Hackmaster - Slaughterhouse Indigo

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ri & 1CU ( A ‘ 4 ae? Oy SLAUGHTERHOUSE INDIGO AN ADVENTURE FOR CHARACTERS LEVEL 4-6 UAE ae Core aol Aol Ler DS CS COD eel Ula PLT Ty A eee LUST) MAA Cte) POINT ARTAL ol 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Keen i at’ ‘ iin Nes ny i IW) wat occa a vind KY 1, Broken Tooth Enters ean ©) 0 25 50 75 100 2. Old House Indigo — also site of Orc Ambush (Encounter G) and Ore Base Camp (Encounter H) Scale in Miles SLAUGHTERHOUSE INDIGO AN ADVENTURE MODULE FOR CHARACTERS LEVEL 4-6 * GAMEMASTER’ A Hackmaster adventure written by: Tony DiGerolamo (TWM) Edited by: Eric Engelhard, Brian Jolla, David S. Kenzer Art Director: Bob Burke ‘Artist Liaison: Mark Plemmons Jennifer “ify” Burke Willam Church + Scott Kestor Graphic Design: Cover Artist Brendon Fraim, Brian Fraim Interior Illustrations: Brendon Fraim, Brian Fraim Map Symbols: Rob Lee, Mark Plemmons and Bob Burke Behind-the-Scenes: Jeff Abar, Jennifer Kenzer HackTesting Manager: Jamie LaFountain HackTesting: jason Cain Joe Charles, Doug Clic, Gig Epps, Mike Paeterson, Mark Prater, Brad Todd, Luke Wetterlind, ohn Wiliams Playtested by the Blood Elves: Clay “Dobluth” Canslr, Dennis “Miller” DiClaudio, Jack “Ashi” Pope, Jon “Fattus” Sales, James “Dr Spore” Stevens, Jen “Jameson” Toner, Chris "Bruner Welsh, Jessica “Lola” Wyant Hard Eight Enterprises Representative: Jojo Zoke EYES ONLY * Contents ‘A NOTE FROM THE WRITER, PROLOGUE .. GM'S INTRO. GM'S HISTORY OF THE ADVENTURE ‘THE FEEL OF THIS ADVENTURE GM'S BACKGROUND ON GRUBAL ON THE ROAD. APPROACHING THE HOUSE THE HOUSE r SECOND FLOOR 2% ‘CONCLUDING THE ADVENTURE 3 New ems M4 New Magic ems 4 New Diseases and other effects a4 New Monsters Living House Tree Undead House Tree NPCs and Monsters Encounters on the way to the house: An Adventure Module for GameMasters of HackMaster: The Role-Playing Game 4th Edition © Copyright 2002 Kenzer and Company. All Rights Reserved. Wh respect to ademars: HackMastr the Hiktaster logo, Halopedia of Beast the Karzar and Company logo Saughtarhouse dia ‘Gary acaon The Game Must Go On logo the Hard Eighe Etrprives logo and Hard Eghe Emarprset are aderaris of Karz and Company ‘© Copyrigh 202 Kenser and Company. Al gs reserved Questions, Comments, Product Orders? Kenzer and Company 25667 Hillview Court Mundelein IL. 60060 This bok ie protected under nkmationl cis nd copyright ws of the Phone: (847) 540-0029 Fae (847) 540-8065, E-mail: questions@kenzerco.com Visit our website: www.kenzerco.com United Sas of Ame. Ne aol thr book my be repouce, without he This ea wok of eon. Names, acters ples and inden ‘rcs writen cement of Kerr ae Company, Perici ic guned vote ther ar he pdt of he acho’ imagination oe ued fi uh of this pduc io roduce eon of tisbok fr pero we oa, ay and any remance vo acta pens ring of dad even {Sk or rd of ach pode ily pce csi emi coincenal, HackMasten: SLauaHTERHOUSE INDIGO A NOTE FROM THE WRITER Hello minions! Welcome tothe frst fully original HackMaster 4th edition dvencure ever published! ‘This advencure was created for a party of five 0 sn adventurers oF approximately 4th to Gch level. However, [try to make yon survivable at frst level but potensially lethal even for those level. This adventure has enough flexibility that you should be able i citer way, Although iti et in Garwoeze Wurld, GMs should Find it easy wo integrate the module ito thei own campaigns. Many thanks to my guming group, che Blood Elves, fr helping me txt earlier drafis of the advencure, And now, on with the advencure! PROLOGUE Liga bad been quiet for many weeks. Since telat bugbear died, her roams and pasagewsaye hd been let Elma?” sh Tha very de. wo one hat watered mein day ont tothe Elf druid who had nurtured her a seedling caching with fd blo. Ligna ab te tipped om ber lors but tasted fo, ike water and liquid sore Tell me who you are. Lean provide you with as.” pleaded the howe many thing. 2 When Ligna “talked” she actualy reached out t0 the minds ofthe intruders ut no tdey. One of Usa there was atleast one inten the could he rats doors of the frame. ‘She fl hevelf bleeding the humanoids tre one of ried. "Please! Uhave na wish t harm any ofyou. 1 know an hear me; why doi you The bumanoide continued ther deeeration and abuse. Her wall boo as best the cond, but magi erie for Not nourishment yon could ever ned "Vex" the leader finally responded with an evil nap 10 his voice. “now GM’S INTRO Slaughterhouse Indign is Hack\laster adventure designed for 4th to 6th level characters. The ad in the gnomish village of Grubal amended for this advencue wn with good, neural or evllyligned PCs. GM's should be keenly aware of any players chat have abilities or magic items that allow the PCs to teleport, create safe extra dlimeasional spaces t seep oF go without sleep for long periods, as this may realy affect the outcome of pay ‘key clement to house is “alive” a secret 1 this adventure is to keep the revelation tha the Is highly recommended that the GM place this module inside another HackMaster adventure, so a8 not to let players who may have fipped through the module inthe store act on information they shoulda’ have! GM’S HISTORY OF THE ADVENTURE ‘Approximately 100 years ago, an enclave of the House Indigo saved a group of high elven druids fiom a marauding band of bugbears in the Praxter Mountains. (House Indigo isa well-known Lawful Good gnomish lan char works for the betterment of the gnomish race and all good beings in Gacweeze Wurld) In appreciation for cheir help, the druids grew a living hhouse tre (se Living House Tee atthe end ofthis booklet) for the gnomes so that House Indigo could remain in the atea and live in harmony’ with nature. The living house tree was ineligent and its name was Ligna. Ligna continued @ grow and flourish along with dhe gnomish enclave for 30 yeas ‘The leader ofthe enclave was a mighty gnome ritan named Tllamar. His trusted sidekick was a gnome magicsiser named Beniser. Together, they ed the Howse Inigo lan of rome. Benistercrentally fll in love and vied an elf dei named Ellmay, who served with the same group of grateful druids and agreed 0 take care of Ligns _Afiee 30 years, however, the bugbeats managed to repopulate their num bers, Thee lose tribes were united by « bugbear chit named Grouf, who wicded a cused bercekng bastard sword! Grout had a clever shaman 3 his ounsslor ad they both wee bitterly opposed tothe gnome stlemene. The shaman cteeed a disease that he wie eo befoul the wate ofthe gnomes [After the gnomes became ill the bughears attacked Many of the gnomes wre dead before the bughcars rcv. Grouf died in but inside the house “The bugbear shaman was caught in a huge Fireball blast tha ao Killed Benister and Tella. Ellmay was killed defending Ligna heart Unforsnately for the bughears, thie plan worked lle roa well. The remaining bagbearsansacked Ligns. Only tir ears know of the pln 0 poison the water, and wich them dead all che remaining bughears drank the tainted water. The bughear all died few weeks later. The stench af decay eventually arated a group of ghouls led bya wight “These wandetng creatures came frm along forgotten crypt deep ithe Peace Mountains. Those entombed were al followers of an ancien, cil nature gawd thae was destroyed cons ago. Once inside the wight seme the life free of the house and made its way to Lignas hear. Ie drained the hous’ if oes curing ino an undead eau, Beause a the wight former exsence a a evil druid, twas able ro merge with the house, creat- ing an unholy union of undead human and undead plan, Eventually moet ofthe ghouls became linked 10 the house as wel, For almost 70 years, Ligna fed upon the life force of animals and any unfortunate inivideals that happened to wander inside, About nine months 2 group of ore led by ahalh-ore cleric named Grenstor stumbled upon her. She was able co communicate with Grenstore and decided otto ill him. In rturn for some of the gnomes’ treasure, Lign ondered Grenstor to lve a caravan of unsuspecting merchants to her. Grenstot dda’ eally have any plan for accomplishing this, so in the meantime he and his men spent the time from then up until wo monchs ago heeding mostly normal animale (dec, gous, boars ete) into the house for Ligna to devour AAhout four months ago, Grenstorecaptared a wily kobold named Broken “Tooth while ona hunt with the other ores. They made the kobold their ack ey and a plan began co take shape i Grenstorts mind, He traveled to Fangserie and sold some of the items from inside the house to gee the money to buy livestock and hire aca About wo months ago, his plan worked. Grenstore managed to hire a cir- through incermediaries to travel southwest co Maldun, and boughs live- stock for them to transport. He sent Broken Tooth up ahead a “ambush HackMAsTer: SLAUGHTERHOUSE INDIGO. them and che caravan guard captured the quickly surrendering kobol. Broken Tooth convinced the guards chat he was too pathetic to kil and to let him be their slave. Six days later, the orcs ambushed the caravan and Broken “Tooth led io sek refuge in the house, Unfortunately, during the sd the orc killed a dwarven guard and two drat horse. The rest of the carvan was trapped in the house and eventually killed and absorbed by Ligna. Ligna has now refined the plan for Grenstort. She has ondeted Grenstort to hire another caravan, one wichout guards and with more livestock. Tivo days ago, Grenstort hited Leanald, a gnomish merchant fiom the nearby town of Grubal, to ship livstack and produce to the Dwarven stronghold of ‘Maldun, He told dhe gnome that he needs him asa go-betwee for his goods bbecause he is worried the dwarves would not accept food from smear wih orcsh blood. Leonald was ani desperatly trying to unload a wagon fall of produce that he recently pur chased. Leomald was planning wo take the produce to Fanguetie forsale, but atthe last minure he found out that the price of produce had dropped sig- niicanly in the city. Leonald wrongly assumes the dwarves ned fresh pro- ‘duce from the outside. (A PC dwarf from Maldun would only be awate of to believe the story since he was already this information if he also happened to be a mechan o had close tes vo the food wade in Maldun.) Meee hours before Leonald decides wo leave, he talks with a local Famer who used to be a soldier in the Gnome Protectrates. ‘The firmer tell Lonald that the mountain passes are fille with bandits, Leonald then decides wo hire the PCs as caravan guards, ‘The PCs ae the only people in Grubal who look robust enough to stand against bandits THE FEEL