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5 Marks
1 Compare between Low Fidelity prototypes


2 Describe High Fidelity prototypes.


A high-fidelity prototype is a detailed and realistic representation of a product or system, usually created
using digital tools such as graphic design software or prototyping software. High fidelity prototypes are
often used in the later stages of product development to refine and test the design before it is

Unlike low fidelity prototypes, which are often simple and quick to create, high fidelity prototypes are
highly detailed and closely resemble the final product in terms of functionality, design, and user
experience. High fidelity prototypes can include interactive features, realistic graphics, and even
functioning code.

High fidelity prototypes are useful for testing and refining specific aspects of a product, such as its visual
design, user interface, or functionality. They can also be used to gather feedback from users and
stakeholders and to identify any issues or problems with the product before it is released.

Creating high fidelity prototypes can be time-consuming and resource-intensive, but the benefits of using
them in the product development process can be significant. By testing and refining the design in a
realistic and detailed way, high fidelity prototypes can help to improve the user experience, reduce
development costs and time, and increase the chances of success for the product in the market.
Some common tools used for creating high fidelity prototypes include Adobe XD, Sketch, Figma,
InVision, Axure, and These tools allow designers to create detailed and interactive prototypes
that closely resemble the final product, making it easier to test and refine the design before

3 Describe Low Fidelity prototypes.


Low fidelity prototypes are simple and rough representations of a product or system, often created using
paper, cardboard, or other low-cost materials. They are used in the early stages of product development
to explore and test different design concepts before investing significant time and resources into a more
detailed prototype.

Unlike high fidelity prototypes, which are highly detailed and closely resemble the final product, low
fidelity prototypes are intentionally rough and incomplete. They may lack detail and functionality, but
they provide a basic representation of the product's structure and layout.

Low fidelity prototypes are useful for testing and refining the overall concept and user experience of a
product before moving on to more detailed prototypes. They can be created quickly and easily, making
it possible to explore multiple design concepts and iterate on the design quickly and inexpensively.

Common examples of low fidelity prototypes include sketches, hand-drawn wireframes, and paper-
based mockups. These prototypes can be used to test basic design concepts, such as the placement of
buttons, the layout of screens, and the overall flow of the user interface.

Low fidelity prototypes are an essential part of the product development process, as they allow designers
to explore and test different design concepts and user experiences before investing significant time and
resources into a more detailed prototype. By identifying potential issues and opportunities early in the
design process, low fidelity prototypes can help to improve the overall quality and effectiveness of the
final product.

4 Justify the importance of prototyping


Prototyping is an essential part of the design process and plays a crucial role in ensuring that a final
product meets user needs and requirements. Here are some reasons why prototyping is important:

User feedback: Prototyping allows designers to gather feedback from users early in the design process,
which can help identify potential issues and opportunities before a product is fully developed. This
feedback can be used to refine the design and ensure that the final product meets user needs and

Validation: Prototyping allows designers to test and validate design ideas and concepts before investing
time and resources in development. This can help reduce the risk of costly errors and revisions later in
the process.
Iteration: Prototyping allows designers to quickly iterate and make changes to a design based on
feedback from users and stakeholders. This can help ensure that the final product is as good as it can be.

Communication: Prototyping allows designers to communicate design ideas and concepts to team
members and stakeholders, which can help ensure that everyone is on the same page and working
towards the same goals.

Cost savings: Prototyping can help identify potential issues and opportunities early in the design
process, which can help reduce the risk of costly errors and revisions later on. This can ultimately lead
to cost savings in the long run.

5 Summarize the different types of Interface Metaphors


Interface metaphors are design elements that use real-world objects or concepts to make it easier for
users to understand how to interact with a digital interface. Here are the different types of interface

Direct manipulation: This type of interface metaphor allows users to directly manipulate objects on the
screen using gestures or other physical actions, such as dragging and dropping.

Spatial metaphors: This type of interface metaphor uses the spatial relationships between objects to
create a familiar and intuitive interface, such as using a desktop metaphor to organize files and folders.

Object-oriented metaphors: This type of interface metaphor uses real-world objects to represent digital
objects, such as using a trash can icon to represent deleting a file.

Cultural metaphors: This type of interface metaphor uses cultural references, such as using a traffic
light icon to represent stop, caution, and go.

Iconic metaphors: This type of interface metaphor uses simplified graphical representations, such as
using a magnifying glass icon to represent search functionality.

Linguistic metaphors: This type of interface metaphor uses language and text-based elements, such as
using a menu bar to organize options and commands.

