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Molecular density functional calculations in the regular relativistic approximation:

Method, application to coinage metal diatomics, hydrides, fluorides and chlorides, and
comparison with first-order relativistic calculations
Christoph van Wüllen

Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 109, 392 (1998); doi: 10.1063/1.476576
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Molecular density functional calculations in the regular relativistic

approximation: Method, application to coinage metal diatomics,
hydrides, fluorides and chlorides, and comparison with first-order
relativistic calculations
Christoph van Wüllen
Lehrstuhl für Theoretische Chemie, Ruhr-Universität, D-44780 Bochum, Germany
~Received 3 February 1998; accepted 31 March 1998!
The application of the zeroth-order regular relativistic approximation ~ZORA! for molecular density
functional calculations is investigated. By introducing a model potential to construct the kinetic
energy operator, stationarity of the energy with respect to orbital variations is gained and most
problems connected with gauge dependence of the regular approximation are eliminated. The
formulation of a geometry gradient is greatly facilitated using this formalism. Calculations for the
coinage metal hydrides ~CuH, AgH, AuH! as well as for the homonuclear ~Cu2, Ag2, Au2! and
heteronuclear ~CuAg, CuAu, AgAu! diatomics show that the results of ZORA calculations within
the electrostatic shift approximation, as introduced by van Lenthe and co-workers, can be duplicated
using the simpler scheme proposed in this work. Results for the coinage metal fluorides ~CuF, AgF,
AuF! and chlorides ~CuCl, AgCl, AuCl! are presented as well. First-order relativistic calculations
have been performed for all systems to assess the applicability of leading-order relativistic
perturbation theory. © 1998 American Institute of Physics. @S0021-9606~98!30226-3#

I. INTRODUCTION tries to circumvent a fundamental problem of the ZORA

equation, namely that it is not gauge invariant. This means
Recently, Baerends, van Lenthe, and co-workers1–3 have that changes in the electronic Coulomb and exchange-
discussed two-component computational schemes for ap- correlation potentials, as occurring when forming chemical
proximately solving Dirac’s equation that are variationally bonds or ionizing a system, do not have the correct effect on
stable in Coulomb fields ~i.e., in atoms and molecules!. the ZORA energy levels. Given further that in the many-
These schemes can be rationalized as a perturbational expan- electron case the ZORA energy is not stationary with respect
sion of Dirac’s equation.4 To the lowest order, termed ZORA to orbital variations, it is perhaps not surprising that analyti-
~zeroth-order regular approximation!, one obtains a Hamil- cal geometry gradients are not yet available for this method.
tonian which already includes relativistic effects and which In this article, a modification of the ZORA approach
turned out to be identical to the one derived earlier by ~within the Kohn–Sham density functional scheme! is pre-
Chang, Pélissier, and Durand5 ~‘‘CPD Hamiltonian’’! in a sented that eliminates both problems ~gauge noninvariance
different context. For hydrogenlike systems, exact solutions and nonstationarity of the energy! mentioned above. This is
of the ZORA equation ~i.e., eigenfunctions of the CPD accomplished using a model potential ~that does not depend
Hamiltonian! have been calculated6 and found to be the best on the actual electron density! to construct the ZORA kinetic
possible two-component approximation to the fully relativis- energy operator. Then, the formulation of an analytical ge-
tic wave function. Most applications of the ZORA equation ometry gradient is almost a trivial problem. This method is
for many-electron systems have been done in the context of called ZORA~MP! ~MP stands for model potential! and will
Kohn–Sham density functional calculations, both at a scalar- be outlined in Sec. II. In Sec. III computational aspects are
relativistic level2 and with the consideration of spin-orbit discussed, especially the basis set generation, the accuracy of
effects.3 However, the method has largely been restricted to the numerical quadrature and the construction of the model
atoms and diatomic molecules, and, for reasons to be dis- potential. The results are discussed in Sec. IV. In a first series
cussed below, little is known about the performance of of calculations, it is established by comparison with the ZO-
ZORA to polyatomic molecules where one can do little work RA~ESA! results that the modified procedure is a valid ap-
without having analytical geometry gradients available. Note proximation. Then, some new results for the coinage metal
that there exist applications of ZORA for larger, namely pe- fluorides and chlorides are given.
riodic systems.7 In that work, geometry gradients were also
not available and therefore only one degree of freedom could
be investigated.
In the molecular ZORA calculations presented so far, The ZORA ~or CPD! Hamiltonian reads
the evaluation of energy differences is somewhat cumber-
some. The procedure presented by van Lenthe and co-
workers, called the electrostatic shift approximation ~ESA!,2 with