OF THIS ADVENTURE The Slaughterhouse Indigo adventure works best ifthe surprises unfold owl. Ideally, i the PCs de, they should die one by one and mainly due. their own stupidity. IFchey do not work as a team, they are surely daomed, ‘GMs should not fel sorry for players thar da not work together. The PCs may even perish before discovering the houses true origins. II so, do not reveal the information tothe players) ‘Theie new characters would not have the informa However, if the PCs stick together and work as team, they will either make a powerful, evi ally or destroy a powerful, evil opponent in a deed wor- thy of poem and song. ‘The feel af the adventure shouldbe very creep, sis- penseful and unsetling. [cis also posible the PCs may have to make more than one tek into the mounvains to defeat Ligna. The GM is encourage «0 modify the adventure accordingly. "The Praxter Mountains ae fll of erea- tures and who knows which ones might replace the orc? GM'S BACKGROUND ON GRUBAL If the PCs nced to requip or buy new weapons, the GM may allow the group eo make purchases ina larger city ire before ariving in Grubal. [Fhe PCs wait to buy equipment, chey find thac dhe Grubal villagers cannot make armor and the blacksmith is only capable of making very basic weapons, like speats,javelins and mace heads. He has a Blacksmith skill of 40%, and an ‘Armor Repair, Basi skill of 5096, ‘The toughest armor that can be aequied in Grubal is Leather, However, normal provisions an livestock can be pur chased at 10% below the prices listed in che Player’ Handbook (PHB). Normal riding horses and hunting dawgs can be purchased here, but noc Warhorses or War Dawgs. The village primarily consss of gnomish emer, snost of whom have nothing vo offer the PCs other than foo. ‘The Caravan: ‘Your group has traveled to the Village of Grubal, located south ff Shank and juse north of the Greater Fangruss River. Grubal isa gnomish settlement of farmers and there is only one inn, the Tavern of the Churning Chafe. After a decent night’ sleep there, you are talking over your traveling plans for the future while finishing the morning meal. As the server cakes away Hack Masten: SLAUGHTERHOUSE INDIGO your empty plates, a gnome walks into the tavern. He is ddrossed like a merchant and looks harried. After looking around the bar for a minute, he spots your group and his eyes 0 wide, He immediately approaches your table, “Pardon for the intrusion, good sirs. | am Leonald,a merchant In these parts, | am looking for guards to accompany a ship- ‘ment of provisions and mysalf to the Dwarven stronghold of ‘Maldun. 1am prepared to pay you handsomely and should the caravan be ateacked by raiders, you're more than welcome to their booty” Leonald the Gnome Merchant Leonald offers the PCs 2 gp per person pot day, plus fice provisions. He will go as high as 5 gp per day or even up ro 50% of the 3000 gp profit he is expecting to make, ‘The GM should fee fee co offer the PCs whatever they wane since the caravan wil probably never get there anyway! Leonald avoids questions about who hired him and under no cizcumsstance answers any ques- «ion of thar nacure until the PCs accep the jab. Ifthe PCs insist, he shows them the seal of a dwarven house in Maldun (this was given to him by Grenstor).Once the group is on the road, Leonald reluctaney reveals that he is working as a midlleman for a mystcrioushalf-ore, but ony ifthe PCs continue to question him, He hides this fact hecause he is also worted the dwarves might not accept merchandise from an ore, even hall-breed one. ‘Leonald was alteady familia wich tha particular dwarven seal. so he's con- winced the hal-oe is legiimate. If the PCs are good, simply argue that they should accepe the jab because the gnome plans on tang che caravan through dangerous territory and the PCs are the only ones in Grubal qualified to be caravan guards, IF the PCs are neuteal or evil simply poine out chat if Leonald has the sort of money hes promising his employer must have at lease double cha! Lee the players think youve rluctanly agreed upon a higher price just to gc them into the adven ‘The caravan consists of four wagons cach pulled by two draft horses with ‘one dozen common sheep walking beside, ‘Wagon #1: Died fruits, nuts, vegetables and meats, This wagon is picked tight with Leonald’s goods and is driven by him. He is very protective oft, a he owns the Fd in this wagon and believes i wll falc hence ot nome. ‘Wagon #2: 22 live cichens and fed forte other anima rough anima fc for ow mek Grenson bough thse chickens ching is atop Grbal slong withthe shexp ‘Wagan #3: Fro fe and veal fom Grubal and some ches “The mack op on thls wagon I mech lo Leowald may sien tosare the ote vo. Tae merchant la his wagan als belongs Grenstort ‘Wagon #4: ‘This wagon contains Leonale’s quarters his belongings, wols to repair the wagons, an extea wagon wheel and plemy of space for the PCS exta belongings. [Fhe PCs insist on hauling the bodies of lain animals or monsters with them, Leonald will euctandy transport che comps in this wagon for whatever small fee he can squecze from the PCs, Amidst Leonald belongings isa tool kit. Inside a scret com pparement below the cools isthe 300 gp thar Grenscare gave the gnome 2 1 down payment forthe job. Any money thatthe PCs have already been paid should be subtracted from that amount. Leonald will not lopen the comparcment while the PCs are watching him. BEFORE THE PCS LEAVE: A. The “Aecidene™ Just as ehe caravan gets underway. a childs ball rolls into the riddle of the road and email igure goes running after it Immediately, Leonald pulls the reigns to stop the horses, but the small body is already underneath the wagon. The figure appears to be a small human boy. He cries out in pain and his father comes running out of a nearby doorway. The boy's father looks around, worried and furious. He wears a straw hat and a pair of newly stained overalls “Timmy! By the gawds! Timmy! What have they done to ye, lait” cries the distraught farmer. “Me only boy! Oh, Timmy!” Stitch the Halling John Heel ‘Timmy; the small boy, is actually 2 halfling named Stitch and his “father” is being played by his partner, John Heel. Both men ar thieves and they've pulled this scam a dozen times in a dozen other towns. Heel pretend to be 2 farmer, bur anyone that others to chee finds that he does not own a farm in Grubal or the surtounding ata. Leonald offers them 5 gp a5 an apology, bur this further outrages chem, ‘They cry yell and clutch at dhe PCs in anguish, especially any clries, While Heel continues vo make a scene, Stitch tries to steal all he can. ‘The GM should give the balling bonuses or penal ties depending on how suspicious the players are. Once they have stolen at lease 25 gp of coins or goods fiom the caravan, chy will “relucandy” lee the PCS go. ‘They wil nor call the authorities in Grubal. Ifthe PCs attempe 10 do so, they take whar they can and then announce they'te “heading fr the healers place”. Heel picks up Sich, cradling him in his arms, and the 060 ‘of them head out of tin, [fue PCs ate robbed successfully, dhe PCs again run into the pai i they reeutn ta Grubal. Only this time, the PCs witness them running the same scam on a diferent carvan, Hed and Stiech will not come on the adventure unless the PCs force them or charm them, Both have under their clothes. Back at theit room at che Tavern ofthe ‘Chuurning Chafe, they each have two daggers, a club, 13 gp, 29 sp and ewo wineskns fill of ale, leather armo ON THE ROAD Tris approximately 100 miles fom Grubal to Maldun, ‘van two days wo ross the Fangeuss and reach the raster Mountains, and nine days total to reach Maldun, The following nine days worth of encounters should only be sed the first time a group of PCs acemprs this adventure. IF rot the first attempt, the GM can rll for wandering monsters aceoeding to ‘the appropriate tertain type (See GMG) with aT in 8 chance ofan encounter luring the day and a 1 in 1D chance a night Te takes the cara Day t No encounter. The PCs may discover thar they can increase their move- sent by loading the sheep inside the four wagons. Leonald does not object to this and the GM should award a 50-cxperience poine bonus t the plyee hae suggest it. In this instance, the GM should skip the “Day 4 and Night encounter (Day 5 becomes Day 4, Night 5 becomes Night 4, et). Feel the PC's return, fice to then use the Day 4 and Night 4 encounters d Additionally, the GM should use sis time to determine whether or not the PCs are carying their equipment or keeping ic on the wagon. Remind the players chat chey would be less encumbered should they have to enter com- bat and there is litle or no reason that they should be bogged down with csiuipment while choy have draf animals and wagons availble. This could be eri later when the PCs artive atthe house. When the animals are later tapped in a stable, ifthe lft cheir supplies on the wagon they may not have any food, water or other imporean equipment! NIGHT | No encounter. Make sure the players give their watch order for guard duty ac night anyway. Rell some dice just to keep thems om their ces Late in the day, your group happens upon a band of wandering gnome minstrels. You count seven performers riding toward you in one colorful wagon that is pulled by two draft horses. Each carries an instrument and there are actor's masks hang ing from the wagon’ tide. The ornately painted wagon reads “The Jacob Tinear Plyers:A Traveling Minstrel Show". ‘ob inear the Ba Gnome Minstrels (6) “The wagon Fl f props, costumes, makeup and other personal belong: ings. Leonald is fiends with Jacob Tinea, the leader ofthe band. All che somes have the same statistics, eacepe Jacob, who is a fist level bad. The {roup consis of Jacob Tinea, accompanied by sic grome minserls. ‘The {gnomes are on their way to Grabal and will not accompany the PCs unless forced. Leona offers to let the minstrels carp with them fr mul pro- rection. Ifthe PCsare ude or threatening, Jacob tempest rb the offend ing PC while he sleps, then quel takes oi before dhe PCs awaken the next rmorning. He does not rob for money, preering to humiliate the PC by sealing his pants, underwear or something equally embarrassing, The GM should use hs discretion depending on the way the PCs act. Aionally, Jacob should he allowed a 75% bonus his Pick Pocket ell cero he dark nest and the PC unconscious state. The minstrels have 45 gp and 134 sp in the wagon locked ina secret compartment in wooden idol (The esis ean be heat if the idols igorousy shaken) "The minses know that the road to Maldun is