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Energy for Sustainable Development 68 (2022) 308–317

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Energy for Sustainable Development

Techno-economic feasibility and environmental sustainability of

waste-to-energy in a circular economy: Sri Lanka case study
Keshan Samarasinghe a, Priyantha D.C. Wijayatunga b,⁎
Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand
Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Many countries in Asia-Pacific region have programs in place for clean energy transition aligned with their Na-
Received 15 August 2021 tionally Determined Contributions. However, in most of these countries waste-to-energy (WtE) has no major
Revised 8 April 2022 role in the current programs. The study presented in the paper has examined WtE in a circular economy as a so-
Accepted 11 April 2022
lution that can have economic, financial, social, and environmental co-benefits through efficient use of natural
Available online 29 April 2022
resources, reduced emissions, and fostering innovation. The case study involving Sri Lanka has shown that similar
countries have the potential to implement WtE projects coupled with appropriate circular economy elements
Waste-to-energy with adequate financial and economic returns. The results show the viability of a centralized incineration plant
Circular economy of 500 tons/day capacity and decentralized biogas facilities of 150–200 tons/day capacity for each of the three dis-
Economic analysis tricts in the country's Western province. The estimated total power generation capacity from incineration is
Financial analysis about 20.3 MW and the annual exported electricity is 129.86 GWh. The estimated power generation capacity
GHG emission reduction of the biogas plants is about 7.16 MW, and the annual exported electricity is about 41.4 GWh. The total amount
Externality cost of compost produced is estimated to be about 43,000 tons/year by processing digestate and 125 tons of recyclable
waste expect to be recovered daily. The proposed development plan positively impacts the grid emission factor of
the country and the estimated avoided annual GHG emission is about 380,000 tons of CO2. This pioneering case
study can be used as a basis for immediate action to solve waste management issues within a circular economy
helping similar economies in the Asia Pacific region in their efforts to achieve net zero emission target by the mid-
dle of this century.
© 2022 International Energy Initiative. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Introduction institutions have not been able to develop a sustainable waste manage-
ment sector due to inadequate financial support for integrated MSW
The rising population, the growth of economic activities, and rapid plan, absence of selective waste collection, lack of self-awareness on
urbanization have led to changing consumption patterns and increasing the environment, and sufficient public policies related solid waste are
per capita solid waste generation (Namlis & Komilis, 2019). Globally, not in place (Pereira & Fernandino, 2019). Generation of clean heat
37% of municipal solid waste (MSW) is disposed in landfills while 33% and electricity from non-recyclable waste is one of the strategies high-
is dumped in open environment. While 11% of MSW is incinerated, lighted in the efforts to overcome economic development challenges
19% of MSW is recovered though recycling and composting (World in a developing country (Asian Development Bank (ADB), 2012). This
Bank Group (WBG), 2018). Asia, with a population of more than 4.45 will help to improve public health, minimize economic burden, and re-
billion is the largest waste generating continent in the world. It is esti- duce environmental impact while creating a better and sustainable
mated that Asian cities will generate 1.8 billion tons of MSW per country for future generation. Waste-to-energy (WtE) is therefore one
annum by 2025 and continue to grow at approximately 15% every of the important elements in waste management programs which
year (United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), 2017). many countries are currently pursuing.
Mismanaged MSW has a significant socio-economic impact as well as This paper presents an assessment of WtE in the context of a circular
an impact on the marine environment. Many governments and economy in developing countries using Sri Lanka as a case study. This
case study is a pioneering attempt to identify the techno-economic fea-
sibility of WtE plants based on the segregated waste against mixed
waste with due consideration given to cost of externalities. The existing
⁎ Corresponding author at: South Asia Energy Division, Asian Development Bank,
Philippines. WtE plant in Sri Lanka accepts fresh unsorted MSW which discourages
E-mail address: (P.D.C. Wijayatunga). circular economy. Therefore, this study will help in identifying the
0973-0826/© 2022 International Energy Initiative. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
K. Samarasinghe and P.D.C. Wijayatunga Energy for Sustainable Development 68 (2022) 308–317