0021-9606/98/109(2)/392/8/$15.00 392 © 1998 American Institute of Physics

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J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 109, No. 2, 8 July 1998 Christoph van Wüllen 393

T̂ ZORA5 spv ~ r ! sp, ization energies by simply taking the difference in total en-
~2! ergy between the atom and the ion ~this is illustrated in Sec.
c2 IV!. Similar considerations apply to the evaluation of mo-
v ~ r! 5 .
2c 2 2V ~ r! lecular binding energies since bond formation also results in
a potential shift in the core region ~the ESCA shift!. For the
Here, s5( s x , s y , s z ) is the vector of the Pauli spin matri-
same reason, the ZORA method will give wrong intermo-
ces, p52i“ the momentum operator ~in atomic units!, and
lecular forces if one of the fragments is charged. Possible
c the velocity of light in atomic units, which is the inverse of
ways to eliminate these problems are the inclusion of higher
the fine structure constant. The function v (r) is zero at the
orders in the perturbative treatment or a scaling of the
position of the nuclei, where the potential goes to minus
Kohn–Sham orbital eigenvalues.2 However, formulating gra-
infinity. In the valence region, where the absolute value of V
dients for these methods seems even more involved.
is small compared to c 2 ,
If it is accepted that the dependence of T̂ ZORA on the
1 V~ r ! Kohn–Sham orbitals is the origin of the problems, one might
v ~ r! 5 1 1O ~ c 24 ! . ~3!
2 4c 2 wonder if V C and V XC could simply be neglected in T̂ ZORA .
One could argue that the relativistic effect on bond lengths,
In many-electron Kohn–Sham calculations, Ĥ ZORA enters the binding energies, etc., is to a large extent a one-electron ef-
one-particle equations, and here the potential V(r) includes fect. For example, in first-order relativistic calculations based
the external potential ~nuclear attraction!, the electronic on the Pauli operator, valence properties are not much af-
~electrostatic! Coulomb potential and the exchange- fected by the two-electron Darwin term.9 Furthermore, to
correlation potential: reproduce the essential features of the function v (r) @Eq.
~ T̂ ZORA1V ! w i 5 e i w i , ~2!#, especially its behavior close to the nuclei, it is sufficient
~4! only to regard the nuclear attraction potential when con-
V5V N 1V C 1V XC . structing v (r). However, consider two neutral molecules, A
The electronic Coulomb and exchange-correlation potentials and B, at a large distance. The nuclei of A will induce a
are calculated from the electron density which can be calcu- constant shift of the potential in the region of B ~and vice
lated by the nonrelativistic formula1,2 versa!. This shift has no effect in gauge invariant theories but
leads to an unphysical force in ZORA calculations. So one

(i w *i ~ r ! w i~ r! .
must include at least the electrostatic Coulomb potential in
r ~ r! 5 ~5!
v (r) to cancel the long-range tails of the nuclear attraction.
The idea is now to use a model potential Ṽ(r) to construct
We will always use nonrelativistic exchange-correlation
v (r) and hence the operator T̂ ZORA . Ṽ(r) should have the
functionals, i.e., neglect magnetic effects and retardation in
following properties:
the electron interaction. This roughly corresponds to the use
of the Dirac–Coulomb operator in ab initio calculations. For ~1! v (r) has the correct behavior near the nuclei;
density functional calculations, it has been shown that this ~2! Ṽ(r) does not depend on the Kohn–Sham orbitals;
introduces only small errors as long as valence properties ~3! Ṽ(r) has no contribution from distant atoms or mol-
such as bond lengths, binding energies and vibrational fre- ecules;
quencies are considered.8 The Kohn–Sham electronic energy ~4! a smooth analytical expression is available for Ṽ(r).
thus reads
Property ~2! ensures that the total energy is stationary with
E5 (i ^ w iu T̂ ZORAu w i & 1 E r ~ r! V ext~ r! dr respect to orbital variations and, since the model potential
Ṽ(r) depends on the molecular geometry alone, this will

