
configuration that existed at the time of the anomaly/ ■ Extensive use of nonexplosive actuator devices that

failure resolution. We examined in detail the resulting have minimal fault tolerance, that are critical to the
systemic cross-effects from the multitude of config- deployments, and that could not be fully tested
uration changes required to address each anomaly, without “resetting.” Resetting was not only costly and
since there was to be no additional full deployment time-consuming, but in some cases risky because it
of the complete system after some of these changes, involved more configuration breaks and handling.
barring a decision after our assessment to do otherwise. ■ The use of the new three-quarter inch (2 centimeter)

On the topic of tears, there was no indication of a diameter nonexplosive actuator devices in critical
systemic concern or risk associated with them. Our applications without past history. This risk area was
analysis determined them to be a natural consequence mitigated by an extensive (multiyear) development
of the extreme sensitivity of the blankets and sunshield program and a full qualification program.
membranes combined with the regular handling of ■ The incorporation of nonexplosive actuators into

the large observatory. Th is was determined to be best Membrane Release Devices (MRDs), which were | FEBRUARY 2022 | 39

“The project knew it had literally done everything
possible to make the mission a success, but
communicating why was a major challenge.”

higher levels of assembly that held the sunshield was no prior heritage to put to rest any interactions This rendering shows how
stowed, that brought about an addition of application that might not have been observed when each was Webb now looks in space in
its fully deployed form. NASA
risk. This risk area was mitigated by a full qualification tested individually. We ultimately captured two large,
must still align and tune the
program at the MRD level. aggregated risks, the first of which was as follows: telescope’s mirror segments,
■ The limited ability to test the enormous observatory a process that will take
based on both practical constraints and necessary “Given: the massive size, complexity, development several months.
response to issues identified late in development that constraints, and one-of-a-kind nature (with no his- NASA
preclude a complete test in flight configuration. torical reliability) of the JWST observatory that prevent
complete test as you fly verification and/or validation
Aggregate risk assessment of complex models,
All risks were reviewed for aggregation. While there There is a possibility that: a key interaction that
were a pair of items related to one of the JWST prima- impacts system performance is not identified,
ry instruments, the Near-Infrared Camera, or NIRCAM With the result that: mission performance will be
for short, the facts indicated risks to be well below moderately degraded.
credible likelihoods (meaning less than 0.1%). The Recommended LxC: 2x3.”
primary candidates for aggregation involved the de-
ployments, most notably the sunshield. There were This assessment reflected the fact that without the
several such risks, most of which overlapped in some ability to test the full system in its ultimate configu-
way. These related to the fact that the observatory could ration and environment, a key detail related to the
not be fully tested in fi nal flight configuration. Doing thermal environment and lack of gravity may have
so would require deploying a tennis-court-sized sun- been missed on the ground. For example, gravity may
shade without gravity, under extreme range and dis- have benefited an aspect of alignment of the telescope
tribution of thermal conditions. Regarding the separate and one or more instruments without the team’s
testing of the sunshield and telescope assembly, there knowledge, and the actuator range might not be

40 | FEBRUARY 2022 |

sufficient to make up for this benefit. response that required (or at least prompted a strong
This risk assumed that the deployment was suf- desire for) a corrective action or improvement. There
ficiently successful, but that there may have been was a point at which the project had exhausted its allo-
some other related effects to degrade instrument cation for further testing of the sunshield without
performance. threatening damage to the flight hardware due to
For the second aggregate risk, we also defi ned a handling and causing further launch delay. It had been
catastrophic variant of the preceding risk based on demonstrated that the sunshield material breaks down
the same context that includes the threat of a failed after repeated folding and handling.
deployment: Given the project team’s confidence that it fully
understood the most recent anomalies in deployment
“Given: the massive size, complexity, development testing in late 2019, the project planned to proceed ed
constraints, and one-of-a-kind nature (with no his- without another full-scale deployment. Our assessment nt
torical reliability) of the JWST observatory that prevent helped make it apparent that this was, in fact, the besst
complete test as you fly verification and/or validation decision for a more fundamental reason. Our review of o
of complex models, the late anomalies holistically revealed that there were
There is a possibility that: a key system interaction paths crossing that weren’t apparent from the review w
that is not accounted for or modeled with sufficient of the individual anomalous events as they occurred. d.
fidelity in the 1-g testing environment combined with To characterize what was really happening required a
limited ability to off-load gravity will give rise to a review of the sequence of anomalies combined with a
stacking and cabling discrepancy on-orbit that affects fundamental understanding of the unique aspects o of
a key deployment, JWST — the design of a massive flexible structure that at
With the result that: mission will fail to meet min- naturally sags into an out-of-spec condition in 1-g -g
imum success criteria without the ability to realistically emulate zero-g foror Jesse Leitner is the chief
Recommended LxC: 1x5.” testing. In other words, there was no reasonable way to engineer for safety and
offload gravity as if it weren’t actually there, notwith- mission assurance at NASA’s
This risk subsumed the 1x4 sub-aggregate risk standing the thermal conditions present. Also, our Goddard Space Flight Center
mentioned above, which is not independent. holistic review of the full collection of anomalies (dom- in Maryland. He holds a Ph.D.
Without the ability to test the full system in its inated by those related to the sunshield deployments in aerospace engineering from
ultimate configuration and environment, a key detail over the past year) showed that the anomalies were a Georgia Tech.
related to the thermal environment and lack of grav- growing combination of the artifacts of the discrepan-
ity may have been missed on the ground. For example, cy with actual wear and stresses exacerbated by human
on the ground, gravity can provide a tension in a cable factor pressures resulting from repeated deployments.
that may otherwise be slack, and that tension may be Successive deployments had surpassed the point off
needed to obtain the full range of deployment. diminishing returns and further deployments would d
The two aforementioned aggregate risks were almost certainly have the effect of increasing, ratherr
brought to the project risk board, debated, and ulti- than reducing the risk of an on-orbit problem, or even n
mately captured within the project’s risk register as notably damaging the system on the ground.
some of the key risks that would be carried through Our assessment rolled up the most significant el--
to launch. With JWST in orbit, the 2x3 risk will not be ement of the JWST risk picture into two key risks: thee
retired until commissioning is complete some months potential for a noncatastrophic problem in commis--
from now, while the second risk could be retired after sioning the instruments after a largely successfull
the deployments are completed, and thus at the time deployment, and the potential for a mission failuree
of this publication, is indeed retired. due to failed critical deployment. It also removed somee TTupperr H
de iis the
he cch
lingering questions many had about whether more engineer at Goddard. He holds
The test-more or proceed-to-launch deployment testing should be performed. The aggre- a Ph.D. in aeronautical and
dilemma gate risks were in some sense the perspective that astronautical engineering
The typical space mission, no matter how large, affords needed to be communicated to stakeholders outside from MIT.
the luxury if funds and time are available to step through the project. The project knew it had literally done ev-
challenging operations as many times as necessary to erything possible to make the mission a success, but
ensure that they can be performed repeatedly without communicating why was a major challenge.
any failures, anomalies, or unexpected events until the A well-timed, independent, aggregate risk as-
operations are assured to be flawless. For years, the sessment went a long way to providing a common-
same expectation was on the minds of many that the ly understood statement of the remaining risk for
same could be said for JWST. Some even said we would stakeholders. With this, they could be confident that
especially need multiple sequential and repeated suc- everything that could be done had been done so
cesses for JWST. However, the fact was that each sub- that they could be comfortable with the decision to
sequent deployment involved some type of unexpected ship for launch. | FEBRUARY 2022 | 41

from Kourou
Aerospace America couldn’t get to the Webb telescope
launch, and maybe you couldn't make it to French Guiana
either. But Adam Lawrence did. His big brother, Jon, is
NASA’s lead mechanical systems engineer for the James
Webb Space Telescope. Due to covid cancellations at the
last minute, Arianespace told Jon there was an opening for
Adam in the VIP area to view the launch. Adam, who has been
hearing about the mission from his brother since 1997, was
happy to take some time away from his efficiency consulting
business to attend. “I did get to witness history and live in my
brother's moment, so that was fun,” he says. Here is Adam’s
account of his journey in his own pictures and words.