dangerous and if asked, hey play the PCs a song abou a dan serous mountain pass guarded by giancsizcd ors! They have not actualy seen any gant otc and admic shi tothe PCs, but they strongly suspect that the mountain pas ishome to a wll or cwo. This is abo pure speculation on thee parc and any PC tar has Glean Lfoxmation or a ins should be allowed chance wo detet Jacobi ull! Nic 2 No encounter. Roll some dice, laugh shake your head sally and then inform the players chat there is wo encounter, pays . Broken Tooth Enters ‘Around midday, the caravan reaches the edge of the Praxter Mountains. Thé ground hat been steadily geting steeper and the horses are making slower progress pulling the heavy ‘wagons. Up ahead there isa shout and a badly injured kobold ‘comes staggering down the gravel path ahead of you. He has ‘no weapons and throws up his hand in surrender. One of the creature's horns has been broken of, leaving only a jagged stump. His dirt-encrusted leather armor is in tatters and his ‘malnourished form suggests that he's been lost in the ‘mountains for weeks. Broken Tooth the Lesser Kobold "The kobold’s name is Broken Tooth, He is actually working for the half ‘orc, Grenstort, who hired Leonald. Grenstort has beaten him badly and threatened co kil him if he does not become the lackey of Leonald andl the Cs, His job ist become Grenstore’s “man on the inside” so te half-or can sell rack the caravan, should ie somchow mise the ambush they have set up ‘outside the house. Broken ‘Tooth also encourages the PCs to take the most direct route tothe ambush, and to take refuge in the house. Broken Tooth hha been tated miserably by Grenstort and becomes very loyal ta PC who HackMASTER: SLAUGHTERHOUSE INDIGO haals him and shows him kindness, though he is too afaid 1 reveal renscorts plan, Broken Tooth’ misting horn was broken off by Grenstort afi of rage, He will Mee and cower during any batle in which the odds arent overwhelmingly on his side, I ehe od seem to favor him, he charges igo batle nea the end and atiemps co gain some measure of honor. Broken ‘Tooth has che Skilled Line skill and uses ie quite frequently. If questioned by the PCs, Broken Tooth ells the ruth (sore of), He says that he was injured by an ore but managed to escape when the ore went to sleep. Broken Tooth had fled the caves of his tribe when it was atacked by a group of ogres, and he was the only survivor. (This is tue). Broken Tooth has no eessute or ‘weapons. NIGHT 3 ©. The Pop. From the darkness just outside your campgrounds you hear 2 tiny growl. Although determined and angry, the growl Is hevertheless, cute. When you investigate, you find It comes from a brown pitbull pup with white ears that is attempting to steal food from your camp. The litte guy has clearly bitten off more than he can chew, yapping and squeaking at 2 confused sheep that is much too large for him to drag away, Piaball Pup A determined pitbull pup atempts to steal a sheep from the PCs caravan, The pup may give up and go aftr a chicken, depending on how vulnerable they are. Any succesful atack agains it causes the dawg to fle, Broken “Tooth chases ic away with a torch in 2 rounds unless the PCs stop him or acempe to befriend the canine, The pup gains is fll silver in 6 months time. Ic becomes loyal eompanion to any PC that fecds it and teats it kind Wy. Day 4 No encounter. Roll a die and ask random PC what sort of armor he’ wearing. After he answers, say there is no encouncer. [the players complain you are just taunting them, inform them that you are following the module's instructions as they are written. If they dant believe you, tell them youl show them this description, bu fs eorec, the challenging player mast suf- fer roll on the Smartass Smackdown Table in the GMG. Assuming the player does not back down, show him this description and then roll on the table. IFthe player backs down, you should say something lke, “Yeah I did- nic think you had the stones.” Ifthe players get upset at you, go through the process second time and threaten them with more roll if they keep i up, NIGHT 4 E, Adventure Hook You are awakened by the sound of loud clacking. The sound ¢ manates from the south and continues to get louder every second, Whatever is making the noise in the darkness is not attempting co keep its movement quiet. Additionally, the sound suggests multiple sources of the same sound converging fn your location. Assuming the PCs have a campfire, chey are attacked 2 rounds lar, Ifthe PCs do not have a campfire, chey are atacked 4 rounds later by the same ‘opponents Hook Horrors (6) HackMASTER: SLAUGHTERHOUSE INDIGO lair use 100 yard hungry, and begin any attack already ih the PCs, the Pitbulls wat for dass he wagons, t pitbulls from Day é ‘A ferocious pack of nine pitbulls is upon you in the blink of an eye. The ragged canines appear frenzied and their eyes radiate Sometime early in the morning the trail splits left and right. anger and malice. Fortunately the hellish dawgs are concen- Both trails look to be wide mountain passes with plenty of trating on (insert targets name here) and have yet to turn room for the caravan, Both paths lead inthe general direction their terrible jaws toward the rest of the party. The dawgs matted brown, black and white fur and poorly groomed coats Indicate that they have been living In the wild for some cime. 6 of Maldun, which is directly on the other side of the mountain nd stil quite some distance away. Which way do you go? (If Broken Tooth is here, he urges Leonald to take the left path because it ie ashore cut”) Leonald scoffs at Broken Tooth’ advice and ignores him unless the PCs insist on following the litle guy’ advice. Any PC with the skill Cartography: Overland of knowledge of the ates can make a roll ro determine if Broken Tooth’ advice is sound, Rangers can also make a Wisdom check. Success means that che player realizes that Broken Tooths advice i probably wrong IF THE PCS TAKE THE LEFT PATH: Grenson" Skip to “Meeting with IF THE PCS TAKE THE RIGHT PATH: Read the falling: About four hours later, the lead wagon comes around a bend and finds the mountain passage blocked by a rockslide. renstore cause the Landslide rwo days ago. Clearing the path for the wagons would tke at last four weeks. Ar ths point, Leona is willing to fallow the kobold’s advice because in four weeks, the produce will be unselable G. Meeting with Grenstort (Ako see Ore Base Camp) If the PCs followed Broken Tooths advice the fis ime, they ative wo hour afer they broke camp that day otherwise they arrive tom hours after In either ease, che weather is cloudy in the afternoon and rainy in the evening breaking camp. ‘The mountain pass winds next to what appears to be a wide plateau in che midst of the Praxter Mountains, The wagons approach a milestone marker with gnomish writing on it. "By the gawds!" exclaims Leonald happily. “There is an enclave of ‘the House Indigo nearby! Some of my ancestors wore members of that house, The milestone indicates that its just Off this pass” Leonald gestures to his left, towards a small path that leads t0 the top of the neighboring plateau. “I had no idea” Ac this point, Grenstoreand 8 Orcsh archers are hiding 50" above the PC. They give the group up to ten rounds to make a decision. Ifthe group decides to visit the House Indigo, skip to “Approaching the House and the tunes they later try 0 escape the house Otherwise, as son a they continue down the mountain pass, rad the pas- sage below. cores do not encounter the Pt ‘A flaming arrow lands in the wagon near Leonald. Above you and the caravan is a group of what appears to be orcish archers hiding amongst the rocks and light shrubbery. A figure dressed in a tattered robe shouts down to your group in ‘Common. “We have blocked the mountain pass ahead as we did the other! Surrender your cargo to us!" shouts the figure from fity fest above, “Do this and live. Refuse it and die!” HackMaster: SLAUGHTERHOUSE INDIGO. The flaming arrow that lands near Leonald is iin a way tha should noe immediately start a fire, Irs meant to ge the PCs attention, Ar thie pont, give the PCs chance o respond, Leonald shouts back defianty."With the House Indigo nearby? Youre the ones that should surrender!" shouts Leona. “C'mon lads! This way!” Ifthe PCs decide to continue dawn the tril: The orcs ate high up above the tail on the plateau and can shower arrows doin atthe PCs for a eas (Grenstot didnt actually block it, but since mountain passes wise and surn, the PCs won! realize this unl ehey are further dain the path.) Leonald will ot object so abandoning the sheep to increase the caravans speed. There isa 509% chance four rounds if they continue down the mountain pass he does this himself anyway. IFthe PCs attempt o take the animals forward ‘or back down the pas, the ones attempe to wound the animals the leg with called shots. Due o thet postion overlooking the tal, ches shots can be rmade with only aI to hit. Wounded sheep must be cated and wounded horses lose | point of movement per point of damage. Broken Tooth cuts the sheep loose (or lets them out oftheir wagons) if Leonald or the PCs do not, bat will sll tay with the party. In che unlikely even che PCs pres on to ‘Maldun, skip © DAY 7. the PCs decide to fight the ores: Unless the PCs ean fy, climbing up a the ores gives thee archers oie for being om higher ground, removes the benefit of any Dextetity or shick! bonuses and the PCs must make a successful climb check each round at 2596 due tothe crumbling nature ofthe rock face. While in their positions, the orcsh archers have 759% cover giving them +7 ro AC from PC misile ‘weapons. Leonald believes thatthe House Indigo will protect the caravan. If the PCs want w battle che orcs, Leonald suggests tha they fist mone the wagons to House Indigo to keep their cargo safe. He is willing ro wai theze at the house while the PCs batle the orcs, an then send help. He also sug ests the PCs may be able co lank the ors if ehey go up the side rail the plateau the house ison, If che PCs insist on starting fight immediately and Fight there, Leonald takes the wagons and heads forthe house anyway. He ay also attempt co cut the wagon with the chickens loose from che horses, and may even abandon the shoep ihe believes his ie sin danger ‘ORC STRATEGY: Orcish Brigands (8) Grenstort ad his oes dani actually want to fight the PCs. They ery every thing they canto ge the PCs ina the house. They spend chee rounds rain ing arrows down ac dhem and then retreat t se the PCs reaction. ‘They will spend more rounds in combat in the frst ambush zone