facilitate gradient calculations. Moreover, the matrix ele-
1 ~ r1 ! r ~ r2 !
1 dr1E XC ~ r ~ r!! . ~6! ments of T̂ ZORA need only be evaluated once, while this has
2 r 12
to be repeated in each SCF iteration if Ṽ(r) changes with the
In general, the exchange-correlation energy E XC will not orbitals. As will be demonstrated in the next section, this
only depend on the electron density, but also on the spin property virtually eliminates the problems with gauge nonin-
density ~or, better, on the spin magnetization!. In this case, variance. Property ~3! ensures size consistency, and property
the exchange-correlation potential is spin-dependent. Since ~4! will be useful for the calculation of a gradient, where
T̂ ZORA depends ~via V C and V XC ! on the Kohn–Sham orbit- derivatives of Ṽ(r) and v (r) have to be calculated.
als w i , the total energy is not stationary with respect to or- Since the exchange-correlation potential is not linear in
bital variations. Other known problems of the ZORA ap- the electron density, a superposition of atomic model poten-
proach are also connected with the fact that T̂ ZORA depends tials cannot be used. This can also be drawn from the fol-
on the orbitals: If one removes a valence electron from an lowing consideration: if Ṽ(r) is derived from atomic poten-
atom ~or molecule!, this results in a nearly constant shift of tials with the correct ~long-range! 21/r behavior, then a
the Coulomb potential in the atomic core. However, the en- superposition of such potentials does not have property ~3!.
ergy levels of the deep core orbitals are not shifted by this Even the most approximate density functionals we are using
constant ~what they should! since the ZORA equation is not today generate exchange-correlation potentials which fall off
gauge invariant.2 It is therefore not possible to evaluate ion- like r 1/3, which is much slower than the Coulomb potential
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394 J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 109, No. 2, 8 July 1998 Christoph van Wüllen

of a neutral atom. Therefore, it has been decided to use a

superposition of atomic densities ~instead of atomic poten- K U U L EH
^ B m u T̂ ZORAu B n & 5 B m 2
D Bn 1 B m* ~ r! sp

tials! and to derive Ṽ(r) from the electronic Coulomb and
exchange-correlation potentials of the resulting model den- Ṽ ~ r!
3 spB n ~ r ! dr. ~13!
sity. In this way, the exchange-correlation model potential of 4c 22Ṽ ~ r!

an atom does not enter other atoms.

In general, exchange-correlation potentials are spin- This decomposition makes sense if the nonrelativistic kinetic
dependent. However, it is easier to use a spin-independent energy matrix elements can be evaluated analytically. For the
relativistic correction, one must use numerical quadrature.
potential to construct v (r) and T̂ ZORA . Furthermore, it has
The modification of the ZORA method presented so far
been decided to use the same model potential irrespective of
applies both to the scalar-relativistic one-component scheme
the actual density functional used in the calculation. The ac- and to the two-component version in which spin-orbit effects
tual recipe to calculate v (r) is thus as follows: are taken care of.3 Since a two-component density functional
program is currently not available to me, I will further con-
• For each atom A, define a spherical model density centrate on the scalar-relativistic variant. In this case, the
r A (r). This density should integrate to a number of kinetic energy matrix elements simplify to
electrons equal to the nuclear charge Z A . To get a
smooth analytical expression for r A (r), it is expressed
as a sum of Gaussian s-functions ^ B m u T̂ SR2ZORAu B n & 5 B m 2 K U U L EH 1
D Bn 1 ~ “B m* ~ r !!


with the restriction

(i c iA a 3/2
iA exp~2aiAr !,
• ~ “B n ~ r !!
Ṽ ~ r !
4c 22Ṽ ~ r !
2 J dr.

(i ciA5ZA . ~8!
Implementing the modified ZORA method in an existing
density functional program is now as simple as adding the
• Construct a molecular model density as the sum of the relativistic corrections to the kinetic energy matrix elements
atomic model densities @last term of Eq. ~14!# to the one-electron matrix elements
before the iterative procedure starts. However, the numerical
r̃~r! 5 (A r̃ A~ u r2RAu ! , ~9! accuracy of the quadrature is an issue and will be discussed
in the next section. The formulation of an analytical geom-
where the sum is over all atoms in the molecule and RA
etry gradient is now a straightforward task. Since one fulfills
the position of atom A. the same stationarity conditions as in the nonrelativistic case,
• Evaluate the electronic Coulomb and exchange correla- the geometry gradient can essentially be evaluated using the
tion potentials of the model density. The Coulomb po- nonrelativistic code, provided one uses molecular orbitals
tential is easily evaluated by means of the incomplete and orbital eigenvalues from a ZORA calculation. There is
gamma function F 0 , and for the exchange-correlation only one additional contribution to the gradient ~from the
potential, take the spin-unpolarized local density relativistic correction to the kinetic energy matrix elements!
approximation10 which reads