This is me with my older brother, Jon (right),
who took this selfie in front of the full-scale
Ariane 5 model at the entrance of the Guiana Space
2 3 Center near the town of Kourou. Do I look tired? It
took four flights spanning nine hours to get there
from New York. I arrived on Dec. 19, five days before
NASA’s then target of a Dec. 24 launch.

This photo of me in front of the Ariane 5 model

gives you a sense of the size rocket that it took
to launch JWST. Just to the right (out of the photo),
is the Jupiter 2 Mission Control Center, which is
where Jon was in his role as NASA’s liaison to the
Arianespace launch team and acting as assistant
to NASA project manager Bill Ochs for the launch

This is the gallery where about a hundred of

us watched the control room and listened to
briefings. That’s Luce Fabreguettes of the European
Space Agency’s Space Transportation Directorate
talking to us before the launch. The doors to the
outside were opened about two minutes before
liftoff, and we all stepped out to watch. I came to
French Guiana to live in my brother’s moment, but
for those few minutes, I had to go outside and see
it go!

Here I am in the VIP gallery. The glass was

thick enough that we could talk without
disturbing the controllers. My Hawaiian shirt capped
a long-running joke with Jon. After all the delays,
one day I told him, “If this thing ever launches, I’m
4 going to be on the beach in the lounge chair with a
coconut drink in a Hawaiian shirt, and I'm going to
see it happen.” Well, I didn't get to be on the beach
in my lounge chair, but I did have my Hawaiian shirt.
5 6
This view into the control room shows Jon
(white shirt) at work, with Bill Ochs to his
left (Northrop Grumman project manager Scott
Willoughby was on Jon’s right, just out of view). Back
at NASA Goddard in Maryland, Jon was responsible
for ensuring Webb's structures and mechanisms
throughout the observatory were qualified for
launch. He left a few hours after the launch for the
JWST Mission Operations Center at the Space
Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, where he
monitored Webb's two-week deployment into its
basic operational shape.

This is the control room after the Ariane 5

payload fairing separated from the rocket,
revealing the folded up telescope. This photo
doesn’t capture it, but there was lots of clapping and
high-fiving when that happened, and I’m told even
more when JWST separated from the upper stage. I
had to leave before that to avoid missing my return
flight. I drove really fast through Amazon rainforest
roads past carts and scooters and bicycles and cars
and God knows what else. If you wonder, I made it.

FEBRUARY 2022 | 43
Celebrating Our Stars

27 April 2022 | 1800 hrs ET USA

Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, Washington, DC

Join AIAA as we recognize individuals who have made

tremendous accomplishments in their careers and
continue to advance the aerospace industry.

to our 2022 Premier Award Winners!
2022 AIAA Public Service Award LORI B. GARVER, Earthrise Alliance

2022 AIAA Goddard Astronautics Award KYLE T. ALFRIEND, Texas A&M University

2022 AIAA Reed Aeronautics Award PERETZ P. FRIEDMANN, University of Michigan

2022 AIAA Distinguished Service Award DAVID A. THROCKMORTON, National Institute of Aerospace

2022 AIAA International Cooperation Award DOMINIQUE COLLIN, Safran Group (retired)

2022 AIAA Engineer of the Year Award PAUL R. GRADL, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center

2022 AIAA Lawrence Sperry Award MICHAEL P. SNYDER, Redwire Space

Individual Tickets and Packages are available




AIAA Headquarters / 12700 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 200 / Reston, VA 20191-5807 /

To join AIAA; to submit address changes, member inquiries, or renewals; to request journal fulfillment;
or to register for an AIAA event. Customer Service: 800.639.AIAA (U.S. only. International callers should
use 703.264.7500).

All AIAA staff can be reached by email. Use the formula first name last

Addresses for Technical Committees and Section Chairs can be found on the AIAA website at

Other Important Numbers: Aerospace America / Catherine Hofacker, ext. 7587 • AIAA Bulletin / Christine Williams, ext. 7575 • AIAA Foundation / Alex D’Imperio, ext. 7536 • Book

Sales / 800.682.AIAA or 703.661.1595, Dept. 415 • Communications / Rebecca Gray, 804.397.5270 • Continuing Education / Jason Cole, ext. 7596 • Corporate Programs / Nancy

Hilliard, ext. 7509 • Editorial, Books and Journals / Michele Dominiak, ext. 7531 • Exhibits and Sponsorship / Paul doCarmo , ext. 7576 • Honors and Awards / Patricia Carr, ext. 7523 •

Integration and Outreach Committees / Angie Lander, ext. 7577 • Journal Subscriptions, Member / 800.639.AIAA • Journal Subscriptions, Institutional / Online Archive Subscriptions /

Michele Dominiak, ext. 7531 • K–12 Programs / Sha’Niece Simmons, ext. 7590 • Media Relations / Rebecca Gray, 804.397.5270 • Engage Online Community / Luci Blodgett, ext.

7537 • Public Policy / Steve Sidorek, ext. 7541 • Section Activities / Lindsay Mitchell, ext. 7502 • Standards, International / Nick Tongson, ext. 7515 • Technical Committees / Angie

Lander, ext. 7577 • University and Young Professional Programs / Michael Lagana, ext. 7503

We are frequently asked how to submit articles about section events, member awards, and other special interest items in the AIAA Bulletin. Please contact the staff liaison listed above
with Section, Committee, Honors and Awards, Event, or Education information. They will review and forward the information to the AIAA Bulletin Editor.

45 | OCTOBER 2021 | | FEBRUARY 2022 | 45




3–4 Feb Region I Mid-Atlantic Section Young Professionals, Students, and Educators (YPSE) Conference ONLINE (

16 Feb Professional Virtual Career Fair ONLINE (Register at

18 Feb–8 Apr Design of Experiments: Improved Experimental Methods in Aerospace Testing Course ONLINE (

23–25 Feb, 1–3 Mar UAV Aircraft Design Course by Dan Raymer ONLINE (

28 Feb–11 Mar Fundamentals of Python Programming with Libraries for Aerospace Engineers Course ONLINE (

5–12 Mar* 2022 IEEE Aerospace Conference Big Sky, MT (

8, 9, 10 Mar Understanding Space: An Introduction to Astronautics and Space Systems Engineering Course ONLINE (

8–17 Mar Trusted Artificial Intelligence Course ONLINE (

14 Mar–6 Apr Systems Thinking for Modern Aerospace Complexity Course ONLINE (

22–31 Mar Fundamentals of Thermal Vacuum Testing Science Course ONLINE (

25–26 Mar AIAA Region III Student Conference West Lafayette, IN, & Online 27 Jan 22

25–27 Mar AIAA Region I Student Conference Blacksburg, VA, & Online 24 Jan 22

29 Mar–7 Apr Technical Writing Essentials for Engineers Course ONLINE (

1–2 Apr AIAA Region IV Student Conference San Antonio, TX, & Online 31 Jan 22

1–3 Apr AIAA Region VI Student Conference Merced, CA 5 Feb 22

4–5 Apr AIAA Region II Student Conference Atlanta, GA 4 Feb 22

4–6 Apr* 3rd IAA Conference on Space Situational Awareness (ICSSA) Madrid (

4–14 Apr Fundamentals of Data and Information Fusion for Aerospace Systems Course ONLINE (

8–9 Apr AIAA Region V Student Conference Colorado Springs, CO, & Online 13 Feb 22

11 Apr–18 May Design of Space Launch Vehicles Course ONLINE (

12–21 Apr Application of Thermal Vacuum Testing Course ONLINE (

19–21 Apr AIAA DEFENSE Forum Laurel, MD 19 Oct 21

21–24 Apr AIAA Design/Build/Fly Wichita, KS

26 Apr AIAA Fellows Induction Ceremony and Dinner Arlington, VA

46 | FEBRUARY 2022 |

For more information on meetings listed below, visit our website at or call 800.639.AIAA or 703.264.7500 (outside U.S.).