only if the PCs attempe to press forward on the main tail away fram the house, ar have climbed up and engaged them in mele. Grenstort the Half Ore Cleric stort is very crafty and quick-minded; he can react and adapt his pla to the PCs actions almost instantly, Ifchey come up the side tral lading co the house, he quickly moves his archers tothe lip of chat tal. the PCs thea search for the ores, che ores ambush them once agin From their new vancage (on basically fla ground, behind wees lining the tril) ancl atcempe eo herd them toward the house, fring a Few arrows afer them merely for show anal Ifthe PCs head toward the house on their own, the orcs ler them go. The ores only come down to che main path ifthe shecp or an ‘mals are abandoned and the PCs have fled into the house. If the PCs seem very strong, Grenstore may alerately use his Staff of Weather Control 10 ‘ot aimed to hit ‘make it ain or rain harder so the PCs ate forced to take shelter in the house Should any of the PCs injure Grenstor, he immediately eases Withdraw, heals himself and chen retreats into the hills and hides using his Robe of Blending, He will not enter melee unless absolutely foreed and would rather HAckMASTER: SLAUGHTERHOUSE INDIGO dic than give up his sa. Only Grenstort knows the house is “alive”. ‘The ‘ther ores think that Ligna is someone that chey have never seen who lives in the house. IF Broken Tooth i with the PCs he continues to at as fiend ro them, and the orcs do not ire ax him. If captured, Grenstort and the orcs refuse wo divulge the location oftheir base camp unless reared of magically forced. PCs attempting co tack them back to their eamp are unsuecesl, at the orcs were cateful to hide their eracks when setting up the ambush, If Grenstort or more than four orcs ae killed, the res flee the aes. Following ‘ane of more of the oes who have fled leads the PCs back to the Ore Base inp alice four hours. This isthe one of two opporsunitcs the party has co Aliscover the Ore Base Camp. As alas resort (and only if the PCs provide chem with no other escape) the orcs fle into the house hoping the PCs chase dhem inside. Ligna lets thers ‘ou if chey do, bu only if hey promise to bring her all maining the animals fiom the caravan. She may hold several ofthe ores hostage inside of her until this promise is filled, and che PCs may later encounter them ae your dis- (Once the PCs ae inside, the ores may come to Lign’ rescue ifthe PCs are close wo escaping or seriously damaging hee. Any emaining oes shut them~ selves inthe gatchouse and fire anows a che party if chey uy to exape. At least 50% of the ones would atemap called shots atthe PCs les of ors, ‘As mentioned before, if Grenstor or more than four orc are killed, che rest, fle the area to tht base camp. IF the PCs donit chase them and ill chem, the group returns 1-6 weeks later with 2-12 mare ors in the hope that Ligna has survived. IF Grenstor is sil alive, that number swells to 4-24 orcs. If Ligna is alive, the remaining orcs restart heir plan from the beginning again Unfortunately withoue Grenstory, the ace have to ely on hapless adventut sor foolish traelers passing through to feed Ligna. If Grenstoris alive, he engineers an immediate eaid on Grubal in hopes of capeuring saves and fre ing them into the mountains to their doom inside Ligna IF the PCs eri afesing orc wo the bate camp, go 10 the Ore Base C section directly following. If they approach the house, skip o Approaching the House, here is nothing else on this plateau except the house and afew seatered groves of tees. The far side of the plateau jut up against one ofthe lauge ofthe Paster Mountains, and the other sides en in shece drops. The tox area on the plateau is about 3 square mils H. Ore Base Camp Height: 8-12" Dimensions: 20' by 90° (approximately oddly shaped room) ‘The Ore Base Camp i located approximately 1/2 mile from the house, It is nothing more than a small cave whose entrance is tapped with abasic pit mp. leis 10° deep pit with spikes, D 1.6 for che fl las 1-4 spikes for D 1 G each. Thete is a 259% chance the PCs notice it and it is automatically noticed if the PCs follow the orcs because the orcs avoid stepping om it Daring any combat near the cave entrance, the ors may attemp to push the PCs into the pit. Grensiorc has a wagon and ewo horses chat are badly malnourished ied up inthe back ofthe eave. The horse collapse iF anyone eres to ride them, and ate too weak © walk out ofthe eave. Killing them would be considered an acc of mercy by mose gawds. The wagon is full of equipment from the pre- vious victims of Ligna, The items that are matked by an asterisk below are ‘old items leftover from the House Indigo and are marked with thee symbol Found in and around the wagon are: 2 suies of huran-szed spine mail, 3 longswords, I footmans mace, 6 daggers, 1 suit of human-sized chain mail, 1 suit of dwarf-sized ring mail, 2 hooded lanterns, 4 empty ol asks, 2 vials ‘of holy water, 3 suits of gnome-sized plate mail’, 8 short swords", and 5 ghomesized helmets" “The following items are inside the cave heap in a pile in the back, a it te further behind the wagon. ‘The ores know that chey ae magic, but cat use them and yet wont part with them due to their inherent gree. ‘Thee i suit of gnome-sized leather armor ~2 , lance +1, gnome-sized helmet +1, Potion of Gnome Gibberish, 14 gp (in clay coffer), and 170 “diamonds” (See area 12). ‘These are actually crystals from the chandelir, and any chat acter with Appraising or Appraisal: Gemstone can make asl check at +659% to know tha ches ate worthless The small wooden chest: This chest i placed in a separate alcove in the back of ehe eave. I is obvious to any PC who goes to the back of the cave This i rapped witha Glyph of Wardng (fie dimage 4-16, sve vs. spell for half, sce PHB pg 261). The box contains a sel from a Dwarven house in ‘Maldun that Grenstore used to convince Leanald to take the jab, Any Dwatt PC should fel honor-bound to return the seal to its proper owner. If suc- cessful, the PC should receive I permanent Honor point. ‘The return ofthe seal could be used as a springboard to anew adventue Also in the box i Grenst te power in the small orc “tribe of which he is now leader (the rest were wiped out by 2 group of Elves) che later entries describe how Grenstort and the ors tumbled upon Ligna, Any PC that understands written ocich can read the following passage: journal, Although most of ie deals hi ise “The voice in my head is called Ligna. She is a being of great power that controls the house. Although I have not teen her ‘with my eyes.| sense her presence there. She used the house to kill two of my brothers, but | was able to convince her that ‘we could be her thralls! We have obtained great wealth from her, but her demands grow increasingly large. | have told her | will travel to the human lands and lure a caravan of human and gnome fools for her to devour” A later entry reads “Ie worked! Ligna has no use for metal weapons or armor and | can bribe the next group of fools by selling the equipment of the frst! She has awarded me with a powerful staff that can make the heavens quake! | must bring her more victims. There's no telling what other power she may bestow upon “The most recent entry ist, “The gnome Leonald has agreed to make the trek and the seal from the Dwarven house has convinced him. However, he has hired a group of ugly caravan guards. | did not expect this. Ligna does not seem worried, but she cares not for me and my brothers. If the caravan guards escape, we shall find them. Perhaps the power of my staf shall entice the orc tribes 10 ‘unite under me and chen we shal return!” pay7 If che PCs decide to continue to Maldun, they find the toad is nor blacked despite Grenstor’s boasts. Ifthe oresare stil alive, they tal the caravan feom a mile behind. Spel like Pass Without Trace function to cover the PC's ll bur there is only one ath, so che orcs know where to.go. They are all expert trackers and know the mountains wel, NIGHT 7 Assuming the orcs ae sill alive, they surround the PCs camp, wait uni most of them are asleep and then al of chem attempt wo simulaneously sniper the guard from the longest shortbow range. Ifthe pi bull pup is here, it begins barking whether this atack is succesful or not. Broken Tooth aiemps to assist by hiding the PC's weapons and atmor if he can do this without being noticed. Additionally, he Mees the eamp with two of the draft horses and a wagon a8 toon asthe orc attack. He steal the chicken wagon ificis sl here. Ifcaughe by the PCS later, hel ie and say that he was afraid of che orcs and was ying to fle with some food and supplies. If the orcs ‘manage to assassinate the only guatd and thee is no pitbull to warn the PCs, they slip ico the camp and steal all four wagons. ‘The PCs awaken as the wagons lave. Additionally, chey take the body of the dead PC: guard and Broken Tooth iF he’ sill chee, ‘They have no desire to engage in fall cle combat here, only co feed the animals wo Lign, and lute the PCs to her if they fallow. Assuming thar che PCs sill want o press on to Maldun, whether they sll hhave the animals or not, go on to day 8. IFthey turnaround and decide to sg hunting for cheie wagons, they ind the orcs have made no efforts to cover theie tracks, and they lead up the tail t House Indigo. Any surviving ores ‘once again ambush chem just past che top ofthe tal leading to Ligna and try to force chem roward the house. Day # No encounter. Roll some dice, ask the players which PCs are inthe lead, roll more dice. Feel fee to slighty shake your head and mumble things like “uy, lucky” NIGHT @ J. The Wee Dragon ‘As you settle in forthe night, the animals grow more and more ‘skitish and agitated inside eho camp. There is something inthe. ain, lke the electricity right before a thunderstorm, and perhaps just the faintest smell of brimstone. Suddenly, there is the flap of wings and the very stars seem to be blotted out from the sky for a moment. A red dragon, wearing a. plaid beret, perches himself on a nearby landing just at the edge of your campfire’ light. The wyrm grins knowingly and says, "G'evening ye wee folk. Mi name's MacScorch and I'm felin’ a bit peckish for the nonce, Fill me belly or I'l toast yer wee limbs to a ersp MacScorch, ‘The Young Red Dragon MacScorch is nor relly in the mood for hatte, but he s hungry. IF the PCS take up arms against him, hel swoop by in an atempe vo sare some of the horses into running off the nearest cif. If he succeeds, hell bother the PCs no Further unless they manage to injure im, If the PCs want ro