r̃ ~ t ! ] Ṽ ~ r !
ṼC~r ! 5
u r2 t u
dt (
D mn
~ “B m* ~ r !! •(“B n ~ r ! )
4c 22Ṽ ~ r !
c iA Aa iA F 0 ~ a iA ~ r2RA ! ! ,
Ap (
5 2
~10! with the density matrix D m n and where l is the geometrical
parameter in question. Since the integral in Eq. ~15! is evalu-
d F LDA~ r̃ ~ r !! ated using numerical quadrature, its geometrical derivative
ṼXC~r ! 5 . ~11!
d r̃ ~ r ! has three different contributions: The first one arises because
the integration grid itself changes with the molecular geom-
• Add the nuclear attraction potential to get Ṽ(r) etry, and the second because the basis functions move with
ZA the nuclei. It is well known how to evaluate these first two
Ṽ~r ! 52
u r2RA u
1Ṽ C ~ r ! 1Ṽ XC ~ r ! . ~12! contributions as such terms already occur in the nonrelativ-
istic DFT gradient. The third contribution arises since the
model density and thus Ṽ(r) depends on the nuclear posi-
• Now use Ṽ(r) to construct T̂ ZORA via Eq. ~2!. tions. With
The matrix elements of T̂ ZORA between two basis functions
B m and B n can be decomposed into a nonrelativistic part and ] Ṽ ~ r ! 4c 2 ]
5 Ṽ ~ r ! ~16!
a relativistic correction ] l 4c 22Ṽ ~ r !
~ 4c 22Ṽ ~ r !! ] l
2 2

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J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 109, No. 2, 8 July 1998 Christoph van Wüllen 395

the problem reduces to the determination of the geometrical To determine suitable contraction coefficients, atomic
derivatives of Ṽ(r). Let l be the x-coordinate of atom A,x A . calculations with the uncontracted basis sets have been per-
Then the geometrical derivative of the nuclear attraction po- formed. Spherical symmetry has been enforced. The correc-
tential V N (r) is tions to the kinetic energy matrix elements @Eq. ~14!# have
been calculated in each Kohn–Sham iteration ~i.e., self-
] x2x A
V N ~ r ! 52Z A . ~17! consistently!, using a potential given by Eqs. ~10!–~12!, but
]xA u r2RA u 3 derived from the actual electron density. A large radial inte-
Likewise, gration grid ~1000 radial shells! with low angular resolution
has been used in these calculations. It has been checked that
] 4
Ṽ C ~ r ! 5
~ x2x A ! (i c iA a 3/2
iA F 1 ~ a iA ~ r2RA ! !
2 numerical quadrature of the nonrelativistic kinetic energy
gives results with an error less than 1 m E h . The MO coeffi-
~18! cients obtained in these calculations have then be used to
and contract the basis sets. For the Au atom, a 24s17p15d10f
primitive basis set has been taken from Ref. 11 and aug-
] d 2 F LDA ~ r̃ ! ] mented by one p-function taking the next exponent from the
Ṽ XC ~ r ! 5 r̃ ~ r ! . ~19!
]xA d r̃ 2 ]xA well-tempered series. This basis set has been contracted to
For the geometrical derivative of the model density, one ob- 18s13p11d7 f . The same procedure has been performed for
tains the Ag atom (23s16p13d11 p→17s12p10d) and the Cu
atom (20s13p10d11 p→14s10p7d). For the light atoms H,
] F, and Cl, triple-zeta type basis sets from Ref. 12 ~but with
r̃ ~ r! 52 p 23/2~ x2x A ! (i c iA a 5/2
contraction coefficients from atomic ZORA calculations!
have been augmented by one set of polarization functions
3exp~ 2 a iA ~ r2RA ! 2 ! . ~20!
~H: h p 50.8; F: h d 51.4; Cl: h d 50.65!.
Thus all quantities necessary to evaluate Eq. ~15! are readily The radial grids used for the atoms are too large to be
available. used in molecular calculations. Therefore radial integration
During the course of this work, van Lenthe and co- grids have been designed that integrate the kinetic energy to
workers published a paper7 in which they also discussed the microhartree accuracy in atomic calculations using the con-
use of approximate potentials in the ZORA kinetic energy tracted basis sets. These grids follow the scheme of Treutler
operator T̂ ZORA . If we compare both approaches, we see that and Ahlrichs.13 Generally, more radial points are required to
Ref. 7 is mainly concerned with reducing the computational integrate the kinetic energy than the electron density. For
effort, while the present work has analytical geometry de- example, 256 radial shells are used for the Au atom, 224 for
rivatives in mind. Reference 7 starts from a sum of atomic Ag, and 160 for Cu. For the heavy elements, the radial points
potentials. As explained above, this is only possible if one additionally have to be shifted somewhat to the nucleus,
disregards the exchange-correlation potential altogether which is accomplished by increasing the value of the param-
when constructing T̂ ZORA . Then even further approximations eter a ~Eq. 19 of Ref. 13!. The choice of the angular grid for
are made which amount in individually gauging the matrix a given radial shell follows the experience gained in the non-
elements of T̂ ZORA ~using different potentials for different relativistic case. Details on these integration grids are avail-
matrix elements!. able on request. In general, the number of grid points is 2–3
times higher than required to accurately integrate the
exchange-correlation energy. This is not a serious problem
III. BASIS SETS AND INTEGRATION GRIDS since in the calculations performed in this work, the ~analyti-
cal! evaluation of the matrix elements of the Coulomb po-
In first-order relativistic perturbation theory, only non-
tential is much more expensive than the numerical integra-
relativistic wave functions enter the energy expression and
tion. Note further than in the calculations we have in mind,
thus nonrelativistic basis sets can be used. This is not the
the numerical integration of the kinetic energy matrix ele-
case in ZORA calculations. For hydrogenlike systems, one
ments is required only once ~and not in each Kohn–Sham
knows the exact solutions of the ZORA equation,6 and these
are very similar to the large component of the solution of iteration!.
Dirac’s equation. In molecular ZORA calculations, one thus These grids have been used to repeat the atomic calcu-
expects that the exact orbitals have weak (ln r) singularities lations described above, but with the contracted basis sets.
at the nuclear positions. If one uses a finite basis set of, say, The self-consistent electron density obtained in these calcu-
Gaussian basis functions as is done in the present work, one lations have then been written out. With a separate program,
can never have orbitals with singularities. To get a decent this density has been expanded in a set of Gaussian
approximation, one probably needs steeper basis functions as s-functions to determine the parameters c iA and a iA in Eq.
in the nonrelativistic case. If one uses a large basis set with ~7! under the constraint given by Eq. ~8!. The Gaussian ex-
highly contracted s shells, it may be sufficient to generate a ponents a iA have further been restricted to be larger than 0.1.
new set of contraction coefficients. This route has been fol- The parameters minimize the error of the density in the Cou-
lowed in the present work. lomb norm
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396 J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 109, No. 2, 8 July 1998 Christoph van Wüllen