26–29 Apr Applied Model-Based Systems Engineering Course ONLINE (

27 Apr AIAA Awards Gala Washington, DC

27–28 Apr ASCENDxTexas: Accelerating the Business of Space Exploration Moving Beyond the Now Houston, TX (

2–5 May Applied Space Systems Engineering Course ONLINE (

3–4 May OpenFOAM CFD Foundations Course ONLINE (

3–5 May* 6th CEAS Conference on Guidance, Navigation and Control (EuroGNC) Berlin, Germany ( 31 Oct 21

Electrochemical Energy Systems for Electrified Aircraft Propulsion: Batteries and Fuel Cell
4–27 May ONLINE (
Systems Course

12–13 May* AIAA SOSTC Improving Space Operations Workshop 2022 Virtual Event (

16–19 May* 26th Aerodynamic Decelerator Systems Technology Conference and Seminar (ADSTCS) Toulouse, France (

17–26 May Digital Engineering Fundamentals Course ONLINE (

24–25 May OpenFOAM External Aerodynamics Course ONLINE (

30 May–1 Jun* 29th Saint Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems Saint Petersburg, Russia (

6–9 Jun Designing Space Missions Course ONLINE (

7 Jun OpenFOAM CFD Aeroacoustics Course ONLINE (

8 Jun OpenFOAM CFD Dynamic Mesh Modeling Course ONLINE (

14–17 Jun* 28th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference Southampton, UK ( 12 Jan 22

21–24 Jun* ICNPAA 2021: Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Sciences Prague, Czech Republic (

27 Jun–1 Jul AIAA AVIATION Forum Chicago, IL 10 Nov 21

16–24 Jul* 44th Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research and Associate Events (COSPAR) Athens, Greece ( 11 Feb 22

7–10 Aug* AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference Charlotte, NC 1 Apr 22

4–9 Sep* 33rd Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS 2022) Stockholm, Sweden ( 10 Feb 22

18–22 Sep* 73rd International Astronautical Congress Paris, France (

24–26 Oct ASCEND Powered by AIAA Las Vegas, NV

*Meetings cosponsored by AIAA. Cosponsorship forms can be found at AIAA Continuing Education offerings | FEBRUARY 2022 | 47


M ore than 5,000 attendees—made up of over 3,000 people in San Diego and more than 2,000 people
virtually—gathered for the 2022 AIAA SciTech Forum, 3–7 January. Experts from industry, govern-
ment, and academia, as well as over 1,900 undergraduate and graduate students, shared research, inno-
vation, and progress. The forum featured thousands of presentations covering ground-breaking aerospace
technical and scientific research.

48 | FEBRUARY 2022 | | FEBRUARY 2022 | 49

Diversity Scholars at
AIAA SciTech Forum

F ourteen AIAA Diversity

Scholars attended AIAA
SciTech Forum, 3–7 January 2022,
in San Diego. The scholars
attended the plenary and Forum
360 sessions, the student awards
breakfast, and Rising Leaders in
Aerospace events, as well as other
special sessions targeted specifi-
2022 International Student cally at the scholars.
Conference Winners Announced The AIAA Diversity Scholarship was created to provide networking and engage-

T he AIAA International Student Confer-

ence took place on 3 January in conjunc-
tion with the AIAA SciTech Forum. Students
ment opportunities at forums to students from backgrounds that are traditionally
underrepresented in the industry. These students receive round-trip airfare, a
complimentary hotel stay, forum registration, and additional targeted programming
who won fi rst place at one of the 2021 AIAA that may help them succeed in the aerospace industry. This program is a collabo-
Regional Student Conferences presented their ration of the AIAA Foundation and The Boeing Company.
papers at this professional technical confer- Diversity scholarships will be offered at the 2022 AIAA AVIATION Forum and
ence, which offers students a chance to 2022 ASCEND event. We encourage applications from students in all disciplines
showcase their original research at an event with an interest in aerospace, including but not limited to STEM fields, commu-
where they can also network with potential nications, law, industrial design, journalism, and political science. Please visit
employers and colleagues. The winners were
announced at an awards breakfast on 4 ty-Scholars-Program for more information.
January, where Lockheed Martin Fellow Mike
Buonanno provided the keynote address to the
student attendees.
The winners are: Call for Papers for F. Landis Markley
Undergraduate Category
“Novel Optical Diagnostics for the Study of Shock
Memorial Virtual Collection
Separation in Rocket Nozzles,” by Meaghan On 5 December, the guidance, navigation, and control community
Munro, Monash University (Melbourne, VIC, lost one of its most influential and well-regarded figures. The clear
Australia) and rigorous body of work that AIAA Fellow Dr. F. Landis Markley
contributed to our field has been foundational to the development of
Master’s Category the theory and practice of attitude determination, as well as many other
“Preliminary Adaptation of Speech Source Lo- areas of spacecraft dynamics and control. The Journal of Guidance,
calization Algorithm for Reduced Bandwidth of Control, and Dynamics (JGCD) will dedicate a Virtual Collection in
Interest in Tonadic Infrasound Signals,” by Bran- his honor. The focus is specifically targeted to aspects of aerospace
don White and Ujjval Patel, Oklahoma State estimation, dynamics, and control applications to which Dr. Markley
University (Stillwater, OK) contributed, with a particular focus on spacecraft attitude applications.

Team Category For questions on the suitability of a manuscript and other questions related to the
“Design of a Modular Orientable Electrodynam- Virtual Collection, please contact the Editors for this Virtual Collection, Dr. John L.
ic Shield for Lunar Dust Mitigation,” by Luis Pabon Crassidis ( and Dr. Russell Carpenter (Russell.Carpenter@nasa.
Madrid, Polina Verkhovodova, Malcom Tisdale, gov). For general questions regarding JGCD, contact Prof. Ping Lu, Editor-in-Chief
Isabella Dula, Kaila Coimbra, Tanmay Gupta, ( If you already have a manuscript under review by JGCD and would
Leah Soldner, Rithvik Musuku, and Soon-Jo like to have it considered for the Virtual Collection, please contact Prof. Lu with a copy
Chung, California Institute of Technology (Pas- of the request sent to Dr. Crassidis and Dr. Carpenter.
adena, CA) To ensure consideration for inclusion, please submit papers no later than 31
Dates for the 2022 Regional Student Confer- October 2022 at Authors must select
ences can be found on pages 46–47. Information the Virtual Collection “F. Landis Markley Memorial” during submission. Both Full-
about the student conferences can be found at Length Papers and Engineering Notes are welcome. If a manuscript is deemed not in scope for the Virtual Collection, the author will be notified and the manuscript
dent-conferences, or by contacting Lindsay Mitch- will be considered by JGCD as a regular submission. The full call for papers can be
ell at Thank you to Lockheed found at:
Martin for sponsoring the event.

50 | FEBRUARY 2022 |

AIAA Announces Its Class of 2022
Honorary Fellows and Fellows
AIAA has selected its newly elected Class of 2022 Honorary Fellows and Fellows. 