6 Discuss DECIDE Framework in Evaluation

Ans: Page 6-18-19-20

7 Summarize different types of Evaluation

Ans: Page 6-10-11-12

8 Recommended when to use Evaluation with suitable examples.

Ans: Page 6-8-9

Evaluation is a crucial step in the user interface design process and should be used throughout the design
lifecycle to ensure that the interface is effective, efficient, and user-friendly. Here are some
recommended times to use evaluation, along with suitable examples:

During early design phases: Evaluation should be used in the early design phases to assess the usability
of design concepts and inform design decisions. For example, designers can conduct expert reviews or
usability tests to identify potential usability issues and refine their design concepts.

After the initial prototype: Evaluation should be used after the initial prototype to test the usability of
the interface and identify areas for improvement. For example, designers can conduct usability tests to
gather user feedback on the initial prototype and make changes based on their feedback.

Before launch: Evaluation should be used before launching the interface to ensure that it meets the
needs of its intended users and is effective in achieving its goals. For example, designers can conduct
A/B tests to compare different versions of the interface and determine which one performs better in
terms of user engagement or conversion rates.

After updates or redesigns: Evaluation should be used after updates or redesigns to ensure that the
changes made have improved the usability of the interface. For example, designers can conduct usability
tests to gather feedback on the updated or redesigned interface and make changes based on the feedback.

9 Recommend where to use Evaluation with suitable examples.

Ans: Page 6-8-9

10 Demonstrate why to use Evaluation with suitable examples.

Ans: Page 6-2-3

11 Using a suitable example describe what to Evaluate

Ans: Page: 6-4-5

12 Describe Predictive Models


Predictive models are statistical models that are used to predict future outcomes based on historical data.
They are a type of machine learning model that learns from past data and uses that knowledge to make
predictions about new, unseen data. Predictive models are widely used in a variety of fields, including
finance, healthcare, marketing, and engineering, among others.

Predictive models are built using historical data that has already been collected and labelled with known
outcomes. The model then learns to recognize patterns in the data that are associated with those
outcomes. Once the model has been trained, it can be used to make predictions about new, unseen data
by applying the same pattern recognition algorithms to that data.

There are many types of predictive models, including:

Regression models: These models are used to predict continuous numerical values, such as sales
revenue or stock prices.
Classification models: These models are used to predict categorical outcomes, such as whether a
customer is likely to churn or not.
Time series models: These models are used to predict future values of a time-dependent variable, such
as stock prices or energy consumption.
Neural networks: These are complex models that are capable of recognizing very complex patterns in
data, making them useful for image recognition, natural language processing, and other complex tasks.
Predictive models have many applications in business and industry. For example, they can be used to
predict customer behavior, forecast sales revenue, optimize production processes, and detect fraud. By
using predictive models, businesses and organizations can make more informed decisions based on data-
driven insights and improve their overall performance.
2 Marks
13 Describe design principles
Ans: 5-1
14 Describe usability in brief.
Ans: Page 5-4

15 Summarize the principles that support usability

There are several principles that support usability, including:
Ease of use: The product or system should be easy to use and require minimal effort on the part of the
Efficiency: Users should be able to accomplish their goals quickly and efficiently without unnecessary
steps or obstacles.
Learnability: The product or system should be easy for users to learn, with clear and intuitive interfaces
and instructions.
Memorability: Users should be able to easily remember how to use the product or system, even after a
period of time has passed.
Error prevention and recovery: The product or system should be designed to prevent errors and
provide clear instructions for recovering from mistakes.
User satisfaction: The product or system should be enjoyable to use and provide a positive overall
experience for users.
By applying these principles, designers and developers can create products and systems that are more
user-friendly and effective, leading to better user experiences and increased adoption and engagement.

16 Choose the principle of Flexibility which you will follow for effective user interaction
One principle of flexibility that can be followed for effective user interaction is providing users with
multiple ways to accomplish a task or achieve their goals. This can include offering different options for
input, allowing users to customize their experience, and providing alternative pathways to information
or functionality.
By providing flexibility, users can tailor their experience to their individual needs and preferences,
making the product or system more adaptable and user-friendly. This can lead to increased user
satisfaction and engagement, as well as better overall performance of the product or system.
17 Choose the principle of Robustness which you will follow for effective user interaction
One principle of robustness that can be followed for effective user interaction is designing the product
or system to be resilient in the face of unexpected events or errors. This can involve implementing error
handling and recovery mechanisms, providing clear feedback to users when errors occur, and ensuring
that the system can handle a wide range of inputs and scenarios.
By prioritizing robustness, users can have greater confidence in the product or system and feel more
secure in their interactions with it. This can also help to prevent frustration and negative user experiences
that can arise from unexpected errors or system failures.

18 Choose the principle of Learnability which you will follow for effective user interaction
One principle of learnability that can be followed for effective user interaction is designing the product
or system to be easy to learn and use for new users. This can involve providing clear and concise
instructions, using intuitive interfaces and navigation, and offering helpful hints or tutorials to guide
users through the process.
By prioritizing learnability, new users can quickly and easily become familiar with the product or system,
reducing the barrier to entry and increasing adoption and engagement. This can also lead to a more
positive user experience and increased user satisfaction overall.