TABLE I. First ionization potential of the gold atom. Ref. 2 which uses another modification called electrostatic
shift approximation ~ESA!. Compared to experiment, there is
Method IP @eV#
still an error of ;0.5 eV. However, one should expect errors
ZORA„MP… 9.72 of such magnitude for ionization potentials calculated with
ZORAb 5.21 density functional methods. These errors are generally larger
ZORA~ESA!c 9.76
DPT-DFTd 9.15 than those for bond dissociation energies and other chemical
n.r. DFTe 7.59 reactions which conserve the number of electrons.20 The rea-
rel. CCf 9.08 sons for this behavior are probably well-known deficiencies
exptl.g 9.22 in the long-range part of the exchange-correlation
Present work: ZORA calculation with a model potential.
potential.21,22 The result of Kaldor and Heß23 ~9.08 eV! is
Unmodified ZORA. probably the best computational result available today. Note
ZORA with electrostatic shift approximation, Ref. 2. that spin-orbit interaction changes little since the gold atom
First-order relativistic density functional calculation. has a single s electron outside a closed shell. This is also
Nonrelativistic density functional calculation.
Relativistic coupled cluster calculation, Ref. 23. shown by the tiny difference between four-component and
Ref. 24. one-component coupled cluster results in Ref. 23 ~9.10 eV
compared to 9.08 eV!. Recently, the present author has de-
veloped a first-order relativistic scheme based on direct per-

