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La Libertad in Negros Oriental is rated as a 3rd class municipality in this province. It acquired
this municipality status in the year 1919. La Libertad occupies an estimated area of about 140
square kilometer, with the recent population statistics indicating that the area has about a
population density of about 280 per square-kilometer to a total population at around 40,000
residents or more due to the steady increase in the population. La Libertad is divided into about
29 barangays.


Earlier on, this settlement was known as Hinoba-an, a barrio of Jimalalud to
which it was later named La Libertad by the residents to signify its importance
during the residents’ repulse of the marauding brigands which frequented the
north at that time. Similarly, the Hinoba-an natives also considered the La
Libertad as a symbol of their freedom and liberty from the hands of the Tulisanes,
not to mention the fact that the name La Libertad was also an iconic name to
celebrate the native’s guerrillas acts of resistance during the world war 2.
Although the expanse of this municipality is rural, besides being a municipality,
the area assumed the status of a parish in the year 1935 an, on the other hand,
has largely been a host of numerous activities both economic and social.

Schools in La Libertad
The entire region has two renowned high schools; the St Francis High school and
the Pacuan national High school as well as a La Libertad technical vocational
training institution. However, the area has lots of elementary schools ranging
from the Martilo elementary school to the San Jose Elementary school, The
Pacuan Elementary school, Psong elementary school as well as the La Libertad
elementary school and many more.

Economy in La Libertad
This entire region is actively engaged in the production of agricultural and food
crops such as peanuts, soya beans, corn, copra as well as an expanse of
sugarcane fields that produces lots of sugarcane. Structurally and
topographically this location has areas such as the Daras an range,the Pacuan
Valley, the plateaus of Eli and Bagtic amongst the Hinoba-an river, not to
mention some its recently discovered unusually sculptural folds and striated
features such as the Mambulotan Springs, the Danao, Pacuan and the Marble
caves that not only promotes tourism but also plays a very significant impact in
the economy of the La Libertad.

Places of Interest in La Libertad

La Libertad being the home to some of the most interesting vocational spots such
as the Francisco Absin Memorial Park which won the top award in the National
Community Beautification contest of the year 1952, the astonishing view
of Danicop Cave and Marble Cave, and of course the La Limar beach resort
situated at San Jose which has things like the swimming pools and caters for
activities such as, family reunions, weddings and various other occasions that
are prompted by the government. These activities tourism to this particular area
and to the Negro Oriental region as a whole, thus increasing the economic value
of the area. La Libertad Grand Annual festival  “Pandanyag Festival” Celebrated
every 28th of April

Getting to La Libertad
La Libertad is about 114 km north of Dumaguete City. With lots of remarkable
sights and locals to meet, La Libertad can show more than they can tell.
One way of getting to La Libertad is riding a bus. Since Dumaguete has only one
bus terminal, it will not be hard to find it. Riding a Ceres bus will take about 3
hours traveling and will cost around Php 150.00. Another way in getting to La
Libertad is via a V-hire (Van for Hire). Terminal for V-hire going north is located
near the Ceres Bus Terminal, near the new McDonald’s Drive Thru. Riding a V-
hire will take about 2 hours and 45 minutes and will only cost Php 120.00.

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