parley, MacScorch does 0 ata discrete distance. He speaks in a thick Scorish accent. He seems interested co find out what the PCs are doing here and where they ae heading. [fasked about his istry, he lets the PCs know that Fhe was recently kicked out of his nest. (His entre easure hoard consists of 41100 gp gem he keeps under bis hat.) Fortunately forthe PCs, MacScorch considers them beneath his notice and not worthy combat opponents. Even so, he is hungry and. demands all the sheep, the PC’ gold ad a magic item to le them pase unseathed immediately: IF they dont agree 10 this, MacSeorch also ha a gambling sreak and offers the PCs a wager. Ifthe PCs can beat him in a and of Std Poker, he offers "ta le ye wee fale go about unharmed". The PCs muse bet ll che animals they have lef, or even if hey wwiny MacScorch stil cas all their animals out ofa sense of fares him self. The GM may citer play a real hand of Stud Poker with one af che play- crs o ell 46; the highest roll wins. APC that makes a successiul Gaming check can roll an addivional d6, Ifthe players actually play a hand of Stud Poker, a successful Gaming, check allows the player to deaw one addtional facedown card. MacScorch is young enough to honor the bet if he loses, He has much co lea! pay 9 K. Reaching Maldun If the players somehow manage to get fo Maldun withthe caravan mos intact and without discovering Grenstore’s scheme, they and Leonald discov HAckMASTER: SLAUGHTERHOUSE INDIGO crit isall for naught. ‘The dwarves do not offically purchace fous from outsides under any circumstances. Leona eventually manages to cut ade with a shady character that nets him only 500 gp. (Less ifsome ofthe ears van was destroyed.) He consuls the PCs before he makes the deal, as he can easily get atleast ewice chat in Fanguere. The GM will have ro deal wth the situation and the rown of Maldun, but only the most stubborn and blind PCs should make ic 10 Maldun without discovering that the whole rip was Grenscor’s ploy anyway. GETTING THE PCS TO THE HOUSE: ‘The GM will have to make «judgment call about hie players, bu fall else has ile to get the PCs inside the house, use Leonald or Broken Tooth to encourage them, ven on the return tip fiom Maldun, Leonald wants to approach the house uncil he relies the Howse Indigo gnomes are long gone. At that point, he might urge the PCs to lave the house alone a its ereasure uni turbed. Be wary of using Leonald too much, a urging the players forward withthe goome may tip your hand. If Broken Tooth ie sill alive on the return trip, you canals try using him twger the PCs tothe house, Unless he hs sen Grenstor’s body, he does not believe Grenstort is dead and continues with the plan. If the players have befriended him, he encourages them to rest the night in the house. IF they nit rast hi he tells thea the house is dangerous and fll of ores and they should say avay. APPROACHING THE HOUSE From the milestone, it is only about 200 yards up the side tral to the top of the plateau, and another 200 yards to House Indigo. An eight foot high wall tapped with wrought iron spikes surrounds an expansive estate ground approximately 1700 feet wide and 1300 feet long, Directly ahead is the gate flanked on each side by a gatehouse. The gate is inscribed with the insignia of House Indigo and is wide open. ‘The face cha there ate no gnomes guaeding the entrance ia dead giveaway ‘that something is up. You should have no mercy on players who ignore this face! ‘Area |: The Gate Height: 10° Gate Opening: 40° across ‘The gate is made of sturdy oak and banded with iron. There Is a stone, two-story gatehouse on each side of the gate and they are both dotted with arrow slits on all the sides you can 00. The insignia of the House Indigo is also on both the ‘gatehouses. A wooden sign that once stood a few feet from the gate has fallen forward. If the PCS life ic up they can sce thatthe words, “Weleome to the House Indigo! Please announce yourself and enter!” ate writen in Common and Gromish, ‘Area 2: The Gatchouses Height: 20 Dimensions: 20° 40! HACKMASTER: SLAUGHTERHOUSE INDIGO Both gatehouses have long since been looted of any valuables. ‘Area 4: Old Practice Field The east gatehouse contains a rotting flag on the second floor rackbhe that bears the symbol of the House Indigo. The doors to the : BE iganbonbaslaie auld ey Goad ention ch tera Ay va ight eras PC witha Mita llasa 75% cha of Inside, as well as the trapdoors leading to the second floor a There are a few heavy branches inside each gatehouse for just this purpose. Dimens realizing tha chs was once a practice field and jousting the following decricion This large field is devoid of plants and is mostly sand, The decaying wooden structure that you noticed here was made of long planks situated in ters, perhaps once holding an audience ‘of gnomes. Here and there are old horseshoes, bits of armor and weapons and other debris mixed in the sand. The ores later use them as a defensive postion should the PCs escape the house. If a PC makes a successful tacking check in either building, he noties ore footprints. Anyone firing arrows from the gatchouse gains a +10 AC bonus due to having 90% cover. The flag is t rotten to be of value 10 Ligna has no use for cis area and unknown to her the ors have heen steal ‘Area 3: The Estate Grounds ing the wood for irewood. If any PC makes a successful eackng oll a¢ Dimensions: 1720’ x 1280" =10%6 chy find ore tacks that lead to Area 5, IF ic is might or still raining, the PCs are unable ro see the rest of the Ifthe PCs have not yet seen the back ofthe house, ead that description in rounds unles they explore chem, ‘Thea read the following description: area 3 now. ‘Area 5: Gardener's Shed The grounds beyond the gxtehouse are overgrown and il-kept. de ‘A-40-foot wide path made from dark, well-packed dirt leads eee north towards the center of the estate. There are no lights on Dimensions: 20' x 20 the grounds, but there appears to be lights up ahead at the ‘This hed is no visible fom any direc approach, Ifthe PCs are following, manera the orc tacks fom area 4, chey lead right tothe old gardeners shed, other wise there is only .25% chance the PCs se it, The chances ate double if they are actively examining the hedge maze, and characters that explore the north IF is daytime, read che following description wall automatically discover i “The grounds to the manor house are overgrown and il-kept. ‘A 40-fo0t wide path wide made from dark, wellpacked dirt leads north towards a large, wooden, wo-story manor house. ‘There isa large overhang above the front doo. A smaller dirt path leads from the front of the house around the side of the ‘manor to a low building that looks like a stable. About 300 feet to the right of the house is large, open sandy area next {0 the skeletal remains of a wooden structure, but it is Impossible to tell from your postion what it was. To the lefe behind the house is what appears to be a small cemetery and another demolished wooden structure. The wall goes around the entire estate. Aring of trees and bushes lie ust inside the wall Back ofthe house: ‘When the PCs decide to explo tery oF the ruined church) read hem che Following description of the rear of the house. The hedge maze is area 6 and the porchiverand i area 33. ‘As the rear of the house comes into view, you are surprised {0 see an enormous overgrown hedge, almost 500 feet long. (On the back of the house, there are no visible doors, but a low, rotten porch juts out towards you infront of a decorative archway attached to the house, ea 4,7, 0F8, (the sandy area, the ceme- Situated at the back edge of the overgrown hedge maze ie a large ramshackle shack that is on the verge of collapse. This shed is about 20° x 20° and does not appear to be locked. Ie is made of weather-beaten planks that desperately need a new coat of paint. Flaking chips of paine indicated the shed was ‘once painted a light lime green. Directly in front of its door is an area where a campfire has been previously lit. Leaning nearby on the wall that surrounds the estate is a crudely constructed ladder, You can just see the top of another crude ladder poking over the wall from the far sid. ‘Closer examination reveals that the campfire has probably ben lit sepea caly inthe same plce, However, the embers are cold to the touch. Grenstort bull he ladders so he and the ores could get in and out of the estate grounds without using the fron gate. If the PCs climb the wall and then check for tracks outside the walls near the hdr, they can fllow the orc trail back ro the Orc Base Camp. This isthe other way the PCs ean discover the Ore lar, Inside the Shed: Trap- Glyph of Warding While the door tothe shed does not appear locked, Grenstor did use a scroll with another Glyph of Warding co tap the dao. Fire damage from the trap i 4-16, save vs. spll for half. This shed is noe pare of Ligna and buras normally. though the fire will not spread to the rest of the grounds. ‘The chance the fire glyph starts a lrg fre inthe shed is approximately 25%, Any ranger: druid or PC with a Forestry sill has « 50% chance of novi ing the plant life gets seallysparser as yt move closcr tothe house. If any ofthe PCs ask specifically abour the plants they aucomatcally notice this The interior of the shed contains rusting gardening tools. ‘There are several straw mats for sleeping lying about the _ground,all of which smell of ores. There are nine total. In the corner of the shed isa small shrine built on a barrel [A succesful Religion skill cheek identifies this shrine as dedicated to ‘Ammuya. Should this shrine be destroyed and he is alive, Grenstort is honot- hound to seck vengeance agains all transgressors. Any PC that makes asc ‘ond Religion sill check realizes this. A good characcr chat destroys che shine immediatly gains one point of temporal Honor, and wo if he is aware of the vengeance that may follow: ‘Area 6: Hedge Maze Height: 10 Dimensions: 200" x 480 Just south ofthis hedge maze isthe veranda, which should be visible to any PC~ see area 33 for a description. Behind the house isa large, overgrown hedge maze that hasn't been trimmed in decades. There is just enough room for you HAcKMASTER: SLAUGHTERHOUSE INDIGO. to squeeze through the entrance into the maze itself. It would take hours to hack through the old maze, and no weak or thin spots present themselves to your oye. In the center ofthe maze are two stone benches and a statue of Tellaman, the gnome leader that once led the House Indigo enclave here. The statues and the bench are worth 400 gp to a gnome buyer, 600 gp to a