E ~ r ~ r1 ! 2 r̃ ~ r1 !!
r 12
~ r ~ r2 ! 2 r̃ ~ r2 !! dr1 dr2 . ~21!
turbation theory.19 In such calculations, it is usually an inter-
esting question whether taking care of relativistic effects
through the leading order is sufficient or if higher-order rela-
This error is smaller than ;0.1 m E h for all atoms, requiring
tivistic effects are important as well. Since four-component
up to 30 Gaussians for the Au atom. Note that the computa-
fully relativistic results ~with comparable basis sets! are not
tional effort to calculate the model density is negligible, so
available for all compounds of the present study, let us ten-
the number of Gaussians necessary to calculate the model
tatively define the higher-order effects as the difference be-
densities is not a performance issue. In the atomic calcula-
tween the ZORA and DPT results. In the case of the ioniza-
tions, the energy difference between using the model density
tion potential of the gold atom, there is a large relativistic
and the fully self-consistent calculations is smaller than
effect ~2.13 eV! reflecting the relativistic stabilization of the
1 m E h . It is expected that in molecular calculations, the nu-
6s orbital. At the first-order relativistic ~DPT! level, only
merical accuracy of the relativistic total energy is compa-
73% of the relativistic effect ~1.56 eV! is recovered.
rable to the nonrelativistic case. The ZORA~MP! method has
Note that in contrast to the ZORA~ESA! method, the
been implemented on top of a density functional program
ionization potential in the present work is simply calculated
described earlier.14 This DFT program has been coded within
as the difference in total energy between two independent
the TURBOMOLE package.15,16 To evaluate the exchange-
calculations on the neutral atom and the positive ion. This
correlation energy, the local density approximation10 plus a
may be regarded as a minor advantage in the case of ioniza-
gradient-correction due to Becke17 and Perdew18 has been
tion potentials, but it is quite important if molecular binding
used in all calculations.
energies are considered. If energy differences between two
For comparison, results of first-order relativistic density
isomers or conformations of a molecule are not ~even con-
functional calculations are also reported. Here, the relativis-
tic corrections have been calculated by means of direct per- ceptually! defined as total energy differences, then in a strict
turbation theory ~DPT! as described in Ref. 19. These calcu- sense a potential energy surface does not exist. Keeping this
lations require nonrelativistic basis sets. To facilitate the in mind, let us turn to molecular calculations. Table II shows
comparison with the ZORA results, basis sets as described molecular constants of the coinage metal hydrides CuH,
above have been used in the DPT calculations as well, but AgH, and AuH. There is agreement between the present
with contraction coefficients taken from nonrelativistic ZORA~MP! results, the ZORA~ESA! results of van Lenthe,2
atomic density functional calculations. and the relativistic density functional results based on the
Douglas–Kroll–Heß transformation.8 Typical errors com-
pared to experiment are 1 pm for bond lengths, 0.2 eV for
binding energies and 30 cm21 for vibrational frequencies.
As a first example, let us discuss the first ionization po- For CuH, the error in v e is larger but this is a difficult case.26
tential of the gold atom. This is a simple but instructive test The density functional calculations perform better than most
case. Table I shows the results of the present work ~given in of the ab initio methods, although the latter are more expen-
boldface! together with data from other calculations and ex- sive by several orders of magnitude. A comparison with the
periment. As already discussed by van Lenthe and first-order relativistic ~DPT DFT! results shows the impor-
co-workers,2 the result of the unmodified ZORA procedure tance of higher-order relativistic effects: They are small for
~5.21 eV! is quite off because different effective potentials CuH and AgH but become important for AuH, where they
arise in the neutral atom and the positive ion which are not affect the binding energy by ;0.3 eV and the vibrational
handled correctly by ZORA ~since it is not gauge invariant!. frequency by ;130 cm21.
The present method, ZORA~MP!, uses a model potential For the homonuclear diatomics Cu2, Ag2, and Au2, the
which is the same in both cases and thus circumvents the results can be found in Table III. On the whole, the findings
problem. The ZORA~MP! value is quite close to the result of are the same than for the hydrides. For Ag2 and Au2, the
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J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 109, No. 2, 8 July 1998 Christoph van Wüllen 397

TABLE II. Spectroscopic constants of the coinage metal hydrides. TABLE III. Spectroscopic constants of the homonuclear coinage metal di-
Compound CuH AgH AuH
Compound Cu2 Ag2 Au2
r e @pm#
ZORA„MP… 145 161 152 r e @pm#
ZORA~ESA!b 145 162 154 ZORA„MP…a 221 256 250
DK-DFT 154h ZORA~ESA!b 221 256 252
DPT DFTc 145 162 156 DK-DFT 258f 252f
ab initio 147,e 143f 159,f 163g 150,f 153i DPT DFTc 222 258 258
exptl.d 146 162 152 ab initio 227e 266,e 263g 256,e 249g
exptl.d 222 253h 247
D e @eV#
ZORA„MP…a 3.03 2.52 3.39 D e @eV#
ZORA~ESA!b 3.03 2.55 3.33 ZORA„MP…a 2.18 1.68 2.30
DK-DFT 3.31h ZORA~ESA!b 2.19 1.71 2.26
DPT DFTc 3.02 2.49 3.01 DK-DFT 1.67f 2.27f
ab initio 2.71f 2.20,f 2.37g 311,f 2.92i DPT DFTc 2.17 1.66 2.13
exptl.d 2.85 2.39 3.36 ab initio 1.73e 1.34,e 0.70g 1.87,e 1.78g
exptl.d 2.09i 1.67 2.31
v e @ cm21#
2012 1788 2277 v e @ cm21#
ZORA~ESA!b 2010 1810 2290 ZORA„MP…a 274 184 176
DK-DFT 2269h ZORA~ESA!b 272 183 174
DPT DFTc 2010 1774 2141 DK-DFT 185f 177f
ab initio 1952,e 2101f 1873,f 1731g 2496,f 2288i DPT DFTc 271 179 165
exptl.d 1941 1760 2305 ab initio 250e 162,e 163g 172,e 186g
exptl.d 265 192 191
Present work.
b a
ZORA electrostatic shift approximation, Ref. 2. Present work.
c b
First-order relativistic density functional calculation. ZORA electrostatic shift approximation, Ref. 2.
d c
Reference 25. First-order relativistic density functional calculation.
e d
Relativistic MRCI, Ref. 26. Reference 25.
f e
Relativistic MP2, Ref. 27. Quasirelativistic MCPF, Ref. 29.
First-order relativistic CPF, Ref. 28. f
Relativistic ~Douglas–Kroll! DFT, Ref. 8.
Relativistic ~Douglas–Kroll! DFT, Ref. 8. g
Relativistic MP2, Ref. 30.
i h
Relativistic coupled cluster, Ref. 23. References 31, 32.
Reference 33.