19 Illustrate the Design Guidelines that you will follow to develop an interface for Hospital
Design guidelines for developing an interface for a hospital website may include:
Clear and concise navigation: The website should have clear and easy-to-use navigation that allows
users to quickly find the information they need. This may include a top-level menu with dropdowns,
breadcrumbs, or a search bar.
Consistent branding: The website should use consistent branding elements, such as color scheme, fonts,
and imagery, to create a cohesive and recognizable brand identity.
User-centered design: The website should be designed with the needs and preferences of the user in
mind, with a focus on ease of use, accessibility, and functionality.
Mobile responsiveness: The website should be optimized for mobile devices, with a responsive design
that adapts to different screen sizes and orientations.
Easy-to-read typography: The website should use legible typography that is easy to read and visually
appealing, with appropriate font sizes and line spacing.
By following these design guidelines, designers can create a hospital website interface that is visually
appealing, user-friendly, and functional, while also complying with regulations and meeting the needs
of its users.

20 Illustrate the golden rules and heuristics

Ans: 5-13-14-15

21 Summarize the Nielsen’s 10 heuristics rules.

Nielsen's 10 heuristics are a set of design principles that can be used to evaluate the usability of an
interface. They are:
Visibility of system status: Keep users informed about what is happening through appropriate feedback
within reasonable time.
Match between system and the real world: Speak the user's language, use conventions that are familiar
to the user, and follow real-world workflows.
User control and freedom: Allow users to undo and redo actions, and provide clear escape routes from
unexpected or unwanted situations.
Consistency and standards: Use consistent language, layouts, and design across the interface to reduce
the cognitive load on users.
Error prevention: Use design to prevent errors from occurring in the first place, and provide informative
error messages when errors do occur.
Recognition rather than recall: Make actions, options, and objects visible and easy to find, rather than
requiring users to remember them.
Flexibility and efficiency of use: Offer accelerators for experienced users, allow customization, and
avoid forcing the user to follow a specific path.
Aesthetic and minimalist design: Strive for an interface that is visually appealing and uncluttered, with
only necessary information displayed.
Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors: Provide clear, concise, and actionable error
messages and assist users with recovery options.
Help and documentation: Provide easy-to-find help and documentation options for users who need
additional assistance or information.
By following these heuristics, designers can create interfaces that are more usable and user-friendly,
leading to better user experiences and increased engagement with the product or system.
22 Describe any two of the Norman’s Principles.
Donald Norman is a renowned user experience (UX) expert who has developed several design principles
to create intuitive and user-friendly interfaces. Two of his principles are:
The principle of visibility states that users should be able to easily see and understand the state of the
system, the possible actions they can take, and the consequences of those actions. A good example of
this principle is the progress bar that appears during file downloads or installations. This progress bar
provides a clear indication of the system's state and lets users know how much longer they need to wait.
The principle of affordance refers to the property of an object that suggests how it can be used. For
example, a door handle affords pulling or pushing, while a flat surface affords placing objects on it. In
interface design, affordance means that buttons, links, and other interface elements should have visual
cues that suggest how they can be interacted with. For instance, a button should have a 3D effect or a
color change when clicked to provide users with visual feedback that they have successfully interacted
with it.
By following these principles, designers can create interfaces that are more intuitive, user-friendly, and
efficient, leading to better user experiences and increased engagement with the product or system.

23 Discuss the Shneiderman's Golden Rules that you will follow in various user interface.
Shneiderman's Golden Rules are a set of design principles that can be applied to various user interfaces
to ensure usability and effectiveness. The rules are:
1. Strive for consistency: The interface should be consistent in its layout, design, and terminology,
reducing the learning curve for users.
2. Enable frequent users to use shortcuts: Provide ways for experienced users to quickly access
commonly used features or functions, such as keyboard shortcuts or customizable toolbars.
3. Provide informative feedback: The system should provide feedback to users about the status of
their actions, such as confirming a successful submission of a form or notifying them of an error.
4. Design dialogues to yield closure: Dialogues should be structured in a way that provides a clear
path to complete the task or operation and give the user a sense of accomplishment.
5. Offer simple error handling: The system should provide informative and clear error messages
that help users understand the problem and suggest ways to resolve it.
6. Permit easy reversal of actions: The user should be able to undo their actions easily without
encountering unexpected or unwanted consequences.
7. Support internal locus of control: Users should feel like they are in control of the system and
the actions they take, reducing frustration and confusion.
8. Reduce short-term memory load: The system should present information and options in a way
that reduces the cognitive load on users and avoids overloading their short-term memory.
9. Provide the user with flexibility and efficiency: Provide ways for users to perform tasks quickly
and efficiently, such as by allowing customization or offering keyboard shortcuts.
10. Design for optimal user experience: The system should be designed with the user's goals and
needs in mind, creating an optimal user experience that is enjoyable and rewarding.
By following these golden rules, designers can create interfaces that are easy to use, efficient, and
effective, leading to a positive user experience and increased engagement with the product or system.