member of the House Indigo. Unfortunatly the two benches and the seacues are on rceted and weigh 900 pounds, ‘Area 7: Ruins of the Church Dimensions: 200' x 120° Off to the west of the main building is a burned-out structure collapsed into a heap. The only thing that remains of this building is the charred stone foundation and some scattered wooden debris. Ic looks as ifthe fire occurred within the last wo months, Nea ki House Indigo HackMastan: SLaucHTERHOUSE INDIGO A close inspection of the debris reveals pews, an altar and the scraps of {gnomish religious writings. This was once the chutch ofthe Hlouse Indigo. Ifthe PCs search the base of the ruined altar they may find a secret compar ‘ment that contains a golden holy symbol and a scroll. The symbol is a gold rugget for the LG gawd of gnomes, Gast Glitergod, cha is worth 40 gp. The scroll has the following. spell: Create Water, Cure Light Wounds, Remove Fear and Minor Raise Dead. The Minor Raise Dead spell has no effect on Ligna of her minions. The ruined church stood up until a few months ago, bur after Grenstort lured the ist caravan here, they stopped to investigate the church first. After the caravan was devoured by Ligna, she ordered Grenstort and the ores to burn ic down so no other caravans would he delayed in reaching her If che PCs have not yer seen the back of the house, read that description in area 3 now ‘Area 8: Cometory of the House Indigo Dimensions: 200" x 200° Despite the destruction of the adjacent building, the cemetery of the House Indigo has green grass and wild flowers growing int. A small iron fence separates it from the rest of the ‘grounds, There are about 80 graves arranged in neat rows. ‘The names. and epitaphs are written in gnomish and the headstones are appropriately gnomessized. Three of the {graves near che entrance look like they have been recently dug Up. One particulary large monument stands out amongst the rest of the gravestones, Lignas corruption cannot affect this area since ic is conscerated ground. The monument gravestone i for amass grave, and the marker has a list of | names of the gomes who "Died in the Grea Plague in goomish. This san allusion tothe tainted waecr supply thatthe gnomes mistook for some sor of | plague, If the PCs dig up all che graves, they find the skeletons of 120 gnomes in small unadorned bores and the Following magic items: three Shortswonds +1, «vo Suits of gnomesized Chain Mail +1, one Suic of ignomesied Plate Mail +2, nwo Footman's Maces +1, a Ring of Protection +1 and a Longsword +3 cha can only be wielded by those of LG alignment. For a pargy of for, ie takes atleast 24 hours to dig up and scarch allo the gives, and only evil PCs would condone disturbing the dead lke this. All ‘the magic items bear the symbol of the House Indigo and those that posess ‘he items are cursed, suffering -2 rohit all gnomes until the curs is removed, PCs will eventually be hunted dawn by current members ofthe House Indigo for their desecration. Good PCs that participate in any type of desecration should be immediately penalized with for alignment infaction poins, ‘The only exception is if a cleric uses a Speak to the Dead on the gnomes, ‘The gnomes only know thar the water was tineed and chat they were sick and ‘ying, They know nothing about che Final baghear atic, che undead oF the final fate of Ligna. ther is a LG PC or a paladin inthe group, the dead spirits of the gnomes allow the PC wo take che Longaword +3 ifthey swear an ‘oath to right whatever wrong has befallen House Indigo. ‘The other items cannot be recovered by good PCs withoue potential alignment infraction poines Ifthe PCs have not yer scen the back of the house, read thas description in area 3 now THE HOUSE Height: 20" Dimensions: 5: “The immense manor house is made of a dark wood.There are ‘wo stories. The second story of the house is much smaller and situated above the center of the first floor. The design suggests gnomish architecture that has also been heavily influenced by elves. The trim and shutters of the house are decorated with patterns of dried leaves, dead flowers and Crumbling vines. The windows of the house are fitted with ‘opaque glass that is impossible to see through clearly. If the characters elosely examine the wood andlor Ligns construction rad the following description: The house's builders must've taken great care in preserving the wood. as there is no sign of decay anywhere. Though it seams similar to oak, itis dificult to identity che type of wood Used in construction, Whatever finish the builders used has completely covered the grain and you cannot tell where one plank begins and another ends. The doors and shucters have all been constructed in a clever manner to conceal the hinges. nails, and screws used to construct the house ‘As sate eatlies, Ligna was a living tee that i shapes ikea house, bu is row undead, As such, she is insanely aware of any being that sts foot in her inetior o inside her stable. Detecting Ligna: Any high elfhas a 1096 chance of recognizing the howe as the special sentient gype of trce that some elves grow their homes frm. Additional skills relaed to agriculeure or construction such as Forestry, Plane Identification: Holistic, Carpentey, Consteuction: Fortifications, ‘Construction: Defense Works, Farming or Bocany adds the greatest percentile among the kills to a high elf’ voll, should he carefully examine che structure ‘Other races havea straight Yo chance equal wo whichever of the above skills is igreates. At your discretion, the -10% madifier fra very dificul skill check ‘an apply, as detecting seatent house cree is not anormal use of the above skill. No amoune of examination reveals Ligads curent sate, although a succesful high elf would recognize that Ligna i either dead or ina state of dormancy. Furthermore, the casting of a Detect Undead reveals at least one ‘undead in the area, but no additional information. Normally, the sentient de from trees that most high elves would have encountctedprevi- houses ‘us to this do not ave significant itlligence or che abilities that Ligna pos- ‘estes, so they should not expect anything unusual about the structure isl. Be careful about letting the PCs know che house is (or was) alive at all, as his ‘may give away 10 much wo soon and make che players suspicious Telepathie communication with Ligna is posible for our of 10 characters and more frequently for those attuned to naeure. Druids have a6 out of 10 chance and Rangers have a3 out of 10 chance. Ligna will not initiate com- ‘munication uncil the players ehreaten her heate or have escaped the main house. Exterior Defenses: Lignss exterior is hacdened bask that was orginally colored light brown, but now is closer black. Ii stil procected by ape ‘manent Protection fiom Flee spell, This makes her exterior immune to nor smal fires. Magical fires are 509 unlikely co damage her and those tha do ‘only do 25% oftheir normal damage. Additionally even magical fires imme- dlitely go out after the irs round. Ligna ean exude a sp co make her com- pletely immune to magic fires temporarily on a 30's 30° surface on the inte Flor or exterior. Each dose ofthe sap costs Ligna 12 energy points (ee the Appendix for Lignas powers and point). If the PCS insie on attacking Ligna ftom the outside, the only effective strategy would be to use cold spells, Ligna cannot rogenerate areas affected by cold spells for 1 round for every 5 hp of damage she takes, She can use her Bulfer Cold power (see Appendix, but chat rapidly drains her energy Another pesible means of attack might be with sige weapons, but consid- ering the distance, time and money it would rake to bring those weapons into the mountains, this strategy would prove more expensive than the final ea ure, For purposes of individual strikes from the ouside, reat Ligna as if she had an AC oF 0. Each square foot of her exterior wall has 150 hp. Should the PCs ary siege weapons or should they attempt to escape the grounds and defea any defending orcs, Ligna can force her roots up to atack the PCs. Shecan only do ths within the manors grounds and exterior tothe house, and does so only asa last resor if she hasnt yet fe. I she has cap tured or Killed at least half the PCs or all the animals and NPCs, she les the rest go and saves her roots for greater threats. (See the Appenels for Ligna’s roe artack) Regeneration: Every wooden sufice inside or ouside Ligna is auromad cally regenerated for 5 hp a round, a is the nature of a house ere. Every oot, every pice of Furnitute, and every 1" x Vscetion of wall can be tegen erated this much each and every combat round. She can spend additional points to regenerate each surface Further (sce Appendix) “The Roof: Until the PCs climb to the roof of fy to its height or higher they do not novice anything unusual. IF they do manage to fly or levitate to the roof from the ouside, see atea 51B fora description ofthe encounter. ‘Windows: The windows are not made of gas, but ofa semi-transparent hardened sap tha is almost as hard as wood. However the windows ate still britle enough to be shattered and save at -2 vs. crushing blow, Ie takes 15, points of damage from blunt weapons to break open a window, but Ligna Smaps it elosed on anyone that eis to escape, though she always lets people ‘enter this way i hey so choose. (se the Appendix for Liga’ "Crunch davwn with broken window” power) Front Doors: ‘The font doors ae reinforced and can take 300 points of| damage cach and have the sare immunities as Ligna’ exterior. Doors: These doors ae lighter and take only 20 points of dam- age co break down unless otherwise noted. They eam be hit atan AC of 3 There are no visible hinges on any ofthe doors in the house, ‘The doors ae actually held by athia membrane that is only noticeable after the door i ean off Ligna ean move the membranes to open, close and hold any doors Interior Defenses: ‘The wood inside Ligna has an AC of 3 walls, daors and Furniture are only 50% resistant to normal fies and against magic ies they receive only a +2 saving chow. However, if the PCs sare a fire, Ligna traps them inside the oom where they started i and then seals the oom airtight and attempts to suffocate chem. The PCs will pass out and shen suffocate in a number of rounds equal to the amount of 10'x10'x10" cubes in che roam minus 1 foreach d6 of fie damage. In ocher words ifthe PCs set off a 5d6 Fireball in 2 30's 40°10" woos, besides suffering the fire damage, they would have only 7 rounds ro hack their way out before the oom would run out of at. fa 20'30'10" oom, they would have only 