bond lengths are overestimated by 3 pm compared to experi-

ment. Likewise, the vibrational frequencies are too low. It RA~ESA! calculations, the gradient corrections to the density
might be suspected that dispersion forces ~mainly between functional have not been accounted for self-consistently, but
the outermost d 10 shells of the two atoms!, which are not in a ‘‘post-LSDA’’ fashion. Having established the validity
accounted for at the density functional level, are the origin of of the ZORA~MP! approach, results for the coinage metal
this discrepancy. Higher-order relativistic effects amount to fluorides and chlorides are presented in Tables V and VI. To
8 pm for the bond length of Au2, 0.2 eV for its bond energy my knowledge, no ZORA~ESA! results are available for
and 10 cm21 for its vibrational frequency. For Cu2 and Ag2, these compounds. The fluorides are highly ionic
higher-order effects are less important. Results for the het- (M1F2). 44,45 This might be a problem since density func-
eronuclear diatomics of the coinage metals, namely CuAg, tional methods have, for most functionals currently in use,
CuAu, and AgAu, are found in Table IV. One expects dis- certain problems describing small negative ions because of
persion forces to be sizeable in AgAu and indeed finds a the incorrect long-range behavior of the exchange-correlation
discrepancy between the ZORA and experimental vibrational potential.21,22 However, the data obtained in the present work
frequency ~no experimental bond length is available for compare well with the experimental numbers except for the
AgAu!. In the copper atom, the 3d shell is less polarizable vibrational frequency of AgF ~30 cm21 discrepancy!. In
than the 4d and 5d shells in Ag and Au, respectively. There- agreement with other calculations, the present results show
fore dispersion forces are less important in CuAg and CuAu, that AuF is perfectly stable with respect to dissociation. Af-
and the bond lengths and vibrational frequencies obtained in ter some earlier speculations,40 the existence of AuF as an
the density functional calculations show better agreement isolated molecule could be shown41 and upper/lower bounds
with experiment. Higher-order relativistic effects amount to for its binding energy have been estimated based on thermo-
4 pm for the bond lengths of CuAu and AgAu and ;0.3 eV chemical considerations. However, the question whether
for their binding energies. larger quantities of AuF can actually be synthesized seems to
One of the purposes of the present paper is to show that be more involved.39
the ZORA~MP! variant presented here is able to duplicate Results for the chlorides CuCl, AgCl, and AuCl are fi-
the ZORA~ESA! results. Table I–IV confirm this. The dif- nally given in Table VI. Here we can again compare with
ferences between the two sets of results are quite small and relativistic Douglas–Kroll–Heß density functional calcula-
can be attributed to the use of different basis sets ~Slater-type tions by Nasluzov and Rösch42 and find agreement except for
basis sets are used in Ref. 2! and the fact that in the ZO- the vibrational frequency of AgCl, a discrepancy for which
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398 J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 109, No. 2, 8 July 1998 Christoph van Wüllen