importance of waste segregation to promote waste recycling, maximize and bottom ash can be processed to remove contaminants and metals.
resource efficiency, and achieve clean energy development targets. The The treated ash can be used as a filling material in asphalt, cement,
study provides an estimate of total energy potential in MSW, financial and in other construction work. The level of effectiveness of WtE plant
and economic viability of advanced incineration and anaerobic diges- depends on the properties of waste feed such as calorific value and
tion technologies in the Western Province and also, an estimate of cli- moisture content. One of the common characteristics in the developing
mate mitigation potential. Asia is that most of the MSW is unsorted and it has high organic fraction
with high moisture content (United Nations Environment Programme
Waste to energy in a circular economy (UNEP) & International Solid Waste Association (ISWA), 2015). This
will result in several operational issues such as corrosion, process unre-
Developing countries in Asia and the Pacific region have developed liability, and high auxiliary fuel consumption.
energy policies considering the new national and global agenda over Various types of biogas technologies are available in the market to
the past decades. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted treat biodegradable waste materials. The Plug-Flow Digester, the Chi-
in 2015, and SDG7 requires to ensure access to affordable, reliable, nese Fixed Dome Digester, the Indian Floating Drum Digester, and the
sustainable, and modern energy for all by 2030. The Paris Agreement Garage Shaped Digester are ordinary anaerobic digestion (AD) technol-
required all countries to develop their Nationally Determined ogies. The most common and commercialized AD technologies are
Contributions (NDCs) for climate change mitigation and adaption. Engineered Reactor with a Continuous Stirred Tank (concrete or steel)
With the focused areas of intervention, it is expected that the global and Unmixed Covered Earthen Anaerobic Lagoons. Biogas can be used
renewable energy share will rise from about 15% of the total primary as a primary energy source in a typical thermal power generation sys-
energy supply in 2015 to around two-thirds by 2050. Similarly the tem. Such plants can be dispatched in the power system even as
share of renewable energy in the electricity supply industry would baseload generation like any other plant. This is an advantage biogas
increase from 25% in 2017 to 85% by 2050 (International Renewable possesses over other intermittent renewable energy sources.
Energy Agency, 2018). With increasing demand to meet the renewable Choice of technology is critical depending on where the technology
energy development targets and climate targets, circular economy has a is deployed. In addition to the techno-economic viability it is important
major role to play in waste management sector to maximize the to ensure that the country has access to required skills and the facilities
resource efficiency. WtE technologies have started playing an important to operate and maintain the selected technology. High operating costs
role in this emerging environment as it helps to maximize resource and high-level of competition from alternative treatment technologies
efficiency. WtE technologies have improved rapidly and have become make the production of heat and power from MSW economically chal-
increasingly cost competitive even though WtE is not a widely spread lenging (U.S. Department of Energy, 2019).
The circular economy helps to minimize MSW landfilling and keep- Technology costs
ing almost all the waste material in the economy via redesign, reuse,
recycling, and energy recovery (De Sadeleer et al., 2020). The circular Incineration plants
economy concept was adopted by European commission in 2015. In Incineration is the most commercially existing types of MSW WtE fa-
New Zealand, a circular economy action plan was drafted to recycle ma- cilities and 11% of MSW is treated via modern incineration technologies
terials where possible and use conventional and nonconventional WtE in the world (World Bank Group (WBG), 2018). Prior separation of recy-
technologies to treat non-recyclable materials to minimize MSW land- clables to achieve optimal resource recovery, will help to incineration
fills (Munir et al., 2021). A study has recommended that Bangladesh process control and efficiently produce electricity and heat. Cost of the
should have dedicated biogas based renewable energy generation tar- plant always varies with the waste properties, lifetime of the plant,
gets for circular economy-based cities. Both China and Germany have and technology readiness level. In Brazil, the capital cost of waste incin-
implemented policies and laws to promote bioenergy development eration with the capacity of 575 tons per day is about USD 54.3 million
and circular economy (Nazmul et al., 2021). India has 2554 MW capac- (USD 148/MWh) (Ediene, 2019). In China, the estimated investment
ity of WtE plants as of 2018 and the country was able to commission cost of grate-based incineration plant cost is 73.4 million (USD 106/
India's largest WtE plant with 24 MW capacity by 2017 (Priyadarshini MWh) with the treatment capacity of 1000 tons/day (Xin-gang et al.,
& Abhilash, 2020). Thus, Sri Lanka also can have modern WtE energy 2015). While, China was able to develop WtE facilities at an average
technologies to strengthen circular economy while increasing material cost of USD 250 per annual ton with a short lifetime, the facilities in
recycling and minimizing landfilling. the US and Europe, cost an average of USD 840 per annual ton with an
estimated over 30 years of plant life (Wu, 2018). The first ever WtE
Technologies plant (incineration) in Sri Lanka expects to accept fresh unsorted
MSW and the total investment is about USD 98 million (USD 1136/
There are several commercialized WtE technologies such as inciner- MWh) (Daily, 2017).
ation, pyrolysis, gasification, anaerobic digestion, bioethanol produc-
tion, and landfill gas recovery systems. Studies have been carried out Biogas plants
to identify the most appropriate WtE technologies under different sce- Anaerobic digestion is applicable only to organic species found in
narios considering technical, environmental, economic, social factors MSW. Thus, it requires prior separation of non-biodegradable waste
(Khan & Kabir, 2019; Stantec, 2011). Compared with other technologies, from MSW. One of the most common treatment processes is anaerobic
moving grate incineration technology performs well and it is considered co-digestion which is the process of combining multiple organic wastes
to be the most commercialized and better waste treatment option for simultaneously as a means of increasing methane yields. As previously
non-recyclable waste (Xin-gang et al., 2015). Incineration technology mentioned, the capital cost of a biogas plant is highly depending on
has several key advantageous over landfills in all environmental aspects technology readiness level. In Brazil, the capital cost of anaerobic di-
except in human toxicity potential. This technology has been imple- gester with the capacity of 300 tons per day is about USD 12 million
mented in Europe, Asia, and North America (Jaymee et al., 2019). Incin- (USD 130/MWh) (Ediene, 2019). In Bolivia, the estimated capital cost
eration plants require a sophisticated exhaust gas control and treatment of AD plant is about 6100 USD/kW of electricity generation for small
system since MSW combustion results in emission of dioxins and gener- scale plants (Garcia, 2014). In Australia, the capital cost of AD plant
ation of fly-ash which are rich in metals and other impurities. Therefore, with an annual treatment capacity of 35,000–50,000 tons of industrial
the cost of these incineration plants is high and it has become a major and commercial food waste is about USD 7.2 million. The plant has
barrier in investments (Ediene, 2019). However, the collected fly ash 2 MW electricity generation capacity, 2.2 MW of heat utilization