Honorary Fellow is the highest distinction conferred by AIAA and Thomas L. Frey Jr., Lockheed Martin Aeronautics
recognizes preeminent individuals who have had long and highly James W. Gregory, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
contributory careers in aerospace and who embody the highest Yanping Guo, Johns Hopkins University Applied
possible standards in aeronautics and astronautics. In 1933, Orville Physics Laboratory
Wright became the fi rst AIAA Honorary Fellow. Today, AIAA Hon- Marillyn A. Hewson, Lockheed Martin Corporation
orary Fellows and AIAA Fellows are the most respected names in Felix R. Hoots, The Aerospace Corporation
the aerospace industry.  Naveed Hussain, The Boeing Company
James K. Kuchar, MIT Lincoln Laboratory
The 2022 Honorary Fellows are: Robert M. Lightfoot Jr., Lockheed Martin Space
Roger A. Krone, Leidos Gen. Lester L. Lyles, U.S. Air Force (retired)
Salvatore “Tory” Bruno, United Launch Alliance Anastasios S. Lyrintzis, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Wesley L. Harris, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sergey O. Macheret, Purdue University
Sandra H. Magnus, Georgia Institute of Technology
AIAA confers the distinction of Fellow upon individuals in recog- Dimitri J. Mavriplis, University of Wyoming
nition of their notable and valuable contributions to the arts, sci- Lawrence M. Robertson III, U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory
ences or technology of aeronautics and astronautics. Nominees are Mary M. Roybal, Raytheon Missiles & Defense
AIAA Associate Fellows. Walter H. Rutledge, CENTRA Technology, Inc., A PAE Company
Amanda R. Simpson, Airbus Americas
The 2022 AIAA Fellows are: Mark N. Sirangelo, University of Colorado Boulder
Maruthi Akella, University of Texas at Austin Grant H. Stokes, MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Erian A. Armanios, University of Texas at Arlington Afzal Suleman, University of Victoria
Erik P. Blasch, Air Force Office of Scientific Research
Terry J. Burress, Lockheed Martin Corporation
J. Russell Carpenter, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Louis N. Cattafesta III, Florida A&M University –
Florida State University For more information on the AIAA Honors Program,
William J. Devenport, Virginia Polytechnic Institute contact Patricia A. Carr at
and State University
John J. Dong, The Boeing Company

The Class of 2022 AIAA Associate Fellows were inducted at the AIAA Associate Fellows Dinner and Induction
Ceremony on 3 January at the Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego in conjunction with AIAA SciTech Forum.

AIAA K-12 Activities

Have a Big Impact at
2022 AIAA SciTech Forum

AIAA Members Bring Hands-On Activities nel with smoke visualization illustrated how air flows over an
to High Tech High School airplane, and students created the Coanda effect using straws
and a ping-pong ball. The Structures TC’s wooden models of a
By Craig Merrett wing revealed the effects of stiffness and geometry on the bend-
ing and twisting of wings.
The Structural Dynamics TC marked their 10th year of visiting
O n 5 January, 18 AIAA members from the Aerodynamics,
Structures, and Structural Dynamics Technical Committees
(TCs) and the local AIAA San Diego Section visited grade 9 stu-
schools as part of AIAA SciTech Forum with exciting experiments,
including a Ruben’s tube visualizing acoustic waves created by
dents at High Tech High School during the 2022 AIAA SciTech music. Students also used tuning forks to experiment with reso-
Forum in San Diego. Also visiting were members from the AIAA nance, and Chladni plates to show mode shapes using sand. The
STEM K-12 Outreach Committee and the AIAA Diversity and students were given the opportunity to chat one-on-one with the
Inclusion Working Group. Over 100 students tried hands-on engineers about their careers and the exciting technologies they
demonstrations to learn some of the basic principles behind work on. We thank High Tech High physics teacher Amilio Aviles
aerospace engineering. The Aerodynamic TC’s small wind tun- for coordinating this visit.

Girls Take Flight: Drone Program Returns and Vanesa Dominguez, three students, Fatima Laugo, Shyanne
to AIAA SciTech for HUB Session Smith, and Trinity Watkins, presented a HUB session on the drone
program and demonstrated their knowledge of Python to program
irls Take Flight is an innovative program for 10th and 11th grade
G high school girls that provides hands-on experience building
and flying drones and explores their real-world uses. Students be-
a Tello drone. The program is run by nonprofit Elementary Institute
of Science (EIS) in San Diego.
After the HUB presentation the students met with exhibitors
come FAA-certified drone pilots. Under the leadership of Jim Stone and were provided with the opportunity to tour a Gulfstream G500.

52 | FEBRUARY 2022 |

Go For Launch! Student Program
Update at AIAA SciTech Forum

L ong-time AIAA advocate and educational partner

Higher Orbits inspires the next generation of STEMists
and Explorers with its Go For Launch! Program. In a HUB
session, three program alumni, Abby Maltese, Sophie
Crowder, and Claire Pickerel, described their Go For
Launch! experience, their STEM pursuits, and student
science in space.
Abby Maltese was part of the winning team in the Go
For Launch! Cygnus Series. Her team’s experiment focus-
es on the evaluation of self-healing materials in micro-
gravity. Th is experiment launched aboard the NG-10 fl ight
on 17 November 2018, and the students are still analyzing
the data.

For more information about how to get involved with AIAA and make an impact please visit or contact Alex D’Imperio,

Nominate Your Peers and Colleagues!

Do you know someone who has made notable contributions to aerospace arts, sciences, or technology?
Bolster the reputation and respect of an outstanding peer throughout the industry.
Nominate them now!

Candidates for Candidates for Candidates for Candidates for

i Accepting online i Acceptance period begins i Acceptance period begins i Acceptance period begins
nominations monthly 1 February 2022 1 April 2022 1 February 2022
i Nomination forms are due i Nomination forms are due i Nomination forms are due
15 April 2022 15 June 2022 15 June 2022
i Reference forms are due i Reference forms are due i Reference forms are due
15 May 2022 15 July 2022 15 July 2022

Criteria for nomination and additional details can be found at | FEBRUARY 2022 | 53


2022 AIAA Key Issues And Recommendations

Aerospace is Technology. Aerospace is Innovation. Aerospace is Jobs.

T he U.S. aerospace and defense (A&D) industry – which comprises Aeronautics, Space, and associated Research and Development
(R&D) activities – is a multi-trillion-dollar enterprise. It supports millions of jobs domestically and produces out of this world tech-
nology innovations built upon our world-class, but aging infrastructure. The A&D industry is critical to our nation’s well-being, provid-
ing major contributions to education, economic prosperity, quality of life, national defense, and homeland security. In this new decade,
and as the COVID-19 pandemic persists, it is critical that substantial action be taken to address the needs of the industry and the complex
global economic, technological, and military competitions that are poised to affect the United States’ future as an international leader
and technological and economic powerhouse.