24 Discuss 15 golden rules every UI/UX designer should know

Here are 15 golden rules every UI/UX designer should know:
1. Know your audience: Understand the needs, preferences, and expectations of your target
2. Keep it simple: Simplicity is key to a good user experience, so avoid cluttered and complex
3. Use consistent design: Consistency in design elements, layout, and terminology helps reduce
the learning curve for users.
4. Make it intuitive: The user should be able to easily understand how to interact with the interface
and navigate through it.
5. Design for mobile first: With the increasing use of mobile devices, designing for mobile first
ensures that the interface is optimized for smaller screens and touch-based interactions.
6. Provide clear and concise feedback: The system should provide clear and informative feedback
to users about their actions and status.
7. Use proper typography: The typography should be legible and consistent, with appropriate font
sizes, styles, and spacing.
8. Use color effectively: The colors used in the interface should be consistent, visually appealing,
and support the hierarchy of information.
9. Make it accessible: The interface should be accessible to all users, including those with
disabilities, by following accessibility guidelines.
10. Use whitespace effectively: Whitespace can help improve the readability and visual appeal of
the interface by creating visual separation between design elements.
11. Prioritize content: Design the interface in a way that prioritizes the most important content and
12. Test and iterate: Test the interface with real users and iterate based on their feedback to improve
usability and effectiveness.
13. Use meaningful animations and transitions: Animations and transitions can help create a
smooth and enjoyable user experience, but should be used sparingly and purposefully.
14. Be consistent across devices: The interface should be consistent across different devices, such
as desktop and mobile, to ensure a seamless experience.
15. Keep up with trends: Stay up-to-date with current design trends and technology advancements
to ensure that the interface remains relevant and engaging.
By following these golden rules, UI/UX designers can create interfaces that are user-friendly, visually
appealing, and effective in achieving their intended goals.

25 Describe the advantages of Standards

Standards in UI/UX can offer several advantages, including:
Consistency: Standards ensure consistency in design elements, layout, and terminology, which helps
reduce the learning curve for users. This leads to a more seamless and intuitive user experience.
Usability: Standards provide guidelines for creating interfaces that are easy to use and navigate, which
can improve usability and user satisfaction.
Accessibility: Standards promote accessibility by providing guidelines for creating interfaces that are
accessible to users with disabilities.
Efficiency: Standards can improve efficiency by reducing design and development time and improving
collaboration among team members.
Innovation: Standards can stimulate innovation by providing a common platform for collaboration and
exchange of ideas, which can lead to the development of new design patterns and techniques.
Cost savings: Standards can lead to cost savings by reducing design and development costs and
minimizing the need for rework.

26 Describe the concept of ISO/IEC standards

The ISO/IEC standards are a set of guidelines, procedures, and requirements developed by the
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission
(IEC) to ensure that products, services, and processes meet certain quality and safety standards. The ISO
is an independent, non-governmental organization that develops and publishes international standards,
while the IEC is an international standards organization that prepares and publishes international
standards for all electrical, electronic, and related technologies.

The ISO/IEC standards cover a wide range of areas, including quality management, environmental
management, information security management, and software engineering, among others. They provide
a framework for organizations to implement best practices, improve processes, and achieve greater
efficiencies. They also help to ensure that products and services are safe, reliable, and of high quality,
and that they meet regulatory requirements and industry standards.
27 Discuss the disadvantages of Standards
While there are many advantages to using standards in UI/UX design, there are also some potential
disadvantages to consider:
Creativity Limitations: Strict adherence to standards can limit the designer's creativity and the ability to
think outside the box. This can lead to a lack of innovation and originality in the design.
Limited Flexibility: Standards are designed to be followed strictly, and as a result, they may not allow
for much flexibility in design. This can make it difficult to create unique solutions that meet specific user
Limited Adaptability: Standards may not be adaptable to all situations, and may not account for the
nuances of different contexts or cultures. This can lead to a lack of diversity in design, which may not
work well for all users.
Time-Consuming: Developing and implementing standards can be a time-consuming process, and may
require significant resources and effort. This can lead to delays in the design process and increased costs.
Stagnation: Standards are typically developed over a long period of time and may not be updated
frequently enough to keep pace with rapidly changing technologies and user needs. This can lead to
stagnation in design and a lack of relevance to modern user needs.
Rigidity: Standards may be too rigid and inflexible to accommodate the changing needs of users. This
can result in designs that do not meet the needs of all users, especially those with unique or evolving

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