K. Samarasinghe and P.D.C. Wijayatunga Energy for Sustainable Development 68 (2022) 308–317

capacity, and up to 100 m3 of liquid biofertilizer at 6% dry solids per day kg/day. The entire responsibility for solid waste management lies with
(IEA Bioenergy, 2018a). local authorities under respective legal enactments.
In Colombo district, 1950 tons of MSW were generated daily out of
Cost of externalities which only 64% of waste generated was collected. 1090 tons of MSW
were generated in Gampaha district and only 37% of it was collected
The cost of externalities is key to capture the co-benefits from using by local authorities (LAs). Kandy is the next largest waste generation
proper solid waste management systems where WtE can be one of the district in Sri Lanka. It accounts MSW generation of about 760 tons
elements in such systems. In the absence of country specific data, the while the collection efficiency is about 23% (National Solid Waste
study needed to derive the costs of externalities from those available Management Support Centre (NSWMSC), 2017). Most of the LAs are re-
in other countries. luctant to collect more MSW from households because of limited avail-
The paper uses the cost of externalities derived for Greece because of ability of waste disposal sites. All these factors show that waste disposal
the availability of disaggregated values, as the basis for determining cost is one of the biggest challenges in Sri Lanka as in the case of many devel-
of externalities in the absence of such data specific to Sri Lanka. In oping countries.
Greece the externalities cost because of landfills is about USD 1.71 per In Sri Lanka, 100% of MSW collection is a major challenge since most
ton of MSW due to the impact on soil, groundwater, and surface water of residents have spread around the country. Every citizen expects LAs
and about USD 2.3 per ton on quality of life due to noise, odor, to collect their waste at the right time and dispose the waste far away
disamenity, and adverse impact on aesthetics (Mavrotas et al., 2015). from their locality. It has been estimated that the collection efficiency
However, these values may vary depending on the country and the re- can be improved up to 50% from 27.2% in the island at a cost of USD
gion where one lives in. These values for Greece are therefore later ad- 2.2 per capita per annum for 50% of its population (Basnayake et al.,
justed to reflect the difference in gross domestic product (GDP) and 2018).
the population density. Asian Development Bank's (ADB) recom-
mended externality cost attached to GHG emissions is USD 36.30 per Current status of waste disposal
ton of CO2 equivalent in 2016 and it is escalated by 2% annually in real
terms (Asian Development Bank, 2017). World Bank had used USD 30 Land fill
per ton of CO2 equivalent for externality cost attached to GHG emissions The Kerawalapitiya waste park built within greater Colombo city,
from power sector projects in 2015 (World Bank Group, 2015). Interna- had a sanitary landfill and a compost plant. The operation in the park
tional Renewable Energy Agency has reviewed different models which was stopped in August 2019 since the capacity of the landfill exceeded.
have calculated social costs of carbon. The assessment concluded exter- The waste park used to receive 500 tons of biodegradable waste and 220
nality cost of CO2 lies between USD 11.6–54.7 in 2016 and these values tons of non-biodegradable waste daily from Colombo and nearby
will rise to USD 16.8–80 in 2030 (International Renewable Energy Gampaha districts. LAs were charged LKR 3000 (USD 15) per ton as a
Agency, 2016). These values will help estimation of overall externality tipping fee for segregated biodegradable waste and LKR 5000 (USD
costs (or the benefit by avoiding them) when using different method 25) per ton for mixed garbage. A considerable amount of MSW in sev-
for disposing MSW. eral major cities was being collected by private contractors. For this ser-
In this study, no externality cost from air emissions of WtE plants vice, municipal councils paid LKR 3000–5000 (USD15–25) per ton of
will be considered such as Dioxin, Lead, Mercury, Nitrogen Oxides, Sul- MSW to private garbage collection facility (Lalitha & Fernando, 2019).
phur Oxides, and Particulate Matters because high tech air pollution As a result of a collective decision by the government, a sanitary landfill
control systems will be recommended treating emissions from WtE was constructed in Aruwakkalu located 168 km away from Colombo.
plants. A comparison of negative and positive externalities is shown in According to the initial plan, only residual waste was to be disposed in
Table 1. In the study, it was assumed that externality cost in a country the sanitary landfill. However, since August 2019, a significant amount
is proportional to its GDP and population density, reflecting the inten- of MSW is being transported to the Aruwakkalu site from Colombo.
sity of the impacts. Thus, the global externality cost estimates based in The transportation cost has become an additional burden to the govern-
Greece was used to calculate the negative and positive externalities ment. Currently, a waste transfer station is under construction in
from advance biogas and incineration projects in Sri Lanka. In 2018, Kelaniya area.
the GDP of Sri Lanka was USD 92 billion and the GDP of Greece was
USD 214 billion while population densities of Sri Lanka and Greece are Composting
327 and 82 persons per km2 respectively (Mavrotas et al., 2015; Household composting units are commonly used particularly in
Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL), 2019). urban and suburban areas. This is considered to be one of best solutions
to treat household kitchen waste and other biodegradable waste. How-
Case study ever, of the 341 local authorities consisting of Municipal Councils, Urban
Councils, and Pradeshiya Sabha, only 126 of them operate small and me-
MSW generation and collection in Sri Lanka dium scale compost sites (Samarasinghe et al., 2021).

Sri Lanka is an island of 22 million people in upper-middle income Incineration

category (Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL), 2019). The country is one The first WtE initiative with 10 MW power generation facility and
of the islands with highest population densities in the world. The re- 700 tons of MSW treatment capacity was commissioned at the
cords show that in 2017, 10,500 tons of MSW was generated in Sri Kerawalapitiya Industrial Zone in February 2021. It is expected to accept
Lanka daily and average per capita waste generation was about 0.47 all fresh waste generated in Colombo city and the WtE plant was

Table 1
Externality comparison based on different waste to energy technologies.

Externalities Landfill Biogas technology Incineration technology

Impact from GHG emissions High Medium Medium

Impacts on soil, groundwater and surface water environment High Low Low
Impact on quality of life due to noise, disamenity, aesthetical High Low Low
Impact from the substitution of nitrogen fertilizers by compost Low Medium Low

K. Samarasinghe and P.D.C. Wijayatunga Energy for Sustainable Development 68 (2022) 308–317

proposed as a total solution for generated MSW in Colombo Municipal Table 2

Council. The government had granted a power purchase tariff of LKR Projection of waste generation in several LAs in Western Province. Source: JICA (2016).

37.10 (USD 0.19) to this plant (Daily, 2017). However, the WtE plant Local authority Annual waste Average growth rate
is not expected to charge a gate-fee for received waste from LAs. This generation (tons/day)
feed-in-tariff is relatively high compared what is offered by Ceylon Elec- 2015 2020 2024
tricity Board (CEB) for other renewable energy sources such as wind
Katunayaka Urban Council 57.6 62.8 69.0 2.1%
power and solar rooftops under standardized power purchase Moratuwa Municipal Council 124.5 137.9 150.0 2.2%
agreement.1 Kesbewa Urban Council 91.8 97.5 102.7 1.3%
Mt. Lavinia Municipal Council 175.2 196.2 215.4 2.4%
Data collection Final annual average waste generation growth rate 2.00%