1 round. After the até gone, the PCs can atempt to hold their breath for a number of rounds equal to twice their Constitution, bur must make a Constitution checks thereafier or suffocate to death with a cumulative -2 penalty each round thereafter. Ifthe victims hack ther way out of the room. Ligna will noc continue this ateac and any fre goes out in 2 rounds afer the PCs stop tending ix CCold-based aracks in Lignas interior also cause her co go dormant in the chilled area and unable ro use any of her powers, including regeneration This darmancy lasts 1 round for evry 5 points of cold damage. She can wse The intesior her Buffer Cold power ro oppose this (ee Appendis), but that rapidly drains hee energy. This useful face should nor hinced at unless che PCs oftheir own, accord decide to use cold-based spell, Ligns’s primary ioterior attacks are Mas, both large and small, She uses these to absorb hic points and turn chem into energy points, She aso con- tiols many undead and statues via vines, which ae all listed in the appropri= ate rooms. ‘She can callapse most things inthe house, control all doors, and can manipulate the floors to knock the PCs off Balance. She won't use most of her attacks until dhe PCs have discovered her or are alone. She can regen erate any wooden furniture, walls or doors in the house automaticaly for 5 hp per round, and an additional 5 for every poi of energy she spends, 3 HackMasten: SLAUGHTERHOUSE INDIGO though she cart normally regenerate more than 20 hp per round otal in any fone surface. [Fany dor!vallsurfice evr reaches 0 hie points, she is unable to regenerate it fora least owo combat rounds, She can also reinforce doors and alls they are too chin and in danger of being knocked down, This jive them additional he points, though i eakes one round in which she cant regenerate that surface. She may let the PCs go ifshe absorbs at lest 400 nergy from the caravan and they are causing too much trouble. See the appendix for « mote complete description of Ligna powers and abil. gna has 178 encrgy points when the PCs find her, Her maximum energy 638, ‘Mapping the interior: The GMs map has several sealed doors, windows and a staircase marked on the map. Its especialy important that the GM. remember not to draw attention to the sealed suitcase in area 31 and the led door in area 49. IF YOU ARE HELPING THE PLAYERS SKETCH THE HOUSE, DO NOT DRAW THESE FOR THE PLAYERS UNTIL JEY FIND THE MAP IN AREA 48! The other scaled areas are in the room descriptions. The Floor: If any blood drips ont the floor Liga waits 1-3 rounds, chen greedily absorb it. Ifa PC happens to he watching, he sees the blood seep into the floor very quickly, as if the floor were porous. Ligna gains one enc 1 point for every 3 bp of spilled blood that she absorbs. Ifthe PCs manage to levitaeor stand on an object that is not part of Lign chey are effectively invisible to her. She waits patiently until she senses dhe PCs again and docs not reveal herself or panic, though ishe knows about where they are she may tip over the objec the PC is standing on (see Appendix, under Absorption and Limited Polymogph Sd). Undead creatures controlled by Ligna Ligna’ control cannot be turned or controlled by others unless completly separated from Lignds control. Ikems like Maces of Disruption that have bonuses to damaging or killing undead affect them normally. In che walike ly event that the PCs use such a powerful magic item against Ligna, she expend whatever energy points are necessary to stop the attacks. She ignores ‘other opponents uatil the magical deat is neutralized, Any undead creatures under ‘Area 9: The Overhang The large wooden overhang covers roughly a 40 foot by 120 ‘00¢ area in front of the doors. The massive wooden doors in front of you look to be about 15 feet across and about 20 feet high, and have elaborate wooden handles. The area beneath the overhang is paved with small bricks set into the ground. “The insignia of the House Indigo is emblazoned on both doors and carved directy into chem. To the right;a hard-packed and woll-trod dire path leads towards the stables a shore distance away. ‘Closer examination ofthe path reveals that i¢ is also wood. All the paths around the estate ate actually pare of Ligns’s root system. An inspection reveals a dark wooden path with no scratches, fooprinis ot dust martng its surface. It looks like ies been well kept and newly swept. The Fine doors are unlocked and open outwards. The interior air smells musty and damp. Once the PCs ate inside, Ligna collapse the overhang on any remaining wagons and livestock and locks the front doors. IfLeonald is ouside, there is 259% chance he dives our ofthe way in time. Broken Tooth knows not to stand here once the PCs are trapped and wanders away the same round the PCs ‘enter ifkft ouside. If che PCs have any special animals oF mourns, thee is 22586 chance that they escape the collapsing overhang in time, Ligna i able to eventually absorb all of che animals and NPCs buried ia the eubble, but will aways ty o lure the PCs inside fist, as she can absorb more of thei life forces this way. She can rebuild che overhang in abou three weeks time through natural regeneration or fuser ifshe spends more enetgy points. HacxMasren: SLAUGHTERHOUSE INDIGO ‘Area 10; The Stables Height: 20) Dimensions: 40” x 80° ‘The dirt path around the side of the house leads to a sturdy- looking stable that looks to be of fairly new construction, The path ends at a set of sliding doors that are apparencly unlocked The stable doors requte 50 points of damage to hack down. ‘The doors are unlocked, but lock themselves ater all che animals on the grounds have heen moved inside and no more than one character is pres. One of the previous caravan guards dropped a signet ring in the dying grass and weeds near the path. There isa 10% non-cunulative chance that one of the PCs discovers teach time they walk the path infront ofthe stables, PCs with the Heraldry skill can make a allo recognize the symbol af« wagon whee! with wo crossed swords behind it, but Leonald automatically recognizes it as ‘belonging roa powerful merchant’ guild in Fangaerc, es return co the guild sins a PC a 5% discoune on all equipment in Fangaerie for at last | year, plus 13 permanent Honor points Interior ofthe Stables: The stables contain 30 stall, each approximately 4 feet wide In a low-celinged, one-story building. Lying on the floor in front of some of the stables are assorted horseshoes, bridles and buckles. The hay on the otherwise clean floor of the stable appears to be gray and moldering. It is completely silent and deserted and appears to have not been used for some Leonald docs no abject to housing the animals here, as che stable appears tbe empry and safe. Held like to keep the animals ou ofthe rain thai still pouring down. (Unless che PCs appropriated Grenstort’s staff and used the command word, or killed Greastort on a previous dy.) Closer examination reveals many small nals mixed in with the other abjees on che floor. ‘They were once used to hang saddles, reigns, etc. Ligna expelled the nals fom her walls and rafters and absorbed all the organic matte. ‘The reigns, bridles, buckles and horseshoes ae rusted reminders oF her previous tenants, but sil uwable bya PC ina pinch, The “hay” was once green and soft and Ligna grew ie direcly in each stall, but i dried out after she became undead. A close cxamination ofthe hay by's Ranger, Druid or anyone witha farm-related skill reveals that the “hay” isnot realy hay and more closely resembles long srands of wood. (Once the animals are stabled, Ligna will no et them out. She waits nil ‘the PCs go into the house before shutting the sable doors and sealing them, he stable fils with Animal Friendship Gas one round before her atick (See the Appendix for Lign’s powers) Maws (4 per stall) ach stall contains Four hidden maws. ‘These maws attack any being that’ inside or within 3° ofthe stall beginning one mound after the daor is sealed ‘unl no creatures ae left alive. Unless they are currently attacking some- ‘thing, the mavs blend into the wood ofthe walls and disappca; unable ro be arcacked. This makes all ranged weapons usles against them, Although the ‘maw arack as if they were 4 hit die creatures, chey have few hit points and ‘an be broken with usc few well-placed strikes. If PC, Leonald, a hench- ‘man or a hireling isin the sable when the main party becomes trapped inside Ligna, he wil be sealed in the stable, probably to die withthe annals. Any individuals inthe stables ae aracked after all the animals, as Ligna absorbs every ounce of ea life energy she can before atacking tougher prey. If the individual stares doing damage w her maws or stable doors, she may change 4 her tactics. Ligna uses her ability to shift the loor ro move a character from stall co sal where he is offbalance an atacks with four maws each round. “They do 1-4 points of damage in their initial strike, and chen can aroma: «ally use ther blood drain the next round. If Broken Tooth i fe here alone, Ligna ices him, as long ashe as not warned the PCs. ‘The kobold then runs to the Garden Shed 0 wait for Grenstort ‘Area I: Closed Doorway High: 10 A character needs to make a successful find secret doors check or otherwise perform avery thorough search inthe stables vo discover the following infor ‘mation. ‘Such a search i almost impossible after the maws have been act vated. Careful examination of the back of the stable leads you to conclude there was once a doorway here that led to the incerior of the house, but it has been expertly sealed and painted over to resemble the rest of the wal The walls nor reinforced and a mere 8 hit poins of damage cuts an open: ing into the howse. Anyone trapped in the stable may be able co escape this is exsentially no chance forthe PCs onthe inside to discover this doorway, as it appears exactly as any par of che wall on che other side. Ligna resea the door 2 rounds after itis hacked open. way. The ‘Area 12: Entrance Hall Height: 20° Dimensions: 80° x 80 ‘This was once a lavish entrance hall forthe House Indigo, The house's logo is embossed in faded colors in the center of the floor atop of which rests a smashed chandelier. Tiny, diamond- sized crystals are scattered everywhere. An ornate double staircase winds ts way co a balcony on the second floor. On each side of the grand hall are double doors, each flanked by two suits of gnome-sized plate mail and wo empty daises. Directly ahead are two more double doors, one under each ‘curving staircase, The ceiling here is a lofty 20 feet