The A&D industry, consisting of the private sector, government tiveness, is defined government needs and priorities, a skilled
agencies, and academia, currently is, and will continue to be, pivot- workforce, and research and development funding to transition
al in addressing the needs of our nation. Mitigating climate change technologies for national security missions. However, with multiple
through developing technologies that reduce carbon emissions and nations and companies seeking to operate in space, challenges exist
ensuring responsible use of outer space for a sustainable future both for establishing norms of behavior – for space traffic management,
on and off the planet are critical to our future. The A&D industry responsible use of the communication spectrum, and enabling Earth
provides opportunities for individuals from all races, nationalities, orbit operations through orbital debris mitigation. The United States
and socioeconomic statuses. Together we tackle the complex chal- must act quickly and decisively to demonstrate leadership in all these
lenges associated with improving our society and defending our way areas – taking the initiative to act fi rst and set global precedents for
of life, driving our innate desire to explore and be curious, working norms of behavior for the responsible use of outer space.
toward a greener future, and keeping outer space accessible to all. • Recommendation: Provide guidance and direction to this
AIAA – the world’s largest aerospace professional society – urg- nascent space industry to incentivize and sustain economic
es decision makers to enact and support policies that will provide growth and promote U.S. leadership and national security.
for sustainment and growth of all elements of the A&D industry.
The industry continues to be critical to the security and prosperity GROWING, EVOLVING, AND DIVERSIFYING
of the United States, and the actions taken (or missed) are pivotal THE 21st-CENTURY WORKFORCE
to maintaining a robust, world-leading A&D sector and will affect The future of the A&D industry relies on a properly skilled, qualified,
the nation and our community for many years to come. and fully staffed workforce. This workforce, which is over 2 million strong
AIAA seeks support from policymakers to address the following with salaries 41% higher than the national average2, forms the A&D
key issues: industrial base backbone. There is currently fierce competition among
• Accelerate the establishment of policies that facilitate the employers for qualified technical talent, exacerbated by large numbers
commercialization of space for U.S. technological compet- of currently unfilled jobs. Despite numerous efforts over the past decade
itiveness, economic growth, and national security benefits to make significant advancements to diversify the workforce, the nee-
• Support the growth, evolution, and diversification of the dle has only moved a small amount 2. A diverse and fully inclusive
21st-century workforce to fi ll the job needs in the industry pipeline – including K-12 through trade schools and colleges and uni-
• Support long-term, robust investments in research and versities, as well as accommodating international students – must
technologies that drive innovation and sustainability across produce qualified workers in sufficient numbers to fill the range of skills
the A&D industry necessary for our industry, including advanced manufacturing. Tech-
• Support initiatives with associated funding for the recovery nology is advancing at an exponential rate; therefore, company leaders
and advancement of the A&D industry – including work- and policymakers must afford the workforce with continuous learning
force, infrastructure, and technology advancements and growth opportunities to meet the current and forecasted hiring
demand in a field that literally has no ceilings. Challenges remain for
THE COMMERCIALIZATION OF SPACE: employers at all levels of government, industry, and academic institutions
ECONOMIC GROWTH AND NATIONAL SECURITY and failing to educate, attract, and retain top talent is likely the greatest
The commercialization of space is critical for U.S. economic growth threat to maintaining U.S. leadership and global competitiveness.
and national security. The space economy was estimated at over $350 • Recommendation: Support development of a diverse aerospace
billion in 2019, and in 2020 over $7.6 billion was invested in space workforce for all skill types and stages of career to advance
startup companies1. With these investments at an all-time high, the learning commensurate with technology and product advance-
pace of innovation and technology development is literally skyrock- ment, such as incentives for K-12 STEM teachers, H-1B visa
eting. Necessary to enabling this economy, which is fueled by private reform, and legislation that enhances the pipeline of STEM-com-
industry and advances U.S. technological leadership and competi- petent workers.

1 2

54 | FEBRUARY 2022 |

The United States must continue to make research and develop- The A&D industry was vital to the nation during the fi rst year of the
ment (R&D) investments that will result in future innovative and COVID-19 pandemic, e.g., ventilator and PPE production and vac-
sustainable aviation and space products and processes. Th is in- cine distribution. Nearly two years later, the A&D industry contin-
vestment is required to sustain and grow the significant positive ues to be severely impacted – including the workforce, infrastructure,
economic impact that the A&D industry has across all segments and technology advancements. During calendar year 2020 and the
of the economy, while ensuring national security and defense fi rst half of 2021, it was reported that more than half of the A&D
readiness. Keys enablers are development and sustainment of workforce was working remotely3. Complexities still exist for work-
state-of-the-art facilities – including experimental and compu- ers who can perform their duties virtually versus essential workers
tational R&D capabilities – combined with predictable and stable who are required to be on-site. Despite government and defense
funding to address current and emerging threats and technologies spending remaining stable during the pandemic, the aerospace
such as hypersonics and climate change. Aviation connects the sector – specifically jobs and technology advancement – has been
world – ultimately increasing national and global productivity, negatively impacted by the pandemic’s economic fallout. It is im-
economic opportunity, and quality of life. Space inspires us, fuels perative that the government continue to provide stable and pre-
curiosity and learning, and benefits life on Earth – exploration of dictable funding for government programs and organizations as
the solar system, understanding our universe, and providing we rebuild our aging infrastructure (including virtual collaboration
critical infrastructure for telecommunications, navigation, and tools), support and grow our workforce while ensuring COVID-19
surveillance. A robust pipeline of research, technology maturation, safety measures, and develop technologies that advance the state
and product/process development – enabled by a key funding of the art and fuel economic growth such as achieving net-zero
and foundational infrastructure – is critical to the future quality carbon emissions by 2050.
and growth of the aviation and space economies. • Recommendation: Create initiatives and provide funding for
• Recommendation: Support robust, long-term funding for the recovery and advancement of the A&D industry – including
federal research and technology initiatives in aeronautics and workforce, infrastructure, and technology advancements.
space, including necessary infrastructure, to ensure U.S.
leadership in critical areas such as artificial intelligence, ad-
vanced air mobility, cybersecurity, hypersonics, and robotics. 3 2021 A&D Workforce Study White Paper

Take Part in the 24th AIAA

Congressional Visits Day
Registration is now open for any United States-based AIAA member who would
like to participate in the Institute’s 24th annual Congressional Visits Day (CVD)
program, to be held the week of 14 March. Given the health and travel concerns
related to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, along with the strict protocols to
access the Capitol Complex, this year’s event will once again be entirely virtual. 

Your contributions to this upcoming event will be invaluable as the aerospace and defense (A&D)
industry and its supply chain continue to be impacted by the prolonged pandemic. We will call
on lawmakers to address the ongoing needs of the industry, including the following key issues:

• Ensuring technological competitiveness, commercialization, and behavioral norms in the

space economy
• Growing, evolving, and diversifying the 21st-century workforce
• Investing in research and technologies that drive innovation and sustainability across the
A&D industry
• Providing initiatives for recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure that the United
States retains global aerospace leadership

Find out more information and register at: | FEBRUARY 2022 | 55


Students Commemorate Wright Brothers’ First

Flight with Imaginative Drawings
By Robin Osborne, Pre-College Outreach Officer, AIAA Greater Huntsville Section

T hree very talented students were recently recognized by the

AIAA Greater Huntsville Section (GHS) for their stellar draw-
ings commemorating the 118 th anniversary of the Wright Broth-
members Robin Osborne and Len Naugher, who served as the
lead judge for the contest. The Monrovia students were sponsored
by AIAA Educator Associate Sherrie Frady, 2021 AIAA GHS Kon-
ers’ historic fi rst fl ight. Annalie Kastning was the 1st place winner rad Dannenberg Educator of the Year, and the Horizon students
out of the 19 entries from Monrovia Elementary. Kennedy Craft were sponsored by AIAA Educator Associate Elizabeth Bero,
and Cody Daniel were the 1st- and 2 nd-place winners, respective- recipient of the 2020 AIAA Foundation Educator Achievement
ly, out of 42 entries from Horizon Elementary School. These Award.
drawings were among a record-breaking 61 entries for this year’s Congratulations to the students on their inspiring drawings,
annual AIAA GHS drawing contest honoring the Wright Brothers. as well their teachers, for their outstanding service to education
The students were surprised with personalized trophies at and promotion of math and science in the Huntsville and Mad-
their schools on the morning of 17 December by AIA A GHS ison communities.

Sherrie Frady and Annalie

Kastning of Monrovia
Elementary School. Annalie’s
1st-place drawing.

Kennedy Craft, Elizabeth Bero, and Cody Daniel (left to right) of Horizon Elementary School. Kennedy’s
1st-place drawing; Cody’s 2nd-place drawing.