The system boundary for the study is the Western Province. The
waste generation data were collected, compiled, and analyzed from LCV T  WGI  365  ηI
P¼ ð2Þ
both primary and secondary data sources. The primary data collection h  3600
involved waste composition analysis by field investigation during
EI ¼ P  CF  h ð3Þ
January–April 2019. Waste generation and waste collection data were
obtained through reliable secondary sources such as annual reports
LCV (MJ/kg) is the low calorific value of each waste material, C is the
from the Ministry of Provincial and Local Councils (National Solid
waste composition of each material, WGI is amount of received waste
Waste Management Support Centre (NSWMSC), 2017), the Western
to the incineration plant annually, η is efficiency of the plant, h is the
Province Waste Management Authority (Waste Management
number of plant operation hours per year, P is the total power
Authority of Western Province (WMAWP), 2017), the Ministry of
generation capacity, and E is annual electricity generation potential,
Megapolis and Western Development (Ministry of Megapolis and
and CF is the capacity factor of the plant.
Western Development (MMWD), 2018), and various published mate-
rials, reports, documents, presentations, and particularly those involv-
Anaerobic digestion
ing government and private institutions.
The total amount of biogas generation can be estimated by Eq. (4).
The power generation capacity of the plant is calculated by Eq. (5).
Waste generation forecast
The total amount of generated electricity from the plant is calculated
by Eq. (6). It is assumed that the efficiency of the electricity generator
Table 2 provides estimated waste generation in several LAs in the
is about 30%, the capacity factor of the gas generator is 85%, and the
Western Province for the year 2020 and 2024 based on the literature.
plant will be operated 7500 h per year.
The factors considered in determining this forecast are population
growth rate and GDP growth rate. The estimated DGP growth rate is V biogas ¼ M foodwaste  γb  TS ð4Þ
5% and population growth rate is about 0.208% (JICA, 2016).
Assuming that the maximum WtE project lifetime is 25 years, con- V biogas  γ e  ηbiogas
struction period of 3 years and waste generation annual growth rate P¼ ð5Þ
of 2%, waste generation from 2024 to 2048 was determined. Actual
data of waste generation in the Western Province for year 2017 was Ebiogas ¼ P  h  CF ð6Þ
used as the base year.
where, Vbiogas is the volume of biogas (m3/h), Mfoodwaste is the mass flow
Waste composition analysis of food waste (kg/h), γb is biogas yield (m3/kg TS), TS is total solid com-
position of food waste, γe is energy yield of biogas, Ebiogas is annual
The waste composition analysis was carried out in the electricity generation potential.
Kerawalapitiya waste park in January 2019. Conical quartering method
was used to do the waste composition analysis. In the park, there are Financial analysis
two main waste streams, biodegradable waste stream and non-
biodegradable waste stream. The non-biodegradable waste contains Financial analysis was conducted based on cash-flows of the pro-
high amount of paper, plastic waste, and textile materials. The waste jects. The cost streams include capital costs and operation and mainte-
composition analysis was carried out three times per day for the non- nance costs while the benefits include those such as income from sale
biodegradable waste stream and one time per day for biodegradable of electricity and gate fee charged from MSW suppliers. The viability is
waste stream throughout a period of one week. measured by comparing the financial internal rate of return (FIRR)
against the weighted average cost of capital which captures those
Energy calculations such as loan nominal interest rate, the expected rate of return on equity,
tax rates and inflation.
Incineration In order to carry out a financial analysis for each scenario, the capital
Based on the low calorific values (LCV) of each type of waste mate- costs and the operation and maintenance (O&M) costs for each type of
rials presented in Table 3, the total heat value of respective waste stream waste disposal technology were estimated. Further, the annual net
was calculated. Eq. (1) shows the formulation of low calorific value of
waste. The total power generation capacity from incineration was calcu- Table 3
lated based on Eq. (2) and the annual electricity generation was esti- Low calorific value of waste materials and ash content. Source: Ryu (2010).
mated based on Eq. (3). Component of waste stream Moisture (%) LCV (MJ/kg)

LCV T ¼ ∑C w  LCV w ð1Þ Kitchen waste 66 4.08

Wood and grass 15 15.02
Plastic 6 32.62
1 Paper 18 12.06
For wind power per unit purchase tariff, USD 0.11(0–7 years), USD 0.04 (9–15 years)
Textile, rubber & leather 9 19.79
and USD 0.03 (16–20 years); for solar rooftop systems USD 0.11 (0–7 years) and USD
Incombustible 5 −2.21
0.078 (8–20 years).

K. Samarasinghe and P.D.C. Wijayatunga Energy for Sustainable Development 68 (2022) 308–317

cashflows generated within the project were estimated. The summary Proposed development plan
of the financial analysis including costs and revenue streams for the sce-
narios is shown in Table 7. Based on these data, financial internal rate of Currently available literature provided the basis for the contribu-
return (FIRR) of the project was estimated. Financial viability of the pro- tions of each waste management method. To strengthen the circular
ject was assessed by comparing the FIRR and the weighted average cost economy practices in the country, three scenarios were developed fo-
of capital (WACC). A currency exchange rate of 200 LKR/USD was as- cusing on waste treatment technologies. Scenario 1 (OLD) is the early
sumed. waste treatment practices in the Western Province as of December
WACC was estimated to be 3.7% based on the assumed capital struc- 2020. The first WtE plant in the country with a daily treatment capacity
ture of 25% of equity and 75% of debt financing for each WtE project. As of 700 tons was commissioned in February 2021. Scenario 2 is business
can be seen in Table 4, nominal interest rate of the loan is assumed to be as usual (BAU) where the existing WtE facility was considered in the
10% in local currency based on the current lending rates in local com- analysis. In Scenario 2, contribution of incineration increased up to
mercial in banks. For the project equity contribution, it is assumed 20% of the total waste generation while the contribution of landfills
that the expected rate of return is 14% which is equal to the long-term has reduced to 11% because of the WtE plant. Under Scenario 2, the
treasury bill rate (Asian Development Bank, 2019). WtE plant accepts fresh MSW from LAs where material segregation
The levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) generation from WtE plants and recycling are discouraged. Scenario 3 was developed considering
over their lifetime are estimated as given in Eq. (7). Scenario 1 & 2, total waste collection, and waste compositions. Scenario
3 indicates that the importance of material segregation and recycling
while minimizing landfilling and open dumping to promote circular
∑t¼1 ðCþM t
1þr Þt economy in Sri Lanka. Table 5 shows the summary of the developed
LCOE ¼ n ð7Þ
∑t¼1 ð1þr waste management scenarios. The proposed development plan to
achieve Scenario 3 is presented in Fig. 1. The proposed development
plan consists of biogas generation, recycling, and incineration with the
where, C is the initial capital cost, Mt is the annual O&M cost in the year t, additional treatment capacities of 550 tons, 125 tons, and 500 tons, re-
r is the discount rate, E is the electricity generation in the year t, and n is spectively.
the expected operational years of a plant. A discount rate of 4% refleting
the WACC is used in the estimating the LCOE. Results and discussion

