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Strict vs.

Lenient Teacher: Their influence on students’ classroom behavior

Statement of the Problem

The researchers aim to conduct a study on the influence of strict and lenient teachers on

student’s classroom behavior as well as a comparative study on how strict and lenient teachers

affect student’s academic performance. Furthermore, this research aims to provide answers to the

following questions:

1. What are the rules of the teachers in class in terms of;

a. attendance

b. submission of output

c. class discussion

d. oral recitation

e. examination

2. How does strict teacher and lenient teacher affect student’s behavior in class in terms of;

a. self-esteem

b. academic performance

c. discipline

d. attentiveness

e. sitting posture
3. What are some suggestions from students for balancing a strict teacher's approach to avoid

negative impacts on the physical, emotional, and social wellbeing of students?

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework that the researchers will used in the study is the –P model. -P

model will be use by the researchers to know the input, the process of conducting the study, the

output and the recommendation.


Rules of the teachers in class in Admistering of Students’ behavior based on

terms of; interview questionnaire the results implemented by
a. attendance the lenient and strict teacher.
Actual interview of the
b. submission of output respondents

Organizing of responses
c. class discussion
or answers
d. oral recitation
Analysis of the
e. examination responses

Students’ behavior in terms of;

a. self-esteem
b. academic performance
c. discipline FEEDBACK
d. attentiveness
e. sitting posture Students’ suggestion on how to
balance a strict teacher’s strict side in
order not to negatively affect
students’ physical, emotional, and
social wellbeing was found.
Figure 1

Conceptual paradigm

-P model

The conceptual framework that the researchers will used in the study is the -P Model

shown in figure 1. The input is set through the statement of the problem, the process will be

admistering of interview questionnaire and the researchers will conduct an actual interview, the

responses or the answers will be organized and analyze. The output would be known of what are

the teacher’s rules in terms of; attendance, submission of output, class discussion, oral recitation,

and examination also on students’ behavior in terms of; self-esteem, academic performance,

discipline, attentiveness, and sitting posture and inside the feedback will be the suggestions of

the students to the strict teachers how to balance the strict side in order not to negatively affect

the students’ wellbeing.

Significance of the Study

The purpose of this study is to find out the influence of strict and lenient teachers in order

to emphasize the importance of students’ opinion with regard to their experiences. Students’

opinions are related to the value of their experiences; thus, the findings of this study will redound

to the benefits of students, teachers, department heads, teachers, and future researchers.

Students - this study can help determine the possible influence of strict and lenient teachers

on their personal lives and class behavior.

Teachers - this study can help them to determine if a strict or lenient teacher truly has an

influence to their students' class behavior and how they could address it.

Department Heads - this study will enable them to understand the strengths and

weaknesses of strong and lenient teaching methods, which can be applied to understanding how

students behave under these kinds of teaching methods. They can use it as a reference as well to

talk with the teachers about ways to be less strict, hear fewer complaints from the students, and

keep the classroom and school environment healthy.

Parents- this study can help raise awareness for them and encourage them to pay more

attention to their child if his or her class behavior is affected by the influence of strict teachers

and lenient teachers.

Future Researchers - this will serve as a guide to them and also a reference for making a

research paper that may be related to our title.

Scope and Delimitations

This study will be conducted to find out the influence of strict and lenient teachers to

the students' classroom behavior. The researchers limited the study to 12 senior high school

students enrolled in the school year 2022-2023 of Aroroy National High School. Students will be

selected from each of the strands offered by the school, which are the General Academic Strand

(GAS), Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS), Accountancy and Business Management

(ABM), and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). Each of the

respondents will be answering questions through an interview to prevent bias and get essential

data and information.

Assumptions of the study

This study will focus on how the strict and lenient teachers affects the students’

behavior in Aroroy National High School.

The following assumptions were made.

1: The rules of the teachers in class in terms of attendance, submission of output, class

discussion, oral recitation, and examination affects the students' class behavior positively.

2: Strict and lenient teachers affect students’ classroom behavior in terms of self-esteem,

academic performance, discipline, attentiveness, and sitting posture in different ways.

3: The suggestions from students for balancing a strict teachers’ approach on avoiding

negative impacts on the physical, emotional and social well-being of students may or may not be

Background of the Study

It's simple to exaggerate the importance of the job in many professions, but it's more

likely that people would underestimate the role that teachers serve in our society when it comes

to our education. It is a great commitment to mold the minds of young people and it is not an

exaggeration to claim that teachers have the power to transform lives (Andrie Steliou, 2020).

Everyone has at least one teacher they look up to and who they consider a role model, yet

some students could feel the complete opposite. Students consider teachers as role models for a

wide range of reasons. Being a role model for students to aspire to, learn from, and remember for

the rest of their lives is one of the top reasons. Everyone has experienced the strength and lasting

influence of a teacher who was simultaneously successful and had a greater impact. Teachers are

the ones who show us the path in this world, whether it's by teaching us the value of doing

community outreach, falling in love with a certain subject, or how to gain the courage to speak in

front of others (Jon Konen, 2022).

A complex topic that has been debated for many years in the educational institutions is

the relationship between strict teaching methods and disruptive student behavior. Others argue

that strict teachers can enhance student behavior because they set clear objectives and enforce

compliance, which can result in greater academic performance and a more positive learning

environment. Some, however, believe that strict teachers can negatively affect behavior by

developing a feeling of dread and anxiety in the classroom, which can lower motivation and

participation (Tracey Garrett, 2008). Teachers’ attitudes can help or hurt student motivation,

achievement and well-being. Recent studies found that negative teacher attitudes can impair
academic achievement and increase students' psychological disorders and physical symptoms of

stress. Teachers who use humiliation or sarcasm can leave a child feeling belittled. Discipline by

fear and intimidation can be harmful to the student's future success. Teachers who are harsh in

their display of authority or are indifferent toward their students or lessons can leave a lingering

feeling of negativity with the student (Bethany Marroquin, 2018).

Mixed findings have been found in the research on how strict professors affect their

students' behavior. According to certain research, strict teachers who establish clear standards

and promote a disciplined learning atmosphere can enhance their students' conduct. For instance,

Marzano and Marzano's 2003 study discovered that all other aspects of classroom management

are based on how well the teacher and students get along. In fact, meta-analysis shows that over

the course of a year, teachers with high-quality relationships with their students saw 31 percent

fewer discipline issues, rule infractions, and related issues than did teachers without such

relationships (Oliver & Reschly, 2007).

The teacher's personality or even if the students view the teacher as a friend have little

effect on the development of effective teacher-student interactions. Instead, the best teacher-

student interactions are characterized by certain teaching characteristics, such as showing the

proper amount of authority, cooperation, and awareness of students with special needs (Rimm-

Kaufman & Sandilos, 2023).

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