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1: 3 The Light of I am in the Heart and in Essence-me

2017 Jan India 29:06

stopped evolving –it is basically frozen. So those who wish
t is interesting that only until recently, which is basi- to truly understand who they are have to begin a new level
cally several years, we began to emphasize the awak- of exploration.
ening of the essential me and on the way developed
We can be content –if we lack imagination– with state-
a deeper understanding of this dimension.
ments that “everything is consciousness”, or, “just being is
In the past our teaching was only focused on the central the ultimate attitude”, but how far can we evolve with
channel of the evolutionary awakening, which consists of such approaches?
pure me of consciousness, heart, and being. Now, the im-
Everything is consciousness, just being, –as the ultimate
portance of the essential me is quite obvious; why wasn’t
state– is spirituality for dummies and it happens that dum-
it before?
mies are in charge of spirituality on this planet so we are
That is the nature of understanding: when we under- more or less left alone¸ we need to reveal things through
stand something it becomes obvious. When we don’t, we our intelligence and through our passion to understand.
may be even not aware of this particular dimension of evo-
Not only essential me is extremely important; not only
lution. We missed it, avoided it intuitively but this evolu-
its realization is essential for us to become complete:
tion is not reflected in the conceptual understanding and
essence me, which is the core of the essential me, is our
as you know, conceptual understanding is most important.
higher center, the highest center of our individuality. In
First, because the majority of seekers without conceptual
other words, it is the closest to who we are because in the
understanding will may never pay attention to that area,
essence me is where the original knowledge of I-am is
meaning that intuition will not fill the gap and further-
more: conceptual understanding allows us to deepen that
Now, in the past we also spoke that the spark of I-am is
particular dimension of awakening.
stored in our spiritual heart. What is the difference be-
The spiritual reality is like a puzzle that we are gradually
tween our immanent I-am stored in the essence me and
revealing, discovering, bringing into light things that have
the light of I-am stored in our spiritual heart? The imma-
been hidden.
nent I-am in the essence me is more ancient; it is in fact
The nature of pure subjectivity (that which some define the primordial immanent I-am while the I-am in the heart
as reality beyond the mind, which is obviously correct but is the light of the universal I-am which has been imprinted
a very simplistic description…) The dimension of pure sub- in our individuality, in our feeling center.
jectivity is very difficult to comprehend; we human beings
Because feeling is the core of who we are, this is what
have not evolved into it and even though the knowledge of
makes us truly spiritually conscious as feeling; that’s why
pure subjectivity has been present in different teachings,
existence has imprinted the energy (the light of I-am) in
this knowledge was very basic and this knowledge has
our heart: to link us with the dimension of feeling. Still, im-
2: 3 The Light of I am in the Heart and in Essence-me
2017 Jan India 29:06

manent I-am in the essence me is more ancient and it is have access, which is a part of our work: we are opening
eternal, while I-am in the heart exists only in the context of different doorways, both doorways into different dimen-
the waking reality –in the dimension of wakefulness, which sions of your soul and doorways into the beyond, so your
is ruled by the universal I-am. soul can rest in unity with I-am.

The challenging nature of the evolution into wholeness When an access is opened, it has to be embodied so it
is one of the simplest solutions we have actually evolved becomes permanent, not just an experience –you need to
on many levels and all these levels are interconnected and live in your access. Otherwise, it closes down and you can-
are mutually supportive. Our essence me needs many ele- not find your way back.
ments in place before it can complete itself and realize its
immanency. It needs a perfect environment inside. While we speak a lot about surrender, (the art of sur-
You cannot work with essence me properly unless you render), we should not forget that the weight of the solidi-
embody pure me of consciousness, which is something to fication of your me is even more important. Establishing
remember as we’ll be doing different guided meditations: your me as a substantial identity through all the centers.
not to lose connection with pure me of consciousness; to Surrender is what completes our me but unless it is solidi-
maintain the horizontal depth, and vertical restfulness on fied, surrender is just weakening it, diluting our presence
the level of pure me of consciousness at all times. and then making us vulnerable to mental or subconscious
Now, if you access to your heart and being you must
embody these centers at all times as well; if you are just We should not forget that the main problem of a human
beginning and this access is not available, it is fine that for being as such is not the lack of surrender but the lack of
now you neglect these aspects of yourself. existence. First, we need to begin to exist (solidify our
light, gather our identity) and then gently introducing sur-
But if you do have access, not to be one with your heart
render while making sure it is not weakening our pres-
(not to rest fully in being) is highly unintelligent. Whatever
access you have to your pure nature, you must embody it,
you must be one with it –that is their purpose: that they And then as we surrender at each level of surrender, we
become a part of who you are, integrated into your natural have to embody the light of me again, the constant em-
experience of yourself. bodiment that follows surrender. Each level of surrender
has to be matched by embodiment. ◆
Access is an important term. Awakening is not just a
function of understanding or self-knowledge; we need to

Apr 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 29th, 2023

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