Fuel source identification

Economic analysis
As the system boundary for the study is the Western Province geo-
In the economic analysis the cost stream includes border prices (eco- graphical area, the waste generation in three districts of the province
nomic costs) of all the tradeable goods which includes capital costs and and current waste management practices evaluated based on the sec-
operation and maintenance costs. The benefit stream includes, among ondary data. A study had calculated the total amount of waste recycling
others, avoided cost of diesel in marginal generation plants and environ- in the Western Province (Samarasinghe et al., 2021). Thus, it was as-
mental benefits of avoided emissions. These costs and benefits usually sumed that the waste material recycling rate based on waste collection
available in financial terms are converted to border prices with an aver- amount in Western Province is proportional to the recycling rate in each
age conversion factor established for a specific country based to sepa- district in the Western Province. The same study had calculated the
rate studies. compositing, co-fueling, and landfilling rates for the entire island
The economic costs and benefits of the project were measured and (Samarasinghe et al., 2021). In this analysis, it was assumed that the cal-
analyzed in 2021 constant prices covering the period of project evalua- culated compositing, co-fueling, and landfilling rates for the island are
tion time. Benefits derived out of the development projects were cate- compatible with the similar rates in each district of the Western Prov-
gorized as incremental benefits and non-incremental benefits. ince. Table 6 shows the overview of the waste management sector per-
Incremental benefits are the benefits arising from the WtE facility and formance in the Western Province as of 2018.
currently not met through the previous waste management practices. The waste composition analysis was carried out in the
The non-incremental benefits are the benefits derived from replacing Kerawalapitiya Waste Park to identify the properties of the waste gen-
alternative waste disposal methods used by consumers in the absence erated in the Western Province. As can be seen in Fig. 2, there are two
of proper waste management system and replacing alternative sources waste streams in the waste park. LAs must supply only pre-segregated
for power generation. The economic benefits were estimated based on waste based on instructions from the waste park. The kitchen waste
the values quoted from the literature and adopted to Sri Lanka. The eco- compositions are about 89% in the total biodegradable waste stream
nomic costs capital and O&M of the projects were derived by using the and only 5% in nonbiodegradable waste stream (kitchen waste compo-
overall standard conversion factor of 0.94 (Asian Development Bank, sitions were not presented in the figure). The plastics and paper consti-
2019). Based on these assumptions, economic internal rate of return tuted about 42% and 24% of the total nonbiodegradable waste stream
(EIRR) of each Scenario was determined. respectively.

Power generation potential from proposed development plan

Table 4
Weighted average cost of capital. Source: Asian Development Bank (2019). Incineration (unsegregated waste)
Item Financing component The first WtE plant was commissioned in Kerawalapitiya as a com-
plete solution for MSW generated in Colombo Municipal Council
Loan Equity Total
(CMC) area. Due to covid-19 pandemic impact, the waste generation
Weighting (%) 75 25 100
in CMC area has reduced. The Western Province Waste Management
Nominal cost (%) 10 14 –
Tax rate (%) 28 0 – Authority is currently coordinating with other LAs to supply waste to
Tax-adjusted nominal cost (%) 7.2 14 – the WtE plant as the treatment capacity of the plant is about 700 tons
Inflation rate (%) 5 5 – per day. Since the WtE facility is accepting fresh MSW, the estimated
Real cost (%) 2.1 8.6 – LCV of waste is about 9000–10,000 MJ/ton. It is noted that the LCV has
Weighted component of WACC (%) 1.6 2.1 3.7
slightly improved because LAs used a part of biodegradable waste for

K. Samarasinghe and P.D.C. Wijayatunga Energy for Sustainable Development 68 (2022) 308–317

Table 5
Waste treatment scenario for the Western Province.

Scenarios Material recycling Incineration Biogas Composting Co-fueling Landfills Open environment