high Anyone examining the floor scx that the floor ie not scratched or sued, ven underneath the fallen chandelier. The erystals are worthless glass and Ligna rewards the oes with them fequendy. ‘The amar isin excellent shape since the daises were enchanted to keep them from rusting, If Ligna is uk mately defeated, the daises themselves are removable and worth 500 gp cach, Ligna has grown a solid wooden frame inside each armor to prevent anyone fom raking them until she’ ready o give thers up. Any PC attempting 0 remove the armor novices this fame, and i unable vo remove che armor with ct destoying it, atleast unl Ligna is dead. She already lee the ones take the other suits of armor. Ifa gnome dis on cis adventue, i’ likely his armor will end up here. ‘The plate mail is covered with symbols from the House Indigo. Members of che house would vigorously investiga a non-Indigo caught wearing oF selling this armor, or indeed any item with the House Indigo seal that is Aashed about. IF the PCs sel ic chrough a thieves gui they only get 254 ofthe usual price, but wont be traced, ‘The PCs can sll them directly 10 a member of House Indigo a¢ 100% of the listed value, although any member would be very suspicious of where che PCs gor them and would demand a fall and accurate accounting. the PCs choose to go up the staits, skip ahead wo area 46. ‘Aven 13: Hallways Height: 10 Dimensions: varied ‘The wide halls ofthe manor house are spartan and unadorned, but stl inviting. Dark brown oak paneling goes from floor to about 3 fect in height, while che rest is alight off-white wood that goes up to the 10 foot high celling. ‘Area |3A: Hallway Height: 10" Dimensions: 20° x 90° ‘Alone gnome skeleton in tatcered chain mail clutching a shore sword charges forth the moment the door is opened. The creature swings wildly at the nearest living person. Gnome Skeleton (1 each hallway) As soon as the door to che hallway is opened, it charges forward and attacks. These skeletons were animated by the previous caravans guards, who found them in the cemetery. Ligna trapped them and now controls the and uses them to provide adventuring PCs with some mild resistance. It wears artered, useless chain mail and eaves a broken, ested shore sword, ‘This room is 2 standard guest room with a bed, nightstand, water basin, wardrobe and footlocker. All the items in the ‘room are ornately carved and bear the markings of the House Indigo. The bed has a canopy and che sheets appear clean, although dusty. Above the basin is a small spigot with a knob ‘on the top. There is a second door leading out of the room. The room and all furniture in it are gnome-sized. Acoser examination ofthe tap reveals The spigot on the side of the wall resembles a keg tap. Ie consists of a wooden tube with a small handle on tap. Twisting the handle causes clear water to flow out of the tap and into the basin. The water has a faine metallic smell to it that you find rather unpleasant. If che knob is twisted, a steady steam of water pours out of the spigot (One ofthe advantages of living or undead house tree is that she can pump ‘water any “spigo” in the house, using the same physical mechanism plants tse to move water fom their ots ro thir leaves. The spigot can be broken ‘off with 2 points of damage. Water docs noe pour fiom the tap unless Ligna desires it, bur she generally lets the tainted water flow freely. Victims who link the foul water immediacly become siticken with Strickenson 90 (see Appendix). ‘The vitim’s Srength, Constitution, Dexterity and movement ate reduced by 50% forthe duration of the discase, begin ier ng 1d6 how Hack Master: SLAUGHTERHOUSE INDIGO frst drinking the water, lasting for atleast 1-12 days. ‘The disease is the sae tne implanted in her water sapply by the bughears some 70 years befor. Ligna’snacaralfleation cannoc get tl oft, and she now uses i to her advan tage ro weaken potential opponents. A search ofthe room’ wardrobe, oot locker and nightstand yields small winkers accoeding vo this cart Search Chart Roll 1d10 for each the wardrobe, footlocker and nights +6 worth beads 212 copper paces 1 ory bean (wore | gp exe) ne mal comb forth |g ‘neuer buckle (worth eid 1+ emp pertime ors (wort | exe) eting rele on ei chart A closer examination ofthe bed reveals The bed's sheets are 2s soft as flower petals, but as strong a5. linen, They are lighty rose colored near the headboard and gradually darken to the color of red wine at the base of the bed. The furniture, including the bed’s canopy, looks as ifie was. carved out of the same wood from which the room was built. Careful examination by anyone with a cloth-relatd skill such as Seamstiess/Talor or Weaving reveals tha there are na weaves or sans in the bed sheets and they seem to be connected tothe hed frame itself. All che fir niture, inchading the sheets is actually pat of Ligna. She uses her absorp tion attack (se Appendix) on anyone who falls asleep, draining 2 hit points an hour. Anyone foolish enough to get under the covers or the canopy afer Ligna exposes her true nature is pinned dowa by the sheet and atacked by Ligna’s fll absorption power, draining 1 hie poinc every round, Vitis can attempt to ip through the sheots and get out of bed by making a bend barf gates roll at double their normal chance, As the victim is further absorbed, his chances wo break fice go down by 5% each attempe (others by can always make the atempr ar double their normal chances). IF the PCs ae totally clueless, they might all climb sight into a bed ro their doom! Removing the sheets from the bed causes them co roe in 2-12 days. The shots cannot be lit on fee by any means ‘Area 15: The Privy Height: 10° Dimensions: 10" x 30° ‘This indoor bathroom contains another basin with a spigot, and a place where guests could sitand use the privy. The privy consists of a hole set in a wooden bench at an appropriate height for gnomes. The spigot in this room is carved to resemble a winged cherub in a dancing pose. When Ligna was alive, these rooms recycled the inhabicants wastes, which fertilized the house wee. Now, they each contain four Maws and one Large Maw. All ae located inside the hole of the privy itself PCs tha shine a lantern or othe igh source inside finds that che hole drops only about an is about 8" wide at the bottom, much to shallow fr a regular privy. IFany- ‘one puts cheie hand inside oe stoops lower fora better look in the comer, the rmaws immediately atack with a +4 to hit, Large Maw HackMASTER: SLAUGHTERHOUSE INDIGO Mavs (4) Ligna attempts to scl che victim inside the privy alone. IF the vitim has no frm foot 00 Is, when attacked he is pulled inside the privy in 1 round pe his weight Victims Lighter victims are pulled in immediatl inside the privy need to be recovered before they are drained aff. A caught PCa Fined space, low light and constant actacks from all sides. Only Small ied in attack the maw from inside the privy at a~6 to hit, due to the co weapons are able «0 fnetion in the camped confines. PCs outside of the privy must cut through the 40 hp privy hench before they can begin atack ing the maws dive The maws resemble the mouths of Venus Flytraps, except that they are made of wood and have spicy protrusions on both the inside of the maw and out. The maws seem to form out of the ‘wood of the very walls and floors The large maws are exactly the same, only bi ‘Area ISA: The Privy Height: 10 Dimensions: 10" x 30 This aeais exactly the same a area 15 excepe there isa hand mirror ying, When you gotta go. There is an ornate hand mirror made of polished steel Iying on the floor of this room near the privy, It is uncracked and the handle ie shaped as a pixie fir. The sce hand misrors worth 20 gp. Ichas no special properties but can he use agains dhe medusa ifthe party is dumb (or EP hungry) enough « awaken it. ‘Area ISB: Jasper's Height: 10 Dimensions: 10° 30 ny Ligna holds the door closed in ths room unless the PCs already know that she’ alive, Ifthe PCs are determined to get inside and begin hacking a the door, she unlocks the door, and aracks with Jasper as soon as a PC stepe inside. ‘There ate maws inside the privy hole in chs room as well ‘The stench of this room is that of off, Inside is what appears to be an ef retching in the privy hole. He makes no noise and is motionless, apparently frozen in place. A small book and dagger are strapped to the elf's belt. He is dressed in a green robe with silver trim, A faded pattern of stars, moons and clovers decorates the robe. Jasper was examining the privy when he was surprised by Ligna and eve tually merged ineo het. His skal hasan interior wooden grove thai slow ly eating away ac his face and brain. small but cough vine connects Ligna and Jasper. The vine goes from Jasper’ right eye down into the privy ‘As you come closer the elf eurns towards you, You see that his face has been eaten away by a growth of roots, one of which becomes a thick vine that trails out of his right eye and goes down inco the privy. The elf immediately begins to stand, Jasper ‘As soon at anyone enters and examine Jasper, he gets up and attacks, ‘The ‘ine i jus long enough for Jaxper to walkout of che room. gna can fore Jasper to cast the following spells once per day: Color Spray, Grease, Magic Misile, Push, Slep, Hypnotic Patern, White Hot Meeal. Ideally, Ligna ‘raps one vitim in the room with Jasper so the magic-user ean stun ira with Color Spray or cas Seep and then throw the victim down the privy for the Maw to atack, Ligna knows Sleep wont work on an elf, but frees Jasper to use that spell fies ifthe vies is anything else. If many confront him at nce, he may cast Hypnotic Pattern on the group of PCs and/or henchmen, Then, if posible Ligna makes Jasper use Push to shove them into a privy aeross the hall. Ifthe PCs hegin to flee his line of sigh, Jasper uses the White Hot Metal spall ro destry one ofthe PCs bladed weapons. ‘The vine that controls Jasper can be cut if 16 points of damage are done «it at AC 5. Jasper immediately collapses if this happens. Jasper traveling spell ook con tains the above spells plus Read Magic. Jasper is now immune co mental attacks and stunning atacks duc to is condition, Jaspers dagger isa Dagger ‘of Throwing +2 and he has a pouch with 34 gp, and 2 gems worth 10 gp Cache ao wernga tered ak, ut ke hsb bin Area 16: Standard Guest Room Height: 10 Dimensions: 20° x 30° Read the description for Room 14. Ie is exactly the same asthe ther guest, rooms in appearance. This room difes only in thar the footlacker here on sean poms snd chun mal asl gromesied ait, a sor vor af gromish