56 | FEBRUARY 2022 |

Obituaries He founded Engineering Design Opti-
mization, Inc. (later renamed Vanderplaats
cally improved the convergence of structur-
al optimization, including the most notable
Research & Development and then Om- example, the force approximation. He de-
AIAA Fellow Vanderplaats niQuest) in the mid 1980s and served as CEO veloped many optimizers in his career, in-
Died in November until 2020 and chairman until his passing. cluding DOT, BIGDOT, and DSCDOT. His
Dr. Garret N. (Gary) Van- The company provides a suite of structural optimizers have been embedded in countless
derplaats died 17 Novem- and multidisciplinary design optimization programs around the world. He developed
ber 2021. He was 77. software products.   and directed the development of tools to
Dr. Vanderplaats re- An AIAA Fellow, Dr. Vanderplaats was make optimization applications user friend-
Gary ceived an M.S. in Civil En- involved with the AIAA Multidisciplinary ly: COPES, DOC, VisualDOC (now Iliad).
gineering from Arizona Design Optimization Technical Committee A pioneer of commercial fi nite-element
State University in 1968, (1990–1994) and was the recipient of the 2002 structural optimization software, Dr. Van-
and his Ph.D. in Structural Mechanics from AIAA Multidisciplinary Design Optimization derplaats guided the development of SOL
Case Western Reserve University in 1971. He Award. 200 for MSC Nastran, as well as his own fi-
worked as a research scientist for eight years Dr. Vanderplaats was known as one of nite-element structural optimization soft-
at NASA Ames Research Center where he the founding fathers of practical structural ware, GENESIS.
managed the conceptual aircraft design and multidisciplinary design optimization Over the years, Dr. Vanderplaats published
MDO program, ACSYNT.  He taught for five in the United States. He pioneered many numerous papers on optimization, MDO and
years at the Naval Postgraduate School, and techniques in optimization. While at NASA, Structural Optimization. He authored two
in 1984 joined the faculty at University of he developed the Modified Method of Fea- books, Numerical Optimization Techniques
California, Santa Barbara as professor of sible Directions optimization algorithm, for Engineering Design: With Applications
Mechanical Engineering, where he twice implemented in his widely used CONMIN and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization,
received the outstanding professor award and ADS software. He introduced second that have served to teach optimization to
in Mechanical Engineering. order approximation methods that drasti- many generations of students.


Walter J. and Angeline H. Crichlow Trust Prize

Established in 1994, this award is presented every four years

to an individual or team for excellence in aerospace materials,
structural design, structural analysis, or structural dynamics
and for a specific achievement or body of work that became
significant during the immediate past 15 years.

Winners will receive $100,000

and will be recognized at the
AIAA SciTech Forum in January 2023!

Nomination package is due

15 March 2022.

For more information about this award and to submit a nomination, please visit | FEBRUARY 2022 | 57


AIAA Fellow Markley Died in memory of Dr. Markley, JGCD will dedicate the vice president of the United States, and
December a Virtual Collection in his honor; to learn the Defense Science Board. 
F. Landis Markley died 5 December. how to submit a paper to this collection, In 2008, the Space Foundation awarded
He was 82 years old. please see the information on page 50. Dr. Mark with the General James E. Hill Life-
Dr. Markley was educated at Cornell time Space Achievement Award, and in 2012,
University and the University of California AIAA Honorary Fellow Mark the Air Force Space Command awarded him
at Berkeley, receiving his Ph.D. in Died in December 2021 the Air Force Space and Missile Pioneers Award.
elementary particle physics in 1967. After Aerospace engineer Hans In 2011, he was recognized with the AIAA von
a year as a National Science Foundation Mark died on 18 December. Kármán Lectureship in Astronautics.
postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Mark was 92. 
Physics and Astronomy at the University of Born in Mannheim, AIAA Fellow Patton
Maryland, College Park, he accepted a Germany, Dr. Mark escaped Died in December
position as Assistant Professor of Physics from Austria with his fam- Robert J. (Bob) Patton, aeronautical engi-
at Williams College from 1968 to 1974. ily in 1940. After settling in neer and retired Senior Vice President of
He then served on the technical staff of the United States, Dr. Mark received his Vought, died on 26 December 2021. He was
Computer Sciences Corporation (1974– bachelor’s degree in physics from the Uni- 99 years old.
1978), and in the Space Systems Division of versity of California, Berkeley in 1951. He Mr. Patton began his studies at the Univer-
the Naval Research Laboratory (1978– earned his Ph.D. in physics from MIT in 1954. sity of Michigan before serving for three years
1985). He spent 25 years at NASA Goddard He held a number of research and teach- in the Army Signal Corps during World War II.
Space Flight Center, until he retired in ing jobs at Boston University, MIT, Stanford He returned to the University of Michigan to
2010. At Goddard, Dr. Markley contributed University, and the University of California. complete graduate school (MSE, aero) in 1947.
to control systems for more than 20 After finishing his graduate studies, Dr. He joined Consolidated (subsequently Gener-
missions, including the Hubble Space Mark was a research associate at MIT and al Dynamics) as an aerodynamicist, and worked
Telescope, the Wilkinson Microwave acting head of the Neutron Physics Group, on the B-36, B60, B-58, RB-57F, and F-111, and
Anisotropy Probe, several of the Geosta- Laboratory for Nuclear Science until 1955. was the FB-111A Program Director.
tionary Environmental Satellite missions, He returned to Berkeley as a research phys- In 1971 Mr. Patton became Chief Engi-
and the James Webb Space Telescope. icist, and then worked at the university’s neer for the U.S. Air Force on its B-1 Bomb-
Dr. Markley was particularly prominent Lawrence Radiation Laboratory in Livermore er in Dayton, OH. He worked as Director of
in the development of innovative exten- (1960–1964). In 1964, Dr. Mark became chair Manufacturing Control at General Dynam-
sions, analytical tools, and operational of Berkeley’s department of nuclear engi- ics Electric Boat Division in Groton, CT, from
software for the application of Kalman neering while directing the Berkeley Re- 1974 to 1976. He then joined Vought Aircraft
filtering, batch techniques, and covariance search Reactor. in Dallas, TX, where he worked on the Sat-
analysis to attitude estimation. He In 1969, he was named director of NASA ellite Interceptor Program, the C-17, A-7F,
authored many classic papers in spacecraft Ames Research Center. As director Dr. Mark B-2 Bomber, and other classified programs.
attitude estimation, dynamics, and control. managed the center’s research and appli- Retiring from Vought in 1990, Mr. Patton
Dr. Markley was one of the principal cations efforts in aeronautics, space science, worked as a consultant for several years. He
contributors to the book Spacecraft Attitude life science, and space technology. He also served on the Air Force Scientific Advisory
Determination and Control (1978), which is was a lecturer in applied science at the Board, on numerous Air Force and Nation-
a vital resource for practicing engineers to University of California, Davis (1969–1973).  al Research Council committees, and on
this day. In 2014, he was first author of the In the late 1970s and early 1980s, he held the Independent Review Team for the Lock-
book Fundamentals of Spacecraft Attitude positions including as secretary of the Air heed Joint Strike Fighter Program.
Determination and Control, which has Force, director of the National Reconnais- Mr. Patton was the recipient of numerous
become essential to the education of many sance Office, deputy administrator of NASA, honors, including the 1986 AIAA Reed Aero-
astronautical engineers. and director of Defense Research and En- nautics Award. He was elected to the Engi-
Elected a Fellow of AIAA and the gineering at the Pentagon. Dr. Mark devot- neering Hall of Achievement of the Univer-
American Astronautical Society, Dr. Mark- ed much of his career to nuclear deterrence s i t y o f Te x a s a t A r l i n g t o n a n d t h e
ley also was recognized with numerous during the Cold War, including the devel- University of Michigan conferred on him its
awards, including the Moe Schneebaum opment of secret technology for spying and Aerospace Engineering Alumni Society
Award, two NASA Exceptional Service enhancing America’s nuclear capability. Merit Award. In 1997, the Secretary of the
Medals, the 1998 AIAA Mechanics and He moved Austin in 1984 when he was Air Force recognized Mr. Patton with the
Control of Flight Award, the 2005 AAS Dirk named chancellor of the UT System. He also Decoration for Exceptional Civilian Service
Brouwer Award, and the 2008 AIAA taught aerospace engineering in UT’s Cock- for his four years on the Scientific Advisory
Guidance, Navigation, and Control Award. rell School of Engineering.  Board. Mr. Patton was also an AIAA Fellow
The author of numerous publications, Over the years Dr. Mark had also served and a member of both the National Acade-
he was also an Associate Editor of the AIAA as a consultant for the Institute for Defense my of Engineering and the Academy of
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Analyses,the National Science Foundation, Medicine, Engineering, and Science of
Dynamics (JGCD) from 1992 to 1994. In the U.S. Air Force Scientific Advisory Board, Texas.