Scenario 1 (OLD) 11% 0% 0% 13% 2% 31% 43%

Scenario 2 (BAU) 11% 20% 0% 13% 2% 11% 43%
Scenario 3 15% 34% 16% 13% 2% 3% 17%

composing. The estimated efficiency of the WtE plant is in the increase with higher waste treatment capacity (Tsai, 2019). Another
range15–18%. 395 kWh/ton of waste or 86.51 GWh/year electricity study in Japan, identified that the power generation efficiencies of
can be injected from the existing incineration plant to the grid under WtE plants showing a possibility of more than 20% with capacity of
Scenario 2 (BAU) if the plant efficiency is assumed to be 16.75% and 300 tons/day (Tsai, 2019). Based on the technology and cost discussions
the LCV of the waste stream is 10,000 MJ/ton. in Sections 2.1 and 2.2, a centralized incineration plant with moving
grate technology which is most commercially available waste incinera-
Biogas tion technology, was recommended with a daily waste treatment ca-
Circular economy of MSW can be strengthened through source seg- pacity of 500 tons for the Scenario 3. Since the proposed plant will
regation and end of life waste treatment methods. Promoting waste support in pre-segregating waste, it is expected to recover 125 tons of
segregation will help in resources recovery and easy collection of recy- recyclable materials from the 1870 tons of MSW which is currently dis-
clable waste such as plastic, steel, glass, and paper. In Australia, posed in landfills and dumped in open environment. To promote circu-
Canada, and China, waste treatment capacities of the existing biogas fa- lar economy, only 27% of MSW will be incinerated via proposed 500
cilities for food waste treatment laid between 100 and 200 ton per day tons and rest of waste will be recycled or used to generate biogas and or-
(IEA Bioenergy, 2018b). Total amount of MSW which is disposed in ganic fertilizer. The estimated LCV of the residual waste is about 16,000
landfills and dumped in open environment is 1870 tons. The composi- MJ/ton which is lower than the above calculated value because of recov-
tion of biodegradable waste which can be easily broken down naturally ery of more plastic and paper from the waste stream for recycling. Due
by water and oxygen is about 35.12%. Thus, Western Province has a po- to promoting waste segregation and removing non-flammable mate-
tential to produce biogas from 657 tons of unused biodegradable waste. rials, fuel feed quality can be improved. Therefore, efficiency of WtE
Considering the total waste generation and collection in the three dis- plant will be improved and the operational and maintenance cost will
tricts and technological and cost discussions in Section 2.1, three be lower. If the net electrical efficiency of the proposed incineration
engineered steel reactors with a continuous stirred tank biogas plants plant is 22%, 831 kWh electricity can be exported to the grid by using
with treatment capacities of 200, 200, 150 tons/day have been proposed 1 ton of residual waste. The estimated total power generation capacity
to construct under Scenario 3 for Colombo, Gampaha, and Kalutara dis- from incineration is about 20.3 MW and the annual exported electricity
tricts respectively. It is important to keep extra biodegradable waste col- is 129.86 GWh. The estimated total amount of recovered plastic, metal,
lection, which is about 107 tons, to keep continues feed supply to the cardboard, and paper from waste is about 70 tons, 5 tons, 11 tons, and
biogas plants. The estimated biogas yield is about 23 MJ/m3 and the as- 39 tons respectively by encouraging waste segregation process.
sumed electrical efficiency of the biogas turbine is about 30%. Thus, 240
kWh/ton of pre-segregated biodegradable waste can be exported from Co-generation
the biogas plants to the grid. The estimated power generation capacity Efficiency of a typical waste incineration plant which generates only
of the biogas plants is about 7.16 MW. The total amount of exported electricity is in the range of 14–28%. Thus, large amount of thermal en-
electricity from the plant would be 41.4 GWh/year and the total amount ergy is wasted. To improve the efficiency of the plant, cogeneration
of compost produced is estimated to be about 43,000 tons/year by pro- technology can be used to recover waste heat. The recovered heat can
cessing digestate. This will help to minimize the dependency on be provided for industrial purposes which will reduce fossil fuel con-
imported fertilizer and replace inorganic fertilizer. This will avoid the sumption and improve air quality in and around industrial zones. The
use of Nitrogen and Phosphorus fertilizer production of which contrib- total efficiency of cogeneration incinerators can be improved more
ute GHG emissions in the rage of 1–10 kg of CO2 per kg of N, and than 80%. In Korea, 35 large incineration plants are built in urban
1–1.5 kg of CO2 per kg of P2O5 (Walling & Vaneeckhaute, 2020). areas and recovered heat is supplied for district heating (Bourtsalas
et al., 2019). In Europe, 206 plants have improved their efficiency
Incineration (segregated waste) more than 69% out of 314 plants from 2007 to 2010 (Seo, 2014).
The calculated LCV of the non-biodegradable waste stream at the
Kerawalapitiya waste park is about 21,000 MJ/ton. A study has found Financial benefits
that the operational energy recovery efficiency and plant availability
A financial analysis for existing WtE facility and the proposed devel-
opment plan was carried out to investigate the financial sustainability of
the projects under the existing operating environment. Annual ex-
pected net cashflows were estimated within the project evaluation pe-
riod. The summary of the financial analysis for the Scenario 2 and 3 is
shown in Table 7. A WtE project can be registered as an On-Grid Renew-
able Energy Development Project under the Sri Lanka Sustainable En-
ergy Authority (SEA). If the power generation capacity of the project is
less than 10 MW, SEA and Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) will offer a
Standardized Power Purchases Agreement (SPPA). The SPPA is non-
negotiable agreement and valid for 20 years from the commercial oper-
ation date.
Under the Scenario 2, A Small Power Purchase Tariff (SPPT) is
granted to the existing WtE facility since the project was eligible for
the SPPA. A feed-in-tariff of LKR 37.10 per kWh (USD 0.19/kWh) was
Fig. 1. Proposed development plan under Scenario 3 for the Western Province. granted by CEB to first WtE plant in Sri Lanka. The estimated levelized

K. Samarasinghe and P.D.C. Wijayatunga Energy for Sustainable Development 68 (2022) 308–317

Table 6
The waste management sector performance in the Western Province (tons/day).

District Generation Collection Material recycling Composting Co-fueling Landfills Open environment

Colombo 1946 1255 223.7 311.3 39.5 268.2 403.3

Gampaha 1086.5 405.5 124.9 100.6 12.8 86.6 761.6
Kalutara 447 160 51.4 39.7 5.0 34.2 316.7
Total 3479.5 1820.5 400.1 451.6 57.3 389.0 1481.5

cost of electricity (LCOE) of the existing WtE facility is about USD 0.124 Table 7
per kWh at 4% discount rate. The financial viability of the existing WtE Financial analysis for the scenarios.

plant was examined by comparing the incremental revenue and incre- Item Unites Scenario 2 Scenario 3
mental costs over the project evaluation period. The estimated FIRR of Incineration Incineration Biogas
the project is 8.76% which exceeds the WACC of 3.7%. This is indicating
Treatment capacity Tons 700 500 550
that the project is financially viable. The NPV of the project at 4% dis-
Total investment USD 98,000,000 103,519,600 34,375,000
count rate is about USD 46.75 million. O&M cost USD/year 4,900,000 5,175,980 1,718,750
Under the Scenario 3, the results show that the estimated LCOE is Levelized cost of electricity USD/kWh 0.124 0.081 0.085
about USD 0.081 per kWh and USD 0.085 per kWh for the proposed in- (at 4% discount rate)
cineration and biogas plants, respectively at 4% discount rate. The esti- Feed in tariff USD/kWh 0.19 0.11 0.11
Gate fee USD/ton – 15 10
mated FIRR of the incineration component is 9.36% and the NPV of the Compost sales USD/ton – – 25
incineration component at 4% discount rate is about USD 67.41 million. Loan ratio % 75 75 75
This indicates that promoting waste segregation and use non- Loan USD 73,500,000 77,639,700 25,781,250
biodegradable residual waste for incineration is financially attractive. Equity USD 24,500,000 25,879,900 8,593,750
Concession period Years 22 27 27
In addition, the estimated FIRR of the biogas component is about 15%
Construction period Years 2 2 2
and NPV at 4% discount rate is about USD 48.74 million. It is important Loan term Years 15 15 15
to highlight that both proposed incineration and biogas component Nominal interest rate for % 10 10 10
under the Scenario 3, the standard renewable energy feed-in-tariff the local currency loan
(LKR 22 per kWh) in Sri Lanka was considered. This will help to attract Weighted average cost of % 3.7 3.7 3.7
government and utility for more grid connected WtE plans in the coun- FIIR % 8.76 9.36 15
try. Further, a couple of gate fee was incorporated for the waste treat- NPV at 4% discount rate USD 46,751,335 $67,407,247 $48,736,517
ment facilities which is about USD 15/ton of combustible residual
waste and USD 10/ton of biodegradable waste. This will push LAs to
recover more resource by segregating waste and promote circular The existing WtE plant as well as the proposed WtE plants under the
economy. Scenario 3, target to treat 547,750 tons of MSW per annum. The project
will tackle climate change and contribute to achieve the Sri Lanka's re-
Economic benefit newable energy targets. It is expected to generate 170 GWh of clean en-
ergy and reduce carbon dioxide emissions. This is equivalent to
The economic analysis was carried out to assess economic viability supplying approximately one month of residential electricity require-
of the proposed development plan and the existing WtE facility from ment or 4% of the total demand (2020) in the Western Province of Sri
the viewpoint of the country. Benefits derived out of the project outputs Lanka. The avoided electricity generation cost is about 32.85 LKR/kWh
can be broadly categorized as incremental benefits and non- in 2017 (Asian Development Bank, 2019).2 It is assumed high-cost die-
incremental benefits. The incremental benefits are the benefits arising sel power generation will be replaced by the WtE projects. The esti-
from the proposed projects currently not meeting through the previous mated value of avoided impact on soil, groundwater, and surface
solid waste management practices such as impact on soil, water, quality water environment is about 6.15 USD/ton of MSW. The estimated
of life due to noise, odor, disamenity, aesthetical. Incremental benefits value of avoided impact on quality of life due to noise, odor, disamenity,
were identified and quantified based on the literature values as dis- and aesthetical is about 8.27 USD/ton. The value of avoided emissions
cussed in Section 3. In addition, non-incremental benefits which are de- used in the study is 36.30 USD/ton of CO2 in 2016 and it is escalated
riving from alternative waste disposal methods to consumers in the by 2% annually in real terms (Asian Development Bank, 2017). With
absence of proper waste management system and replacing alternative this, it is assumed the value of avoided emission is 40.9 USD/ton of
energy sources for power generation such as avoided electricity gener- CO2 in 2021. Economic benefits from (i) diesel replacement for power
ation cost. generation, (ii) impact on solid, groundwater and surface water, (iii)
impact on quality of life due to noise, odor, disamenity, and
aesthetical, (iv) avoided emission of CO2 were taken into account in
the economic analysis. Table 8 shows the summary of the economic
analysis for the existing WtE plant as well as the proposed
development project.
The economic costs include capital costs and O&M cost of the project.
Traded project inputs such as tradable goods, foreign and local skilled
labor were valued at their border price equivalent values. To convert
these costs to their border price equivalent values, a standard