TABLE IV. Spectroscopic constants of the heteronuclear coinage metal TABLE VI. Spectroscopic constants of the coinage metal chlorides.
Compound CuCl AgCl AuCl
Compound CuAg CuAu AgAu
r e @pm#
r e @pm# ZORA„MP…a 205 231 224
ZORA„MP…a 238 233 253 DPT DFTb 206 231 228
ZORA~ESA!b 238 234 254 DK-DFTc 231 223
DPT DFTc 239 237 257 ab initio 225e
ab initio 246,d 238e 239,d 253e 261,d 254e exptl.d 205 228
exptl. 237f 233h
D e @eV#
D e @eV# ZORA„MP…a 3.70 3.06 2.93
ZORA„MP…a 1.92 2.49 2.15 DPT DFTb 3.69 3.06 2.82
ZORA~ESA!b 1.93 2.45 2.15 DK-DFTc 3.07 2.99
DPT DFTc 1.89 2.17 1.91 ab initio 2.89e
ab initio 1.54,d 1.84e 2.16,d 1.79e 1.87,d 2.30e exptl.d 3.96 3.24 3.5
exptl. 1.76f 2.34h 2.07i 21
v e @ cm #
v e @ cm21# ZORA„MP…a 418 324 353
ZORA„MP…a 227 247 187 DPT DFTb 417 323 334
ZORA~ESA!b 229 245 185 DK-DFTc 289 366
DPT DFTc 225 241 176 ab initio 370e
ab initio 193,d 230e 230,d 250e 173,d 202e exptl.d 415 343 383
exptl. 229f,g 248h,g 196k
Present work.
a b
Present work. First-order relativistic density functional calculation.
b c
ZORA electrostatic shift approximation, Ref. 2. Douglas–Kroll relativistic DFT, Ref. 42.
c d
First-order relativistic density functional calculation. Reference 25.
d e
Quasirelativistic MCPF, Ref. 29. Quasirelativistic QCISD~T!, Ref. 43.
Quasirelativistic CCSD~T!, Ref. 35.
Reference 34.
DG 1/2 value.
Reference 36.
ciation energy, and 17 cm21 in the vibrational frequency.
Reference 25. Higher-order ~scalar! relativistic effects change the bond
v e -value estimated in Ref. 37. length of AuCl by about 4 pm and its dissociation energy
only by 0.1 eV. The calculations show that the dissociation
energy of AgCl is smaller by ;0.6 eV than for CuCl, which
there is no explanation. High-level quasi-relativistic ab initio is also found experimentally. Going from AgCl to AuCl, the
results by Schwerdtfeger43 are available for AuCl and com- calculations predict a further decrease of the dissociation en-
pare well with the present ZORA~MP! results, the differ- ergy, while the experimental value for AuCl ~3.5 eV! is
ences being 1 pm in the bond length, 0.04 eV in the disso- larger than for AgCl ~3.24 eV!. The experimental value for
AuCl has already been questioned,42,43 but one must not for-
get that all these calculations are scalar relativistic, i.e., do
TABLE V. Spectroscopic constants of the coinage metal fluorides.
not include spin-orbit interaction. The main effect of spin-
Compound CuF AgF AuF orbit interaction in AuCl will be on the dissociation energy
and will just reflect the spin-orbit splitting in the isolated
r e @pm#
ZORA„MP…a 174 201 195
chlorine atom.3 This will lower the dissociation energy, such
DPT DFTb 174 201 199 that the neglect of spin-orbit interaction cannot be the reason
ab initio 173d 198d 190,d 195e for the discrepancy between theory and experiment. It is
exptl.c 174 198 therefore suggested to reconsider the dissociation energy of
D e @eV# AuCl experimentally.
ZORA„MP…a 4.50 3.68 3.39
DPT DFTb 4.49 3.68 3.34 V. CONCLUSIONS
ab initio 2.87e
exptl.c 4.46 3.67 3.0–3.7f A new variant of the zeroth-order regular relativistic ap-
v e @ cm #
proximation ~ZORA! has been presented which essentially
ZORA„MP…a 624 482 526 solves the problems associated with the unmodified ZORA
DPT DFTb 622 480 491 procedure. In contrast to other variants like the electrostatic
ab initio 633d 521d 590,d 525e shift approximation, properties like ionization potentials or
exptl.c 623 513 560g molecular binding energies can be computed as energy dif-
Present work. ferences. There is now an easy route to molecular geometry
First-order relativistic density functional calculation. gradients. Where available, results have been compared with
Reference 25. ZORA calculations using the electrostatic shift approxima-
Relativistic MP2, Ref. 38.
e tion and complete agreement has been found. Comparison
Relativistic MR-CI, Ref. 39.
Estimated bounds, Ref. 41. with relativistic density functional calculations using the
Uncertain, Ref. 40. Douglas–Kroll–Heß approach shows that the ZORA method
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J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 109, No. 2, 8 July 1998 Christoph van Wüllen 399

accurately accounts for relativistic corrections. Comparisons 22

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