58 | FEBRUARY 2022 |


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60 | FEBRUARY 2022 |


figurative tree of knowledge. Believing our-

selves to be separate and independent from
our universe is the original sin, the peccatum
   ! "# $  $%" &$$  originale, alluded to in the Bible. For many,


 this interconnectedness remains ellusive,


but as with any sin, it is not inevitable. Just as

   !   "
  nearly all of us learn not to lie or steal, we can

$ # # 


learn not to pollute space by reviving our


) &

 '&( sense of interconnectness.

# The challenge is to make the evidence of

! $  
!  " !

 this interconnectedness more difficult to
$ ignore. The answer resides with our comput-

+  ing machines evaluating massive quantities


of disparate and heterogeneous data such as
 !  ,++$$$   +!

  ,++$$$   + aggregating climate data, vehicle locations

   on land, air and sea, geopolitical tradewinds,

#  -

 and more. The objective would be to discov-
   #  $!     

! er unknown relationships across previously
  #  $  
 #  $
 assumed independent processes and events.
$ &     
! .

   Humans are excellent at extracting infor-
     mation from data when it’s presented as dif-
 ferences and rates of change, and inferring



    - #   correlations and causality by understanding
 context while rejecting extraneous data. We
 #  # 0    


do this much better than machines. What we


!     $    aren’t good at is evaluating a raw, massive
  $ hyperdimensional trove of data. Instead of
! 1 

 $ 1   trying to force humans to excel at something
 we are incapable of doing, let’s instead invoke
   ' (!    


 ,++  +3400 the assistance of machines in a way that com-
plements what humans are in fact good at. This



 is the role of augmented intelligence.
4 5
 Once machines comb through these data,


 " 78 
we can then identify otherwise unknown

!  -  
 causalities. The results would explicitly show
 $    !   ! 
! ! us the degree to which we are all intercon-
"! " 


! #    

nected and provide us with greater insight to

   #  $ 


!  !


include the consequences of our activities on


 !  1! 

the environment. The machines could also



  make use of social scientific signals to deter-
! ! 
! ! 
!  #! " 

 mine the most effective way to convey this
! $    



  :  truth to us, one that would likely lead to a

 more positive outcome than the one seen in
 !    ,++   +

 ! $ $  "

 $ “Don’t Look Up.”

  :  Once we are no longer ignorant about our

 interconnectedness, we can accept the grav-

  $  ity of wicked problems like ones posed by

  :  $ 

 space traffic and orbital debris. We will thank
 !    ,++$$$    ++! $ $      $
our machines for being our key to under-

 $  1     


standing ourselves more than ever before. In

!  -  

 $    !   ! 
! ! the end, it will take machines to lead us back
"! " 


! #    
 to knowing our common source. In the mean-
time, please look up.

FEBRUARY 2022 | 61
100, 75, 50, 25 YEARS AGO IN FEBRUARY


are supplanting the WACs. Also in February United to land on the moon and 15 mission in 1971 while
However, WAC-Corporals will Helicopters of California return with lunar samples. astronauts David R.
soon serve in the Bumper announces the flight of NASA, Aeronautics and Scott and James B. Irwin
Feb. 6 The missile program as second the J-5, the first U.S.-built Astronautics, 1972, p. 53. explored the lunar surface.
1 international stages of V-2s. F. Ordway III helicopter design to use Washington News, Feb.
Washington Naval and R. Wakeford, International compressor thrust to offset Feb. 14 Hughes 22, 1972.
Conference comes to a Missile and Spacecraft Guide, rotor torque. This is the Aircraft Co.’s Intelsat-
close after four months pp. 209-210. latest helicopter innovation IV F-4 communications Feb. 20 NASA’s
of deliberations, placing of United president Stanley satellite begins full-time
4 Kennedy Space
limitations on the size and Feb. 17 The initial 25-hour Hiller Jr. Aviation News, Feb. commercial service over Center in Florida unveils
number of battleships, flight testing of Bristol 17, 1947, p. 10; Jay Spenser, the Atlantic Ocean to 15 a commemorative plaque
heavy cruisers and aircraft Airplane’s Theseus Mk. 11, Vertical Challenge: The Earth stations. Launched to celebrate the 10th
to restrict the production of the world’s first turboprop Hiller Aircraft Story, p. 26. on Jan. 22, the satellite is anniversary of Friendship 7,
warships. The terms of the the first of Hughes’ fifth the first U.S. crewed orbital

engine design, is carried
agreement allow the United out using an Avro Lincoln generation of geostationary space flight. Piloted by
States to convert two under- airframe. The Theseus has communications satellites. astronaut John H. Glenn Jr.,
construction battlecruisers a static sea level power of ComSatCorp Release 72-10. Friendship 7 was launched
into the aircraft carriers USS Feb. 1 Brazil inaugurates by a modified Atlas rocket
1,950 horsepower plus 500
Lexington and Saratoga, its second meteorological Feb. 17 A team at NASA’s from Cape Canaveral Air
pounds jet thrust. Several
which form the backbone tracking station in Brasilia, its Langley Research Center Force Station and circled
of the engines used in
of American naval air power capital. The first station was in Virginia achieves the Earth three times during
subsequent tests are fitted
during the interwar period. established in Rio de Janeiro. first full automatic landings the 4-hour, 55-minute flight.
with four-bladed 4-meter-
Japan converts a battleship NASA, Aeronautics and by a piloted helicopter Baltimore Sun, Feb. 23,
diameter de Havilland
into an aircraft carrier and a Astronautics, 1972, p. 42. at a predetermined spot, 1972.
Hydromatic airscrews. The
battlecruiser into the Akagi. NASA announces. This
Aeroplane, March 28, 1947,
All of these ships played Feb. 4 The largest accomplishment is a Feb. 25 NASA Marshall
pp. 312-313; Aviation News, 3 aircraft owned by
key roles in the Pacific War. milestone in a research Space Flight Center director
Feb. 17, 1947, p. 14. NASA, the Lockheed C-141
Jeffery S. Underwood, The program aimed at permitting Eberhard F.M. Rees receives
Wings of Democracy, pp. Starlifter, is delivered to the helicopters and future the Hermann Oberth
Feb. 18 The first launching Ames Research Center in
55-58. takeoff and landing to fly Award from the American
of a missile from a submarine Mountain View, California. routine missions under Institute of Aeronautics