According to Sri Lanka Energy Balance 2017 (, Kelanitissa power
station, which is the typical marginal generator of the Sri Lankan power system, has con-
sumed 148 Gl of diesel sold in the market at 95 SLR/l, producing 401 MWh in 2017. Apply-
ing the derived standard conversion factor of 0.94, the marginal economic cost of
Fig. 2. Material composition of waste streams (%). generation is calculated as 32.85 SLR/kWh.

K. Samarasinghe and P.D.C. Wijayatunga Energy for Sustainable Development 68 (2022) 308–317

Table 8
Economic analysis for the scenarios.

Item Unites Scenario 2 Scenario 3

Incineration Incineration Biogas

Treatment capacity Tons 700 500 550

Annual waste treatment Tons 218,750 156,250 175,875

Economic cost
Standard conversion factor % 0.94 0.94 0.94
Capital investment USD 92,120,000 97,308,424 32,312,500
O&M USD/year 4,606,000 4,865,421 1,615,625

Economic benefits
Impact on soil, USD/year 1,345,313 960,938 1,057,031
groundwater, and surface
water environment
Impact on quality of life due USD/year 1,809,063 1,292,188 1,421,406
to noise, odor, Fig. 3. Sensitivity analysis of FIRR and EIRR.
disamenity, aesthetical
Diesel replacement for USD/year 14,209,692 21,329,688 6,798,892
power generation
Value of avoided emissions USD/year 9,205,567 9,453,845 7,774,922 study has found that GHG emission factors from MSW landfills and in-
of CO2 cineration plants is about 1.11 tCO2e/ton of MSW and 0.49 tCO2e/ton
Impact from the USD/year – – 326,133
substitution of nitrogen
of MSW respectively (Ting et al., 2014). Another study has estimated
fertilizers by compost the GHG emission factor from biogas plants is about 0.253 tCO2e/ton
EIRR % 20.72% 25.07% 39.38% of MSW (Tan et al., 2015). In Sri Lanka, a grid emission factor is always
ENPV at 12% USD 52,059,542 92,981,739 $70,372,556 considered for planning power generation system in the country. The
grid emission factor can count in three different forms under operating
margin, build margin, and combined margin (United Nations
conversion factor (SCF) was derived. It is assumed, the overall standard Framework Converntion on Climate Change, 2015). Under operating
conversion factor is 0.94 (Asian Development Bank, 2019). This leads to margin, the emission factor takes into all existing power plants im-
an estimated total economic cost of the Scenario 3 to be about USD pacted by a development project. Under build margin the emission fac-
129.6 million. The estimated EIRRs of the proposed incineration and bio- tor is determined based on the group of power plants under
gas plants are 25.07% and 39.38% respectively while EIRR of the existing construction of which future operation would be affected by the devel-
incineration plant is about 20.72%. The result of economic analysis indi- opment project. The emission factor under combined margin is the
cates that using segregated waste for incineration and biogas generation weighted average of those under operating margin and build margin
is economically more attractive for the country than using unsorted and is commonly known as the grid emission factor (Sri Lanka Sustain-
fresh waste in the existing incineration facility. able Energy Authority, 2017). The proposed WtE development projects
under the Scenarios 2 and 3 will help to minimize fossil fuel powered
Sensitivity analysis for financial and economic viability generation in the country since WtE plant can be utilized as baseload
power plant. Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority has published the
The above financial and economic analysis suggested that imple- grid emission factor (combined margin) as 0.8108 tCO2/MWh in 2017
mentation of proposed development project is favorable to the inves- (Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority, 2017). Thus, this grid emission
tors as well as the country. Sensitivity analysis was carried out to factor was used to determine CO2 reduction resulting from WtE
evaluate the sensitivity of economic and financial analysis of both Sce- projects. It is estimated that the existing incineration facility (Scenario
nario 2 and Scenario 3 as several assumptions have been made in the 2) has potential to reduce 203,572 tons of CO2 emission annually. As
initial analysis. Sensitivity of FIRR and EIRR were monitored by examin- can be seen in Table 9, the estimated avoided emissions of CO2 from
ing the impact of an increase in the project capital cost, an increase in the proposed incineration and biogas plants (Scenario 3) are 200,635
O&M, a reduction in the supply of electricity to the grid, a reduction in tons and 179,137 tons, respectively. Scenario 2 negatively impacts grid
feed-in-tariff, and a delay in project completion. Fig. 3 shows the results emission factor while Scenario 3 positively impacts energy sector grid
of the sensitivity analysis. The results show that the financial returns emission factor of the country. The main reason for the positive
and economic returns of the two Scenarios are robust even under impact on grid emission factor under Scenario 3 is more efficient
these adverse conditions. The existing WtE facility (Scenario 2- generation of electricity compared to Scenario 2.
Incineration) shows the minimum FIIR of 4.7% when the feed-in-tariff
has been reduced by 20%. However, the minimum FIRR of Scenario 2
Table 9
is greater than WACC of 3.7%. Also, the existing WtE facility shows the GHG emission reduction from waste to energy projects.
minimum EIRR of 10.9% when project implementation work is delayed
Item Unites Scenario 2 Scenario 3
by two years. Scenario 3 are more robust even than the based case of
existing WtE plant under defined adverse conditions and all of the cal- Incineration Incineration Biogas
culated EIRR are above the threshold rate of 9% used by ADB for clean Waste treatment Tons/year 218,750 156,250 171,875
energy investments (Asian Development Bank, 2017). Electricity generation MWh 86,500 129,900 41,390
Avoided emission from t-CO2e 240,625 171,875 189,062.5
GHG emission reduction and avoided ocean plastics
Avoided grid emission t-CO2e 70,134 105,323 33,559
Emission from incineration t-CO2e −107,187.5 −76,562.5 –
WtE has several key advantageous over landfilling and open dump- plants
ing in climate change mitigation. WtE has positive environmental im- Emission from biogas plants t-CO2e – – −43,484
pacts particularly GHG reduction such as CH4 and CO2 and recyclable Total GHG reduction t-CO2e 203,572 200,635 179,137
Emission factor t-CO2/MWh 1.2392 0.7008
waste recovery compared to landfilling (Boongaling et al., 2020). A

