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What is Ram and Rom?


It is read and writes memory, holds information for the computer and the
storage and data in the RAM is for temporary. It is called volatile memory.


It is known as read only memory. The information can be read only and we
cannot changed or written onto rom. The storage and data is permanent in it and it
is non-volatile memory.

Explain the units of CPU Central Processing Unit?

These are the following 3 types of CPU units.

 Memory unit: it is for Storing program and data

 Arithmetic Logic unit (ALU): this is for performing arithmetic and logical
 Control Unit (CU): control input & output devices, and interrupt program

Explain difference between Application Software and Operating Software?

 Operating software:

It is a type of system software. This makes our system to boot up and

run. It acts like interface between user and hardware. For example

Window, Linux

 Application Software

It performs particular tasks for its user.

Popular types of application software include:

1) Word Processing Software

2) Spreadsheet software

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