takes place when a Loon Weighing 147,000 kilograms poor visibility. The landing and Astronautics for his
missile, a U.S. copy of with a wingspan of 49 approaches are fully outstanding achievements
Germany’s wartime V-1, is meters, the aircraft was automatic 3 to 5 km from the in astronautics. Rees is
Feb. 1 Several domestic launched from the deck of modified to accept a 91-cm- planned landing spot. NASA cited for his “many valuable
British air services formerly the submarine USS Cusk in diameter infrared telescope Release 72-34. contributions to lunar
operated by the Associated Point Mugu, California. E. and two computers to turn science, planetary formation,
Airways Joint Committee Emme, ed., Aeronautics and it into a unique aircraft Feb. 20 U.S. Air Force Lt. and better understanding
are transferred to British Astronautics, 1915-60, p. 56. observatory. Aeronautics Col. Ed Allison completes a of the origins of the solar
European Airways under and Astronautics, 1972, 14,052-kilometer flight in a system through the Apollo
the Civil Aviation Act. The Feb. 20 The first p. 43. Lockheed HC-130H Hercules program,” among other
2 launch of a V-2 rocket
committee was formed in from Ching Chuan Air Base programs. The award is
1940 by a group of private for Operation Blossom takes Feb. 14 The USSR in Taiwan to Scott Air Force named after Hermann
companies to operate air place at White Sands Proving launches its Luna 20 robotic Base in Illinois, setting a Oberth, considered one of
services on behalf of the Ground in New Mexico. The probe from the Baikonur new world record for a the founders of astronautics.
government in the national rockets in this series are 165 Cosmodrome in southern nonstop, unrefueled flight Marshall Space Flight
interest during wartime. centimeters taller due to the Kazakhstan. On Feb. 22, by a turboprop aircraft in his Center Release 72-14.
Flight, Feb. 13, 1947, p. 175. addition of a new nosecone the craft lands in the Terra flight of 14,052 kilometers.
to allow experiments that Apollonius highlands Airman, July 1972, pp. 2-8. Feb. 27 The USSR tests its
Feb. 17 A WAC-Corporal usually involve the parachute region and gathers lunar new SS-NX-8 underwater
sounding rocket launches from ejection of a canister. Some samples via a percussion- Feb. 20 Astronaut Alfred ballistic missile with a
White Sands Proving Ground canisters contain fruit flies or rotary drill designed to M. Worden reads a number range of 5,500 kilometers,
in New Mexico and reaches an seeds that will be exposed to handle hard and loose rock of his space poems before according to U.S. Navy
altitude of about 73 kilometers. cosmic rays; others enable samples simultaneously. a meeting of the Poetry Admiral Thomas H. Moorer,
The WAC series has been measurements of gas ratios The spacecraft retrieves Society of Texas. Worden chairman of the Joint Chiefs
tested since 1945, although in the upper atmosphere. the samples and returns to orbited the moon alone in of Staff. New York Times,
V-2 rockets converted to David DeVorkin, Science with Earth on Feb. 25, the USSR’s the Endeavour command Feb. 27, 1972, p. 10.
high-altitude research vehicles a Vengeance, pp. 103, 283. second robotic spacecraft module during the Apollo

62 | FEBRUARY 2022 |

1 3

2 5

Also in February The National for Highly Advanced Laboratory for flyby 587 km from the surface of core ignites just before booster
Association of Aerospace Clubs of Communications and Astronomy, Europa also captured images of what separation. Aviation Week, Feb. 10,
France presents the First European the telecope is placed in an elliptical appear to be icebergs floating on a 1997, p. 90, and March 24, 1997, pp.
Conference on Space and Youth in orbit of about 620 km by 21,400 sea. Aviation Week, April 14, 1997, 60-61.
Paris. Aerospace groups from 23 km to provide a lengthy time for pp. 32-33.
European nations are invited toward astronomical observations. The Also in February Pratt & Whitney
planning a program of intra-European observations are electronically Feb. 23 The U.S. Air Force launches
and Russian NPO Energomash
cooperation for youth in the aerospace combined with those of about 40 a 2.3-metric ton Defense Support
company enter a partnership to
field that includes joint youth rocket ground observatories in 14 countries Program missile launch warning
build and sell the Russian-designed
projects. NASA, Aeronautics and including Australia, Japan and the satellite aboard the first Titan IVB
RD-180 rocket engines. Lockheed
Astronautics, 1972, p. 75. U.S. Aviation Week, Feb. 17, 1997, rocket, the world’s most powerful
Martin intends to use the engines on
p. 56. expendable launch vehicle design

since the Saturn V. Development of its commercial Atlas 2AR vehicle as
Feb. 20 Images from NASA’s the IVB cost almost a billion dollars well as on the Evolved Expendable
5 Galileo spacecraft reveal that and incorporates two 1.7-million Launch Vehicle because it costs
Feb. 12 Japan’s new M-V launch Jupiter’s moon Europa has large lb thrust Alliant Techsystems all- a great deal less to produce than
vehicle launches HALCA, the world’s amounts of water, which strongly composite solid-fuel boosters. The comparable U.S. engines. Aviation
first orbiting radio telescope. Short suggests the possibility of life. The 551,000-lb thrust Aerojet liquid fuel Week, Feb. 10, 1997, p. 101. | FEBRUARY 2022 | 63

Please look up

he movie “Don’t Look Up” humoroulsy satired our society’s greed and stupidity even in the face of
an apocalyptic comet headed toward Earth, but the fi lm also saddened and motivated me. The ap-
athy struck a chord with my own as-of-yet unsuccessful efforts to awaken the populace and policy-
makers to space debris and its potential consequences on our lives, whether from disruption to GPS-based
precision timing services for bank transactions, the loss of Earth observing satellites for land and water Moriba Jah is an
management, or the harm to future space exploration. astrodynamicist, space
environmentalist and
It is evident to me that wicked problems cannot be solved if people can’t seem to connect with how the
associate professor of
unsolved problem could hurt or limit them. So the challenge is to find a way to effectively persuade people aerospace engineering and
to accept the gravity of the problem. This fi lm helped me realize that a different approach from our current engineering mechanics at
appeal to altruism or alarmism will be required if we are to break through and fi nd solutions. the University of Texas at
People sometimes ask me whether I believe a cataclysmic event in space will be needed for the global Austin. He holds the Mrs.
Pearlie Dashiell Henderson
community to take holistic and coordinated action. After Russia’s November anti-satellite test, I thought
Centennial Fellowship in
that the specter of astronauts rushing for safety aboard the International Space Station would be conse- Engineering and is an AIAA
quential enough to drive change, provided I and others discussed it loudly and clearly. But my voice and fellow. He also hosts the
those of others has perhaps fallen on partially deaf ears. Not enough of humanity realizes that Russia caused monthly webcast “Moriba’s
a form of pain and suffering, even if no astronauts were physically harmed and as yet no satellites have Vox Populi” on SpaceWatch.
been damaged.
Clearly, solving the space debris problem will require more than gathering and publicizing more evi-
dence. We’ll need to spark a philosophical awakening that makes people more sensitive to that evidence.
Space environmentalism as my dharma or raison d’etre sprang from my epiphany during my adolescent
years that our universe is of a common source and therefore all things are us, or in other words, intercon-
nected. If a majority of humanity were aware of this interconnectedness, many global problems would be
solved because we would understand that to cause harm to or hate anything is ultimately an act of self-harm.
My thesis about why this is hard to achieve is alluded to in the Book of Genesis and can also be seen in
how children develop. At fi rst, children do not know themselves to be separate from their environment.
They are ignorant of living among individuals, just like Adam and Eve were ignorant of nudity until they
ate fruit from the tree of knowledge. Through experience and evidence provided to them by adults, children
gradually come to see themselves as individuals, and at that point many will forget that they are intercon-
nected to all things. Acquiring this knowledge of individualism is equivalent to eating from the Bible’s


64 | FEBRUARY 2022 |

There’s no shortage of challenges facing the aviation
industry: supply chain is at a pivotal point, there is
a downturn in demand, environmental sustainability i Current State of the Industry
is critical, and experts warn of a growing talent
i Supply Chain
shortage. At this inflection point, how do we turn
setbacks into comebacks? We have the opportunity i Engineering for Safety
to reset expectations, redefine roles, and accelerate i Environmental Sustainability
change. Join us as we set the stage for the future
i Future State of the Industry
and explore the next golden age of aviation.

Registration Opens 1 March

As of 24 January 2022
14-18 MARCH 2022 | VIRTUAL

Join us for Congressional Visits Day (CVD)

as U.S.-based AIAA members—including
engineers, scientists, researchers, and
students—meet with national decision
makers and discuss critical community
issues in aeronautics, astronautics,
and defense.


i Gain a better understanding of current issues

impacting the aviation, defense, and space sectors

i Discover how to personally engage your

congressional representatives

i Learn about the legislative process

i Develop an awareness of policy and how it affects

what aerospace engineers do and how you do it

i Network with your aerospace community peers


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