K. Samarasinghe and P.D.C. Wijayatunga Energy for Sustainable Development 68 (2022) 308–317

investors to collect recyclable materials from households via door-to-

door waste collectors and establish recyclable material collection cen-
ters across the country in a in an organized manner. If the proposed
115 MW of WtE plants can be integrated into the system, around 5%
of total national electricity requirement can be supplied from WtE
plants in the country.


Resource recovery from waste and waste recycling are necessary

component of a circular economy. When a country is in transition
from a liner economy to circular economy, WtE technology deployment
can help the country to manage its waste most effectively and promote
sustainable development. The case study presented in the paper would
serve as a good example of how WtE technology can be deployed in
Fig. 4. Cumulative CO2 reduction and waste generation in Sri Lanka.
similar economies in the Asia-Pacific region considering that issues
and the characteristics of the waste generated in these countries are
As 125 tons of recyclable waste material expect to recover daily by similar in nature.
implementing proposed development plan under Scenario 3, the esti- This pioneering case study involving Sri Lanka covered its most pop-
mated avoided annual GHG emission is about 43,684 tons of CO2 ulous province and country's economic hub, the Western Province. The
because of recycling (European Parliamentary Research Serivce, 2017). study identified the potential of WtE plants, and their capacities based
Further it has been estimated that 12.5% of improperly disposed on both segregated and mixed waste while considering environmental
plastic waste in open environment is washed into the ocean in Sri cost and benefits. Most importantly, comprehensive techno-economic
Lanka (Samarasinghe et al., 2021). Thus, the estimated avoided amount and financial analyses were carried out for both existing WtE facility
of plastic flow to the ocean is about 6875 tons per year under the pro- and proposed future WtE development projects. The study looked at
posed development plan in Scenario 3. Fig. 4 shows the total MSW gen- the energy potential of MSW, electricity generation capacity, financial
eration in the country and total cumulative CO2 reduction forecasted and economic viability, GHG emissions from WtE technologies. This
from 2020 to 2040 if Scenario-2 and Scenario-3 are to be implemented case study for the Western Province has evaluated three scenarios. Sce-
covering entire country. It is estimated that 23.3 million t-CO2 emission nario 3 which is implementable, indicates that the country can secure
can be additionally reduced by implementing Scenario-3 instead of im- more economic and financial benefits and support in global climate mit-
plementing Scenario-2. igation efforts by reducing GHG emissions while paving way to a circu-
lar economy.
Viable solution for municipal solid waste disposal The study concludes that Sri Lanka has the potential to implement
WtE projects in the Western Province with adequate financial and eco-
UN-Habitat has recognized the need to strengthen the government nomic returns while making it environmentally attractive and
efforts to develop a comprehensive integrated solid waste management supporting circular economy compared to alternative options. The
plan with the support of an advisory waste management committee for unit cost of power generation from WtE plants are significantly lower
all provinces except the Western Province. The Western Province has its (when avoided cost of externalities are considered) compared to mar-
own waste management plan together with the Ministry of Megapolis ginal generation costs of oil fired thermal power plants widely used at
and Western Development and the Western Province Waste Manage- present. The study has shown the viability of a centralized incineration
ment Authority (Basnayake et al., 2018). In 2017, the estimated MSW plant of 500 tons/day capacity and decentralized biogas facilities of
collection is about 1802 tons/day out of the total generation of 7210 150–200 tons/day capacity for each of the three districts in the province.
tons/day in these eight provinces. As indicated earlier, a study has esti- By implementing such development projects, waste management is-
mated that the collection efficiency can be improved up to 50% from sues in the province can be largely eliminated while securing economic
27.2% in these remaining eight provinces at a cost of USD 2.2 per capita and social benefits.
per annum for 50% of its population (Basnayake et al., 2018). The pro- This outcome of this case study can be used by the Government and
posed development plan under the Scenario 3 therefore can be imple- relevant authorities to ensure timely exploiting of these opportunities
mented to treat 50% of generated MSW in these eight provinces. The and immediate action to solve waste management issues and promote
summary of the recommended development plan is presented in circular economy making WtE a proper renewable energy option in
Table 10. According to the Scenario 3, there is 15% of generated waste the country. This will help the country in its efforts to achieve zero emis-
can be recovered for material recycling. To achieve this recycling target, sion targets.
the government and local authorities could encourage private sector
Declaration of competing interest
Table 10
Waste management projects for the eight provinces in the country. The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
Item Unit Quantity interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
ence the work reported in this paper.
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